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Case 1:22-cv-00568-JPH-MJD Document 1 Filed 03/23/22 Page 1 of 18 PageID #: 1



THE AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE Case Number: 1:22-cv-00568








Plaintiff The American Automobile Association, Inc. (“AAA”) brings this Complaint for

injunctive relief, monetary damages, and all other appropriate remedies against Defendant All

American Auto Hail Dent Repair LLC d/b/a AAA Hail Repair (“AAA Hail Repair”), and

Defendant Laverne Pflugh (collectively, “Defendants”). AAA alleges as follows:


1. This is an action for trademark infringement, false designation of origin, and unfair

competition, and cybersquatting in violation of Sections 32, 43 (a), and 43(d) of the Federal

Trademark Act (the “Lanham Act”), 15 U.S.C. §§ 1114, 1125(a), and 1125(d); for trademark

infringement in violation of Indiana state law, Ind. Code § 24-2-1-13, and common law; for

trademark dilution in violation of Section 43(c) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125(c) and

Indiana state law, Ind. Code § 24-2-1-13.5; and for unfair competition in violation of Indiana

common law. AAA seeks, among other relief, monetary damages and an order enjoining

Defendants from using AAA’s trademarks in Defendants’ business names, marks, websites, and

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social media platforms and requiring transfer of the domain names AAA-HAILDENT-


2. This action arises out of Defendants’ knowing and willful violation of AAA’s rights

in its famous and distinctive AAA trademarks (the “AAA Marks”). Specifically, Defendants have

used and continue to use the AAA Marks in connection with their operation of a business that

offers competing automobile-related repair services, AAA Hail Repair, without authorization and

with full knowledge that they are not authorized to use those marks.

3. Defendants’ unlawful use of the AAA marks is likely to cause consumers to

believe, erroneously, that AAA has endorsed Defendants’ products and services, jeopardizing the

goodwill and tarnishing the reputation associated with AAA’s Marks. It threatens to confuse

consumers who seek the reliable and dependable products and services of AAA to unjustly enrich


4. Defendants’ unlawful acts have lessened the capacity of AAA’s famous Marks to

identify and distinguish the products and services AAA providers under those Marks. Defendants

have diluted the AAA Marks’ distinctive quality.

5. In addition, after reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendants have

unjustly profited from their unauthorized use of the AAA Marks and have made unauthorized

commercial use of the Marks in Indiana to their benefit, and to the detriment of AAA and of

consumers, in violation of laws set forth above.


6. Plaintiff AAA (commonly pronounced “Triple A”) is a not-for-profit, non-stock

corporation organized and existing under the laws of Connecticut, with its principal place of

business in Heathrow, Florida. AAA provides its approximately 60 million members with

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products and services throughout the United States and Canada, including Indiana. AAA’s

services include travel and automobile products and services, including automobile repair services

at its AAA Car Care Centers and through AAA Approved auto repair businesses, financial advice,

insurance and warranty coverage, and discounts. AAA provides its products and services through

local AAA member clubs, including AAA Hoosier Motor Club.

7. After reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendant AAA Hail

Repair is an Indiana domestic limited liability company registered in and operating under the laws

of Indiana, with a principal place of business at 912 East 53rd Street, Suite B, Anderson, IN 46013.

8. After reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendant Laverne Plfugh

is the governing person and registered agent of AAA Hail Repair.

9. After reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendants are the

registrants of the AAA-HAILDENT-REPAIR.BUSINESS.SITE domain name and registered, or

caused to be registered, this domain name on behalf of AAA Hail Repair. Defendants have used

AAA-HAILDENT-REPAIR.BUSINESS.SITE to host websites promoting and directing traffic to

the AAA Hail Repair business.

10. After reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendants are the

registrants of the AAAHAILDENTREPAIR.COM domain name and registered, or caused to be

registered, this domain name on behalf of AAA Hail Repair. Defendants have used

AAAHAILDENTREPAIR.COM to host websites promoting and directing traffic to the AAA Hail

Repair business.

