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Name: Marijo D Dalman Bsed-Filipino III

Deadline: March 25, 2022


“Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of times.” – Desiderata

ACTIVITY: Let’s Discuss

Group yourselves by 5 then discuss your answers to these questions:

1. A soldier reports and says, “Mission accomplished.” What does this imply? What does
he mean?
Mission accomplished implies that you're accomplished your task because mission
accomplished means your a successfully done what you wanted to do.
2. Some teachers regard teaching as just a job. Others see it as their mission. What’s the
difference? Read teaching: mission and/or Job below.
The difference of this is the mission is you're doing it not only for the pay but also for
service while the job is you are doing it only because you are paid for it.

Teaching: Mission and/or Job?

If you are doing it only because you are paid for it, it’s a job;
If you are doing it not only for the pay but also for service, it’s a mission
If you quit because your boss or colleague criticized you, it’s a job.
If you keep on teaching out of love, it’s a mission.
If you teach because it does not interfere with your other activities, it’s a job;
If you are committee to teaching even if it means letting go of other activities, it’s a
If you are quit because no one praises or thanks you for what you do, it’s a job;
If you remain teaching even though nobody recognizes your efforts, it’s a mission.
It’s hard to get excited about a teaching job;
It’s almost impossible not to get excited about a mission.
If our concern is success, it’s a job;
If our concern in teaching is success plus faithfulness in our job, teaching is a mission.
An average school is filled by teachers doing their teaching job;
A great school is filled by teachers doing their teaching job;
A great school is filled with teachers involved in a mission of teaching.
*Adapted from Ministry or Job by Anna Sandberg
ANALYSIS: Let’s Ponder on These

1. What is meant by vocation? mission?

Vocation means is literally your calling what you are good for or destined for. And the mission is
you have a task or assignment to do.

2. Are these two (vocation and mission) related?

Yes they are related but, it depends on the context

3. Teaching as a job or a mission. What’s the difference?

For me teaching is a job because the teacher teach problem solving, teamwork, to encourage
initiative and to build self esteem. Job is concern is success, while the mission is If you remain
teaching even though nobody recognizes your efforts.

Thank you for accomplishing the outputs. (Please refer to rubrics -Appendices.)

APPLICATION: Let’s Apply What We Learned

1. Watch on you tube “Discovering Your Life’s True Calling”- Lou Sabrina Ongkiko. Based on
the video that you just watched, what is your life’s true calling? How can you apply that in your
calling to teach? (Answer in your notebook)
Our life's true calling is always been to loved, according to teacherSabrina, the speaker in the
video. She said that the call is not to teach, thecall isn't our progression, because the call is
always been to loved, according to a video Sabrina said that her parents love and support him to
teach I can't apply this to my future student to love them because teacher need to love the
students and know the storie behind them. And help student to enhance their knowledge and
2. If you say “yes” to the call and mission to teach in this life, reflect on how you are going to
prepare yourself in this four-year teacher education course (answer in your notebook)
Yes because for me this is calling for god for me to be a teacher. As a former teacher educator I
prepare a lots like balancing teaching practice and home life and also I prepare to be confidence
to talk to many people because teacher need to have a confidence to talk to the students a lastly I
prepare to know how to make the lesson plan because this is the important to a teacher.

CHAPTER 2: The Demands of Society from The Teacher as a Professional and as a Person
Brenda B. Corpuz, PhD

Avelina T. Llagas, EdD

Gloria G. Slandanan, PhD

“Professionalism: it’s NOT the job you Do, it’s HOW you Do the job.” – Anonymous

ACTIVITY: Let’s Read These

What does society expect of Teachers as Professionals?

Answer the question by beginning with any of the letters of the word.

T eaches with competence

E hance your skills for teaching
A cknoledge
C ompetence
H igh competence
E xiting
R ole model

ANALYSIS: Let’s Analyze

1. What does your list tell about society‟s expectations from teachers?
Teacher are expect to have advance knowledge and skills and also high academic and ethical
2. How do you feel? Are you overwhelmed by the litany of expectations?
For me no teacher need to have a knowledge and patience and passion to learn and teach, and to
create a better future for all students.

