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Module 2

Herron E. Manalo
11 - Innovative
Lesson 1: Organization

What’s New
Complete the following:
Event # 2 is the beginning because it introduces the characters in the movie.
Event # 1 is the middle because the sentence or phrase in event no. 1 indicate that it is
connected to event no. 2.
Event # 3 is the ending because it states the problem that the character is facing has

What’s More
Read the excerpt of the film review lifted from ( 2017). Then, record the
sequence of events on a graphic organizer.

Timeline Organizer

The story starts when Manuel, the patriarch of the Bonifacio familyis diagnosed with a lung

Despite all the struggles that beset his four children, they decided to stay in one roof to
grant their father’s dying wish.

With the financial assistance of Bryan, the richest among all four siblings, the family’s
business is saved from bankruptcy and they all live in harmony and love.

What I Have Learned

Complete the following statements for you to remember the most essential takeaways
from the lesson:

 A well-organized piece of writing is not only clear but also logical and aesthetic.
 In writing a story or an essay, it is necessary to identify the sequence of events from
the beginning to the end.
 A strong organization comprises proper paragraphing and logical order of presenting
What I Can Do
Using a graphic organizer, write an episode of your life by providing events beginning
from childhood to young adulthood. Provide a catchy title for your story.

Title: Bits and pieces: A look into the life of Herron Manalo

Date Event
July 30, 2004 Year of the monkey, the day that I was born.
2008-2009 I was 4 when my mother enrolled me in a Day Care Center in Kalamtukan where we used to
live, and then I was also enrolled again the next school year when I turned 5. My mother
believe that me and my twin brother should be exposed in school in an early age.
2010 The year that I first entered an elementary school. I was grade 1 back then, and I remembered
my first day at school that I skipped the first period and go home because I was afraid of my
March of 2011 It was the time when I first had my medal, I was top 2 in our room and that’s when I pledge to
myself that I want to be in the stage every March to receive a recognition.
Summer of 2013 My father’s siblings had a vacation here in Negros, some are from Manila and some are from
overseas. One of papa’s sister-in-law wanted to support me for my education and decided
bring me to Manila.
2013 I transferred school in Marikina and I remembered the first day of that school year, I was
nervous and scared to enter the school. But after awhile I adjust and make friends.
September of 2014 It was that time that I had Dengue and after some test the doctor also found that I had
Pneumonia. This must be a memory of mine that I can’t forget, while I was diagnosed in the
hospital I puked blood because it also affected my liver. I was grade 5 back then and the 10
year old me thought that I was gonna die because of that incident and it was my first time
being hospitalized, I stayed in the hospital for a month and I haven’t go to school for like a
month and a half.
September of 2015 It was also the same month that I was hospitalized for the same reason. I had Dengue that
year and compare to the previous year, it wasn’t that serious and I was just hospitalized for
just one week.
April of 2016 April 1 of 2016, I graduated elementary. In that same month, me and my mother go home
here in Negros and they decided that I will continue high school here in Kalumboyan.
2016-2017 I was grade 7 that year. On July we won Batang Henyo contest for Nutrition Month. At the
end of the school year, I was recognized with Honors.
2017-2018 I was grade 8 that year. In that school year I competed my first ever Regional competition
(Regionals festival of Talent) in garden landscaping that was held Dumaguete, and we got 6th
or 7th place if I’m not mistaken. At the end of the school year I was recognized with High
2018-2019 I was grade 9 that year. That year I joined our school publication and I was an editor. I won
second place in (Division School Press Conference) DSPC and I qualified in RSPC that was
held in Balamban, Cebu. At the end of the school year I was recognized with High Honors.
2019-2020 I was grade 10 that year. That year I become the editor-in-chief in our school publication in
Kalumboyan and that year maybe I can say the most memorable moment as a student
journalist because I’m able to compete with my friends on RSPC.
March 2020 The COVID-19 started and mostly the classes during March was suspended. As I remember,
it was suspended twice and then when the virus spread out the country - it is when the class
ends. And I remember my last day in school is when it was our first day of our final exam
April- September My Lockdown and Quarantine is mostly composed of binge watching movies and reading
of 2020 books.
October 2020 The start of the modular learning for this school year.
February 2021 My mother’s youngest sister got married and it is my first ever outing since the pandemic.
Additional Activities

Bits and pieces: A look into the life of Herron Manalo

Life is pleasant when all fit nicely together, every puzzle piece in its place.
Picture-perfect snapshot. But add some humans and life gets interesting and complicated.
We are building our own life, every bits and pieces - the past and the present is part of us
yet the future is something to be discovered.

