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Final Coaching in Correctional Administration

Prepared by

Ella Kristina I. Ingcad & Nolie Z. Ingcad

Part 1 of the Final Coaching

1. It is that branch of the administration of Criminal Justice System charged with the responsibility for the
custody, supervision, and rehabilitation of the convicted offender.
A. Law Enforcement B. Prosecution C. Court
D. Corrections E. Community

2. It refers to the manner or practice of managing or controlling places of confinement as in jails or prisons.
A. Penology B. Penal Management
C. Correctional Administration D. Correction

3. The generic term that includes all government agencies, facilities, programs, procedures, personnel, and
techniques concerned with the investigation, intake, custody, confinement, supervision, or treatment of
alleged offenders refers to:
A. Correction B. Penology
C. Criminal Justice System D. Community-based Correction

4. The word Penology was derived from the Latin word “Peona” means? (0617)
A. Punishment or Suffering B. Penalty
C. Pain (Poine) D. I speak by the law

5. In Babylon, about 1990 BC, It was credited as the oldest code prescribing savage punishment and to be
considered as the first comprehensive view of law.
A. Hammurabi Code B. Ur-Nammu Code
C. Burgundian Code D. Code of Draco E. Cuneiform

6. It is the principle which can be viewed from most of the provisions of the Code of Hammurabi especially as
regards to the imposition of punishments of either death or mutilation.
A. Lex Talionis B. Dura Lex Sed Lex
C. Corpus Juris Civilis Romani D. Mea Culpa

7. It was represented the earliest codification of Roman law incorporated into the Justinian Code.
A. Twelve Tables B. Burgundian Code
C. Hammurabi Code D. Greek Code of Draco

8. The Justinian Code consist of four books namely: Except

A. Codex Constitutionum B. Digest or Pandects
C. Institutiones Justiniani D. Novellae Constitutiones Post Codicem
E. Lex Duodecim Tabularum
9. The other forms of religious laws such as the Torah, important codifications of laws were developed in the
ancient Roman Empire with the compilations of the Lex Duodecim Tabularum. This law refers to
A. Corpus Juris Civilis Romani B. Twelve Tables
C. Hammurabi Code D. Lex Talionis

10. The first permanent system of codified laws (compilation of laws) could be found in China?
A. Tang Code B. Wong Code C. Ingcad Code D. Hammurabi Code

11. What governing law of Aklan, Panay based on the beliefs, customs and practices, it is also reflects the level
of uprightness and morality of the people? (18 articles), The Second oldest code of criminal justice.
A. Act 3203 B. Kalantiao Code C. Law of the Talion D. Penitentiary Act of 1779

12. The first laws that dealt with imposition of justice which came in to light some 1750 B.C and it has core
principle concept of justice known as “Lex Talionis”. Twelve tables were incorporated from?
A. Justinian Code B. Hammurabi Code
C. Nicomachean Ethics D. Mosaic Code E. Hedonism

13. What code became the standard law in all areas occupied by the Roman Empire and was put to effect by
Emperor Justin in 529 A.D.
A. Order of Misericodia B. Silver Plater Doctrine
C. Justinian Code D. Kriminalpolitik

14. What code introduced the concept of restitution, but punishment were meted according to social class of
the offenders.
A. Omerta B. Code Chapopoy
C. Burgundian Code D. Code of Hammurabi

15. Who was Ancient Sumerian King who issued the law that favored the imposition of justice instead of naked
A. Datu Kalantiao B. Datu Sumakwel C. King Ur-Nammu D. King Hammurabi

16. Who was the first ever recorded Christian to put to death for being a heretic?
A. Giuseppe Villela B. Priscillian
C. Nolie Ingcad D. Joan of Arc (Maid of the Orleans)

17. A punishment were used in prisons in Britain from 1818 until the second half of the 19th century; they
often took the form of large paddle wheels some 20 feet in diameter with 24 steps around a six-foot cylinder.
Prisoners had to work six or more hours a day, climbing the equivalent of 5,000 to 14,000 vertical feet.
A. Shot Drill B. Tread Mill C. Fun Shot D. Wind Mill

18. A flogging, Maiming, Branding is what kind of punishment?

A. Capital punishment B. Corporal Punishment
C. Disciplinary punishment D. Heinous crime

19. A method of capital punishment, particularly common in the military and in times of war. Execution by
shooting is a fairly old practice. Some reasons for its use are that firearms are usually readily available and
a gunshot to a vital organ usually kills relatively quickly.
A. Capital Punishment B. Iron Maiden
C. Milk and Honey D. Fusillading

20. It is a correctional model wherein criminals are punished because they have infringed the rights of other
and the security of the sanction should fit the seriousness of the crime:
A. Benefits of the Clergy B. Custodial Model
C. Just Desert Model D. Securing Sanctuary

21. The Criminal defendants who are found to be legally insane cannot be convicted of charges arising from
that particular mental defect or disability?
A. M’Naghten Rule B. Durham Rule
C. Irresistible Impulse D. Model Penal Code

22. This was the right in ecclesiastical (Religious) court during the middle ages particularly in England.
A. Inquisition B. Incapacitation C. Benefits of Clergy D. Retribution

23. It is one of the earliest devices for softening brutal severity of punishment through a compromise with the
A. Benefits of Clergy or Securing Sanctuary B. Rehabilitation and Reformation
C. Retribution D. None

24. In the 13th Century, a criminal could avoid punishment by claiming refugee in a church for a period of ___
at the end of which time he has compelled to leave the realm by a road or path assigned to him.
A. 30 Days B. 50 Days C. 40 Days D. 60 Days