3. Are you changing your “YES” to the call to teach? Share your answers with the group.
No because maybe this is what god wants for me to be a teacher and teach children to enhance
their knowledge and I will soon finish school, I have already started it so I will finish it

Read a research related to the teacher as a professional and fill out the matrix given below.

Problem Research Methodology

The pressures and demands of learning In this paper we have used a
new skills of teamwork, thinking on a quantitative and qualitative approach
higher level, and successful use of new and the literature review, statistical
information technologies have been a analysis and interview techniques. The
kind of appeal to new teaching styles statistical analyses are a representation
(Hargreaves, 2000, p. 151). As a result, of the survey conducted with the
a new way of teaching and professional teachers of the actual In – Service
development of teachers was required. Teacher Qualification programme.
Tired teachers with unsatisfactory The survey involved 31 attendees of
payments were imposed to a situation the program, from different education
where they need to learn and centers in Kosovo. From the total
implement standards of teaching and number of the attendees, 18 or 58%
detailed curriculum objectives. They are female and 13 or 42% male. The
were aware of the changes they needed questionnaire contains in total 6
to undertake, and also aware that they questions. Quantitative research
should be subject to changes in the findings in this paper are results of
professional development practice. All piloting the PhD research
these trends and pressures were an questionnaire. Furthermore, the
important factor that spurred teachers interviews were also conducted with
to reassess their professionalism and school managements, to get the real
make the right decisions for the best reflection directly from the school.
professional development in order to They were asked in order to receive
advance their aimed goals with their views on the need for teacher
students (Hargreaves, 2000, p. 151- professional development, and in
152). regards to the impact of the trainings,
especially in regards to the impact of
the In – Service Teacher Qualification
programme in raising the quality of
teaching. The Interview protocol
contained a total of 7 questions. The
above mentioned research approach
was used to verify the hypotheses,
concerning the effects and the role of
professional development of teachers,
in improving the quality of teaching
and the role of the In – Service
Teacher Qualification programme in
meeting the professional development
needs of teachers
Findings Conclusions
4.1 Results of the questionnaires – Regarding the organization of
quantitative analysis The trainings for professional development
questionnaire conducted with the In – and the possibility of attending these
Service Teacher Qualification trainings, the research conducted with
programme attendees, most of whom Kosovar teachers (who have attended
have been previously following the professional development
training programmes mentioned above, programmes, and also the In – Service
was composed from a combination of Teacher Qualification programme)
open-ended and closed factual shows that Kosovo has developed a
questions. The questionnaire was relatively large number of training
designed to verify the attitude of the programmes.
attendees, about the impact of At this point, regarding the positive
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary effect of teacher professional
StudiesMCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy development in increasing quality, the
Vol 3 No 6 November main hypothesis of the paper is
2014 374professional development verified. This happens through gaining
and In – Service Teacher Qualification new knowledge through the use of
programme in raising the quality of new methodologies in the learning
teaching. process, improving teacher
performance in the classroom,
encouraging students’ critical and
logical thinking towards full and
attentive understanding, as well as
application of competency-based
assessment approach. However, at
national level, it is evident the lack of
teachers motivation for professional
development. Values of the In-Service
Teacher Qualification programme as
an element of lifelong learning are
incontestable in terms of meeting the
needs for professional development.
But the organization of continuous
training programmes is obligatory,
because of the need to be in line with
rapid changes that are occurring every
day in the education area. The
weakness of this program mainly
belongs to a number of older teachers,
considering this qualification
programme as needless for teachers of
older ages.

Source: (bibliographical entry format)

Bicaj. A., & Berisha. F., (2013). Journal of Education Culture and Society.
Teacher preparation reforms in Kosovo. Poland. Pro scientia publica. Bicaj
& Kotori (2013, May). The 1st International Conference on Research and
EducatÕon – Challenges Toward the Future (ICRAE 2013). In – Service
Teacher Training Program – the functioning and challenges. Shkoder,
The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: Relationship with the Secondary and Tertiary
Albania. Cakaj, I. (2011). Cilesi ne arsim vetem me mesimdhenes
Stakeholders profesioniste. Mesuesi i Kosoves. Prishtine. EU EDUCATION SWap,
project. (2011).

