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OF Agaricus bisporus
A Dissertation submitted to


CHENNAI-600 032

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of

Submitted by
Miss.Divyadarshini.S - 561795221
Mr.Gokul.R - 561795224
Mr.Jerald J Jacob - 561795233
Mr.Mani.D - 561795242

Under the guidance of

Mrs.SRIVIDHYA.V, M.Pharm.,
Department of Pharmacology

Excel College of Pharmacy

March 2022

This is to certify that the dissertation work entitled “Antioxidant Activity

and Preliminary Phytochemical Studies of Various Extracts of Agaricus

bisporus” submitted by the students bearing REG NO: 561795221,

561795224, 561795233, 561795242 to “The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R.

Medical University”, Chennai, in partial fulfillment for the award of

Bachelor of Pharmacy was evaluated by us during the examination held




This is to certify that the dissertation “Antioxidant Activity and

Preliminary Phytochemical Studies of Various Extracts of Agaricus

bisporus” is a bonafide work done by REG NO: 561795221, 561795224,

561795233, 561795242 at the Department of Pharmacology, Excel College

of Pharmacy, Komarapalayam, in partial fulfillment for the award of

Bachelor of Pharmacy under the guidance and direct supervision of

Mrs.SRIVIDHYA.V, during the academic year 2021-2022.

Mrs.SRIVIDHYA.V., M.Pharm.,
Assistant Professor

This is to certify that the work embodied in this dissertation entitled

“Antioxidant Activity and Preliminary Phytochemical Studies of

Various Extracts of Agaricus bisporus”, submitted to “The Tamil Nadu

Dr.M.G.R. Medical University”, Chennai, in partial fulfillment to the

requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy, is a

bonafide work carried out by REG NO: 561795221, 561795224,

561795233, 561795242 during the academic year 2021-2022, under my

guidance and direct supervision at the Department of Pharmacology, Excel

College of Pharmacy, Komarapalayam.

Excel College of Pharmacy,

Place :
Date :

We hereby declare that the dissertation “Antioxidant Activity and

Preliminary Phytochemical Studies of Various Extracts of Agaricus

bisporus”, submitted to The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University,

Chennai, for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy,

is a bonafide research work carried out during the academic year 2021-2022,

under the guidance and direct supervision of Mrs.SRIVIDHYA.V,

M.Pharm., Department of Pharmacology, Excel College of Pharmacy,


We further declare that this is original and this dissertation has not been

submitted previously for the award of any other degree, diploma or any other

similar title. The information furnished in this dissertation is genuine to the

best of our knowledge.

Place :
Date :




I first place out beloved thanks on the foot of my Parents and the almighty

for making my research a grand success. The contributions of many different

people, in their different ways, have made this research work possible. I feel

immensely delighted in expressing my sincere thanks from the core of my

heart and a deep sense of indelible gratitude to the following personalities.

First and foremost I am highly grateful to Prof.Dr.A.K.Natesan,

Honorable Chairman, Excel Group of Institutions and

Dr.N.Madhankarthick, Vice Chairman, Excel Group of Institutions, for

providing me all the infrastructure and resources to take up and complete

this work.

I am extremely beholden to, my guru Dr.R.Manivannan, Professor and

Principal, for his constant insight, personal advice, valuable guidance,

countless serenity, moral support, constant encouragement, pain taking effort

in all stages of study and constructive suggestions throughout the tenure of

the present investigation.

I express my thank to my guide Mrs.SRIVIDHYA.V, Assistant professor,

Department of Pharmacology, for providing all facilities and support

during the course of my research work.

I take immense pleasure to thank all department HODs, faculties and

librarians for their guidance and continued support.

My deepest heartfelt thanks to all my U.Jegatheesh, K.Dhilip kumar,

G.Bharanidharan and P.Gnanasekar for their help, co-operation, motivation,

ideas and encouragement.

I also express my thank to my class mates, for their support and

encouragement during the project work.

I extend my sincere thanks to ALL OTHER BATCHMATES and JUNIORS

for their help during the research work.

Individuals, who have helped/supported/guided/encouraged me directly or

indirectly during the course of my research work.

Last but not least, My special lovable thanks to my MOTHER, FATHER,

BROTHER, AND SISTER for their continuous overwhelming support.














1.1 Anti-Oxidants 1
1.2 Working of Antioxidants 3
1.3 Mechanism of Action 4
1.4 Sources of Antioxidants 5
1.5 Functions of Antioxidants 6
1.6 Uses of Antioxidants 6
1.8 Benefits of Agaricus bisporus 8
1.9 Medicinal uses of Agaricus bisporus 9
5.1 Plant Profile 18
5.2 Habit 19
5.3 Geographical Distribution 20
5.4 Chemical Constitution 21
6.1 Materials used for the study 22
6.1.1 List of Glass wares 22
6.1.2 List of Instruments 22
6.1.3 List of Chemicals 22
6.2 Methodology 23
6.2.1 Plant Collection 23
6.2.2 Processing of Plant Material 23
6.2.3 Extraction of Plant Materials 24
6.3 Preliminary Phytochemical Studies 25
6.3.1 Test for Phenols 25
6.3.2 Test for Tannins 26
6.3.3 Test for Glycosides 26
6.3.4 Test for Alkaloids 27
6.3.5 Test for Flavonoids 28
6.3.6 Test for Triterpenoids and Steroids 28
6.4 In-vitro Antioxidant Study 29
6.4.1 DPPH Assay 29
6.4.2 FRAP Assay 31
7.1 Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis 33
7.2 In-vitro Antioxidant Studies 34
7.2.1 DPPH radical scavenging activity of EEAB 34
7.2.2 Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Assay of EEAB 35
7.2.3 DPPH radical scavenging activity of MEAB 37
7.2.4 Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Assay of MEAB 38
7.2.5 DPPH radical scavenging activity of HAEAB 40
7.2.5 Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Assay of HAEAB 41