25. This was chiefly a way of ridding the country of criminals, which later developed as a plan for supplying
new colonies with cheap labor. It was also an attempt to substitute for brutal punishment at home and an
opportunity for rehabilitation in a new country.
A. Benefit of Clergy B. Judicial Reprieve
C. Recognizance D. Penal Transportation

26. Who was the person in England who insisted on the compromise known as the “Benefits of the Clergy”?
A. King Henry II B. Queen Elizabeth II
C. St. Benedict D. Pope John Paul II

27. The first juvenile court was established in 1899 was found in?
A. Illinois Chicago B. Massachusetts C. England D. Philippines

28. The theory of deterrence holds that.

A. The punishment eliminates criminal tendencies with the provision of education and treatment.
B. The punishment inflicted upon offender shall dissuade the offender and other from repeating the
C. The punishment denies the criminal ability or opportunity to commit further crime
D. Punishments kills violator

29. The theory in penal science which maintains that punishment gives lesson to the offender and the would
be criminals is called:
A. Deterrence B. Reformation C. Incapacitation D. Public Safety

30. The rehabilitation was first applied in medical practice. It was came from the Latin word “RE & HABILIS”.
Which is literally means?
A. Again and Fit or Suitable B. Again and Restore to sound operation
C. Again and Reestablish the good reputation D. All of these

31. It is defined as a programmed effort to alter attitudes and behavior of inmates which is focused on the
elimination of their future criminal behaviors.
A. Rehabilitation B. Reintegration C. Reparation D. Restitution

32. A concept that punishing a criminal to serve as example to others is a theory of _____.
A. Self-defense B. Social defense C. Exemplary D. Equality

33. He was the most versatile of all philosophers during this period. He believe that fear of shame was a deterrent
to crime. He fought the legality sanctioned practice torture.
A. William Penn B. Voltaire C. Charles Montesquieu
D. John Howard E. Karl Menninger

34. He was the Director of the Prisons of Valencia, Spain who divided prisoners into companies and appointed
prisoners a petty officer in charge.
A. Frédéric-Auguste Demetz B. Manuel Montesinos
C. Zebulon Brockway D. Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise

35. He opened Borstal Institution (Her Majesty Prison Rochester) with a Borstal System near Rochester, Kent
England in 1902, which was considered as the best reform institutions for young offenders:
A. Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise B. Alexander Maconochie
C. James Cook D. Jeremy Bentham

36. It was considered to be the most brutal period for punishing criminals being the merged of the old (Dark
Age) and new (Modern) system.
A. 16th Century B. 18th Century
C. 17th Century D. 19th Century

37. He was one of the Great Prison Reformers who published a book entitled “The State of Prisons in England
and Wales”.
A. Jeremy Bentham B. John Augustus (Shoe maker)
C. Elizabeth Fry D. John Howard

38. The only early Roman place of confinement which is built under the main sewer of Rome in 64 BC.
A. Bridewell Workhouse B. Walnut Street Jail
C. Burgundian House D. Mamertime Prison

39. The most popular workhouse in London which was built for the employment and housing of English
A. Bridewell workhouse B. Saint Bridget’s Well
C. Hospicio De San Michelle D. Walnut Street Jail

40. It was the historically known as the “House of Hallway Hell” located in Devonshire, England which was built
purposely to hold French inmates.
A. Newgate Prison B. Eastern State Prison
C. Dartmoor Prison D. Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland

41. It refers to a long, low, narrow, single decked ships propelled by sails, usually rowed by criminals. A type of
ship used for transportation of criminals in the 16 th century.
A. Gaols (French word for Jail) B. Galley Slavery
C. Hulks (Floating Hell) D. Compters (London)

42. The early forms of Prison Discipline by means of uttering insulting words or languages on the part of prison
staff to the prisoners to degrade or break the confidence of prisoners.
A. Social Degradation or Public Humiliation B. Monotony
C. Corporal Punishment D. Mass movement

43. He is the first leader to prescribe imprisonment as correctional treatment for major offenders also
responsible for the abolition of death penalty and torture as a form of punishment.
A. John Howard B. William Penn
C. Rutherford Hayes D. Gloria Macapagal Aroyo

44. It refers to prison which is used to confine slaves where they were attached to workbenches and forced to
do hard labor in the period of their imprisonment.
A. Underground Cistern B. Sing-Sing Correctional Facility
C. Ergastulum D. Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary

45. The first and longest who served as warden in the Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary (THE ROCK) from September
15, 1874 to September 7, 1954?
A. James Aloysius Johnston “Old Saltwater” B. James V. Bennett
C. Olin “Gypsy or Blackie” G. Blackwell D. Vicomte Jean Jacques Philippe Villain XIV

46. It is known as the “Age of Reason or Age of Enlightenment”.

A. 1870 – 1880 B. 18th Century C. 19th Century D. 21st Century

47. It has been regarded as the Forerunner of Modern Penology and known as “THE HILL” due to its extensive
use of parole social case work and training school type of institution and headed by Director Zebulon
A. Elmira Correctional Facility (Elmira Reformatory) B. Borstal Institution
C. Auburn Correctional Facility D. Pennsylvania Correctional Facility

48. It is the period of recognizing human dignity. It is the movement of reformation, period of introduction of
certain reforms in the correctional field by certain person, gradually changing the old positive philosophy of
punishment to a more humane treatment of prisoners with innovational programs or development of
correctional systems
A. Age of Reason B. Age of Rehabilitation
C. Age of Reformation D. Age of Reintegration

