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Conference Themes About the Conference ICCC&E-2022

1. Impacts of Climate change on wildlife The natural balance of the climate across
2. Climate change and air pollution – a the globe is changing rapidly leading to 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON
hidden menace uncertain climate conditions. Nations of
3. Forest cover changes associated with the world including Pakistan today faces
climate change
4. Vulnerability of urban flooding due to
one of the single greatest challenges to
health and life – the menace of Climate
Climate Change
climate change Change - Air Pollution. With
5. Climate change driven extended
pollen seasons and extreme pollen
approximately 7 million people
worldwide dying prematurely each year -
4 million of these deaths occurring in Asia-
6. Conversion of waste to energy and
impact on climate change
Pacific. In addition, 92% or nine out of ten
people worldwide do not breathe clean
7. Effect of land encroachers on natural
air, costing the global economy $5 trillion
every year in welfare costs.
8. Effect of climate change on water
resources of Islamabad
9. Transport system vs climate change
Climate change is not just related to February 2 - 3, 2022
environment but also it causes social and
10. Tourism vs climate change
economic insecurity hence people Organized by
11. Agriculture & Natural Resource
Management remain uncertain of their future. The
developing countries like Pakistan are Department of Environmental
Organizing Committee extremely vulnerable to the devastating Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University,
effects of the climate change, and it is Islamabad
Dr. Mazhar Iqbal Zafar
difficult for them to meet the costs of
Dr. Jamshaid Rashid adaptation and mitigation. in association with
Dr. Mahtab Ahmad
This conference is an effort to combat
and tackle Climate Change in an
Pakistan Partnership Initiative
Dr. Sohail Yousaf (Conference Chair) endeavor to bring significant benefits to
Dr. Mazhar Iqbal (Conference Coordinator) human health, economy, and
Mr. Waheed Yousuf (Conference Coordinator) sustainable development. The
conference also focuses on alleviating
poverty while preventing and mitigating
0311 6691956; 0333 5292341 the detrimental effects of human
[email protected] induced environmental damage that not
[email protected] only has adverse impacts on human life
and social settings but also worsens the
effects of climate change on the planet.
Important Dates Registration Form
Keynote Speakers
Abstract submission deadline: Jan. 10, 2022 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON
Registration deadline: January 15, 2022 National & international researchers from the
field of climate change will address at the Climate Change
Interested participants are requested to
submit abstract/s of their original research
work through email on [email protected]
Abstracts will be evaluated by the
About DES Environment
committee and decision for oral or poster February 2 - 3, 2022
The Department of Environmental Sciences
presentation will be communicated.
(DES) at Quaid-I-Azam University is one of the Name: _____________________________________
Plagiarism check will be applied to the
best Environmental Sciences departments in
submitted content.
Pakistan. This department offers BS, MPhil, Father’s Name. _____________________________
and Ph.D. degrees in various fields including
Registration Fee environmental waste management, CNIC No. ___________________________________
ecotoxicology, hydrology, environmental
Individual (in person): PKR 2000/- biotechnology, renewable energy sources, Designation: ________________________________
Individual (online): PKR 1000/- environmental nanotechnology,
Individual (International): USD 50/- environmental microbiology, and Organization: _______________________________
Group (≥10 members): PKR 1800/- bioremediation. Each research group is fully
Organization (1 day stall): PKR 7000/- equipped with state-of-the-art lab facilities. Address: ___________________________________
Organization (2 days stall): PKR 10,000/- Further, other fields of interest include climate
3 members for stall, Organization has to bring change, GIS & RS, Molecular Plant biology, Phone: _____________________________________
150+ souvenirs. epidemiology, and others.
Mobile No. _________________________________
Registration fee includes conference kit,
Email Address: _____________________________
certificate, tea, and lunch (for 2 days). Residence and Transport Facility
Payment Details: ___________________________
Account No. 02947900585603 (HBL) Residence can be provided on request and
Jazzcash: 03006691956, Title: Mazhar Iqbal will be charged as per actual. University will Registration Charges: _______________________
Easypaisa: 03116691956, Title: Mazhar Iqbal provide transport from residence to
conference venue. Receipt No. ________________________________
Registration Links
City Trip Date & Signature: ___________________________
Participant’s registration:
The capital city is blessed with breathtaking
natural wonders which make it an incredibly -----------------------------------------------------
attractive and exciting place to visit. City trip
Organization’s registration: will be arranged for interested candidates Registered by: ______________________________ (PKR 1000).
9 Signature: __________________________________

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