S.NO. Abbreviations Expansion

1 ROS Reactive Oxygen Species

2 SOD Super-Oxide Dismutase

3 DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid

4 RNA Ribonucleic Acid

5 LDL Low Density Lipoprotein

6 LPO Lipid Peroxide

7 CAT Catalase

8 A. Bisporus Agaricus bisporus

9 DPPH 2, 2 – diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl Assay

10 FRAP Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power Assay

11 nM nano Meter

12 w/w weight by weight

13 Ml Milliliter

14 EEAB Ethanol Extract of Agaricusbisporus

15 MEAB Methanol Extract of Agaricusbisporus

16 HAEAB Hydro Alcohol Extract of Agaricusbisporus



1. Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis 33

2. DPPH radical scavenging activity of EEAB 34

3. Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Assay of EEAB 35

4. DPPH radical scavenging activity of MEAB 37

5. Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Assay of MEAB 38

6. DPPH radical scavenging activity of HAEAB 40

7. Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Assay of HAEAB 41




1. Antioxidant Activity 2

2. Working of Antioxidants 4

3. Agaricusbisporus 7

4. Parts of Agaricusbisporus 19

5. Soxhlet Extraction Process 24

6. DPPH Assay Reaction (Purple 519nm turns into Colourless) 30

7. FRAP Assay Reaction 32



1. DPPH Scavenging activities of EEAG and Standard Quercetin 35

2. Standard graph of vitamin C to determine the ferric reducing power of 36


3. DPPH Scavenging activities of MEAG and Standard Quercetin 38

4. Standard graph of vitamin C to determine the ferric reducing power of 39


5. DPPH Scavenging activities of HAEAG and Standard Quercetin 41

6. Standard graph of vitamin C to determine the ferric reducing power of 42




Anti-oxidants are compounds that act as a protective mechanism in the body,

neutralizing the effects of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) comprises of both free

radical and non-free radical oxygen containing molecules such as hydrogen peroxide

(H2O2), superoxide, singlet oxygen, the hydroxyl radical and inhibiting the oxidation

reaction which is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals (Free radicals are

unstable, oxygen-containing molecules or atom that cause illness and aging that can

causes cell damage). Free radicals can produce huge chain chemical responses

in body, as well as the chain reactions damage body cells, because they react so easily

with other molecules. [1]

Enzymatic and Non-enzymatic sources are both possible. SOD (Super-Oxide

Dismutase – the first detoxifying enzyme and most powerful anti-oxidant in the cell),

catalase, glutaredoxin, and glutathione reductase are examples of enzymatic sources

that produce anti-oxidants. Vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, beta carotene,

taurine, hypo-taurine, and glutathione are non-enzymatic sources of

antioxidants.However, as people become older, their antioxidant levels drop, causing

a disruption in the balance between antioxidants and pro-oxidant molecules, which

leads to oxidative stress. The scavenging antioxidant capacity, either due to a decrease

in antioxidant availability or an increase in ROS production[2, 3]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. |1


Figure 1. Antioxidant Activity

Excessive ROS produce oxidative stress by attacking bases in nucleic acids,

amino acid side chains in proteins, and double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids,

damaging DNA, RNA, proteins, and lipids, increasing the risk of cardiovascular

disease, cancer, and other disorders.Supplementing with oral oxidants can assist to

mitigate the effects of oxidative stress. Beta-carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E

supplements had little influence on death rates or cancer risk. Furthermore, taking

selenium or vitamin E supplements does not lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Oxidative stress occurs when your body's free radicals and antioxidants are out

of equilibrium. Because free radicals react so quickly with other molecules, they can

create enormous chain chemical reactions in your body. Oxidation is the term for

these kinds of processes. They have the ability to be useful or harmful. Antioxidants

are compounds that have the ability to give an electron to a free radical while

remaining stable. As a result, the free radical becomes less reactive and stabilizes. [5]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. |2


ROS is produced by endogenous and external sources. Inflammation processes

and immune cell activation, extreme exercise, ischemia, mental activity stress,

malignant and infectious disorders, and ageing are all examples of endogenous

creation of these species. Exogenous sources of ROS include water and air pollution,

alcohol consumption, smoking, heavy metals, radiation, cooking, and certain solvents

such as benzene. After penetrating the body, these chemicals breakdown into ROS.

The destructive effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on cellular macromolecules

such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acid are generating protein and nucleic acid


Workings of Antioxidants:

Antioxidants are substances that can neutralize free radicals by receiving or

giving electrons, hence removing the radical's unpaired state. Antioxidant molecules

may directly react with reactive radicals and kill them, or they may transform into

new free radicals that are less active, have a longer lifespan, and are less hazardous

than the radicals they have neutralized. Other antioxidants or other mechanisms may

be able to neutralize them, putting an end to their radical condition. [6]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. |3


Figure 2. Working of Antioxidant

Mechanism of Action:

Antioxidant principles are based on one of two mechanisms: chain breaking or

elimination of reactive oxygen species (ROS).The first is a chain-breaking mechanism

in which the principal antioxidant gives an electron to the system's free radical. The

second step includes quenching the chain-initiating catalyst, which removes

ROS/reactive nitrogen species initiators (secondary antioxidants). Antioxidants can

influence biological systems through a variety of processes, including electron

donation, metal ion chelation, co-antioxidants, and gene expression modulation. [7]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. |4


Sources of Antioxidants:

 Vitamin A (Retinol), which is derived from beta-carotene and is also

generated by the body, preserves dark green, yellow, and orange vegetables

and fruits.

 Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is a water-soluble molecule that has multiple

roles in living systems. Citrus fruits (oranges, sweet limes, and so on), green

peppers, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, black currants, strawberries,

blueberries, seabuckthorn, raw cabbage, and tomatoes are all good sources.