49. It was established in year 1825 for juveniles who were the predecessor of the American reformatory School.
The development of this movement had coincident with the humanitarian outlook of the western world at
the time, and it emphasized that juvenile should reformed instead of punishment. The first juvenile
reformatory which located in New York City.
A. Elmira Reformatory B. New York House of Refuge
C. Youth Detention Cell D. Borstal Institution

50. Who introduced the Silent System in 1831 at the Auburn Prison?
A. John Howard B. Jeremy Bentham
C. Samuel Gridley Howe D. Director Zebulon Brockway

51. It refers to a Prison system whereby prisoners are confined in their own cells during the night and
congregate work in shops during the day also known as “Congregate System or Factory System or New
York System”.
A. Auburn Prison System B. Pennsylvania Prison System
C. Custody Oriented Prison D. Treatment Oriented Prison
E. Chateau D’If

52. The Panopticon is a type of prison building designed by English philosopher Jeremy Bentham in 1785. The
concept of the design was derived from the word meaning of “Pan” and “Opticon”. “Opticon’ means:
A. To allow an observer to observe B. Without the prisoner
C. Avoids watching D. To walk in military manner

53. This institution was located in Rome and designated for incorrigible youth under 20 years of age and on top
of their doors an instruction was written which reads, “it is insufficient to retain the wicked by punishment
unless you render them virtuously by corrective discipline”. At night they pray and sleep on separate cells
for repentance but at day time work in a large central hall isolation solitary work in the cells:
A. Bridewell Institution B. Hospital of Saint Michael or Hospice De San Michelle
C. Hospicio de San Jose D. Fort Santiago

54. Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda also-known-as “Pepe” was imprisoned and detained for
the crime of Rebellion before the execution of death to Firing Squad at the Bagumbayan know now as
Luneta. The Fort Santiago is located at?
A. Dapitan, Zamboanga B. Intramuros, Manila
C. Calamba, Laguna D. Gagalangin, Tondo, Manila

55. He stated that “Punishment should not be more secure than necessary to deter crime because excessive
punishment is unjustified”?
A. Raffaele Garofalo B. Cesare Lombroso
C. Charles Goring D. Jeremy Bentham

56. The Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women is the only maximum prison in Bedford Hills, Westchester
County, New York, USA. It is the largest women's prison in New York State and has hosted many infamous
prisoners. What is the old name of the said Facility? (A family-centered program founded by Sister Elaine
A. Westfield State Farm B. Albion Correctional Facility
C. Bayview Correctional Facility D. Beacon Correctional Facility
E. Taconic Correctional Facility

57. The Elmira Correctional Facility, and a maximum security prison located in New York in the USA. The prison
is located in Chemung County, New York in the City of Elmira.
A. The Hill B. Prison Education C. The Rock D. The Dungeon

58. Who among the following stated that “the person subject to punishment should emerge a better man, or
failing that, less of wretch”?
A. Nolie Ingcad B. Plato C. Aristotle D. Cesare Lombroso

59. What is the earliest remedy for a wrong act to anyone in the primitive society?

A. Fines B. Punishment C. Penalty (Criminal law) D. Retaliation

60. What is the early form of prison discipline which involved productive works?
A. Hard labor B. Deprivation C. Mass movement D. Social work

61. All except one are not the recommendation of John Howard under Penitentiary Act 1779 (Parliamentary
Act of 1774)
A. A secure and sanitary building (health)
B. Inspection to ensure that offenders followed the rules
C. Abolition of the fees charged offenders for their food (Jailer’s fee)
D. A reformatory regime
E. None

62. A form of public humiliation and physical pain by tossing of heavy rock or stone to the offender until he
A. Pillory B. Stoning to death C. Slavery D. Breaking on the wheel E. Stock

63. The putting of offenders in prison for the purpose of protecting the public and at the same time rehabilitating
them by requiring the latter to undergo institutional treatment program is referred to as: (2008)
A. Imprisonment B. Conviction C. Trial D. Detention

64. It refers to the money paid to the relatives of a murdered person as compensation and to prevent blood feud.
“Payment for the victim or Man’s price”.(1216)
A. Wergild B. Money Compensation
C. Lex Salica D. Tit for Tat

65. Who among the following was given the title “Father of Prison Reform in the United States”? (0415)
A. Director Zebulon Brockway B. Alexander Rice
C. John Howard D. Alexander Maconochie

66. In the history of capital punishment, what do they call this frame, typically wooden, used for execution by
A. Wolves B. Gallows (Scaffold) C. Punks D. Fags E. Double blade

67. These concept were the head of the family has virtually limitless powers to punish erring family members
and slaves?
A. Parens Patriae B. Loco Parentis C. Pater Familias D. Guardian Ad Litem

68. According to ancient Roman law which passed in 509 B.C., Who has the authority to affirm or deny flogging
or execution as a form of punishment?
A. King B. Friars C. Centuriate Assembly D. The Oracles

69. Another form of torture similar to stocks which is v-shaped yolk worn around the neck and where the
outstretched arms of the convict were tied.
A. Branding B. Furca C. Guillotine D. Banishment
70. The act of methodically beating or whipping the human body. This kind of punishment is practiced to give
harmony to Family, School and Prisoner.
A. Mutilation B. Ostracism C. Destierro D. Flogging or Flagellation

71. The punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated, to afford the society or
individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable punishment as might be enforced.
Offenders should be punished because they deserve it. This is one justification of punishment called:
A. Atonement B. Incapacitation C. Deterrence D. Retribution

72. The following are the justifications of punishment or the juridical condition of punishment. EXCEPT
A. Retribution B. Deterrence C. Happiness D. Expiation or Atonement

73. What is the legal process that results in the removal of conviction from the official records?
A. Mitigation B. Expungement or Expunction C. Exoneration D. Restriction

74. Which of the following adaptive roles of most male inmates use in the orientations to adapt to prison. Except.
A. Doing time B. Gleaning C. Jailing D. Disorganized E. None

75. The penalty imposed for offenders must be certain. This means that:
A. The guilty one must be the one to be punished.
B. No one must escape its effect.
C. It must be equal for all persons.
D. The consequences must be in accordance with law.

