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Writing: Emmet Byrne, Elaine Lithgow

Editing: Christopher Walz

Producer: Emmet Byrne

Cover Art: JG O’Donohue

Illustration: Runesael Flynn, Dániel Kovács, Sam Manley, JG O’Donohue

Graphic Design and Layout: Mary Lillis

Proofreading: Lynne M. Meyer

Cubicle 7 Business Support: Anthony Burke, Elaine Connolly, Donna King, Eileen Murphy, and Kieran Murphy

Cubicle 7 Creative Team: Dave Allen, Emmet Byrne, Zak Dale-Clutterbuck, Dániel Kovács, Elaine Lithgow,
TS Luikart, Rachael Macken, Rory McCormack, Dominic McDowall, Sam Manley, Pádraig Murphy,
Ceíre O’Donoghue, JG O’Donoghue, Síne Quinn, and Christopher Walz

Publisher: Dominic McDowall

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound Designed by Emmet Byrne and Dominic McDowall

Special thanks to Games Workshop

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Roleplay: Soulbound © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2020. Warhammer Age
of Sigmar Roleplay: Soulbound, the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Roleplay: Soulbound logo, GW, Games Workshop,
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Streets of Brightspear gives players and Gamemasters
a wealth of new options and resources for running ENDEAVOURS
campaigns in the city of Brightspear. This PDF presents
dozens of new Endeavours for characters to undertake The streets of Brightspear offer many unique and strange
during their downtime in Brightspear, as well as new opportunities for adventurous visitors to spend their
items and artefacts found in the city’s markets. Streets of downtime. However, the taint of Chaos still lurks in the
Brightspear also contains tables for creating unique and city, along with countless other dangers, so many of these
strange Agloraxian artefacts that can be found by those Endeavours are not strictly safe.
brave or foolhardy enough to venture into the Undercity.
The following Endeavours can be taken by any party
members who spend their downtime in Brightspear.
BRIGHTSPEAR These are in addition to and follow the same rules as the
standard Endeavour options presented in the Soulbound
Brightspear is one of the newest of the Cities of Sigmar rulebook (page 156), or any other applicable Endeavours
— bastions of light and civilisation in a world filled with the party may have access to.
violence and horror. The fledgling city provides those who
would make the perilous journey there with opportunities
unlike anywhere else in the Mortal Realms. This potential Basic First Aid
for wealth and new beginnings has brought people from You spend some time with Brother Kellig in Flavian’s
all across the realms, from the airborne Duardin of the Infirmary, learning basic first aid and helping the sick
Kharadron Overlords, to the tribespeople who have of Brightspear. Helping Brother Kellig is a DN 4:8 Mind
survived the Chaos-twisted horrors of the Aqshian wastes (Medicine) Extended Test. Over the course of the week you
for centuries and now seek protection behind the city’s can make three Tests to learn from Kellig. If you succeed,
high walls. you gain the benefits of the Medic Talent (Soulbound,
page 87) until your next period of downtime. If you fail,
But Brightspear is not the haven of safety that people Brother Kellig kindly suggests that maybe the healing arts
hoped. The influx of traders and fortune seekers has aren’t for you. If you fail by 3 or more, you inadvertently
brought with it gangs and cutthroats; the ancient magical kill one of your patients. Brother Kellig asks you to leave
vaults beneath the city have drawn power-hungry mages and makes you swear never to practice medicine again.
and scientists keen to discover the dark secrets buried Doom increases by 1.
below; and the corrupting influence of Tzeentch is ever
present, with whispers of disappearances, cults, and If you successfully complete this Endeavour twice in a
strange monstrosities lurking in the alleys giving rise to row, either in the same period of downtime or consecutive
tension and mistrust between the people of Brightspear. periods, you permanently learn the Medic Talent without
For more information on Brightspear, see the Brightspear the need to spend XP.
City Guide in the Soulbound Starter Set.

Catching Fyre
The Fyrehunters that stalk the Undercity are deadly FYREHUNTER
enemies, but are valuable companions if tamed. Or so it is Medium Beast, Warrior
believed — no one has managed to tame one yet.
M Average A Good D Average
Taming a Fyrehunter (see below) is a difficult process, Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle
and involves venturing into the Undercity to search for 1 6 — —
one of the beasts. To tame a Fyrehunter you must pass
Speed: Normal
a DN 4:10 Extended Test. Over the course of a week Initiative: 6
you can make three Tests to accomplish this. The first Natural Awareness: 2
Test requires Mind (Survival) to find your way around Skills: Awareness (+1d6), Ballistic Skill (+2d6), Reflexes
(+2d6), Weapon Skill (+1d6, +1)
the Undercity, the second Test requires Body (Might,
Ballistic Skill, or Weapon Skill) to subdue the beast, TRAITS
and the last Test requires Soul (Beast Handling) to bond Embershell: A Fyrehunter is immune to all Damage
with the Fyrehunter. If you succeed, you gain the Loyal caused by flame or heat.
Companion Talent for the Fyrehunter. If unsuccessful, you Prepared Traps: As a Free Action, a Fyrehunter can set
do not manage to tame the beast. If you fail by 3 or more, fire to the webs in a Zone, causing that Zone to become a
Major Hazard until its next turn. This only works once per
a group of Fyrehunters trap you for the week before you Zone.
can escape. Any time you encounter a Fyrehunter or other
large spider from now on, you must make a DN 4:3 Soul
(Determination) Test or become Frightened until the Bite: Melee Attack (Average), 3d6, + S Damage. Piercing.
Spit Fire: Ranged Attack (Good), 4d6, 1 + S Damage.
spider is slain or out of sight. Rend.
These relatives of the Flamespiders have adapted to life 2 3 1
underground. They still weave webs, but use them as
traps, shooting a glob of self-igniting mucus at them to
catch them on fire and roast their prey alive.

