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JOB No: 1335

CNOOC South East Sumatra BV







1.0 SCOPE 3
2.0 CODES AND COMPANY SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................3
3.0 DEFINITIONS...............................................................................................................................4
4.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................4
5.0 PROCEDURES..............................................................................................................................5
6.0 EQUIPMENT.................................................................................................................................9
7.0 SURVEYS......................................................................................................................................9
8.0 OFFSHORE PIPELAY................................................................................................................10
9.0 RISER/OFFSET FABRICATION................................................................................................12
10.0 RISER/OFFSET INSTALLATION..............................................................................................13
11.0 SHORE APPROACH...................................................................................................................14
12.0 ONSHORE PIPELINE INSTALLATION....................................................................................15
13.0 ALLOWABLE INSTALLATION STRESSES............................................................................20
14.0 DIVING OPERATIONS..............................................................................................................21
15.0 WELDING...................................................................................................................................22
16.0 WELD INSPECTION AND REPAIR..........................................................................................26
17.0 FIELD JOINT COATING............................................................................................................28
18.0 COATING REPAIRS DURING INSTALLATION.....................................................................31
19.0 SPAN RECTIFICATION AND CROSSINGS.............................................................................32
20.0 PIPELINE PRE-COMMISSIONING...........................................................................................33
21.0 CLEAN-UP..................................................................................................................................34
22.0 PAINTING...................................................................................................................................34
23.0 INSPECTION, TESTING AND APPROVAL.............................................................................34
24.0 REPORTING................................................................................................................................34
25.0 GUARANTEE..............................................................................................................................35

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This Specification covers material, labour, supervision, equipment, inspection and testing for the
installation of subsea and onshore pipelines and risers.


The requirements and recommendations of the latest revisions of the following listed codes,
standards and Project Specifications shall apply:
2.1 American National Standards Institute
ASME B31.4 Liquid Petroleum Transportation Piping Systems
ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
2.2 American Petroleum Institute
API Spec 5L API Specification for Line Pipe
API Spec 1104 Standard for Welding Pipeline and Related Facilities
API RP 1110 Pressure Testing of Liquid Petroleum Pipelines
2.3 American Society for Testing and Material
ASTM A370 Standard Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel
ASTM E92 Standard Method of Test for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials
ASTM E94 Radiographic Testing
ASTM E709 Magnetic Particle Examination
2.4 American Society for Non-Destructive Testing
SNT-TC-1A Non-Destructive Testing Personnel Qualification and Certification
2.5 Diving Regulations
Department of Energy/Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) - Guidelines for the
Specification and Operation of Dynamically Positioned Diving Support Vessels 1983.
Association of Diving Contractors (ADC)- Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving
Operations – Guidelines for the Specification and Operation of Dynamically Positioned
Diving Support Vessels 1992 Edition, 1994 and 2000 changes.
2.6 Project Documents
028120-SPL-001 Shop Fabrication Pipe Bend Specification
028120-SPL-003 Pipeline Materials Specification
028120-SPL-004 Insulation And Weight Coating Specification
028120-SPL-006 Line Pipe And Riser Handling Specification
028120-SPL-007 Pipeline Protective Coatings Specification
028120-SPL-008 Protective Coatings Riser Neoprene Specification
028120-SPL-009 Cathodic Protection Subsea Pipelines Specification
028120-SPL-010 Subsea Cable Crossing Specification

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028120-SPL-011 Pipeline Flanges and Fittings Specification

028120-SPL-012 Pipeliene Pre-commissioning Specification
02120-SPC-002 Earthwork Specification
028120-ACG-001 Scope of Work – General Requirements

The definitions pertinent to this Specification are contained in document number 028120-ACG-


The purpose of this Specification and its referenced codes, standards and Project Specifications is
to establish a minimum level of acceptable quality. Alternate standard designs of equal or superior
quality may be proposed, provided all exceptions are listed and written approval for all exceptions
is obtained from COMPANY.
In the case of conflict between documents, CONTRACTOR shall submit the discrepancy
immediately to COMPANY for final resolution.
The pipelines shall be completely installed, tested and ready to put in service.
All flanged connections larger than 2 inch NPS shall be installed using hydraulic bolt tensioning
equipment acceptable to COMPANY. CONTRACTOR shall submit tensioning calculations for
COMPANY approval.
Any damage to the pipe, welds, anodes, field joint coating or yard applied coating during laying or
other operations shall be repaired by CONTRACTOR at its expense. Methods and procedures used
to make the repairs shall be approved by COMPANY prior to the start of repair activities. Such
damage shall be reported to in writing COMPANY within 24 hours.
CONTRACTOR shall take necessary precautions to prevent damage to existing facilities such as
platforms, pipelines, subsea wellheads, subsea cables, roads, drains etc. during the installation
works. Any damage shall be reported to COMPANY in writing within 24 hours.
CONTRACTOR shall be familiar with the requirements of the AMDAL and shall provide
procedures for COMPANY approval that clearly defines how CONTRACTOR will satisfy the
requirements of the AMDAL.
Care shall be taken by CONTRACTOR to preserve the natural amenities of the area and to
minimise damage in the vicinity of the Work.
CONTRACTOR shall notify and obtain required permissions from the relevant local and
government authorities, and make any required public communications prior to starting of Works.
All works shall be performed in a safe and workmanlike manner. A hazard identification, risk
evaluation and risk mitigation assessment shall be performed before commencing any works.
Safety and risk mitigation requirements shall be clearly identified in the procedures.
No work is permitted on a pressurised system unless the system has either been de-pressurised to a
safe working pressure, the system has been safely isolated, or other measures have been taken to
prevent accidental pressure release.
All works within 500 m of existing COMPANY facilities shall be performed under the
COMPANY permit to work system.
CONTRACTOR shall undertake a formal simultaneous operations review prior to commencement
of any construction activities.

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Prior to mobilization, CONTRACTOR shall update and/or develop in detail the material and
equipment descriptions and specifications; proposed installation methods, planning and scheduling;
and installation procedures for doing the work. This documentation shall be submitted to
COMPANY for approval at least one month prior to mobilization of equipment spreads.
The submissions shall be in the form of manuals which detail assumptions and supporting
calculations. Data shall be sufficient to show compliance with the relevant codes, standards and
Specifications. For documentation provided in the form of computer output, CONTRACTOR shall
furnish descriptions of the output and computer programs.
The documentation is to include the information described below :
5.1 Detailed Drawings
CONTRACTOR shall submit detailed design and shop drawings prior to installation.
Drawings shall be revised and re-issued after construction as part of the as-built data
5.2 Material Descriptions and Certificates
CONTRACTOR shall submit samples of the proposed materials together with the
Manufacturer's relevant technical data and certified test results for COMPANY approval.
CONTRACTOR shall not proceed with the procurement of the proposed materials prior to
obtaining written approval from COMPANY.
5.3 Equipment Specifications and Descriptions
Descriptions and specifications for the complete pipelay spread shall be submitted, including
but not limited to, the following :
 All major equipment onboard the pipelay vessel
 Plan and profile of the vessel including production ramp layout, pipe shoe layout,
work station locations
 Number, capacity, location and control/operating characteristics of tensioners
 Type and capacity of abandonment/recovery winch
 Number of davits and their location/capacity
 Number of anchor winches, size and type of anchors, size and length of anchor
 Number and capacity of cranes
 Plan and profile of the pipelay stinger, including dimensioned cross-section, pipe
roller support locations, buoyancy characteristics and hydraulic control system (if
 All other vessels (eg Handling Tugs, Pipe Supply Barges, Diving Vessels,
Survey vessels, Dredging or Excavation Vessels etc) and related equipment
 Onshore construction equipment (eg excavators, cranes, pipe handling equipment
 Type and capacity of onshore pullin winch
 Onshore Access, Services and Support Facilities (eg access roads, power
supplies, storage areas, temporary accommodation etc)
 Welding and radiographic inspection equipment
 Field joint coating equipment
 Experience resumes of key personnel.
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Details of the navigation and positioning system to be used on the pipelay and survey vessel
shall be submitted by CONTRACTOR.
5.4 Installation Planning and Scheduling
Detailed planning and scheduling shall be submitted for the proposed installation of the
pipelines, risers and temporary works including all activities such as procurement, coating,
mobilization, surveying, installation, hydrotesting, and demobilization. This document is to
include details of the proposed installation schedule and sequence of operations for the
installation and testing.
5.5 Installation Procedures
Detailed installation procedures, drawings and associated calculations shall be submitted for
the following operations:
 Anchor patterns
 Normal subsea pipelay operations
 Subsea pipelay start-up and termination
 Subsea pipelay abandonment/recovery
 Subsea pipelay lift/riser handling for riser setting operations
 Subsea pipelay across existing pipelines and cables
 Subsea tie-in assembly and installation
 Shore approach pipelay and excavation
 Suspended pipelay operations
 Dredging
 Backfilling
 Rock dumping
 Coral excavation and blasting
 Shore pull-in
 Onshore pipelay (pipe lowering)
 Onshore crossings of existing pipelines, cables, roads and drains
 Free span correction
 Onshore tie-in installation
 Buckle detector specifications and buckle detection procedures
 Contingency procedures for dry and wet buckle repair
 Anode installation procedures
 Survey procedures
 Temporary works
The CONTRACTOR shall supply detailed stress analyses, and describe the procedures and
methods to be used to control installation stresses during the operations.
The procedures shall allow for contingency operation in the event of adverse weather,
adverse soil type, equipment breakdown, collisions, accidents and other events outside the
normal installation envelope.
5.6 Welding Requirements
The following shall be submitted :
 Welding procedure and repair welding procedure specifications.
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 Welding procedure and repair welding procedure qualification records and