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11. This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action under 15 U.S.C.

§§ 1116, 1121, and 1125(d) and under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1337, and 1338 because this case arises

under the trademark laws of the United States, 15 U.S.C. § 1051, et seq.

12. This Court has jurisdiction over Plaintiff’s state law claims under 28 U.S.C. §§

1338(b) and 1367(a) as well as under general principles of supplemental and pendent jurisdiction.

13. Defendants are subject to personal jurisdiction within the Southern District of

Indiana because, after reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, they conduct business in

this District.

14. Venue is proper under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) and (c) because, after reasonable inquiry

and on information and belief, Defendants conduct business in this judicial district and because a

substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to the claims occurred in the Southern District

of Indiana.


A. AAA’s Widespread and Substantial Use of Its Registered AAA Marks

15. Since its founding over a century ago, AAA has enjoyed a reputation as one of the

world’s premier client service organizations. That reputation is based largely on the consistent

high quality and long-standing reliability of the products and services it provides under its AAA

Marks through its AAA local clubs and member services offices.

16. Although its original focus was on combating unfair automobile laws and

campaigning for better roads and more reliable vehicles, AAA quickly expanded its charter. It

established itself as an advocate for travel safety and road improvement. It also became associated

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with providing reliable travel- and vehicle-related products and services—including automobile-

related retail and repair services.

17. AAA has invested significant resources—including for advertising campaigns and

promotional efforts—to develop and foster the reputation, recognition, and goodwill associated

with its products and services provided under the AAA Marks.

18. AAA has used and continues to use the AAA Marks in interstate commerce to

identify its products and services.

19. As a result, the AAA Marks have become famous in the United States, including in

Indiana, and throughout the world in connection with AAA’s products and services.

20. Because only those businesses that are part of AAA’s network of approved service

providers are authorized to use or display the AAA Marks, AAA members and the public know

that local businesses displaying AAA Marks maintain a reputation for quality, integrity, and


21. As a result of AAA’s provision of quality products and the continuous advertising,

promotion, and sale of products and services in interstate commerce under the AAA Marks, those

trademarks have acquired value and fame in the United States and throughout the world.

Specifically, the AAA Marks are widely recognized by consumers in this country and abroad and

have acquired enormous goodwill as trademarks identifying high-quality and reliable products and

services. Indeed, the AAA Marks are distinctive such that consumers recognize that goods and

services marketed under the AAA Marks originate with, or are approved or endorsed by, AAA and

the AAA local clubs.

22. AAA and its local clubs have registered AAA-related domain names and maintain

internet websites through which AAA members and the general public may obtain information

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and, in some cases, purchase or use products and services (the “AAA Websites”). The AAA

Websites are created and operated to attract members and customers, encourage their interest in

AAA and its local clubs, and offer products and services to customers.

23. AAA has registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office

(“USPTO”) more than 150 trademarks, including Marks that AAA has used since at least as early

as 1902, in connection with automobile-related products and services offered to its members. The

federal registrations Defendants are violating include:

(a) Reg. No. 829,265, for the AAA Mark, for use in connection with

automobile-related goods and services, including association services rendered to motor

vehicle owners;

(b) Reg. No. 1,168,790, for the TRIPLE A Mark, for use in connection with

automobile association services, including promoting the interests of motor vehicle

owners, motorists, and travelers, and sponsoring programs for the promotion of pedestrian


(c) Reg. No. 2,158,654, for the AAA & Design Mark, for use in connection

with automobile-related goods and services, including arranging for discount purchases

and vehicle information and repair;

(d) Reg. No. 2,900,596, for the AAA PREMIER Mark, for use in connection

with automobile-related services, including providing information about vehicles for sale,

vehicle brokerage services, and providing information on vehicle pricing;

(e) Reg. No, 2,935,481, for the AAA PREMIER & Design Mark, for use in

connection with automobile-related services, including providing information about

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vehicles for sale, vehicle brokerage services, vehicle return insurance, and providing

information on vehicle pricing;

(f) Reg. No. 3,426,468, for the AAA APPROVED AUTO REPAIR & Design

Mark, used in connection with automobile repair services; and

(g) Reg. No. 5,036,379, for the AAA & Design Mark, for use in connection

with automobile- and travel-related products and services, including emergency road side

repair services.

24. Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1057(b), the registration certificates for the AAA Marks,

including those marks identified above, constitute prima facie evidence of the validity of the

registered mark and of the registration of the mark, and of AAA’s ownership of the trademarks set

forth therein, and of AAA’s exclusive right to use those trademarks in commerce on or in

connection with the products and services specified in the registration certificates.

25. Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1065, Reg. Nos. 829,265; 1,168,790; 2,158,654; 2,900,596;

2,935,481; 3,426,468; and 5,036,069 are incontestable.

B. Defendants’ Unlawful Use of Plaintiff’s AAA Marks

26. AAA has never authorized Defendants to use its AAA Marks.

27. Nevertheless, after reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendants

knowingly and willfully violated AAA’s rights in its famous and distinctive AAA Marks by using

in commerce the business name AAA Hail Repair after Plaintiff’s AAA Marks became famous in

Indiana, the United States, and abroad.

28. In or around November 2021, AAA learned that Defendants were advertising goods

and services, including automobile-related repair services that compete directly with those offered

by AAA, under the AAA Hail Repair name.

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29. Defendants have been offering and continue to offer their products and services

using the AAA Hail Repair name and mark.

30. Defendants promote the AAA Hail Repair business on websites located at AAA-


31. On December 2, 2021, AAA sent a letter by e-mail to the address listed on

Defendants’ business Facebook page and by certified mail to the Defendants’ registered business

address, requesting that Defendants discontinue use of the AAA Marks.

32. Defendants did not respond.

33. On December 17, 2021, AAA sent a second letter by e-mail to the address listed on

Defendants’ business Facebook page and by certified mail to the Defendants’ registered business

address, against requesting that Defendants discontinue used of the AAA Marks.

34. Defendants again did not respond.

35. On January 6, 2022, AAA called the phone number listed on Defendants’ business

website. Defendants did not answer. AAA left a voicemail explaining the nature of the call and

requesting a return phone call.

36. Defendants did not respond.

37. On January 18, 2022, AAA made an additional attempt to reach Defendants, calling

the phone number listed on Defendants’ business website.

38. Defendants answered, but refused to comply with AAA’s request to cease use of

the AAA Marks.

39. Defendants still have not complied with any of AAA’s requests to cease use of the

AAA Marks.

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40. To the contrary, Defendants continue to use the AAA Hail Repair business name


domain names, including in connection with internet advertising for their business.

41. After reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, at the time Defendants’

infringing use of the AAA Marks began and at all times thereafter, Defendants have known, or

had reason to know, of AAA’s rights in the AAA Marks and have at all times known, or had reason

to know, that those marks are famous and valuable.

42. After reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendants knowingly and

for profit engaged in the infringing use of the AAA Marks to attract consumers. Defendants know

and have known that their use of the AAA Marks erroneously conveys that Defendants’ business

is sponsored or endorsed by, or otherwise associated or affiliated with, AAA.

43. Defendants’ infringing use has damaged, and will continue to damage, the

reputation, recognition, and goodwill associated with the famous and distinctive AAA Marks.

44. Defendants’ infringing use has lessened, and will continue to lessen, the capacity

of Plaintiff’s AAA Marks to identify and distinguish the products and services provided or

endorsed by, or affiliated with, AAA and thus has diluted the distinctive quality of Plaintiff’s AAA


45. Further, after reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendants’

infringing use has been and continues to be of commercial value to Defendants.

