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(Specific answers are given to the questions, students need to modify

their answers as per the questions or case given in the paper. )

Question 1
a) Discuss the purpose of requirement gathering tasks for the Jasmine theatre project. Also,
describe TWO (2) situations where interview and survey techniques can be used for the
project respectively.

 To greatly improve the chances that customers and users will get what they wanted. 
 To decrease the chances of a failed project. 
 To reduce the overall cost of the project by catching requirements problems before
development begins. : Requirements that are ambiguous or not fully understood often result
in costly scrap and rework. Numerous studies have shown that the cost of fixing
requirements errors rises exponentially over subsequent phases of development.

Situation 1: For the interview

Interviews are a great way to start the requirements elicitation process. They are invaluable for
gathering background information on business needs, customers’ and users’ problems, and the
concerns of support staff and other relevant stakeholders. Interviews can also be used in follow-
up to gather more detailed information.

Interviews should cover a diverse and representative cross-section of the system’s stakeholders.
You will want to include the full range of customer and user profiles. This is necessary to gain a
proper perspective on competing needs, so your system requirements aren’t slanted in favor of
one group.

When you conduct interviews, it is important to ask open-ended questions. Open-ended

questions are those that cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” They draw out specific
information. They require the interviewee to explain their thoughts and provide reasons, which in
turn provides context for evaluating and validating the requirements.
Situation 2: For Questionnaire or surveys

Individual interviews present several challenges. They can be tricky to schedule and time-
consuming for the interviewers. Plus, the requirements you gather may only scratch the surface;
not every interviewer is skilled at asking follow-up questions in real-time.

Questionnaires (or surveys) can provide an efficient alternative. They allow follow-up with
multiple stakeholders at the same time.

A well-thought-out questionnaire—one that asks probing questions—is a good tool for getting at
those underlying requirements of which stakeholders may not be fully conscious, but which are
essential to a successful design.

b) Explain THREE (3) techniques of system analysis that you would use for the Jasmine
theatre project and provide an example for each technique.

System analysis is a set of processes that examines a system to find out the existing and probable
problems and ways to solve them. The main motto of system analysis is to find out problems and
defects from the system and to provide fruitful solutions.

i) Data mining

Data mining is the process of changing raw data into useful information using different tools. It
is also known as Knowledge Discovery in Database. This process is followed during the system
analysis for processing and organizing the data collected via different requirement elicitation
techniques. It supports the decision-making of an organization by its visionary data analysis
processes. The two major outcomes of data mining are describing the goal data set and predicting
the outcomes using a machine learning algorithm


 In simple words, data mining is defined as a process used to extract usable data from a larger set
of any raw data. It implies analyzing data patterns in large batches of data using one or more
software. Data mining has applications in multiple fields, like science and research. As an
application of data mining, businesses can learn more about their customers and develop more
effective strategies related to various business functions, and in turn leverage resources more
optimally and insightfully. This helps businesses be closer to their objectives and make better
decisions. Data mining involves effective data collection and warehousing as well as computer
processing. For segmenting the data and evaluating the probability of future events, data mining
uses sophisticated mathematical algorithms. Data mining is also known as Knowledge Discovery
in Data (KDD).

– Ex; Study of online customer’s shopping preferences at

– Ex; A study of user’s ‘emotions’ at

ii. Statistical Analysis

It is the process of discovering patterns and trends using the collection and interpretation of data.
This process is used while collecting data like statistical models and designs from methods like
surveys, observations, and studies. The main scope of statistical analysis is to determine the
trends and patterns of data like changes, fluctuations, and regularity. This analysis is used for the
organization with Business Intelligence. It interprets every data set into statistical models like
mean, median, mode, and graphs.

– Ex; Study of the stock market, sales, weather based on the previous record.

– Ex; Reaction of various drugs on cancer patients.

iii. Business Intelligence analysis

BI(Business Intelligence) is a set of processes, architectures, and technologies that convert raw
data into meaningful information that drives profitable business actions. It is a suite of software
and services to transform data into actionable intelligence and knowledge.

BI has a direct impact on an organization’s strategic, tactical and operational business decisions.
BI supports fact-based decision-making using historical data rather than assumptions and gut

BI tools perform data analysis and create reports, summaries, dashboards, maps, graphs, and
charts to provide users with detailed intelligence about the nature of the business.
– Seeking product/service opportunities - Ex; SWOT, Fishbone analysis, etc.
– Analysis of external influences towards the company’s business – Ex; PEST analysis.