associated radiographic films, non-destructive testing reports, material certificates,
consumable certificates, and mechanical test certificates.
 All welder/welding operator qualification certificates together with correctly
identified radiographic films of such tests.
 General welding control
 Welding consumable control
 Welding repair analysis
5.7 Inspection and NDT Procedures
The following shall be submitted :
 Non-destructive testing (radiography, ultrasonic testing and magnetic particle
inspection) procedures and qualification records, if applicable.
 Qualification certificates for each radiographer and other NDT operators
involved in the work together with photographs.
 Concrete coating and corrosion coating inspection and repair procedures.
5.8 Field Joint Coating Procedures
CONTRACTOR shall submit a field joint application procedure which includes, but is not
limited to, the following :
 Field joint cleaning procedure.
 Field joint materials application procedure.
 Inspection and repair procedure at various stages.
 Temperature control.
 Details of the manner in which inspections will be performed and reported.
5.9 Pipeline Material Handling Procedures
Prior to receiving the pipeline materials, CONTRACTOR shall submit the Pipeline Material
Handling Procedures for COMPANY's approval which is in accordance with Project
Specification 028120-SPL-006 Line Pipe and Riser Handling.
The procedure or method statement shall include, but not be limited to, loading/unloading on
site, storage area, mode of transportation, method of handling the line pipe and associated
materials, and equipment intended to be used for handling of pipeline materials.
5.10 Pipeline Span and Crossing Procedures
Survey procedures for detecting unsupported spans and procedures for pipeline crossings and
rectifying spans in excess of the allowable lengths shall be submitted.
CONTRACTOR shall present written procedures on the proposed method of installation of
the pipeline supports and/or protection, which shall include, but not be limited to, details of
grouting method and equipment, the grout mix components and grout strength to be achieved
in the field, the sampling and testing procedures and standards, pipeline configuration and
stresses after lifting (if applicable), samples of grout bags and method of monitoring, control,
inspection and repair.
5.11 Riser/Offset Fabrication
Prior to riser fabrication, CONTRACTOR shall develop material and equipment
descriptions, proposed fabrication procedures including welding, planning and scheduling,
and riser/offset handling and transport procedures.
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The documentation is to include the information listed below:

 Step by step fabrication procedures for the risers/offsets including procedures for
alignment of pipe joints and bends, details of temporary supports, fabrication tolerances,
etc. Welding requirements are stated in above section 5.6.
 Welding procedures and qualification records.
 Corrosion coating inspection and repair procedures for all the coating systems
utilized in the riser/offset.
 Handling procedures and associated stress analyses of the riser/offset during
handling and transport operations.
 Hydrostatic test procedure.
5.12 Cleaning, Gauging and Hydrotest
CONTRACTOR shall submit cleaning, gauging, and hydrotest procedures.
The Hydrostatic Test Record and Certificate shall contain as a minimum the information in
Appendix I of API 1110.
The following list gives the minimum items required :
 Proposed corrosion control additives and dosage.
 Descriptions of proposed pigging and testing materials and equipment, including
isometric drawings for the arrangement and hookup of the pumps, test head, intakes, etc.
 Certificates of verification and their accuracy for all the temperature, pressure
and volume measuring instruments, showing that they meet the requirements of this
Specification and applicable codes and statutory requirements.
 Procedures and schedule for pigging and testing operations giving all applicable
pigging and testing details suggested or required by the referenced codes.
 The specified minimum test pressure and hoop stress calculations at the points of
maximum and minimum elevations and the relationship at these points to the conditions
at the test point.
 Safety precautions and procedures.
 Details of the documentation to be used during the pigging and testing
5.13 Rock Dumping
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the pipeline is buried at all points to the minimum depth
and minimum berm width as specified on the Project Drawings.
The rock berm or backfill shall be constructed from graded rock in accordance with the
design drawings.
The rock shall be non corrosive and non magnetic Basalt, Gabbro or Granite type, and free
from clay, silt, chalk, vegetation or other deleterious materials. The rock shall be chemically
stable for the 20 year design life of the system, such that the material does not cement, bind
dissolve, or undergo a significant reduction in compressive strength.
Rock dumping shall be monitored to observe placement of the rock over the pipeline.
5.14 Explosives and Blasting
If blasting is performed, CONTRACTOR shall conform in all respects with the laws,
regulations and practices of relevant Authorities relating to the procurement, transportation,
storage and use of all explosive materials.

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Necessary Approvals, permits, licenses etc from relevant Authorities shall be acquired by
CONTRACTOR before any procurement, transportation, storage and use of explosives.
CONTRACTOR shall employ trained personnel for handling and usage of the explosive
Before commencement of any blasting activities, CONTRACTOR shall submit the blasting
schedule and type of explosive used including the curriculum vitae of the personnel involved
to COMPANY for approval. Blasting shall only commence once approval is obtained from
COMPANY and all other relevant parties.
A copy of all relevant documents shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval.
5.15 Temporary Works
Temporary works shall be designed and constructed in a safe manner and according to good
engineering practice. The design of all temporary works shall be approved by a suitably
qualified Engineer and supported by appropriate calculations.
Temporary works shall be designed to operate under all anticipated conditions of tidal loads,
water depth, soil type, soil loads, weight loads, installation loads and equipment loads.

Spares - CONTRACTOR shall provide at the site suitable spares for all equipment, particularly for
hydrotest and radiographic equipment and pigs.
Vessels - Where water borne transportation is to be employed, the vessels, loading and offloading
procedures, and sequence and method of seafastening must be specifically planned and approved
by COMPANY and a Third Party Surveyor acceptable to COMPANY. All vessels used for either
carriage or towage must be classed by an internationally recognized society, have a current loadline
certificate, and be manned and operated in accordance with the Rules of Class and the flag under
which they are registered. The powered vessel's horsepower rating together with supporting
calculations to prove that the vessel is sufficiently powered for the anticipated load shall be
submitted for COMPANY's prior approval, however the available towing horsepower shall be a
minimum of 1500 horsepower. Tugs shall be capable of maintaining a minimum speed of 4 knots
under moderate weather/sea conditions.
Lifting Equipment – All lifting equipment used during construction shall be suitably rated and shall
be supplied with valid certification, for review by COMPANY.
Grouting Spread – if required for span correction the CONTRACTOR shall furnish a complete
grouting spread.
Work Sites – CONTRACTOR shall provide all temporary onshore work sites and access roads
required for construction and installation, including the provision of services and utilities.
CONTRACTOR shall upgrade and maintain any existing unsealed roads used for access.

CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the acceptable positioning and position fixing of
the pipelay vessel, survey vessels and other vessels and equipment.
The offshore positioning system shall give continuous and adequate coverage over the entire work
area throughout the duration of the Work. The accuracy of any offshore position fix shall be +15ft
with a repeatability of +7.5ft. CONTRACTOR shall, as a minimum, provide a range system such
that a minimum of 3 range fixing computations are carried out at all times.

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Prior to the start of offshore operations, all combinations of ranging positioning equipment
(including spares) shall be calibrated on a suitable onshore baseline of about the same length as the
operational ranges to be used during the Work. No uncalibrated equipment shall be used during any
part of the position fixing operations, and COMPANY shall maintain the right to reject any part of
the Work completed with or any data recorded with uncalibrated equipment. All rejected Work
using uncalibrated equipment shall be repeated immediately after completion of the Work to ensure
that the equipment has remained consistent during the period of installation works.
Onshore positions shall be provided to an accuracy of be +1ft with a repeatability of +0.5ft.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the preparation of all necessary precomputations and
preplotting. During the Work, results of position fixing shall be electronically recorded and
displayed in the form of both printed and plotted results.
The personnel carrying out positioning shall include at least one qualified surveyor acceptable to
COMPANY who shall be available at the location at all times during the execution of the Work.
CONTRACTOR shall survey the pipeline routes prior to the installation of the pipelines to locate
installations (roads, pipeline or cable crossings etc), obstructions (rock outcrops, debris, etc.) or
geographic features (rivers, drains, soil types, sudden contour changes) which may affect the
installation of the pipelines.
Crossed pipelines and cables shall be surveyed within the route corridor with a colour video
camera, acoustic profiler depth recorder, depth of burial pipe tracker and position locating device.
Crossings of third party cables shall be surveyed in accordance with Specification 028120-SPL-010
Subsea Cable Crossing Specification.
In addition to the prelay route survey, a complete hydrographic survey of the offshore sections
shall be made immediately after the pipeline has been laid and prior to flooding the offshore
sections to ensure that there are no spans in excess of the limiting stress values in the hydrostatic
test and operation conditions.
Trenched or dredged sections shall be surveyed both after trenching/dredging and after laying to
demonstrate that the required trenching/dredging depth has been achieved (laying may be
performed before or after trenching/dredging depending on the procedure). The survey shall
include colour video camera, acoustic profiler depth recorder, depth of burial pipe tracker and
position locating device.
Crossings (both the crossing and the crossed pipeline, cable, road or drain) shall be videoed before
and after installation for a distance of 160 ft from the crossing point. Span rectifications shall be
videoed before and after the rectification Works to a distance of 30 ft past each end of the span.
Risers, riser clamps, Wyes and flanges shall be videoed after installation.
A final as-built survey shall be made after all work is complete and shall include the final route,
anode locations, span and crossing positions, configurations and depth of burial, etc. All survey
data shall be included with the as-built data.
CONTRACTOR shall submit results of these surveys to COMPANY immediately on their
completion and shall include the results and reports as part of the as-built data.


8.1 Pipeline Alignment and Tolerances
The pipeline shall be laid along the route indicated on the relevant Project Drawings and
shall be placed on the seabed within the tolerances given below.
The offshore pipelines shall be placed within +50 ft of the planned alignment, except at
approaches, crossings or other specific subsea points where it shall be +10 ft.

