Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project: Active Fire Fighting Safety Equipment Specification

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Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project

Oil Industries’ Engineering

Iranian Offshore Oil Company
and Construction

Contract Number:

Project No.: 212 Doc. No.: SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006 Rev: 6 Date: Feb. 22/05 Page 1 of 12



6 Feb. 22/05 Approved for Design PR KW DW

5 Jan. 6/05 Approved for Design PR KW DW
4 Dec. 3/04 Approved for Design PR KW DW
3 Nov. 1/04 Approved for Design PR KW DW
2 Oct. 18/04 Approved for Design PR KJW DW
1 Oct. 5/04 Issued for Approval PR KJW DW
0 Sep. 10/04 Issued for Comments PR KJW DW
Rev. Issue Date Purpose of Issue Prepared Checked Approved

This document contains confidential and proprietary information and shall not be used except by the
expressed written permission of Iranian Offshore Oil Company

C:\Documents and Settings\fhaeri\Desktop\TDE\22 feb\SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006-6.doc

Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project
Oil Industries’ Engineering
and Construction Iranian Offshore Oil Company

Contract Number:

Project No.: 212 Doc. No.: SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006 Rev: 6 Date: Feb. 22/05 Page 2 of 12


Page Rev Page Rev Page Rev Page Rev

5 2, 3, 5
6 2, 4
7 5, 6
8 2
9 2, 4
10 2
12 2

C:\Documents and Settings\fhaeri\Desktop\TDE\22 feb\SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006-6.doc

Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project
Oil Industries’ Engineering
and Construction Iranian Offshore Oil Company

Contract Number:

Project No.: 212 Doc. No.: SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006 Rev: 6 Date: Feb. 22/05 Page 3 of 12


1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Scope..................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 General Equipment Requirements ........................................................................................................ 3
2 APPLICABLE CODES AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ............................................................. 3

2.1 Applicable Codes and Standards .......................................................................................................... 3

2.2 Reference Documents........................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Definitions and Abbreviations ................................................................................................................ 3
2.4 Definition of Contracting Parties ............................................................................................................ 3
3 FIRE WATER STORAGE TANK ............................................................................................. 3

4 FIRE WATER DISTRIBUTION ................................................................................................ 3

5 FIRE HYDRANTS ................................................................................................................ 3

6 FIXED MONITORS ............................................................................................................... 3

7 HOSE REELS ..................................................................................................................... 3

8 WATER DELUGE SYSTEMS ................................................................................................. 3

9 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ........................................................................................ 3

10 CO2 SYSTEMS................................................................................................................. 3

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Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project
Oil Industries’ Engineering
and Construction Iranian Offshore Oil Company

Contract Number:

Project No.: 212 Doc. No.: SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006 Rev: 6 Date: Feb. 22/05 Page 4 of 12

The Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC) is planning for expansion of the existing onshore Sirri
Island complex located in the South East of Sirri Island in the Persian Gulf, Iran. The Sirri Island Gas
Gathering and NGL Recovery Project involves expansion of existing reception facilities and addition
of new gas and condensate transmission lines, gas compression and processing facilities, with
associated utilities.

This Specification covers the minimum requirement for the fire fighting equipment type and design for
this project.

Where more stringent, the requirements of local regulation shall be followed.


All equipment must offer a high degree of reliability under all weather conditions and require minimum
maintenance for this reliability.

All equipment shall be listed for its use and meet international codes and standards.

All equipment shall be readily available and able to withstand a highly saline onshore environment.

All materials used in the manufacture of the equipment shall be vendors proven onshore standard.

All equipment shall be provided with manufactures data sheets including maintenance periods,
commissioning requirements, operational spare requirements and manufactures instructions.

All commissioning and operational spare requirements shall be fully specified by the supplier and full
details provided of all necessary maintenance periods and work involved within each period.

Compliance by Vendor with the provisions of this specification and Contractor’s approval do not
relieve them of responsibility to furnish equipment and their accessories of proper design and
mechanically suited to meet the operation requirements of the specified service conditions.


