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Openbravo Commerce Cloud

Enhance competitiveness and

increase business resilience
The pace of global Openbravo excels in omnichannel platform for omnichannel is no longer
disruption and digital helping retailers achieve retailers of soft goods, optional.
transformation strategy greater agility so that they hard goods, food and
both shaped today can accelerate progress beverage, and general Openbravo is trusted
by unprecedented of their omnichannel and merchandise as well as today by leading
uncertainty forces brands digital transformation restaurant chains. international retailers
and retailers to become strategies, which are and brands, who
much more resilient. urgently needed to adapt It is designed to meet enjoy a platform that
to fast-evolving market the needs of the most can be completely
In fact, according to situations and changing demanding retail tailored to their needs
experts and industry customer expectations environments by offering with greater flexibility,
leaders, resilience will more quickly and greater flexibility, rapid backed by expert
bring a competitive efficiently. return on investment and professional services,
advantage to those optimized total cost of from implementation to
businesses that embrace Openbravo Commerce ownership, at a time when maintenance and 24/7
it as a core principle in the Cloud is a cloud and agility is more important international support.
future. mobile-enabled than ever and
Platform highlights
Ready-to-go omnichannel Unique store solution Greater adoption flexibility

Manage orders, stores, customers, Eliminate the need for local store Whether you choose just the POS,
inventory and warehouses from servers and leverage a feature-rich OMS or WMS, or opt for a full
one single, comprehensive web and mobile POS that delivers implementation, Openbravo allows
platform that supports scenarios more personalization and supports you to adopt a tailored platform
like BOPIS, BORIS and more. low-touch and omnichannel scenarios. adapted to each retailer’s needs.

Dedicated cloud infrastructure Easier and faster integration Built-in open source extendibility

Gain more freedom and agility and Extendible, standards-based open Completely modular platform
optimize efficiency, scalability and API and ready-to-use connectors built on top of a fully open source
interoperability (also available on- make it easy to connect to corporate stack that helps drive continuous
premises, as required). systems and payment processors. innovation and long-term agility.

Openbravo Commerce Central

Gain a complete, up-to-date view

across channels and streamline the
process of launching new products,
Openbravo Reporting prices and promotions with a powerful Openbravo OMS
engine that transfers them faster to
Consolidate and leverage detailed stores running Openbravo Store, and Intelligently manage, sell and fulfill
operational data at Openbravo to your online channel through existing merchandise across all in-store and
Commerce Central, which is fed by eCommerce connectors. digital touchpoints. Using configurable
Openbravo Store, Openbravo WMS and rules, orders in Openbravo Commerce
Openbravo OMS. A high-performance Central are processed by Openbravo
reporting solution based on TIBCO OMS before being passed to
Jaspersoft technology that includes Openbravo Store and Openbravo WMS,
a pre-built retail data warehouse and where the optimum fulfillment points
standard reports for sales, orders and are selected according to customer
inventory. preferences and your profitability goals.

Commerce Cloud

Openbravo WMS Openbravo Store

As sales transactions are processed Implement personalized, low-touch

in the Openbravo Store or Openbravo retail scenarios with mobile POS, mobile
Commerce Central, inventory payments and SCO technologies,
information is automatically updated supported by the key capabilities of
in the Openbravo WMS to provide Openbravo Commerce Central,
centralized, real-time inventory visibility Openbravo OMS and Openbravo WMS.
at all touchpoints. Openbravo Technology Platform
Support a variety of omnichannel
Easily assign tasks such as goods The combination of high-performance services such as Click & Collect or
receiving, shipping, picking and counts dedicated cloud infrastructure, cross-store and cross-channel returns,
to staff who can then execute the tasks standards-based open APIs, and with the orders automatically assigned
on mobile devices. modular architecture means greater to the correct store by Openbravo OMS.
agility and capacity to innovate, and
gives you the resilience to support
24/7 operations.
Openbravo Commerce Central
Gain centralized and real-time omnichannel management

Openbravo Commerce promotional flexibility, Openbravo Commerce Central’s capabilities