“It takes a whole village to raise a child.” – African Proverb

ACTIVITY: Let’s Read These

Read Article II of the Code of Ethics. Then answer the questions in the ANALYSIS phase of this

Section 1. The schools are the nurseries of the citizens of the state. Each teacher is a trustee of
the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under obligation to transmit to
learners such heritage as well as to elevate national morality, promote national pride, cultivate
love of country, instill allegiance to the Constitution and respect for all duly constituted
authorities, and promote obedience to the laws of the state.
Section 2. Every teacher or school official shall actively help carry out the declared policies of
the state, and shall take an oath to this effect.
Section 3. In the interest of the State of the Filipino people as much as of his own, every teacher
shall be physically, mentally and morally fit.
Section 4. Every teacher shall possess and actualize full commitment and devotion to duty.
Section 5. A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other
partisan interest, and shall not, directly, or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any
money, service, other valuable material from any person or entity for such purposes.
Section 6. Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and
Section 7. A teacher shall not use his position or official authority of influence to coerce any
other person to follow any political course of action.
Section 8. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall have the privilege of sharing
the product of his researches and investigations, provided that, if the results are inimical to the
declared policies of the state, they shall be drawn to the proper authorities for appropriate
remedial action.

ANALYSIS: Let’s Analyze

Answer the following questions:

Article II

1. The schools are the “nurseries of the citizens of the state.” What are the nurseries for? Why
are schools called the “nurseries of the citizens of the state?”
This is where the future of citizen are prepared for owning responsibility to take the Nation to
it’s greater heights. School education therefore considered the foundation on which
theintegrated personality of a child is developed from the grass root level. The school will not
only be the place for knowledge, but a place for competitive and globally enhance fruit
toaccompany and accomplish the waiting challenges in real world.

2. “Each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under
obligation to transmit to learn such heritage.” In what ways can teachers do this?
Teachers already have a connection to students. And also the teacher is the ones who will knock
the heart of the students, that's why, love, sincerity, openness and the ethics of service should
float while interacting with them. In that way,students will show of everything and make
themselves totally have a trust to a teacher.

3. In what ways can the professional teacher help elevate national morality, promote national
pride and cultivate love of country?
Educators need to bring good moral to the students day by day and influence the students moral
development and also inspire them to our country.

4. What steps do employers take to ensure that a teacher is physically, mentally and morally fit?
Satisfactorily, it is therefore a must that teachers are physically, mentally and morally fitfor them
to carry out and serve best their clienteles. They have to be mentally healthy andemotionally
well. Because having a mentally ill teacher is not appropriate in the professionas such that it will
just give psychological turmoil to learners, like fear, misbehavior and etc.

5. Cite actions of a professional teacher violate Sec. 5 of Article II.

As what is said in Section 5/Article II of Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers which is tied
into Magna Carta. “A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or
other partisan interest, and shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any
money or service or other valuable material from any person or entity for such purposes.

6. How can a professional teacher violate Sec. 6 and Section 7 of Article II.
if the professional Teacher promote any politics engage And the teacher use his profession to
promote invite other person to join an organization or to follow political action

7. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom. What does academic freedom mean? Is this
academic freedom absolute?
The freedom of teachers and students to teach, study and pursue knowledge andresearch
without unreasonable and interference or restriction from law, this is not absolute
freedom but still limited by values.

Thank you for accomplishing the outputs. (Please refer to rubrics -Appendices.)

ACTIVITY: Let’s Read These

Read Article III the Code of Ethics then do the activity as directed.

Section 1. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he shall,
therefore, render the best services by providing an environment conductive to such learning and
Section 2. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in
community movements for moral, social, educational, economic and civic betterment.
Section 3. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose he shall
behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain from such activities as gambling,
smoking, drunkenness and other excesses, much less illicit relations.
Section 4. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community; and shall,
therefore, study and understand local customs and traditions in order to have a sympathetic
attitude, therefore, refrain from disparaging the community.
Section 5. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community informed about
the school’s work and accomplishments as well as its needs and problems.
Section 6. Every teacher is an intellectual leader in the community, especially in the barangay,
and shall welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership when needed, to extend counseling
services, as appropriate, and to actively be involved in matters affecting the welfare of the
Section 7. Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and official relations
with other professionals, with government officials, and with the people, individually or
Section 8. A teacher possesses freedom to attend church and worship, as appropriate, but shall
not use his position and influence to proselyte others.


