Volume Lesson Plan

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Office of Field Placement and Partnership Outreach

Pre-Practicum Lesson Template

Name: Kayla Newman Date: 10/16/21

School: Ward Elementary School Grade: 5th

Starting and Ending Time: 10:00 am to 10:40 am


MA Curriculum Frameworks incorporating the Common Core Standards: With regard to
how this lesson fits into the “big picture” of the students’ long-term learning, which MA
framework does the lesson most clearly address? Select 2 to 3 focal standards that will be key to
your instruction and assessment.

Massachusetts Math framework

MD.5.C.5: Relate volume to the operations of multiplication and addition and solve real-world
and mathematical problems involving volume.

MD.5.C.5a: Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with whole-number edge lengths by
packing it with unit cubes, and show that the volume is the same as would be found by
multiplying the edge lengths, equivalently by multiplying the height by the area of the base.
Represent threefold whole-number products as volumes, e.g., to represent the associative property
of multiplication.

MD.5.C.5b: Apply the formula V = l w h and V = B h (where B stands for the area of the base)
for rectangular prisms to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with whole-number edge
lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
Instructional Objective: By the end of the lesson, (1) what concept, information, skill, or
strategy will the student(s) learn and (2) how will they demonstrate that knowledge?

Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the formulas for volume (V = l x w x h

and V = b x h) by using these formulas to solve volume problems/word problems on the
dimensions of prisms. Students will also be able to solve for the dimensions of prisms that hold
double and half the number of cubes of the original prism.

Assessment: What specific, tangible evidence will show that each student has met this objective?

Students will independently complete p. 97 on ‘volume of rectangular prisms’ in the

Investigations Student Activity Book with a ¾ accuracy rate and pg. 98 on ‘doubling and halving’
with a ⅔ accuracy rate. Students will need to show their work on how they derived an answer for
each problem.
Academic Language Objective: By the end of the lesson, (1) what language, relating to the
lesson and lesson content, will the student(s) know or learn, and (2) how will they demonstrate
that knowledge? Refer to WIDA and Three Tiers of Vocabulary Beck, Kucan, and McKeown
(2002) as cited by Thaashida L. Hutton in Three Tiers of Vocabulary and Education.

Students will learn/review the vocabulary terms: Formula/equation for Volume, area / area of a
base, associative property of multiplication, length, width, height, cubic unit, doubling, and half/

Assessment: What specific, tangible evidence will show that each student has met this objective?

After explaining the definitions of each vocabulary word, I will have students repeat the vocab
word and its definition after me. Students will turn and talk with a partner to explain what the
vocab words are by using their own intepretation/defintion of the word. I will also take student
volunteers to recall the definition or share out loud using their own words the definition of the
Content: What are the specific details of the lesson’s content knowledge?

Students will know how to use various strategies when finding the volume of a rectangular
prism. The strategies include using the formula V = b x h and the formula V = l x w x h.
Students will be able to make connections between these symbolic representations of
volume. Students will also learn that when doubling or halving rectangluar prisms only one
of the dimensions (l, w, or h) needs to be changed to twice as much are half.


In this section, provide specific directions, explanations, rationales, questions, potential
vignettes/scenarios, strategies/methods, as well as step-by-step details that could allow someone
else to effectively teach the lesson and meet the lesson objectives.

Opening ( 15 minutes): How will you introduce the instructional objective to the students,
“activate” learners, pre-teach/ preview vocabulary, and prepare them to engage with the lesson

- Review area of a 2D shape and have a student label the base and height of the image.
Review the terms length, width and height by using an image of a rectangular prism have
volunteer students come up to the board and label the side of the image that represents the
length, width, and height with a marker.
- I will write on the board the breakdown of how the 2 formulas (V = b x h and V = l x w x
h) relate; this is where I mention/explain the associative property of multiplication.
- Show YouTube video on how to solve for volume:
- After 2 minute video, I will have students turn and talk with a partner to explain in their
own words how to solve for volume.
During Lesson ( 15 minutes): How will you direct, guide, and/or facilitate the learning process to
support the students in working toward meeting the instructional objectives?