Central is a centralized making it the preferred include:
back office commerce choice for retailers when
solution that gives deciding which system xx Centralized control over products, prices, offers,
retailers complete real- should handle their orders and stock.
time visibility into their promotions.
omnichannel operations, xx 360º view of customers activity across all
so facilitating more Changes to products, channels.
efficient management and prices, promotions or
faster-decision making. taxes made in Openbravo xx Ability to centrally manage enterprise-wide
Commerce Central are loyalty programmes and promotions.
One of its key features is sent in near real time to
a powerful discounting all the stores, which helps xx Powerful intuitive web user interface increases
engine, supporting a increase agility, reduces productivity and ensures ease of use.
variety of standard time- to-market for new
discount and promotion introductions, and ensures xx Secure data management thanks to tried-and-
types that delivers greater data consistency. tested permissions model designed for retail.
User interface and help them work with Security leverage a strong multi-
data more efficiently organization model that
Openbravo Commerce thanks to a familiar, Built-in security features prevents data from one
Central provides retailers spreadsheet-like UI and restrict employee access organization from being
with a modern, web- powerful tree navigation and protect sensitive accessed by others.
based user interface that capabilities. Enable them information, so ensuring
ensures high productivity. to be more productive by data is kept secure.
using the multi-tasking
Allow your business users capabilities and social and Easily create users, roles
to personalize windows collaboration features and permissions and

Channels Manage an unlimited Discounts and CRM and loyalty

number of price lists promotions engine
A channel is any interface and price list versions, Gain access to a
used to interact with such as VAT-inclusive or Increase your promotional centralized customer
clients in an omnichannel exclusive prices, or prices efficiency and target database with detailed
retail context. Set up in multiple currencies customers better with a data accessible from all
typical channels and to support activity in a powerful engine that touchpoints, so enabling
touchpoints, including different countries. supports even the most greater personalization
the online store, kiosks, complex discount and that increases sales.
POS terminals and self- Services promotion types.
checkout (SCO) terminals Manage personal data
in a physical store, a call Enhance the value of your Use a variety of discount and preferences such as
center or back-office sales. products and increase types, such as fixed email, phone number and
the satisfaction of your promotional prices, delivery options and offer
Products and pricing customers with flexible percent-off or dollar- access to complete real-
definition of services such off discounts, coupons, time view of customer
Manage assortments for as transportation and happy hour discounts and activity across channels.
each channel and assign arrangements that can more.
products of different be sold independently Set up loyalty programs
types such as single or linked to your existing Configure discount that reward customers
products, variants and bill products. priorities and complex with benefits that motivate
of materials described application criteria them to keep coming
by an unlimited number Benefit from flexible that combine multiple back, including multiple
of characteristics such configuration of services parameters such as categories and earning
as color and size and pricing with pricing rules, starting and ending dates, and burning rules to
attributes like serial such as fixed prices or a stores, customer groups, accumulate and consume
number, lot number and percentage of the price of product categories and points.
expiration date. the underlying product. price lists.
Inventory and creation of purchase Support for franchise facet of accounting.
replenishment orders, goods receipts businesses
and vendor invoices Once the accounting
Openbravo Commerce Openbravo Commerce information is configured,
Central offers basic The built-in procurement Central allows franchisors it can be easily
inventory functionality functionality lets retailers to gain broad visibility synchronized to your
required to manage gain complete visibility into franchisee sales chosen accounting
inventory operations, into their purchasing performance as well as software through the
including receipts, costs and simplifies detailed transactional built-in connector.
shipments and counts. management of returns to data for all the stores.
Replenishment requests Franchisees get access
for your stores or Support for sales to their own data (sales,
warehouses can be forecasting inventory pricing,
managed with distribution promotions and more)
orders, which provide By providing unified while ensuring it remains
an easy-to-use way to and real-time orders secure and inaccessible
ensure full control of and stock information, to other franchisees.
the inventory during its Openbravo Commerce
journey from the origin to Central enables retailers Payment methods such
the final destination. to implement an as gift cards and gift
effective and systematic certificates that can be
Retailers requiring forecasting process. used across the stores
support for more help to increase sales and
advanced scenarios, Leverage detailed and customer loyalty.
such as full warehouse accurate data that can
management, may want be easily exported via a Accounting integration
to consider Openbravo standard API to your
WMS. forecasting solution, Easily configure
which can then send accounting information
Procurement information back to for customers, orders,
Openbravo on purchase inventory, payments, taxes
Openbravo Commerce orders or stock or cash management
Central provides support movements between transactions, so ensuring
for quick and efficient locations, for example. tight controls over every
Openbravo OMS
Ensure optimized fulfillment process

