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TELP / FAX : ( 0380 ) 832214 – KUPANG



DAY/DATE : Wednesday, October 6th, 2020
HOUR : 08.00 – 09.00 a.m.

A. Multiple Choice
Choose the correct answer by write the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet!

1. A: Uncle Jack, next week I'm going participate in the English speech competition in Jakarta.
B: ... .
The correct expression to complete the dialog above is ... .
A. I wish you will see the Monas.
B. I hope you will win the competition
C. Good job!
D. You did it!

2. A: I’m going to visit my grandma tomorrow in FATUKOPA.

B: ... .
The correct expression to complete the dialog above is ... .
A. Congratulation!
B. Well done!
C. Good job!
D. Have a nice trip.

3. A: Look! I got 100 for my English.

B: ... .
The correct expression to complete the dialog above is ... .
A. I hope you will get the first rank.
B. Wish you luck!
C. I’m proud of you.
D. Have a nice day.

4. A: It’s late, but Rival has not got home yet. I’m worried.
B: ... .
The correct expression to complete the dialog above is ... .
A. I hope everything will be alright.
B. Well done!
C. You did it!
D. Have a great trip.

5. A: Look! Finally, the “Rambutan” I’ve planted is ripe.

B: ... .
The correct expression to complete the dialog above is ... .
A. Good job!
B. I hope you can plant the lemon too.
C. Have a nice Rambutan!
D. I did it.

6. A: Do you think browsing on the internet is difficult?
B: Mmm ... . We just need more practice.
The correct expression to complete the dialog above is ... .
A. I couldn't agree with you more.
B. Absolutely.
C. Exactly.
D. I don’t think so.

7. A: What do you think of our new jackets?

B: It’s a lovely jacket ever. I’m satisfied with the model.
A: ... . I don’t like it.
The correct expression to complete the dialog above is ... .
A. I beg to differ.
B. I get long with your opinion.
C. I accept it.
D. I’m not sure about that.

8. A: I’m thinking about going camping to FETONAI next holiday. What do you think?
B: ... . The scenery is very beautiful.
The correct expression to complete the dialog above is ... .
A. That's not always true.
B. I beg to differ.
C. I guess so.
D. Not necessarily.

9. A: Juminten is a nasty girl.

B: ... . She called me names two days ago.
The correct expression to complete the dialog above is ... .
A. That's not always true.
B. That’s so true.
C. I totally disagree.
D. Not necessarily.

10. A: I'm going to wear this dress at Requel's birthday party. What do you think, Gilberth? B: ...
. You look beautiful.
The correct expression to complete the dialog above is ... .
A. I disagree.
B. I beg to differ.
C. Not necessarily.
D. That’s fine.

Read the Label bellow and answer the question number 11 to 15

11. From the label, we know that it’s a kind of ....
A. Food
B. Drug
C. Beverage
D. Drink
12. What must we do if symptoms persist in a second day?
A. Consult the docter.
B. Go to the hospital.
C. Consume the drug again.
D. Take another drug.

13. Can adult take more than 4 tablets in a day?

A. Yes, they can.
B. No, they can’t.
C. Sure.
D. No problem.

14. This drug can relief from …., except …

A. Toothache.
B. Flu.
C. Cough.
D. Migrane.

15. How much Paracetamol does the drug contain?

A. 500 g
B. 50 mg
C. 0,05 g
D. 0,5 g

B. Complex Multiple Choice

Choose two correct answers by thick the box!

Read the Label bellow

16. Kinds of ingredients.

 Flour
 Cassava
 Vegetable oil
 Salt

17. Sodium
 0,17 g
 170 mg
 1,7 g
 0,017 g

18. Potassium
 350 mg
 0,35 g
 35 kg
 3,5 hg

19. Vitamin
 C
 A
 E
 B

20. 4 %
 Calsium
 Thiamin
 Magnesium
 Zinc

C. True or False
Read the Label, state True or False the statements below

21. We can give the medicine every 4 hours

 True
 False

22. This medicine is dangerous for the kid.

 True
 False

23. We need 5 tablets for a big dog in day

 True
 False

24. To a young cat that weight 2.5 kg, we can give 1 tablet.
 True
 False

25. Veterinary is a person qualified to threat diseased animals.
 True
 False

D. Short Answer

Read the Label bellow and answer the question number 26 to 30

26. What would the product likely be?

27. How much sugar does the product contain?

28. People who are allergic to peanut ... consume the product.

29. From the label, we know that the product contains ... preservatives.

30. The product is for ... serving.

E. Long Answer

What is the purpose of the label?


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