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At approaches to platforms, shore crossings , and other subsea pipeline terminus points, the
final position of the pipeline shall be such that the end of the line is positioned accurately
with respect to the relative position of the platform or other terminus. From this point, the
installation tolerance shall increase linearly to + 50 ft at a point 1500 ft from the platform. In
addition, the pipeline shall be placed within + 2° of the planned alignment over the first 500
ft nearest the platform.
Prior to riser setting operations, the pipeline may be temporarily positioned out-of-tolerance
as necessary to allow for clearance as the pipelay vessel lays by an existing structure.
However, the length of line which is temporarily positioned out-of-tolerance shall not be
longer than that which can subsequently be lifted and moved into alignment by the riser
installation vessel. During any such temporary placement, the pipeline shall not be allowed
to cross other existing pipelines in the area.
8.2 Anchoring of Vessels and Barges
CONTRACTOR shall observe any area restrictions or prohibitions regarding anchoring of its
vessels or barges as may be defined by COMPANY prior to or during the installation works.
CONTRACTOR shall at all times monitor and check the anchors for evidence of anchor
dragging and shall immediately take action to correct any such condition. CONTRACTOR
shall keep COMPANY fully informed concerning anchor dragging occurrences and the
action taken to correct such problems.
Where CONTRACTOR requires to deploy its anchors or anchor lines within 3000 ft of any
existing platform, pipelines or other subsea facility, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all
anchoring is performed such that the anchors are deployed with a minimum clearance of 300
ft of such existing facility and such that the anchor cables do not come in contact with the
existing facility.
If CONTRACTOR requires to deploy an anchor across a pipeline and / or subsea cable, the
anchor shall be deployed with a minimum clearance of 600 ft from the pipeline/cable.
During such anchoring, CONTRACTOR shall take precautions so that no anchor line
contacts the existing pipeline or subsea cable.
During the above instances, CONTRACTOR shall record the position of each anchor, the
manner in which the anchor was handled and moved, and the position of the pipelay vessel
during anchor moves. All such anchor positioning data shall be presented to COMPANY as
part of the as-built pipeline data.
8.3 Pipe Joint Marking and Recording
Sequential joint numbers (a minimum 5" in height) shall be painted on every joint laid. The
numbers shall be painted in the upper quadrant on each side of the joint. CONTRACTOR
shall maintain a continuous record of each pipe joint incorporated into the pipeline and shall
log each joint's identification number, the joint length, weight coating thickness, type of joint
(anode, etc.), and the date when the joint was welded and laid.
8.4 Anode Joints
CONTRACTOR shall install anode joints at the specified interval. Special care shall be
taken by CONTRACTOR to ensure that the electrical bond on anode joints is not damaged
during handling and installation.
8.5 Start-up
CONTRACTOR shall design and fabricate a start-up head. The end of the pipeline shall be
closed with a welded pipe cap prior to pipelay start-up. Holdback cables for start-up shall not
be secured to platforms unless approved by COMPANY. A deadman or other suitable
anchor shall be used for start-up operations.
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8.6 Abandonment and Recovery

CONTRACTOR shall design and fabricate laydown heads.
Should weather or seas be of sufficient force to endanger safe pipelay operations or should
major equipment malfunction endanger safe pipelay operations, abandonment operations
shall be executed. CONTRACTOR shall securely seal the pipe end with a welded pipe cap
and then lower the pipe from the lay vessel to the seabed.
CONTRACTOR shall mark the abandoned line with buoys in the event that the
abandonment/recovery cable is released from the lay vessel. In addition, acoustic pingers
may be used for locating the pipe end.
Following return of favorable environmental conditions or satisfactory equipment repairs,
pipeline recovery operations shall be executed. Prior to abandonment or recovery operations,
COMPANY's Representative aboard the lay vessel shall be consulted.
CONTRACTOR shall submit for COMPANY approval abandonment and recovery
operation procedure.
8.7 Pipe Stress, Stinger and Tensioner Control
During installation, CONTRACTOR shall monitor the pipelay equipment and determine that
the installation is performed in accordance with the approved procedures. In particular,
CONTRACTOR shall monitor the tensioners and stinger during pipelay operations, the
abandonment/recovery winch and stinger during abandonment/recovery operations and lift
lines (davits or cranes) during riser setting operations. To monitor the above,
CONTRACTOR shall supply instrumentation to measure the following as a minimum :
(a) Pipelay tension (visually displayed)
(b) Stinger configuration (tail depth, etc.)
(c) A/R winch tension
(d) Davit line (crane line) loads and depths to pipeline attachment.
CONTRACTOR shall retain records of its monitoring activities and submit these to
COMPANY as part of the as-built pipeline information.
8.8 Buckle Detector
A buckle detector shall be pulled through the entire length of the pipeline during pipelay
operations. The buckle detector shall be carried a distance sufficiently behind the pipeline
touchdown point to ensure that the pipeline is resting on the seabed at the buckle detector's
The diameter of the buckle detector gauging plate shall be determined from the gauging plate
formula per this Specification.


Fabrication of the risers and any associated offsets may be carried out by CONTRACTOR on the
riser installation vessel or in the fabrication yard after verification of water depth.
9.1 Marking and Identifying
The risers shall be paint stenciled with the platform identification, riser identification and
riser size on the lower subsea bend and immediately below the top flange. The paint
stenciling shall be done in a color contrasting with the riser coating in letters 5" high and the
identification shall be similar to that shown below.
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PL "I-A" TO "I-B"
9.2 Gauging
CONTRACTOR shall pass a gauging plate or drift tool through each pipe bend prior to
incorporating the bend into the riser or offset and shall repeat this operation for the
completed riser/offset assembly.
9.3 Hydrostatic Testing
Each riser, including any associated offset, shall be hydrostatically tested as a single
fabricated unit at the pipeline test pressure. The hydrotest shall last for a minimum of two
hours with less than a 1.5% pressure variation after temperature corrections. The hydrostatic
test shall be witnessed by COMPANY.


CONTRACTOR may preinstall the riser in the fabrication yard. CONTRACTOR shall obtain
COMPANY written approval for such preinstallation.
CONTRACTOR shall make an accurate measurement of the water depth and shall also consider
allowances for installation, including settlement of the pipeline, so that the riser in the splash zone
is neoprene coated in accordance with Specification requirements. If the installation of the riser
does not meet these requirements, CONTRACTOR shall reinstall the riser to satisfy these
CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for checking the actual water depth at each riser
location and shall adjust the riser rests on the seabed, that the riser neoprene zone is positioned
correctly and that no riser girth welds are positioned closer than 5 ft from the center of any riser
clamp except as otherwise shown on the drawings.
10.1 Knee Bracing
CONTRACTOR shall design, supply all materials necessary for, and fabricate temporary
clamp-on knee braces for riser handling, transport and installation. The risers and offsets
shall be adequately braced with temporary, clamp-on knee braces to prevent the riser from
overstressing during handling and installation operations. After the riser and offsets are
installed, all temporary braces shall be removed or cut out as per the approved method prior
to hydrostatic testing.
When fitting, cutting and removing the knee braces, care shall be taken not to damage the
pipeline, bend and riser corrosion coatings. COTRACTOR shall submit for COMPANY
approval a procedure for knee bracing fitting, cutting and removing.
10.2 Riser Clamps
Riser clamps shall be installed on the platform at the specified locations prior to lowering the
risers into position if such clamps are not preinstalled on the platform. Prior to lowering the
riser into position, all clamps shall be positioned such that a taunt line passes through the
center of each clamp.
During riser setting operations, CONTRACTOR shall make-up the pipeline/riser such that
the riser to platform offset distance is within the range of adjustment provided by the riser
clamps. In no event shall the riser be forced into the clamps. If the pipeline/riser make -up is
such that the riser clamps cannot be bolted without forcing the riser into the clamps, the
riser/pipeline shall be reinstalled by CONTRACTOR.

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Clamps on the risers shall be closed and bolted, but left loose until completion of the
hydrostatic tests. Following completion of the hydrostatic tests and depressurization of the
test medium, all riser clamps shall be tightened in accordance with the drawings. This is to
allow maximum settlement before putting load on the clamps.
10.3 Riser Guards
CONTRACTOR shall remove and reinstall any existing riser guards as necessary to
facilitate riser installation and shall install any new riser guard. Any damage to the jackets,
guards or risers during guard removal and installation shall be repaired by CONTRACTOR
at its expense.


In the nearshore areas the pipeline shall be buried to the minimum depth shown on the Project
Drawings. The pipe specific gravity and backfill shall be engineered to prevent vertical movement
of the pipe through the soil or loss of backfill cover, in 100 year storm conditions or due to seismic
activity. The CONTRACTOR shall produce calculations to demonstrate the suitability of the
proposed shore approach design, backfill materials and installation methods. The approach design,
backfill materials and installation methods shall be approved by COMPANY prior to installation.
11.1 Pabelokan Island Shore Approach
The shore approach section shall be trenched and buried to the base of the Island. Because of
the abrupt profile of the Island, preformed bends require to be installed at the top and bottom
of the Island approach. The trench transition region shall be at the lower bend.
Excavation of the trench shall be by explosives, mechanical excavator or other approved
method. The trench shall be surveyed prior to installing the approach section to ensure that
there are no irregular features which will damage the pipe or coating, or will overstress the
pipeline because of excessive spanning.
The approach section shall be installed either by stalking (attached to the end of the
pipeline), or as a separate section which will be tied-in (like a riser) to the main pipeline
Backfill shall be graded rockfill. The approach section shall be surveyed after laying and
before backfill to determine the height of the pipeline above the surrounding seabed.
11.2 Banten Bay Shore Approach
The shore approach section shall be trenched and buried in all sections where the water depth
(from the surrounding seabed level to Mean Sea Level) is less than or equal to 13 m. The
trench transition shall continue with a minimal slope until bottom of the trench is at the
surrounding seabed level. Transition shall be analyzed during detailed design.
The shore approach section may typically be laid from the laybarge offshore and pulled to
shore, or fabricated onshore as a string and pulled from shore to the laybarge.
Trenching may be performed before or after pipelay, either by dredging, trenching,
excavation, or other approved method. The seabed shall be surveyed pre-lay, post lay, post
trench, and post burial, whichever is applicable depending on burial method.
The approach section shall be backfilled with natural backfill material form the surrounding
The CONTRACTOR shall produce calculations to demonstrate the suitability of the
proposed pipeline design and backfill material. Pipeline design and backfill material shall be
approved by COMPANY prior to installation.

