Importance of Chicken. Disadvantages of Indigenous Chicken Over Improved Chicken Breeds

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Importance of chicken.

Disadvantages of indigenous

 Presence of less religious taboos

chicken over improved chicken
 Adaptability to most areas of the breeds
 Low egg production potential
 Small space requirement
 Low meat production potential
 Low initial capital investment
 High broody characteristics
 Short generation interval
 Immediate source of cash income Factors affecting performance of local
Indegenious breeds Characteristics
1. Limited genetic improvement
 More adaptable to local conditions program.
 Slow growth, 2. Less improvement of
 late maturity environmental condition.
 low production performance;
Improvement of local birds
 resistance to certain diseases &
parasites 1. Improve environmental condition
 higher dressing percentage 2. Improve health condition
3. Improve genetic capability by
Advantages of Indigenous breed
o Up grading
over exotic
o Selection
 More genetically diverse and easy to
Types of indigenous chicken
establish for low income families
 Meat and eggs are tastier & preferred 1. Tikur – black
by most consumers 2. Netch – white
 They are more adaptive and resistant 3. Kai – red
to harsh condition, 4. Gebsma – gray
 They sustain on locally available 5. Naked neck
cheap feeds, & also need less feed
for maintenance.
Free Range Production System
 They have better survival rate
Birds scanvenge over a wide area Flock contains birds of different
40-80M2 per hen
Major feed: Sorghum, cereals,
Birds are not confined rather roosted
Produce not more than 60
Not market oriented


 Cannibalism and egg eating is reduced

 Less feed is used
 Little / no labour input


 Young chicks can be exposed for predators

 Large number of eggs can be lost
 High disease transmission and occurrence
 Chicks are less productive
 Birds can be stolen
 Large area is needed
 Eggs get dirty


Restriction to move
Birds are allowed to free range to
scavenge during day, but housed at Flock size of 50-200 chicken/hh
night time.
Feed from scavenging is low
Usually fed to a handful of grain in
morning and evening
They are fed with protiens,
supplemenets, energy, vitamins and

Major factors affecting poultry

production in Ethiopia

 Poor knowledge
 Poor quality and quantity of
poultry feed
 Lack of suitable genetic
 Husbandry and management
 Institutional and socio
economic constraints
 Disease problems
 Poor marketing
 High predatory

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