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1. We think you are just as complicated as you think we are.

2. A lady should always be greeted with compliments and, at the

very least, a kiss

3. You did something bad. She seems cool with it. She’s probably not. She’s
probably spazzing out inside but doesn’t want to look uptight/uncool.

4. Don’t be fooled when she drools over celebrities. Rest assured that 99%
of the time, when your girlfriend fantasizes, it’s about you.

5. Eye contact is key.

6. When a girl has done something that has very obviously made her feel
stupid or embarrassed, don’t make fun of her or make her feel even more
stupid or embarrassed. Comfort and reassure her she still has your
respect and that everything will be okay.

7. If she likes you, you constantly occupy her thoughts. Girls can be
obsessive. This is normal.

8. No girl is going to complain if you tell the world she’s a brilliant

girlfriend or that she’s good in the sack.

9. Girls are unimpressed with a man who doesn’t take the lead or show
initiative. Especially when it comes to the progression of your relationship
(eg. first date, kiss, expression of emotions etc). She will always expect
you to make the first move because you are a man, however unfair this
may sound.

10.Beware of her male relatives and/or friends. Any worth their salt would
kick your arse at the drop of a hat if she cries, and a lot of them wouldn't
even wait for the hat...

11.Women are self-conscious by nature; they can’t help it. They will
always think they are fat/ugly, so humour her and never miss an
opportunity to tell her she’s beautiful/worship her body.

12.Girls want to be the best thing that ever happened to you–and for you to
recognize this.

13.Any form of communications, be it texts, calls, emails or even a note on

the bathroom sink from you will make her day. It shows her you are
thinking of her.

14.Sorry boys, but in the majority of cases, your latest gadget (or similar) will
only impresses your homeys, not your girlfriend.

15.Nonjudgmental, uninterrupted listening to women’s

hopes/dreams/fears/insecurities, even if it's for the one-thousandth time,
makes us feel we are the centre of your universe. Where we belong.

16.If another guy is bothering her, it is your right to confront him, but
remember aggression should be a last resort.
17.Whispering in her ear never goes out of fashion

18.It’s not necessarily the big/expensive gifts or surprises that mean the most
to her. Unless she’s a gold-digger, you don't have to spend a lot for it to
mean a lot. It’s the thought that counts.

19.Don't be afraid to touch your girlfriend if you want to. If she’s with you in
the first place, it's because she likes being in your arms.

20.Always give her your full attention, even over the phone. She’ll know if
you’re multitasking. It’s rude. On a similar note, if you’re on your
computer, it doesn’t count as “quality time”. (Too right! -Ed.)

21.Always remember to brush your teeth. Oral hygiene is important.

22.Girls expect you to call. How she sees it: “Don't call = Don't Care”.
However, if she doesn’t call she’s probably having a silent protest. Notice.

23.Return favours: we massage, you massage; we shave, you shave; we go

down, you go down etc.

24.Women, in direct opposition to men, want to know everything about your

past relationships. A mixture of morbid curiosity and learning from the
mistakes of others....

25.Pillow talk is sacred. Instantly falling asleep after sex, however sleepy it
makes you, will win you no prizes.

26.If you did something wrong (or even if you didn’t), apologize. It never
hurts to say you're sorry. Unless you’ve really blown it, women are almost
always more forgiving of men than they really should be...

27.In general women aren’t afraid to get kinky; you just have to have the
nerve to ask. Same goes for talking dirty; if you want to hear it, chances
are so does she...

28.The most painless way to end an argument: Let her win.

29.Women love it when you touch them, from holding hands in public to post
coital spooning.

30.As a general rule you can’t go wrong with flowers.

31. Women won’t believe reassurance unless it is restated

often. They want to know you think they’re good enough: be it
beauty, competence, talent, intelligence etc and if you do not
offer this, they will be forced to seek it elsewhere.

32.If there’s an obvious reason why she’s wearing makeup and/or dressing
up, she’s probably attempting to boost her confidence, so even if you
prefer her ‘au naturel’, reward her hard work by telling her she looks good.
And remember, “fine” is never an appropriate response when she asks
you how she looks.
33.If she is clearly upset but says she's ok don’t believe it for a second.
Attempt to establish a physical connection and talk to her about her

34. All girls are pretty, but yours wants to hear that for you, she
is the prettiest!

35.You don’t have to be gentle in the bedroom all the time. Unless she’s
made of cotton-wool, chances are that at least some of the time, she likes
it rough/dirty. And no, that doesn’t make her a whore.

36.Girls don’t tend to make assumptions about what you think/feel about
them in the same way men do. You need to tell your girlfriend how you
feel about her.

37.What is important to her should, even if only by association, be important

to you. Celebrate what she deems to be victories and/or achievements,
however small or strange they may seem to you.

38.Women would rather you break up with them than cheat on them, and for
the record it’s cheating as soon as you’re doing something that you
wouldn’t want her to see, hear, read etc.

39.Being warm, gentle, sensitive, loving or romantic around your girlfriend,

even in public, does not emasculate you. If your friends laugh at you, it's
because they're jealous.

40.Her close pals are your secret weapons, especially if you’re stuck for good
gift ideas.

41.When actions and words conflict, believe the actions.

42.Always open doors for ladies unless explicitly instructed otherwise.

43.Girls are always impressed when you ask for their advice.

44.Celebrating significant dates (eg. anniversaries/birthdays/Valentines Day

etc) might not seem like a big deal to you, but they generally are for girls.
Forgetting them requires serious justification ("My relative/friend had to
have emergency surgery"), explanation ("The doctors asked me not to
leave the floor even long enough to make a phone call") and amends ("But
I got you a little something from the flower shop to make up for it").

45. Be spontaneous; dinner and a movie won’t always cut it.

46.We like you to be a little jealous... but overly possessive is not necessary.

47.Take an interest in your girlfriend. Questioning the small things

lets her know you care... eg How was your day? What do you
think about XYZ? Did you see ...[the story thought would
interest you on the news/etc ]?

48.Oral sex is your get-out-of-the-doghouse-free card.

49.A woman's trust is a catacomb, not a blackboard. Betrayals are not
erased; they are only filed away in our mind and heart--permanently and,
in the best circumstances, deeply. Remember, it takes a second to lose
her trust, and a lifetime to gain it back.

50.Even the strongest woman likes to be treated like a china doll every now
and again. This is not the same as condescension. It's more akin to

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