46. For the foregoing reasons, Defendants’ infringing use has caused, and will likely

continue to cause, injury to AAA and to the goodwill and value of its AAA Marks.

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Federal Trademark Infringement
(Lanham Act § 32, 15 U.S.C. § 1114)

47. AAA repeats and realleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs 1–46 of this


48. Defendants’ adoption and infringing use of AAA Marks in commerce, in

connection with automobile-related goods and services, is likely to cause confusion, mistake, and

deception as to the affiliation, connection, or association of those goods and services with AAA,

in violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1114.

49. After reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendants’ unlawful

conduct as set forth herein has been and continues to be willful, deliberate, and in bad faith.

50. As a result of Defendants’ infringement, AAA has suffered damages as well as the

continuing loss of goodwill and reputation established by AAA. This continuing loss of goodwill

cannot be properly calculated and thus constitutes irreparable harm and an injury for which AAA

has no adequate remedy at law. Unless enjoined, Defendants will continue the infringing use,

further injuring AAA and confusing the public.

51. After reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendants have received

revenues and profits as a result of their infringing use, to which Defendants are not entitled, and

AAA has also suffered damages as a result of the infringing use, for which Defendants are


Federal False Designation of Origin and Unfair Competition
(Lanham Act § 43(a), 15 U.S.C. § 1125 (a))

52. AAA repeats and realleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs 1–46 of this



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53. Defendants have willfully and deliberately attempted to trade on the goodwill and

reputation of the AAA Marks and Plaintiff in connection with their products and services, as well

as to confuse consumers as to the origin and sponsorship of Defendants’ goods and services,

making them seem as those of AAA.

54. Defendants’ acts deprive AAA of the ability to control consumer perception of its

goods and services offered under its AAA Marks, placing the valuable goodwill and reputation of

AAA into the hands of Defendants.

55. Defendants’ conduct is likely to cause confusion, mistake, or deception as to the

affiliation, connection, or association of Defendants with AAA, and as to the origin, sponsorship,

or approval of Defendants’ infringing use, in violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a).

56. Defendants’ violation of this statute has caused and will continue to cause

irreparable harm to AAA, for which AAA has no adequate remedy at law. Unless enjoined,

Defendants will continue the infringing uses, further injuring AAA and confusing the public.

57. After reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendants have received

revenues and profits as a result of their infringing use, to which Defendants are not entitled, and

AAA has also suffered damages as a result of the infringing use, for which Defendants are


(Lanham Act § 43(d), 15 U.S.C. § 1125(d))

58. AAA repeats and realleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs 1–46 of this


59. Defendants’ infringing use violates Section 43(d) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. §

1125(d), because (i) Plaintiff is the owner of the AAA Marks, which are registered in the United


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States Patent and Trademark Office and protected under Section 43(a), (c), and (d) of the Lanham

Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a), (c), and (d); (ii) Defendants have registered, trafficked in, and/or used


faith intent to profit from AAA’s famous and distinctive marks; (iii) AAA-HAILDENT-


Plaintiff’s AAA Marks and are dilutive of Plaintiff’s AAA Marks; and (iv) Plaintiff’s AAA Marks

were distinctive and famous at the time of registration of the AAA-HAILDENT-


60. Defendants’ unlawful conduct as set forth herein has been willful, deliberate, and

in bad faith.

61. Defendants’ violation of this statute has caused and will continue to cause

irreparable damage to AAA, for which AAA has no adequate remedy at law. Unless enjoined,

Defendants will continue to use AAA-HAILDENT-REPAIR.BUSINESS.SITE and

AAAHAILDENTREPAIR.COM, further injuring AAA and confusing the public.

62. After reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendants have received

revenues and profits as a result of their infringing use, to which Defendants are not entitled, and

AAA has also suffered damages as a result of the infringing use, for which Defendants are


Federal Trademark Dilution
(Lanham Act § 43(c), 15 U.S.C. § 1125 (c))

63. AAA repeats and realleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs in 1–46 of this



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64. The AAA name and mark—both in word and logo form—are famous and

distinctive and are entitled to protection against dilution.