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The pipe specific gravity and backfill shall be engineered to prevent vertical movement of
the pipe through the soil in 100 year storm conditions or due to seismic activity.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the pull-in winch and or tackle blocks have sufficient
tension capacity for the pull-in.


Onshore pipeline sections shall be laid inside the boundaries of the right of way (ROW), and within
+5 ft of the planned alignment.
12.1 Preparatory and Temporary Works
12.1.1 Access
Access to the onshore pipeline construction site shall be from Cilamaya Merak
right of way if permission is given by pipeline operator, or from the secondary road
which crosses the right of way.
Any access to areas that are prohibited from use by CONTRACTOR shall have
12.1.2 Illumination
When any work is performed at night or where daylight is obscured,
CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient artificial light in the place of work. All
wiring for electric light and power shall be installed and maintained by
CONTRACTOR in a first class and safe manner by competent electricians, in
accordance with relevant Indonesian and International Standards.
Light mitigation will include, but not be limited to:
 Limiting lighting and equipment use to the construction area and surrounding
areas only to that required for safety;
 Implementing the use of wavelength specific bulbs as may be required to
reduce the attractive nature of lighting on moths, bats, and other organisms;
 Installation of light barriers such as walls and shades and directing lights
appropriately to limit dispersion of light.
Design criteria shall be implemented that allows for the minimum light output as
practicable and implementation of best practice for artificial light with least
attraction to insects.
12.1.3 Preservation of Amenities of the Area
Preparation CONTRACTOR shall maintain the natural flow of the water in
watercourses and ditches during construction unless otherwise permitted by
relevant authorities. CONTRACTOR shall take all precautions necessary to
prevent the pollution, siltation and dis-colouration of all watercourses, ponds and
the like affected by the Work.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that water supplies to all properties along the pipeline
route are maintained and not interrupted or polluted.
Public Rights of Way, i.e. footpaths and tracks, must be kept open at all times and
where their temporary obstruction is necessary, alternative routes shall be made to
the approval of COMPANY and relevant authorities.

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12.2 Preparation of Working Width

12.2.1 General
The working width shall generally be 50 ft, or as otherwise specified on the Project
Before commencing any work, CONTRACTOR shall establish the existence of
any Notices or Orders intended for the preservation of features within, or which
may be affected by the Work within, any part of the working width. These Notices
and Orders shall be complied with at all times. CONTRACTOR'S attention is
particularly drawn to the project’s Environmental Performance Standard for EPC
CONTRACTOR and the Construction Constraints.
The removal of hedges, fences and walls during preparation of the right of way
shall be kept to the minimum necessary for performance of the Work and the
passage of construction traffic.
Trees shall only be removed with the written consent of COMPANY or as
specified within the CONTRACT documents. Tree inventory shall be maintained
for all areas cleared for ROW.
All ditches, open drains or watercourses interfered with by the pipeline shall be
maintained in effective and working condition over the full working width during
construction and finally restored to as good a working condition as before
commencement of the Work.
12.2.2 Temporary Fencing
Before breaking into existing fences, walls and hedges, CONTRACTOR shall
establish the requirement for temporary fencing and gates. The type(s) of
temporary fencing used shall be appropriate to the service intended and shall be
securely tied into existing fences, walls and hedges. Where any stock is kept on
land adjoining the working width and is contained by fencing, stockproof fences
shall be erected on both sides of the working width.
12.2.3 Surface Stripping
CONTRACTOR shall generally strip topsoil to subsoil level or as otherwise
approved by COMPANY in compliance with its detailed working width cross
sections and/or as shown on Project Drawings.
CONTRACTOR shall control weed growth on stored topsoil and subsoil.
12.2.4 Grading
The working width shall be prepared and graded by CONTRACTOR, as required,
to suit the terrain encountered, and also to facilitate subsequent operations.
12.3 Pipe Stringing, Field Bending and Internal Cleaning
Pipe stringing, and internal cleaning of pipe shall be in accordance with COMPANY
approved procedures.
Pipeline bends shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with Project Specification
028120-SPL-001 Shop Fabrication Pipe Bend. All pipes shall be inspected following
stringing and prior to welding. Damage shall be reported to COMPANY and repaired in
accordance with COMPANY approved procedures and the reference standard.
Cold field bending will not be permitted.

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12.4 Flanged Joints

Flanged joints shall be made in accordance with COMPANY approved procedures.
Tensioning of stud bolts shall be accomplished using appropriate hydraulic tensioning
equipment. (i.e. no use of torque wrenches).
CONTRACTOR shall submit tensioning calculations for COMPANY approval.
12.5 Excavation
12.5.1 General
In relation to any crossing of buried services and or facilities, a certificate or Permit
shall be obtained by CONTRACTOR from any Third Party or Service Owner
confirming that services have been cut off and/or made safe. Such certification
shall also specify any services or other facilities adjacent to or part of the Work,
and shall address related safety aspects, and measures which must be maintained
during the execution of the Work. The permit shall also signify the Third Party or
Service Owner agreement that the work may be performed adjacent to its services
and or facilities.
CONTRACTOR shall submit procedures for COMPANY approval detailing all
safety measures to be implemented during onshore excavation work. Details shall
include but not be limited to, sheet piling or other alternative trench support
systems, trench access control, temporary fencing and warning signs.
For any excavation adjacent to existing structures or installations CONTRACTOR
shall satisfy COMPANY as to the special precautions it intends to take to
safeguard the integrity of such structures or installations. All temporary supporting
materials shall be removed on completion of the Work unless notified by
COMPANY in writing.
Underpinning, supports and other protective measures for buildings, structure and
apparatus that are in, or adjacent to, the trench shall be provided by
CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall submit detailed calculations, drawings
and method statements for all trench support and the like.
CONTRACTOR shall excavate the trench to a smooth profile such that the pipeline
can be laid with the specified minimum cover, as per Project Drawings.
Where the necessity to deepen the trench to obtain the required cover is identified
following lowering-in, the pipe must be removed from the trench prior to carrying
out further excavation. Minor variations in profile may be achieved by excavating
a transition that utilises the elastic flexibility of the pipe. CONTRACTOR shall
demonstrate by analysis that the pipeline will not be subject to unacceptable stress
conditions due to the imposed curvature, taking full account of all the relevant
operating conditions and restraints.
CONTRACTOR shall notify COMPANY in writing, detailing its proposed
excavation method, before commencing any excavation in running sand or rock.
Where required, due to the nature of ground conditions encountered, or as specified
within the CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR shall be required to keep layers of
different sub-soils separate during the trench excavation and shall be required to
return these sub-soils to their original levels in the trench.
Timbering, steel sheeting and strutting, for the support of the sides of the trench
and for other purposes, shall be provided and fixed by CONTRACTOR in
accordance with its safety plan and the requirements of relevant authorities.

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Where practicable, the whole of the excavation shall be kept clear of water during
the WORK.
CONTRACTOR shall make available temporary bridging to provide safe
pedestrian and light vehicle access across the trench.
12.5.2 Disposal of Water from Excavations
CONTRACTOR shall submit as part of CONTRACTOR Environmental
Management Plan, detailed proposals with regard to ground water control,
including but not limited to, ground de-watering and stabilisation equipment,
wherever appropriate.
CONTRACTOR shall not discharge anything other than clear water to a
watercourse, running or dry. Discharges containing material in suspension shall
require prior settlement or other treatment to arrest solids and clarify such waters in
order to prevent pollution.
CONTRACTOR shall comply with the requirements of relevant authorities and
shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary consents in respect of the discharge
of effluent as required by such authorities.
The rectification of any damage or nuisance arising from the disposal of water
from the Work shall be the responsibility of CONTRACTOR.
12.6 Crossings
12.6.1 Road Crossings
CONTRACTOR shall inspect and photographically record the condition of every
road affected by the pipeline route before commencing any work. Construction of
each crossing shall be in accordance with CONTRACTOR's procedures, detailed
Drawings and the requirements of other COMPANY contractors.
12.6.2 Crossing Requirement in the Vicinity of Overhead and Underground Services
CONTRACTOR shall obtain contact details for the various authorities and other
COMPANY contractors responsible for overhead and underground services
affected by the Work. Prior to commencing work near any such services,
CONTRACTOR shall submit procedures for working near such services and gain
the written consent of the respective authorities/third party contractors.
12.6.3 Pipe Jack / Auger Bore / Directional Drill Crossings
CONTRACTOR shall submit detailed method statements, design calculations and
Drawings in respect of any proposals to construct any crossing/s using the pipe
jack, auger bore, micro-tunnelling or directional drilling methods.
12.6.4 Watercourses
In the design and construction of watercourse crossings, CONTRACTOR shall
abide by the requirements of all relevant authorities and shall ensure that sufficient
notice of commencement of work is served to enable review and approval by such
authorities. Minimum cover requirements shall be attained as specified in the
CONTRACT documents and Drawings.
12.7 Lowering-In Operations
Prior to commencing pipeline installation CONTRACTOR shall issue to COMPANY for
approval, calculations demonstrating that the pipeline will not be exposed to unacceptable
stress conditions during installation.