76. Which of the following is not an objective of imprisonment?

A. Deterrence B. Rehabilitation C. Depenalization D. Retribution

77. It is a continuing state of good order in Prison or Jail.

A. Prison Discipline B. Inmate Social Code C. Proselytizing D. Prisonization

78. The socializing process by which the inmate learn the rules and regulation of the institution and the informal
rules, values, customs and general culture of the penitentiary or prison culture whether formal or informal?
A. Proselytizing B. Expiation or atonement
C. Prisonization D. Deterrence

79. The act of prisoner trying to convert or induce another to change his religious beliefs, sect or the like to
another while under confinement. He is referred to as?
A. Proselytizing B. Initiation
C. Proselyte D. Inducement

80. When an individual’s commits a crime they let the person drink pungent poison to drive away the evil spirit
inside his body which leads him in the commission of crime. How do you call this early forms of correction
A. Pungent Poison B. Contract System C. Piece Price System D. None

81. What system was referred to where prisoner were employed in the production of goods and services used
only in government institute and agencies?
A. Lease System B. State Use System
C. Piece Price System D. Public Account System

82. What is the movement in 1790 which held that offenders were out of touch with God thus, they were given
bibles and placed in isolations?
A. Quaker Reform Movement (17th Century) B. Reformatory Movement (1910)
C. Church Reform Movement (15th Century) D. Crime Prevention Movement

83. Which model emphasize the assumption that criminal behavior is caused by biological or psychological
conditions that require treatment?
A. Medical model B. Reform model C. Rehabilitation model D. Community model

84. It means changing criminals through non-punitive means is referred to as ____?

A. Restitution B. Retribution C. Reformation D. Institutional

85. An authorization that permits inmate to leave place of confinement for emergency reasons. A prisoner is
allowed to leave prison and then return.
A. Prison Furlough B. Work release C. Home Furlough D. Delayed sentence

86. A warden who limits his role to consider policy matters and major problems, his responsibility is centered
on. The action or process of making decisions, especially important ones.
A. Decision Making B. Public Relations C. Personnel Program D. Executive Leadership

87. It is a kind of court to settle tribunal and even individuals peoples conflicts: (Father Conrado Balweg)
A. Bodong B. Capic C. Korte Supremo D. Hito

88. Imprisonment is not always advisable. Placing a person to custodial coercion is to place him into physical
jeopardy, thus drastically narrowing his access to sources of personal satisfaction and reducing his self –
esteem. This is true in:
A. Managerial aspect B. Restorative aspect C. Humanitarian aspect D. NOTA

89. The main and primary objective of our correctional systems is the protection of the community while the
latest objectives of our correctional system is what?
A. Reformation of offenders B. Segregation of offender
C. Deterrence D. Confinement of offenders

90. What is the primary purpose of imprisonment?

A. Protection of the society B. To stand trial
C. Punishment D. Socialization

91. This model is linked to the structures and goals of community corrections but has direct impact on prison
operations. Consistent with the perspective of community corrections, this model is based on the
assumption that it is important for the offender to maintain or develop ties with the free society.
A. Corrective Model B. Reintegration Model
C. Responsibility Model D. Rehabilitation Model

92. What is this social treatment which was developed in 1956, and which aim to change the prison institution
into a more democratic operation where inmate has a say in what goes on?
A. Occupational Therapy B. Psycho therapy
C. Milieu System D. Therapeutic Community Modality Program

93. The Bureau has four major areas of rehabilitation program, namely. Except.
A. Livelihood Projects and Recreation and Sports B. Educational and Vocational Training;
C. Religious/ Spiritual Activities D. Sharing of experience

94. What are the functions of Corrections in the Philippines? (MPRD)
A. Maintenance of Institution and Deterrence of Crimes
B. Protection of law-abiding members of society
C. Reformation and Rehabilitation of offenders
D. All of these

95. The BJMP’s officers and staff are guided by the following core values. Except (12-18)
A. Commitment and Respect for Human Rights
B. Efficiency/Competence and Cooperation
C. Teamwork
D. None of these

96. One of the following is an admission procedure which involves the frisking of the prisoner.
A. Admission B. Searching C. Briefing/Orientation D. Classification

97. The Operation conducted by the BJMP wherein a prisoner maybe checked at any time. His beddings, lockers
and personal belongings may also be opened at any time, in his presence, whenever possible. This practice
is known as:
A. Oplan Galugad B. Standard Operating Procedure
C. Inventory D. Operation Greyhound

98. The process of unload as method in searching the prisoner for possession of contraband’s inside the prison
cells and compound.
A. Frisking/Pat down/Body Frisking B. Shakedown
C. Operation Greyhound D. Strip Search

99. In Operation Greyhound, all orders concerning troop movements will emanate from him.
A. Assistant team Leader B. Team Leader
C. Ground Commander D. Security Teams