Reminiscing the past, the first ever memory that I remembered clearly is when the
time my mother enrolled me to school in a Day Care Center when I was about four or
five years old. When I was six, I first entered an elementary school where I first make
friends and dream. When I was nine I transferred school in Marikina to pursue my studies
and lived with my aunt. Living in the city, adjusting and culture shock is what I’ve
experienced at an early age. I tried to fit in and erase the identity of me being a
“probinsyano,” because I’m scared to be bullied just because of my ethnicity.

The memory that I can’t forget is when the time that I was diagnosed with
Dengue and Pneumonia at the same time. That moment I thought, I was going to die
because I was puking blood. My platelets are low and I almost needed a blood transfusion.
And maybe that was my turning point on how to take care of my body, because hospital
bills are expensive and we are also struggling financially, and I also thought that time that
I was too young to die.

When I become a high schooler, I pledge to myself to be responsible. I become

more focused on my goals and dreams, and as much as possible I do things that I enjoy. I
joined our school’s publication and became a student journalist when I was in grade nine,
because of that it brought me to places I’ve never been to, like some parts of Cebu.
During my Junior high, I’ve become more goal oriented and futuristic. I reflect more
about my actions to be a better person.

These days during pandemic, it all changes. I feel like couldn’t do anything, I’ve
become idle and slothful in doing my school works yet I have so many plans and dreams
that is hiding in my head that is hard to brought in reality. And now it just made me
wonder, maybe I put the pieces of my puzzles in a wrong way. And another question
popped up in my head “would I ever got to finish and complete this puzzle of mine? Or is
the puzzle that I’m building is not the right one?”

Sometimes bits of our lives are like that. No matter how hard we try, we just don’t
seem to be able to figure it out, or we could feel that the piece we need is missing. And
maybe that’s just how life goes, all we need is to just try.


Lesson 2: Coherence and Cohesion
What’s New
Set A. Number the sentences to form a well-structured paragraph.

2 A. I knew that we will go to their house to celebrate her birthday but during that
time, I was still in our school because of my training for campus journalism.
5 B. I talked to her and said sorry for what I had done and I explained my reasons
for not attending her birthday. At last, I was still thankful to her for understanding
my situation.
1 C. It was 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon when Angelita called me over the phone
and said that she was waiting for me at 7/11 store together with our other friends.
3 D. It's hard for me to choose what should I prioritize but I ended up staying in
4 E. On the next day, I saw her inside our room and it seemed that she did not
want to look at me.

Set B. Combine the sentences in each set into two clear sentences. Add a transitional
word or phrase to the second to show how it relates to the first.

 There are differences in English performance between boys and girls.

 These differences cannot be attributed simply to differences in innate ability.
 If one were to ask the children themselves, they would probably disagree.

There are differences in English performance between boys and girls, but these
differences cannot be attributed simply to differences in innate ability, and, if one
were to ask the children themselves, they would probably disagree.

What’s More
For items 1-3, combine each pair of sentences by changing one sentence to a
subordinate clause. Use an appropriate subordinating conjunction to link the ideas.

1. I was studying my lesson. I heard a loud crash in the next room.

 I was studying my lesson when I heard a loud crash in the next room.
2. I pulled the blankets on my bed. I was afraid.
 I pulled the blankets on my bed because I was afraid.
3. I finally got up from where I was sitting. I heard the cat’s meow.
 I finally got up where I was sitting after I heard the cat’s meow.

For items 4-5, continue the story by completing the sentences.