Fire fighting engineering shall be generally based on the requirements of this specification. In
addition reference can be made to the below indicated standards for development of detailed
engineering of specific Fire fighting systems and equipment.

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Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project
Oil Industries’ Engineering
and Construction Iranian Offshore Oil Company

Contract Number:

Project No.: 212 Doc. No.: SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006 Rev: 6 Date: Feb. 22/05 Page 5 of 12



IPS-E-SF-200 “Fire Fighting Sprinkler Systems”

IPS-E-SF-220 “Fire Water Distribution and Storage Facilities”
IPS-E-SF-340 “Fire Fighting Hose Box and/or Shelter”
IPS-M-SF-105 “Material and Equipment Std. For Valves, Reels,
2 Hoses, Nozzles and Monitors for Fire Fighting.
NFPA 10 Portable Fire Extinguishers
4 NFPA 11 standard for Low Expansion Foam
NFPA 12 Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems
NFPA 13 (1996 Ed) Sprinkler Systems
4 NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of standpipe and hose systems
NFPA 15 (2001 Ed) Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection
NFPA 22 (1998 Ed) Water Tanks
NFPA 24 (1995 Ed) Private fire Service Mains and their Appurtenances
NFPA 59A (2001 Ed) Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
AWWA 200


SIRB-00-SA-SP-0003 Active Fire Fighting Job Specification

SIRB-00-SA-SP-0007 CO2 Protection Systems Specification
SIRB-00-SA-SP-0008 Foam Protection Systems Specification
SIRB-00-SA-SP-0009 Mobile Fire Fighting Systems Specification
SIRB-00-SA-SP-0010 Miscellaneous Fire Fighting Equipment Specification & List
SIRB-00-SA-CC-0001 Firewater Demand Calculation Note
SIRB-00-SA-CC-0002 Fire Mains Calculations
SIRB-00-MA-SP-0008 Fire Pumps
5 SIRB-00-PI-SP-0001 Piping Material Specification


IPS Iranian Petroleum Standards

NFPA National Fire Prevention Association
API RP American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice
ANSI American National Standards Institute


Owner: Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC)
Contractor: Oil Industries Engineering and Construction (OIEC)
Vendor/Manufacturer: The entity/organization responsible for supply / manufacture.

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Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project
Oil Industries’ Engineering
and Construction Iranian Offshore Oil Company

Contract Number:

Project No.: 212 Doc. No.: SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006 Rev: 6 Date: Feb. 22/05 Page 6 of 12


2 Tank will be welded steel gravity cone roof tank, supported on concrete slab, with the capacity of
6,000 m3.
The firewater tank shall be located 6.1m away from any adjacent units that could be a potential fire
exposure to the tank.
Tank Design. Material thickness and plate design stress limitations to comply with AWWA D100
“Welded steel tanks for water storage” and to NFPA-22 (current edition) “Water tanks for private Fire
Protection” requirements.

Plates. Plate materials shall be of open-hearth, electric furnace, or basic oxygen process steel that
conforms to the following ASTM specifications:

(A) ASTM A 36/A 36M,Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel

(B) ASTM A 283/A 283M, Standard Specification for Low-and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon
Steel Plates, Grades A, B, C and D

Bolts, Anchor Bolts and Rods. Bolts and anchor bolts shall conform to ASTM A 307, Standard
Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength, Grade A or Grade B.
ASTM A36, Standard Specifications for Carbon Structural Steel, shall be considered an acceptable
alternative material for anchor bolts. Rods shall be open-hearth, electric furnace, or basic oxygen
process steel that conforms to ASTM A 36.

Reinforcing Steel. Reinforcing steel shall comply with ASTM A 615, Standard Specification for
Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement, Grade 40 or Grade 60.