- I will edit the slide on Doubling and Halving during the lesson to demonstrate what it
looks like when you double the volume of an 3D rectangle versus when you take one half
of the volume of a rectangular prism.
- I will make up two examples of finding volume by labeling the 3D shape with a set of
numbers/cubic units to represent the l, w, and h and work through both problems with the
students to find the original volume of the rectangular prism and the new volume when
the shape is doubled and split in half. While demonstrating these example problems I will
emphasize the importance of using the cubic unit in final answer.
- Next, students will work independently on page 97 and 98 in student activity book. I will
handout a note sheet with the formulas and definitions for students to reference as they
- During independent work, students can ask teachers in the room for help or quietly talk
with a peer for help.
Closing ( 10 minutes): How will you bring closure to the lesson and, by doing so, review and
determine what students have learned?

- I will go around the room to check students' work and make sure they show how they
derived an answer.
- We will review one problem from each page that students worked on. I will take a few
volunteers depending on how much time is left to briefly share their answers with the
class and the method they used to solve. I will write students' demonstrations on the board
as they explain.


As you think about supporting all learners, think about the Principles of Universal Design for
Learning (UDL) and utilize resources at the following links:

UDL at a glance: http://www.udlcenter.org/resource_library/videos/udlcenter/udl#video0
Lesson planning: http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/toolkits/tk_lessons.cfm?tk_id=21

Learner Factors: What will you do to ensure success from all students? Especially consider the
needs of students on Individual Education Plans (IEP), English language learners (at a variety of
English language levels), and students who may need an extended challenge. Highlight all that apply.

Grouping Factors Content Materials Student Response

Adjust grouping format Give additional Write homework list Alternate response
examples format (verbal/written)
Seat students Graphic organizers
strategically near one Provide alternate Give daily progress
another, you or the reading or the same text Use Braille or large report
focus of instruction at varying reading print
levels Extend time
Pair students Use manipulatives
Provide on-level Use assistive devices
Give verbal cues to Use interpreter
emphasize main ideas Give students copy of
directions Give more breaks
Increase number of
review activities Allow use of computer
Hand out copies of

Re-read directions

Use page markers

Specific Examples: Choose 3 examples of support from the list above and explain in detail the
differentiation. P1s choose 1 level of support to explain, P2s choose 2 levels of support to explain
and P3s and Grad P1s choose 3 levels of support to explain.

Support #1: Putting students in pairs can help students interact and collaborte on the task at
hand. Students having the opportunity to listen to their peers way of thinking/perspective can
influence a student’s understanding of the new material or activity.

Support #2: Having a personal copy of the terminology with examples is important for students
to have so that they can reference when working independently. This can eliminate confusion of
the vocabulary and help students remember the terms to successfully complete the assignment
Classroom Management: If teaching a small group or whole class, how will you use classroom
routines, reinforce appropriate behavior, and/or handle behavioral issues? Give one example.

- Encourage students to participate. Say “Im interested to hear what everyone is thinking,
dont be afraid to share even if you think you may give a wrong answer”, “Does anyone
have something different they want to add/agree with ___”
- When sharing or in pairs remind students of the voice level they should use
- Remind students to raise their hand when they want to answer/share out loud
- Refer to classroom call-and-responses to get students focus and attention
- Say, “If you are having difficulty, do not give up. Quietly ask a peer for help or ask a
teacher for help.”

Technology: How did you incorporate technology into the lesson?

- I will prepare a Slide presentation that will include images to give students a visualizer
when introducing/defining the necessary vocabulary terms.
- Directions for tasks/assignment will also be displayed via the slide presentation.
- A YouTube video will be played towards the beginning of the lesson to explain the concept
of volume through a song.
Materials: What are the materials that you will need to organize, prepare, and/or try-out before
teaching the lesson?

- Google Slide Presentation

- White board/ markers
- YouTube video
- Handout with vocabulary terms and formulas
- Student Activity Book

Follow-up: How will you and/or your Supervising Practitioner reinforce the learning at a later
time so that the students continue to work toward the lesson’s overarching goal (i.e., the MA
Curriculum Framework incorporating the Common Core State Standards)?

This learning will be reinforced at a later time by having students be able to compare and contrast
the formulas for volume when learning how to find measurements of other 3-Dimensional shapes.
Additionally, students can engage in a math project where they design a pool, etc. and will use
formulas to find the volume of their design.

Updated: ZH (2020)
Cass/Malley/Hagen (2015)

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