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Fitness Cards
Resource created from funding provided by the Golisano Foundation, the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Finish Line and Herbalife.

This resource was supported by the Grant or Cooperative Agreement

Number, U27 DD001156, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and
do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.
Fitness Cards
Level 1
Do each exercise for 30 seconds. Rest for 1 minute in between each exercise.
Complete 3 times.

Do 10 of each exercise and then move on to the next exercise. Rest for 1 minute.
Complete 3 times.

Perform the following stretches for 30 seconds. Make sure to do both sides if the
stretch only focuses on one side of the body.

Follow the guidance on the repetitions or length of each time for each exercise.
Focusing your eyes on one spot, putting your arms out to the side, or holding on
lightly onto the back of a chair or wall can give you extra balance support.


Slowly add 15 seconds to the exercise or reduce rest time by 15 seconds to make
them harder. Move onto ENDURANCE LEVEL 2 when you can do these exercises
for 1 minute with only 30 seconds rest.

Add 1-2 repetitions at a time to each set to make the exercises harder. Move on
to STRENGTH LEVEL 2 when you can do 20 repetitions of these exercises.

Slowly add time to the exercises to get a better stretch. Move on to FLEXIBILITY
LEVEL 2 once you can hold the stretch for 1 minute.

Slowly add time or 1-2 repetitions at a time to each set to make the exercises
harder. Move onto BALANCE LEVEL 2 once you can do the exercise for 1
minute/15 repetitions. Try not to hold onto any supports to balance!

Resource created from funding provided by the Golisano Foundation, the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, Finish Line and Herbalife.

This resource was supported by the Grant or Cooperative Agreement Number, U27 DD001156,
funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.
Endurance Level 1
Jumping Jacks

1. Jump up and spread your legs apart as you swing your arms over
your head.
2. Jump again and bring your arms back to your sides and your legs

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Matthew Whiteside

Endurance Level 1

March and Swing Arms

1. March in place. Lift your knees up as high as you can. Go at a steady

2. As you bring your knee up, swing the opposite arm in front of you.
3. Switch your arms when you switch your legs.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger,

Benjamin Collins
Endurance Level 1

Quick Punches

1. Put both your hands in fists by your chest.

Keep your elbows down by your side.
Stand with your feet a little wider than
your shoulders. Bend your knees slightly.
2. Turn toward your left side. Punch your
right arm in that direction.
3. Return to the center with both hands in
fists by your chest and elbows down by
your side.
4. Now, turn toward your right side. Punch
your left arm in that direction.


Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Joe Wu

Strength Level 1
Straight Leg Raises

1. Stand tall. Use a chair or wall for balance.

2. Forward: Slowly lift your leg up in front of you as high as you can. Keep your
leg straight. Then lower back to starting position. Do not relax your leg. Do
not swing your leg.
3. Side: Slowly lift your leg out to the side with your toe pointed forward. Keep
your leg straight. Then lower back to starting position. Do not relax
4. your leg. Do not swing your leg.
5. After you have completed all leg lifts on one side, switch to the other side.
NOTE: Use ankle weights for an extra challenge.

1 2

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger,

Alisa Ogden
Strength Level 1
Push-Ups on the Wall

1. Stand facing wall. Place your hands flat on wall at shoulder level with
straight arms. Your feet should be behind your body so that you are
leaning on the wall.
2. Bend your arms to bring your chest to the wall. Keep your legs in
place. Make your body a straight line.
3. Push your arms straight to return to the starting position. Make sure
your body stays in a straight line the whole time.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Garrett Barnes

Strength Level 1

1. Lie on your back on the floor. Bend your hips and knees so your feet
are flat on the floor. Reach your arms toward your knees.
2. Lift your head, and then slowly lift your upper back until you reach your
knees. Try to get your shoulder blades completely off the ground.
3. Pause and then slowly lower all the way back down, including your

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger,

Dan Tucholski
Flexibility Level 1
Calf Stretch

1. Stand facing a wall. Put your hands

against the wall at shoulder height.
2. Put one foot in front of the other.
3. Bend your elbows and lean in
toward the wall. You will feel a
stretch in your calves.
4. Keep your knee straight and your
hips forward. Make sure your heel
stays on the ground.
5. Switch your feet and repeat the

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Christa Bleull

Flexibility Level 1
Child’s Pose

1. Kneel on the ground.

2. Bend at your hips. Put your arms next to your head with your hands on
the ground in front of you.
3. Sit your bottom down over your heels. You should feel a stretch in
your shoulders and lower back.