4. I went to get a broom so that I can clean the house.
5. I did not get very much sleep that night because the videoke of our neighbor is too
What I Have Learned
Using a Venn diagram, write the similarities and differences between coherence and

Coherence Cohesion
 Very general principle of  Formal linguistic features
 facilitate textual
interpretation of language in  Semantic relationships
context between sentences and
 Fewer formal linguistic within sentences
 used in discourse
features  Determined by lexically and
analysis and text
 Relationships deal with text as gramatically overt
linguistics to
a whole intersential relationships
determine the
 Based on primarily semantic  Surface textual relationships
quality of the
relationships such as cohesive devices
article or any
 Conceptual relationship  Linking words and
content written
underlying the surface text expressions to other words
 Underlying semantic relation and expressions
 Readership property: reader’s  Explicit meaning
evaluation of the text  Objective: automatic
 Implicit meaning recognition
 Subjective: varies from reader  Cannot create coherence
to reader
 Making sense of the text

What I Can Do
Ideas about happiness
 Happiness is subjective.
 Happiness is what people want.
 Happiness is difficult to measure.
 Happiness is part of people’s lives.

Defining “happiness”

Happiness. It’s probably the most pursued factor in life, above wealth, health and
good relationships. We all want to be happy, above everything else, right? Who cares
about money when you’re not happy? Who cares about friends when you’re not happy
with who you are? Who cares about good health if your lonely and depressed?

Happiness is the thing that most people want, yet it is one of the most difficult
aspects of life to quantify. How do we measure happiness? How do we define happiness?
What is happiness!?

Happiness is subjective. There is no one way in which the term can be defined.
For different people, happiness holds different connotations. For some, it implies a state
of mind; for others, it might mean a standard of lifestyle. Each human being is an
independent, free-thinking individual. Everyone has an outlook on life that is different
from the other. Hence, the definition of Happiness is also variable for people. However,
whatever may be the definition of Happiness, there is no denying that Happiness is an
integral part of our lives. Without it, there is no point in living or going about in life.


Additional Activities
One of my favorite books is entitled “Me Before You”. It’s written by Jojo Moyes. It
has a movie adaptation that was directed by Thea Sharrock. The movie adaptation and the
written book show similarities and differences. Although the catch in some parts of the book
is not in the movie. The movie adaptation catches the gist of the book’s story. Regarding
emotions, both the book and movie justify the tragic ending of the story. I was more moved to
the movie adaptation. For example, I can see the scene with a good background, the emotion
of the character portrayed by the actors, and I can hear the dialogues. All in all, both are
enjoying but I was more satisfied with the book. It’s very detailed. The movie can offer you
the whole package without a sense of curiosity. Even so, If I were to choose between its
published book and movie adaptation, I would choose the book. Books can be a wild curious
journey of the reader or traveler.

Lesson 3: Language Use

What’s In
Before we proceed to the role of language use in well-written texts, answer
the following questions first:

 Would it be enough to just consider organization, coherence and cohesion in writing?

 No because when you write, you have to familiarize yourself with the properties of a
well-written text: organization, coherence and cohesion, language use, and
mechanics. These will serve as your “compass” in weaving your train of thoughts
and connecting one idea to another. More so, using it on a personal basis can help
you express ideas precisely and gain other people’s respect in whatever you have to

 How would improper use of language affect the message of a written text?
 When writing, it is very important to use language that fits your audience and
matches purpose. Inappropriate language uses can damage your credibility,
undermine your argument, or alienate your audience.
 Why is language as significant as organization, coherence and cohesion in
developing a well-written text? .
 These will serve as your “compass” in weaving your train of thoughts and
connecting one idea to another. More so, using it on a personal basis can help you
express ideas precisely and gain other people’s respect in whatever you have to say.

