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Report On Chandrayaan 2

Krishna Rathod
College- I STAR

Chandrayaan-2 mission is a highly complex mission, which represents a
significant technological leap compared to the previous missions of ISRO,
which brought together an Orbiter, Lander and Rover with the goal of
exploring south pole of the Moon.

Weight – 2379kg

Electric Power Capability – 1000 watts

Chandrayaan 2 Orbiter is capable of communicating with Indian Deep Space

Network (IDSN) at Byalalu as well as the Vikram Lander. The precise launch and
mission management has ensured a mission life of almost seven years instead
of the planned one year.

Lander – Vikram
Weight – 1471 kg
Electric Power Capability – 650 watts

The Lander of Chandrayaan-2 was named Vikram after Dr Vikram A Sarabhai,

the Father of the Indian Space Programme. It was designed to function for one
lunar day, which is equivalent to about 14 Earth days.

Rover – Pragyan
Weight – 27 kg

Electric Power Capability – 50 watts

Chandrayaan-2’s Rover was a 6-wheeled

robotic vehicle named as Pragyan, which translates to 'wisdom' in Sanskrit.
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark-III (GSLV

The GSLV Mk-III will carry Chandrayaan 2 to its

designated orbit. This three-stage vehicle is India's most powerful launcher to
date, and is capable of launching 4-ton class of satellites to the
Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO).

Its components are S200 solid rocket boosters, L110 liquid stage and C25
upper stage

Launch Date – 22th July 2019

Orbiter Lunar Orbit Insertion – 20th August 2019

Orbital Experiments Duration – 7 Years

Mission Information
Chandrayaan-2 mission is a highly complex mission, which represents a
significant technological leap compared to the previous missions of ISRO. It
comprised an Orbiter, Lander and Rover to explore the unexplored South Pole
of the Moon. The mission is designed to expand the lunar scientific knowledge
through detailed study of topography, seismography, mineral identification
and distribution, surface chemical composition, thermo-physical
characteristics of top soil and composition of the tenuous lunar atmosphere,
leading to a new understanding of the origin and evolution of the Moon.

After the injection of Chandrayaan-2, a series of maneuvers were carried out to

raise its orbit and on August 14, 2019, following Trans Lunar Insertion (TLI)
maneuver, the spacecraft escaped from orbiting the earth and followed a path
that took it to the vicinity of the Moon. On August 20, 2019, Chandrayaan-2
was successfully inserted into lunar orbit. While orbiting the moon in a 100 km
lunar polar orbit, on September 02, 2019, Vikram Lander was separated from
the Orbiter in preparation for landing. Subsequently, two de-orbit maneuvers
were performed on Vikram Lander so as to change its orbit and begin circling
the moon in a 100 km x 35 km orbit. Vikram Lander descent was as planned
and normal performance was observed upto an altitude of 2.1 km.
Subsequently communication from lander to the ground stations was lost.

The Orbiter placed in its intended orbit around the Moon will enrich our
understanding of the moon’s evolution and mapping of the minerals and water
molecules in Polar regions, using its eight state-of-the-art scientific
instruments. The Orbiter camera is the highest resolution camera (0.3 m) in
any lunar mission so far and will provide high resolution images which will be
immensely useful to the global scientific community. The precise launch and
mission management has ensured a long life of almost seven years instead of
the planned one year.

Chandrayaan-2 has several science payloads to expand the lunar scientific

knowledge through detailed study of topography, seismography, mineral
identification and distribution, surface chemical composition, thermo-physical
characteristics of top soil and composition of the tenuous lunar atmosphere,
leading to a new understanding of the origin and evolution of the Moon.
The Orbiter payloads will conduct remote-sensing observations from a 100 km
orbit while the Lander and Rover payloads will perform in-situ measurements
near the landing site.

For understanding of the Lunar composition, it is planned to identify the

elements and mapping its distribution on the lunar surface both at global and
In-situ level. In addition detailed 3 dimensional mapping of the lunar regolith
will be done. Measurements on the near surface plasma environment and
electron density in the Lunar ionosphere will be studied. Thermo-physical
property of the lunar surface and seismic activities will also be measured.
Water molecule distribution will be studied using infra red spectroscopy,
synthetic aperture radiometry & polarimetry as well as mass spectroscopy

Vikram payloads
Radio Anatomy of Moon Bound Hypersensitive ionosphere and Atmosphere

The lunar ionosphere is a highly dynamic plasma environment. Langmuir

probes, such as RAMBHA, have proven to be an effective diagnostic tool to
gain information in such conditions. Its primary objective is to measure factors
such as:

Ambient electron density/temperature near the lunar surface

Temporal evolution of lunar plasma density for the first time near the surface
under varying solar conditions

Chandra’s Surface Thermo Physical Experiment

ChaSTE measures the vertical temperature gradient and thermal conductivity

of the lunar surface. It consists of a thermal probe (sensors and a heater) that
is inserted into the lunar regolith down to a depth of ~10 cm. ChaSTE operates
in two modes:

Passive mode operation in which continuous in-situ measurements of

temperature at different depths are carried out

Active mode operation in which temperature variations in a set period of time,

and the regolith's thermal conductivity under contact, are estimated

Instrument for Lunar seismic Activity

ILSA is a triple axis, MEMS-based seismometer that can detect minute ground
displacement, velocity, or acceleration caused by lunar quakes. Its primary
objective is to characterise the seismicity around the landing site. ILSA has
been designed to identify acceleration as low as 100 ng /√Hz with a dynamic
range of ±0.5 g and a bandwidth of 40 Hz. The dynamic range is met by using
two sensors — a coarse-range sensor and a fine-range sensor.

