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To: Commissioner of National Registration and/or Controller of Immigration

Section A: Particulars of the Minor and Request for Change in Name

Child’s/Ward’s Child’s/Ward’s
original name amended name

Child’s/Ward’s Child’s/Ward’s
original ethnic amended ethnic
name name

Child’s/Ward’s IC number: __________________________

Section B: Applicant’s Particulars and Contact Details

Parent’s/Guardian’s name: _____________________________________________

Parent’s/Guardian’s IC number: _________________________________

Parent’s/Guardian’s contact number: ____________________________

Section C: Declarations to Commissioner of National Registration (for changes to

NRIC) and/or Controller of Immigration (for changes to passport)

A. I declare that I am the…

(select one)

☐ Father of the above-listed minor

☐ Mother of the above-listed minor
☐ Legal guardian of the above-listed minor

B. I declare that…
(select one)

☐ I am the sole parent/ legal guardian to the above-listed minor.

☐ The above-listed minor has another parent/ legal guardian(s), and (select one)

☐ the other parent/ legal guardian(s) is aware of this application and has
consented to change the minor’s particulars as requested at Section A.

☐ I have an Order of Court which empowers me to change the minor’s

particulars unilaterally.
☐ the other parent/ legal guardian(s) is no longer alive and has not
appointed any legal guardian in respect of the above-listed minor.

Name of other parent/ legal guardian(s):


ID No. of other parent/ legal guardian(s):


*Delete as necessary

I affirm that the minor has no other parent/ legal guardian(s) other than the above named.
For the avoidance of doubt, “legal guardian” includes any testamentary guardian
(appointed pursuant to s7 of the Guardianship of Infants Act) and any person who has
been appointed by a court as such, or has been granted custody of the minor under an
Order of Court.

I declare that all information submitted in this application is true, accurate and complete
to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that, if I have concealed relevant
information or provided false, inaccurate or misleading information, I may be prosecuted
for offences under the Immigration Act, Passports Act, and/or Penal Code. Any facilities,
rights or privileges granted under this application may also be withdrawn.

________________________ ______________
Signature of Declarant Date

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