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Name: Bagus Yusdiantoro

Nim: 201801143
Class: 4D
Prodi: S1 Keperawatan

Direction: these question are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four
words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that the best
completes the correspondents to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
1. ….. that ornithischians, plant- eating dinosaurs, lived about 225 million year ago.
a. Scientists believe
b. Scientists believing
c. Scientists believe in
d. Scientists’ belief.
2. The national Medal of Science is the …. given by the United States government.
a. Highest science award
b. Highest award for scientific
c. Award that is the highest scientific
d. Highest, and awarding scientists
3. Recent technology gives computers ….. making them multimedia machines with
interactive potential.
a. Both audio and video capability
b. Its capability is both audio and video
c. Both audio and video are capable
d. Capable of both audio and video
4. Many gases, including the nitrogen and oxygen in air, ….. color or odor.
a. Have no
b. Which have no
c. Not having
d. They do not have
5. Not until the 1850’s ….. in New York seek to rescue historic buildings from destructing or
a. Some concerned citizen
b. Did some concerned citizen
c. Some citizens concerned
d. When some concerned citizen did
6. Almost everyone fails….. the driver’s test on the first try.
a. Passing
b. To have passed
c. To pass
d. In passing
7. If endangered species…… saved, rain forest must be protected.
a. Are to be
b. Be
c. Can be
d. Will be
8. William Torrey Harris was one of the first educators interested …… a logical progression
of a topics in the school curriculum.
a. In establishing
b. For establishing
c. Establishing
d. To establish

9. Lowa ……… of flat- topped hills erected by the ancient Mound Builder people as temples
and burial sites.
a. With a large number
b. Has a large number
c. Having a large number
d. A large number
10. On the average, a healthy heart …… to pump five tablespoons of blood with every beat.
a. Must
b. Ought
c. Can
d. Should
Directions: In these question, each sentence has four underline words or phrases. The four
underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one
underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then,
on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to
the letter of the answer you have chosen.
11. The dandelion plant has a straight, smoothly, and hollow stem that contains a white,
milky juice. (smoothly)
12. Of the much factors that contributed to growth of international tourism in the 1950’s, one
of the most important was the advent of jet travel in 1958. (much)
13. Emely Dickinson, among the greatest woman poets in the English language, died with all
of hers poems unpublished, except for seven that appeared in publications of limited
circulation. (hers)
14. Martin Luther King, Jr, is well known for organize the huge human rights march that took
place in Washington in 1963. (organize)
15. Tale, a soft mineral with a variety of uses, sold is in slabs or powered form. (sold is)
16. During the 1870’s iron workers in Alabama proved they could produce iron by burning
iron ore with coke, instead than with charcoal. (instead)
17. Geologist at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory rely on a number of instruments to
studying the volcanoes in Hawaii. (to studying)
18. Basal body temperatures refers to the most lowest temperature of healthy individual
during waking hours. (most lewest)
19. The Moon’s gravitational field cannot keep atmosphere gases from escape into space.
(from escape)
20. Early European settlers in North America used medicines they made from plants native to
treat colds, pneumonia, and ague, an illness similar to malaria. (plants native)

21. A barometer is a device with a sealed metal chamber design to reading the changes in the
pressure of air in the atmosphere. (to reading)
22. Although some higher structures have been build in New York City, none characterized
the skyline better than the Empire State Building. (has been build)
23. The understanding electricity depends on a knowledge of atoms and subatomic particles
of which they are composed. (the understanding)
24. After Dr. Werner Arber discovered restriction enzymes, Drs. Daniel Nathan, Hamilton
Smith, and him were awarded the Nobel Prize for their research in that field. (him)
25. Maria Anderson, recognized both in the U.S. and in Europe as a real great vocalist, was
the first black singer to appear with the Metropolitan Opera Company. (real great)

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