Openbravo OMS Its smart fulfillment logic Openbravo OMS’s capabilities include:
is a flexible order helps provide a seamless
management solution for customer experience, xx Single system of record for all related order tasks
managing, selling, and increase customer and status.
fulfilling inventory from satisfaction and sales,
any sales channel. while optimizing order xx Offers real-time inventory visibility across the
management costs. enterprise.
Working seamlessly with
the rest of the Openbravo Fully extendible to allow xx Ability to ship to and from anywhere.
Commerce Cloud for specific business
components, it offers real- needs, it leverages xx Enables endless-aisle services for stores as well
time inventory visibility Openbravo’s API to link as flexible execution of omnichannel transactions
to all sales channels, with external systems and such as BOPIS, BORIS and more.
intelligently sources items so ensure effective end-
for fulfillment, and helps to-end omnichannel order xx Flexible and extendible order brokering and
manage orders. execution. sourcing logic to meet retailer’s needs.
Single order repository flexible sourcing of
multi-store inventory and
Simplify the task of online selling. Your stores
registering and tracking can be easily prepared
orders from any channel. to effectively handle a
The order listing window variety of omnichannel
helps locate an order very transactions and services
quickly based on various such as ship-from-store,
search criteria, such as ship-to- store, BOPIS and
customer name, channel, BORIS.
status, range of dates
between which the order Distributed order
was placed or the type management
of order and other order
properties. This capability Powerful order brokering
empowers customer and sourcing logic
service representatives determines what set of
to deliver the kind of methods and channels
experiences that make the most sense
delight customers and for fulfilling an order
strengthen customer loyalty. efficiently, so enabling
the retailer to meet
Real-time inventory customer expectations
visibility and profitability goals.

Expand the catalogue Leverage a set of

of products that are extendible rules including
available for sale by the use of warehouse
offering visibility into priorities or the
complete range of stock requirement to prepare
held by the enterprise, an order to minimize the
including not only items number of shipments.
available in warehouses or
stores but also on order or Orders assigned to a
in transit. store or warehouse can
be rejected, if necessary,
Returns management in which case the OMS
will propose an alternate
Let your customers fulfillment point.
return items via using
whichever channels Open API
they choose. Openbravo
OMS facilitates improved Openbravo’s integration
returns management capabilities facilitate
for your store staff by integration with other
supporting scenarios like systems to ensure
BORIS (Buy Online Pickup streamlined order
In-Store). fulfillment.

Store fulfillment Leverage Openbravo’s

open commerce API and
With Openbravo OMS, standard connectors
retailers can turn their for solutions like ERP,
stores into fulfillment eCommerce or payment
centers for easy and processors.
Openbravo Store
Empower your stores with a true omnichannel POS system

Openbravo Store is low-touch scenarios Openbravo Store’s capabilities include:

