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Digitally signed by IDS - #: BF97622C1C3CE2BAC56D899F

Reason: Client Digitally Signed File

11/08/2021 18:26:12

Loan Number: REA0000136117


Name of Originator: CMG MORTGAGE, INC. dba CMG FINANCIAL

Applicant(s): Melissa Marie Jones

Property Address: 6107 W 6th Manor

Palatka, FL 32177

Complete this form for each changed circumstance that results in re-disclosure and include it with the Loan Estimate or
Closing Disclosure in the closed loan file.

Date of Change: October 19, 2021

Date of Re-Disclosure: November 8, 2021

Changed Circumstance: Appraisal Reinpection Fee changed.

Detail of Change: Appraisal Reinspection Fee changed from $200.00 to $205.00.

1. Loan amount decreased from $162,993.00 to $160,347.00 per borrower.
2. FHA UFMIP changed from $2,803.32 to $2,757.82
3. Lender Credit changed from ($2,852.38) to ($2,806.07).

Melissa Marie Jones

{eSign.B1SigDate$1} {eSign.B2Sig$2} {eSign.B2SigDate$2}

Melissa Marie Jones Date Date

Changed Circumstance Detail Form Page 1 of 1 12/09

IDS, Inc. - 66128
Digitally signed by IDS - #: A00C1EEB02B9DE6FF4B37EFB
Reason: Client Digitally Signed File
11/08/2021 18:27:28
This form is a statement of final loan terms and closing costs. Compare this
Closing Disclosure document with your Loan Estimate.

Closing Information Transaction Information Loan Information

Date Issued {esign.Fill:CDDateIssued}
11/8/2021 Borrower Melissa Marie Jones Loan Term 30 years
Closing Date 11/10/2021 6107 W 6th Manor Purpose Purchase
Disbursement Date 11/10/2021 Palatka, FL 32177 Product Fixed Rate
Settlement Agent Gullett Title of Interlachen, Inc. Seller APRIL & ALLYSON INVESTMENTS LLC
File # I20260 134 Timber Lane Loan Type Conventional X FHA
Property 6107 W 6th Manor Palatka, FL 32177 VA
Palatka, FL 32177 Lender CMG MORTGAGE, INC. dba CMG FINANCIAL Loan ID # REA0000136117
Sale Price $166,000 MIC # 091-7363085-703

Loan Terms Can this amount increase after closing?

Loan Amount $160,347 NO
Interest Rate 4.375% NO
Monthly Principal & Interest $800.59 NO
See Projected Payments below for your
Estimated Total Monthly Payment
Does the loan have these features?
Prepayment Penalty NO
Balloon Payment NO
Projected Payments
Payment Calculation Years 1-30
Principal & Interest $800.59
Mortgage Insurance + 104.27
Estimated Escrow + 143.50
Amount can increase over time
Estimated Total
Monthly Payment $1,048.36
This estimate includes In escrow?
Estimated Taxes, Insurance X Property Taxes YES
& Assessments $143.50 X Homeowner's Insurance YES
Amount can increase over time a month Other:
See page 4 for details See Escrow Account on page 4 for details. You must pay for other property
costs separately.

Costs at Closing
Closing Costs $7,271.71 Includes $7,280.57 in Loan Costs + $2,797.21 in Other Costs –
$2,806.07 in Lender Credits. See page 2 for details.
Cash to Close – $1,629.47 Includes Closing Costs. See Calculating Cash to Close on page 3 for details.


