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After studying this unit, you will be able to:
 Understand the meaning of ‘Accounting Policies’.
 Familiarize with the situations under which selection from different accounting policies is
 Grasp the conditions where change in accounting policy can be made and the consequences
arising from such change.


Selection of Accounting Policies


Substance over
Prudence Materiality


Accounting Policies refer to specific accounting principles and methods of applying these principles adopted by the
enterprise in the preparation and presentation of financial statements. Policies are based on various accounting
concepts, principles and conventions that have already been explained in Unit 2 of Chapter 1. There is no single
list of accounting policies, which are applicable to all enterprises in all circumstances. Enterprises operate in
diverse and complex environmental situations and so they have to adopt various policies. The c hoice of specific
accounting policy appropriate to the specific circumstances in which the enterprise is operating, calls for
considerate judgement by the management. ICAI has been trying to reduce the number of acceptable accounting
policies through Guidance Notes and Accounting Standards in its combined efforts with the government, other
regulatory agencies and progressive managements. Already it has achieved some progress in this respect.
The areas wherein different accounting policies are frequently encountered can be given as follows:
(1) Valuation of Inventories;
(2) Valuation of Investments.
This list should not be taken as exhaustive but is only illustrative. As the course will progress, students will see
the intricacies of the various accounting policies.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


Supposeanenterpriseholdssomeinvestmentsintheformofsharesofacompanyattheendofanaccounting period. For

valuation of shares, the enterprise may adopt FIFO, average method etc. The method selected by that enterprise
for valuation is called an accounting policy. Different enterprises may adopt different accounting policies.
Likewise, different methods of providing depreciation on fixed assets, i.e. Straight line, written down, etc. are
available to the business enterprises which will lead to different depreciation amounts.


Choice of accounting policy is an important policy decision which affects the performance measurement as well
as financial position of the business entity. Selection of inappropriate accounting policy may lead to understatement
or overstatement of performance and financial position. Thus, accounting policy should be selected with due care
after considering its effect on the financial performance of the business enterprise from the angle of various users
of accounts.
It is believed that no unified and exhaustive list of accounting policies can be suggested which has universal
application. Three major characteristics which should be considered for the purpose of selection an d application
of accounting policies. viz.,Prudence, Substance over form, and Materiality. The financial statements should be
prepared on the basis of such accounting policies, which exhibit true and fair view of state of affairs of Balance
Sheet and the Profit & Loss Account.
Examples wherein selection from a set of accounting policies is made, can be given as follows: –
1. Inventories are valued at cost except for finished goods and by-products. Finished goods are valued at
lower of cost or market value and by-products are valued at net realizable value.
2. Investments (long term) are valued at their acquisition cost. Provision for permanent diminution in value
has been made wherever necessary.
Sometimes a wrong or inappropriate treatment is adopted for items in Balance Sheet, or Profit & Loss Account,
or other statement. Disclosure of the treatment adopted is necessary in any case, but disclosure cannot rectify a
wrong or inappropriate treatment.


A change in accounting policies should be made in the following conditions:
(a) It is required by some statute or for compliance with an Accounting Standard.
(b) Change would result in more appropriate presentation of financial statement.
Change in accounting policy may have a material effect on the items of financial statements. For example, if cost
formula used for inventory valuation is changed from weighted average to FIFO, or if interest is capitalized which
was earlier not in practice, or if proportionate amount of interest is changed to inventory which was earlier not
the practice, all these may increase or decrease the net profit. Unless the effect of such chan ge in accounting
policy is quantified, the financial statements may not help the users of accounts. Therefore, it is necessary to
quantify the effect of change on financial statement items like assets, liabilities, profit/loss.
For Example, Omega Enterprises revised its accounting policy relating to valuation of inventories to include
applicable production overheads.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


 Accounting Policies refer to specific accounting principles and methods of applying these principles
adopted by the enterprise in the preparation and presentation of financial statements. Policies are based
on various accounting concepts, principles and conventions.
 Three major characteristics which should be considered for the purpose of selection and application of
accounting policies. viz., Prudence, Substance over form, and Materiality.
 A change in accounting policies should be made in the following conditions:
(a) It is required by some statute or for compliance with an Accounting Standard.
(b) Change would result in more appropriate presentation of financial statement.


True and False
1. There is a single list of accounting policies, which are applicable to all enterprises in all circumstances.
2. Selection of accounting policy doesn’t impact financial performance and financial position of the business
3. A change in accounting policies should be made as and when business like to show result as per their choice.
4. Choosing FIFO or weighted average method for inventory valuation is selection of accounting policy.
5. Selection of an inappropriate accounting policy decision will overstate the performance and financial
position of a business entity every time.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A change in accounting policy is justified
(a) To comply with accounting standard and law.
(b) To ensure more appropriate presentation of the financial statement of the enterprise.
(c) Both (a) and (b).
2. Accounting policy for inventories of Xeta Enterprises states that inventories are valued at the lower of
cost determined on weighted average basis or net realizable value. Which accounting principle is
followed in adopting the above policy?
(a) Materiality. (b) Prudence.
(c) Substance over form.
3. The areas wherein different accounting policies can be adopted are
(a) Providing depreciation. (b) Valuation of inventories.
(c) Both the option.
4. Selection of an inappropriate accounting policy decision may
(a) Overstate the performance and financial position of a business entity.

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(b) Understate/overstate the performance and financial position of a business entity.

(c) Overstate the performance of a business entity.
5. Accounting policies refer to specific accounting
(a) Principles. (b) Methods of applying those principles.
(c) Both (a) and (b).

Theoretical Questions
1. Define Accounting Policies in brief. Identify few areas wherein different accounting policies are frequently
2. “Change in accounting policy may have a material effect on the items of financial statements.” Explain the
statement with the help of an example.

True and False
1. False: There cannot be single list of accounting policies, which are applicable to all enterprises in all
circumstances. There would always be different policies chosen by different industries under different
2. False: Accounting policy has big impact on value of items goes under financial statements, hence it
impacts financial performance and financial position of the business.
3. False: A change in accounting policies should be made in the following conditions:
(a) It is required by some statute or for compliance with an Accounting Standard.
(b) Change would result in more appropriate presentation of financial statement.
4. True: An enterprise may adopt FIFO or weighted average method for inventory valuation and the method
selected for valuation is called an accounting policy.
5. False: It could understate/overstate the performance and financial position of a business entity.

Multiple Choice Questions

(1) (c), (2) (b), (3) (c), (4) (b), (5) (c)

Theoretical Questions
1. Accounting Policies refer to specific accounting principles and methods of applying these principles
adopted by the enterprise in the preparation and presentation of financial statements. For details, refer
para 6.1.
2. Change in accounting policy may have a material effect on the items of financial statements. For
example, if cost formula used for inventory valuation is changed from weighted average to FIFO. Unless
the effect of such change in accounting policy is quantified, the financial statements may not help the users
of accounts.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

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