Cleanse the Undercity Make a DN 4:10 Extended Test. Over the course of a
Requirement: Blessed (Sigmar) week you can make three Tests using any combination of
Mind (Arcana), Mind (Channelling), or Mind (Guile).
You gather a group of the Devoted of Sigmar and venture Alternatively, you can sacrifice an artefact reclaimed from
into the Undercity to cleanse it of Chaos. Purging the the Undercity to automatically pass this Test (see What
Undercity is a DN 4:10 Extended Test. Over the course of Lies Beneath, page 11).
a week you can make three Tests using any combination of
Body (Weapon Skill) or Soul (Devotion). If you succeed, If you fail the Test, the University is not convinced of
Doom goes down by 1. Additionally, you ignore any your sincere intentions and politely keep you at arms
encounters with the followers of Chaos when exploring reach, indicating that they would be happy to talk more
the Undercity until after your next downtime period in the future should you discover anything exciting about
(treat any encounters as a Strange Sight instead). If you Agloraxian magic.
fail, you suffer a Lasting Wound — this has the same effect
as a Minor Wound but can not be healed until your next If you pass the Test, you manage to convince important
downtime period. figures in the University that you share an interest in
uncovering Agloraxian magics and artefacts, and are
See page 21 of Faltering Light in the Soulbound Starter granted access to their secret stockpiles of arcane resources.
Set for more on traversing the Undercity.
From this point onwards, you can take another Endeavour
in the future to utilise the University in one of two ways.
Collegiate Training
Requirement: Spellcasting (any) A Study the Library: You gain the benefit of the
Forbidden Lore Talent until your next downtime
You visit one of the colleges in the Nine Globes and study period.
under a mage of the Collegiate Arcane. When you take
this Endeavour, you can attempt to learn two new spells. A Lease an Artefact: Generate three artefacts from the
The spells must be Common Spells or spells from a Lore Undercity Artefacts Tables (see page 17). You may
you know. select one of these artefacts to take with you on your
next adventure, provided you leave 300D with the
Learning the spells is a DN 4:12 Extended Test. Over the University as a security deposit. If you do not return
course of a week you can make three Tests to learn the the artefact by the end of your next downtime period
spells. The first Test requires Mind (Arcana) to research for any reason, the University keeps the security
the spells, and the remaining two Tests require Mind deposit and bans you from the grounds.
(Channelling) to practice them. If you succeed, you learn
the spells. If you fail by 1, you only learn one of the spells.
If you fail by 2, you learn neither of them. If you fail by 3 or Devotion to Flame
more, you cause a magical calamity. Roll a number of dice Requirement: Fyreslayer with Soul (3), or Blessed
equal to the number you failed by and consult the Price (Grimnir)
of Failure table (Soulbound, page 266). If you would take
a Wound, the Wound lingers until your next period of You spend your time in devotion to the Shattered God
downtime and cannot be healed. If you cause an Endless Grimnir. You visit the Fyreslayer Barrack-Lodge, spending
Spell, you are banned from the Collegiate Arcane for life time training with Karl Bragga Coppertoe, speaking with
— however long that may be. Runesmiter Furik Ironhand, and hearing the songs and
tales of the Vostargi and Greyfyrd lodges. As part of this
Endeavour, Runesmiter Ironhand hammers a fresh rune
Domini University Resources into your flesh. This rune does not count towards your
You spend your time ingratiating yourself with the total runes, and grants the Born From Fire Trait until your
eccentric teachers and students at the Domini University next downtime period.
in an attempt to glean arcane resources not available from
the Collegiate Arcane. A Born From Fire: You are immune to Hazards and
Damage from intense heat or flames.

Ear to the Ground You can roll on this table up to three times per week,
You spend your downtime on the streets of Brightspear, applying any losses or gains after each roll and setting
meeting with people, taking in the city, and watching folks aside a fresh pool of currency each time.
go about their daily lives. You make sure to pick up each
new copy of the Brightspear Bugle and otherwise stay If you decide to bet on a dare, set aside between 250D
informed about the goings on in the city. You learn three and 1,000D and select either the Feats of Glory (page 5) or
Rumours, which are added to the Party Sheet. Additionally, What Lies Beneath (page 11) Endeavour to represent the
until your next period of downtime, you have Advantage chosen dare. Either yourself or another party member can
on Tests related to gathering information and rumours then immediately attempt to undertake the Endeavour,
while in Brightspear. but the Difficulty increases by 1 for all Tests involved in
the Endeavour, representing the additional pressure of
the dare. If you succeed in the Endeavour, you double the
Feats of Glory funds you set aside, rounding up. If you fail, you lose all of
You spend your week attempting to undertake a Feat of the funds you set aside instead. You can only bet on one
Glory (Brightspear City Guide, page 32). Any number of dare per downtime period.
feats are possible, but popular examples include climbing
to high places, braving intense conditions, or partaking in
flamboyant sporting contests in the Cauldron (Brightspear Open Your Eyes
City Guide, page 32). Regardless of the chosen feat, there You join the Fellowship of the Open Eye, spending your
must be an air of performative spectacle attached to it as days keeping an eye on the people of Brightspear and
well, to ensure word of your glory spreads far and wide. gossiping. You learn a new Rumour, as well as the personal
secrets of three NPCs you have encountered. The secrets
Performing a Feat of Glory is a DN 4:8 Extended Test. can be minor, such as a tavern keeper watering down their
Over the course of a week, you must make two Tests beer, or more serious, such as someone arranging for their
using Body (Might or Athletics) and a final Test using spouse to disappear. Let the GM know if there are any
Soul (Entertain). If successful, you complete the feat NPCs you would be particularly interested in.
and wow onlookers with your bravery. You become a
minor celebrity within the city, gaining Advantage on For GMs: Unbeknownst to the character, the Fellowship
Guile and Intimidation Tests while within Brightspear. If of the Open Eye is made up of a number of followers
unsuccessful, your feat goes largely unnoticed, offering no of Tzeentch who are searching for secrets and rumours
tangible benefits aside from the odd scoffing recognition they can use to destabilise the city. As the GM, make a
that your feat ‘wasn’t all that’. DN 4:10 Mind (Guile) Extended Test for the character
in secret to resist the prying questions of the Fellowship.
Over the course of a week the character must make three
Gambling Tests to avoid giving away vital information. On a failure,
You chance your luck by spending the week frequenting the character unwittingly shares secrets about themselves
Valor (Brightspear City Guide, page 29) or any of the or their allies. The followers of Tzeentch now know the
numerous gambling dens in Brightspear. To do so, you bonds that connect them to other members of the party,
must decide if you spend your week partaking in ‘table as well any NPCs that are important to the character.
games’ or betting on a ‘dare’. For table games, set aside a What they do with this information is up to you.
pool of up to 100D and roll on the table below to see the
result. Note: If the characters discover the Fellowship of
the Open Eye and cleanse it of its connection
A 1–2: Terrible Luck! You lose 50% of the funds you to Chaos, the characters should still be able
set aside, rounding up. to undertake this Endeavour without risk.
Replace the connections to the small
A 3–4: Win some, lose some. You walk away with the Tzeentch cult with something more
same amount of funds you set aside. mundane (drinks and chatter
at a tavern, visiting bored old
A 5–6: Winning Streak! You gain 50% of the funds gossip mongers,
you set aside, rounding up. and the like).