Opening Reinforcements. All openings of more than 4 in. (102mm) in diameter that are located in
the shell, suspended bottom, larger steel plate riser, or tubular support shall be reinforced. The
reinforcement shall be either the flange of a fitting, an additional ring of metal, excess plate metal
above that actually required, or a combination of these methods.

Welding. All welding shall be completed in accordance with AWWA D100, Welded Steel Tanks for
Water Storage

2 Roofs. The tank roofs shall have a handrail that shall be placed around the entire circumference of
the roof of all steel tanks.
A roof vent shall have a cross-sectional area equal to a minimum of one-half the area of the discharge
pipe(s) or fill pipe, whichever is the larger. A corrosion-resistant screen and perforated plate with 3/8
in. (9.5mm) holes, to exclude birds or other animals, shall be provided and have a net area at least
equal to the vent line. In the case of a screen, this requires a gross area at least one and one-half
times the cross-sectional area of the discharge pipe(s) or fill pipe, whichever is larger. The weather
hood above the perforated plate or screen, or its equivalent, shall be readily movable. The over-flow
pipe shall not be included as vent area. The vent shall be permitted to combine with the roof finial.

A roof vent attached to a flanged neck shall be installed on steel tanks prior to entering the tank. The
flanged neck shall be designed to accommodate an adequately sized exhaust fan.

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Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project
Oil Industries’ Engineering
and Construction Iranian Offshore Oil Company

Contract Number:

Project No.: 212 Doc. No.: SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006 Rev: 6 Date: Feb. 22/05 Page 7 of 12

Roof Anchorage. Roof plate shall be securely fastened to the top of the tank.

Roof Hatch. An easily accessible roof hatch or roof door having a minimum opening dimension of 24
in. (610 mm) shall be provided in the roof. The hatch cover shall be built of steel plate with a
minimum thickness of 3/16 in. (4.8mm). The opening shall have a curb that is a minimum of 4 in.
(102mm) high, and the cover shall have a minimum downward overlap of 2 in. (51mm). A substantial
catch shall be provided to keep the cover closed.
A second roof hatch shall be placed 180 degrees from the existing roof hatch with a ladder to access
the tank floor.

Ladders-General. Outside and inside steel ladders that are arranged for convenient passage from
one to the other and through the roof hatch shall be provided. Ladders shall not interfere with the
opening of the hatch cover and shall not incline outward from the vertical at any point.

All ladders over 20 ft. (6.1 m) high shall be equipped with a cage, a rigid notched rail, or other listed
ladder safety device.

Painting Inaccessible Parts. Parts that are inaccessible after fabrication, but that are subject to
corrosion, shall be protected by paint before assembly.


5 6 Underground piping material shall be FRP class 150, as per SIRB-00-PI-SP-0001, piping class –

Minimum size of pipe in the firewater network shall be 8” with the exception that 6” pipe may be used
in supplying individual hydrants/monitors.

The maximum allowable flow/velocity in the system should be 3.5 m/s.

5 Firewater network will be calculated by using Hazen & William formula assuming C-Factor to be 150.

All fire water components such as valves, fittings, flanges shall be rated for the maximum pressure
expected during the fire pumps operating with no take off flow, plus the static head of the fully filled
storage tank and the over pressure which could be developed due to surge at pump start up or when
take-off flow is stopped and in no case less than 10.5 bar.

All underground pipe-to-pipe, fitting to pipe and fitting-to-fitting joints shall be restrained with clamp
type rodded restraints. In addition all change of directions shall be supported with concrete thrust

All valves to be listed N.R.S. wedge type gate valves c/w post indicator set so that the top of the post
5 will be 1 m above the final grade, except all 150 mm valves located at each Fire Hydrant shall be c/w
a road box.

5 All control valves shall not close in less than 5 seconds when operated at maximum possible speed.

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Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project
Oil Industries’ Engineering
and Construction Iranian Offshore Oil Company

Contract Number:

Project No.: 212 Doc. No.: SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006 Rev: 6 Date: Feb. 22/05 Page 8 of 12


TYPE-1: Fire hydrant shall be listed wet barrel, self-draining type. In the process areas, the hydrant
shall have a 150mm barrel with two 65mm side outlets and a 100mm diameter flanged side outlet
mounted to a 100mm flanged elbow facing upwards for a water monitor to mount on top. The
connections of the hydrant outlets shall suit the local fire hose requirements.