IDS, Inc. - 67658
Closing Cost Details
Borrower-Paid Seller-Paid Paid by
Loan Costs At Closing Before Closing At Closing Before Closing Others
A. Origination Charges $1,794.00
01 % of Loan Amount (Points)
02 Admin Fee $1,294.00
03 Processing Fee $425.00
04 Tax Service Fee $75.00
B. Services Borrower Did Not Shop For $3,679.07
01 Appraisal Fee to eValuation Zone $650.00
02 Appraisal Reinspection Fee to eValuation Zone $205.00
03 Credit Report Fee to Credit Plus $66.25
04 Up-Front Mortgage Insurance Premium to HUD $2,757.82
C. Services Borrower Did Shop For $1,807.50
01 Title - Abstract or Title Search to Gullett Title of Interlachen, Inc. $358.00
02 Title - Document Preparation to Gullett Title of Interlachen, Inc. $175.00
03 Title - E-Filing Fee to GTI for Recording $60.00
04 Title - Electronic Doc Retrieval Fee to GTI For Forensis $37.50 $37.50
05 Title - Endorsement Fee to Westcor Land Title Insurance Company $138.00
06 Title - Fax/Copy/Storage Fee to Gullett Title of Interlachen, Inc. $175.00
07 Title - Lender's Title Insurance to Westcor Land Title Insurance Company $877.00
08 Title - Settlement/Closing Fee to Gullett Title of Interlachen, Inc. $575.00
09 Title - Wire Fee Closing Agents to Gullett Title of Interlachen, Inc. $120.00
D. TOTAL LOAN COSTS (Borrower-Paid) $7,280.57
Loan Costs Subtotals (A + B + C) $6,630.57 $650.00

Other Costs
E. Taxes and Other Government Fees $1,021.09
01 Recording Fees Deed: $27.00 Mortgage: $112.00 $139.00
02 City/County Deed Tax/Stamp Fee to Register of Deeds $561.40 $1,162.00
03 Transfer Tax - Miscellaneous to Register of Deeds $320.69
F. Prepaids $1,045.62
01 Homeowner's Insurance Premium (12 mo.) to Brightway Insurance $642.00
02 Mortgage Insurance Premium ( mo.)
03 Prepaid Interest ($19.22 per day from 11/10/2021 to 12/1/2021) $403.62
04 Property Taxes ( mo.)
G. Initial Escrow Payment at Closing $430.50
01 Homeowner's Insurance $53.50 per month for 4 mo. $214.00
02 Mortgage Insurance per month for mo.
03 Property Taxes $90.00 per month for 3 mo. $270.00
08 Aggregate Adjustment – $53.50
H. Other $300.00
01 Real Estate Agent Fee to Florida Homes Realty & Mortgage $300.00
02 Real Estate Commission - Buyer Agent to iHeart Realty, Inc $4,980.00
03 Real Estate Commission - Seller Agent to Florida Homes Realty & Mortgage $4,980.00
04 Title - Owner's Title Policy (optional) to Action Title Services of St. Johns County, Inc. $253.00
I. TOTAL OTHER COSTS (Borrower-Paid) $2,797.21
Other Costs Subtotals (E + F + G + H) $2,797.21

J. TOTAL CLOSING COSTS (Borrower-Paid) $7,271.71

Closing Costs Subtotals (D + I) $9,427.78 $650.00 $12,120.50
Lender Credits – $2,806.07


IDS, Inc. - 67658
Calculating Cash to Close Use this table to see what has changed from your Loan Estimate.
Loan Estimate Final Did this change?
Total Closing Costs (J) $8,768 $7,271.71 YES • See Total Loan Costs (D) and Total Other Costs (I)
Closing Costs Paid Before Closing $0 – $650.00 YES • You paid these Closing Costs before closing
Closing Costs Financed
(Paid from your Loan Amount) $0 $0 NO
Down Payment/Funds from Borrower $3,007 $5,653.00 YES • You increased this payment. See details in Section L
Deposit – $1,000 – $1,000.00 NO
Funds for Borrower $0 $0 NO
Seller Credits – $8,042 – $6,570.00 YES • See Seller-Paid column on page 2 and Seller Credits in Section L
Adjustments and Other Credits – $4,961 – $6,334.18 YES • See details in Section K and L
Cash to Close – $2,228 – $1,629.47

Summaries of Transactions Use this table to see a summary of your transaction.