Patronise the Twelve Taps Seen in the Stars
You decide to spend your time relaxing with a nice beer Requirement: Spellcasting (Celestial) or Mind (4)
in the Twelve Taps (Brightspear City Guide, page 21). You
get to know the proprietor Pinaar, and speak to the wide You visit the Maroon Tower (Brightspear City Guide,
array of patrons that visit the pub. Anytime you encounter page 34), hoping to glean a glimpse of the future by using
a native of Brightspear before your next downtime period, the tower’s Arcanoscope. With the assistance of Lord-
roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, you’ve shared a drink in Pinaar’s, and Ordinator Heavensight, you attempt to scry events that
have Advantage on any Tests when speaking to the person. are to come. Using the Arcanoscope requires a DN 4:10
On a 1, you’ve met before — and you put your foot in it. Extended Test. Over the course of a week you can make
You insulted them somehow, or made a fool of yourself. three Tests using any combination of Mind (Arcana),
You have Disadvantage on any Tests when speaking to Mind (Channelling), or Mind (Lore). On a success, you
them, and they do everything they can to avoid interacting get a glimpse of what is to come. During an encounter
with you. before your next period of downtime, you can choose to
gain one of the benefits listed below. The encounter can be
an exploration, combat, roleplaying, or investigation scene.
Remember Those Lost
Requirement: A member of the party or close ally has A You have Advantage on all Opposed Tests during the
died encounter.

You go to the Fallen Spire (Brightspear City Guide, page A You can ask the GM for a piece of information or
16) to pay your respects to those you have lost. Over the knowledge key to the encounter, such as a clue or an
course of a week you take the time to carefully etch the enemy’s weakness. The answer can come in the form
name of someone you lost into the stone of the Fallen of a vision or portent, but it is always accurate.
Spire, perhaps decorating it with flowers or mementos of
the past. A Your Melee, Accuracy, and Defence increase one
step for the duration of the encounter.
Once before your next period of downtime, you can
remember your lost companion to bolster your spirit. The A If you would become Mortally Wounded, the attack
Binding immediately regains 1 Soulfire. or effect misses you, leaving you unscathed.

If you fail the Extended Test, your scrying reveals

something dreadful and terrifying. Doom increases by 1
as you are haunted by visions of what is to come.

Shadows and Blood

Requirement: Daughters of Khaine

You spend your time seeking out fellow worshippers of

Khaine, but encounter great resistance and fear among
the common people when you broach the subject. As
it transpires, the local Khainites were a particularly
bloodthirsty coven, even taking to the streets in a night
of abhorrent violence upon the citizens. Their temple was
allegedly destroyed during the Necroquake, and when you
approach the ruins you initially believe this to be true.

Make a DN 4:3 Mind (Awareness) Test during your

investigation of the ruins. Characters with the Witch-Sight
Talent lower the difficulty of this Test by 1. If you fail, you
walk the ruined corridors for a number of hours, chasing

the odd moving shadow or taunting whisper before Shadow Dealings
leaving in frustration. You may select another Endeavour You choose to spend your time attempting to hunt down
to attempt during this downtime instead. rare equipment via the secretive ring of smugglers and
illicit deals that transpire in locations such as Karfi’s Place,
If you succeed, you manage to pierce the shroud of umbral the Char Estate, or even Defiance Cove.
illusions concealing the Convent of Blood (see Brightspear
City Guide, page 32). The Khainites within greet you with You must first name a piece of equipment (including any
great suspicion and imprison you unless you prove your special equipment listed in The Brightspear Markets,
devotion to the God of Murder by agreeing to partake in page 12) you are searching for and make a Mind (Guile)
an initiation ritual of extended sacrificial bloodshed. or Body (Stealth) Test to locate a seller. The DN of this
Test depends on the equipment’s Availability.
Embracing the ritual increases Doom by 1, as you spend
the week ceremoniously slaughtering and bathing in the A DN 4:1: Common
blood of mortal sacrifices. You emerge from the hidden
Convent of Blood a week later overflowing with unnatural A DN 4:2: Rare
energy. Your Speed becomes Fast and you double your
training in Reflexes until your next period of downtime. A DN 4:3: Exotic
Once initiated, you can return to the Convent to repeat
the ritual in later downtime periods without requiring a A DN 4:4: Special
Test to pierce the illusions.
If you succeed on the Test, you locate the piece of equipment,
If you refuse to embrace the ritual, or ever speak a word and it costs 25% less than its listed price, rounding up. If
of the Convent’s continued existence, they expel you and the equipment you seek does not have a listed price, like in
increase their illusionary protections, preventing anyone the case of Special Availability equipment, it instead costs
in the party from taking this Endeavour again. 2d6 × 100D. You may make up to three separate attempts
to locate equipment with each use of this Endeavour.

Unfortunately, purchasing equipment in illegal smuggling

rings rarely goes smoothly. Whenever you purchase a
piece of equipment with the Shadow Dealings Endeavour,
roll on the Shadow Deal Complications table below and
apply the result.


Conned! The deal was actually part of an elaborate con. Either the goods were fake or not received at all. Either way,
you lose your funds and do not gain the equipment.

Chaos Tainted: Something feels off with your purchase. Upon closer inspection, you find small Chaos runes engraved
somewhere upon it. If you choose to use the equipment regardless, or resell it in the future, Doom increases by 1.

Delayed Delivery: Something prevents the immediate delivery of your item. You do not receive it until your next
downtime period, when a shady courier finally delivers it to you.

4 Smooth Transaction: Against the odds, you secure the equipment with no complications.

Compensation: The item you receive is noticeably worn or bears the obvious mark of stolen goods. Either way, you
5 cannot resell it in the future. Fortunately, you are compensated for the questionable quality with a piece of common
Adventuring Gear (Soulbound, page 106) of your choice with a value of 50D or less.
Fortuitous Folly: You arrive at the secluded spot to pay for your equipment only to find the smuggler lying dead in a
6 pool of cooling blood. Your desired item is nearby, speckled with blood. You gain the equipment for free, but suspicion
sticks to you. No smugglers in Brightspear will deal with you in future and you cannot take this Endeavour again.