100. It is a means correcting an offender by placing him to an institution where he can be treated well until he
becomes fully recovered and accepted by the community.
A. Institutional Corrections B. Therapeutic Community
C. Non-Institutional Correction D. Correction

101. It is referring to any Institutions that responsible for the rehabilitation and reformation of the offender
whether convicted, on appeal or those waiting for trial or decision of the Court or by any competent Authority
thru Correctional facilities, Dormitories, asylums, safekeeping's or any other Institutions authorized by the
Competent Authority.
A. Correction B. Institutional Correction
C. Non-Institutional Correction D. Therapeutic Community Modality Program

102. The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology was created thru _______ as one of the Tri Bureau under the
Department of Interior and Local Government. (2010)
A. Section 66, RA 6975, B. Section 23, RA 6975, RA 8551, RA 9708
C. Section 53, RA 6975, RA 9263, RA 9592 D. Section 60, RA 6975, RA 9263, RA 9592

103. Who supervised and control the Provincial Jail.

A. DILG B. Provincial Governor C. DOJ D. Local Government Unit

104. The head of BJMP in the Provincial level referred to as –

A. Provincial Jail Administrator B. Jail Warden
C. Municipal Jail Warden D. District Jail Warden

105. The enactment of Republic Act no. 6975 created the BJMP. It operates as a line bureau under the
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG). This statement is:
A. Partially True B. Partially False C. True D. False

106. Pursuant to Republic Act 6975, section 61. The power and function of the Jail Bureau shall exercise
supervision and control over all to.
A. City Jails, Municipal Jails and Provincial Jails B. City Jails and Municipal Jails
C. District Jails and Provincial Jails D. Direction and control over all jails in the country

107. What is the Executive Department that supervises and controls the numerous Correctional Institutions
A. Department of Justice
B. Department of the Interior and Local Government
C. Department of Social Welfare and Development
D. Department of National Defense

108. The Head of the Bureau of Corrections (Kawanihan ng mga Bilangguan) is known as?
A. Chief of the Bureau of Corrections B. Director of the Bureau of Corrections

C. Superintendent of the Bureau of Corrections D. None of these

109. What Bureau under the DILG is responsible for the supervision and control of Jails?
A. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology B. Bureau of Corrections
C. Provincial Jail D. City/Municipalities Jails

110. Which of the following is not type of Jails under the Supervision of the BJMP?
A. Provincial and Sub-Provincial Jails B. City and Municipal Jails
C. District Jails D. Insular Jails

111. It is considered as the highest income earner among the Philippine Correctional Institution. (CLE-2017)
A. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm (SIMC) Iuhit (Region IV-B)
B. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm (Region IX)
C. Davao Prison and Penal Farm (PK) (Dapecol) (Region XI)
D. Sablayan Prison and Farm (CPPY) (Region IV-B)

112. It is then known as Carcel y Presidio Correccional. (Correctional Jail and Military Prison)
A. Old Bilibid Prison B. Manila City Jail
C. New Bilibid Prison D. May Halique Estate

113. It was formerly known as the Iuhit Penal Settlement. “Prison without wall”
A. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm (Palawan)
B. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm (Occidental Mindoro)
C. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm (Zamboanga)
D. New Bilibid Prison (Muntinlupa)

114. It is located in Sto. Tomas Kapalong, Panabo, Davao Del Norte. General Paulino Santos led the first
contingent which opened the colony. Tagum, Davao del Norte, Approximate Land Area is 30,000 hectares.
First penal settlement organized under Filipino Administration on January 21, 1932 (Act 3732 & Proc. 414
series 1931) signed by Gov. Dwight Davis
A. Davao Prison and Penal Farm B. Tagum Agricultural Development Company Inc.
C. Panabo and Kapalong D. Tanglaw Settlement

115. Gov. Luke E. Wright made the suggestion (Authorized) of the construction of this penal institution and it
was established on 1904 through the orders of Gov. Forbes. It is considered as one of the most open penal
institutions in the world.
A. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm B. Sta Lucia- 9,685 hectares;
C. Inagawan - 13,000 hectares. D. Central - 14,700 hectares;
E. Montible - 8,000 hectares

116. The following are the sub-colonies of Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm. (September 26, 1954)
A. Central B. Pasugui C. Pusog D. Yapang E. Panabo
F. Kapalong G. Sta Lucia H. Inagawan I. Montible J. Central
A. A-B-C-D B. A-B-G-H C. A-G-H-I D. Either of these

117. The main insular penitentiary during Spanish Regime is located in Manila? 1847, but formally opened on
A. San Ramon and Penal Farm (August 21, 1870)
B. Iwahig Prison and Penal farm (November 16, 1904)
C. Old Bilibid Prison
D. New Bilibid Prison (January 22, 1941 – Officially opened)
E. Correctional Institution for Women (November 1929)

118. In the New Bilibid Prison, the Medium Security Prisoners are confined at Medium Security Prison located
at –
A. New Bilibid Prison main building B. Camp Bukang Liwayway
C. Camp Sampaguita D. Medium Security Prison

119. The Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm is a National Penitentiary in the Philippines under the BUCOR is
located in _____. (CLE-2013)
A. Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, B. Panabo, Davao Del Norte
C. Zamboanga City D. Occidental Mindoro

120. The Inagawan sub–colony is to Iwahig Penal Colony while Kapalong sub-colony is to?
A. Leyte Regional Prison (LRP) (Region VIII) B. Old Bilibid Prison
C. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm (SRPPF) D. Davao Prison and Penal Farm (DAPECOL)