 Vitamin E is fat soluble and preserves lipids, including tocotrienol and

tocopherol. Wheat germ, seabuckthorn, nuts, seeds, whole grains, green leafy

vegetables, kiwifruit, vegetable oil, and fish liver oil are all good sources of

omega-3 fatty acids. The most common type of vitamin E taken is alpha-

tocopherol. Some tocotrienol isomers have been shown to have strong anti-

oxidant capabilities in recent investigations.

 Carotenoids, such as beta-carotene and lycopene, are found in apricots,

asparagus, beets, and broccoli.Collard greens, oranges, peaches, pink

grapefruit, pumpkin, winter squash, spinach, sweet potato, tangerines,

tomatoes, and watermelon are some of the fruits and vegetables that can be

used in a salad.

 Zinc in Beef, poultry, oysters, shrimp, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds,

chickpeas, lentils, cashews, fortified cereals, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds,

chickpeas, lentils, cashews

 Quercetin (apples, red wine, onions), catechins (tea, chocolate, berries),

resveratrol (red and white wine, grapes, peanuts, berries), coumaric acid

(spices, berries), anthocyanins.[9]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. |5


Functions of Antioxidants:

 It lowers the amount of LDL-cholesterol, thereby reducing plaque deposition

in the blood vessel

 It is effective in cancer prevention.

 It encourages the proliferation of normal cells.

 Helps combat age-related molecular degeneration

 Antioxidants neutralize chemicals that can damage genetic material through


 Supports the body's immune system[10]

Uses of Antioxidants:

 Treatment for cancer

 Treatment for high level Cholesterol

 Deep vein thrombosis

 Liver illness that develops

 Digestion issues

 Preventing Heart disease

 Preventing stomach ulcers

 Boosting the immune system.[11]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. |6



Agaricus bisporus originated in Brazil, but is now grown in China, Japan, and

Brazil.Tumor, high blood sugar, excessive cholesterol, artery hardening, continuing

liver disease, circulatory diseases, and digestive difficulties are all treated with the

agaricus mushroom. Heart illness, weakening bones, and stomach problems are

among the other uses. It's also used to help with physical and emotional stress, as well

as to improve the immune system. Extracts of the agaricus mushroom have been

approved as a food ingredient in Japan.

Agaricus is a fungus that grows on damp wood and decomposes organic

materials such as humus, horse dung, and other organic matter. It is fairly abundant on

the grassy lands throughout the summer when the weather is rainy. [12]

Figure 3.Agaricusbisporus

White Button Mushroom (A. bisporus) is another name for Agaricus bisporus

(A. bisporus). It is the most common wild and cultivated edible mushroom,

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. |7


accounting for more than 40% of all mushroom production worldwide. It is grown in

more than 70 nations and on every continent except Antarctica. A. bisporus has a

delectable flavor with higher nutritional content, as well as a pleasant aroma or

flavoring taste, and is utilized as food and in the food industry. It's thought to have a

lot of biological activity, isn't harmful, and has a lot of meaning.It is used in

fragrance, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries, in addition to food and drinks.


The flavour and texture of wild A. bisporus have many primary and secondary

metabolites have been identified as having therapeutic potential in the prevention and

treatment of diseases, including cancer, hyperlipidemia, microbial diseases,

cardiovascular difficulties, liver diseases, and immunological problems. A. bisporus is

a litter-degrading basidiomycete that is widely found in humid-rich habitats and has

been cultured on a large scale for the food industry as a model organism. It produces a

number of enzymes for detoxification and breakdown of humidified plant litter as a

result of its ecological niche. [14]

Benefits of Agaricusbisporus:

Cancer fighting properties:

Polyphenols, polysaccharides, ergothioneine, glutathione, selenium, and

vitamin C are antioxidant substances that responsible for mushrooms' cancer-fighting

abilities. These antioxidants works to prevent the negative effects of oxidative stress,

which causes cell injury, and can speed up the ageing process as well as raise the risk

of heart disease and some tumours.

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. |8


Promote Heart Health:

Heart disease is highly associated to oxidative stress, inflammation, and high

cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and white mushrooms' ergothioneine and beta

glucan content may help minimize this risk. Beta glucan is a type of dietary fibre that,

when digested, forms a gel-like material that decreases blood cholesterol levels.

Triglycerides and cholesterol are thus trapped, blocking their absorption.

Ergothioneine may also help lower triglyceride levels after food

Blood sugar control:

White mushroom polysaccharides may help reduce blood sugar levels and

improve insulin resistance.

Improved gut health:

Their polysaccharides also serve as prebiotics, or food for the good bacteria in

your gut, which boost gut health. [16, 17, 18]

Medicinal uses of Agaricusbisporus:

Cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, fungal and bacterial infections, immune

system disorders, and tumours, are being treated using A. bisporus extracts or

bioactive substances as antioxidants, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammation.


Polysaccharides from mushrooms showed significant anti-cancer effect

against a variety of cancer cell lines. Basidiomycota is known for producing

therapeutic potential, which are related to its glucan and other polysaccharide content.

Polysaccharides are members of the beta-glucan family of chemicals, and they appear

to have anti-tumorigenic properties by enhancing cellular immunity.

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. |9


Hyperlipidemia, represented by increased levels of triglycerides or cholesterol,

is a dominant risk factor that contributes to the progression and development of

subsequent cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis, which is one of the most

serious diseases in humans.


A. bisporus contains high levels of dietary fibers and antioxidants including

vitamin C, D, and B12; folates and polyphenols that may provide beneficial effects on

cardiovascular and diabetic diseases.


Antimicrobial activity was found in A. bisporus extracts obtained with methyl

alcohol against bacteria, yeasts, and dermatophytes. The therapeutic and nutritional

properties of mushrooms have been studied extensively. Mushroom extract is used in

a variety of cosmetic products. Skin whitening has been shown to be possible by

reducing the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme. The cosmetic industry has been

working hard to isolate several key compounds from mushrooms, confirm their

aesthetic properties, and then employ them in cosmetic goods like lotions and

creams.[19, 20, 21]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 10



Barros L.,et al (2008) in this study chemical, biochemical, and electrochemical

methods were used to test the antioxidant activity in five Agaricus sp. mushrooms.