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Dan Tucholski

Knee to Chest

1. Lie on your back with your legs straight.

2. Bring your right knee toward your chest.
3. Wrap your hands underneath your knee. Pull your leg closer to your
body until you feel a stretch in the back of your right thigh.
4. Repeat the stretch on your left leg.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete leader, Novie Craven

Balance Level 1
Tandem Stance

1. Stand with your feet together.

2. Place your left foot in front of your right foot in a straight line. Hold
the position for 30 seconds.
3. Repeat this exercise with your right foot in front of your left foot.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete Alonzo Johnson

Balance Level 1

Heel Raises

1. Stand tall with your feet as wide as your hips. Shift your weight
onto the balls of your feet.
2. Raise your heels off the ground to stand on your tiptoes. Pause in
this position for 3 seconds.
3. Lower your heels back down to the ground. Complete 10 repeti-

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics Health Messenger Justin Hunsinger

Balance Level 1

Toes Raises

1. Stand tall with your feet as wide as your hips. Shift your weight back
onto your heels.
2. Lift your toes off the ground. Pause in this position for 3 seconds.
3. Lower toes back to the ground. Complete 10 repetitions.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics Health Messenger Justin Hunsinger

Balance Level 1
Narrow Base Torso Twists - Standing or Seated

1. Stand tall with your feet together, or sit with your feet flat on the
ground. Hold your arms out straight to the side.
2. Turn your upper body and head slowly toward your left side.
3. Switch sides and turn your upper body and head slowly toward the right.
4. Complete 10 repetitions on each side.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger David Godoy

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics athlete leader Novie Craven

Fitness Cards
Do each exercise for 30 seconds. Rest for 1 minute in between each exercise.
Complete 3 times.

Do 10 of each exercise and then move on to the next exercise. Rest for 1 minute.
Complete 3 times.

Perform the following stretches for 30 seconds. Make sure to do both sides if
the stretch only focuses on one side of the body. Continue to do the flexibility
exercises from the other levels.

Follow the guidance on the repetitions or length of each time for each exercise.
Focusing your eyes on one spot, putting your arms out to the side, or holding on
lightly onto the back of a chair or wall can give you extra balance support.


Slowly add 15 seconds to the exercise or reduce rest time by 15 seconds to make
them harder. Move onto ENDURANCE LEVEL 3 when you can do these exercises
for 1 minute with only 30 seconds rest.

Add 1-2 repetitions at a time to each set to make the exercises harder. Move on
to STRENGTH LEVEL 3 when you can do 20 repetitions of these exercises.

Slowly add time to the exercises to get a better stretch. Move on to FLEXIBILITY
LEVEL 3 once you can hold the stretch for 1 minute.

Slowly add time or 1-2 repetitions at a time to each set to make the exercises
harder. Move onto BALANCE LEVEL 3 once you can do the exercise for 1
minute/15 repetitions. Try not to hold onto any supports to balance!

Resource created from funding provided by the Golisano Foundation, the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, Finish Line and Herbalife.

This resource was supported by the Grant or Cooperative Agreement Number, U27 DD001156,
funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.
Endurance Level 2
Side-to-Side Hops

1. Bend the knees slightly and hop as high as you can to one side then
the other side.

NOTE: You can also hop forward to backward or hop in place.


Featuring Special Olympics athlete leader, Novie Craven

Endurance Level 2
Jog in Place

1. Jog in place.
2. Make sure you are also swinging your arms the whole time.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Alicia Gogue

Endurance Level 2

Step Ups
You need a stair step or stool for this exercise.

1. Step onto the step or stool with one

foot then the other foot.
2. Now step off of the step or stool with
one foot then the other foot.
3. Pump your arms or hold onto the wall or
stair railing for support
4. Keep stepping in the up-up-down-down
pattern as fast as possible.

