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a. A table in which data is presented in the same form and manner in which they are arrived is
known as?
1. Derived Table
2. Original table
3. Treble table
4. Complex table

Ans- Original table

b. Which table is also known as summary table ?

1. General –Purpose table
2. Special Purpose table
3. Manifold table
4. Original Table

Ans- Special Purpose table

c. A table Which shows three Characteristics of the data is known as

1. Manifold table
2. Treble table
3. Complex table
4. General-Purpose table

Ans. Treble table

d. Tables can be classified according to how many types?

1. According to purpose
2. According to Originality
3. According to Construction
4. All of theses

Ans. All of theses

e. Which are the parts of the general table ?

1. Row headings
2. Column headings
3. Body of the table
4. Footnote
5. All of these
Ans. All of these

f. Means of tabulation of data is

1. Systematic presentation of Statistical data
2. Systematic Presentation of Statistical data in columns
3. Systematic representation of Statistical data in rows and columns
4. None of these

Ans. Systematic representation of Statistical data in rows and columns

g. Which are the objectives of tabulation ?

1. To present facts in minimum space
2. To detect error in the facts
3. To facilitate statistical Processing
4. All of the above

Ans. All of the above

h. The table in which the data represented is extracted from some other data table is classified as
1. Classification tables
2. Cumulative tables
3. Derived table
4. Dispersion tables

Ans. Derived table

i. The data table which is presented in tabular on the basis of single characteristics is classified as
1. Simple table
2. Complex table
3. Percentage table
4. Interval table
5. Double or two way table

Ans. Simple table or one way table

j. General tables of data used to show data in an orderly manner are called as
1. Double characteristic table
2. Mainfold table
3. Repository tables
4. Single Characteristics tables

Ans. Repository tables

k. When the quantitative and qualitative data are arranged according to a single feature, the
tabulation is known as
1. One-Way
2. Bivariate

3. Manifold –division
4. Dichotomy
Ans. One-Way

l. The arrangement of data in rows and columns is called

1. Frequency distribution
2. Cumulative frequency distribution
3. Tabulation
4. Classification

Ans. Tabulation

m. The Principal component of a table is

1. Table number
2. Title
3. Head note
4. All of these

Ans. All of these

n. Which of the following are titles of the rows of a table?

1. Title
2. Stub
3. Caption
4. None of these

Ans. Stub
o. Complex table may be classified as
1. General Purpose and special purpose table
2. Original and derived
3. Double, treble and manifold table
4. None of these

Ans. Double, treble and manifold table

p. In Temporal classification, data are classified on the basis of
1. Location
2. Time
3. Originality
4. Purpose

Ans. Time

q. Table is the Consequence of (table of result of)

1. Classification
2. Organization
3. Presentation
4. Tabulation

Ans. Tabulation

r. Which of the following Completes the information in the title of table

1. Head note
2. Caption
3. Stub
4. Body

Ans. Head note

s. Zero should be used only to indicate the

1. Non availability of data
2. Quantity of a variable
3. Quality of a variable
4. All of the above
Ans. Quantity of a variable

t. Headings should generally be written in the……. Form

1. Plural
2. Singular
3. Tabulation
4. All of the above

Ans. Singular
u. Which of the following is called reference table:
1. General Purpose table
2. Special Purpose table
3. Complex table
4. All of the above

Ans. General Purpose table


v. In Spatial Classification ……………..becomes the classifying factor

1. Quantity
2. Time
3. Place
4. Quality

Ans. Place
w. In…..Table data are fist converted into ratios then presented
1. Original
2. Derived
3. Complex
4. Simple table

Ans. Derived table

x. Which function does the tabulation origin spot specify ?
1. The list of integers
2. The list of max terms
3. The list of minterms
4. None

Ans. The list of integers

y. In the table, the unchecked term is known as
1. Prime Implications
2. Old Implications
3. Even Implicant
4. None

Ans. Prime Implications

z. Tabulation form exercises
1. Gates
2. Demorgan’s postulate
3. Matching Process cycle
4. Venn diagram

Ans. Matching Process cycle

aa. The table where the variables are subdivided with interrelated features are known as
1. Order level table
2. Subparts of table
3. One way table
4. Two way table
Ans. Two way table

bb. In a tabular presentation, the summary and presentation of data with different non-
overlapping (,d nwljs dh tgx ugha ys jgk gSA)classes are defined as
1. Frequency distribution
2. Chronological distribution
3. Ordinal distribution
4. Nominal distribution

Ans. Nominal distribution

Mcq on data representation Top 50

1. Charts and Graphs are the presentation of numerical facts by mean of ;

a. Points and lines
b. Area and other Geometrical forms
c. Symbols
d. All of the above

Ans. All of the above

2. Graphs and Charts facilitate;
a. Comparison of values
b. To know the trend
c. To know relationship
d. All of the above

Ans. All of the above

3. The purpose served by diagram and chart is;
a. Simple presentation of data
b. To avoid tabulation
c. To avoid textual form
d. All of the above