Chemical tests determined their reducing power and radical scavenging activity, while

biochemical assays determined their lipid peroxidation inhibition capability; cyclic

voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry were used to characterize the

mushrooms extracts electrochemically. All of the species were shown to exhibit

antioxidant activity, and electrochemical tests demonstrated the mushroom extracts

had similar electrochemical responses, implying a similar electro active chemical

composition and higher oxidation potentials than the standards (ascorbic and Gallic

acids). The most effective species was Agaricussilvaticus, which had the lowest EC50

values in chemical and biochemical testing and the highest antioxidant activity in

electrochemical assays. [26]

JeongSC.,et al (2010) the study has examined that consuming Agaricusbisporus

promotes anti-cholesterol emic and anti-glycemic responses in rats which is feed

with hyper cholesterol emic diet and rats with type 2 diabetes caused by

streptozotocin injection. The decrease in plasma glucose and triglyceride

concentrations, liver enzyme activity, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate

aminotransferase, and liver weight increases in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic male

Sprague Dawley rats which is given with Agaricusbisporus powder for 3 weeks. Oral

administration of Agaricus b. Powders to hyper cholesterol emic rats for 4 weeks led

in a major reduction in plasma total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein.

Agaricusbisporus is abundant in dietary fibers and antioxidants including vitamin C,

D, and B12, as well as folates and polyphenols, which may help prevent

cardiovascular and diabetes problems. [32]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 11


M Kozarsk., et al (2011) the study was conducted on four mushroom species

Agaricusbisporus, AgaricusBrasiliensis, Ganodermalucidum, Phellinuslinteus by hot

water extraction and ethanol precipitation to obtain a partial purified polysaccharides

in which varying quantity of α and β –glucans was identified by FT-IR in that four

mushroom species. The amount of total glucans in the extracts was shown to be

related to the EC50 values of the chelating and suppressing power abilities. In vitro

tests of polysaccharide extract immunomodulatory revealed that extracts from A.

Bisporus, A. brasiliensis fruiting bodies, and G. lucidum spores stimulate the

production of IFN-γ in activated human. [23]

DharumaduraiDhanasekaran., et al (2013) have reported that on the extracellular

synthesis method for the preparation of silver nanoparticles in water using the extract

of Agaricusbisporus, a naturally occurring edible mushroom, as reducing and

protecting agents. The silver nanoparticles were characterized by ultraviolet-visible

spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-Ray diffraction analysis.

The synthesized silver nanoparticles showed antibacterial activity against the multi-
drug resistant Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial pathogens.

H Ghahremani-Majd., et al (2015) the study comprises the chemical composition of

white button mushroom which contain a variety of secondary metabolites, including

phenolic compounds and ergothioneine, the compound which act as an excellent

antioxidant, also this study includes the comparison of the antioxidant properties, total

phenolic, ergothioneine and mineral contents of the most consumed strains of white or

brown colorAgaricusbisporus[22]

C Meircea., et al (2015) in the study methanol was used to extract polyphenols and

flavonoids from two edible mushrooms, Agaricusbisporus and Pleurotusostreatus,

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 12


and one non-edible mushroom, Fomesfomentarius. Spectrophotometric techniques

were used to quantify the amount of these substances in each extract. In vitro studies

were used to assess the antioxidant characteristics of each extract, including the 2,2-

diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH) assay, 2,2'-azino-bis-3-

ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS) assay, iron chelating activity, in which

the highest concentration of polyphenols was found in the Fomesfomentarius,

whereas the highest concentration of flavonoids was found in the Pleurotusostreatus.


Li HJ.,et al (2015) in this study 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and hydroxyl

radicals, metal chelating activity, and reducing power of Agaricusbisporus and its

methanolic, 55 % ethanolic, aqueous extracts, and crude polysaccharide were used to

analyze the antioxidant potential of Agaricusbisporus. The anti-hypoxic effect of

crude polysaccharide was then investigated. In comparison to the blank control,

polysaccharide enhanced survival time, lowered blood urea nitrogen and lactic acid

content, and decreased blood urea nitrogen and lactic acid content. They isolated the

polysaccharide and evaluated its molecular weight as well as monosaccharide

components (glucose, fructose and mannose) with such great activity. From to this

analysis, wild Agaricusbisporus has a lot of potential to be used as a natural food to

treat oxidative and hypoxic stress. [27]

Mustafa NadhimOwaid.,et al (2017) the study includes the cultivation of

Agaricusbisporuswhich is used for recycling wastes, waste paper, oat straw, waste

tea leaves, some water plants and others. A. bisporus has many usages in human

dietary and pharmaceutical fields due to its composition of essential amino

acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, low calories, crude fibers, trace elements

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 13


and vitamins. Recently synthesized nanoparticles from Agaricusbisporus were

used to treat cancer, viral, bacterial and fungal diseases.

BozenaMuszynska.,et al (2017) the study involved varieties of A. bisporuswhich

determines the varieties of nutritional value in A. bisporus. Which examines the

content of organic compounds in different parts of the plant body where organic

compound were determined using reversed phased High Performance Liquid

Chromatography. The study also demonstrates that the brown varieties of A. bisporus

are the richest in the examined substances [30]

Ramos M., et al (2019) the study reported that Agaricusbisporus is becoming a more

significant food business in Europe, however this has resulted in an increase in the

number of by-products from their industrial production. The antimicrobial,

antioxidant, anti-allergenic, and nutritional chemicals for advancements such as

nutraceuticals, food additives, and cleaning products has been reviewed in this study.

Carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fiber, phenolic compounds, polyunsaturated fatty

acids, vitamins, and minerals are abundant in edible mushrooms Agaricusbisporus. [33]

AtilaF.,et al (2021) in this study they have investigated that mushrooms has

major source of a various nutrients as well as medicinal bioactive substances.