(PEST Analysis (political, economic, social, and technological) is a management method
whereby an organization can assess major external factors that influence its operation to
become more competitive in the market.)

Question 2
a) Describe what is ‘Agile’ and explain TWO (2) processes involved in agile.

Agile is an iterative approach to project management and software development that helps teams
deliver value to their customers faster and with fewer headaches. Instead of betting everything on
a "big bang" launch, an agile team delivers work in small, but consumable, increments.
Requirements, plans, and results are evaluated continuously so teams have a natural mechanism
for responding to change quickly.


The Agile methodology is a way to manage a project by breaking it up into several phases. It
involves constant collaboration with stakeholders and continuous improvement at every stage.
Once the work begins, teams’ cycle through a process of planning, executing, and evaluating.

 The process involved in agile:

1. Requirements

Stakeholders conduct an overall project assessment to determine the time and resources required
for the development process. At the same stage, the owner assesses the risks and prioritizes the
various functions depending on their business value.

2. Design

The software owner meets with the software development team and introduces them to the
requirements outlined in the first step. The group then discusses the sequence for introducing
functions and identifies the essential tools – the programming language, syntax libraries, and
basic frameworks. At the same stage, software development teams can prototype the expected
user interface.

3. Development and coding

After agreeing on the plan with the customer, the team develops the product itself. The product is
delivered in stages, in separate sprints, each designed to improve the current version of the
product. The initial release is likely to undergo many changes to provide improved functionality
and new features.

Each cycle includes testing, and the final product must also undergo final testing. For this phase,
you can use Scrum and the Kanban methodology, the development process based on individual

(Faltu but imp Gyan : Sprint

A sprint in  Scrum is a short period of time wherein a development team works to complete
specific tasks, milestones, or  deliverables. Sprints, also referred to as “iterations,” essentially
break the project schedule into digestible blocks of time in which smaller goals can be

Working on a six-month-long project can get tedious and leave Agile team members feeling like
they’re not making any progress—even when they are. By breaking your project plan into
sprints, you allow team members to focus on individual goals and celebrate victories as they
occur, rather than waiting for the end of a project.)
b) Explain any FIVE (5) of the agile principles and provide an example of how each agile
principle can be implemented in the Big Transport project.

i. Communication on daily basis between developers and business people.

When a business client or any organization asks a software company to build business software.
They come up with initial requirements regarding their business process. The developers analyze
the requirement and start working on that project. During the system development process, the
developers need to be in touch with the business authorities, who have assigned the project. This
will help developers to get updated on the requirement of the system, current market
requirements, and business processes. Whereas the developers can also communicate easily with
the client on required changes in the system, additional time is needed to complete the project,
and the budget aspects as well.

ii. The assigned project should be developed around trusted and motivated individuals.

Right from the beginning, the project should be in the hand of trusted employees. Only good
human resources can lead a project to completion in time with an allocated budget and all the
business requirements. From the planning to deployment stage of the system, only skilled,
passionate, and motivated individuals should be assigned.

If you don't trust your team and keep even the tiniest decisions in your company centralized, you
will only hinder your team's engagement. As a result, individuals will never feel a sense of
belonging to the purpose that a given project is trying to fulfill, and you won't get the most out of
your potential.
iii. Satisfy Customers Through Early & Continuous Delivery

The original formulation of the first of the Agile principles says, "our highest priority is to
satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software". However, it
is perfectly applicable in areas outside of software development. 
As you can see, customer satisfaction sits on top of the 12 principles. Early and continuous
delivery increases the likelihood of meeting customers’ demands and contributes to the
generation of faster ROI.
By applying this concept, you will increase your process's agility and respond to changes in a
timely fashion. On the other hand, your customers will be happier because they will get the value
they are paying for more frequently. Also, they will be able to provide you with feedback early
on, so you will be able to decrease the likelihood of making significant changes later in the

iv. Welcome Changing Requirements Even Late in the Project

Still, if need be, change requests should be most welcome even at the late stages of project
execution. The original text of the second of the Agile principles states that your team needs
to "welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness
change for the customer's competitive advantage".