1 2

3 4

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Munir Vohra

Strength Level 2
Chair Squats
You will need a chair for this exercise. You may want to put the chair
next to the wall for safety.

1. Stand in front of the chair with your arms straight out in front of you.
Your feet should be as wide as your shoulders.
2. Bend your knees and hips. Lower yourself until you are seated in the
chair. Do not use your hands.
3. Now stand up. Try your best to only use your legs (not your arms).

1 2 3

Featuring Special Olympics CEO, Mary Davis

Strength Level 2

1. Stand tall with your arms down by your side. Hold small weights* in
your hands.
2. Bring (or shrug) your shoulders up towards your ears.
3. Hold for one second. Slowly let your shoulders return to the starting

*Start with 2-5lb weights, and increase if that feels easy. If you do not
have weights, you can use full water bottles instead.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Robbie Albano

Strength Level 2
Overhead Press

1. Stand with weights* in your hands and your elbows bent. Your hands
should be at shoulder height with your palms facing forward.
2. Slowly push the weights over your head until your arms are straight.
Keep your abdominal muscles tight and your back straight.
3. Lower the weights back down to the starting position.

*Start with 2-5lb weights, and increase if that feels easy. If you do not
have weights, you can use full water bottles instead.

1 2 3
Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger,
David Godoy
Strength Level 2
Plank from Knees

1. Start on your hands and knees.

2. Walk your hands forward. Lower your hips until your body is a straight
line from your shoulders to your knees. Put your feet in the air.
3. Hold this position for 20 seconds. Focus on keeping your abdominal
muscles tight and your back straight.

NOTE: This exercise is a hold so it is not done in repetitions. To make this

exercise more difficult, hold the exercise 10 extra seconds. Continue to
increase the length of the hold until you can hold for 1 minute.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Solomon Burke

Flexibility Level 2
Quadriceps Stretch

1. Lay on the ground on your right side.

2. Bend your left knee. Grab your right foot with your left hand.
3. Pull your foot behind you toward your buttocks. You should feel a
stretch in the front of your thigh.
4. Now switch sides so that you are laying on the ground on your left side
and your right leg is bent.

NOTE: If you cannot reach your foot, you can use a towel to wrap around
your foot so you can grab the towel instead of your foot.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Danilo Benitez

Flexibility Level 2
Modified Hurdler’s Stretch

1. Sit on the floor with your left leg straight out in front of you.
2. Bend your right leg. Place the bottom of your right foot on the inside
of your left knee. Let your right knee fall towards the floor.
3. Keep your back straight. Bend your hips toward your left knee and
reach toward your left foot. You should feel a stretch in the back of
your left leg and the inside of your right hip.
4. Repeat this stretch with your right leg straight and your left leg bent.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, James Black

Flexibility Level 2
Chest Stretch

1. Stand tall near a wall.

2. Raise your left arm so that your elbow is shoulder height.
3. Bend your elbows and place your forearm on the wall
4. Turn your body to the right. You should feel a stretch in your chest
5. Repeat the stretch with your right forearm on the wall and twisting to
your left side.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Dan Tucholski

Balance Level 2
Single Leg Stance

1. Stand with your feet together and your arms out straight to the
2. Lift your left foot in the air out behind you while keeping your leg
as straight as possible. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
3. Repeat this exercise on the other side by raising your right foot

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics athlete Chris Dooley

Balance Level 2
Tandem Stance on an Unstable Surface

1. Place a pillow, towel, or cushion flat on the floor. Stand on top of

it with your feet together.
2. Place your left foot in front of your right foot in a straight line.
Hold the position for 30 seconds.
3. Repeat this exercise with your right foot in front of your left foot.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics athlete Alonzo Johnson

Balance Level 2

Walking On a Line

1. Find or make a straight line on the ground.

2. Put one foot in front of the other. Walk on
the line for 20 steps.
3. Change directions if the line is not long
enough to reach 20 steps

Featuring Special Olympics athlete leader Novie Craven

Fitness Cards
Do each exercise for 30 seconds. Rest for 1 minute in between each exercise.
Complete 3 times.

Do 10 of each exercise and then move on to the next exercise. Rest for 1 minute.
Complete 3 times.

