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QP Code: 31567

fTime: 3 Hours l

N.B. 1. All questions are compulsory

2. Figures to the right indicate full marks

1. (A) Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below (ANY TEN) (10)
(i) media scheduling strategy is suitable for a brand of shampoo.
a) Bursting b) Seasonal c) Steady advertising d) None ofthese
(ii) medium has greatest flexibility in terms of modifying advertisements.
a) Film b) Magazine c) Television d) Outdoor
(iii) method affixing advertising budget is suitable for small firms.
a) Percentage of sales b) Competitive parity
c) All you can afford method d) All of these
(iv) Out-of- home advertising is suitable to achieve-- - .,...
a) Global reach b) National reach c) Local reach d) Regional reach
(v) is a step in media planning.
a) Media scheduling b) Media clutter
c) Deciding the theme d) Deciding the creative pitch
(vi) is essential for the creative process in advertising.
a) Media research b) Colour combinations c) Ideas d) Communication
(vii) Visualization is a mental process in which the creative team is led by the _
a) Cameraman b) Accounts Manager c) Art director d) Media Director
(viii) 'Dimag Ki Batti Jala De ' slogan is used for brand.
a) Mentos b) Colgate c) Flipkart d) All ofthese
(ix) A woman buying her wedding sari is an example of Product.
a) Low involvement b) High involvement
c) Casual involvement d) All ofthese
(x) 'Unique Selling Proposition' involves _
a) one selling idea b) several selling ideas
c) two selling ideas d) all of these
(xi) is a catchy element of an advertisement that helps consumers' remember the
a) Slogan b) Headline c) Caption d) Body copy
(xii) type of copy is used by Cadbury's "Kuch Meetha Ho Jaye" campaign.
a) Educational b) Humorous c) Soft Sell d) Hard Sell

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2 QP Code: 31567

(B) State whether the following statements are True OR False: (ANY TEN) (10)
a) Magazines as a medium allow more selectivity of target market.
b) Radio as a medium has the advantage of grabbing attention while the consumer is
engaged in other activities.
c) Television is more interactive than the print media
d) DAGMAR model regulates advertising
e) A Selling Point is a quality or feature that can create disinterest in a product or service.
f) The products which are available near the check-out counter in a mall are called high
involvement products.
g) Divergent thinking is helpful for Visualisation.
h) Recent Five Star chocolate advertisements are an example of humour appeal.
i) Story boards are used for creating an advertisement on You Tube.
j) Photographs are more believable in 'before and after advertisements'.
k) Descriptive copy is suitable for financial product advertisements.
1) All advertising campaigns need to be tested.

2. Answer ANY TWO of the following: (15)

a) Explain the limitations ofPrint advertising.
b) Discuss the advantages of internet advertising.
c) Write in brief about the Doordarshan Code for advertisers.

3. Answer ANY TWO of the following: (15)

a) What are the steps while planning the advertising campaign?
b) Discuss briefly the factors affecting an advertising budget.
c) 'There are several aspects to be eonsidered while selecting media for advertising.' Discuss

4. Answer ANY TWO of the following: (15)

a) Elaborate on the concept of Creative Brief in advertising with the help of any one practical
b) Describe the various types of buying motives.
c) Explain the various limitations of celebrity endorsements in advertising.

5. Answer ANY TWO of the following: (15)

a) Discuss briefly the importance of jingles and music used in advertising
b) What are the principles of effective layout in print advertisements?
c) Examine the different methods of pre-testing advertising.

6. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: (20)

a) Media objectives
b) Media scheduling strategies
c) DAGMAR model
d) Appeals
e) Any 6 elements of copy
f) Any 5 types of execution styles used in advertising.


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