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Review of the Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literatures and studies both from local and
foreign origins, which are summarized and synthesized to help in understanding the
relation to the study. This chapter also includes synthesis of the state of the art, gap
bridge of the study, theoretical and conceptual frameworks and paradigms.

Foreign Literature

According to Philip H. Wine. (2010) How Software Technologies Can Improve

Research on Learning and Bolster School Reform, in an article he wrote states that
software technologies can serve research and contribute to learning as it requires thinking
about it differently. The article describes a software system, gStudy, that is designed to
address challenges by gathering data that better support theorizing about the processes of
learning and self-regulated learning.1

For educators, it remains a challenge to create effective learning environment with

technology, even with their push to integrate technology into their classrooms. The
reason being that many struggles to find consistent success with technology-based
instruction.2 The likelihood of success with technology integration in education can be
achieved through instructional innovations that can help teachers identify potential
barriers that can hinder their technology integration efforts.

In an outdoor setting, information can be shown through labels and signs like
those seen in parks and museums. It can be a way of learning through observation and
reading. In Taiwan, QR codes are used for the implementation of mobile learning in
outdoor education.3 They basically put QR codes in a certain area where in when
scanned, it can give out information about the area, making it more accessible to tourists
and to locals that are curious.

Mobile learning is gaining its popularity as it is accepted to be an effective

technique of providing lessons and acquiring academical knowledge as its main strengths
are anytime and anyplace.4 Not to mention that providing mobile education utilization is a
million dollar industry, with websites like SkillShare charging learners monthly in
providing third-party courses from guaranteed educators, mostly through a series of

These days, with the advancement of technologies like telecommunication,

learning is no longer confined to classrooms. According to an article written by Nadire
Cavus, Mohammad MusaAl-Momani (2011) Mobile system for flexible education, M-
learning can be a learning method that solely uses a mobile gadget. M-learning or Mobile
Learning is a kind of learning with mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops, and
other smart devices that can be connected to the internet. 5 When technology is integrated
into lessons, students are expected to be more interested in the subjects they are studying.
Technology provides different opportunities to make learning more fun and enjoyable in
terms of teaching same things in new ways. For instance, delivering teaching through
gamification, taking students on virtual field trips and using other online learning
resources. What is more, technology can encourage a more active participation in the
learning process which can be hard to achieve through a traditional lecture environment.

Local Literature

This local literature signifies the development of an application whether it is

beneficial to students, teacher, school administration and parents in terms of school
related content. This local literature may serve as a guide to the people to be aware in the
usage of an application whether it is useful or not.

According to Cecilia Junio Sabio, says that technologies become affordable,

sustainable and portable, they have become kinds of a personal ecosystem to students or
people and they bring unprecedented educational opportunities to student of all socio
economic levels. This explores the potential use of technology in selected public senior
high school in the Philippines. Around 152 students from a couple of schools have been
using technology in academic learning. It was found majority that students have some
technology from a variety of learning activities which they are using educational
applications for various kind of studies. However, in the city of Manila overall, the
findings indicate that technological devices have shown potential to be adopted in
existing public senior high schools especially in using applications in terms of their

The usage of technology gives enlightenment to all students to solve their

problems in their different studies. Because of the highly developed technologies,
applications has been developed which can be used in many aspects. It may be used in
some activities and it is very helpful especially among the students. Technology is not
about taking some selfies or picture but also in some important matters in life. There are
so many applications we have been using like searching, blogging, communicating,
weather update, news and etc, it may also use in solving mathematical problems which
students are having hard time in solving.

According to Yoly Crisanto, the access to basic education is a fundamental right

of a person and when technology are integrated into the education system, it will enable
the young people to complete globally in the digital environment of today. As we are
facing this new generation which is full of high technologies, we are experiencing and
exploring more through the widespread of technologies which applications has been
introduced to us. If we apply technology to learnings, we are giving a chance to among
students, teachers, school administration and other school stuff in using technologies as
part of education to enhance more and improve today’s generation.7

Technologies are developed in this new generation which people are mostly using
in terms of many different activities. It may be school related content, in works or other
uses which can help us to solve complex problem and turn into easiest way. As we are
using technology, we are deeper exploring the use of technology and as we explore,
applications are introduced in each of one of us which enhances and improves our
educational attainment.