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Excavated material, selected if necessary, shall be deemed suitable for pipe bedding and
surround if it does not contain particles of sharp stone greater than 10mm in size or any other
hard or unsuitable material. Particles of 10mm size shall not form more than 10% of the
material to be placed.
Prior to lowering the pipeline into the trench, the trench bottom shall be checked to ensure it
is free of rock, sharp projections and other deleterious materials. If required,
CONTRACTOR shall install COMPANY approved bedding material prior to lowering the
pipeline into the trench.
Where practicable, the trench shall be free of water during lowering-in operations. In wet
crossings or where effective de-watering is impractical, as determined by COMPANY,
CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate that the trench is free of rocks, sharp projections and
other deleterious materials and features that could damage the coating.
In such cases, CONTRACTOR shall also demonstrate that the trench bottom is graded to
adequately support the pipe along its entire length. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the
pipeline is installed in a configuration that does not create overstressing.
Any damage to the pipe coating indicated by holiday detection during the lowering operation
shall be repaired, before lowering-in is completed.
12.8 Backfilling and Reinstatement
12.8.1 General
Backfilling operations shall closely follow pipelaying. CONTRACTOR shall
ensure that “As-Built” survey work is completed prior to backfilling.
CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed schedule of all roads detailing location,
reference and proposed permanent reinstatement Specification to COMPANY.
12.8.2 Reinstatement of Right-of-way, Roads, Tracks and Hardstandings
Prior to commencing Work, CONTRACTOR shall submit for COMPANY
approval, reinstatement procedures for the pipeline right-of-way, and associated
construction roads, tracks and hardstandings.
All reinstated ground and vegetation shall be completed, consistent with adjacent
soil and vegetation conditions.
12.8.3 Backfilling
Generally where sharp stones greater than 10mm in size or other hard or unsuitable
material is found on the trench bottom and cannot be removed then
CONTRACTOR shall lay a 150mm layer of suitable pipe bedding material,
sourced from a licensed/certified supplier.
Where excavated material cannot be used as agreed by COMPANY, suitable
imported material shall be utilised.
After installation of the pipe suitable fill material shall be placed around the pipe in
300mm layers. Where imported or suitable selected material is used, intimate
backfill shall be placed up to a 150mm layer above the pipe. The remainder of the
backfill shall be placed in layers no greater than 300mm to top of subsoil.
Where selected or imported material is not required, backfill, from trench bottom,
shall be placed in layers no greater than 300mm to top of subsoil.

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CONTRACTOR shall ensure that backfill methods result in compaction of backfill

material to the same state as undisturbed material. A 300 mm high crown shall be
left over the trench to provide for minor settling. Sufficient crown breaks shall be
installed to avoid washouts.
12.8.4 Backfilling in Rock
Where the trench has been excavated in rock, suitable imported backfill material,
sourced from a licensed/certified supplier, shall be placed and compacted in 300
mm layers over the pipe.
12.8.5 Stone Picking
CONTRACTOR shall remove all debris and substantial stones after subsoil ripping
and before replacement of the topsoil and shall remove all stones of 50mm
diameter and above after replacement of topsoil.
12.8.6 Reinstatement of Hedges, Walls and Fences
CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed schedule of all hedges, walls, fences,
levees and the like, to be reinstated detailing location, boundary reference,
reinstatement Specification and method statements.
CONTRACTOR shall make good all gaps in any permanent fences, hedges or
walls created in the course of construction. In addition CONTRACTOR shall
replace and make good any damage caused to any permanent fence, bank or hedge
outside the working width.
All reinstatement shall be effected using new materials except where otherwise
12.8.7 Pipeline Route Markers
CONTRACTOR shall supply signs and marker tape which shall be installed during
installation to protect the pipeline against future interference or damage.
Marker posts shall be sited adjacent to boundaries and fences. Aerial markers shall
be sited at the nearest boundary to a change in direction. CONTRACTOR shall
submit detailed plans specifying the proposed route marker design, location and
method of installation together with drawings and installation specifications.
Marker tape shall be centrally located in the trench approximately 750mm above
the top of the pipeline.
Signs and markers shall include the word “GAS” and the name and contact details
12.8.8 Post Construction Drainage
Where the provision of post-construction drainage is necessary, it shall be designed
by CONTRACTOR in consultation with COMPANY.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the preparation of detailed “As-Built”
drawing records of all drainage schemes installed and reinstated.
12.8.9 Erosion Protection Barriers
Erosion Protection Barriers shall be installed at positions identified by
CONTRACTOR and approved by COMPANY.

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12.8.10 Removal of Temporary Works

All auxiliary structures such as bridges, culverts, sheet piling, posts, fences, signs,
temporary parking areas and the like, which were erected or installed by
CONTRACTOR as temporary works shall be removed and all areas reinstated.


CONTRACTOR shall calculate, by methods acceptable to COMPANY, the stresses to be expected
during all phases of the handling, storing, laying and repair operations associated with the pipeline
and riser installation.
The maximum combined stress (bending plus axial) during pipe handling, shipping, storing and
during pipeline/riser installation operations shall not exceed the stress limits listed below.

Maximum Allowable
Combined Stress
Operation (% of SMYS)
Handling, shipping, storing 85

Pipelay (including start-up, abandonment & recovery)

Overbend * 85
Sagbend 70
Riser/offset setting operations 70
* In addition to the above stress limitations for overbend, the installation procedures shall be
designed such that the stress at the aftmost pipelay vessel support shoe and at the aftmost stinger
support is not larger than at other points in the overbend region.
A dynamic load factor (DLF) of 1.5 shall be considered when calculating the maximum combined
(axial plus bending) stress in the pipe during lifting. When pipe lifting tensile compo nents are not
perpendicular to the line, pipe and Euler buckling check shall be performed. The compressive force
computed shall be multiplied by the DLF for the Euler buckling check.
The installation procedures and supporting stress analyses shall be based on the assumption of
linear material stress/strain characteristics and shall demonstrate conformance to the above stress
limitations with due consideration for the following :
 The anticipated range of tension variation (i.e. tensioner dead band)
 The nominal submerged weight variation
 The offset of stern-on and beam-on currents
 The effect of any special in-line assembly (i.e. start-up heads, subsea tie-in assemblies, etc.)
 The effect of water depth variation including the tidal height changes
 Effect of variation in stinger configuration
 Any other factor (i.e. stress intensification at field joints, vessel movements, etc.) which may
cause large changes in nominal pipe stresses
Documentation to support conformance to the above stress limitations may be based on static stress
analyses; however, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that his installation procedures allow adequate
protection for dynamic and other external forces which might cause buckling, weakening or
overstressing of the pipeline and risers.

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Not withstanding the allowable stress limitations given in this section, CONTRACTOR shall check
that the combined effects of bending, tension and external hydrostatic pressure during installation
do not subject the pipeline to a local buckling type failure. The local buckling analyses shall be
based on accepted industry methods and shall consider an initial pipe out-of-roundness of 2%.


The diving methods and procedures shall be in accordance with accepted industry practice and
follow the rules and regulations stated in Section 2.5 or any other regulations acceptable to
COMPANY. COMPANY shall not allow air diving below 150 ft water depth.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that any existing COMPANY facilities have been made safe prior to
any diving Works, and clearance has been received from COMPANY to proceed.

All welding procedures, welder/welding operator qualifications, welding, weld repair, inspection
and testing shall be in accordance with API 1104 except where modified herein.
No backing rings of any type shall be used. Welding inserts may be employed.
The carbon equivalent for the test material shall be recorded in the welding procedure qualification.
Full penetration butt welds shall be mandatory.
For offshore pipelay, welding procedures shall be conducted using the same equipment and set up
as on the lay barge.
All welding procedures and welder/welding operators shall be qualified using the same or
equivalent equipment proposed to be used during installation.
15.1 Welding Processes
Welding shall be done by any or combination of the following processes :
(a) Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW).
(b) Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), provided sufficient proof of history.
(c) Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) (with or without gas shielding), provided
sufficient proof of history and competence.
(d) Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) for double jointing only.
The use of other welding processes shall require the approval of COMPANY.
The following list of essential variables shall add to and/or modify the essential variables
specified in Paragraphs 2.4 and 9.5 (as applicable) of API 1104 :
 Change in Pipe Material (Any change in pipe grade or Manufacturer or any
change in chemical composition or processing by a single Manufacturer)
 Change in Position (A change from rolled to fixed or vice versa, a change from
vertical to horizontal or vice versa, change from vertical down to vertical up or vice
 Change in Filler Metal (Any change in size, type or AWS classification including
a change in Manufacturer, even within an AWS classification)
 Change in Travel Speed (A change of more than + 25%)
 Change in Welding Current
 Change in Heat Requirements (Any reduction of minimum, addition, or deletion
of preheat, interpass heat, or post heat temperature)
 Decrease in number of root bead and hot pass welding operators.
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 Control of accelerated cooling.

 Change in heat input of more than 10%.
15.2 Procedures Qualification Tests
Test Weld Inspection - All procedure qualification test butt welds shall be visually inspected
and examined by radiography as per API 1104 for acceptance prior to destructive testing. All
procedure qualification test welds for the GMAW process shall require MPI ultrasonic
examination in addition to the above requirements.
Macro Examination - Two macroscopic examination specimens shall be included in the
welding procedure qualification tests and shall be as per Clause C7.6 of Appendix C of DNV
"Rules for Submarine Pipeline Systems". These macro test specimens shall be located at the
6 and 12 o'clock positions of the pipe. For acceptance the macro specimens shall be free of
cracks or lack of fusion and exhibit complete fusion and penetration. Excess penetration or
linear misalignment shall not exceed 1/8". Undercut shall not exceed the limits specified in
API 1104.
Hardness Tests - Hardness tests as per ASTM E92 shall be conducted on the macro test
specimens of the procedure qualification test. The maximum hardness limit shall be 325
Notch Toughness Tests - Charpy V-notch impact tests, as per ASTM A370, shall also be
included in the welding procedure qualification tests. The impact tests shall be conducted at
the pipeline minimum design temperature. For full size specimens, the minimum average
value of three impact specimens shall be 28 Joules and the minimum impact value out of
three specimens shall be 21 Joules.
Impact specimens shall be placed at the 3 and 9 o'clock positions of the pipe. Impact testing
shall be carried out with the notch positioned in the weld metal, on the fusion line, 0.08"
from the fusion line and 0.2" from the fusion line. The impact energy shall be in accordance
with Pipeline Material Specification 028120-SPL-003 requirements.
Retests - If a tensile, bend or nick break specimen does not meet the requirements, two
additional specimens shall be made, both of which shall meet the said requirements.
If a set of three impact specimens fail to meet the requirements (average of minimum impact
values), an additional set of three specimens may be tested from the same weld coupon. The
average value of all six specimens shall be at least equal to the specified minimum average.
The three additional specimens shall also satisfy the average and minimum individual impact
Failure of any of the retests shall call for the rejection of the respective welding procedure
An all weld tensile test, cross weld tensile test and side bend test shall be conducted to
measure yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, percent elongation and percent reduction in
area of the weld.
Production Performance - Should a qualified procedure show poor production performance,
the causes for the poor performance shall be assessed and, if required, a modified welding
procedure shall be qualified and approval obtained from COMPANY.
15.3 Repair Welding Procedure Specification & Qualification
All repair welding procedures shall be qualified by CONTRACTOR and proper
documentation submitted to COMPANY for review and approval.
Repair welding qualification tests shall cover the following repair situations:
 Through thickness repair
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 External repairs of undercuts with one stringer pass