What’s New

Greg - Very formal

Arnulfo - Formal
Arnold - Informal

What’s More

Guide Questions Yes or No? Evidence/Justification

Is the article appropriately formal? Yes  Use of third person
 Does not use contractions
 Doesn’t use colloquial language
 Use of words are subject-specific
Are there jargons? No  The article uses academic words
Are there idiomatic expressions? No  It doesn’t have words that can’t be taken
literally, all words used are subject-specific
Are there euphemisms and other deceitful No  There is no euphemisms or deceitful words
words? in the article, all words are direct and
Is there any bias in language? No  The article tackles the issue with facts and
with facts only, it doesn’t have any opinions
Are the ideas presented in the text Yes  The ideas in the article are delivered clear
concrete and specific? and vivid.
Is the article concise? Yes  The article is short but with clear message
Are the ideas presented precisely and Yes  The ideas presented are precise and clear
clearly? where the facts and evidences used in the
article can be checked to other trusted
What I Have Learned
1. A well-written text is/has both cohesion and coherence has a central concept linking all
the ideas in the text, and these ideas are presented in a logical manner.

2. Language use should be considered when writing a text because if not, it can raise a
confusion and impose a language barrier on someone you are relaying the text to. We
should take the language into consideration because it is one of the essential factor that
we should look out for. The language should depends on whom you are writing the text

3. As a writer, I will try my best to make an effective and well-written text for my readers
to comprehend the message and information that I am to relay within my text. I should be
considering the possible outcomes and effects of my writing towards my readers. I should
also assess my writing first if the contents and the main context is valid or relevant.

What I Can Do
Now that you already learned the importance of language use in achieving an effective
and well-written text, it’s now time for you to utilize this property in your writing task.

Supposed that you are an animal enthusiast. Write a letter of appeal addressed to the local
government to take legal action against human activities that endanger wildlife in your
locality. Please be guided by the scoring rubric below.

An open letter to Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (“CIAP”):

Humans are now responsible for causing changes in the environment that hurt animals
and plant species. We take up more space on Earth for our homes and cities. We pollute
habitats. We illegally hunt and kill animals. We bring exotic species into habitats. All of these
activities take resources and habitats away from plants and animals. In view of this, I am
reiterating the effects of urbanization to environment - which I feel needs to be addressed and
considered in your view:

1. Animal populations are inhibited by toxic substances, vehicles, and the loss of habitat and
food sources.
2. Intensive urban growth can lead to greater poverty, with local governments unable to
provide services for all people.
3. Concentrated energy use leads to greater air pollution with significant impact on human
4. Automobile exhaust produces elevated lead levels in urban air.
5. Large volumes of uncollected waste create multiple health hazards.
6. Urban development can magnify the risk of environmental hazards such as flash flooding.
7. Pollution and physical barriers to root growth promote loss of urban tree cover.

Urbanization leads to habitat fragmentation, where larger continuous habitats are

divided into smaller unconnected patches. It also causes habitat loss, through an increase in
roads and buildings that are not producing any biomass. This exposes wildlife to new man-
made stress. Physiological and ecological constraints affect organisms directly, but also
change host-parasite and predator-prey interactions. Urbanization is good in some aspects but
it must not come at expense of environment.

Respectfully yours,
Herron E. Manalo
(Grade 11 STEM student)
Additional Activities
Why do you want to pursue your desired career?


The aim in life is very important, it gives us a direction for our career. Everyone
has an aim in life, Aim or Ambition is what we want to be in future and chose a career
after studies.
My aim in life is to become a doctor, the life of a doctor is a noble life. Most
people value their health above everything else in their lives whether they know it or not.
When someone is sick or injured, his or her normal way of life is disrupted and doctors
have the incredible opportunity to restore these people’s lives to normalcy and even save
some from death itself. Therefore being a doctor is extremely rewarding.

Being a surgeon is the job I want to have as an adult. Being a surgeon may be hard
but in the long run it’s worth it. This career caught my attention as a kid. I would always
watch these ER shows and see these crazy tasks that they would have to deal with, and
through all that they’d be calm and collective. Seeing a surgeon save someone’s life
inspires me to want to do the same thing. If I would have the ability to save someone’s life,
it would allow me to see the world in a whole new way.