Agaricusbisporus has a variety of nutrients such as carbs, proteins, lipids, fibers,

minerals, and vitamins. The presence of active ingredients such as polysaccharides,

lipopolysaccharides, essential amino acids, peptides, glycoproteins, nucleosides,

triterpenoids, lectins, fatty acids, and their derivatives has been associated to anti-

microbial, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-hyper cholesterol emic, anti-hypertensive,

hepatoprotective, and anti-oxidant effects in these mushrooms. [31]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 14


PopescuML.,et al (2017) in this study Agaricusbisporus, a wild growing mushroom

and Agaricusblazei, cultivated mushrooms were used for identifying their chemical

characteristics and antioxidant activity. Spectrophotometric, spectrometric, and X-ray

diffraction techniques were used to determine phytochemical screening. DPPH (2,2-

diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), ABTS (2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-

sulfonicacid) free radicals, ferric reducing power, and ferrous ions chelating

characteristics were used to evaluate antioxidant activity. The total phenolic content

of wild-growing Agaricusbisporus and Agaricusblazei is identical. Wild-growing

Agaricusbisporus had the greatest calcium and magnesium. The antioxidant capacity

of cultivated Agaricusbisporus was low. [25]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 15




 The aim of this study is to evaluate the Preliminary Phytochemical screening

and Antioxidant activity of Edible part of Agaricus bisporus by using of

different solvents Ethanol, Methanol and Hydro-Alcohol.


 To extract Agaricus bisporus and perform the preliminary phytochemicals

and identify the phytochemical for antioxidant activity like DPPH and FRAY

assay methods

 To evaluate the In-vitro antioxidant activity of Agaricus bisporus by different

solvents of Ethanol, Methanol and Hydro Alcohol

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 16



 Review of Literatures

 Collection of Plant Materials (Edible Part of Agaricusbisporus)

 Extraction of Powdered Sample of Agaricusbisporus

 Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis

 Test for Phenols

 Test for Tannins

 Test for Glycosides

 Test for Alkaloids

 Test for Flavonoids

 Test for Terpenoids and Steroids

 In-Vito antioxidant Studies

 DPPH Assay

 FRAP Assay

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 17



Plant Name - Agaricusbisporus

Common Name - White Button Mushroom, Crimini mushroom

Family - Agaricaceae


Tamil - Vellaipottankalan

English - White Button Mushroom

Hindi - Kukurmutta










Subject-Agaricus bisporus (J.E. Lange) Pilat

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 18



Figure 3. Parts of Agaricusbisporus

Agaricusbisporusis a fungus's fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body that grows

above ground, on soil, or on its feeding supply.

Cap 3-16 cm, convex to widely convex or almost flat with age; dry;
smooth or with pressed-down fibers or tiny scales; white in some
variations, brown in others; smooth or with pressed-down fibers or
small scales; white in some types, brown in others.
Spore Print White
Spores Elliptical and smooth, measuring 5.5-8.5 x 4-6.5 mm. Basidia is a
two-spored fungus.
Bruising White
Gills Close together; pinkish to pinkish brown at first, then dark brown to
Stripe 2-8 cm long; 1-3 cm thick; strong; more or less equal; smooth or
with little scales below the ring; white, frequently bruised reddish;
with a ring that fades with age.
Veil Missing

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 19


Mycelium Pale, longitudinally radical, cottony, and forms a thick, persistent

mycelial mat with age. A chemical that is poisonous to nematodes is

typically secreted by aged mycelium in yellowish to orangish


Table 1. Habits of Agaricus bisporus


The light brown hue of modern commercial Agaricus mushroom variants

came from the original light brown Color of the common Agaricus mushroom. The

white mushroom was found in 1925 at the Keystone Mushroom Farm in Coatesville,

Pennsylvania, growing in a bed of brown mushrooms. The white mushroom was

taken back to the farm's owner, Louis Ferdinand Lambert, who is a trained

mycologist. It was considered as a more appealing food item, similar to how white

bread was received, and it was cultivated and disseminated.

Cultures were cultivated from the mutant individuals, similar to the

commercial development history of the navel orange and Red Delicious apple, and

most of the cream-colored shop mushrooms available today are products of this 1925

accidental natural mutation.

An uncommon to rare mushroom in wild, in Britain and Ireland Agaricus

bisporusis found nearly always in grassland. This species occurs also in mainland

Europe and elsewhere in the world including parts of North America. [46, 47]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 20


Chemical Constituents:

Agaricus bisporus Ethanolicextracts were used to examine samples. There

were 174 metabolic products found, with 13 significant metabolites ranging from 1.2

to 83 percent (w/w), 13 metabolites at 1% (w/w), and 148 metabolites less than 1%


AgaritineMycotoxin : Agaricus bisporus has a higher percentage of spore and Gills


Selenium : The fresh complete sample has a higher content.[48]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 21



1. Materials used for the study:

1.1. List of Glass wares:

 50ml Beaker

 100ml Beaker

 Round Bottom Flask

 Stirrer

 Burette

 Test Tubes

 Conical flask

1.2. List of instruments:

 Mortar and Pestle

 Heating Mantle

 Soxhlet Apparatus

 Weighing Balance

 Water bath

1.3. List of Chemicals:

 Ethanol

 Methanol

 Hydro Alcohol

 Distilled Water

 Ferric Chloride

 Lead acetate

 Gelatin

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 22


 Sulphuric Acid

 Chloroform

 Benzene

 Ammonia

 Sodium Picrate Solution

 Glacial acetate solution

 Potassium Mercuric Iodide

 Potassium Bismuth Iodide

 Potassium Iodide solution

 Aqueous solution of Picric Acid

 Zinc Dust

 Hydrochloric Acid

 Sodium Chloride

 Acetic Anhydride

2. Methodology:

2.1. Plant Collection:

Edible part of Agaricusbisporuswere collected from the surrounding areas

of Salem, Tamilnadu,India during the month of August, 2021

2.2. Processing of Plant Material:

The collected Edible material (Edible part of Agaricusbisporus) were

cleaned and shade dried.The dried sample of that edible part was powdered.