Ans. All of the above

4. Choice of a particular chart depends on
a. The Purpose of study
b. The nature of data
c. The types of audience

d. All of the above

Ans. All of the above

5. Rectilinear Co-ordinate chart is also referred as;
a. Cartesian co-ordinate graph
b. Rectangular graph
c. Both a and b
d. None of a and b

Ans. Both a and b

6. Trilinear chart is used to portray simultaneously
1. Two variables
2. Three variables
3. Four variable
4. Any number of variables

Ans. Three variables

7. The shape of a trilinear charts is that of a;
1. Cone
2. Cube
3. Equilateral triangle
4. Pyramid

Ans. Equilateral triangle

8. Which of the following is a one –dimensional diagram?
1. Bar Diagram
2. Pie-Chart
3. Cylinder
4. A graph

Ans. Bar diagram

9. Which of the followings is not a two dimensional diagram?
1. Square diagram
2. Multiple bar diagram
3. Rectangular diagram
4. Pie-Chart

Ans. Multiple bar diagram

10. Which of the following statement is not correct?
1. The bars in a histogram touch each other
2. The bar in a column chart touch each other
3. There are bar diagrams which are known as broken bar diagrams

4. Multiple bar diagrams also exist

Ans. The bar in a column chart touch each other

11. Non-Dimensional diagrams are also known as
1. Cubes
2. Spheres
3. Pictograms
4. All the above

Ans. Pictograms
12. Which of the statement is correct ?
1. Histograms and historgrams are similar in look
2. Cube and square diagrams are similar in look
3. Pie-Chart and ogives
4. None of the above

Ans. Histograms and historgrams are similar in look

13. Ogive curve occur for,
1. More than type distribution
2. Less than type distribution
3. Both a and b
4. None of a and b

Ans. Both a and b

14. In an ogive curve, the points are plotted for ;
1. The values and frequencies
2. The values and cumulative frequencies
3. Frequencies and cumulative frequencies
4. None of the above

Ans. The values and cumulative frequencies

15. A semi-logarithmic graph or ration chart is obtained by plotting the points;
1. {log x, log y}
2. {x, log y}
3. {x, log y/x}

Ans. {x, log y}

16. Ogives for more than type and less than type distributions intersect at;

1. mean
2. median
3. mode
4. origin

Ans. Median
17. When the values are large in magnitude in a chronological series and variation amongst values is
small, a graph is better drawn by choosing;
1. A false base line
2. Wide scale
3. Narrow scale
4. None of the above

Ans. A false base line

18. In a bar diagram, the base line is
1. Horizontal
2. Vertical
3. False base line
4. Any of the above

Ans. Vertical
19. In a column chart, the base line is;
1. Horizontal
2. Vertical
3. Any an angle of 450
4. False base line

Ans. Horizontal
20. In a column chart, bars are
1. Horizontal
2. Vertical
3. slanting
4. None of the above

Ans. Vertical

21. In a bar diagram, the bars are


1. Horizontal
2. Vertical
3. slanting
4. None of the above

Ans. Horizontal
22. In case of frequency distribution with classes of unequal widths, the heights of bars of a
histrogram are proportional to;
1. Class frequency
2. Class intervals
3. Frequencies in percentage
4. Frequency densities

Ans. Frequency densities

23. Year wise production of rice, wheat and maize for the last ten years can be displayed by
1. Simple column chart
2. Subdivided column chart
3. Broken bar diagram
4. Multiple column chart

Ans. Multiple column chart

24. Profit and loss of a firm during various years can be displayed through;
1. Simple bar diagram
2. Duo-directional bar diagram
3. Deviation bar chart
4. Multiple bar diagram

Ans. Deviation bar chart

25. When for some countries, the magnitudes are small and for other, the magnitudes are very
large, to portray the data, it is preferred to construct:
1. Deviation bar diagram
2. duo – directional bar diagram
3. broken bar diagram
4. any of the above

Ans. broken bar diagram

26. With the help of histrogram we can prepare
1. Frequency polygon
2. Frequency curve
3. Frequency distribution
4. All the above Ans.
27. Historigram is suitable for;

1. Time series data

2. Chronological distribution
3. Non of a and b
4. Both a and b

Ans. Both a and b

28. When we have the number of court cases of different categories and information about number
of cases settled, the information can be better portrayed through;
1. Sliding bar diagram
2. Histrogram
3. Paired bar diagram
4. Column chart
Ans. Sliding bar diagram
29. To show the maximal and minimal values in a time series, the suitable chart is;
1. Deviation bar diagram
2. Range curve
3. Historigram
4. All the above

Ans. Range curve

30. With the help of ogive curve, one can determine;
1. Median
2. Deciles
3. Percentiles
4. All the above
Ans. All the above
31. Lorenz curve is an indicator for the distribution of two factors;
1. Being equal
2. Being unequal
3. Both a and b
4. Neither a or b
Ans. Being unequal
32. Greater the distance of Lorenz curve from the line of equal distribution;
1. More is the inequality
2. Less is the inequality
3. Has to tell nothing about inequality
4. Non of the above
Ans. More is the inequality
33. Pictograms are

1. Very accurate
2. Least accurate
3. Mostly used
4. Scientifically correct

Ans. Least accurate

34. Pictograms are generally used by
1. Cartographers
2. Dilettante
3. Scientist
4. All the above

Ans. Dilettante
35. Pictograms are suitable for the data in
1. Counts
2. Intervals
3. Fraction
4. Non of the above

Ans. Counts
36. Pictograms are shown by
1. Dots
2. Lines
3. Circles
4. Pictures

Ans. Pictures
37. In a column chart on circular base, bars are
1. Vertical
2. Horizontal
3. Slanting
4. Curved
Ans. Slanting
38. If there is an increase in a series at constant rate, the graph will be a;
1. Convex cure
2. Parabola
3. Concave
4. A straight line from left bottom to right top.