K. Due from Borrower at Closing $172,657.03 M. Due to Seller at Closing
01 Sale Price of Property $166,000.00 01 Sale Price of Property
02 Sale Price of Any Personal Property Included in Sale 02 Sale Price of Any Personal Property Included in Sale
03 Closing Costs Paid at Closing (J) $6,621.71 03
04 04
Adjustments 05
05 06
06 07
07 08
Adjustments for Items Paid by Seller in Advance Adjustments for Items Paid by Seller in Advance
08 City/Town Taxes to 09 City/Town Taxes to
09 County Taxes 11/11/21 to 12/31/21 $35.32 10 County Taxes to
10 Assessments to 11 Assessments to
11 12
12 13
13 14
14 15
15 16
L. Paid Already by or on Behalf of Borrower at Closing $174,286.50 N. Due from Seller at Closing
01 Deposit $1,000.00 01 Excess Deposit
02 Loan Amount $160,347.00 02 Closing Costs Paid at Closing (J)
03 Existing Loan(s) Assumed or Taken Subject to 03 Existing Loan(s) Assumed or Taken Subject to
04 04 Payoff of First Mortgage Loan
05 Seller Credit $6,570.00 05 Payoff of Second Mortgage Loan
Other Credits 06
06 CBC Mortgage Agency 2nd Lien ($5,810) $5,704.50 07
07 08 Seller Credit
Adjustments 09
08 Owner's Title Premium Adjustment $665.00 10
09 11
10 12
11 13
Adjustments for Items Unpaid by Seller Adjustments for Items Unpaid by Seller
12 City/Town Taxes to 14 City/Town Taxes to
13 County Taxes to 15 County Taxes to
14 Assessments to 16 Assessments to
15 17
16 18
17 19
Total Due from Borrower at Closing (K) $172,657.03 Total Due to Seller at Closing (M)
Total Paid Already by or on Behalf of Borrower at Closing (L) – $174,286.50 Total Due from Seller at Closing (N)
Cash to Close From X To Borrower $1,629.47 Cash From To Seller


IDS, Inc. - 67658
Additional Information About This Loan
Loan Disclosures
Assumption Escrow Account
If you sell or transfer this property to another person, your lender For now, your loan
X will allow, under certain conditions, this person to assume this loan X will have an escrow account (also called an “impound” or “trust”
on the original terms. account) to pay the property costs listed below. Without an escrow
will not allow assumption of this loan on the original terms. account, you would pay them directly, possibly in one or two large
payments a year. Your lender may be liable for penalties and interest
Demand Feature
for failing to make a payment.
Your loan
has a demand feature, which permits your lender to require early Escrow
repayment of the loan. You should review your note for details. $2,973.24 Estimated total amount over year 1 for
X does not have a demand feature. Escrowed
your escrowed property costs:
Property Costs
Property Taxes
Late Payment over Year 1
Homeowner's Insurance
If your payment is more than 15 days late, your lender will charge a late Mortgage Insurance
fee of 4% of the overdue principal and interest payment. Non-Escrowed Estimated total amount over year 1 for
Property Costs your non-escrowed property costs:
over Year 1
Negative Amortization (Increase in Loan Amount)
Under your loan terms, you You may have other property costs.
are scheduled to make monthly payments that do not pay all of the Initial Escrow $430.50 A cushion for the escrow account you pay
interest due that month. As a result, your loan amount will increase Payment at closing. See Section G on page 2.
(negatively amortize), and your loan amount will likely become larger
Monthly Escrow $247.77 The amount included in your total monthly
than your original loan amount. Increases in your loan amount lower Payment payment.
the equity you have in this property.
may have monthly payments that do not pay all of the interest due will not have an escrow account because you declined it your
that month. If you do, your loan amount will increase (negatively lender does not offer one. You must directly pay your property costs,
amortize), and, as a result, your loan amount may become larger such as taxes and homeowner’s insurance. Contact your lender to
than your original loan amount. Increases in your loan amount lower
ask if your loan can have an escrow account.
the equity you have in this property.
X do not have a negative amortization feature. No Escrow
Partial Payments Estimated Estimated total amount over year 1. You
Property Costs must pay these costs directly, possibly in
Your lender over Year 1 one or two large payments a year.
may accept payments that are less than the full amount due (partial Escrow Waiver Fee
payments) and apply them to your loan.
may hold them in a separate account until you pay the rest of the In the future,
payment, and then apply the full payment to your loan. Your property costs may change and, as a result, your escrow payment
X does not accept any partial payments. may change. You may be able to cancel your escrow account, but if you
If this loan is sold, your new lender may have a different policy. do, you must pay your property costs directly. If you fail to pay your
Security Interest property taxes, your state or local government may (1) impose fines
You are granting a security interest in and penalties or (2) place a tax lien on this property. If you fail to pay
6107 W 6th Manor, Palatka, FL 32177 any of your property costs, your lender may (1) add the amounts to
your loan balance, (2) add an escrow account to your loan, or (3)
require you to pay for property insurance that the lender buys on your
You may lose this property if you do not make your payments or satisfy behalf, which likely would cost more and provide fewer benefits than
other obligations for this loan. what you could buy on your own.


