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GROUP 4-architecture college ROOM NAME AREA 1 (sq.m) AREA 2(sq.m) AREA 3(sq.m) AREA4(sq.m) AVERAGE AREA(sq m) STANDARD AREA(sq m) PREFERED AREA(sq m) NO: OF ROOMS NO: OF STUDENTS
1 Entrance lobby 52 105 170 109 100 1
2 Auditorium 107 170 225 300 200.5 600 600 1
3 Exhibition space 89 220 278 195.67 200 1
4 Staff room 218 335 92 250 223.75 1
5 Class room 191 170 75 155 147.75 60 75 14 40
6 Workshop 59 214 150 310 183.25 60 100 2 40
7 Studio 191 170 170 330 215.25 120 160 14 40
8 storage 22 105 63.5 1
9 Administration 218 560 190 330 324.5 60 1
10 Library 315 121 180 150 191.5 200 200 1
11 Washroom 27.7 27.6 20 20 23.825
12 Toilets 55 42 26 22 36.25 1.5/Toilet 1.5/toilet 16
13 Machine room 13.8 78 45.9 45 1
14 Electrical room 92 18 55 55 1
15 Computer lab 89 272 218 193 60 100 2 80
16 Climatology lab 94 272 76 65 126.75 40 40 1
17 Survey lab 91 272 54 70 121.75 40 40 1
18 Material lab 94 238 190 174 40 40 1
19 Prayer room 980 980 40 1
20 Medical room 32.5 32.5 32
21 Staff lounge 50 50 60 60
22 Canteen 59.4 416 511 430 354.1 0.9/person 360 1
23 Kitchen 37 40 132 69.667 0.24/person 96 1
24 Hostel room 15 20 17.5 15/room 15/room 170
25 Construction yard 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
26 Parking space 1693 1112 1402.5 15/parking 15/parking 288
27 Open spaces 247 915 1832 998
28 Circulation 2825 2825
29 Sports ground 9775 1

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