Perform the following stretches for 30 seconds. Make sure to do both sides if
the stretch only focuses on one side of the body. Continue to do the flexibility
exercises from the other levels.

Follow the guidance on the repetitions or length of each time for each exercise.
Focusing your eyes on one spot, putting your arms out to the side, or holding on
lightly onto the back of a chair or wall can give you extra balance support.


Slowly add 15 seconds to the exercise or reduce rest time by 15 seconds to make
them harder. Move onto ENDURANCE LEVEL 4 when you can do these exercises
for 1 minute with only 30 seconds rest.

Add 1-2 repetitions at a time to each set to make the exercises harder. Move on
to STRENGTH LEVEL 4 when you can do 20 repetitions of these exercises.

Slowly add time to the exercises to get a better stretch. Move on to FLEXIBILITY
LEVEL 4 once you can hold the stretch for 1 minute.

Slowly add time or 1-2 repetitions at a time to each set to make the exercises
harder. Move onto BALANCE LEVEL 4 once you can do the exercise for 1
minute/15 repetitions. Try not to hold onto any supports to balance!

Resource created from funding provided by the Golisano Foundation, the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, Finish Line and Herbalife.

This resource was supported by the Grant or Cooperative Agreement Number, U27 DD001156,
funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.
Endurance Level 3
Forward Jacks

1. Stand with one foot in front of the other and your arms down by
your sides.
2. Jump up and switch your feet. Swing your arms sideways over your
3. Jump to bring your arms back to your sides and switch your legs back
to the starting position.

1 2 3 4 5

Featuring Special Olympics Chief Inspiration Officer,

Loretta Claiborne
Endurance Level 3

Mountain Climbers

1. Start in a push up position with your left leg in front so that your foot
is on the floor under your chest.
2. Keep your hands down on the ground. Jump or step with your legs
and switch your feet so that your right leg is in front.
3. Jump or step with your legs again and switch your feet so that your
left leg is in front. Continue jumping and switching as fast as you

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Alisa Ogden

Endurance Level 3
Frog Jumps

1. Start by standing with your feet apart.

2. Bend at your knees and hips to squat down. Touch the floor with
your hands.
3. Jump straight up in the air with your arms up.
4. Land in a squat with your hands touching the floor.

1 3

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Danilo Benitez

Strength Level 3

1. Stand with your feet as wide as your shoulders.

2. Bend your knees and hips until you look like you are sitting in a pretend
chair. Keep your chest up. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
3. Use your legs to stand up.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Dan Tucholski

Strength Level 3
Side Arm Raises

1. Stand tall with your arms down by your side. Hold small weights* in
your hands.
2. Slowly bring your arms out to your sides until your hands are level with
your shoulders. Keep your arms straight the whole time.
3. Pause for one second and then slowly lower them back to your body.

* Begin with 1-2 pound weights. Slowly increase weight by 1-2 pounds if
you do not feel too tired.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Joe Wu

Strength Level 3
Push-Up from Knees

1. Start in a Plank from Knees position from the Level 2 Strength Cards.
Put your hands a little wider than your shoulders.
2. Bend your elbows and lower your body toward the ground. Try to
lower your chest all the way to the ground.
3. Push your body back up to the starting position. Keep your body a
straight line from your knees to your shoulders for the whole exercise.

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Christa Bleull

Strength Level 3
Arm and Leg Raise

1. Start on your hands and knees.

2. Slowly lift your right leg and your left arm until you make a straight line
from heel to fingertip.
3. Lower your arm and leg back to the starting position.
4. Do all repetitions on one side. Then, repeat the same movement using
your left leg and right arm. Keep this exercise slow to help you bal-

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Alisa Ogden

Flexibilty Level 3
Kneeling Hip Stretch

1. Kneel on the ground.

2. Take one big step forward.
Bend your front leg.
3. Push your hips forward and
put your hands on your hips.
You should feel a stretch in
your back leg’s hip area.
4. Repeat the stretch with the
other leg in front.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Solomon Burke

Butterfly Stretch

1. Sit on the ground with the

bottoms of your feet touching
each other. Let your knees fall
toward the floor.
2. Your feet should be close to
your body
3. Sit tall and lean forward over
your feet.
4. You should feel a stretch in
your groin.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Robbie Albano

Flexibilty Level 3
Triceps Stretch

1. Stand or sit tall with your left arm by your ear. Bend your elbow so that
your hand touches your back.
2. Reach over your head with your right arm. Grab your left elbow with
your right hand. Pull your left arm even closer to your ear. You should
feel a stretch in your upper left arm.
3. Repeat the stretch with your right arm by your ear and your left arm
grabbing your right elbow.