Study the Orrery To The Winds
The Orrery is an ever-present sight above Brightspear, Something unspeakable draws you to explore the strange
and you are determined to study it. You spend your people and muddled streets of the Winds (see Brightspear
downtime following the movement of the Orrery, tracking City Guide, page 37). Time flows in unpredictable ways
its rotation, and mapping how it changes along with the here and twisting magic ripples at the edge of your senses.
movement of the High Star Sigendil. You gain the benefits This could be the perfect place to study magic, but there
of the Orientation Talent (Soulbound, page 89) until your is no guarantee that you emerge the same person that
next period of downtime. enters…

When you undertake this Endeavour, roll on the Embrace

Tend the Hanging Gardens the Winds table below and apply the result.
Requirement: Spellcasting (Jade) or Blessed (Alarielle)

You spend your free time in the Hanging Gardens,

tending the delicate crops that feed Brightspear. Working
alongside Druidmaster Torquil, you help to bolster the
plant and vegetable growth, ensuring a bountiful harvest.
When you complete this Endeavour, Doom decreases by
2 due to the abundance of food flowing through the city.


Time Leech: You barely take a step within the Winds when a sickening lurch snatches your consciousness away. You
emerge from the Winds at the end of your downtime period with no memory of what happened during your time there.
1 In addition, when you look in the mirror, you realise with horror that you have aged significantly! You visibly age 2d6 +
5 years, even if you are Soulbound, Stormcast, or another person that does not normally age. Your clothing is ruined,
threadbare, and stained with unidentifiable gore.
Fundamental Shift: You spend the week wandering lost through the streets. Every time you catch your reflection in
a puddle or polished surface, you observe your appearance subtly changing, as if you are slowly becoming someone
new. You may choose any two Attributes and swap their values, and any two Skills and swap their levels in Training and
Focus. Regardless of whether you swap these values, you emerge at the end of your downtime period changed. Use the
tables in the Adding Detail section on page 32 of Soulbound to randomise your Eye Type, Eye Colour, Hair Colour,
and Height. As hard as you try, you cannot remember your original appearance.
Secrets on the Wind: You realise that if you follow the whispering winds long enough, magical knowledge floods into
your mind. You may take any combination of the Learn Spell or Create Spell Endeavours up to three times in one week.
If you do not have the Spellcasting Talent, make a DN 4:10 Extended Test. Over the course of a week you can make
three Tests using Mind (Awareness). If successful, you gain the Spellcasting Talent. You may ignore its requirements, but
you only gain the spells Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield, and one other spell from the Common Spells list. You do not gain
a Lore of Magic and can only learn spells from the Common Spells list, though you may spend XP to learn a Lore (see
Soulbound, page 90). Regardless of the result, Doom increases by 1 and you feel an unnatural chill wind brushing the
back of your neck for the rest of your life.
Prophetic Diary: You find a dead body so badly decomposed that you cannot identify it. Clutched in its hand is a
timeworn diary filled with scrawled, out of order entries in a dozen different languages. You realise with horror that the
diary describes various events in your life that have yet to come to pass. Any time you Take a Rest with the diary in your
possession, you can obsess over it instead of recovering Toughness or healing Wounds. If you do so, you gain Greater
6 Advantage on a single Skill Test taken within the next day or can increase your Melee, Accuracy, or Defence one step
until your next Rest, as events line up just as you read. Every time you spend a Rest reading the diary, roll a d6. On a
result of 1, you read the final entry — a grizzly description of your meaningless death — and the diary becomes useless. If
this happens, your Defence becomes Poor and cannot be adjusted until the end of the next combat you enter, as enemy
blows and danger always seem to find you no matter what.

Requirement: Spellcasting (any) Lore: Lore of Fate (Tzeentch)
DN: 5:1
Eight globes representing each of the Mortal Realms Target: 1
pass in slow orbit around Brightspear’s Upper Tier. The Range: Long
ninth, representing the Realm of Chaos, is shattered and Duration: 1 round
broken, purposely destroyed by the Celestial Warbringers Overcast: +1 round per additional success
when they reclaimed the city. You are fascinated by this
mysterious ninth globe, and are determined to study its You create a psycho-conductive link between yourself and
secrets. During your downtime, you sneak past the guards an ally, causing any harm that would befall you to instead
that watch over the ninth globe and make your way inside. target them. Choose an ally within Long Range. Until the
You remember little of what happened, but you were start of your next turn, any time you would suffer Damage,
missing for a full week. You emerge changed, touched by your ally suffers the Damage instead. If the Damage is
the forces of Chaos and tainted in some way. caused by a spell or effect that requires a Test, you make
the Test but your ally suffers the Damage if you fail.
When you complete this Endeavour, you learn one of the
following spells. The GM chooses which spell at random. MAGNIFICENT BUBOES
Until your next downtime period, you can cast the spell Lore: Lore of Foulness (Nurgle)
as if it was of a Lore you know. However, this knowledge DN: 5:2
comes at a very real price — Doom increases by 1, and can Target: 1
not decrease below 2 until the next downtime period. Range: Medium
Duration: Instant
During your next downtime period, you can choose to Overcast: +1 boil per additional success
take this Endeavour again. If you do so, you permanently
learn the spell. However, Doom increases by 1 and can With a gracious sweep of your hand, you bestow one
never decrease below 2 again. of Nurgle’s prettiest afflictions on a foe — a clutch of
debilitating pustules and boils. Choose a creature within
BATTLE RAPTURE Medium Range. The target’s flesh erupts in a number
Lore: Lore of Pain and Pleasure (Slaanesh) of bloated boils equal to the successes. Every time the
DN: 5:2 target takes an Action, one of the boils pops, dealing
Target: 1 1d6 Damage. Magical healing from spells, Miracles, or
Range: Medium consuming a phial of Aqua Ghyranis cures the affliction.
Duration: 1 round If the target Takes a Breather, the swelling reduces and the
Overcast: +1 round per additional success boils slowly disappear.

You fill an ally with glorious delight in battle that drives out
any feelings of fear or need for self-preservation. Choose
an ally within Medium Range. Until the start of your
next turn, the target is immune to being Frightened (and
removes the Condition if they are currently Frightened),
their Melee increases one step, and their Defence decreases
one step. Additionally, the target deals +2 Damage for
each Wound they have suffered. Each additional success
extends the duration by 1 round.