65. Defendants’ infringing use violates Section 43(c) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. §

1125(c), because such use, which commenced after Plaintiff’s AAA Marks became famous, has

diluted and continues to dilute the AAA Marks by impairing the ability of the AAA Marks to serve

as unique identifiers and by tarnishing the goodwill and reputation associated with the AAA


66. After reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendants’ unlawful

conduct as set forth herein has been and continues to be willful, deliberate, and in bad faith.

67. Defendants’ violation of this statute has caused and will continue to cause

irreparable damage to AAA, for which AAA has no adequate remedy at law. Unless enjoined,

Defendants will continue the infringing use, further injuring AAA and confusing the public.

Indiana Trademark Infringement
(Ind. Code § 24-2-1-13)

68. AAA repeats and realleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs in 1–46 of this


69. Defendants’ acts violate Section 24-2-1-13 of the Indiana Code. AAA is the prior

user of the AAA Marks, and the infringing use constitutes unconsented reproductions, copies,

and/or colorable imitations of the AAA Marks in connection with the sale, offering for sale, or

advertising of services in a manner likely to cause confusion or mistake or result in deception as

to the source or origin, sponsorship, or approval by AAA of the products and services provided by



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70. Defendants’ unlawful conduct as set forth herein has been and continues to be

willful, deliberate, and in bad faith.

71. Defendants’ unlawful conduct has caused and will continue to cause irreparable

damage to AAA, for which AAA has no adequate remedy at law. Unless enjoined, Defendants

will continue the unlawful conduct, further injuring AAA and confusing the public.

72. Defendants have received revenues and profits as a result of their infringing use, to

which Defendants are not entitled, and AAA has also suffered damages as a result of the infringing

use, for which Defendants are responsible.

Indiana Trademark Dilution
(Ind. Code § 24-2-1-13.5)

73. AAA repeats and realleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs in 1–46 of this


74. AAA’s Marks are both famous and distinctive in Indiana, the United States, and

abroad. AAA has been using its Marks since as early as 1902 and continues to use these Marks in

interstate commerce in connection with its goods and services, including automobile-related

repairs and services. The AAA Marks are distinctive such that consumers recognize that goods

and services marketed under the AAA Marks originate with, or are approved or endorsed by, AAA

and the AAA local clubs. Defendants knowingly and willfully began using in commerce the

business name AAA Collision Center after Plaintiff’s AAA Marks became famous in Indiana.

75. Defendants’ unlawful acts have lessened the capacity of AAA’s famous Marks to

identify and distinguish the products and services AAA provides under those Marks. Defendants

have diluted the AAA Marks’ distinctive quality in violation of Ind. Code § 24-2-1-13.5.


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76. After reasonable inquiry and on information and belief, Defendants’ unlawful

conduct as set forth herein has been and continues to be willful, deliberate, and in bad faith.

77. Defendants’ violation of Indiana law has caused and will continue to cause

irreparable damage to AAA, for which AAA has no adequate remedy at law. Unless enjoined,

Defendants will continue the violation, further injuring AAA and confusing the public.

Indiana Unfair Competition
(Indiana Common Law)

78. AAA repeats and realleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs in 1–46 of this


79. Defendants’ unlawful conduct constitutes use of a similar trade name in violation

of Indiana common law. AAA’s trade name and marks have acquired a secondary meaning. The

name and mark “AAA” identifies a particular producer in the mind of the public, AAA, and with

that, the reputation, recognition, and goodwill associated with its products and services provided

under the AAA Marks.

80. Defendants’ continued attempt to trade on the goodwill and reputation of the AAA

Marks and Plaintiff in connection with their products and services is likely to confuse the public

as to the affiliation, connection, or association of Defendants with AAA, and as to the origin,

sponsorship, or approval of Defendants’ infringing use, in violation of Indiana common law.