a modern multistore in a variety of assisted
management solution and unassisted sales xx Powerful back office functions for centralized
that helps retailers situations. management of all stores and terminals.
expand the role of
their physical stores Openbravo Store xx Feature-rich POS system that is web-based,
by providing the tools Operations facilitates mobile-enabled and offline-capable.
required to meet the retail and store managers
demands of today’s daily tasks, providing xx Support for omnichannel scenarios like BOPIS,
omnichannel consumers. comprehensive store cross-channel returns and more.
back-office functionality
Openbravo POS offers that lets them keep xx CRM and Clienteling functions integrated into the
retailers the most flexible full control of what is POS for greater personalization.
point-of-sale solution happening on the store
on the market. It is a floor. xx Mobile POS, self-checkout solution and
powerful system that mobile payments enable safe and fast checkout
will enable your stores Moreover, retailers can experience.
to deliver excellent dramatically simplify their
customer experiences store IT infrastructure. xx No need for local store servers, which reduces
and implement new total cost per store.
Openbravo POS
Openbravo POS is a including sales, returns, Customer data quality interface that is designed
modern point-of-sale quotations or layaways. to support different user
solution that enables These transactions can be Openbravo POS lets you tastes, operational or
stores to focus more on quickly and easily created, improve the quality of branding requirements.
customer service and searched, parked and your captured customer
offer safe, convenient and printed, and if necessary, data with standard By using simple CSS
personalized experiences. a transaction that was validations at data entry coding, skinability allows
started on one terminal to check that customer the retailer to define
Cashiers productivity can be resumed and data fields are complete the style of basic user
finished on a different and accurate. For more interface elements such
Openbravo POS provides terminal. advanced needs it offers as buttons or tool bars, as
comprehensive and a standard infrastructure well as the range of visual
intuitive functionality Reduce checkout times to integrate with external components used by the
that helps increase the with quick and flexible data quality management Openbravo POS. Resizing
productivity of cashiers item entry using barcodes, systems. and reorganization of
and reduce training time a RFID reader or flexible some of the different
for new hires. product searches, Adaptable layout visual elements in the
pre-defined action screen is also possible.
Let your associates buttons, cash buttons A skin is a custom
manage the full range of and quantity (multiplier) graphical appearance
typical transactions, buttons. (styling) of the POS user
Returns promotions functionality and let associates assist opportunities.
to support a variety of the customers better by
Improve customer standard discount types giving them information Real-time visibility at the
service and employee such as BOGO, coupons such as the loyalty point of sale of on-hand
compliance with a flexible and more, including program in which the inventory in the store and
returns functionality manual discounts that customer is enrolled, at other locations ensures
may require manager accumulated points, better service and saves
Manage returns from approvals and can be order history, and buying sales that might otherwise
sales in any store or from defined to override applied behavior data like buying be lost.
the online channel. Ensure discounts to the ticket. frequency, average sales
accurate refunds by and monetary value.
using original prices and Clienteling
same discounts and taxes Associates can assist
used during the original Promote customer customers in different
sale. Prevent fraudulent satisfaction and guided ways, s performing
returns by letting cashiers selling through the product searches by
check to see if items have personalization of characteristics matching
already been returned in a the in-store shopping customer preferences,
specific transaction. experience with available and providing
clienteling features. recommendations on
Discounting execution products and services that
Create or identify help to increase customer
Openbravo POS customers at the point of satisfaction and offer
incorporates native sale prior to checkout upselling and cross-selling
Mobile POS sales that might have customer through the experiences.
otherwise been lost. checkout process, and also
Openbravo POS is a easy to manage by store For credit card
responsive web solution Self-checkout staff. payments, Openbravo
that can be used on offers a secure technical
mobile terminals without Reflecting the clear trend Payments framework that is PCI
the need of installing any to offer more checkout compliant to integrate
native application. All that options and flexibility in Gain payment flexibility with whichever payment
is needed is browser to retail today, Openbravo with the ability to accept platform the retailer
access the full point-of- offers a self-checkout multiple payment methods chose.
sale functionality. solution that provides that help provide greater
more convenience for payment convenience to Retailers can leverage
Using a mobile POS, customers and savings customers. a growing list of already
associates can sell to on labor costs for retailers, existing connectors
customers irrespective as well as supporting non- Let customers combine with leading payment
of whether they’re being assisted sales scenarios multiple payment methods platforms in the market.
assisted in the store inside or outside the store. in one ticket like multi-
aisle, at a counter, at the currency payments, gift
checkout or in the street. This adaptable solution vouchers and gift cards,
It helps create more includes an easy and store vouchers, store credit,
engaging interactions and intuitive user interface loyalty points and more,
reduce waiting times at that makes it easy to use including the possibility of
the checkout due to long for the customers, with paying with mobile devices
queues, so capturing features that guide the to support new low-touch
Openbravo Store Operations
Openbravo Store offers Security Stores and terminals closing hours and more.
retail and store managers setup
comprehensive store Specify which users are Create different terminals
back office functionality to allowed to access the Save time by streamlining supporting specific
manage the stores more POS or restrict them to the process of setting up store scenarios such as
efficiently. specific terminals and a new store using existing regular terminals, sales
control which actions stores as templates and assistance or returns only