TYPE-2: Fire hydrant shall be listed wet barrel, self-draining type. In the administration and off site
areas, the hydrant shall have a 150mm barrel with two 65mm side outlets and a 100mm diameter
pumper connection. The connections of the hydrant outlets shall suit the local fire hose requirements.

The hydrant shall be finished with red enamel paint on the upper barrel and black bitumen on the
lower barrel. The hydrant’s upper barrel and base flange shall be Iron to ASTM A-126 Class B, the
lower barrel shall be Ductile Iron, Hose nozzle and pumper nozzle shall be Bronze to ASTM B-124
alloy 2 (or equivalent).

4 The hydrant shall be capable of discharging a flow rate of 1,167 l/m (65 mm hose) and 2,000 l/m
(hydrant mounted monitor) for a total discharge of 3,167 l/m at a pressure of 10 barg.

Each fire hydrant shall have a listed 150mm isolating N.R.S. wedge type gate valve complete with a
post indicator. The lower barrel of the post indicator will be ductile and the upper barrel will be steel

Hydrants subject to damage by road traffic shall be protected by concrete filled steel pipe boulders.


All monitors located at grade shall be manually operated.

Monitors unless specified otherwise are to be permanently mounted on Type-1 fire hydrants.

Fixed monitors shall be able to provide a flow rate of 2,000 l/m at 7.5 barg. The monitor nozzle shall
be capable of jet/fog and have an on/off control. The jet throw shall be 30 m and fog spray 25 m.

Monitors shall have vertical minimum movement angle in range of 15° to 75° and horizontal
movement angle of 360°. It shall be equipped with lock knobs for both rotation and vertical

2 The monitor body will be constructed of corrosion protected carbon steel and finished with red
polyurethane paint. The nozzle will be constructed of sturdy brass material. All welds shall be free
from lack of fusion, cracks, non-metallic inclusion, porosity and cavities.

The inlet will be 100mm diameter R.F. flanged to ANSI #150. Each monitor shall have an inlet
isolation valve and shall be provided with drainage facilities at the isolation valve location.

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Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project
Oil Industries’ Engineering
and Construction Iranian Offshore Oil Company

Contract Number:

Project No.: 212 Doc. No.: SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006 Rev: 6 Date: Feb. 22/05 Page 9 of 12

Special Precautions shall be taken to ensure that monitors are adequately protected from possible
road traffic accidents.


The water shall be turned on at the reel by manual operation of the inlet valve.

Hose Reels will be: Single tier swinging wall reel, steel fabricated, c/w high visibility protective cover.
2 Sized to accommodate 100 ft. of 73 mm (2.5”) collapsible hose, with quick coupling and shall be able
4 to provide flow rate of 1,167 l/m at 7.5 bar.

The hose reel shall rotate around a spindle so that the hose can be withdrawn freely.

The drum or hose support of the first coil of hose shall be not less than 150mm diameter. The fitting
by which the hose is attached to the reel shall be arranged in such a way that the hose is not
restricted or flattened by additional layers of hose being placed upon it.

The hose reels shall be finished in signal fire service red.

The hose shall consist of seamless rubber lining, with textile reinforcement and a rubber cover. The
length of the hose shall be 30.5m.

The complete assembly shall be capable of operating at 10 bar maximum working pressure and of
delivering water to any point within its specified range without leakage. When tested there shall be no
leakage from any part of the assembly.

The hose shall be capable of being run out, through the hose guide if fitted, in any generally,
horizontal direction up to the limits of hose length. When tested the force required to start or restart
rotation of the reel drum shall not be more than 200N.