 Repeated weld repairs in the same area
 Internal root repair with one pass only.
The repair welding procedure specification shall contain the following information in
addition to the information required for the welding procedure specification :
 Method of removal of defect
 Preparation of weld area (grinding/wire brushing)
 Non-destructive testing for the confirmation of defect removal
 Permissible minimum and maximum weld repair sizes. CONTRACTOR shall
provide an analysis if the repair is to be undertaken after the last tensioner.
All test welds shall be suitably tested mechanically.
The test weld covering through thickness repair and repeated weld repair in the same area
shall be visually inspected, non-destructively tested and mechanically tested as required for
the welding procedure qualification tests.
The single pass test welds are to be visually inspected, magnetic particle examined and
mechanically tested with two macro and hardness tests.
15.4 Welder/Welding Operator Qualification
The welder/welding operator qualification tests shall be based on both visual inspection and
radiographic examination conducted in accordance with API 1104.
Each welder/welding operator shall qualify for all passes and full thickness. In the event of
failure on the first test, the welder/welding operator shall be given a second opportunity to
qualify. No further retests shall be given until the welder/welding operator undergoes
training for a period of not less than three days.
If a welder/welding operator produces repeated repairs during installation welding, with said
repairs attributable to his/her welding performance, the welder/welding operator may be
disqualified. Requalification shall be permitted only after completion of a period of
retraining of at least three days or as deemed sufficient by COMPANY. In addition,
requalification of welders shall be conducted if the welder has not performed welding for a
period of more than six months.
Each qualified welder shall be assigned an identifying number and badge and a list of such
welders with the respective numbers shall be maintained by CONTRACTOR. The welders
shall wear their badges at all times while working.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for notifying COMPANY of the movement of
welders/welding operators to or from the work site and shall notify COMPANY of its
welder/welding operator complement at daily intervals.
15.5 Production Welding
15.5.1 Welding Joint End Preparation
If CONTRACTOR elects to use a weld joint design different from the standard 30°
API 5L bevel, any cost of rebevelling shall be to CONTRACTOR's account.
Field bevels shall be made with pipe beveling machines. Manual thermal cutting
shall not be used.
CONTRACTOR shall take due consideration of potential for residual
magnetization and propose a suitable method of demagnetization.

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Before line-up for welding, all beveled ends shall be carefully cleaned on the site in
order to remove oxide, paint, oil, grease, salts and all foreign material which could
harm the weld quality. The internal and external surfaces of the pipe shall be
cleaned up to a distance of at least 1" from the bevel. Appropriate cleaning tools,
such as metal brushes, grinders, or files shall be used for this purpose.
Immediately prior to the line-up of the pipes, CONTRACTOR shall inspect the
uncoated pipe ends internally and externally for nicks, dents, general damage,
laminations and other surface defects.
Butt welding of unequal thickness pipes shall require tapering of the thicker pipe to
a 1:4 taper or 14° angle to the horizontal plane. This is required only when the
difference in wall thickness exceeds 3/32".
15.5.2 Joint Swabbing
Each joint of pipe shall be swabbed immediately prior to joining with a canvas belt
disc. The disc shall have a steel support at least 3/16" smaller than the nominal
inside diameter of the pipe. Any dirt, mill scale or other foreign substance inside
the pipe shall be removed prior to alignment for welding. In the event that the
support ring will not pass through a joint, that joint shall not be incorporated in the
pipeline and shall be clearly marked as a reject and removed from the work site.
15.5.3 Preheat
In addition to any requirements specified in the welding procedure, systematic
preheating and drying of the steel surface near the weld area shall be done when
the surface is wet. Preheat shall be continuously monitored 3” from bevel edge and
interpass temperature shall be measured at bevel edge.
15.5.4 Alignment and Use of Alignment Clamps
The alignment of abutting ends shall be such as to minimize the offset between
surfaces and to allow for contraction during welding. Nowhere shall the pipe be
sprung into place.
Any misalignment shall be reduced to a minimum by rotation of the pipes to obtain
the best fit or by other approved methods. Cold dressing shall be used in cases of
slight misalignment and any hammering shall be carried out using only a bronze
headed hammer. Hot dressing shall not be used.
Internal line-up clamps shall be used for pipe diameters 8.625" and larger.
External line-up clamps shall be used for pipe diameters less than 8.625", tie-in
welds and flange/fitting connections.
Internal line-up clamps shall not be removed until the root pass is completed unless
authorized otherwise by COMPANY. When an external clamp is used, four equal
length, equally spaced segments of the root bead shall be completed before the
clamp is removed. The accumulative length of the four segments shall not be less
than 60% of the pipe circumference.
15.5.5 Root Bead and Hot Pass
The root bead and hot pass shall be 100% completed in the first welding station.
Pulling on the root bead is strictly prohibited. The hot pass shall be started no later
than 5 minutes after completion of the root bead pass.
The maximum permissible penetration of the root bead into the bore shall be 1/8"
with no localized penetration exceeding 5/32".

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The root pass shall be carried out by a minimum of two welders or welding
operators, working simultaneously and so placed to cause minimum distortion of
the pipe.
15.5.6 Fill Passes
Electrode start and finish points shall be staggered from pass to pass. Power
grinders shall be used to feather starts and stops as well as high points on the weld
After completion of the third or following passes, welding operations may be
suspended (and the joint allowed to cool down) provided that the thickness of the
weld metal deposited is at least 50% of the pipe wall thickness. Upon restarting,
depending on the material, wall thickness and welding process, preheating to the
full length shall be carried out.
15.5.7 Identification of Welds
Upon completing welding, the welder or welding operator shall mark his/her
identifying number on the top of the pipe using quick drying paint or permanent
marker. Metallic stamping directly on the pipe material shall not be used.
15.6 Weather Conditions
Welding shall not be permitted when weather conditions are unsatisfactory and would impair
the quality of welds. No welding shall be done if, in the opinion of COMPANY, high winds,
rain, or any other conditions are considered of sufficient magnitude to prevent satisfactory
welding. Suitable wind guards shall be provided by CONTRACTOR in windy weather.


COMPANY shall continuously monitor the inspection of welds and all the necessary facilities for
the same shall be provided by CONTRACTOR. In case of dispute COMPANY will be the final
judge of the weld quality.
16.1 Visual Inspection
All pipeline welds shall be visually inspected in accordance with Paragraph 6.0 of API 1104.
16.2 Radiographic Inspection
All welds shall be 100% radiographically inspected in accordance with this Specification and
API 1104, using X-ray.
Radiography shall be panoramic unless practicably not feasible, for example due to small
outside diameter or wind out length.
16.2.1 Radiographic Equipment
The spare equipment shall be examined and brought up to full voltage at least once
a week for period of 15 minutes.
All gamma ray sources will be of the remote (wind out) type. The maximum source
strength for Iridium 192 will be 25 curies. Handling, storage and transportation will
be in accordance with pre-established safety requirements.
16.2.2 Radiographic Film
All films shall be stored in a clean, dry place where they will not be subjected to :
(a) Chemical vapors
(b) Industrial illuminating gas

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(c) Radiation and light

(d) Excessive heat
(e) Undue pressure
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the protection of all persons in the
vicinity of the radiographic equipment and shall post the areas where radiography
is being performed. This shall be performed in conformance to any local statutory
regulation or other legislation on radiation protection.
CONTRACTOR shall carry out all work required for the radiography of welds,
developing and processing of films. However, COMPANY shall have the final
right of rejection of all radiographs, without CONTRACTOR being thereby
relieved in any way from all responsibility for ensuring that radiography and
welding meets the required standards.
Sensitivity for single wall single image technique will be 2% and for double wall
technique 3%.
Films shall be exposed so that the density through the weld metal is not less than
1.8 for X-ray, 2.0 for Gamma ray and not greater than 4.0 for single film viewing.
The pre-exposure fog, that is, the density resulting from taking an unexposed film
and processing in a manner identical to that used when making the production
radiographs, shall not be greater than 0.30.
Unless otherwise agreed by COMPANY, lead intensifying screens shall be used
and they shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition and shall cease to be used
when they produce artifacts which obscure any part of the weld image. Salt
screens are acceptable for X-rays only subject to satisfying the same condition.
Films shall be washed and dried subsequent to viewing in accordance with
recommendations from film Manufacturer.
Examination of radiographic films shall be carried out at the same time by
Films shall be processed to ensure their integrity for at least 5 years under normal
storage conditions. All exposed and processed films shall be packaged and
delivered to COMPANY within one month of COMPANY accepting the work.
16.3 Ultrasonic Inspection
COMPANY may require, at CONTRACTOR expense, additional inspection of welds by
ultrasonic techniques to confirm or clarify weld defects or to inspect welds which cannot be
radiographed. The ultrasonic procedure specification, qualification, calibration of
equipment, evaluation of welds and acceptance standard shall be as per DNV, "Rules for
Submarine Pipeline Systems". Ultrasonic testing operators shall be qualified to at least
Level 2 of SNT-TC-1A or equivalent qualification or certification as approved by
16.4 Magnetic Particle Inspection
When magnetic particle inspection is requested by COMPANY, the procedure specification,
qualification of operators, production testing evaluation and acceptance standards shall be as
per ASTM E709.
Magnetic particle inspection shall not be performed on surfaces with temperatures exceeding
572°F. For wet magnetic particle inspection, this limit shall be 140° F.