The coarse powder was labelled and stored inair tight container for further


Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 23


2.2.1. Extraction of Plant Materials:

Soxhlet Extraction:

Powdered sample (100g) in Ethanol, Methanol and Hydro Alcohol were stored

in tight container. Extracted by Soxhlet Extraction method using Soxhlet


Figure 5.Soxhlet Extraction Process

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 24



The finely powdered Agaricus bisporus was placed in a paper bag and placed in

a soxhlet apparatus. The extraction solvent was placed in a flask, and the vapours

were condensed. The powder sample was in a filter paper bag and the extract poured

into it.The liquid content of the chamber was collected into a flask when the level of

liquid in the chamber went to the top of the syphon tube.This procedure was repeated

until the syphon tube was completely empty. The collected extract was then

evaporated to entirely eliminate the solvent, leaving crude extract in a primary or

semi-solid state.



Ferric Chloride Test:

Add distilled water to the sample extract, then a few drops of 10% ferric chloride. 5

minutes at a boil. The presence of phenol is indicated by the colour development of

red, purple, blue, or green.

Lead Acetate test:

After the sample extract has been diluted in distilled water, add a few drops of lead

acetate solution. Boil for 10 minutes in a water bath. The creation of a yellow colour

indicates the presence of phenol. [36]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 25



Lead Acetate test:

1 ml of 10% lead acetate solution was added to 10 mg of sample extract. The

presence of tannins and phenolic chemicals is indicated by the formation of a yellow

or voluminous white precipitate.

Gelatin Test:

Add a few drops of 1% gelatin solution containing 10% sodium chloride to the 5g of

sample extract. The presence of tannins is shown by the formation of white

precipitate. [37]


Borntrager’s Test:

Add a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid to the 3 ml sample extract. Bring it to a boil

and then filter it. Add an equal volume of benzene or chloroform to the cooled

filtrate and shake well. The organic layers are well-separated, and then ammonia is

added. The presence of glycosides is indicated by the presence of pink colour in the

ammonical layer.

Cardiac glycoside Test:

Add a few drops of ferric chloride solution and strong sulphuric acid to the sample

extract. The presence of glycosides is indicated by the formation of two layers, the

lower layer being reddish brown in colour and the upper layer being bluish green in


Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 26


Baljet Test:

When a few drops of sodium picrate solution are added to the sample extract, the

colour of the solution changes from yellow to orange, indicating that glycosides are


Keller Killian test:

Add 1 drop of 0.1 percent ferric chloride solution to 1 ml of sample and 2 ml of

glacial acetic acid. 1 ml concentrated sulfuric acid, added in drops to the above

mixture to create two layers. There are two layers formed: the upper layer is light

bright green in colour. The lower layer is clear and transparent (Sulfuric acid layer).

A reddish-brown ring around the junction.[37, 38]


Mayer’s test:

To the drug extract add few drops of Mayer’s reagent (Potassium Mercuric Iodide).

Formation of creamy colour precipitate indicates the presence of alkaloids.

Dragendraff’s Test:

Add a few drops of Dragendraff's reagent to the drug extract (Potassium Bismuth

Iodide). The presence of alkaloids is indicated by the formation of a reddish brown

or orange coloured precipitate.

Wagner’s Test:

Add a few drops of Wagner's reagent to the drug extract (Potassium Iodide

Solution). The presence of alkaloids is indicated by the formation of a reddish brown

colour precipitate.

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 27


Hager’s Test:

Add a few drops of Hager's reagent to the drug (Aqueous solution of picric acid).

The presence of alkaloids is indicated by the formation of a yellow-colored

precipitate. [39, 40]


Zinc Hydrochloride reduction Test:

Zinc dust and strong hydrochloric acid are added to the sample extract. The presence

of flavonoids is indicated by the appearance of yellow, yellow-orange, or orange.

Alkaline reagent Test:

2 ml of a 2 percent sodium chloride solution should be added to the sample extract.

The presence of flavonoids is indicated by the formation of a bright yellow colour

that fades to colourless when 2 drops of dilute sulfuric acid are added. [41]


Libermann-Burchard Test:

After adding a few drops of acetic anhydride to the sample extract, it was heated and

cooled. The sidewalls of test tubes were then sprayed with strong sulphuric acid.The

presence of steroids is shown by the formation of a brown ring at the junction of two

layers, and the upper layer turns green.The presence of terpenoids is indicated by the

formation of a strong red colour.

Salkowski Test:

In a test tube, dissolve the sample extract in 2 ml chloroform, then add an equal

amount of strong sulphuric acid and leave to stand for a while.The presence of

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 28


steroids is shown by the presence of red colour in the lower layer.The presence of

terpenoids is indicated by the presence of yellow colour in the lower layer. [42, 43]

2.4 In-Vitro Anti-Oxidant Activities

DPPH Assay Method:

Antioxidant activity can be measured in a variety of ways, both in vitro and in

vivo. Blois in 1958 devised this method with the purpose of evaluating antioxidant

activity utilizing a stable free radical in a similar manner. The DPPH-based technique

is likely the most widely used in vitro assay due to its simplicity, rapidity, and low

cost.By transferring hydrogen from other molecules, the stable free radical DPPH (2,

2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate) can be reduced. In vivo investigations, on the

other hand, allow for research in a physiological setting but need the use of animal

models, some of which are expensive and time-consuming. [43, 44, 45]

Based on the process by which antioxidants limit lipid oxidation, resulting in

DPPH radical scavenging and thus evaluating free radical scavenging capability, the

DPPH assay is used to predict antioxidant activity. Because the analysis just takes a

few minutes, the method is widely used. The DPPH free radical is exceptionally

stable, interacts with hydrogen-donating compounds, and has a UV visible absorption

maximum of 517 nm. The method is based on antioxidants scavenging DPPH, which

after a reduction process decolorizes the DPPH methanol solution. In this test, the

antioxidants' ability to decrease the DPPH radical is evaluated. [46, 47, 48]

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 29



The DPPH free radical method (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate) is an

antioxidant assay that utilizes electron transfer to generate a violet solution in ethanol.