Each hose shall terminate in a shut-off nozzle. Fire hose nozzle shall be capable of a combined
fog/spray/jet discharge and shall also incorporate an on/off control. In order to protect the operator
4 from excessive jet thrust the nozzle shall also be of the auto fog type where it would automatically
revert to the fog setting when the nozzle is unpressurized. The nozzle shall be capable of a flow to
match the hydrant discharge flow rate. The nozzle tip material shall be bronze or brass.

All components that would be adversely affected by external environmental conditions shall be
treated to resist corrosion.

Fire hose reel assemblies shall be provided with a notice bearing (fire hose reel) in white letters on
red background on adjacent to the hose reel. Fire hose reel assemblies shall be provided with full
operation instructions for display on or adjacent to the hose reel.


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Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project
Oil Industries’ Engineering
and Construction Iranian Offshore Oil Company

Contract Number:

Project No.: 212 Doc. No.: SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006 Rev: 6 Date: Feb. 22/05 Page 10 of 12

Automatic water spray deluge system shall be provided for exposure protection and also control of
burning on the equipment, which is specified on the design basis of fire protection system. Design
and installation details shall be accomplished based on NFPA-15.

Water spray nozzles shall be arranged for tanks & vessels so that spray water can directly impinge on
entire surface to be protected or for cooling purpose spray water can effectively cover surface area by
water run-down.

The deluge system skid assembly shall be a fully fabricated and tested unit. The deluge valves shall
be pneumatically controlled to allow remote, local and automatic actuation.

A deluge system control station shall come equipped with:

- Deluge control valve
- Upstream line strainer
- Isolation valve c/w tamper switch
- Test and drainage facilities
- Instrument devices (pressure gauges, solenoid valves, pressure switch, orifice)
- Local alarm gong & facilities

Deluge valve and its trim shall be suitable for working pressure of 12-barg and test pressure of 14
barg. Deluge valve body will be cast iron material, latched type, straight through fire water, with
2 inlet/outlet flanges F.F. ANSI # 150.

Deluge valve will only be reset manually at the valve itself.

Main pipeline strainers shall be provided for all systems utilizing nozzles with waterways less than
9.5mm and for any system where the water is likely to contain obstructive material. The strainer shall
be installed so as to be accessible for flushing or cleaning during the emergency.

Individual strainers shall be provided at each nozzle where water passageways are smaller than

Any system will be operated as follow:

- Automatically upon fire detection by proper fire detection
- Manually at the control valve by means of emergency release device.
- Manually from remote safe location push button at control room.

Where water spray systems are installed in areas having an explosion potential, they shall be
installed in a manner that will minimize damage to the piping and where possible explosion proof
devices shall be utilized.

Each one control station will be located not less than 15m far from the nearest protected equipment in
the reference system.

Spacing between nozzles shall not exceed 3m and nozzles shall be no more than 0.8m below the
bottom of the pipe level being protected.

The type of nozzles must be medium velocity and orifices sizes should be selected min. 9.5mm to
minimize blockage.

The selection of the type and size of spray nozzles shall be made with proper consideration given to
such factors as physical character of the hazard involved, draft or wind conditions, material likely to
be burning, and the general purpose of the system.

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Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project
Oil Industries’ Engineering
and Construction Iranian Offshore Oil Company

Contract Number:

Project No.: 212 Doc. No.: SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006 Rev: 6 Date: Feb. 22/05 Page 11 of 12

All piping shall comply with Piping Material Specification SIRB-00-PI-SP-0001.

The system shall be able to function effectively for a sufficient time to dissolve, dilute, disperse, or
cool flammable or hazardous materials. The possible duration of release of the materials shall be
considered in the selection of duration times.

Spill Areas. Nozzles shall be installed to impinge on the areas of the source of fire, and where spills
may travel or accumulate. The water application rate on the probable surface of the spill shall be at
the rate of not less than 20.4(l/min)/m².

Pumps. Pumps or other devices which handle flammable liquids or gases shall have the shafts,
packing glands, connection, and other critical parts enveloped in directed water at a density of not
less than 20.4(l/min)/m².