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16.5 Acceptance Levels of Defects

Section 9.0 of API 1104 shall govern the weld standards of acceptance for visual,
radiographic and magnetic particle inspection.
16.6 Weld Repairs
Unless directed otherwise by COMPANY, CONTRACTOR shall repair any pipe damage
which affects the useful life or mechanical integrity of the pipeline in accordance with the
criteria given below.
No welding repairs are to be made on dents, grooves, deep scratches or gouges, major arc
burns or other defects which may affect the integrity of the parent metal of the pipe. These
types of defects shall be removed from the pipe. All dents which affect the curvature of the
pipe at the circumferential weld shall be removed. Pounding out or jacking out of dents or
out-of-round pipe is strictly prohibited.
Minor arc burns, scratches, or other minor surface defects in the parent metal of the pipe may
be repaired by grinding within the limits of minimum allowable pipe wall thickness and in
accordance with the qualified procedure. Material costs for those cut out pipes are to
CONTRACTOR's account.
Distortion, buckling, denting, flattening, gauging grooves or notches and all harmful defects
of this nature on piping components shall be assessed and repaired or eliminated as per
Section 434.5 of ANSI B31.4 or Section 841.24 of ANSI B31.8, as applicable.
Preheating shall be performed prior to repair welding. The minimum preheating / interpass
temperature for repair weld shall require approval of COMPANY, but in any case shall be
120F above original procedure.
During through thickness weld repairs, when thermal gouging (arc air gouging) is used, the
last 1/8" through the root of the weld shall be removed by mechanical means.
A "third repair" may be allowed by COMPANY on a previously repaired defect providing
that said repaired defects are in the fill passes only. No further repairs shall be permitted.
COMPANY approval and acceptance of any such repairs is required prior to
CONTRACTOR incorporating the repairs into the line. In case of damage which is beyond
the repair level deemed permissible by COMPANY, the damaged line pipe joints shall be
replaced or handled in accordance with COMPANY instructions.
16.7 Cutouts
Should an unrepairable weld defect be identified or should laminations or split ends be
discovered in the pipe during the process of welding, the defect, lamination or split ends
shall be cut out as a cylinder and the pipe ends rebevelled.
To remove the weld from the line, two cuts shall be made at a distance not less than 1" from
the weld itself. Cutting and beveling of the pipe ends must be carried out perpendicular to the
centerline of the pipe with a maximum tolerance of 1/16", measured with a square along the
diameter in any point of circumference.
In case cutting with oxygen equipment is necessary, at least 1/16" of material shall be
removed from the entire surface of the cut using mechanical tools.
Pipe cut out due to bad welding, damage to the pipe, rebevelled ends, buckles or other faults
discovered in the pipe shall be ultrasonically examined to a minimum of 1" on each side of
the cutout.

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16.8 Responsibility and Reports

A summary of welds and the result of the inspection, i.e. cutout, grind and repair, etc. shall
be furnished to COMPANY daily. The records of all welds shall be properly cataloged and
filed to permit ready location and identification during and after construction.


All field joints in the pipeline and riser shall be wrapped with shrink sleeves or tape approved by
17.1 Cleaning
All surface preparations for the field joint shall be carried out when the pipe is dry. After the
field welds have been radiogaphed and visually examined and accepted by COMPANY, the
uncoated portion of the pipe at the field joints shall be thoroughly cleaned by use of
approved steel wire power brushes until a uniform gray white metallic color is obtained.
CONTRACTOR shall remove any coating not firmly bonded to the pipe and the field joint
surface shall be free of grease, moisture, dirt, rust, weld splatter, and other foreign material
that may impair the proper bonding of the coating.
The entire, original yard coated ends extending from the concrete weight coating shall be
thoroughly cleaned and made free of all foreign matter, such as dirt, rust, weld slag, white
wash, concrete splatter, etc. Any indentation in the yard applied anti-corrosion coating shall
be chamfered off so as to present a smooth surface suitable to receive the application of the
tape without forming air pockets.
17.2 Application of Heat Shrinkable Sleeves
Application of heat shrinkable sleeves and the use of primer shall be as per the
Manufacturer's recommendations.
The completed sleeve shall have the following characteristics :
 The thermochromic paint on the closure has changed.
 There are no cold spots or dimples on the sleeve surface.
 Weld bead profile can be seen through the sleeve.
 After sleeve is cool, mastic flow is evident on both edges.
17.3 Inspection, Testing and Repair of WPC Sleeve
All completed sleeves shall be inspected for the above characteristics and shall be rejected if
they fail to exhibit these characteristics.
Visual inspection for proper surface preparation, material, workmanship, air entrapment and
wrinkles shall be performed. An air bubble between pipe and sleeve or wrinkle shall be
repaired by removing it, applying a WPCP closure over the cutout and then heating the
whole repair. If the material or workmanship fails to satisfy this Specification or more than 4
square inches requires repair on any one joint, then the sleeve shall be rejected.
CONTRACTOR shall remove the sleeve, clean the metal and reapply a new sleeve until this
Specification is satisfied at no cost to COMPANY.
17.4 Tape Application
Primer shall only be applied if recommended or required by the tape Manufacturer. At least
4" of the yard applied corrosion coating shall also be primed. The proper drying time, as
dictated by the primer Manufacturer, shall elapse before application of the tape.
Manufacturer's recommendations with regard to maximum pipe temperatures, method and
applied thickness of primer shall also be strictly followed.
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The 18" wide tape shall be applied in a continuous layer "cigarette wrap", centering on the
line of weld with a minimum 4" overlap onto itself. The width of tape shall provide full
cover of the exposed steel at the field joint.
For uninsulated pipe, two 4" wide tapes shall then be applied at each extremity of the center
tape, overlapping the latter and the yard applied coating by 2". Each 4" wide tape shall have
a 4" overlap onto itself.
Application of the tape wraps shall be in strict accordance with the Manufacturer's
instructions as well as the following :
 Application of wrap shall only be on clean dry surfaces
 The separation paper shall be progressively peeled back as the tape is applied
 Sufficient hand tension shall be maintained to avoid air pockets, to ensure a
smooth, wrinkle-free application, proper bonding and complete conformability. The
tapes used shall be stored in a cool place to avoid mastic flow and fusion of tape layers.
The tapes held in the store shall be used in rotation.
17.5 Inspection and Repairs of Tapes
The field joint shall be visually inspected for proper surface preparation before the
application of tape and primer. After the tape coating has been applied, it shall be inspected
visually for wrinkles or damage areas.
At the discretion of COMPANY, CONTRACTOR shall inspect the field joint tape using a
spiral type holiday detector. The holiday detector used will be subject to the approval of
COMPANY. The test voltage shall be in accordance with NACE RP-02-74.
All wrinkles, holidays or other tape damage shall be repaired to the satisfaction of
COMPANY. Repair methods and procedures shall be as recommended by the tape
Any rejected tape coating shall be removed and the field joint shall be cleaned again before
applying new tape. The new tape shall be inspected.
17.6 Metal Form Installation
After the coating has been inspected and any necessary repairs made, an expendable, precut,
sheet metal form shall be wrapped over the entire field joint area such that it extends 6" back
onto each side of the yard applied concrete coating. The metal form shall be securely banded
in four places. An opening shall be cut at the top of the form for filling with mastic. The
form shall overlap onto itself as least one foot.
17.7 Mastic Application
CONTRACTOR shall supply all equipment necessary to ensure that the mastic mix is
prepared in the correct manner and poured at the desired temperature to prevent voids
forming in the field joint. The end result after application of the field joint mastic material
shall be a continuous coating, completely bonded to the tape coated pipe, to the exposed
corrosion coating areas, and to the two adjacent concrete coatings.
CONTRACTOR shall heat the mastic materials in a remelt kettle equipped with a stirrer to a
pouring temperature of between 365 and 375° F or a temperature recommended otherwise by
the Manufacturer. After the material liquefies, it shall be stirred to ensure suspension of the
aggregate in the mix. Accurate portable thermometers shall be used for checking mastic
temperatures. The material shall not be heated above 400 to 410° F, or the limiting
temperature specified by the Manufacturer. Any material which is overheated shall be
disposed of and a new mix shall be made.

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If it should become necessary to hold the mastic material in the kettle for an extended period
of time, the lid shall be closed, the fire flame shall be lowered and a small amount of asphalt
shall be added to replace asphalt driven off by the continued application of heat. The asphalt
content of the mix shall not exceed 20% by weight.
During filling, CONTRACTOR shall vibrate the form to ensure complete filling and to
eliminate voids or honeycombing within the joint. After filling the molds, the opening shall
be banded shut. The metal form shall not be removed from the field joint. The mastic filled
joint shall not sag more than 1 inch below the line of the adjacent concrete coating.
In the event that time does not permit sufficient cooling of the mastic, water shall be sprayed
over the field joint such that the mastic remains in place during the subsequent pulling of the
17.8 Inspection of Mastic
After the mastic has been applied, the whole wrapped joint shall be inspected. COMPANY
reserves the right to stop any field joint from being lowered into the sea until it has been
inspected and found satisfactory.


During laying and riser fabrication and installation operations, CONTRACTOR shall visually
check all coated pipe for damage to the coating before lowering the pipe into the water. The coating
shall also be inspected following an abandonment and recovery procedure. The cost of any repair
work is to CONTRACTOR's account.
Repairs to the coatings shall be accomplished with materials and methods compatible with the
parent coating and in accordance with the respective coating Specification. Repair materials and
procedures shall be submitted by CONTRACTOR and approved by COMPANY.
18.1 Above Water Repair
Any damage to concrete which causes a loss in concrete of more than 25% of the total
thickness of the coating over an area of 1 sq ft or more shall be repaired.
In cases where damaged areas are greater than those specified in the above paragraph or the
coating specification, the joint containing the damage shall be removed and disposed of
according to COMPANY instructions. Before resuming laying operations, CONTRACTOR
shall reassess its laying procedures and equipment, and make whatever corrections necessary
to ensure that excessive damage to the concrete coating shall not occur again.
Where concrete is removed to a depth which exposes the pipeline corrosion coating, and
visual inspection indicates that there may be damage to the corrosion coating, the wire
reinforcement shall be removed and CONTRACTOR shall inspect the corrosion coating with
a holiday detector. Should there be any damage done to the corrosion coating,
CONTRACTOR shall repair it.
If cracking of the concrete in the overbend is sufficiently severe as to indicate that concrete
may be falling off from the submerged pipe on the stinger or in the suspended span, an
inspection of the submerged portion of the pipe shall be made as soon as reasonably
practicable. If during the inspection it is apparent that concrete is falling off from the
submerged portion of the pipe, laying shall be stopped immediately and the damaged joints
of pipe shall be removed or repaired in accordance with COMPANY instructions.