IDS, Inc. - 67658
Loan Calculations Other Disclosures
Total of Payments. Total you will have paid after Appraisal
you make all payments of principal, interest, If the property was appraised for your loan, your lender is required to
mortgage insurance, and loan costs, as scheduled. $318,874.81 give you a copy at no additional cost at least 3 days before closing. If
you have not yet received it, please contact your lender at the
Finance Charge. The dollar amount the loan will information listed below.
cost you. $156,591.56
Contract Details
See your note and security instrument for information about
Amount Financed. The loan amount available after
• what happens if you fail to make your payments,
paying your upfront finance charge. $154,599.06
• what is a default on the loan,
• situations in which your lender can require early repayment of the
Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Your costs over the loan, and
loan term expressed as a rate. This is not your • the rules for making payments before they are due.
interest rate. 5.466%
Liability after Foreclosure
Total Interest Percentage (TIP). The total amount If your lender forecloses on this property and the foreclosure does not
of interest that you will pay over the loan term as a cover the amount of unpaid balance on this loan,
percentage of your loan amount. 79.994% X state law may protect you from liability for the unpaid balance. If you
refinance or take on any additional debt on this property, you may
lose this protection and have to pay any debt remaining even after
foreclosure. You may want to consult a lawyer for more information.
state law does not protect you from liability for the unpaid balance.
Questions? If you have questions about the loan Refinance
terms or costs on this form, use the contact Refinancing this loan will depend on your future financial situation, the
information below. To get more information or property value, and market conditions. You may not be able to
make a complaint, contact the Consumer refinance this loan.
Financial Protection Bureau at
Tax Deductions
If you borrow more than this property is worth, the interest on the loan
amount above this property’s fair market value is not deductible from
your federal income taxes. You should consult a tax advisor for more

Contact Information
Lender Mortgage Broker Real Estate Broker (B) Real Estate Broker (S) Settlement Agent
Name CMG MORTGAGE, INC. dba FLORIDA HOMES REALTY & IHeart realty Inc Gullett Title of Interlachen,
Address 7880 Gate Parkway Suite 9191 R G SKINNER PKWY 1519 St. John Ave 1121 State Road 20
102 #102 Palatka, FL 32177 Interlachen, FL 32148
Jacksonville, FL 32256 Jacksonville, FL 32256
NMLS ID 1820
FL License ID BK1032918 1054347 A106588
Contact Mel Francis Siebold LOU KIBBY John Jenkins Christie Marshall
Contact NMLS ID 288180
Contact SL3344279 SL3473173 W319588
FL License ID
Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Phone 800-501-2001 904-903-0277 386-972-0407 386-684-4944

Confirm Receipt
By signing, you are only confirming that you have received this form. You do not have to accept this loan because you have signed or
received this form.

Melissa Marie Jones {eSign.B1SigDate$1}
11/08/2021 {eSign.B2Sig$2} {eSign.B2SigDate$2}
Melissa Marie Jones Date Date
IDS, Inc. - 67658
Digitally signed by IDS - #: 08611CE913917B69EDD57893
Reason: Client Digitally Signed File
11/08/2021 18:28:18
Loan Number: REA0000136117

Lender: CMG MORTGAGE, INC. dba CMG FINANCIAL Date Prepared: November 8, 2021
3160 Crow Canyon Road, Suite 400
San Ramon, CA 94583
Mel Francis Siebold
Applicants: Melissa Marie Jones
Prepared By: CMG MORTGAGE, INC. dba CMG FINANCIAL Loan Program: FHA Fixed First