Pragyan payloads
Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS)

APXS' primary objective is to determine the elemental composition of the

Moon's surface near the landing site. It achieves this through X-ray
fluorescence spectroscopy technique, where X-ray or alpha particles are used
to excite the surface. APXS uses radioactive Curium (244) metal that emits
high-energy, alpha particles — as well as X-rays — enabling both X-ray
emission spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Through these
techniques, APXS can detect all major rock-forming elements such as Sodium,
Magnesium, Aluminium, Silica, Calcium, Titanium, Iron, and some trace
elements such as Strontium, Yttrium and Zirconium.

Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS)

LIBS' prime objective is to identify and determine the abundance of elements

near the landing site. It does this by firing high-powered laser pulses at various
locations and analysing the radiation emitted by the decaying plasma.

Orbiter payloads
Terrain Mapping Camera 2 (TMC 2)

TMC 2 is a miniature version of the Terrain Mapping Camera used onboard the
Chandrayaan 1 mission. Its primary objective is mapping the lunar surface in
the panchromatic spectral band (0.5-0.8 microns) with a high spatial resolution
of 5 m and a swath of 20 km from 100 km lunar polar orbit. The data collected
by TMC 2 will give us clues about the Moon's evolution and help us prepare 3D
maps of the lunar surface.

Chandrayaan 2 Large Area Soft X-ray Spectrometer (CLASS)

CLASS measures the Moon's X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectra to examine the
presence of major elements such as Magnesium, Aluminium, Silicon, Calcium,
Titanium, Iron, and Sodium. The XRF technique will detect these elements by
measuring the characteristic X-rays they emit when excited by the Sun's rays.

Solar X-ray Monitor (XSM)

XSM observes the X-rays emitted by the Sun and its corona, measures the
intensity of solar radiation in these rays, and supports CLASS. The primary
objective of this payload is to provide solar X-ray spectrum in the energy range
of 1-15 keV. XSM will provide high-energy resolution and high-cadence
measurements (full spectrum every second) of solar X-ray spectra as input for
analysis of data from CLASS.

Orbiter High Resolution Camera (OHRC)

OHRC provides high-resolution images of the landing site — ensuring the

Lander's safe touchdown by detecting any craters or boulders prior to
separation. The images it captures, taken from two different look angles, serve
dual purposes. Firstly, they are used to generate DEMs (Digital Elevation
Models) of the landing site. Secondly, they are used for scientific research,
post-lander separation. OHRC's images will be captured over the course of two
orbits, covering an area of 12 km x 3 km with a ground resolution of 0.32 m.

Imaging IR Spectrometer (IIRS)

IIRS has two primary objectives:

Global mineralogical and volatile mapping of the Moon in the spectral range of
~0.8-5.0 µm for the first time, at the high resolution of ~20 nm

Complete characterisation of water/hydroxyl feature near 3.0 µm for the first

time at high spatial (~80 m) and spectral (~20 nm) resolutions

IIRS will also measure the solar radiation reflected off the Moon's surface in
256 contiguous spectral bands from 100 km lunar orbit.

Dual Frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar (DFSAR)

The dual frequency (L and S) SAR will provide enhanced capabilities compared
to Chandrayaan 1's S-band miniSAR in areas such as:

L-band for greater depth of penetration (About 5m — twice that of S-band)

Circular and full polarimetry — with a range of resolution options (2-75 m) and
incident angles (9°-35°) — for understanding scattering properties of
permanently shadowed regions

The main scientific objectives of this payload are:

High-resolution lunar mapping in the polar regions

Quantitative estimation of water-ice in the polar regions

Estimation of regolith thickness and its distribution

Chandrayaan 2 Atmospheric Compositional Explorer 2 (CHACE 2)

CHACE 2 will continue the CHACE experiment carried out by Chandrayaan 1. It

is a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMA) capable of scanning the lunar
neutral exosphere in the mass range of 1 to 300 amu with the mass resolution
of ~0.5 amu. CHACE 2's primary objective is to carry out an in-situ study of the
composition and distribution of the lunar neutral exosphere and its variability.

Dual Frequency Radio Science (DFRS) experiment

To study the temporal evolution of electron density in the Lunar ionosphere.

Two coherent signals at X (8496 MHz), and S (2240 MHz) band are transmitted
simultaneously from satellite, and received at ground based deep station
network receivers.

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