In traditional project management, any late-stage changes are taken with a grain of salt as this
usually means scope creep and thus higher costs. In Agile, however, teams aim to embrace
uncertainty and acknowledge that even a late change can still bear a lot of value to the end
customer. Due to the nature of Agile's iterative process, teams shouldn't have a problem
responding to those changes in a timely fashion

V. Simplicity is Essential
This principle's original content can be a bit confusing as it states, "Simplicity–the art of
maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential". Yet, it is very practical.
If you can simply do something, why waste time complicating it? Your customers are not paying
for the amount of effort you invest. They are buying a solution to a specific problem that they
have. Keep that in mind, when implementing Agile and avoid doing something just for the sake
of doing it.
vi. Working Software is the Primary Measure of Progress

The 7th of the Agile core principles is pretty straightforward. It doesn't matter how many
working hours you've invested in your project, how many bugs you managed to fix, or how
many lines of code your team has written.
If the result of your work is not the way your customer expects it to be, you are in trouble

Question 3
a) Justify why would you suggest using SCRUM for this project? Also, describe TWO (2)
strengths and TWO (2) weaknesses of SCRUM methodology for the project.

Scrum will be the best-suited methodology for the development of this system. Since this
methodology offers the completion of different sub-task of the project in the assigned time
frame. Also, this methodology helps to collect users and business requirements before starting
the project, which helps the development team to build a functional and business-purposed
system. The development team in this methodology is composed of skilled and experienced
individuals, who assure the completion of the project fulfilling system requirements. Scrum
master who is the leader of the development team makes sure to provide all the required
resources for the development of the system and also address the different technical problems
that occurred during the phase. The concept of backlogs also makes this system relevant for
system development, where critical functions and requirements of the system are prioritized.

 Strengths
i. The overall required features for the system are collected through users and stakeholders
which are later again analyzed by the product owner. Therefore, there is very little chance to
miss user-based requirements in the system.
ii. Since the development team is composed of different individuals with different project-
related skills, there is a high expectation for a functional system to come out as a result.
iii. This framework motivates the system development team to work, allowing the individual
with different skills to come up together and work as a unit. Here scrum master plays a vital
role in maintaining a healthy working environment in the project, where every individual is
motived and driven to come up with the required business system.
 Weaknesses
i. Scrum methodology more focuses on the sprint, where multiple sub-tasks are challenged
to complete in a certain time, but the overall timeframe required for the project is missed
out along the process.
ii. This methodology requires teamwork, where every individual of the team with different
skills needs to come up together for the project completion, in case any individual fails to
put on his skills to the project, the overall team needs to bear the result, which may even
lead to project failure.
iii. This methodology is hard to implement in complex and large projects because the total
time frame for the project is not determined and the changing requirements from the
clients make it difficult for the team to complete the large project in a certain timeframe.

b) Identify and describe FOUR (4) SCRUM ceremonies/events that must take place and the
benefits of each to the project.

Scrum defines several events (sometimes called ceremonies) that occur inside each sprint: sprint
planning, daily scrum, sprint review, and sprint retrospective. Here are explained the different
ceremonies of SCRUM.

I) Sprint Planning
 What Happens in Sprint Planning?

During sprint planning, the entire scrum team collaborates and discusses the desired high-priority
work for the sprint and defines the sprint goal. The scrum master’s role is primarily to facilitate
the meeting. The product owner describes the product goal and also answers questions from the
development team about execution and acceptance criteria/criteria of satisfaction.  The
developers have the final say in how much of the high-priority work it can accomplish during the

 Who Attends Sprint Planning?

Sprint planning involves the entire Scrum team: the development team, Product Owner, and
Scrum Master.

 How Long Should Sprint Planning Last?

Sprint planning is limited to a maximum of eight hours.

The general rule of thumb is to allow two hours of sprint planning for every one week of sprint
length. That means teams should timebox sprint planning to four hours for a two-week sprint and
eight hours for a one-month Sprint.
II) Daily Scrum
 What Happens in a Daily Scrum?

The development team meets for 15 minutes (or less) every day of the sprint to inspect progress
toward the sprint goal. They describe for each other how their work is going, ask for help when
needed, and consider whether they are still on track to meet the sprint goal. This is not a status
meeting but is instead an opportunity for the development team to inspect and adapt the product
and process daily.

III) Sprint Review

 What Happens in a Sprint Review?

Sprint reviews focus on the product being developed, specifically on the potentially shippable
product increment created during the sprint. During a sprint review, the scrum team invites
stakeholders to discuss what was completed during the sprint. They adapt the product backlog as
needed based on this feedback. The product owner has the option to release any of the completed

Though a demo might be part of this meeting, the primary purpose of the sprint review is the
inspect and adapt capability provided by the discussion. 