The information provided below reflects the charges disclosed on the Closing Disclosure. Please refer to the Closing Disclosure for a final
determination of the charges associated with the settlement of your loan.
Total Loan Amount $160,347.00 Interest Rate: 4.375% Term/Due In: 360/360
Admin Fee: CMG Mortgage, Inc. dba CMG Financial $ 1,294.00 Borrower X

Processing Fee: CMG Mortgage, Inc. dba CMG Financial $ 425.00 Borrower X

Tax Service Fee: CMG Mortgage, Inc. dba CMG Financial $ 75.00 Borrower X

Appraisal Fee: eValuation Zone $ 650.00 Borrower X

Appraisal Reinspection Fee: eValuation Zone $ 205.00 Borrower

Credit Report Fee: Credit Plus $ 66.25 Borrower

Up-Front Mortgage Insurance Premium: HUD $ 2,757.82 Borrower X X

Title - Abstract or Title Search: Gullett Title of Interlachen, Inc. $ 358.00 Seller

Title - Document Preparation: Gullett Title of Interlachen, Inc. $ 175.00 Seller

Title - E-Filing Fee: GTI for Recording $ 60.00 Borrower X

Title - Electronic Doc Retrieval Fee: GTI For Forensis $ 37.50 Borrower X
$ 37.50 Seller

Title - Endorsement Fee: Westcor Land Title Insurance Company $ 138.00 Borrower

Title - Fax/Copy/Storage Fee: Gullett Title of Interlachen, Inc. $ 175.00 Seller

Title - Lender's Title Insurance: Westcor Land Title Insurance Company $ 877.00 Borrower

Title - Settlement/Closing Fee: Gullett Title of Interlachen, Inc. $ 575.00 Borrower X

Title - Wire Fee Closing Agents: Gullett Title of Interlachen, Inc. $ 120.00 Borrower X

Recording Fee - Deed: Register of Deeds $ 27.00 Borrower

Recording Fee - Mortgage: Register of Deeds $ 112.00 Borrower

City/County Deed Tax/Stamp Fee: Register of Deeds $ 561.40 Borrower

$ 1,162.00 Seller

Transfer Tax - Miscellaneous: Register of Deeds $ 320.69 Borrower

Real Estate Agent Fee: Florida Homes Realty & Mortgage $ 300.00 Borrower

Real Estate Commission - Buyer Agent: iHeart Realty, Inc $ 4,980.00 Seller

Real Estate Commission - Seller Agent: Florida Homes Realty & Mortgage $ 4,980.00 Seller

Title - Owner's Title Policy (optional): Action Title Services of St. Johns County, Inc. $ 253.00 Seller


Fee Worksheet Page 1 of 2 2015

IDS, Inc. - 71275
Loan Number: REA0000136117
Hazard Insurance Premium: Brightway Insurance $ 642.00 Borrower
Prepaid Interest: 21 days at $19.22 / day $ 403.62 Borrower X


All Itemized Lender Credits Including items listed above
Credit for Interest Rate Chosen -$-2,806.07 Borrower


Hazard Insurance 4 months @ $53.50/ mth $ 214.00 Borrower

Mortgage Insurance 0 months @ $104.27/ mth $

County Property Tax 3 months @ $90.00/ mth $ 270.00 Borrower

Aggregate Adjustment 0 months @ $0.00/ mth $ -53.50 Borrower

THIS IS NOT A CLOSING DISCLOSURE. This "Fee Worksheet" is provided for information purposes ONLY.

Melissa Marie Jones

{eSign.B1SigDate$1} {eSign.B2Sig$2} {eSign.B2SigDate$2}

Melissa Marie Jones Date Date

Fee Worksheet Page 2 of 2 2015

IDS, Inc. - 71275
Digitally signed by IDS - #: 8E0D738806B811987A05A515
Reason: Client Digitally Signed File
11/08/2021 18:28:35
Loan Number: REA0000136117


Date: November 8, 2021

Borrower Name(s): Melissa Marie Jones

Property Address: 6107 W 6th Manor

Palatka, FL 32177


3160 Crow Canyon Road, Suite 400
San Ramon, CA 94583

This lock-in agreement is governed by Florida Statutes Annotated § 494.0069. The Lender agrees to accept the mortgage loan
application under the terms and conditions listed below. This is not a commitment. You will be notified as to whether or not the
mortgage loan application has been approved.

