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Aldecoa & Co. vs Warner, Barnes & Co.

16 Phil 423
August 6, 1910


On September 1907 the legal representative of Aldecoa & Co., in liquidation, filed suit in the Court of First Instance of
Manila against Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd. the complaint set forth that, prior to December 1, 1898, Warner, Barnes and
Co. were conducting a business in Albay. The principal object of the business was the purchase of hemp in the pueblos
of Legaspi and Tobacco for the purpose of bringing it to Manila to sell for exportation. On the same date, the Aldecoa
became interested in the business of Warner, Barnes and Co. in Albay and formed therewith a joint-account partnership
in which Aldecoa and Co. were to share equally in the gains and losses of the business. Later on, the legal
representative of Aldecoa and Co. in liquidation, filed suit in the CFI of Manila against Warner and Co., alleging that
the Warner and Co., as manager of the joint-account partnership, neglected to comply with what is especially
prescribed in Art. 243 of the Code of Commerce, as a duty to inherent to its position, which is that of rendering of an
account with vouchers, and that of liquidating the said business, for it refuses to furnish Pacific the documents required
for their examination and verification, and also refuses to realize the firm assets by selling the warehouses, houses,
and other property which constitute the capital.


Whether or not this litigation concerns the rendering of accounts pertaining to the management of the business of a
joint-account partnership formed between the two litigants companies.


It is a rule of law generally observed that he who takes charge of the management of another's property is bound
immediately thereafter to render accounts covering his transactions; and that it is always to be understood that all
accounts rendered must be duly substantiated by vouchers. It is one of the duties of the manager of a joint-account
partnership, to liquidate the assets that form the common property, and to state the result obtained therefrom in the
final rendering of the accounts which he is to present at the conclusion of the partnership.

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