In the presence of an antioxidant molecule, this free radical, which is stable at room

temperature, is neutralized, resulting in a colourless ethanol solution. The DPPH assay

allows for a simple and quick spectrophotometric evaluation of antioxidants. [42]


0.5 ml of sample mixed with 3 millilitre of ethanol at last 0.3 ml of DPPH ethanol-

based solvent was added. After some time, the sample size is decreased and the colour

changes from deep violet to pale yellow. Absorbance at 517nm was identified after 1

hour 40 minutes


Figure 6. DPPH Assay Reaction (Purple 519nm turns into Colourless)

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 30


FRAP Assay Method:


Axelrod et 1976 created FRAP as a tool for studying protein mobility in

living cells. FRAP removes fluorescence from a specific area of a cell or tissue by

photo-bleaching it with strong laser light. Because FRAP requires fluorescent

molecules to move about freely in order to work, this location is usually a cell

membrane or a place where diffusion occurs, such as the nucleus. As bleached

fluorophores move out and healthy fluorophores from other locations move in, the

fluorescence in the bleached area steadily recovers, hence the name fluorescence

recovery after photo-bleaching. [49, 50]

The Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) Assay is a simple, quick, and

precise method for measuring antioxidant capacity in a wide range of biological

materials. The assay is high-throughput and customizable, and it can evaluate

antioxidant capacities as low as 0.2 mM Fe2+ equivalents. The ferric reducing

antioxidant power (FRAP) assay uses antioxidants as reductants in a redox-linked

colorimetric process in which Fe3+ is reduced to Fe2+ at low pH, resulting in the

formation of a coloured ferrous-probe complex from a colourless ferric-probe

complex.[51, 52]


Threemillilitres of sample and 100 millilitres of samplewere aggressively mixed. For

4 minutes, the absorbance was measured at 593nm at 30 second intervals. For

calibration, aqueous solution with known Fe2+ concentrations in the range of 100-

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 31


1000mol/liter was utilized. The FRAP values are calculated using the regression



Figure 5. FRAP Assay Reaction

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 32



Extractive Yield of Ethanol : 12 gram

Extractive Yield of Methanol : 8 gram

Extractive Yield of Hydro-Alcohol : 10 gram

S.NO Name of the Test EEAB MEAB HAEAB

1 Phenols + + +

2 Tannins + + +

3 Glycosides + + +

4 Alkaloids + - +

5 Terpenoids - + +

6 Flavonoids - - +

7 Steroids - + -

Table 1. Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis

“+” represents PRESENT

“-“represents ABSENT

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 33


In vitro Anti-oxidant Studies:

DPPH radical scavenging activity of EEAB:

Treatment Concentration Percentage of IC50 Value

(μg/ml) Inhibition (μg/ml)

Standard 10 14.5 94.9μg/ml

(Quercetin) 25 21.3

50 36.2

75 51.7

100 71.2

Sample (EEAB) 10 10.2 81.4μg/ml

25 17.5

50 31.8

75 45.2

100 61.6

Table 2.DPPH Scavenging activities of EEAB and Standard Quercetin

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 34







Standard - Quarcetin

Sample - EEAB


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Percentage of Inhibition

Graph 1. DPPH Scavenging activities of EEAG and Standard Quercetin

Ferric Reducing Anti-oxidant Powder Assay of EEAB:

Treatment Concentration (μg/ml) Absorbance (593nm)

Standard 20 0.1484

(Vitamin C) 40 0.1984

60 0.2158

80 0.2424

100 0.2943

Sample (EEAB) 100 0.1523

Table 3.Concentration and Absorbance of Standard Vitamin C and EEAB

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 35






Standard - Vitamin C
Linear (Standard - Vitamin C)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Concentration µg/ml

Graph 2. Standard graph of vitamin C to determine the ferric reducing power of


The total antioxidant activity of FRAP assay 21.5μg of AAE per gm equivalent to

Vitamin C

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 36


DPPH radical scavenging activity of MEAB:

Treatment Concentration Percentage of IC50 Value

(μg/ml) Inhibition (μg/ml)

Standard 10 16.1 89.7μg/ml

(Quercetin) 25 22.3

50 41.9

75 52.7

100 75.8

Sample (EEAB) 10 11.2 75.5μg/ml

25 19.8

50 34.5

75 49.0

100 65.2

Table 4.DPPH Scavenging activities of MEAB and Standard Quercetin

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 37




Concentration 60


Standard - Quercetin
30 Sample - MEAB


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Percentage of Inhibition

Graph 3. DPPH Scavenging activities of MEAG and Standard Quercetin

Ferric Reducing Anti-oxidant Powder Assay of MEAB:

Treatment Concentration (μg/ml) Absorbance (593nm)

Standard 20 0.1484

(Vitamin C) 40 0.1984

60 0.2158

80 0.2424

100 0.2943

Sample (EEAB) 100 0.1693

Table 5.Concentration and Absorbance of Standard Vitamin C and MEAB

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 38





Standard - Vitamin C
0.15 Linear (Standard - Vitamin C)



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Concentration µg/ml

Graph 4. Standard graph of vitamin C to determine the ferric reducing power

for MEAB

The total antioxidant activity of FRAP assay 25μg of AAE per gm equivalent to

Vitamin C

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 39


DPPH radical scavenging activity of HAEAB:

Treatment Concentration Percentage of IC50 Value

(μg/ml) Inhibition (μg/ml)