Loan Amount: $160,347.00
Loan Program: 3101 Chenoa: Chenoa Fund FHA 30YrFx Bond
Loan Type: FHA
Amortization Type: Fixed Rate
Lien Priority: First
Loan Purpose: Purchase
Interest Rate: 4.375%
Term: 360 months
Balloon Term: N/A months
Interest Only Term: N/A months
Lock-in Fee: $N/A
This Lock-in Agreement is X is not conditioned on the remittance of the Lock-In Fee.
Commitment Fee: $N/A
Lock Date: October 19, 2021
Lock-in Expiration Date: December 3, 2021
Lock Days (#): 45
Origination Fee: $0.00 (0.000%)
Discount Points: $0.00 (0.000%)
Index Type: N/A
Index: N/A%
Margin: N/A%
Maximum Possible
Interest Rate: N/A%
Date of First Rate

Florida Lock-in Agreement Page 1 of 2

IDS, Inc. - 27724
Loan Number: REA0000136117

Adjustment: N/A
I understand the Lock-In Fee is not refundable except under the following conditions:
1) The commitment is contingent upon approval by parties to whom the lender seeks to sell the loan.
2) The loan purchaser's requirements are not met due to circumstances beyond the borrower's control.
3) The borrower is willing but unable to comply with the loan purchaser's requirements.
4) If a lock-in agreement has been executed and the loan does not close before the expiration date of the lock-in agreement through
no substantial fault of the borrower, the borrower may withdraw the application or reject or terminate any commitment,
whereupon the mortgage lender shall promptly refund to the borrower any lock-in fee and any commitment fee paid by the
Florida law requires that the lender make a good faith effort to process the mortgage loan application and stand ready to fulfill the terms
of its lock-in agreement before the expiration date of the lock in agreement or any extension thereof.
Any lock-in agreement received by the lender by mail or through a broker must be signed by the lender in order to become effective.
The borrower my rescind any lock-in agreement until a written confirmation of this agreement has been signed by the lender and mailed
to the borrower or to the brokerage business pursuant to its contractual relationship with the borrower. If a borrower elects to so rescind,
the lender must promptly refund any lock-in fee paid.
If the loan does not close before the expiration date of the lock-in agreement through no substantial fault of the borrower, the borrower
may withdraw the application, whereupon the lender must promptly refund to the borrower any lock in fee paid by the borrower.
This lock-In agreement will expire on December 3, 2021. If this mortgage loan does not close, for any reason, within the lock-in period,
the lender is no longer obligated to the terms of this lock-in agreement.
Lender expects that, barring a problem with your application (such as credit problems, title flaws, or incomplete information) the loan, if
approved, will be able to close within the lock-in period. You can help prevent delays by responding promptly to information requests
and ensuring that your employers, creditors, and financial institutions promptly answer our information requests as well. Any event
which is caused by those sources, by you or a third party retained by you (such as your title attorney, or builder, as applicable), which
delays closing beyond the lock-in period WILL RESULT IN A HIGHER RATE OR MORE POINTS BEING CHARGED ON

I/We understand and agree to the terms contained in this lock-in agreement and acknowledge receipt of a copy of this agreement.

Melissa Marie Jones

{eSign.B1SigDate$1} {eSign.B2Sig$2} {eSign.B2SigDate$2}

Melissa Marie Jones Date Date

Mel Francis Siebold

Lender Representative Date

Florida Lock-in Agreement Page 2 of 2

IDS, Inc. - 27724
Digitally signed by IDS - #: 9E4B0EA643FD33C58D692A0D
Reason: Signed by IDS Fulfillment System
Location: IDS eConsent System
11/08/2021 18:24:57

Electronic Disclosure and Consent Agreement

Loan Number: REA0000136117
Signer: Melissa Marie Jones

You may choose to receive documents electronically instead of in paper form by affirmatively consenting to this Electronic Disclosure and
Electronic Signature Consent Agreement ("Agreement"). This Agreement applies to all documents and/or notices we provide to you in electronic
form and includes disclosures, contracts, forms, documents, records, notices, and any other information associated with and/or relating to your
application and the lending transaction associated with your loan ("Disclosures"). By signing this agreement, you also consent to receive email
and/or text messages notifying you that documents are ready to sign and/or have been completed. After reading the information below, please
confirm your agreement by clicking the link at the bottom of this document.