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18.2 Underwater Repair

For underwater repair work, the repair system and materials shall be proposed by
CONTRACTOR. The repair system shall provide performance equal to or exceeding the
design coating in all respects. These include, but are not limited to, corrosion, impact
protection and pipe stability.
For corrosion coating repairs made underwater, a polyamide cured epoxy such as Dimet
410T or other solvent free epoxy suitable for underwater application shall be used.
For repair of corrosion coating underwater, pipe cleaning procedures shall be given detailed


Based the results of CONTRACTOR prelay survey, CONTRACTOR shall identify locations along
the pipe route which may have obstructions or excessive contour changes which produce
unsupported spans longer than the specified allowable.
CONTRACTOR shall notify COMPANY and shall propose remedial methods of removing or
eliminating the obstructions or excessive contour changes. In making its evaluation of safe
pipeline installation, CONTRACTOR shall consider that the pipelines may be flooded accidentally
(wet buckle) prior to span rectification.
CONTRACTOR shall submit stress analyses to demonstrate either that the line can be safely laid
across these areas or that seabed preparation works are required prior to pipelay. Where the
clearances are small or undulating seabed profiles provide intermittent points that have small
clearances, the pipeline concerned may be well supported by the natural seabed after filling with
water. Then COMPANY may approve that no remedial work is required as long as it can be
shown that the pipeline will not be overstressed.
19.1 Span Rectification
When excessive span lengths need to be reduced, the supports to be installed shall be bags
filled with grout.
Unless otherwise specified, the following procedures shall be adopted :
 Determine the maximum allowable unsupported span lengths for the
corresponding locations and/or weight coating sections
 From the surveyed seabed profile select locations of supports and determine the
corresponding vertical distance between bottom of pipe and the natural seabed. Sizes of
bags to be used are then determined
 Lift the pipeline to the approved height, if necessary, and place sand bags or
other temporary support below it
 Position the respective grouting bags at the predetermined locations and fill with
grout until they are in full contact with the pipeline
 When stacking of grouting bags is required, sufficient time (not less than 2
hours) shall be allowed to elapse before the next grouting bag is placed on top of the
previously installed bag
 Should flotation buoys be attached to the pipeline during the lay operation, or
should other temporary supports be used, they shall be removed after the minimum time
required for the grout to harden has elapsed.
In all cases, COMPANY shall be kept fully informed during all phases of the span
rectification work. All span rectification work shall be completed to the satisfaction of
COMPANY before filling of the pipeline is permitted.

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19.2 Subsea Crossings

The clearance or separation of a pipeline from existing pipelines or other objects should be
sufficient to prevent damage to the pipeline and the other object, and provide a favorable
cathodic environment for corrosion control. Normally, the clearance distance shall not be
less than 1 ft (after settlement). Allowance shall be made for settlement when determining
the clearance distance and the height of pipeline supports.
Support heights and spacing shall be determined by the following criteria:
 Overstressing of the pipeline due to excessive bending
 Upheaval buckling
 Vortex shedding induced vibration
Unless otherwise specified, subsea crossings shall be installed with precast concrete blocks
in accordance with Project Drawing No. STD-90001.
Unless special requirements are specified by COMPANY, the normal procedures for
constructing a crossing shall be as follows :
 Place the precast concrete blocks in location on the seabed.
 Lay the pipeline over the precast blocks.
19.3 Onshore Crossings
The clearance or separation of a pipeline from existing pipelines or other objects should be
sufficient to prevent damage to the pipeline and the other object, and provide a favorable
cathodic environment for corrosion control. Normally, the clearance distance shall not be
less than 1 ft (after settlement). Allowance shall be made for settlement when determining
the clearance distance and the height of pipeline supports.
Road, river or drain crossings shall be installed below ground level by horizontal drilling,
trenching, cofferdams or other technique. Refer to Project Drawings STD-90002, STD-
90003 and STD-90006.
The height and spacing of supports for elevated crossings shall be determined in accordance
with the following:
 Clearance for vessels, vehicles, personnel or animals.
 Bending stress due to the weight of the pipeline.
Barriers shall be installed on elevated crossings to prevent access.
19.4 Monitoring, Control and Inspection
The approved procedures and details shall include, but not be limited to, the following :
 Monitoring of the configuration of the lifted pipeline that it follows the
configuration previously approved by the COMPANY
 Checking that the grout is mixed correctly at all times and that all materials used
are at their best conditions
 Checking that the grout is being pumped into the grouting bags at the specified
 Verifying that the specified quantity of grout is being injected into each bag
 Performing diving inspections to check proper installation of the grout bags at
each location in terms of locations, numbers, pattern, heights, widths, lengths, etc.

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19.5 Repair
Any pipeline supports or protective covers which, in the opinion of COMPANY, have not
been installed in accordance with the details specified herein or satisfactorily shall be
rejected and immediately repaired or replaced by CONTRACTOR to the satisfaction of
COMPANY. Repairs or replacements shall be carried out using procedures previously
approved by COMPANY at no additional cost to COMPANY. CONTRACTOR shall keep
COMPANY fully informed throughout the stages of the repair or replacement Work.


Pipeline Pre-commissioning activities including flooding, cleaning, gauging, leak testing,
hydotesting, dewateing and drying are specified in Pipeline Pre-commissioning Specification

Upon completion of the pipeline installation, CONTRACTOR shall remove all surplus material
from the worksite and shall deliver such material belonging to COMPANY to the points designated
by COMPANY. All salvaged, excess, or waste materials shall be disposed of in a manner
satisfactory to COMPANY.
During installation, CONTRACTOR shall not discard any construction materials, scrap, auxiliary
installation equipment or other objects at any point along the pipeline routes.
Temporary Work Sites, storage yards and Sites on land shall be cleaned-up and the Sites returned
to their original condition. Any temporary obstructions or construction aids placed along the
pipeline route or on the platforms shall be removed at CONTRACTOR's expense unless
COMPANY specifically requests that they be left in place.
CONTRACTOR shall leave all platforms clean and free from all grease, chemicals, etc. from
testing or other operations. CONTRACTOR shall clean and touch-up the platforms, if necessary, to
return all Sites to their original condition.

Upon satisfactory completion of all testing and inspection, the tie-in weld from the riser to the
topside piping shall be sand blasted and coated with a Zinc/epoxy/urethane coating system as per
Service Area II, in Project Specification 028120-SPM-026, Protective Coating.


CONTRACTOR and shall be responsible for the inspection and testing of the Pipeline System and
its components and shall provide all of the equipment and personnel necessary to carry out the tests
to the satisfaction of COMPANY.
CONTRACTOR shall inspect the materials certificates for all pipeline components and will keep
these on file for possible inspection by COMPANY.
COMPANY reserves the right to inspect the pipelines at any time during the fabrication and
installation to ensure that the materials and workmanship are in accordance with the Specifications,
data sheet and applicable drawings.
The approval of any work by COMPANY and its release of the pipelines shall in no way release
CONTRACTOR from its responsibility for carrying out all of the provisions of these
Individual inspection and testing requirements for workmanship and services are given in the
respective sections.

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24.1 Reports
CONTRACTOR shall prepare a daily, weekly and monthly activity reports to submit to
COMPANY for approval in duplicate.
The Daily Report shall include as minimum:
 Status of the project.
 Time log description of all the activities directly or indirectly affecting pipe
laying operation as well as fabrication and testing.
 Time log showing coordinates of the pipelay vessel and anchor locations.
 Pipe tally showing joint numbers, mill numbers, pipe section lengths, and
weights, etc.
 Surveying and diving inspection results.
 Field joint coating, welding inspection and repairs.
 Report on gauging pig run (s).
 All temperature and pressure charts and tables.
 All tables of deadweight tester readings.
 Pressure/Volume plots.
 Tidal level records.
 A full report of all operations carried out during the pigging and testing operation
including a record of all mechanical failures of equipment or pipeline, repairs effected,
and a daily log of events including the locations.
 All calculations made to asses the hydrostatic test and associated conclusions.
 The appropriate test forms filled out and certified by CONTRACTOR,
COMPANY and MIGAS representatives.
 Record of all defects and repairs.
 Safety records.
24.2 As-Built Data
CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY all as-built data of the pipelines and risers with
associated offsets and clamps including all other data gathered during CONTRACTOR
operations at the site. The as-built data shall be submitted in the format and with the number
of copies required and contents in accordance with details previously agreed with
COMPANY. As-built data shall be submitted within one month after completion of Work.
CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit to COMPANY an as-built record which lists all
pipe joint mill numbers, bend identification numbers, flange identification numbers, field
joint coatings, etc. and describes the exact location of these items within the finished Work.
In addition, CONTRACTOR shall supply a scale drawing which clearly indicates the above

Material and/or equipment shall be guaranteed by CONTRACTOR to perform in accordance with
Specification requirements and to be free of defects and poor workmanship including, but not
limited to, those caused by inadequate preparation for shipment, for a period of one (1) year after
material/equipment is placed in service, but not exceeding eighteen (18) months following delivery
to the contracted destination.

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CONTRACTOR shall repair or replace all defective items during the guarantee period at no cost to
CONTRATOR shall obtain a similar guarantee from Manufacturer or SUPPLIER to warrant the
raw materials provided.

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