WARPGALE Visit the Floating City
Lore: Lore of Ruin (The Horned Rat) You charter an aether-craft to take you up into the Floating
DN: 5:3 City (see Brightspear City Guide, page 44). While here,
Target: Zone you can shop for any Common, Rare, or Exotic items
Range: Medium as per the Shopping Endeavour (Soulbound, page 159).
Duration: 1 round In addition, rather than paying the listed price for one
Overcast: +1 round per additional success chosen item, you can attempt a DN 4:3 Mind (Guile) Test
to contact a high ranking member of the Bataar Trader’s
You screech in an unholy tongue, parting the veil of Guild willing to offer you the item in exchange for rare
reality to draw forth a ravening gale of unnatural energies. or outlandish goods for the Game of Razored Gifts — an
Choose a Zone within Medium Range. The Zone is filled unusual power-game played by the Bataar Trader’s Guild
with a warpgale until the start of your next turn. Each to see who can gift the most unique or generous tribute to
additional success extends the duration by 1 round. Any another merchant-lord.
creature that enters the Zone or starts its turn there is
caught in the Chaos-infused warpgale. Roll 1d6 and apply If successful, roll on the Outlandish Trade table below
the warpgale effect below. to determine what the trader is seeking in exchange for
the desired item. Most traders are patient by nature when
it comes to acquiring such rare goods, willing to wait
1D6 WARPGALE EFFECT months or even years for their contracts to be fulfilled, but
The warpgale rips the flesh from a creature’s bones.
they will not offer multiple trades to the same contractor
1 at once. Completing a contract can be done in addition to
The target suffers 1d6 Damage.
Terrifying whispers and nightmarish visions lurk in another Endeavour during a downtime period.
2 the warpgale. The target is Frightened until the start
of their next turn.

Time slows and every movement becomes difficult. 1D6 OUTLANDISH TRADE
3 The target’s Speed, Melee, Accuracy, and Defence Monstrous Offspring: The unhatched egg or
decrease one step until the start of their next turn. 1 newborn of any Beast with a Toughness of 8 or
The howling winds slam the creature’s body to the
ground, drowning out everything else. The target is Imported Equipment: Any piece of unique
4 2 equipment taken from the market of another city.
knocked Prone and Deafened until the start or their
next turn. See the Anvilgard City Guide for possibilities.

The warpgale violently hurls objects and creatures Agloraxian Artefact: An unregistered Undercity
5 away. The target is thrown into an adjacent Zone 3 artefact acquired from the What Lies Beneath or
and knocked Prone. Domini University Resources Endeavour.

The warpgale dismantles reality itself. The target’s Sylvaneth Heartwood: Harvesting Heartwood
Armour is permanently reduced by 1. The Armour 4 from a slain Sylvaneth requires a successful DN 5:2
6 can be fixed with the Repair Equipment Endeavour Mind (Nature) Test.
(Soulbound page 159). This Damage affects Armour Madcap Ingredients: Redcap mushrooms that are
with the Sigmarite and Magical Traits. 5 farmed by the Gloomspite Gitz and can poison a
creature, causing vivid hallucinations.
Aether-gold Ingot: A sealed canister of aether-
gold used to power Kharadron equipment. This
can be stolen from any functioning aether-rig with
a DN 6:1 Mind (Crafting) Test, or by taking the
Aethercraft Endeavour (Soulbound, page 156) and
crafting an Expanded Power Supply.

Visit the Hall of Memory
Requirement: Stormcast Eternal

You visit the Hall of Memory, spending most of your week

there. You wander through the mementos and notes other
Stormcast have left to try to remember their past lives, and
you add one or more of your own. As you trace the echoes
of your past life, you are filled with a sense of purpose and
wholeness that you can’t remember ever experiencing.

Once before your next downtime period, you can tap into
the forgotten memories of your past life. Your soul briefly
becomes whole, allowing you to gain a benefit as if you had
spent Soulfire. You can choose from any of the effects of
spending Soulfire. Doing so does not deplete the Binding’s
Soulfire as this effect comes from within yourself.

What Lies Beneath

You spend your time venturing into the ever-shifting
labyrinthine Undercity in search of lost lore or artefacts.
Make a DN 4:10 Extended Test. Over the course of one
week you can make three Tests using any combination of
Mind (Awareness), Mind (Survival), or Body (Stealth).

On a failure, your exploration is cut short by an ambush

from twisted abominations in the deep. You find your way
back to the surface one week later, suffering from a single
Lasting Wound — this has the same effect as a Minor Wound
but can not be healed until your next downtime period. If
you succeed, you successfully navigate the unpredictable
Undercity, overcoming monstrous obstacles and emerging
with a notable prize. Roll on the Undercity Artefact table
(page 17) to discover what you retrieve.

Wraith Hunter
Requirement: Training (1) in Arcana or Lore, Training
(1) in Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill

You spend your time studying in the House of the

Kindled Flame, though your studies are more practical
than academic. Within the House you learn the ancient
Aspirian tradition of undead-hunting, learning how to
best combat wraiths, vampires, and other undead horrors.
Many wraith hunters douse their weapons in holy oil and
set them alight when confronted by undead, in the hopes
of gaining a further advantage. Until your next downtime
period, your Melee, Accuracy, and Defence increase one
step when fighting Undead. If you take this Endeavour a
second time, this bonus becomes permanent.

BRIGHTSPEAR MARKETS Most Automata are forged to resemble common beasts in
the hope that they will seem less disturbing to visitors or
The Brightspear markets are as flashy, diverse, and newcomers to the city. Mechanical horses, salamanders,
energetic as the passionate traders that work them. and spiders are all common frames, with some even
Brightspear is a young and vibrant city that imports a great sporting loving detail like artificial hair or glassy eyes. But
deal and exports arcane and technological wonders. Stalls regardless, their jerking, piston-driven movements betray
are filled with strange artefacts pulled from the Undercity, any sense of false life their creators would impart. More
steampowered Automata carry crates of imported supplies than a few Spearians swear off the Automata entirely,
and wealthy shoppers through the crowded streets, and finding them extremely uncanny or unsettling.
hard-eyed adventurers search for anything that can give
them the edge on their next expedition. While it is very rare for anyone to sell Automata outright,
Handa’s Livery (Brightspear City Guide, page 26) is one of
It is assumed that any standard weapons, armour, or the most popular locations to hire an Automata for a daily
adventuring gear listed in Chapter 5: Equipment of fee, and word has it that she may even agree to sell one of
Soulbound can be found somewhere in the Brightspear her prized creations for the right price.
Markets. This section also provides a number of additional
items unique to Brightspear.