1. DEFINITIONS. "You" and "Your" refer to the signer of the documents, including anyone on whose behalf the signer is acting including but not
limited to individuals, corporations, and trusts. "We", "us" and "our" refer to CMG MORTGAGE, INC. dba CMG FINANCIAL, including its affiliates and
assigns, who receive or is receiving the credit application.

2. ACCESS AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. To view and access the Disclosures, you must have access to a computer or other device that has the
following hardware and software minimum requirements:
a. An operating system capable of accessing the internet and downloading HTML, ASPX and/or PDF files, e.g., Microsoft Windows or Mac OS
b. Not less than one version previous to the current available version for your preferred web browser (must support 128-bit encryption);
c. An active email account;
d. Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher (free download at;
e. Computer or device storage to retain the Disclosures electronically or a printer to retain paper copies.

3. ACTIVE EMAIL ACCOUNT. You are required to maintain an active email account. Please notify us if your email address changes.

4. PAPER COPIES. We recommend that you print each electronic record for your files; however, at your request to, we will provide you with a
paper copy of any electronic record at no cost. If you would like to request a paper copy of your documents, please contact your mortgage loan
officer and/or mortgage loan broker.

5. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES ON DOCUMENTS. You agree to the use of electronic signatures on the Disclosures and understand that your
electronic signature on the Disclosures has the same effect as if you signed them in ink.

6. WITHDRAWING CONSENT. You have the right to withdraw consent and to require that we provide your Disclosures in paper form. To do this,
access this page again by clicking on the link in the email you received, click on the “Electronic Consent” link at the top of the page, scroll down to
the bottom, and click the “Withdraw Consent” link. After such withdrawal, we will continue processing your loan in a non-electronic manner at no
additional charge to you. If you decide to withdraw consent, Disclosures previously provided to you and any electronic signatures you previously
made shall remain valid, enforceable, and sufficient for their intended purpose and are unaffected by the subsequent withdrawal of your consent.
Further, in the event you decide to withdraw your consent, you may not have the option to later receive your Disclosures electronically. Please
note that by withdrawing consent, you may delay the transaction and you may have to communicate with us by telephone, mail, or in-person.

7. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to discontinue providing Disclosures electronically and send paper
Disclosures at no cost to you.

8. INDEMNIFICATION. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless CMG MORTGAGE, INC. dba CMG FINANCIAL and/or its subsidiaries, principals,
agents, employees, or assigns against all claims, demands, proceedings, suits and actions and all liabilities, losses, expenses and costs, including
attorneys’ fees and expenses, resulting from your failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement, including, without limitation, your failure to
keep CMG MORTGAGE, INC. dba CMG FINANCIAL and/or its subsidiaries or assigns informed of your correct email address, or resulting from your
negligent use of the electronic Disclosure and e-signature process.

9. NOTICE OF AND CONSENT TO INFORMATION COLLECTION. You agree to the recording, collecting, and storage of your IP address for purposes
of identity verification and fraud prevention. Your information will be stored in conformity with Privacy Policies of CMG MORTGAGE, INC. dba CMG
FINANCIAL and will not be sold or shared except as provided therein.

10. VERIFICATION AND CONSENT. By clicking the link at the bottom of this document, you consent to receive certain notices and Disclosures in
connection with your mortgage loan application and any other documents or notices that we may provide to you in electronic form and
acknowledge the following:
a. You have read this Agreement and you understand and agree with its terms and conditions;
b. You confirm that your hardware and software meets the access and system requirements above and affirmatively acknowledge that you
have the ability to access, download, and print electronic records;
c. You confirm that you have provided your current email address and will continue to provide a current email address where you may receive
Disclosures electronically;
d. You consent to CMG MORTGAGE, INC. dba CMG FINANCIAL and their assigns and vendor(s) collecting and retaining your IP address for
record keeping and verification purposes; and
e. You agree to the use of electronic signatures on the Disclosures as indicated above.

Melissa Marie Jones 11/08/2021 6:24 PM MT

Melissa Marie Jones

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