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Dreams And Their Spiritual Meanings by Dr D.K. Olukoya

 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie


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Job 33:14-15
For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the
night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;

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Ecclesiastes 5:7
For in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also divers vanities: but fear thou

The Bible says several things in the above verse. He said, a dream is a vision of the night to
man. The verse also teaches that a dream occurs when deep sleep falls upon men.
According to the Bible, a vision is something that occurs when a man is awake, while a
dream is something that occurs when a man is asleep.

Some who study dreams say that we are always dreaming when we sleep, but we only
remember the dreams right before we awake. This would actually t with the scriptures in
several cases where men remember a dream that actually woke them up.

There are some deep dreams that the enemy does not wants us to know. The enemy has
been hiding important things away from us. He knows that once we know the hidden
dream, we will destroy their demonic operation.
Every Christian should try to understand the spiritual meaning of their dreams. When you

choose to interpret or know your dreams, then you will know the areas to concentrate your
prayers on.

Evil spirit come and attack us in our dreams. Their agenda is to cause confusion, ignorance
and destruction. For example, if you are a full member of Mountain of Fire and you don’t
believe in dream, then you are in a wrong church. Unfortunately, the problems in the lives
of most people start with instances of satanic dreams.

Any Christian that prays, but having a challenge to remember all his or her dreams, then
such a person will have to pray hard for God to revive his spiritual monitor. I want you to
know this fact today that if you refuse to pray against any bad dreams, then you will see
that bad dream causing serious problems and on the life of your family or friends just
because of your spiritual ignorance.

Dr. D.K. Olukoya (MFM G.O.) often addressed the importance of dreams in our christian
life. There are many things we may not understand about the mystery behind dreams, but
one thing is certain, our dream will either warn us, inspire us, elevate us, demote us,
provoke us, excite us etc.

But hear what the Scripture says (Acts 2:17), and your son and daughter shall prophesy, ,
and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:  Every man
born on earth has the power to see vision and dream dreams.

God gave us His word as a back up to claim all good dreams and as a powerful material to
crush all evil dream waiting to be manifested. For example, the Lord says, this dream is
bad, start rebuking it, you take such voice for granted. Maybe about a week later, you
begin to see misfortunes.

I pray for you today, may sorrow depart from you, in the name of Jesus. At times God
interpret dreams to us through certain emotional signal. This is di erent from a dream we
acted upon through the dream interpretation shared by others.

When it happens you don’t know the meaning of your dream, and the Lord wants you to
address it on time, of course, He will send his angel to pass across the message to you. It is
a bad thing not to understand your dream let alone of forgetting them.

That’s where the enemy would be bombarding you with stubborn problems.  Various type
of dreams can appear to be very real. Sometimes you wake up scared, sometimes weeping
and sometimes fearful, yet you realize after a while that it was just a dream and you settle

The Bible speaks of this in Isaiah 29:8 when it says, “It shall even be as when an hungry
man dreameth, and, behold, he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty: or as when a
thirsty man dreameth, and, behold, he drinketh; but he awaketh, and, behold, he is faint,
and his soul hath appetite”.

You may dream of eating or drinking, but when you awake you are still empty. It may have
appeared real, but it was not. It a state of demonic transaction of your destiny.  I decree
upon you today, if the enemy has stolen from your life, recover it by re, in Jesus name.

What does it mean to interpret your dream? And their importance

1. It reveals deep and secret things about events coming near your dwelling.
2. It means to be a master of your dream.
3. It gives you the knowledge about the plans of God or the devil.
4. It boost your spiritual sensitivity.
5. It gives you the opportunity to cancel, nullify and renounce all bad dreams immediately
before it is being programmed into your physical world.
6. It makes you to identify the true source of your dream.

How to control every activity in your dream

Call the blood of JESUS 21 times (Rev 12:11).

Call the re of God 21 times (Isaiah 66:15).
Call the name of Jesus (Proverbs 18:10).