1. Schools have School Report Cards as a means by which professional teachers keep
communities informed of school development. Research for a sample of a School Report Card.
File a copy in your folder.

2. Every school has a School Governing Council. What is this Council about? How different is
this from the Parents and Teachers Association?
The governing council is Provides a forum for parents, students, teachers, community
stakeholders and the school head to work together towards continuously improving student
learning outcomes. And is not a Parent-Teacher Associaiton. A PTA is an association of teachers
and parents with children who are enrolled in a school. can be solved
APPLICATION: Let’s Apply What You Learned

State (5 DO‟s) and (5 DON‟Ts) on how you should relate to parents for the sake of the
learners. Make sure your DO‟s and DON‟Ts are concrete. e.g. Make sure you have a box of
facial tissue with you for parents who become emotional.


1. Research on “helicopter” parents. What is meant by “helicopter” parents? How should you
relate to them?
Helicopter parents means a parent who takes an overprotective or excessive interest in the life
of their child. I can't relate to an overprotective parents because my mother really protective to
me because I'm only child.

2. Read Chapter 2 of Substitute and Special Parental Authority of the Family Code of the
Philippines in Appendix M. What does special parental authority imply?
Same authority over the person of the child as the parents.
Can inflict corporal punishment over the child.

The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: Relationship with the Internal Stakeholders
“When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it’s our job to share our calm, not to join their chaos.” L.R. Knost

The learners are our primary internal stakeholders. They have no choice over the kind of
teacher given them. Fortunate are the learners who are in the class of professional caring
teachers. Unfortunate are those whose teachers are a contrast of the caring and compassionate
The foci of this lesson are Article V, Article VI and Article VIII
ACTIVITY: Let’s Do this

1. How do you want your teacher to be? What are your WISHES for your Teacher? Write them
down then share
Whatwith your
I want forclassmates.
my teacher is for him to reach what he wants and my wish to
my teacher is for him to always be happy even though a lot is happening in
our country today and I always want him to be healthy and so are his loved

Thank you for accomplishing the outputs. (Please refer to rubrics -Appendices.)

2. Read Article VIII, The Teacher and The Learners of the Code of Ethics. Find out if your
wishes for your teacher are also those mentioned in Article VIII.
Answer: My wishes is quite similar to article III.

Section 1. A teacher has the right and duty to determine the academic marks and the promotion
of learners in the subjects they handle. Such determination shall be in accordance with generally
accepted producers of evaluation and measurement. In case of any complaint, teachers
concerned shall immediately take appropriate action, observing the process.
Section 2. A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are his first and
foremost concern, and shall handle each learner justly and impartially.
Section 3. Under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced nor discriminatory against any
Section 4. A teacher shall not accept, favors or gifts from learners, their parents or others in
their behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if under served.
Section 5. A teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration from tutorials
other that what is authorized for such service.
Section 6. A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work on merit and quality of
academic performance.
Section 7. In a situation where, mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between teacher
and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip,
and preferential treatment of the learner.
Section 8. A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners nor make
deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are clearly not
manifestations of poor scholarship.
Section 9. A teacher shall insure that conditions contributive to the maximum development of
learners are adequate, and shall extend needed assistance in preventing or solving learner’s
problems and difficulties.


C 1. Does the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers prohibit a teacher and student to fall in
love with each other? – Application
a. Yes, because it is unprofessional.
b. No, but student should be transferred to another class.
c. No, but teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid preferential treatment of
the learner.
d. yes, because teacher will show favoritism definitely

A 2. What should be the first and foremost concern of the professional teacher? – Understanding
a. The interest and welfare of the learners
b. The progress of the learners
c. The social adjustment of the learners
d. The happiness of the learners

D 3. Does the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers allow teacher to accept remuneration for
students which tutor teachers rightly deserve? – Analysis
a. Yes, they deserve the remuneration for the tutorial services.
b. No, except for what is authorized for such service.
c. Yes, provided pay is not excessive.
d. No, they are professional teachers and so are expected to give tutorial service.

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