Ans. A straight line from left bottom to right top.

39. If there is an decrease in a series at constant rate, the graph will be a;

1. Hyperbola
2. A straight line from left top to right bottom
3. A convex curve
4. None of the above

Ans. A straight line from left top to right bottom

40. A semi-logarithmic graph of a series increasing by a constant amount will be a;
1. Straight line at angle of 450
2. A convex upward curve
3. A concave upward curve
4. A convex downward curve

Ans. A convex upward curve

41. The suitable chart to emphasize the difference between two time series, of which one is at a
higher level is
1. Range chart
2. Deviation bar chart
3. Paired bar diagram
4. Band chart

Ans. Band chart

42. When there is a pronounced skewness, the desirable scale to plot the frequency distribution is
1. Arithmetic scale
2. Multiple scale
3. Logarithmic scale
4. Any of the above

Ans. Logarithmic scale

43. When there are a large number of values in an individual series, preference for portraying the
data goes to
1. Bar diagram
2. Column chart
3. Line chart
4. Scatter diagram

Ans. Line chart

44. An alternative chart to pie-chart is
1. Step bar diagram
2. Rectangular chart
3. Sphere
4. None of the above

Ans. Step bar diagram

45. The graph of the successive points of a distribution joined by straight lines in statistical
terminology is known as.
1. Frequency distribution
2. Frequency cure
3. Trend
4. Cumulative distribution curve

Ans. Frequency cure

46. A deviational or bilateral chart with 100 percent component columns is also know as;
1. Duo-directional chart
2. Floating column chart
3. Sub-divided column chart
4. Range chart

Ans. Floating column chart

47. Pie chart represents the components of a factor by
1. Percentage
2. Angles
3. Sectors
4. Circles

Ans. Sectors

48. The immigration and out migration of people in a number of countries and also the net
migration can be better displayed by
1. Duo –directional column chart
2. Gross deviation column chart
3. Net deviation column chart
4. Range chart

Ans. Gross deviation column chart

49. It is necessary to find commutative frequencies in order to draw a/an
1. Histogram
2. Frequency polygon
3. Ogive curve
4. Column chart

Ans. Ogive curve

50. The most appropriate diagram to represent the data relating to the monthly expenditure on
different items by a family is

1. Histogram
2. Pie chart
3. Frequency polygon
4. Line graph

Ans. Pie chart


1. Which one of the following is the type of a bar diagram?

a. Complex
b. Component
c. Discrete
d. Varied

Ans. Component
2. ……… diagrams are used when we have to present two or more attributes with relation to time
and place.
a. Single bar
b. Component bar
c. Multiple bar
d. Double bar

Ans. Multiple bar

3. What are the limitations of diagrammatic representation?
a. Not possible to represent small differences in value.
b. Qualitative representation is not possible
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

Ans. Both a and b

4. The graph of the cumulative frequency distribution is called
a. Frequency curve
b. Frequency polygon
c. Histogram
d. Ogive

Ans. Ogive
5. When successive mid points in a histogram are connected by straight lines, the graph is called a
a. Ogive

b. Frequency curve
c. Frequency polygon
d. None of these

Ans. Frequency polygon

6. Cumulative frequency curve can be helpful in locating graphically the
a. Mode
b. Mean
c. Median
d. None of these

Ans. Median
7. The total angle at the centre of a pie-chart is;
a. 900
b. 2250
c. 600
d. 3600

Ans. 3600
8. Data represented through a histogram can help in finding graphically the
a. Median
b. Mode
c. Mean
d. All of these

Ans. Mode
9. What is the other name of an arithmetic line graph?
a. Time series graph
b. Frequency polygon
c. Histogram
d. Time graph

Ans. Time series graph

10. Histogram can be drawn only for
a. Discrete frequency distribution
b. Cumulative frequency distribution
c. Continuous frequency distribution
d. All of these

Ans. Continuous frequency distribution

11. Ogive can occurred for the distribution of;
a. More than type

b. Less than type

c. Both a and b
d. Neither a or b
e. Ans. Both a and b
12. From the set of statements given in column I and column ii. Choose the correct pair of

Column 1 Column 2
1) Simple bar diagram i) Sub divided bar diagram
2) Pie Diagram ii) Circle is drawn and is partitioned
into section to slow proportions of
various components
3) Component Bar Diagram iii) Comprises of group of rectangular
bars of equal width for each class

a. 1)- i
b. 2)-ii
c. 3)-iii
d. None of these

Ans. 2) ii

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