Healthy Salads

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Healthy Salads

At the end of this lesson you are expected to know the following:

1. Types of Salads
2. Nutrients Found in Salads
3. Appropriate Salad Dressings
What comes first
in your mind
when you hear
the word SALAD?
What is your
favorite salad

•A mixture of one or
more ingredients,
including not only
leafy greens but also
vegetables, meat, fish,
fruits, nuts and grains.
The basis for the word
salad is 'sal', meaning salt.
This was chosen because
in ancient times, salt was
often an ingredient in the
"According to history,
the key ingredient of
salad, and the reason
for its getting its name,
is the dressing.
The Romans were
enthusiastic eaters of salads,
many of them differing hardly
at all from present-day ones--
a simple selection of raw
vegetables...--and they
always used a dressing of
some sort: oil, vinegar, and
often brine.
And hence the name
salad, which comes
from Vulgar Latin
Herba salata, literally
'salted herb'." 
So, why do we
call it Salad?
When preparing salad, the
first question to ask is…

What role will the

salad play in the meal?
ØMain Dish
ØAccompaniment Salad
ØDessert Salad
Types of Salads
Appetizer Salad
üSmall conservative salad – crisp
greens, one or two additional
veg. or fruit
üServe before the main course to
stimulate the appetite
üKeep the servings small
üWhere is the salad fork place?
Appetizer Salad:
Often eaten as an appetizer;
if eaten as a main dish, it is
usually accompanied by side
dishes that complement its
flavors, such as sweet potato,
lettuce, etc.
Main Dish Salad
üLarge salad with lots of greens.
üM u s t c o n t a i n 4 o f t h e 6
üM u s t b e s u b s t a n t i a l a n d
üMay include: meat, fish, egg,
poultry, vegetables, fruit, or
combination of fruit and cheese.
üThis is served in meal-sized
portions and often serve hot.
Chef’s Salad Chicken Caesar Salad

Accompaniment Salad
üServed with the main course.
üVary in size depending on the
main dish.
üMaybe served on the main dish
plate or salad plate.
üCould be a fruit, pasta, or green
üShould contrast pleasantly with
meal in color, flavor and texture.
Cole Slaw
Accompaniment Salad:

3 Bean Salad
Dessert Salad
Dessert – sweetened,
molded, or frozen made of
fruit, gelatin, or fruit
üW h i p p e d c r e a m i s
usually added to the
ü Served after the meal.
Dessert Salad
Can you identify
what type of salad
are the following?
Main Dish

(Grilled chicken Salad with

Buttermilk Ranch

(Classic Potato Salad)


(Fruit Salad with


(Crab Salad Appetizer)

What nutrients
found in Salads?
Nutrients in a Salad
Ø Minerals and vitamins.
Ø Both have many functions:
- Vitamins necessary for body
functions and good health
- Minerals for structure, body
fluid regulation.
Ø Both provided by the fresh fruits
and vegetables found in many
q #1 Rule – Do not put the
dressing or salt in salad until
just before serving.

q Place on a chilled plate or dish

at least 5 hours before serving.

q Prepare salad
dressing 2 to 3 hours
and chill.
qAssemble just before

q Choose fresh and good

quality produce.
Fun Facts
True or False

If salad ingredients are not

washed and dried properly
they may dilute the dressing.

And nobody likes a watery
Salad Dressing

A salad dressing is a
sauce for salads.
Salad Dressing
Dressing are used to :
ü Add flavor
ü Enhance color and
ü Enhance the
nutritional value
/increase caloric value
A. Vinaigrette - mixture of
vegetable oil, vinegar, and

Formula = (3 parts oil

to 1 part acid)
1/3 cup Olive Oil
2 T white wine vinegar
1 tsp Dijon mustard
B. Mayonnaise - a thick,
creamy dressing that is an
emulsion of oil, vinegar, egg
yolk and seasoning.
C. Mayonnaise Based - Base of the
dressing is mayonnaise and seasoning
added for thicker consistency.
1.Ranch – is an American salad dressing
usually made from buttermilk, salt, garlic,
onion, mustard, herbs, and spices mixed
into a sauce based on mayonnaise or
another oil emulsion.
2.Blue Cheese – It is usually made
of some combination of blue cheese,
m ayo n n ai se, an d b u t t e r m i l k , s o u r
cream or yogurt, milk, vinegar, onion
powder, and garlic powder.
3. Tomatillo (Café Rio)
Dressing – small tomatoes
and mayonnaise
4. Thousand Island - mayonnaise,
tomato sauce, chopped gherkins,
onions and spices
What dressings should
be used for which salad ?

(The dressing should
complement the other
flavors in the salad.)
Your siblings and you are planning a
surprise for your mother's birthday next
week. You'll also be cooking for her as part
of the plan. However, you're having
difficulties deciding what meals you'll
prepare and cook for her since eating meat
meals is not recommended due to her age.

What dish would you prepare if you were the

one to make the decision? Why?
Luscious looking salads are
fun to create and a delight to
eat. Watch your meals take
on a new sparkle when you
serve salads. They are always
so colorful and gay looking.
You can use raw foods, simple
foods and even leftovers to
make them.

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