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Open economy: interact freely with other economies

 Buy and sell: + Goods and Services
+ Stocks and Bonds
I. The international flows of Goods and Capital
1. The flow of Goods
- Trade balance:
Net exports = Value of export – value of imports
 Trade surplus: NX >0
 Trade deficit: NX <0
 Balanced trade: NX=0
- Factors influence NX:
+ Consumers’ preferences for foreign and domestic good
+ Prices of goods at home and abroad
+ Exchange rate
+ Income of consumer
+ Transportation cost
+ GO policies
Active learning 1:
What do you think would happen to U.S. net exports if:
A. Canada experiences a recession (falling incomes, rising unemployment)
B. U.S. consumers decide to be patriotic and
buy more products “Made in the U.S.A.”
C. Prices of goods produced in Mexico rise faster than prices of goods produced in
the U.S.
D. US currency appreciates.
 Solve:
A. U.S. net exports would fall due to a fall in Canadian consumers’ purchases of
U.S. exports
B. U.S. net exports would rise due to a fall in imports
C. This makes U.S. goods more attractive relative to Mexico’s goods. Exports to
Mexico increase, imports from Mexico decrease, so U.S. net exports increase
D. This makes U.S. goods less attractive because foreign consumers have to pay
more. US exports decrease, so U.S. net exports decrease
2. The flow of Financial Resources
- Net capital outflow, NCO:
NCO = purchase of foreign assets by domestic residents – purchase of
domestic asset by foreigners
 NCO >0: capital outflow
 NCO <0: capital inflow
•When Toyota corporation in Japan invest to build a new factory in
India  the investment raise Japan’s NCO.
•When a V.N. resident buys stock of Tesla in US,  the purchase raises
•When a Japanese residents buys a bond issued by the U.S. government,
 the purchase reduces the U.S. NCO
- Factors influences NCO:
+ Real interest paid on foreign asset
+ Real interest paid on domestic assets
+ Perceived risks of holding foreign asset
+ GO policies affecting foreign ownership of domestic asset
3. The equality of NX and NCO
An accounting identity:
 Every transactions that affect NX also affect NCO by the same amount (vice
+ When a foreigner purchase a good from the U.S
→ U.S export ↑ so NX ↑. The foreigner pays with currency or assets, so the U.S acquires
some foreign asset, causing NCO ↑
+ When a U.S citizen buys foreign goods
→ U.S imports ↑ so NX ↓. The U.S buyer pays with U.S dollar or assets, so other country
acquires U.S asset, causing U.S NCO ↓
4. Saving and Investment
Recall: National saving: S = Y – C – G *
In open economy: Y = C + I + G + NX
 Y – C – G = I = NX
From *, we have National Saving: S = I + NX = I + NCO
 After all, National Saving in open economy is : S = I + NX
= I + NCO

II. Real and Nominal exchange rate

1. Nominal exchange rate
- Rate at which one country’s currency trades for another
- We express all exchange rates as foreign currency per unit of domestic
- Appreciation: an increase in the value of a currency as measured by the
amount of foreign currency it can buy
- Depreciation: a decrease in the value of a currency measured by the
amount of foreign currency it can buy
2. Real exchange rate
- The rate at which the G&S of one country trade for the G&S of another

Active learning 2:
e = 23,500 VND per $
price of a tall Starbucks Latte:
• P = $3 in U.S.,
• P* = 60,000 VND in Vietnam
A. What is the price of a U.S. latte measured in VND?
B. Calculate the real exchange rate, measured as VN lattes per U.S. latte.
 Solve:
A. e x P = (23,500 VND per $) x (3 $ per U.S. latte)
= 70,500 VND per U.S. latte
B. e x P / P* = 70,500 VND per U.S. latte / 60,000 VND per VN latte = 1.175 VN
lattes per U.S. latte
III. Purchasing Power Parity, PPP
- Law of one price: a good should sell fro the same price in all markets
- State: theory of exchange rates that a unit of any given currency should
be able to buy the same quantity of goods in all countries
- Implications of PPP:
+ If purchasing power of the dollar is always the same at home and
abroad → real exchange rate cannot change
+ Theory of PPP:
 Nominal exchange rate between the currencies of 2 countries must
reflect the price levels in those countries
 Nominal exchange rates change when price levels change
 When a central bank in any country increase the money supply
 Cause price level to rise
 Country’s currency depreciate
- Limitations of PPP:
 Many goods are not easily traded
 Even tradable goods are not always perfect substitutes

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