Standard 10 13.2 96.2μg/ml

(Quercetin) 25 21.9

50 36.5

75 51.2

100 69.3

Sample (EEAB) 10 10.8 82.8μg/ml

25 18.9

50 31.0

75 44.8

100 60.5

Table 6.DPPH Scavenging activities of EEAB and Standard Quercetin

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 40






Standard - Quarcetin
30 Sample - HAEAG



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Percentage of Inhibition

Graph 5. DPPH Scavenging activities of HAEAG and Standard Quercetin

Ferric Reducing Anti-oxidantPowder Assay of HAEAB:

Treatment Concentration (μg/ml) Absorbance (593nm)

Standard 20 0.1484

(Vitamin C) 40 0.1984

60 0.2158

80 0.2424

100 0.2943

Sample (EEAB) 100 0.1258

Table 7. Concentration and Absorbance of Standard Vitamin C and HAEAB

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 41






Standard - Vitamin C
Linear (Standard - Vitamin C)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Concentration µg/ml

Graph 6. Standard graph of vitamin C to determine the ferric reducing power


The total antioxidant activity of FRAP assay 18μg of AAE per gm equivalent to

Vitamin C

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 42



Anti-oxidants are man-made or natural substances that may prevent or delay

some types of cell damage. It also found in many foods including Fruits and

vegetables. They also available as dietary supplements. Anti-oxidants are compounds

that act as a protective mechanism in the body, neutralizing the effects of ROS

(Reactive Oxygen Species) comprise both free radical and non-free radical oxygen

containing molecules such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), superoxide, singlet oxygen

(1/2O2), the hydroxyl radical and inhibiting the oxidation reaction, a chemical

reaction that can produce free radicals. A diet high in anti-oxidant may reduce the risk

of many diseases including heart disease and certain cancers. Flavonoids and other

polyphenolics, vitamin C and D and Carotenoids are the most common dietary


Agaricus bisporus is an edible basidiomycete mushroom. It has two colour state white

and brown. Agaricusbisporus distributed in the Tibetan Plateau has high-stress

resistance that is valuable for breeding improvements. Agaricus bisporus Lange have

a rounded cap, intact veils and are free of darkening/ browning. The cap is typically

white, but there are brown capped strains. Agaricus bisporus compost of two different

substrate to form its fruit bodies, which it grows vegetatively and the poor nutrient

casing soil in which the suitable physical, chemical and biological conditions

stimulate the initiation process and fruit body production

Agaricus bisporus was extracted by using solvent such as Ethanol, Methanol, Hydro

alcohol by soxhlet extraction to identify an antioxidant activity. 150 gm of Agaricus

bisporus powder are used for Ethanol extract, and its percentage yield is found to be

6.66%. 150 gm of Agaricus bisporus powder are used for Methanol extract, and its

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 43


percentage yield is found to be 8%. 150 gm of Agaricus bisporus powder are used for

Hydro Alcohol extract, and its percentage yield is found to be 5.33%

Preliminary Photochemical test for the extraction of EEAB (Ethanolic Extarct of

Agaricus bisporus) has shown the presence of Phenol, Tannin, Glycosides and

Flavanoids. MEAB (Methanolic Extract of Agaricus bisporus) has shown the

presence of Phenols, Tannins, Glycosides, Terpenoids, and Steroids. HAEAB (Hydro

Alcholic Extract of Agaricus bisporus) has shown the presence of Phenols, Tannins,

Glycosides, Alkaloids, Terpenoids and Flavanoids, so it may show an antioxidant


DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) assay is a stable molecule soluble in methanol

characterized by its deep violet colour with an absorption maximum at 515nm. DPPH

free radical scavenging is a acceptable mechanism for screening the antioxidant

activity of plant extract. The DPPH assay, violet colour DPPH solution is reduced to

yellow colour product. This free radical, stable at room temperature is reduced in the

presence of an antioxidant molecule giving rise to colourless ethanol solution. DPPH

assay is used to predict antioxidant activities by mechanism in which antioxidant act

to inhibit lipid oxidation.

The Extraction of DPPH assay is, In EEAB, the IC50 value of this extract is 81.4,

when compare to the standard Quercetin, it is identified as the extract has Antioxidant

activity. In MEAB, the IC50 value of this extract is 75.5, when compare to the

standard Quercetin, it is identified as the extract has Antioxidant activity. In HAEAB,

the IC50 value of this extract is 82.8, when compare to the standard Quercetin, it is

identified as the extract has Antioxidant activity. A relationship between IC50 of

DPPH scavenging activities among different extract of A. Bisporus. Antioxidant

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 44


activity exhibited to a certain extent was probably due to other antioxidant compound

present in these A. Bisporus besides the phenolic compound.

FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) assay is a high-throughput, adaptable and

can detect antioxidant. FRAP is easy way which provides a quick, sensitive for

measuring antioxidant capacity of variable biological samples. FRAP is an

antioxidant capacity assay that uses Vitamin C as standard. This assay is often used to

measure the antioxidant capacity of food, beverages, and nutritional supplements

containing polyhenols. This assays measure the antioxidant potential in samples

through the reduction of ferric ion (Fe3+) to ferrous ion (Fe2+) by antioxidant present

in sample.

The Extraction of FRAP assays are, In EEAB, the total antioxidant activity of FRAP

assay 21.5µg of AAE per gram equivalent to Vitamin C. In MEAB, the total

antioxidant activity of FRAP assay 25µg of AAE per gram equivalent to Vitamin C.

In HAEAB, the total antioxidant activity of FRAP assay 18µg of AAE per gram

equivalent to Vitamin C, so it is identified as the extracts has antioxidant activity.

Department Of Pharmacology,Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 45



The knowledge of medicines based on natural products is increasing every day and

their usage has more benefits. In this study, Agaricus bisporus is used in treatment of

many diseases. This review article demonstrates the antioxidant properties of

Agaricus bisporus by using different extracts. From the result of present study it was

concluded that, when compare to EEAB, MEAB, the HAEAB shows the better

antioxidant potential in the extraction of Agaricus bisporus

Department Of Pharmacology, Excel College Of Pharmacy. | 46



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