Large Automaton, Warrior
Agloraxian Gauntlet 215D Rare
M Average A Poor D Average
Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle
Aspirian Fireward 70D Common
2 4 – –
Automata Hire (per day) 20D Common
Speed: Normal
Automata Purchase 750D Exotic
Initiative: 1
Bore-Beetle Plating 40D Common Natural Awareness: 1
Skills: Fortitude (+2d6), Might (+1d6)
Caged Mustori 400D Rare
Coldfire Orb 100D Rare
Power Source: An Automata does not need food or water
Delve-eye (Arcane) 85D Rare and automatically passes any Fortitude (Body) Tests to
endure harsh climates.
Delve-eye (Mundane) 55D Common
Automaton: An Automata cannot be Poisoned, Charmed,
Floatsilk Varies Exotic or subjected to any kind of mental influence. An Automata
doesn’t have a soul and automatically succeeds any Soul
Mage’s Noose 110D Rare Tests to resist spells and other effects.
Pot of Phantom Ink 40D Common Clanking and Hissing: Any character that rides or leads
an Automata suffers Greater Disadvantage on any Stealth
Spellbreaker 250D Rare
Tests they make.
Sungem 90D Common Mechanical: Unless noted otherwise, an Automata can
only recover Toughness if another character spends ten
Undercity Artefact Special Exotic
minutes and makes a DN 4:1 Mind (Crafting) Test, with
each success recovering 1 point of Toughness.
Steam and cog-powered automata of all shapes and Smash: Melee Attack (Average), 3d6, 1 + S Damage.
sizes shudder and clank their way through the streets
of Brightspear, carrying heavy loads or transporting BODY MIND SOUL
dignitaries with ease. With the harsh Aqshian weather and 3 1 -
ongoing food scarcities within the city, these mechanical
constructs are the result of reclaimed Undercity
technology and Ironweld ingenuity coming together to
solve a citywide problem.

AGLORAXIAN GAUNTLET which point the plating is irreparably destroyed. If the
These bladed gauntlets of glossy, dark metal were plating is destroyed, it can be removed and new Bore-
sometimes worn by Agloraxian war-mages or particularly Beetle plates attached in its place.
cruel slave drivers. Acting as symbols of status and sinister
arcane foci, a trained spellcaster can wreathe the razor CAGED MUSTORI
sharp claws with arcane energy to slice through flesh With the ever-shifting corridors and unmappable spaces
and steel with ease. An Agloraxian Gauntlet counts as an of the Undercity so treacherous to navigate, it wasn’t long
Arcane Focus and has the following stats. before people realised the starmap fur of the rare Mustori
(Soulbound, page 307) can be an invaluable asset to
A Agloraxian Gauntlet: + S Damage, Rend*, Piercing, scavengers. A number of hard-hearted individuals took
Slashing, Subtle to catching the elusive creatures, locking them in portable
cages spelled with confinement runes to prevent them
*The Agloraxian Gauntlet gains the Rend Trait if it is from slipping back into the space between realms where
wielded by a character with the Spellcaster Talent. they originate. Unfortunately, the Mustori do not do well
in captivity, becoming listless or feral when held in one
ASPIRIAN FIREWARD place too long.
These small stone tokens are engraved with arcane runes
that siphon heat from the air to protect the wearer from While carrying a Caged Mustori, you gain +1 Focus to
extreme temperatures. Worn around the neck, they are all Navigation Tests while exploring the Undercity (see
popular among those who seek to chart the Kindling Brightspear City Guide, page 21). If the Mustori is freed
Forest or walk the more fiery paths of Aqshy. from its cage for any reason, it flees, vanishing through an
imperceptible crack in the realm to never be seen again.
Any character wearing an Aspirian Fireward can trigger From then on, other Mustori avoid you or may attack you.
its protection and become immune to Damage from
nonmagical heat or flames. This effect lasts for one day Purchasing a Caged Mustori does not grant the buyer
before the Fireward is exhausted and ceases to function. the Loyal Companion Talent, as the caged creature is
miserable in captivity. Gaining the loyalty and trust of
BORE-BEETLE PLATING the neglected Mustori requires you to take the Train
The ubiquitous Bore-Beetles that infest the Undercity were Companion Endeavour (Soulbound, page 159) and
once extensively cultivated by the ancient Agloraxians. succeed on a DN 5:10 Extended Test using Soul (Beast
Not only were mind-slaved Bore-Beetles used to burrow Handling). Over the course of a week you can make three
tunnels through solid rock, but their shells were harvested Tests to accomplish this. If you succeed, you gain the Loyal
as a cheap, flexible, and plentiful crafting material. Much Companion (Mustori) Talent. If you fail, the Mustori slips
of the skill required to work the strange substance has away when you open its cage and vanishes.
long been lost, but some adventurous Undercity delvers
have taken to augmenting their armour with slim plates of COLDFIRE ORB
Bore-Beetle chitin for added protection. Imported from Lumnos and allegedly created by Pyros
Thura (Brightspear City Guide, page 45), Coldfire is a
Bore-Beetle Plating can be affixed to or removed from a volatile alchemical substance that bursts into icy blue
suit of Light or Medium Armour with relative ease and ten flames that emit a devastating cold. Coldfire is normally
minutes of effort. Many armoursmiths in Brightspear offer sold in sealed glass globes designed to shatter on impact.
this service for a modest tip. When affixed, the armour
gains one additional point of Armour and gains the Loud A Coldfire Orb can be used in one of two ways. You
Trait. In addition, if the affixed armour is Light Armour, it can hurl it at a point within Medium Range, dealing 2
loses the Subtle Trait. Damage to everyone in the Zone, or spread across a Zone.
Regardless of whether it is thrown or spread, all mundane
Only one point of Armour can be added via Bore-Beetle and magical flames in the target Zone are doused, and the
Plating, and it cannot be affixed to Heavy Armour. These Zone becomes Difficult Terrain for one hour due to a thick
modifications last until the Bore-Beetle plating is removed, sheen of ice.
or an effect such as Rend removes a point of Armour, at