121. The Spaniards built a prison for Political Prisoners and/or Muslim rebels in ____1869.
A. Muntinlupa B. Puerto Pricesa City, Palawan
C. Zamboanga City D. Panabo, Davao Del Norte (January 21, 1932)

122. Articles 1706 to 1727 of the Revised Administrative Code of the Philippines as amended is known as?
A. Executive Order 292 B. Prison Law (Correctional System)

C. Jail Management Law D. Parole and Probation Administration

123. In 1936, the City of Manila exchanges its Muntinlupa property with the Bureau of Prisons originally intended
as a site for boys’ training school. Today, the Old Bilibid Prison is now being used as the Manila City Jail,
famous as the: (CLE-2008)
A. Mayhalique Estate B. New Bilibid Prison C. Alcatraz of the Rockies D. JICA

124. Which of these authorizes the release of a detainee who has undergone preventive imprisonment equivalent
to the maximum imposable sentence for the offense he is charged with?
A. Batas Pambansa 85 B. Republic Act 10159
C. Republic Act 10592 D. Republic Act 10575

125. The imprisonment of a convicted offender may serve, at the rate of Php 8.00 per day (Highest minimum
wage rate prevailing in the Philippines) subject to certain rules, for failure to pay a fine and if ordered to do
so by the judgment is referred to as.
A. Subsidiary imprisonment B. Preventive Imprisonment
C. Secondary Imprisonment D. None of the above

126. Which of these is known as the release on Recognizance Law providers for the release of offender charged
with an offense whose penalty is not more than six (6) months and/or a fine of P2,000.00 or both, to the
custody of a responsible person in the community, instead of a bail bond –
A. Republic Act 6036 B. Republic Act 6127
C. Act 2489 D. Republic Act 10389

127. It originated as a measure of preventive justice, involving the release of the person accused of committing
a crime to the custody of a person of reputable character, who shall have the responsibility of bringing the
accused to court whenever the court requires.
A. Bail B. Guarantee C. Recognizance D. Warranty

128. The security given for release of a person in custody of the law, furnished by him or a bondsman, conditioned
upon his appearance before any court as require under the conditions provided by the law.
A. Bondsman B. Bail C. Property Bond D. Cash Bond

129. The fully deduction of the period of the offender’s preventive detention from sentence imposed by the courts.
A. Republic Act 10592 B. Republic Act 10575
C. Republic Act 10389 D. Republic Act 6127

130. The Presidential Decree 603 is otherwise known as?

A. The “Child and Youth Welfare Code” B. The “Child and Youth Welfare Act”
C. “The Child and Youth Welfare Code” D. The Juvenile Justice Welfare Code Act of 2006

131. The rehabilitation centers for youthful offenders are administered by government. What agency of the
government that task for the rehabilitation of CICL.
A. Office of the President B. DSWD C. DILG D. DND

132. What law establishing seven regional prisons and converting existing national penal institutions into regular
prisons and penal farms, appropriating funds therefor, and for other purposes?
A. Act no. 3732 B. Presidential Decree 28
C. Commonwealth Act 67 D. Act 3579

133. An act providing for the diminution of sentences imposed upon prisoners convicted of any offense and
sentenced for a definite term of more than thirty days and less than life in consideration of good conduct
and diligence. The law on working Detention is also known as?
A. Act 1533 B. Act 1723
C. Royal Decree promulgated in 1869 D. Republic Act No. 7309

134. Who is the 2nd in command in the BJMP according to Republic Act 9263?
A. Deputy Chief for Administration B. Chief, Directorial Staff
C. Deputy Chief for Operation D. Any of these

135. All except one is not included in the command group of Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
(Kawanihan ng Pamamahala ng Kulungan at Penolohiya).
A. Chief, BJMP B. Deputy Chief for Administration
C. Deputy Chief for Operation D. Chief of Directorial Staff E. None

136. All original appointments of officers (Commission Rank) in the BJMP shall commence with the rank of?
A. Jail Officer I B. Jail Inspector C. Jail Officer II D. Jail Senior Inspector
137. The Jail Bureau shall be headed by a chief with a rank of Director, and assisted by Deputy Chief with the
Rank of Senior Superintendent. This statement is: (Jail Chief Superintendent)
A. Partially True B. True C. Partially False D. False

138. What is the minimum rank required to be appointed as Chief of Bureau of Jail Management and Penology?
A. Jail Superintendent B. Jail Senior Superintendent

C. Jail Chief Superintendent D. Jail Director

139. Mr. Chaps, a 31 years old and passers of Civil Service Professional Examination equivalent to 2 nd level
eligibility, if he want to become Correction Officer I. As a Personnel of the Bureau of Correction is he qualified
to become Correction Officer I?
A. No, because he already reach the maximum age B. Yes, because as long as he has eligibility
C. Yes, because the maximum age is 40 D. Yes, if he is MNSA or MBA

140. A person who is detained for the violation of law or ordinance and has not been convicted is a –
A. Detention Prisoner B. Provincial Prisoner
C. Municipal Prisoner D. City Prisoner

141. All District Jail has covers all imprisonment with the duration of ____ based on the BJMP Operational
Manual of 2015.
A. One day to Three years B. One day to Three years and above
C. Six months and One day to Three years D. More than three years

142. The prisoner within how many radius by road from the confinement facility and the actual stay of the
inmates to view the remains.
A. 20 Kilometer B. 40 Kilometer C. 30 Kilometer D. 50 Kilometer

143. The prisoner is allowed more or less __ hours to view the deceased in the place where the remains lie in
state and shall not be allowed to pass any other place in transit.
A. Three (3) Days B. Ten (10) Days C. Three (3) Hours D. Fifteen (15) Days