Centralized store they canexecute, such as hierarchies to model terminals or self-checkout
management change a price, apply a your complete retail terminals.
discount or return items. organization.
With Openbravo Store Leverage configuration
retailers can manage Reduce the risk from Benefit from a rich set options like supported
all their stores from one potentially fraudulent of configuration options payment methods, loyalty
single point, while actions with approvals such as store currencies, options, connected
dramatically simplifying from managers and conversion rates, printers or supported
the overall store IT access to detailed assortment, price list, item entry options such
infrastructure by avoiding transactional from all printed ticket templates, as RFID that give you
the need for local store terminals for regular audit supported payment complete control over
servers. activities. methods, opening and how your terminals work.
Stores and terminals Gain visibility of the status Store inventory task of preparing orders
opening and closing of all terminals across all from sales in the store or
your stores and benefit Keep accurate stock any other store and in the
Opening the store from guided terminal information in real- online channel. Prepare
includes defining the opening and closing time and optimize your your stores to support a
business date, setting the processes, so simplifying inventory operations with variety of omnichannel
opening cash fund the task of counting flexible inventory count transactions such as ship-
for the day, opening cash and other monetary options and let your from-store, BOPIS (Buy
registers, and opening assets, and improving associates execute tasks Online Pickup In Store)
tills. The store must be accuracy with validations like receipts, shipments, and BORIS (Buy Online
open in order for the store and manager approvals movements, picking or Return In Store).
employees to perform to avoid errors and transfers to other stores
transactions. fraudulent situations. from mobile devices. For sales made in the
store, cashiers can launch
The store is closed at the Easily track non-sale cash Store fulfillment the process after the
end of every workday. added or removed from payment is complete so
To close the store, all the cash register, such as Order preparation reducing total time spent
registers must be closed petty cash used to buy functionality enables in the store by customers.
and all tills reconciled. office supplies for the store. stores to simplify the
Openbravo WMS
Streamline your warehouse and inventory operations
Openbravo WMS provides on its way to the next Openbravo WMS capabilities include:
a complete inventory and destination.
warehouse management xx Comprehensive inventory control and accuracy,
solution that extends The flexibility of including stock statuses and cycle count options.
the capabilities offered by Openbravo WMS allows it
Openbravo Commerce to be adapted to different xx Supports all transaction types including receipts,
Central. scenarios. From a small movements, shipping, picking and counts.
warehouse in a store
Retailers adopting to large warehouses xx Built-in smart task management with rules to
Openbravo WMS can with a large number of optimize labor based on work load and dynamic
optimize and manage locations and references, priorities.
essential supply chain which require advanced
processes. They can gain functionalities to manage xx Full inventory traceability with product attributes
complete visibility and their high degree of such as batch number, serial number, and
control of orders and complexity. expiration date.
inventory whether it is
inbound, in a facility or xx Highly flexible put-away and picking rules.
Warehouse setup Tasks sharing the same should it be required, to
dimensions can be the quality inspection area
Define internal and grouped to facilitate before being transferred
external routing areas, confirmation. Defined to the storage area.
bins and bin groups tolerances in relation
describing your to differences between Leverage cross-docking
warehouse layout. confirmed and expected logic to divert the
quantities can lead to the merchandise received
Popularity codes allow automatic generation of directly to the shipping
you to identify specific new tasks to avoid any area when there is a
bins for fast-movers and stock inaccuracy. pending order for picking.
slow- movers, resulting
in more efficient storage As tasks are processed, Picking
and picking activities. stock information is
By setting the inventory automatically updated. Openbravo WMS offers a
status of warehouse set of functions that helps
locations you can also Inventory management retailers optimize their
better control the status order-picking process.
of the stock that is storage Ensure full inventory
there. traceability with product Standard picking
attributes such as batch algorithms based on
Built-in inventory number, serial number, methods like FIFO and
algorithms determine the and expiration date. FEFO combined with
bins or inventory that are different parameters,
considered when creating Planned counting tasks cover all common
or executing a task and and cycle counting business situations
manage rules to calculate ensure inventory accuracy to determine which
the priority of these tasks at all times by allowing merchandise must be
to indicate the proposed retailers to identify taken.
execution sequence to possible discrepancies
the operators. sooner and more efficiently Batched wave picking
correct possible errors. allows the optimization
Tasks management of the picking path. It
Replenishment combines the benefits of
Set up different types of batch picking and wave
tasks for activities such Openbravo WMS picking, resulting in the
as picking, reception, integrates distribution automatic generation
counts or shipment, and orders functionality of tasks according to a
the appropriate workflow provided by Openbravo schedule of waves with
to be followed in your Commerce Central to the possibility to focus
warehouse. manage replenishment the workforce on specific
requests from one areas or goods.
Tasks are manually or location (store, outlet,
automatically generated warehouse) to another. Walking time for pickers is
by the system and can be reduced thanks to
assigned to associates Putaway multi-order picking,
who will receive them on which allows them to pick
their mobile devices in Guide your staff with multiple orders from one
order of priority and route. system-suggested single document.
A background process storage location based
continuously recalculates on different rules that
the priority of each task, optimize product
so the system can keep placement.
operators informed
with the best execution Allow for goods to be
sequence. automatically diverted,
Openbravo Reporting
Keep your omnichannel operations under control