According to the article released by Arangkada Philippines in a broadband policy

brief, last year’s almost 80 percent of public schools in the Philippines still do not have
internet access. Technologies must become mandatory for teacher licensure and in
service ICT training for educators must be continuously improved. The DepEd’s 5
stragic plan acknowledges that the education system as a whole lacks the infrastructure
for connectivity and access to technologies but through shared connectivity and
innovative teaching methods and in educational purposes. Aside from improving current
policies, the Deped sees the private sector as an important partner in these strategies.
When an individual gains sufficient knowledge and skills, he or she can make life better
and this is with the use of technology in part of education. Education is the gateway to
address all other development issues including equality, environmental preservation and
modernization with the use of technological devices if we apply this as part of education.8

If we apply technology as part in education, we can see that there is a great impact
among students, not only to students but also to other people who are using technology in
their daily life activities. Technology may be very helpful in terms in educational
purposes because it enhances our skills, our knowledge and makes us advanced with the
help of technology to us. Education is very important to us and no one can take that
away, if we put or apply technologies we are learning more and deeper our learning

Local Studies

In the paper written by Virgilio U. Manzano, the director of model and

information and technology classroom at the University of the Philippines and a
coordinator at the associated schools public network, the implementation of 2002 basic
education curriculum in Philippines of the Department of Education, the need to use e-
learning in the classroom is important since the integration of subject areas are
emphasized. It was stated in the paper that according to the president Gloria-Macapagal
Arroyo of the Philippines, she envisions every child in the country to acquire quality
education and that every classroom has a computer. 9 The use of e-learning in the
Philippines includes allowing interactivity between lesson and the learner anytime and
anywhere. The cost-effectiveness can be seen on it since the reproduction and distribution
of learning materials is inexpensive compared to the typical learning materials.10

Schools throughout the Philippines now provide a certain standard in

implementing Information Communication Technology (ICT) Curriculum to K-12. With
its rapid development, educators should find ways to integrate technology in the learning
process. Further development of implementing ICT is found through a study conducted
by Armin L. Bonifacio from the University of the Philippines College of Education –
Curriculum Studies. It states 11 findings, this includes: ICTs shown in a Learner-
Centered Environment, ICT Integration in academic education, government initiatives,
efficient implementation and integration, implementation plan, teacher training,
technological leadership, potential challenges, lack of facilities, teachers’ knowledge,
skills and attitude and role of leadership.

Text2Teach, a pilot project being implemented in science classes in elementary

schools in the Philippines, it is the Philippine version of a global program called
BRIDGEit. It aims to improve the teaching of basic education in developing countries.
The project makes use of digital satellite broadcasting and mobile phone technologies to
transmit video materials directly to the classroom, giving the provision of interactive
easy-to-use multimedia packages. A case by Carol Rodriguez (2015) Building teachers’
capacity to make better use of ICT in the Philippines, saw issues regarding the goal of
implementation, including the difficulty of some students in comprehending the English
language used in the video, videos being too long for the class time allotment, defective
and corrupted video, poor satellite signal, unfavorable weather condition, power
fluctuations and the unfamiliarity of some students to foreign plants, animals and other

Foreign Studies

Related foreign studies include researches about the development of an

application for students and teachers in school-related content in the international region.
These studies contribute as pieces of evidence to the researchers’ theory. Therefore, an
application like this can modernize in everyday life.

According to Hasselbring et al. (2000) in his study “Technology to support

teacher development” had shown that improving the quality of an education system
depends upon the teachers’ training and development.”12 The technology has developed a
wide array of modernization to help to train the teachers use the technology in easiest

As what Podlasy said, technology is between the goal and the result, and learning
technology is associated with the integrated method, forms, patterns, and resources to
reach goals. According to UNESCO, learning technology is a systematic method to
create, apply and determine the entire educational process and knowledge acquisition
taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction. 13 Therefore, it's
clear from these statements that teachers practice learning technology when using certain
strategies, techniques, and tools to assist or help students to understand the materials of
the course.

A study by Biagi and Loi (2013), using data from the 2009 Program for
International Student Assessment (PISA) and information on how learners used digital
technology at school and at home (both for school work and for entertainment), assessed
the relationship between the intensity with which learners used digital tools and resources
and literacy scores. They examined uses for: gaming activities (playing individual or
collective online games), collaboration and communication activities (such as linking
with others in on-line chat or discussion forums), information management and technical
operations (such as searching for and downloading information) and creating content,
knowledge and problem solving activities (such as using computers to do homework or
running simulations at school). These were then compared to country specific test scores
in reading. The authors found a positive and significant relationship between gaming
activity and language attainment in 11 of the 23 countries studied. For the other
measures, where relationships existed and were significant, they tended to be negative.14

Digital technologies has many different uses to us it can be for entertainment,

researching, downloading and etc. With the use of the newly digitalize technology there
are positive impacts among us like it helps solving complicated problem solving, gives us
more knowledge and makes us advance, it also broaden our intellectual as well creative
skills with the use of technology to us. There are so many positive impacts of technology
among us and as we can see it is very useful to our daily life activities.