144. Executive Order 70, only medium and minimum – security prisoners may be allowed to view the remains of
the immediate members of their families within the second degree of consanguinity except? (2004)
A. Grandparent B. Grandchildren C. Children D. Illegitimate spouse

145. Who among the following inmates may not be allowed to see the remains of a dead immediate family
member? According to Executive Order 70.
A. Minimum Security B. Maximum Security C. Medium Security D. NOTA

146. Who composed of guards trained on proper handling and use of firearms who shall be ready to fire when
the lives of the guards are in danger on orders of the Officer in Command?
A. 1st Group Anti-riot B. 4th Group Anti-riot
C. 3 Group Anti-riot
rd D. 2nd Group Anti-riot

147. The 2nd group shall not use riot control gases, except on orders of the –
A. Desk Officer B. Armorer C. Control Center D. Officer–In-Charge

148. Who should make an immediate preparation for the issuance of the necessary anti-riot equipment and
A. Warden B. Director for operation C. Director D. QRT Armorer

149. In 1934, this position was created to supervised Correctional Institution for Women (CIW) formerly known
“Women’s Prison”:
A. Wardress (Wardina) B. Female Superintendent
C. Superintendent D. Chief Superintendent

150. A Minimum and Maximum amount of time to be served in prison is referred to as:
A. Determinate Sentence B. Corporal Sentence
C. Indeterminate (Undeterminate) D. Capital Punishment

151. Among the following factors, which would be best determine the extent to which prison functions are
A. Operating system B. Adequacy of resources
C. Inmates population and size of the prison jail D. Number of prison staff

152. A place of confinement for city and municipal detainees/prisoners, any fugitive from justice, or person
detained awaiting or undergoing investigation or trial and/or pending transfer to the National Penitentiary,
and/or violent, mentally ill person who endangers him/herself or the safety of others, duly certified as such
by the proper medical or health officer, pending transfer to a mental institution. (BJMP Manual)
A. Jail B. Lock-up C. Penitentiary D. Detention Cells

153. Mr. Chaps, was convicted to serve a penalty of 6 years of imprisonment for usurpation of a person in
authority due to his frequent introduction of himself as NBI Agent, what would be his classification under
Presidential Decree 29, series of 1972?
A. Detention prisoner B. Provincial prisoner
C. Municipal Prisoner D. Insular Prisoner/National prisoner

154. Prisoners sentenced from one day to three years or a fine of not more than one thousand pesos are
categorized as- (2012)

A. Insular Prisoner B. City Prisoner C. Provincial Prisoner D. NOTA

155. The Municipal prisoners are those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from ___.
A. 1 day to 3 years B. 1 day to 30 days C. 1 day to 6 months D. NOTA

156. A person who is sentenced to serve a prison term of over three (3) years is a _____.
A. Municipal prisoner B. Detention prisoner
C. National or Insular prisoner D. City prisoner

157. This prisoner is one who is sentenced to a prison term of six (6) months and one day to three (3) years.
A. Municipal prisoner B. City prisoner
C. Insular prisoner D. Provincial Jail

158. The offenders who are sentenced to a prison term of three years and one day or more than three years shall
be sent to?
A. Detention cells of the police
B. Jail under provincial government
C. Correctional facilities of the Bureau of Corrections
D. Jails of the Bureau of jail Management and Penology

159. When an inmate is given a "Shakedown" before admission it meant

A. Process of Identification, Record, Fingerprint and Photograph
B. Examination for Contraband
C. His Commitment Paper Are Delivered To Record Clerk
D. All of These

160. The Chairman of the Classification Board in BJMP

A. Deputy Warden B. Chief, Security Officer
C. Medical Officer D. Jail Chaplain E. Inmate Welfare Development Officer

161. A general agreed principle that women prisoners should be placed in a special building on the same site
with the men‘s prison.
A. Diversification by Sex B. Diversification by Mental condition
C. Diversification by Age D. Diversification by Degree of Custody

162. The word Diversification means? (2008)

A. Proper Integration of Prisoners B. Proper Segregation of Prisoners
C. Proper Classification of Prisoners D. Proper Treatment of Prisoners

163. The principle of separating homogeneous type of prisoners that requires special treatment and custody is
A. Classification B. Distinction C. Diversification D. Quarantine

164. These are the factors considered in diversification, except:

A. Age of offenders B. Wife of the offender
C. Sex of offenders D. Medical condition

165. The following are the aims of diversification in prison or jail, except:
A. More effective execution of treatment programs
B. To prevent physical contamination of one group another
C. To prevent unnecessary custodial risk (Objective of Prison Custodial)
D. None of the above

166. All except one is not confined at the Maximum compound?

A. Death Convicts and Inmate Sentenced to Life term B. Sentences of more than 20 years
C. Multiple convictions, and numerous pending cases D. Those who are corrigible

167. All exceptone, is not the qualification to be confined at the Medium compound?
A. Those whose minimum sentence is less than twenty years imprisonment
B. Remand inmates or detainees whose sentences are below twenty years
C. Those who are eighteen years of age and below, regardless of case and sentence
D. Those who have two or more records escapes. They classified as medium security inmates if they
have served eight years since they were recommitted. Those with one record of escape must serve
five years.
E. First offenders sentenced to life imprisonment. They may be classified as medium security if they
have served five years in a maximum security prison or less, upon the recommendation of the
superintendent. Those were detained in a city and/ or provincial jail shall not entitled to said
F. Those who apply for probation

