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SECURITY is defined as the state or quality of being secured, freedom from fear or danger, assurance, or
certainty. To secure is to make safe or be protected.

In relation to this subject, security can also be defined as:

1. State or feeling of safety: the state or feeling of being safe and protected;

2. Freedom from worry about possible loss: the assurance that something of value will not be taken away;

3. Something giving assurance: something that provides a sense of protection against loss, attack, or harm;

4. Safety: protection against attack from without or subversion from within;

5. Precautions to maintain safety: precautions taken to keep somebody or something safe from crime, attack,
or danger; and

6. Guards: people or an organization entrusted with the job of protecting somebody or something, especially a
building or institution, against crime.

With the above definitions, security can be summed up as any measures taken to keep an individual or group
from dangers or hazards that may cause harm, injury, loss of life, and or loss or damage to property.


Security measures are inevitable or necessary for the attainment of the goals and objectives of a certain
individual, group or organization. It follows that when an individual or organization is exposed to hazards, their
productivity is adversely affected.
The economic growth of the Philippines for instance moving at a turtle-pace because of the impending internal
a external threats, Internal threats include but not limited communist aggressions, the Muslim separatists, the
extreme rightists such as the threat of military takeover of the government, and the restless mass actions like
strikes anu protests by civil organizations. External threats include the country's incapability to defend itself in
case of war. All of these threats if not deterred or reduced, will bring political instability which surely hampers
the economy of the country.

Conversely, among business enterprises, their productivity is restrained if the hazards surrounding their
personnel properties, and operation are not eliminated or controlled.


Industrial security is an indispensable part of the Philippine economy because it serves as a partner of Law
Enforcement Agencies in the country such as the PNP. With its doubtless significance, the PNP takes
responsibilities in the supervision, control and training, and operations of security agencies and in the issuance
of license to operate and the license to practice the security profession.

In addition to this, the PNP and other government law enforcement agencies serve as the immediate law
enforcement agency which assist security guards and security agencies in the performance of their security
functions such as accepting and processing crime reports submitted by the private security agency

Hazards refer to conditions that may cause damage to property, injury, or loss of life. It is also defined as
"exposure to the chance of loss or injury. Hazards are caused either by nature or by man himself
(comprehensive discussion on this topic will be done in a separate later lesson).

The role of security is to prevent or stop these hazards in causing unintentional or intentional damage to
property, injury or loss of life. Various measures are designed to counter-attack natural and man-made hazards
(these are discussed in a specific Inter lesson).

E. R.A. 5487 - Considering the significance of providing security to industries, the Philippine legislative body
enacted this Act governing the organization and management of private security agency, company guard
forces and government security forces.





1 Industry - The term denotes "carnest or constan application to work or business, or a special branch of
productive work, or the capital or workers employed in it:

2. Industrial - This is defined as "pertaining to or engaged in industry. The word industrial may also mean: of
industry or relating to, used in, or created by industry; and/or of industry's workforce or relating to or involving
workers in industry

3. Security - As discussed earlier, this term means "the state or quality of being secured, freedom from fear of
danger, assurance, or certainty."

4. Management - This term means the "skillful use of means to accomplish a purpose. Management can also
be defined as "the planning, deciding, or exercising of control and supervision on some functions of the

5. Industrial Security - The term may mean: security measures applied to business industries; or the business
of providing security and protection to private individuals, business enterprises, or government and non-
government industries.

6. Industrial Security Management - With the preceding discussions, Industrial Security Management could be
defined as "the skillful handling of the security and safety measures of business enterprises and industrial


The security of any business establishment today is a complex process. Security work involves active and
passive measures so those effective defenses can be established against crimes.

Active measures are the physical barriers, security lightings, safes and vaults, locks and other devices and
gadgets designed to detect and impede hazards. On the other hand, passive measures are those that will
deter man from committing such acts for fear of being caught, or charged in court or get dismissed. Security
education programs, security investigation, fire prevention seminars, safety drills, and personal security checks
are examples of passive measures.


In the field of industrial security, various types of security are applied depending on the installation and the
security needs of the installation. The types of security are the following:

1. Physical Security - It is the broadest branch of security which is concerned with the physical measures
adopted to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, materials, and documents, and to safeguard
them against espionage, sabotage damage and theft. Physical security covers other types of security to protect
equipment, documents, facilities and materials against theft damage, sabotage or espionage. It also
encompasses protection of personnel from any criminal act. (Note: Physical Security is comprehensively
discussed in a specific lesson at the latter part of this book.)

2. Communication Security It is the protection resulting from the application of various measures that prevent
or delay the enemy or unauthorized persons in gaining information through the communication system. This

a. Transmission Security - A component of communications security that results from all measures
designed to protect transmission from the interception, traffic analysis, and imitative deception.

b. Cryptographic Security - Result from the provisions of technically sound crypto-systems and their
proper use. c. Physical Security - Providing of safeguards to equipment and materials from access by
unauthorized persons.
3. Hotel Security - It refers to the protection of assets, guests, personal effects and other properties in hotels,
inns, and other similar establishments.

4. Bank Security - A specialized type of physical security protecting the assets, personnel, and operation of a
bank with special emphasis on the precaution and measures to safeguard the cash and assets while the
storage, in transit, and during transaction.

5. Document Security - It is the physical security involving the protection of documents and classified papers
from loss access by unauthorized persons, damage, theft and compromise through disclosure.

6. Personal Security - This involves the protection of personnel especially ranking officials from any harm,
kidnap, and other acts. Very Important People (VIP) security is a type of personal security.

7. Crises Security - This is a part of VIP security involved in hostage and kidnapping of VIPS.

8. Industrial Security - This is a type of security applied to business groups engaged in industries like
manufacturing. assembling research and development, processing. warehousing and even agriculture. It is a
form of physical security involving industrial plants and business enterprises where the personnel, processes,
properties and operations are safeguards. Use of protective barriers, and security lighting, personnel
movement control, lock and key management guard forces, communications and electronic hardware are
cssential aside from fire prevention and control programs, emergency plans, industrial safety, and security
education programs.

9. Operational Security - This is a type of security that deals primarily with the protection of processes, formula,
patents and other industrial and manufacturing activities from espionage, infiltration, loss, compromise, or

10. Other Special Types of Security:

a. Air Cargo Security - This is applied to minimize, if not prevent, losses of cargo during in transit,
storage or transfer.

b. School Security - This is applied in response to the increase of violent crimes committed against
students and school personnel, and school properties

c. Supermarket Security. This is applied in response to the mushrooming of bazaars, marts, super
malls, and the like.

d. Personnel Security - This is involved in the background checks of individuals commensurate with the
security requirements of their work. This also includes employees of establishment. measures designed to
protect an organization or business


In providing security and protection to industrial establishments, security and protective measures are focused
on the following major divisions:

1. Physical Security - As discussed earlier, this is the broadest type of security. As a major division of industrial
security, it can be defined as those measures taken to prevent physical access or entry to an installation or
area by unauthorized personnel.

2. Personnel Security - As described earlier, this division of security is applied to check the background of
persons as well as the protection of company personnel against potential harmful acts or conditions.

3. Document and Information Security - This includes every measures designed to safeguard company
documents from unintentional or intentional harmful acts or against unauthorized disclosure of the information
contained therein.

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