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger,

David Godoy
Balance Level 3
Leg Swings

1. Stand on your left foot.

2. Swing your right foot from front to back while keeping your
balance. Complete 10 repetitions.
3. Repeat this exercise on the other side by standing on your right

Featuring Special Olympics athlete Garrett Barnes

Balance Level 3

Lateral Step Down

1. Stand on a raised surface like a small stool or a stair step.

2. Stand on your left foot. Adjust how you stand so that your right
foot is over the side and not touching the surface.
3. Bend your left leg and keep your right leg straight until your right
foot is lowered and taps the ground.
4. Straighten your left leg to come back to the standing position.
Complete 10 repetitions.
5. Repeat this exercise, standing on your right foot.

1 3

Featuring Special Olympics Health Messenger Justin Hunsinger

Balance Level 3
Single Leg Stance with Rotation

1. Stand tall, or sit with your feet flat on the ground.

2. If standing, lift your left foot into the air and bend the knee.
3. Turn your upper body and head slowly to the right, and then to
the left. Complete 10 repetitions.
4. Repeat this exercise, by lifting your right foot.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics athlete Alonzo Johnson

Fitness Cards
Do each exercise for 30 seconds. Rest for 1 minute in between each exercise.
Complete 3 times.

Do 10 of each exercise and then move on to the next exercise. Rest for 1 minute.
Complete 3 times.

Perform the following stretches for 30 seconds. Make sure to do both sides if
the stretch only focuses on one side of the body. Continue to do the flexibility
exercises from the other levels.

Follow the guidance on the repetitions or length of each time for each exercise.
Focusing your eyes on one spot, putting your arms out to the side, or holding on
lightly onto the back of a chair or wall can give you extra balance support.


Slowly add 15 seconds to the exercise or reduce rest time by 15 seconds to make
them harder. Move onto ENDURANCE LEVEL 4 when you can do these exercises
for 1 minute with only 30 seconds rest.

Add 1-2 repetitions at a time to each set to make the exercises harder. Move on
to STRENGTH LEVEL 4 when you can do 20 repetitions of these exercises.

Slowly add time to the exercises to get a better stretch. Move on to FLEXIBILITY
LEVEL 4 once you can hold the stretch for 1 minute.

Slowly add time or 1-2 repetitions at a time to each set to make the exercises
harder. Move onto BALANCE LEVEL 5 once you can do the exercise for 1
minute/15 repetitions. Try not to hold onto any supports to balance!

Resource created from funding provided by the Golisano Foundation, the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, Finish Line and Herbalife.

This resource was supported by the Grant or Cooperative Agreement Number, U27 DD001156,
funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.
Endurance Level 4
Jumping Jack Squats

1. Stand with your feet together and your arms down by your sides.
2. Jump up and spread your legs apart as you swing your arms over
your head.
3. As you land with your legs apart, bend your knees and go into a wide
4. Jump up and bring your arms back to your sides and your legs

1 2 3 4

Featuring Special Olympics CEO, Mary Davis

Endurance Level 4
High Knees

1. Jog in place. Try to get your knees as high as you can with each step.
2. Swing your arms the whole time.

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Bryce Cole

Endurance Level 4
Side-to-Side Bounding

1. Start by standing on your right foot with your right knee bent.
2. Leap as far as you can to your left starting with your left leg. Land on
your left foot with your knee slightly bent.
3. Make sure that you are balanced. Now leap as far as you can to your
right starting with your right leg. Land on your right foot with your
knee slightly bent.
4. Continue going from side to side.


Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Matthew Whiteside

Strength Level 4
Back Lunge

1. Stand tall. Use a chair or wall for balance if necessary.

2. Take a big step backward with your right leg. Put only the ball of your
foot on the ground.
3. When you feel balanced, bend both your front and back leg so that
your back knee almost touches the ground.
4. Step forward together. Keep your body straight the whole time.
5. Complete all repetitions with your right leg stepping back. Then
switch to your left leg stepping back.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Danilo Benitez

Strength Level 4
Hip Bridge

1. Lay on your back with your arms down by your sides.

2. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor.
3. Keeping your stomach muscles tight. Lift your hips off the ground
toward the ceiling. Lift as high as you can. Pause. Slowly lower back
to the starting position.

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Munir Vohra

Strength Level 4
Reverse Fly

1. Bend over with your back straight and flat. Bend your knees slightly.
Hold weights* in your hands close to your knees.
2. Raise your arms out to your sides until they are level with your
3. Pause for one second. Slowly lower your arms back to the starting
point. Keep your back straight and eyes forward the whole time.

* Begin with 1-2 pound weights and slowly increase weight by 1-2 pounds
if you do not feel too tired.


Featuring Special Olympics Chairman, Tim Shriver

Strength Level 4
Chair Dips
You will need a chair for this exercise. You may want to put the chair next to
the wall for added safety.

1. Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair or bench with your hands holding onto
the edge. Keep your feet flat on the floor about 2 feet or 1/2 meter in
front of you.
2. Scoot your buttocks off the edge of the chair. Supporting yourself with
your arms and feet. Keep most of your weight in your arms.
3. Keep your back close to the chair. Bend your elbows and lower your
buttocks toward the ground.
4. Straighten your arms and come back up.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, James Black

Strength Level 4
Plank Hold

1. Start on your hands and knees.

2. Straighten one leg at a time and put the balls of your feet on the
floor. Your body should make a straight line from your heels to your
shoulders. Keep your abdominal muscles tight and your back straight.
3. Hold this position for 20 seconds.

NOTE: This exercise is a hold so it is not done in repetitions. To make this

exercise more difficult, hold the exercise 10 extra seconds. Continue to
increase the length of the hold until you can hold for 1 minute.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Terrel Limerick

Flexibility Level 4
Kneeling Hamstring Stretch

1. Kneel on the ground with one leg straight in front of you. Your front
heel should be on the ground. Your toes should be pointing up.
2. Keeping your front leg straight, bend at your hips and lean over your
front leg. Put your hands on the ground on both sides of your front
knee. You should feel a stretch on the back of your front leg.
3. Repeat the stretch with your other leg in front.

NOTE: You can hold onto a wall or chair for balance if you have trouble
balancing in this position.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Alicia Gogue

Flexibility Level 4
Side Stretch

1. Stand tall with your feet a little wider than your hips.
2. Bring your left arm up so that it is close to your ear.
3. Bend sideways at your waist toward your right side. Keep your arm
next to your ear the whole time. You should feel a stretch in the left
side of your torso.
4. Repeat with your right arm up and your left side bent.

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Benjamin Collins

Flexibility Level 4

Wrist Flexion and

Extension Stretch

1. Stand or sit tall and put your

arms straight out in front of you.
2. Extension: Turn your palm
towards the ground. Use the
other hand to pull your hand
down toward the ground.
3. Flexion: Turn your palm face up
toward the ceiling. Use the other
hand to pull your fingers back EXTENSION
toward the ground.
4. Switch arms and repeat both


Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Robbie Albano

Balance Level 4
Single Leg Ball Toss

1. Stand tall, or sit with your feet flat on the

ground. Hold a ball out in your hands.
2. If standing, lift your left foot into the air and
bend the knee.
3. Toss the ball into the air and catch it while
keeping your balance. If seated, move your
upper body forward and back as your toss the
ball. Complete 10 repetitions.
4. Repeat this exercise, by lifting your right foot.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics athlete leader Novie Craven

and Special Olympics Global Messenger David Godoy
Balance Level 4
Kneeling Rotation

1. Begin in a half-kneeling position, with your right knee out in front

and your left knee under you. Hold a ball in front of you with your
arms out straight.
2. While holding the ball out straight, turn your upper body and head
slowly to the right, and then to the left. Complete 10 repetitions.
3. Repeat this exercise with your left knee out in front and the right
one under you.