1. If you dream of ants or insects all over your body, it means  poverty and a iction.
2. If you dream and see yourself  inside an aggressive rain and no way to run to, it means
terrible bombardment of attack.
3. If you dream and see no teeth in your mouth, it means a loss of motivation and a loss of
winning spirit.
4. When you see no hair on your head in the dream, it means loss of glory or glory under
5. Seeing yourself looking older than your age in the dream, it means a person is being
drained spiritually and the person would begin to dry up physically.
6. Fighting non-human creature in your dream, it means satanic soldier has been
assigned to contend with your destiny.
7. If you see yourself ying without being pursued in the dream, it means there is an evil
dedication speaking against you. It also indicates that your destiny is under violet
8. When you see ies following you in a dream, it’s attack by Beelzebub spirit.
9. Seeing strange marks all over your body in the dream, it means the enemy has marked

the person for destruction. It gives birth to unexplainable hatred and spirit of rejection.
0. Crying in the dream, it means an agenda of sorrow is being planted around your life.
11. If you see yourself wearing wigs and attachments in the dream, it means that your
glory is being replaced, your virtues have been replaced for fake ones.
2. If you  nd yourself in a long queue and you never get to the front in the dream, it
means the spirit of demonic delay.
3. Finding yourself in a cementry or hospital in the dream, it means a serious spiritual
4. If you dream and see yourself eating bat, dog, pig, vulture, snake,  and other unclean
animals, it means an agenda of massive pollution.
5. Drinking water from dirty river in the dream, it means pollution of your source of
6. Being attacked by dogs or dogs licking your body in the dream, it means the enemy is
using sexual relationship to harrass your life.
7. Breastfeeding of strange children in the dream, it means your virtue is being
8. If you dream and see yourself walking barefooted, it means the enemy has already
stolen your marriage.
9. Seeing vultures around you in the dream, it means the enemy has already pronounced
you death in the coven. The person is a dead man waiting to be buried.
0. When you see yourself driving a vehicle in the dream which stop suddenly, it means
the breakthrough of the person is about to be stopped.
21. If you dream where you hold a Bible and the Bible fell, it means backsliding.
2. Dreams of eating your own vomit, it means the enemy is planning disgrace for you.
23. Unable to cross a strange river in the dream, it means there is a serious blockage on
your way.
4. If you nd yourself in the market in your dream, just roaming about without even
remembering what to buy and you ended up buying nothing, it is an evidence that you
will confused nancially.
5. Any dream concerning somebody cursing you, it shows that the devil wants to put you
under a iction.
6. Always sitting for exams in the dream but never nishing before the allotted time, it
means demonic stagnancy, frustration and discouragement.
7. Begging for alms in the dream, it means the plan of the devil to prevent
English the person

from getting out of an unemployed state or poverty.

8. Climbing a mountain with di culty in dream– it means the enemy is making you toil
before you can survive.
9. Something keeps obstructing you as you seek to cross from one place to another – it
means that the enemy is trying to hinder your progress.
0. Documents stolen in the dream – the enemy is trying to make those documents
31. Falling into a pit and unable to come out in the dream– the enemy has imprisoned
32. Wind and whirlwind ghting against you in the dream – God is trying to tell you that
there are troubles ahead to retard your progress.
33. Cap being blown away by the wind in the dream – it means disgrace is on its way for
4. Loss of something very important like your shoes or sandals – marital disturbance is
35. Clothes being stolen in the dream – this is an attack on your honour and glory.
6. Carrying a heavy load in the dream – the enemy is trying to introduce paralysing
problems into your life, the kind of things that will make the person unable to move.
37. Being in darkness in the dream – this represents spiritual blindness.
8. Seeing re destroying things in the spirit realm – the enemy is trying to introduce
calamity and woe into your life, you have to stop this.
9. Travelling and the road is becoming longer and longer and longer, and never really
nished that journey until you wake up – the enemy is only trying to introduce
frustration into your life.
0. Being shot, either with arrow or gun in the dream – the enemy is trying to introduce
a ictions of a terrible kind into your life.
41. Wearing a rag in the dream – nobody needs to tell you that this is the spirit of poverty
and lack
42. Being in an environment with faeces and dirty things around you in the dream – the
enemy is trying to make you to miss heaven.
43. Being naked in the dream – this is the coming of disgrace and insecurity.
4. Wedding ring and wedding gown stolen or torn or something bad happens to them –
this is an attack on your marriage.
45. House being burgled and things being stolen in dream – the enemy is trying to