DELVE-EYE and defies gravity itself, floating and undulating through
Sold in small vials with accompanying eye-droppers, the air in hypnotic patterns at all times, as if the wearer is
Delve-eye is a viscus potion that grants enhanced vision submerged in a particularly aesthetic lake. Only a handful
when applied directly to the eyes. There are numerous of tailors can even hope to work the material, and almost
different and conflicting mixes available, each one boasting all of the floatsilk in Brightspear has been salvaged from
longer lasting effects, less stinging on application, various somewhere in the Undercity — cut from bed sheets,
different visible spectrums, and even the ability to see curtains, and even the decaying corpses of long dead
magical energies. Understandably Delve-eye has become mages. But none of this stops the wealthy and powerful
incredibly popular among the numerous Undercity from hotly competing over every scrap that makes it to
salvagers who can rarely rely on good lighting for their the surface.
perilous endeavours.
While wearing an article of clothing made from floatsilk,
There are countless different brands of Delve-eye for sale, you gain Advantage on Opposed Tests when attempting to
but they can all be broken down into either Mundane impress or draw the attention of rich or opulent mortals.
Delve-eye or Arcane Delve-eye. A single application of Additionally, people tend to assume you are incredibly
Delve-eye grants the following benefit for one day, after wealthy, powerful, or wield arcane power, which can be a
which it must be applied again. Each vial of Delve-eye blessing or a curse depending on the situation.
contains enough potion for 5 applications.
If you take any Damage while wearing floatsilk clothing,
A Delve-eye (Mundane): You gain the benefits of the the fine material is ruined and this benefit is lost until you
Acute Sense Talent (Soulbound, page 82) for sight- can repair it for half its cost.
based Awareness Tests only.
The cost of floatsilk varies greatly depending on the article
A Delve-eye (Arcane): You gain the benefits of the of clothing in question and the artisanry that went into
Witch-Sight Talent (Soulbound, page 92). creating it. The GM should have the final say in the cost,
but on average a floatsilk garment costs 200 times the
FLOATSILK normal price of a similar item of clothing. For example, a
A rare and delicate fabric found among the abandoned floatsilk scarf or sash may cost 200D, while a cloak would
homes of the rich and wealthy Agloraxian nobility, cost 1,200D and a full set of fine clothes could cost 6,000D
floatsilk has become highly prized among Brightspear’s or more. Raw floatsilk fabric salvaged from the Undercity
newly established upper classes. As its name suggests, is equal to half this value, as it takes skilled hands and
this gossamer material is indescribably soft to the touch careful cleaning to make it fit for a noble.

MAGE’S NOOSE Any time a character wearing a Spellbreaker is the target
As an ruthlessly authoritarian magocracy, the Agloraxian of a spell, they may attempt to unbind it (Soulbound, page
empire required many creative ways to imprison lesser 91) with a dice pool of 5d6. If they succeed, the spell is
magic users for punishment and experimentation. To this unbound and has no effect. If they fail, the spell takes
end, Agloraxian artificers devised the Mage’s Noose. At effect as normal and the wearer takes 1d6 Damage that
first glance it appears like a tight collar of semi-sentient ignores Armour as the Spellbreaker oveloads. Regardless
iridescent scales that slither around the wearer’s throat, of whether it succeeds or fails, the Spellbreaker becomes
but the Mage’s Noose is actually a mage-crafted parasite useless until the end of your next Rest as it slowly recharges.
with a malicious hunger for magic.
A Mage’s Noose can be attached to any Incapacitated These multi-faceted gems can be found throughout
creature with a successful DN 4:2 Soul (Beast Handling) the Undercity, embedded in walls or built into complex
or Mind (Arcana) Test. Once attached to a host, the chandeliers. They are sometimes known as Shards of Hysh
Difficulty and Complexity of all Channelling Tests the and were imported long ago when the Agloraxians used
host attempts increase by 2. Breaking free from the Mage’s the Undercity’s realmgate to pillage arcane resources from
Noose requires a DN 6:2 Body (Might) Test or dealing across the Mortal Realms.
4 points of Damage to it (the Mage’s Noose has a Poor
Defence), but each failed Test or point of Damage the When touched or shaken, they emit a glow that varies
Mage’s Noose suffers, it deals 1d6 Damage to its host that wildly in colour and intensity depending on the particular
ignores Armour, as it strangles them in spite. Sungem and its original purpose. As some of the most
commonly salvaged Agloraxian artefacts, they are sold
PHANTOM INK cheaply in most markets and trinket stores, and are often
This strange ink has been used by clever magi for centuries worked into jewelry, lamps, or any number of other
to hide messages or arcane formulae from the prying eyes useful devices. But for all their beauty, Sungems are still
of the uninitiated. Made by working finely ground-up dangerous and notoriously fragile artefacts that channel
realmstone of various origins into mundane ink, before magical energies, a fact that some adventurers utilise in
casting various concealment and attunement spells, the dire emergencies.
ink becomes entirely transparent to all who lack the proper
training or natural affinity to detect magical residue. It is A Sungem can light one Zone, causing an area that is
often joked that Phantom Ink has concealed more secrets Heavily Obscured by mundane darkness to become Lightly
than the shadows of Ulgu itself. Obscured, and a Lightly Obscured area to become well-lit.

Each pot of Phantom ink contains enough to fill around In addition, you can strike a Sungem off of a solid surface
ten pages with text or symbols. The ink and anything it is to shatter it and release a blinding flash. Target a Zone
used to scribe is only visible to creatures with the Witch- within Medium Range. All creatures within that Zone
Sight Talent. must make a DN 5:1 Body (Reflexes) Test or be Blinded
until the end of their next Turn. If a character is holding
SPELLBREAKER a Sungem and is disarmed or drops it onto a hard surface,
Strange pieces of ornate jewelry that are found in the the fragile gem breaks; target the Zone they are in and
laboratories and arcane sanctuaries of the Undercity, apply the Test above.
Spellbreakers come in numerous discrete forms — such as
necklaces, pendants, and wrist or ankle bands — but they
all share a distinctive chrome material that reflects no living
creature in its surface. Once worn by paranoid or cautious
Agloraxians, Spellbreakers have the ability to absorb and
consume rampant magical energies in case of emergency,
but centuries of neglect and mishandling has made them
an unreliable source of defence at the best of times.