Exposure Protection. Automatic water spray systems for exposure protection shall be designed to
operate before the formation of carbon deposits on the surfaces to be protected and before the
possible failure of any containers of flammable liquids or gases because of the temperature rise. The
system and water supplies shall, therefore, be designed to discharge effective water spray from all
nozzles within 30 seconds following separation of the detection system.

The densities specified for exposure protection contemplate minimal wastage of 2.0(l/min)/m².

Vessels. Water shall be applied to vertical or inclined vessel surfaces at a net rate of not less than

Where run-down is contemplated for vertical or inclined surfaces the vertical distance between
nozzles shall not exceed 3.7m.

Bottom and top surfaces of vertical vessels shall be completely covered by directed water spray at an
average rate of not less than 10.2(l/min)/m² of exposed uninsulated surface. Consideration shall be
given to slippage but on the bottom surfaces the horizontal extremities of spray patterns shall at least

Uninsulated vessel skirts shall have water spray applied on one exposed (uninsulated) side, either
inside or outside, at a net rate of not less than 4.1(l/min)/m².

Horizontal and vertical stressed (primary) structural steel members shall be protected by nozzles
spaced not greater than 3m on centers (preferably on alternate sides) and of such size and
arrangement as to discharge not less than 4.1(l/min)/m² over the wetted area on the structure for
horizontal members and not less than 10.2(l/min)/m² over the wetted area on the structure for vertical

Pipe Racks. For single level pipe racks, water spray nozzles shall discharge onto the underside of
the pipe at a plan view density of 10.2(l/min)/m².

For two level racks, water spray nozzles shall discharge onto the underside of the lower level at a
plan view density of 8.2 (l/min)/m² and additional spray nozzles shall discharge onto the underside of
the upper level at a plan view density of 6.2 (l/min)/m².

For three, four and five level pipe racks, water spray nozzles shall discharge onto the underside of the
lowest level at a plan view density of 8.2 (l/min)/m² and additional spray nozzles shall discharge onto

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Sirri Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project
Oil Industries’ Engineering
and Construction Iranian Offshore Oil Company

Contract Number:

Project No.: 212 Doc. No.: SIRB-00-SA-SP-0006 Rev: 6 Date: Feb. 22/05 Page 12 of 12

the underside of alternate levels at a plan view density of 6.1 (l/min)/m². Water spray shall be applied
to the underside of the top-level even if immediately above a protected level.

For pipe racks of six or more levels, water spray nozzles shall discharge onto the underside of the
lowest level at a plan density of 8.2 (l/min)/m² and additional spray nozzles shall discharge onto the
underside of alternate levels at a plan view density of 4.1 (l/min)/m². Water spray shall be applied to
the underside of the top-level even if immediately above a protected level.

Vertical stacked piping may be protected by water spray directed at one side of the piping a density of

Transformers. Transformers protections shall contemplate essentially complete impingement on all

exterior surfaces, except underneath surfaces which in lieu there of may be protected by horizontal
projection. The water shall be applied at a rate not less than [10.0(L/min.)/m²] of projected area of
rectangular prism envelope for the transformer and its appurtenances and not less than
6.1(L/min.)/m² on the expected, non-absorbing ground surface area of exposure. Additional
application is needed for special configurations, conservator tanks, pumps, etc. Spaces greater than
(305mm) in width between radiator, etc., shall be individually protected.

Water spray piping shall not be carried across the top of the transformer tank, unless impingement
cannot be accomplished with any other configuration and provided the required distance from the live
electrical components is maintained.


Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided throughout the plant. Refer to document Nr. SIRB-00-SA-
SP-0010 “Miscellaneous Fire Fighting Equipment Specification and List”


CO2 fire extinguishing systems shall be provided in plant buildings. Refer to doc. Nr SIRB-00-SA-SP-
0007 “CO2 Protection Systems Specification”

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