introduce spiritual emptiness into your life.

6. A child is missing in the dream – you have to pray hard for that child not to die.
47. A woman shaving your hair – you need to pray for the enemy not to kill your husband.
8. Dreaming of masquerades – that is witchcraft and ancestral spirits pursuing you.
9. Being attacked by dogs – these are sexual demons.
0. Being attacked by cats and serpents – these are witchcraft attacks from the bottom
of the pit.
51. Serpent biting you in the dream  – the enemy is poisoning your life.
2. Seeing crocodile in the dream – the spirit of Leviathan is trying to disturb you
emotionally, mentally and physically.
53. Losing money in the dream – this is an attack on your nance.
4. Somebody issuing curses on you in the dream – it means that forces of a iction and
oppression are pursuing your life.
5. Bleeding through the nose or any other part of the body – this is witchcraft attack
against your health.
6. Being in the marketplace where sometimes you buy things and other times you don’t
– the enemy is trying to enslave you, and if you are not careful, they can give you mental
7. Having sex in the dream – this is a sign that you have a spirit spouse.
8. Seeing cobwebs all over the place, it is a symbol of rejection. It means the enemy is
trying to render your life to useless..
9. Being pursued in the dream by animals – it means problems are being introduced into
your life.
0. Seeing bats and owls in dreams – it means hypocrites are working against you and the
spirit and forces of the night are also pursuing you.
61. Going back to your childhood days in dream, it means the enemy wants to introduce
retardation and backwardness into your life.
2. Dying in the dream or seeing a co n – this could mean death in various ways:
nancial, marital, spiritual. It may not necessarily mean that the person will die
physically, these other things may die.
63. If you see yourself drinking alcohol in the dream, this represent confusion.
4. If you keep seeing padlocks in the dream, it means that certain areas of your life have
been locked up.
5. If you keep nding yourself always exhausted, it means the enemy is introducing

fruitless struggles into your life.

6. If you nd rotten fruits or eggs in the dream it means the enemy is introducing failure
into your l e.


1. Every satanic bondage from evil dreams programmed into my destiny, scatter, in the
name of Jesus.
2. Every sickness introduced into my as a result of evil dreams, die, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every dream of failure in my past, die, in Jesus’ name.
4. Every witchcraft caterer pursuing me in the dream, die, in Jesus’ name.
5. Every satanic dream attached to my progress, die, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every dream prison, break, in the name of Jesus;
7. I re back every arrow of witchcraft red into my dream, in Jesus’ name.
8. Every evil dream of the past a ecting my life now, die, in the name of Jesus.
9. Every witchcraft serpent attacking me in the dream, die in the name of Jesus.
0. Every dream of loss from my enemies against my life, scatter, in the name
11. Angel of God, appear in my dream tonight, in the name of Jesus.
2. I receive the power to interpret my own dreams, in the name of Jesus.
3. O Lord, activate the fruit and the gift of the spirit in my life, in Jesus name.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will
be happy to pro er solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV
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About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie

Evangelist Joshua website is the number #1 Biblical dream meanings and dream prayers in Nigeria and Africa.
O ering spiritual meanings of dream about animals, eating, sex, ghting, snakes, village, former house and
other dreams. This website can empower you how to pray against enemies for e ective deliverance.

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