Synthesis of the State of Art

The related studies focused on how a technology can be a big help in improving
teachers’ performance and students’ academic life. The studies discussed the
implementation of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and its benefits,
convenience and factors to teachers and students. The studies discussed the effects of
Information Communication Technology (ICT). Possibly the greatest effect of ICT on
individuals is the huge increase in access to information and services that has
accompanied the growth of the Internet. Some of the positive aspects of this increased
access are better, and often cheaper, communications, such as VoIP phone and Instant
Messaging.15 In addition, the use of ICT to access information has brought new
opportunities for leisure and entertainment, the facility to make contacts and form
relationships with people around the world, and the ability to obtain goods and services
from a wider range of suppliers. The related studies also discussed how learners used
digital technology at school and at home (both for school work and for entertainment).
The importance of technology in education is very massive that it can either bring
negative or positive effects on teachers and learners. The development of an application
that can enhance skills and give information is needed to our modernize world.

Gap Bridge by the Study

The present study is only held to the students and teachers of St. Louise de
Marillac College of Sorsogon wherein the present study is situated. With a careful review
of the related literature and studies done by the researchers, some foreign studies were
observed focusing on the improvement and development of teaching and learning with
the involvement of the technology as well as the local studies that was implementing
Information Communication and Technology (ICT) based on the K-12 curriculum means
that local universities and schools are now able to learn the technology in its broadest
way of learning about it and within the use of it. The present study mainly focuses for the
developing of an application for students and teachers of the school with contents that is
related to school such as important information and schedules and is aiming to have a
hassle – free and easier way of getting information from school through the invented
application, also to have knowledge on making an application even in mobile phones.
Theoretical Framework

This part of the research will present the theories of the Colegio+. The theories
from the related literatures will serve as a root on producing their own theory will support
their study.

The first theory is the “Multiple Intelligences” by Howard Gardner which is an

explanation about how humans have several ways of processing information, it involves
musical, visual, verbal and logical. This theory will help this research study by giving the
researchers on idea how human have different ways of processing an information.15

The second theory is “Cognitive Flexibility” by Spiro, he defines that the ability
to spontaneously restructure one’s knowledge, in many ways, in adaptive response to
radically changing situational demands and to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and
skills to a new learning situations.16

The third theory is “Connectivism”, it is a relatively new theory developed and

based upon the idea that people process information by forming connections. This theory
was originate and propose by George Siemens and Stephen Dowenes they state that the
digital and technology age has improves this theory, and it suggest the students should
include technologies or gadgets in their learning basis and also continue to gain
knowledge from other avenues such as Job skills, networking, experience and access to
information with new tools in technology.17

The last theory is the “Social Network Analysis” created by Scott and Prell. This
theory looks at how people relate to each other across their social network. The Social
Network Analysis is based on the network theory (from computers science) which
explains that certain behaviors can be better understood by diagramming or mapping how
people or groups share information.18
Theoretical Paradigm

Multiple Intelligences

-States that humans have different ways of

processing information that involve
musical, visual, verbal, and, logical.

Social Network Flexibility
Researcher’s Theory
-States how
-States how learners must be
-Humans learn solely on engagement
people relate to with connections. They have different given an
each other across ways of processing information.
opportunity to
their social develop in order
network. to properly learn.


-Based upon the idea that people process

information by forming connections.

Theoretical Paradigm

Figure 1.0
Conceptual Framework

In this era of great innovations, gadgets are widely used by people. It became a
part of our daily lives since it helps us in different ways especially on the things that we
do be every day. Mobile applications can be used for academics and personal use. With
the help of technologies, it makes mostly everything easier. The conceptual paradigm
presented shows the inputs, process, output, and outcome of the study. This study was
undertaken through the collection, organization, presentation, analysis, and interpretation
of gathered data of facts and ideas which were essential in the pursuit of this study.

The input shows that the researchers aim to help the school to get feedbacks about
the mobile application developed by the researchers. The input will present all the
necessary information for this research.

By the use of survey questionnaires, the data needed will be gathered and
organized. The data will be also be tallied and to be analyzed and interpreted. The output
of this study is the development of an application in school related contents for students
and teachers.

The outcome of this study is having a mobile application that will help both
teachers and student in gathering information from school in a more convenient way.
Also, it can be the part of the researcher’s to show a glimpse on what the future of
education can be in to the upcoming years, especially because technologies are getting
more close to our daily lives.
Conceptual Paradigm


-The contents of questionnaire to -Full -Known

Colegio+ and its gain the development of advantages of the
functions. respondent’s the app with all app
feedback about the necessary
-The level of -Known
the app features that can
convenience of disadvantages of
-Gathering of improve the
Colegio+ to the app
data to come up distribution of
students and
information -Known the ideal
teachers. with an outcome
features based on
on what they
-The features of students’,
really think
Colegio+ are teachers’ and the
about the
beneficial administration’s
towards students, feedback
teachers and -Tallying of Data
-Known ways to
administration. -Analyzation of fully integrate the
-The mobile the outcome and application to the
application can be on how it can the school system
a way of researchers to

eliminating improve the

misinformation application

throughout the -Interpretation of

campus the outcome

-The application
organize the
academic life.
Conceptual Paradigm

Figure 2.0



















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