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Cardiovascular Disease

• CVD has been the leading cause of death in the

• CVD now accounts for nearly 30% of deaths
• CVD kills almost as many people yearly as the
next seven causes of death combined.
• For the last 10 years, CVD has been the leading
cause of death in Malaysia
Prevalence of Hypt in Malaysia
• ≥30 years old has increased from 32.9% in 1996
to 40.5% in 2004.
• Prevalence > in males than females
• Treatment, control and prevention is low
NHMS 2015
• Overall % = 30.3% (done among 16,017 adults in
• Rises with age (highest at 75.4% among 74-75
yrs old)
• Rural (33.5%) higher than Urban (29.3%)
• Persistently high arterial blood pressure, defined
as systolic blood pressure above 140 mm Hg
and/or diastolic blood pressure above 90 mm

• Hypertension is an independent risk factor for

both CHD and stroke

• Hypertension frequently coexists with other

cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity,
dyslipidemia, insulin resistance ,and glucose
Classification Pressure for Adults Ages
18 Years and Older of Blood
Risk Factors for Developing

• Aging
• Genetics (Family history)
• Obesity
• Ethnicity – African American, South Asians
• Salt intake
• High alcohol consumption
Treatment of Hypertension
• Diet and lifestyle changes should be the first
line of therapy for hypertension. (JNC 7 report,

• Medication : Beta-Blockers, ACE inhibitors –

interferes with conversion of angiotensin I to II,
Diuretics – blood volume
Lifestyle modification
• Works within 14 days
• Lowers BP quite well
• Includes more potassium, calcium,
other nutrients

• Pattern
—7-8 whole grains
—4-5 vegetables
—4-5 fruits
—2-3 low-fat or fat-free dairy products
—6 oz or less meat/poultry/fish
—4-5 servings nuts, beans, or legumes/week
—2-3 servings fat (total kcal = 27% fat)
Salt Content & Substitutes
• Composition: KCl, CaCl, Al-Cl
• KCl can provide extra potassium for those taking
• KCl can be harmful if patient has renal insufficiency
• “Lite” salt contains sodium
• Some spices and herbs are low in sodium
• Foods that contribute the most sodium to the diet
are canned, smoked, and processed foods, including
frozen and prepared dinners, deli meats, and fast
Reduction of Sodium
• Avoid fast foods
• High sodium = pickled, cured, soy sauce, broth
• Fresh, unprocessed foods
• Avoid snack foods, processed meat, processed
fish, tomato based products, canned soups,
cheese, bakery products, sauces
• Use more spices and herbs
Lifestyle Modifications for Prevention
of Hypertension
Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis
• Etiology - risk factors; additive effect
▫ Family history
▫ Age and sex
▫ Obesity
▫ Dyslipidemia
▫ Hypertension
• Etiology - risk factors cont.
▫ Physical inactivity
▫ Atherogenic diet (↑ SF, ↓ fiber)
▫ Diabetes mellitus
▫ Impaired fasting glucose/ metabolic syndrome
▫ Cigarette smoke
Blood lipid levels
Easy memory tips:
• Pathophysiology
▫ Inflammatory response
▫ Injury to endothelial lining
▫ Attracts platelets
▫ Form small clots – thrombi
▫ Continued migration of cells to the area
▫ Proliferation of the plaque
• Nutrition Therapy
▫ Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) developed
as component of ATP-III
 Modifications in fat, cholesterol
 Rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, fiber (↓ LDL)
 Limit sodium to 2400 mg
 Include plant stanols - natural components of
plants which compete with dietary and biliary
cholesterol for absorption in the intestinal
lumen. Recommendation: 2g/day to significantly
reduce LDL levels.
• Nutrition Therapy - Fat Modifications

▫ Total fat 25-35% of calories

▫ Very-low-fat diets
▫ Saturated fat < 7% of calories
▫ Avoid trans fats
▫ Increase intake of monounsaturated fats &
Polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids
▫ Increase intake of omega-3 essential fatty acids
▫ Limit dietary cholesterol < 200 mg daily
Management of CVD diseases is optimal with
changes in the diet and lifestyle habits.

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