Deception of the public is the natural and probable consequence of Defendants’ conduct.

81. Defendants’ violation of Indiana common law has caused and will continue to cause

irreparable damage to AAA, for which AAA has no adequate remedy at law. Unless enjoined,

Defendants will continue the violation, further injuring AAA and confusing the public.


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Wherefore, Plaintiff AAA requests that this Court enter judgment in its favor on all

counts of this Complaint and grant AAA the following relief:

1. Enjoin and restrain Defendants, their agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and

all persons in active concert or participation with any of them, from engaging in any of the

following acts:

(a) Using without the authorization of AAA any of AAA’s Marks, logos, and

trade names, including the designation “AAA” or any other name, logo, or Mark that

includes the designations “AAA” or that is confusingly or deceptively similar to any of

AAA’s Marks, logos, and trade names, either alone or in conjunction with other words or

symbols, as part of any trademark, service mark, logo, trade name, corporate name,

assumed name, domain name, on or in relation to any goods sold or distributed by the

Defendants, or in any other manner; and

(b) Using combination letter “A’s” in any form or manner that would tend to

identify or associate Defendants or their business or services with AAA, including, without

limitation, in the marketing, promotion, advertising, identification, sale or distribution of

goods or services, or in any other manner;

2. Require Defendants, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1118 and Indiana law, to destroy all

literature, signs, labels, prints, packages, wrappers, containers, advertising materials, internet

content, stationery, software, and other items in their possession or control which contain the

infringing designations “AAA” or any other term confusingly similar to “AAA,” either alone or in

combination with other words or symbols and to destroy all plates, molds, matrices, masters, and

other means of making any of those infringing items;


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3. Require Defendants to abandon, cancel, delete, and/or withdraw, with prejudice,

any U.S. or state trademark applications or registrations that contain the AAA Marks, or any other

state trademark applications or registrations that contain the AAA Marks, or any other confusingly

similar name, logo, or mark;

4. Require Defendants to cancel or amend any business name, trade name, license, or

corporate registration or application that contains the AAA Marks, or any other confusingly similar

name, logo, or mark, including registrations for AAA Hail Repair;

5. Require Defendants to transfer to AAA any and all domain names in their or their

agents’ possession, custody, or control that include the AAA Marks, including AAA-HAILDENT-


6. Require Defendants to file with the Court and to serve on AAA, within thirty (30)

days after entry of an injunction, a report in writing, under oath, setting forth in detail the manner

and form in which Defendants have complied with the injunction’

7. Require Defendants to pay AAA for all damages sustained as a result of

Defendants’ unlawful conduct described above, plus interest thereon, and require, with respect to

damages resulting from infringement or dilution of the AAA Marks or from unfair competition

under the Lanham Act, that such damages be trebled pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117;

8. Require Defendants to account for and pay to AAA all profits derived by

Defendants resulting from their use of the AAA Marks pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117 and Indiana


9. Award AAA statutory damages in the amount of $100,000 per infringing domain

name pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117(d), or some other amount as the Court considers just;


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10. Award AAA the costs of this suit and its reasonable attorneys’ fees in accordance

with 15 U.S.C. § 1117 and Indiana law;

11. Award prejudgment interest on all liquidated sums; and

12. Award such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper.

March 23, 2022 Respectfully submitted,

/s/ David O. Tittle

David O. Tittle
Elizabeth S. Traylor
2700 Market Tower
10 West Market Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Telephone: (317) 968-5418
[email protected]
[email protected]

Counsel for Plaintiff The American Automobile

Association, Inc.


Neil K. Roman
Ayana Lindsey
Pro hac vice forthcoming
One CityCenter
850 10th St NW
Washington, DC 20001
Telephone: (202) 662-5135
[email protected]
[email protected]



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