Openbravo Reporting technology, it allows Openbravo Reporting’s capabilities include:

offers a rich operational secure authentication
reporting solution for and single sign-on across xx Prebuilt solution that reduces total deployment
retailers that enables Openbravo and TIBCO time and helps to lower total cost of ownership.
them to make smarter, Jaspersoft, with efficient
better informed decisions role-based authorization, xx Powered by leading TIBCO Jaspesoft embedded
based on a wide range so allowing the reports analytics software.
of data in areas such as and dashboards
customer management, generated to be easily xx Flexible and extensible data model consolidating
merchandising, inventory embedded in the huge volumes of data.
and sales across different Openbravo user interface.
channels. xx Easily customizable reports and dashboards
perfectly embedded in Openbravo windows.
Powered by the industry-
leading TIBCO Jaspersoft xx Mobile-ready with JasperMobile.
Retail data model advanced data generated and dispatched Jasper Mobile
visualization options automatically without any helps retailers get
Benefit from a flexible and that will satisfy the user interaction. instant access to key
highly extensible retail requirements of the most performance data easily,
data model with standard advanced business users. Using the report whilst on the move.
domains for sales, scheduler wizard in
discounts, payments, tax Reports included as Jasper Reports Server,
and returns that support standard cover sales you determine when the
a complete retail data and stock analysis, and report will be generated
warehouse infrastructure store performance and output options such
with incremental load and amongst others, and as in which formats, the
update scripts (ETL). can be customized to locale, and email options
support specific business for sending the output as
Operational reports requirements. an attachment.

Gain fast, flexible access Automation and Mobile-enabled retail

to data with operational scheduling reporting
reports that can be
delivered to users in Frequently generated Leverage JasperMobile
different formats, such reports, such as weekly from TIBCO, a native
as in forms, as PDFs and monthly reports for application for iOS or
or embedded in the stakeholders, or daily Android devices that
Openbravo back office or sales performance reports lets you browse, view,
POS windows. for retail stores, can be and interact with mobile
saved and scheduled optimised reports
Benefit from rich for delivery directly to designed in Jasper
capabilities such as role- multiple recipients. Once Reports specifically for
based reports and scheduled the report is smartphone screens.
Openbravo Technology Platform
Unleash the agile and innovative commerce

Openbravo provides Openbravo is deployed in Openbravo Technology Platform’s capabilities

