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Prajapita Brahma Kumaris

Rajyoga Centre at Colaba,

THEORY Mumbai, gave me my first

liberation from superstitions by
a very precise knowledge about
RAJYOGA SELF and about GOD, the
Supreme Soul. I became God-
– Dr. Dilip V. Kaundinya, Mumbai loving instead of God-fearing.
God now became my Supreme

iyati or destiny is very this extreme Kaliyuga. All the Father, Supreme Teacher and
simple and Gurus, without a single Supreme sadgati-daata.
mathematical. But it exception, show different Peace, health, happiness,
has been made complex and manifestations of Maya. Some knowledge and powers from
frightful by scriptures like are famous for their temper. The this ocean became my
garuda-purana. Very bad act others are so for their Super- birthright. Yoga (meditation)
of a sort invites horrid ego. EGO is erasing God Out. became Remembrance, an
punishment. It generates Fear- But when one discovers lust- easy process. The perception
Psychosis in the reader. Life, laden episodes of a Guru, then that Yoga is for the weak or the
which is simple and our the disenchantment becomes old or for Sanyasis changed and
perception about the Self and complete. Spiritual effort then it became a Universal Tool for
the God have been made quite becomes rudderless, useless self-empowerment, self-
complex. Both are described as and meaningless. Many leave purification and performance -
“Neti, Neti”, i.e., ‘this is not the path because of this obstacle enhancement. The meaning of
that’ and ‘that is not that’. Then or difficulty. the motivating phrases became
the question is what exactly is One Baba (believer of clear to me. For instance, Lord
that which forms that? People destiny) preached that Buddha said “Man writes his
then leave it unexplored as they everything in life is destiny. own health and destiny.” In
do not have time even for When a friend said, “I don’t Bhagvad Gita, God said
themselves. believe in destiny”, that Baba “Thought forms the seed of your
An attempt to interpret self replied, “Not to believe in karma and destiny.” A
and God from Upanishads (so destiny is your destiny.” When realisation happened. Now I
called simpler versions of Veda) I asked, “How can I change know that I can change my
lands one in a greater quagmire destiny?” he said, “As per destiny by transforming my
of confusion. A half page of Destiny Yoga, nothing changes thoughts from negative to
definition of self, the soul, destiny.” Thus, when I was at positive under Supreme Divine
interpreted so differently in the cross-roads of indecision, Guidance. Good thoughts mean
different Vedas that the Self RAJYOGA happened in my good Karma and Good karmic
gets lost in the maze of words. destiny. Then my thoughts, account. This means health,
Desperate men then seek a nature and destiny changed happiness, harmony, peace and
Guru. But one soon realises that easily, surely though slowly. A prosperity in life. Bad Karma
one cannot get a real Guru in 7-day free of cost course in means a bad Karmic account.
The World Renewal, January 2011 23
It means pain, suffering, good karmic account for 21 spiritual knowledge comes
diseases, defects, early deaths births. A subtle power to discern from experiencing and NOT
and failures in life. Yoga or the micro-forms of Maya from reading. Spiritual
Remembrance became an easy became evident. A life-long knowledge in books is a
way of shedding the Bad journey of self-purification and conglomerate of experiences
karmic account and thereby enlightenment was initiated and divine visions. So the proof
getting liberation from under the direct guidance of the of the pudding is experience.
sufferings. It also became a Supreme Soul. Mind is Go, and get it.
Technique for accumulating experiential. So, all of the



– A.L. Madan, Principal, Jat College, Kaithal

Who was it? What was it?
That whispered ‘make the way, make the That made me endure, pricks and jabs of
way’ the surgical needles
From the blinking red of the emergency van With spiritual smiles and just two cotton
– soft sounds on my white lips!
A large divine mouth- piece of the Shiva’s What was it?
light? That greeted me every dawn and every
Who was it? eve
That guided the extended hand of the With “I see you” on my “ICU” bed
Surgeon to my sinking heart Though I couldn’t see Him, but feel him
To help float its cosmic rhythm again—so around!
sweet a beat? What was it?
Who was it? That, like mother, lulled me to sleep even
That carried me in His arms to everyone in pain
Well-in-time, well-on-time, for the eternal And then woke me up after much
time refreshing restful gain?
To continue weaving my slender breaths for What was it?
the time being? That applied balm to every aching throb
Who was it? and made me calm
That later, strengthened my resolve to live In the turbulence of uncertain heart–
life soulfully weather after the storm?
Henceforth, with body in the background Was it Om Shanti? Yes, it was Om
receding slowly? Shanti, indeed!
Was it Baba Himself? Yes, it was He, My balm! My Calm!! My Psalm!!!
My Saviour! My Charioteer! My Benefactor!!!

24 The World Renewal, January 2011

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