 Who Attends a Sprint Review?

The entire scrum team attends the sprint review. The team invites users, customers, stakeholders,
senior managers, and affected departments (e.g., marketing, customer support) to attend and give
feedback. Scrum teams are encouraged to invite as many people as the room can hold--diverse
feedback is essential for creating excellent products.

 How Long Should Sprint Reviews Last?

Sprint reviews are limited to a maximum of four hours.

The general rule of thumb is to allow one hour for sprint review every one week of sprint length.
That means teams should timebox sprint review to two hours for a two-week sprint and four
hours for a one-month Sprint.
IV) Sprint Retrospective

What Happens in a Sprint Retrospective?

Sprint retrospectives focus on the process. During a sprint retrospective, the scrum team
discusses what went right and areas for improvement in the sprint. They make tangible plans for
how to improve their process, tools, and relationships. 

How Long Should Sprint Retrospectives Last?

Sprint retrospectives are limited to a maximum of three hours. 

The general guidance is to allow 45 minutes for each week of sprint length. So a two-week sprint
would cap the sprint retrospective at an hour and a half; a four-week sprint at three hours.

Question 4
Explain FOUR (4) system change-over strategies and provide the main corresponding
advantages and disadvantages for the respective strategies. Then, suggest ONE (1) system
change-over strategy that is best suited for the Le Camion project stated in the previous question,
provide your justifications.
System changeover is the process of putting a new information system online and retiring the old
system, for instance, changing from a manual system to a computerized system

1. Direct changeover

This is an approach where the old system is cut and overwritten by the new system, that is, the
old system is stopped and the new system starts simultaneously and it becomes operational. It
may be the only approach to take when two systems cannot co-exist or activating the new system
is an emergency. An example can be the immediate switch from electricity to an automatic
generator when there is a blackout in places like hospitals.


The less expensive and easy method as only one system is in use, unlike other approaches like
the parallel approach. Has a short conversion time since the organization immediately switches
from the old system to the new system. There is no need for any interfaces between the old and
the new system.


High risk of loss of data as a firm cannot revert to the old system as a backup plan. It involves
more risk of total system failure as system errors that are not detected during the walkthrough
and testing steps may materialize unexpectedly, which may disrupt the system. It also opens the
risk for the system not to be accepted by its users.


The word parallel suggests things that are being run simultaneously require that both the old and
new systems operate fully for a specified period When users, management, and the information
technology group are satisfied that the new system operates effectively and efficiently, the old
system is then terminated.


Low risk is involved, if the new system does not work correctly the old system can be used as a
backup. By running two systems the user can reconcile outputs to identify debug errors before
switching to the full operation of the new system. The old system can be used as a backup. Also,
gives room to reverse the decision if the system fails to meet organization objectives.


It is costly as it essentially doubles resource consumption and data has to be input in both
systems. Users must work in both systems and it results in increased workload which can lead to
overtime costs and processing delays. Increases or makes room for more errors as employees are
expected to process all transactions twice.


The method involves the implementation of the new system at a selected

location/department/division within the organization. It is mainly used by large organizations
that have multiple locations or largely independent departments. The division or department that
uses the system first is called the Pilot Site. The old system continues to operate within the entire
organization including the pilot site and if the system proves to be successful at the pilot site, it is
implemented to the rest of the organization.


Any implementation problems affect the pilot site only and not the whole organizations’ system,
therefore any problems encountered can be rectified quickly, reducing system failure. It is less
expensive as compared to parallel operation because the pilot site only uses both the old and new
systems for a limited period. It can be designed or adjusted before putting it to the entire
organization. It is easier to monitor as the focus is given to only one department.


If the system that is implemented is successful in one department, it does not guarantee the
success of the system in every department within the organization as every department has its
needs. Has a long conversion time there is a need for interfaces between old and new systems.

It is the implementation of the new system in modules or stages of phased operations for
example one might implement the new system by starting with the sales sub-system followed by
the inventory control subsystem and finally the purchases sub-system implementing a special
conversion system that provides temporary interfaces during the change-over period can assist in
the phase-in.


By phasing in the new system in modules, the risk of a system failure is reduced as the risk of
errors or failures is limited to the implemented module only. It is less expensive than the full
parallel operation method.


It can create incompatibilities between new subsystems and yet-to-be-replaced subsystems. It

limits the extent of the implementation problem but may not be possible with other subsystems.
It can be costly where the system involves a large number of separate phases.

 Overall Summary to the answer

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