Unless noted otherwise, the cost of each Undercity
UNDERCITY ARTEFACTS Artefact is equal to the value of the two rolls made to
generate it from the first table multiplied by 50D.
The great Agloraxian citadel that lies beneath the streets of
Brightspear holds an incalculable wealth of outlandish and Example: Vel the Knight Questor is searching through the
powerful artefacts for the taking. Many of these artefacts shelves at Goods by Gustav for anything that might catch
are brought to the surface through the sweat and blood of her eye. Her player rolls a 3 on the Undercity Artefact table
career adventurers and treasure hunters, only to end up in and discovers a ‘Strange Melee Weapon’, followed by a 6 to
the hands of merchants both sanctioned and otherwise. clarify that it is a ‘Greatsword made of turquoise glass’. The
total cost of the exotic weapon is ((3 + 6) × 50D = 450D).
There are a number of ways a party member can acquire
an Undercity Artefact for themselves. If you seek the
above-board acquisition of registered artefacts, Goods
by Gustav (Brightspear City Guide, page 16) often
stocks a number of artefacts for the discerning customer. Registered Artefacts
A standard Shopping Endeavour could offer you the
The reclamation and selling of Undercity Artefacts
artefact you seek. But if you are less concerned with the
is closely regulated in Brightspear to prevent
legality of the deal, certain smuggling rings throughout
especially dangerous or tainted artefacts from
Brightspear are known to trade in them as well (Shadow
making their way into the general populace. When
Dealings Endeavour, page 7) and the Domini University
generating Undercity Artefacts that are being sold
is rumoured to have a hidden stockpile that can be leased
through legitimate channels, the GM can choose
to trusted allies (Domini University Resources Endeavour,
to ignore the Previous Owner, Sinister Intelligence,
page 4). Finally, you can search the Undercity yourself,
and One of a Kind results to represent a ‘Registered
either during the course of an adventure or by taking the
Artefact’ and the extra scrutiny that it has gone
What Lies Beneath Endeavour (page 11).
through before reaching the markets. In addition,
if a character is carrying an artefact in public that
Whenever you need to generate an Undercity Artefact,
has any of these Eccentricities, they run the risk
whether through shopping, smuggling, or adventuring,
of having it confiscated by well-informed artefact
roll on the tables below. The first table generates its basic
experts or law enforcement.
form — whether it is a weapon, armour, or strange trinket
— while the second describes what makes the artefact The GM can choose to lower the price of
strange, unusual or powerful. unregistered artefacts, but these lower prices may
come at a high cost for the owner!



1 A Shimmering Gem of enrapturing beauty worth 100 × 1d6 Aqua Ghyranis.

An eccentric Arcane Focus. Roll 1d6 to determine its type.

A 1: A wand of obsidian coloured bone.

2 A 2–3: A staff topped with a glass eye that follows your gaze.
A 4–5: An hourglass filled with crimson sand that flows backwards.
A 6: A mask of liquid metal that exaggerates your expression when worn.

A strange Melee Weapon. Roll 1d6 to determine its type.

A 1: A Dagger in the shape of a sharp-finned fish.
3 A 2–3: A Spear made from deceptively light stone.
A 4–5: A Sword that is perpetually coated in a frosty rime.
A 6: A Greatsword made of turquoise glass that glows faintly from within.

A peculiar Ranged Weapon. Roll 1d6 to determine its type.

A 1: A Net of nearly invisible wire.
4 A 2–3: A Hand Crossbow coated in liquid shadows.
A 4–5: A Bow that makes no noise when fired.
A 6: A gem-lock Rifle made of transparent crystal that reveals its inner workings.

A Bizarre Grimoire that contains a single spell that can be cast by any character with the Spellcasting Talent. Roll 1d6 to
determine the spell it contains.

A 1: Steed of Tides
A 3: Dying Words
A 4: Prophecy
A 5: Stoke the Flames
A 5: Provenance
A 6: Mirrorpool

A suit of unusual armour. Roll 1d6 to determine its type.

A 1–2: A suit of Light Armour made from the hide of a colourful beast.
6 A 3–4: A suit of Medium Armour made from interlocking iridescent scales.
A 5: A Shield made from a strange metal that ripples when struck.
A 6: A suit of Heavy Armour constructed from rigid plates of mirror-polished metal.


Previous Owner: The artefact is haunted! Any time the artefact’s owner falls asleep, a Myrmourn Banshee
(Soulbound, page 332) emerges from the artefact and attacks with a Surprise Round. The Banshee attacks the artefact's
owner for 1d6 rounds before retreating back to the artefact and waiting for her next opportunity. Killing the Banshee, or
cleansing the artefact with a sphere of Aqua Ghyranis, exorcises the spirit.

Shifting Form: The artefact is ever changing, shifting from one form to another in time with the dance of Hysh and
3 Ulgu across the sky. At sunrise each day, roll again to determine the artefact’s type. In the case of the Shimmering Gem,
reroll its worth.

Arcane Armament: The artefact has an unusual or outlandish offensive ability. If the artefact is a weapon, roll 1d6 and
add the resulting Trait.
A 1–2: Reach
A 3: Penetrating
A 4: Restraining
A 5: Rend
A 6: The artefact allows the wielder to cast the Arcane Bolt spell as if they had a Mind (Channelling) of 4d6.
If the artefact is not a weapon, it always counts as if it rolled a 6 on the above table.

Magic Infused: The artefact is saturated with arcane power. If the artefact is a weapon or armour, it gains the Magical
6–8 Trait. If the artefact is a Grimoire, Arcane Focus, or Shimmering Gem, the wielder gains 1d6 on all Mind (Channelling)
Tests while holding it.

Agonising Aura: With a mental command, the artefact can emit a sensation of intense pain that presses against the
9–10 minds of those who view it. Whenever the artefact’s wielder makes an Intimidation Test, they can choose to utilise this
effect, gaining Greater Advantage on the Test at the cost of increasing Doom by 1.

Sinister Intelligence: The artefact contains the trapped soul of a long dead mage who delights in whispering arcane
11 secrets into the mind of its owner. While the artefact is in a character’s possession, they count as having the Forbidden
Knowledge Talent with a focus in Arcana.

One of a Kind: The artefact is truly outlandish, claiming multiple eccentricities. Roll twice on this table, rerolling any
results of One of a Kind, or duplicate results until the artefact has two unique eccentricities.

Artefacts in Adventures
The above tables allow a GM to generate a dizzying
array of varied and strange Undercity Artefacts
that can be used in any number of ways in your
adventures. Feel free to offer them as rewards for
completing optional goals, place them in the hands
of notable villains, or even build whole adventures
around them! The possibilities are endless.



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