a flexible technical the cloud with Openbravo include:
framework that’s Cloud to optimize
built for simpler and efficiency, agility and xx Dedicated cloud infrastructure, on Amazon Web
faster integration and scalability. It can also Services or Microsoft Azure, sized to your specific
extensibility. be used on-premises, needs.
if required. By letting
It lets you run your Openbravo run the cloud xx Continuous infrastructure monitoring and
Openbravo system on infrastructure, retailers architecture designed for resiliency.
your own terms and more can focus on
efficiently, offering greater innovation and xx Flexible and extensible standard-based open API.
agility to successfully differentiation, delivering
navigate today’s fast- quality products, and xx Truly modular architecture built on a fully open
changing environment providing superior service source stack that boosts business agility and
and to respond to current while Openbravo experts innovation and simplifies system updates and
and future technology ensure you get the upgrades.
trends with optimized IT maximum benefit from
costs. Openbravo in the cloud. xx Mobile-enabled and offline resistant technology.
Openbravo Cloud new stores, expanding customize, extend and including commerce
into new markets test on with confidence. management capabilities
Openbravo Cloud is a including overseas, or such as products and
single tenant Platform- supporting new order Its metadata-driven catalogs, customers,
as-a-Service (PaaS) management scenarios architecture empowers pricing and orders.
cloud offering that are all possible with developers with a no
leverages leading cloud minimal disruption. code, metadata-driven Fully open source stack
infrastructure providers approach to setup and
to deploy Openbravo on Over 30 different health extend all facets of the Leverage a flexible and
virtual servers in a highly alerts and over 60 Openbravo data model. fully open source stack
secure cloud installation performance metrics are that provides a highly
that’s fully provisioned, continuously monitored Modularity makes it stable platform to build on.
operated and maintained on every environment possible to adapt and
by Openbravo. hosted by Openbravo innovate faster while Key stack components
Cloud, making sure simplifying updates include technologies
Running on a dedicated, system outages are and upgrades, so such as Hibernate, Weld,
pre-configured prevented as much as encouraging innovation PostgreSQL, Apache
infrastructure that is possible and resolved and differentiation while Tomcat, Apache Ant,
sized for your specific as quickly as they can. lowering risks. Sun JDK and Linux or
needs ensures you another UNIX-alike flavor
get maximum levels Combined with an Standards-based API operating system.
of flexibility and efficient backup strategy and integration tools
performance and the and high-availability Mobile-enabled and
ability to customize your options, you get Leverage a list of offline capable
Openbravo solution in guaranteed levels standard technologies
the same way as any on- of server availability and like CSV, SOAP and REST Mobilize your operations
premises deployment. system up-time. web services to simplify and support the
integration with other development of mobile
Moreover it allows you to Built-in extendibility systems. applications that are
easily scale up or down optimized for mobile
or scale out with new Openbravo provides a Openbravo provides a devices and touch
instances and extra cloud robust and highly comprehensive set of screens, and are offline-
resources to support productive development commerce services that capable.
your growth or changing environment with tools are exposed through a
business needs. Adding that enable you to standard JSON API,
International operations
Go international with confidence

Openbravo provides a Openbravo’s robust API Local settings ic requirements, including

robust platform to allow provides flexibility to POS certification for
support of country- adapt to variations on Special settings like France and certified
specific requirements. local regulations to fine formats for date, time, localization for Portugal.
tune retail POS systems numbers, currency
Fiscal and tax to specific regional exchange or rounding can
compliance requirements, such as the be configured at store
need to use fiscal printers level.
Leverage a flexible in some countries.
tax engine that allows Certified solution
retailers to be compliant Multi-language
with regional fiscal and Openbravo also counts
tax requirements like VAT Easily translate the user with certifications issued
used in many regions interface and make it easy by official entities that
globally, India’s GST and for users to select their certify compliance with
Canada’s GST/HST. preferred language. country-specific
Professional services
Create value faster with greater visibility, focus, and agility
Openbravo offers a wide implementation cycle and severity-based resolution Our cloud team will also
range of professional through all the activities. process with standard assess your needs in
services backed by experts SLAs response times and case of changes in your
with the latest product and From the initial functional 24/7 support for critical business requirements
delivery expertise. analysis, to ensure you incidents. that may require adaption
get the maximum of your dedicated cloud
Tap into expertise, from the available Maintenance services infrastructure.
services, and support to standard functionality, include proactive system
help your business create to customizations, monitoring, support for Innovation services
value faster with greater integrations, data system updates and
visibility, focus, and migration, testing, training upgrades, maintenance Stay ahead of competitors
agility, so maximizing your plan and roll-out strategy. of customizations and and get exclusive
technology investment limited scope feature benefits with direct
and reducing your total Support and requests that require access to the Openbravo
cost of ownership. maintenance services new features or improve Product Development
existing ones. Organization.
Implementation services Gain peace of mind
by letting Openbravo Cloud services Retailers joining our
Accelerate your experts support the Innovators and Roadmap
implementation with a daily execution of your With Cloud services you Acceleration programs
combination of unique operations and the ensure you get the most benefit from rapid
expertise and best maintenance of your out of Openbravo in the implementation and faster
practices that will let you Openbravo solution. cloud. ROI for leading-edge
ensure an effective usage Openbravo software
of standard functionality Our Support team can Continuous infrastructure and gain the capacity to
and best development solve functional enquires, monitoring ensures influence our roadmap
practices to reduce troubleshoot and correct retailers enjoy the by accelerating the
customization efforts software issues (excluding maximum level of development of new
and simplify future those covered by the performance while our capabilities already
maintenance. Openbravo Subscription) experts take care of all identified by Openbravo.
that are submitted by the security aspects of
Our experts will help you designated users in the running your Openbravo
during the whole support portal, following a solution in the cloud.

The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. These materials are provided by Openbravo for informational
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