All in all being a surgeon has been a lifelong dream of mine. As a surgeon you must
be prepared for anything every single day of every single year. Some may be able to handle
that others might not. Surgeons may arguably have the hardest, most stressful job. They
have another person’s life in their hands and that person may live or die based on the
actions of that surgeon. The work is tuff, the education is rougher but being able to
withstand all that, and fighting each and every day to reach my ultimate goal is well worth
it. Once I start I won’t turn back, being a surgeon is what I want to do, since I’ve started
highs school I have had my eyes set on this job and giving up isn’t a option.

Lesson 4: Mechanics
What’s In
What’s New
Read the letter below. Identify all errors by placing the correct capitalization and
punctuations, correcting misspelled words, and writing the sentences in paragraph

233 Sitio Ibaba,

Brgy. Santisimo Rosario
San Pablo City, Laguna
August 24, 2020

Ms. Kasumi Watanabe

Gems and Jewel Inc.
Sta.Cruz, Laguna

Dear Miss Salazar,

I attended your Career Planning Workshop at the Trace College Library on December 15,
2018. Your presentation was just what I needed to organize myself. Would it be possible for
you to send me a copy of your resume-writing guidelines, the worksheet and the sample?
Unfortunately, you ran out of the handouts before I was able to receive one.

Menard B. Bancajr​

 Were you able to identify and correct the errors?

 Yes
 Do you think an employer will feel bad about receiving such letter from a job
applicant or from an employee?
 No, because he wrote the letter in a formal way that shows respect to the employer.
 Is it of utmost importance to adhere to proper grammar and apply appropriate
text formatting?
 Good spelling, correct grammar and the appropriate use of punctuation will give
them more confidence in the person (or the company) communicating with them.
Spelling errors and grammatical mistakes may also change the meaning of your
message, which might result in misinformation.
What’s More
Add the correct end punctuation to complete each sentence.
1. What is the name given to the 2019 novel corona virus?
2. People of all ages can be infected by the new coronavirus-2019-nCoV.
3. Take steps to protect yourselves from the virus, like following good
respiratory hygiene.
4. What a terrible and dangerous disease is COVID-19!

Write three sentences about COVID-19. Make sure to apply proper mechanics in
5. Declarative Sentence:
 The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated
when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales.
 Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
 You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within close proximity of
someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then your
eyes, nose or mouth.

6. Interrogative Sentence:
 What is the risk of the new coronavirus causing a pandemic?
 Should you avoid traveling to the countries where the infection has been detected?
 How does coronavirus infect?

7. Imperative Sentence:
 Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or
 Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
 Limit social gatherings and time spent in crowded places

8. Exclamatory Sentence:
 Oh no! I cannot go to my bestfriend’s birthday party because its lockdown in our
 Yehey! We are very safe here in Kalumboyan against Covid- 19.
 I hate Covid-19!

What I Have Learned

“Let grammar, punctuation, and spelling into your life! Even the most energetic and wonderful
mess has to be turned into sentences.”

Spelling is important. If you want to make a splash in your essay and make sure you
conveyed your idea clearly, it’s significant to make your spelling correct. At the same
time, grammar is no less important than spelling. What does it mean? Grammar is a set of
specific rules that must be followed to form sentence properly. These rules are important
and necessary as well as the rules of any other sports games, such as football or
basketball. If there are no rules or they are not followed, it becomes impossible to play a
game. The same rule applies to the language. if there were no rules of communication,
people could not understand each other. So, studying of the English grammar is one of
the most important and significant stages.

All in all, grammar and spelling take significant part in the English language. They
may help you to produce an impression on a reader, show yourself as a well-educated
person, and present yourself well in academic writing.
What I Can Do
“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” -Frederick Douglas

The quote drew me in when I first read it.When I first read this quote, I thought of
joy, reading, and freedom but as I read it over I had to stop and think about what it really
meant. I think this quote means that when you learn to read, you open yourself up to a
whole new world of education. I think reading is the key to success, and how far your
future holds in education. The experience of reading a good book makes you feel free,
which I think is one of the messages in this quote. This quote reminded me of how much
reading a good book feels relaxing. Feeling free to me means releasing stress and
enjoying something. When I am reading a good book I feel like I have escaped the world
for just a few chapters and I feel relaxed.


1. A
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. D
14. C
15. D

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