1 3

Featuring Special Olympics athlete Alonzo Johnson

Balance Level 4
Clock Taps

1. Place, or imagine three markers on the ground around you: one in

front, one to your side, one behind you.
2. Stand on your left foot. Reach your right leg out and tap your foot on
the marker in front of you.
3. Return your right leg to the center and then reach it out and tap your
right foot on the marker to the side of you.
4. Return your right leg back to center and then reach it out and tap your
right foot on the marker behind you.
5. Repeat this sequence/pattern? and complete 5 taps on each marker
6. Once complete, repeat this exercise by standing on your right foot.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete Chris Dooley

Fitness Cards
Do each exercise for 30 seconds. Rest for 1 minute in between each exercise.
Complete 3 times.

Do 10 of each exercise and then move on to the next exercise. Rest for 1 minute.
Complete 3 times.

Perform the following stretches for 30 seconds. Make sure to do both sides if
the stretch only focuses on one side of the body. Continue to do the flexibility
exercises from the other levels.

Follow the guidance on the repetitions or length of each time for each exercise.
Focusing your eyes on one spot, putting your arms out to the side, or holding on
lightly onto the back of a chair or wall can give you extra balance support.


Way to go!! You have completed the last level of the fitness cards! You can
continue to add time or repetitions to each activity, reduce rest time between
activities or repeat activities from earlier cards for an additional challenge.

Slowly add 15 seconds to the exercise or reduce rest time by 15 seconds to make
them harder. Then start adding exercises from the other levels to make a longer

Add 1-2 repetitions at a time to each set to make the exercises harder. Then start
adding in some exercises from the other levels to make a longer workout.

Add time to the exercises to get a better stretch. Continue to practice all the
exercises in each of the levels to make sure you are getting a full body stretch.

Slowly add time or 1-2 repetitions at a time to each set to make the exercises
harder. Then start adding in some exercises from the other levels to make a
longer workout.
Resource created from funding provided by the Golisano Foundation, the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, Finish Line and Herbalife.

This resource was supported by the Grant or Cooperative Agreement Number, U27 DD001156,
funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.
Endurance Level 5

1. Squat down. Touch the floor with your hands just outside of your
2. Jump or step your legs back behind you and get into a push-up
3. Jump or step your feet forward to get back to the squatting
4. Jump high into the air with your arms above your head. Bend your
knees slightly when you land.

1 2 3 4 5

Featuring Special Olympics Chairman, Tim Shriver

Endurance Level 5
Step Ups with Jump and 1
You need a stair step or stool for this

1. Start with your right foot on the

step or stool.
2. Push off both feet, jump, and
switch your feet. Your left foot
is now on the stair and your right
foot is on the floor.
3. Once you have your balance, jump
again and switch your feet. Your
right foot is back on the step or
stool and your left foot is on the
4. Continue jumping and switching
your feet.

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Christa Bleull

Endurance Level 5
Tuck Jumps

1. Stand with your feet together.

2. Swing arms and bend your knees. Now jump as high as you can and
bring your knees up in front of you.
3. Try to get your knees close to your chest on each jump.

1 2 3 4

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, James Black

Strength Level 5

Wall Sit

1. Start by standing against a wall.

Step forward so that your feet are
in front of you. Keep your hips on
the wall.
2. Bend your knees and hips. You
should look like you are sitting
in an imaginary chair. Keep your
arms by your side or in front of
your body. Do not touch your
knees or thighs.
3. Keep your body tight and your
back against the wall the whole
time. Hold this position for 20

NOTE: This exercise is a hold so it

is not done in repetitions. To make
this exercise more difficult, hold
the exercise 10 additional seconds.
Continue to increase the length of the
hold until you can hold for 1 minute.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Garrett Barnes

Strength Level 5
One Leg Deadlift

1. Start by standing tall with your feet together. Put your arms out to
your sides at shoulder height.
2. Balance on your right foot.
3. Keep your left leg straight. Slowly lean forward and lift your left leg
behind you.
4. Slowly stand up without touching your left foot on the floor.
5. Do all repetitions on one side and then switch to the other

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Matthew Whiteside

Strength Level 5
Forward Arm Raises

1. Stand with your arms down by your side. Hold weights* in your hands.
2. Keep your arms straight. Slowly bring your arms out in front of you
until they are shoulder height. Tighten your abdominal muscles so
that your shoulders, hips, and back stay in a straight line. Do not lean
3. Lower your arms slowly to return to the starting position.

