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We conducted a primary research via survey and the following are the key highlights:
 83 respondents
 34 male respondents and 49 female respondents
 Four age brackets –
o 15-20 –> 18
o 21-26 –> 41
o 27-32 –> 16
o 33-38 –> 8
 Survey was conducted to understand the preferences of our target market and
their needs


How often do you use shampoo?



More than three times a week Once a week

Two to three times a week

Majority customers use shampoo at least two to three times a week – 59%.

Which shampoo brand do you



Dove Head n Shoulders L’oreal

Pantene Sunsilk Tresseme

These are the major competitors for our shampoo brand. With L’oreal being the biggest
competitor with 40% respondents using it and Dove holds the second position with 29%
Do you have any issues related to your hair?

51% 49%

Dandruff Hairfall

Dandruff and hair-fall are common problems faced by all respondents across different age
brackets. Creating a scope for new brands to enter the market with some innovations and
actually provide some solution on the same.

Is your current brand of shampoo giving you

the desired results?


Maybe No Yes

The survey established the fact that 72 % of the respondents do not get the desired results
from their shampoo’s whereas 19% are not sure if their product is helping them or not. This
clarifies the point that there is an opportunity for new brands to enter the market and provide
services that satisfy the customer’s needs and if done systematically, capturing market share
will not be a matter of issue.

Only 9% of the respondents saying yes means that there is serious brand loyalty as well
because it is human tendency to shift to newer brands or products if you are not satisfied with
your current product. Making it clear that it is easy to enter the shampoo market given that
right steps and procedure is followed.
Would you like to get a solution for all your
hair related problems in one shampoo?



No Yes

Traditional shampoo’s generally target only one kind of hair problem and provide solution
for it, via their product. But no individual faces only one kind of hair problem, one thing
leads to another, there is a chain effect that exists. Hence, our product will provide solution
for 3 hair problems in one shampoo. But the question is do people actually want such a
product? Well the answer is very simple – YES!

The survey suggests that out of 83 respondents 94% suggest that ‘yes’ they would love to
have a product that takes care of their hair related problems.

Which three hair goals do you want to achieve?

11% 10%

10% 11%



Anti Dandruff, Repair Damage, Anti Frizz Anti Dandruff, Repair Damage, Volume
Anti Dandruff, Volume, Strengthen Anti Hairfall, Anti Dandruff, Repair Damage
Anti Hairfall, Anti Dandruff, Strengthen Anti Hairfall, Anti Dandruff, Volume
Anti Hairfall, Anti Frizz, Strengthen Anti Hairfall, Volume, Strengthen
To provide 3 solutions in one shampoo, we tried to focus on which combinations of hair
solutions do consumers want. The combinations that are most preferred with 19% of
respondents choosing them are Anti Hair-fall, Anti Dandruff, Volume and Anti Hair-fall,
Anti Dandruff, Repair Damage.
Across all the combinations Anti Hair-fall and Anti Dandruff have been the consistent
solutions that the consumers want. Hence, making it clear that to make huge sale we need to
club both these features together.

Do you like organic products in




Yes No

98% of the respondents like organic products, and the reason behind this choice is directly
related to the benefits that natural and organic products pose, also the behavioral psychology
of the consumers has also changed they have become less price elastic and more product
centric, quality is what consumers are looking for now.

But what are these benefits that we are talking about that is tipping the scales in the favor of
organic shampoo - One of the benefits of natural shampoo, if the most obvious, is you know
exactly what you’re exposing yourself and your family to. In addition to the eco-friendly
ingredients, switching to a natural shampoo can potentially help your scalp and hair look and
feel healthier. Conventional shampoo ingredients help rid your hair of dirt, but they can also
strip your hair and scalp of natural oils. While you don’t want to walk around with greasy
hair, retaining some of your skin’s natural oil can prevent dryness, which can leave your
scalp itchy and your hair rough.

All these benefits are what people are prioritizing over money. This is also evident from the
below chart.
How much are you willing to pay for a
shampoo that resolves all your problems?




500 to 599 600 to 699 700 to 799

49% are opting for a price of Rs. 600 to 699 that they are willing to pay for our shampoo
which is not a rational decision given that there is a lower price range of Rs. 500 to 599 for
the shampoo and 41% are opting for this but it is still lower that 49%. This shows the shift in
the psychology of people and they becoming less price elastic specially for products like
shampoo which are normal goods.

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