* Begin with 2 pound weights and slowly increase weight by 1-2 pounds
if you do not feel too tired. If you do not have weights, you can use a full
water bottle instead.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Alicia Gogue

Strength Level 5
Full Push-Up

1. Start in a Plank Hold position from Level 4. Put your hands a little
wider than shoulders
2. Bend your elbows and lower your body toward the ground. Try to
lower your chest all the way to the ground.
3. Push your body back up to the starting position. Keep a straight line
from your feet to your shoulders for the whole exercise.

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Bryce Cole

Strength Level 5
Side Plank

1. Lie on your side with your elbow underneath your shoulder. Put one
foot on top of the other.
2. Lift your hips off the ground. Keep your body in a straight line. Look
3. Hold this position for 20 seconds.

NOTE: This exercise is a hold so it is not done in repetitions. To make this

exercise more difficult, hold the exercise 10 additional seconds. Continue
to increase the length of the hold until you can hold for 1 minute.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete, Robert Jones

Strength Level 5
Shin Touches

1. Lay on your back on the floor. Put your legs straight up over your hips
and your arms over your head.
2. Lift your arms. Touch your shins. Bring your head, neck, and upper
back off the ground as you reach toward your shins. Slowly lower back
to the starting position.

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger,

Bryce Cole
Flexibility Level 5
Seated Rotation Stretch

1. Sit tall on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.
2. Cross your right leg over your left leg. Put your right foot on the floor
close to your left knee.
3. Turn your upper body towards your right side. Use your right arm to
help you sit tall. Use your left arm against your right leg to help you
twist. You should feel a stretch in your hip and the side of your back.
4. Switch sides and repeat the stretch.

Featuring Special Olympics Chief Inspiration Officer,

Loretta Claiborne
Flexibility Level 5
Crossed Leg Hip Stretch

1. Lay on the ground with your right knee in the air.

2. Put your left ankle on top of your right thigh.
3. Grab underneath your right thigh. Pull your thigh towards your chest.
You should feel a stretch in your left hip.
4. Switch legs and repeat the stretch.

Featuring Special Olympics Global Messenger, Munir Vohra

Flexibility Level 5
Shoulder Rotation Stretch

1. Stand or sit tall.

2. Put your right arm next to your ear. Bend your elbow and reach your
hand down as far as you can on your back.
3. Now reach your left arm behind your back. Bend your elbow and reach
your left hand as high up on your back as you can.
4. You should feel a stretch in both shoulders.
5. Repeat the stretch with your left arm next to your ear.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete,

Solomon Burke
Balance Level 5
Warrior Position

1. Stand tall with your arms by your sides.

2. Shift your body weight onto your left foot as you lift the right foot
out straight behind you.
3. Slowly lean forward and raise your arms out straight next to your
ears. Raise your right foot even higher and keep it straight behind
4. Try to make a straight line from your hands to your right foot and
keep your balance. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
5. Repeat this exercise with your right foot on the ground and left
foot straight behind you.

Featuring Special Olympics athlete Chris Dooley

Balance Level 5
Single Leg Line Hops
1. Find, draw or imagine a line on the
ground in front of you.
2. Lift your right foot in the air and bend
the knee.
3. Facing the line, hop over the line,
forward and back for 10 repetitions.
4. Stop and move your feet so that
the line is to the side of your body.
Standing on the left foot, hop laterally
over the line, side to side for 10
5. Repeat this exercise on the other side
by hopping on your right foot.

2 3

Featuring Special Olympics Health Messenger Justin Hunsinger

Balance Level 5
Single Leg Ball Taps

1. Stand with your feet together and hold a ball in both of your hands.
2. Lift your right foot in the air and bend the knee. Reach down and tap
the floor to the right side of your body while keeping your balance.
3. Return to the upright starting position.
4. Reach down and tap the floor to the left side of your body while
keeping your balance.
5. Balance and complete 10 total taps.
6. Repeat this exercise on the other side by standing on your right foot.

1 2

Featuring Special Olympics athlete Chris Johnson

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