168. What is the prescribed color of uniform for Minimum Security Prisoners as provided by the BuCor manual?
A. Blue B. Brown C. Tangerine D. Gray

169. The newly arrived or convicted inmates committed to BuCor are brought to RDC (DRD) for a total period of
______ for Quarantine, Classification and determination of appropriate program.
A. 60 Days B. 55 Days C. 5 Days D. NONE

170. All except one, is not part of the Quarantine.

A. Given physical examination to determine any physical illness or handicap or mental ailment ant
to segregate those suspected of having an infectious or contagious disease. If found sick, the
inmate shall be immediately confined in the prison hospital;
B. Oriented with prison rules;
C. Interview by a counselor, social worker, or other program staff officer. The interview shall be
conducted in private.
D. Provide Waiver of Liability before interview

171. Where a newly committed insular prisoner undergoes diagnosis and treatment as part of the classification
A. Directorate for Reception and Diagnostic B. Treatment and Rehabilitation Center
C. Inmate Classification and Counselling Unit D. Quarantine Unit

172. The Camp Sampaguita in New Bilibid Prison at the Muntinlupa City houses such as Youth Camp,
Directorate for Reception and Diagnostic and which of the following:
A. Super Maximum Security Compound B. Medium Security Compound
C. Maximum Security Compound D. Minimum Security Compound

173. Mr. Chaps, served his sentence at the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa. Why he was photographed at the
Directorate for Reception and Diagnostic?
A. It is a rare opportunity to have his photograph
B. He is an actor and photogenic
C. Photographing the inmate is part of the reception procedure
D. To have a souvenir photo of the actor

174. This helps the prisoner/detainee in the resolution of his problems.

A. Medical treatment B. Educational Program C. Vocational Course D. Counseling

175. One of the Components of RDC which is responsible in the examination of the prisoner’s mental and
emotional make-up.
A. Medical officer B. Sociologist C. Psychologist D. Psychiatrist

176. The jail medical Officer or the jail officer designated nurse of the Health Unit will conduct a thorough
physical examination on the newly committed inmate and will note down significant bodily marks, scars,
tattoos and lesions based on the medical certificate presented by the committing officer. He or she must
ensure that his/her findings are congruent to the medical certificate presented. Any discrepancy shall
warrant further investigation by and reporting of the same to the CHR.
A. Social Case Study B. Medical Examination
C. Dental Examination D. Psychological Examination

177. A process where shall be utilized to determine the level of violence/risk the inmate poses, either external or
internal. This will help in the proper classification and segregation of inmates and in the design of specific
development plans.
A. Psychiatric Evaluation B. Risk Assessment
C. Case Management D. None of these

178. A branch that takes charge of financial matters especially in programming, budgeting, accounting, and
other activities related to financial services. It consolidates & prepares financial reports and related
statements of subsistence outlays and disbursements in the operational of the jail.
A. Budget and Finance Branch B. General Services Branch
C. Property and Supply Branch D. Mittimus Computing Branch

179. This branch takes charge of the preparation of the daily menu, makes foodstuff purchases, prepares and
cooks the food and serves it to the inmates. It maintains a record of daily purchases and consumption and
submits a daily report to the Warden.
A. Record and Statistic Branch B. Personnel Management Branch
C. Budget and Finance D. Mess Services Branch

180. When the offender is in transit, the ratio of ____ for every offender shall be observed in BJMP. (2009)
A. 1:1+1 B. 1:120 C. 1:7 D. 1:24 E. At least 2 Correction officer

181. The BuCor shall maintain the custodial personnel-to-inmate ratio of?
A. One Custodial Personnel for every 7 Prisoner (1:7)
B. One is to One hundred twenty (1:120) for Educational and Training
C. At least two (2) vehicles must be used in escorting HR/HP inmates.
D. There must be no more than eight (8) inmates per prisoners van.
E. Moral and Spiritual - 1:240
F. Work and Livelihood - 1:180

G. Sports and Recreational - 1:225
H. Health and Welfare - 1:80
I. Behavior Modification - 1:150

182. When the offender is in transit, In case of _______that demands extra precaution additional guards shall be
A. High Profile Inmate B. High-risk Inmate C. Bisexual Inmate D. Either of These

183. An enemy combatant, high ranking official or a civilian in danger of capture or death, typically in possession
of critical intelligence, data, or authority marked as an objective for a mission.
A. High Value Target B. Security Threat Group
C. Violent Extremist Offender D. Terrorist Group E. Subversive Group

184. What is the mandatory document to be signed by the detainee in jails if he/she agreed to abide by the
disciplinary measure similar to those convicted inmates?
A. Detainee Certification B. Detainee Manifestation or Prison Agreement
C. Good Conduct Time Allowance D. Special Time Allowance for Loyalty

185. The transfer of inmates to a provincial jail or vice versa as the occasion may require, the transfer of inmates
from National prison to a provincial jail. The expenses for such transfers shall be borne by the Bureau
except the cost of escort service which shall provide by the Philippine National Police may direct by whom?
A. Warden B. Directors C. President D. Provincial Administrator

186. Mr. Chaps, is a newly arrived inmate committed for the first time. He is classified as _____ among the
classification of inmates according to privileges.
A. 1st class inmate B. 2nd Class inmate
C. 3rd class inmate D. Colonist E. Jail Aide

187. To be a ______, one must be at least a 1 st class inmate and has serve one year immediately preceding the
completion of the period specified in the following qualification: has served imprisonment with Good conduct
for at least 7 years in the case of life imprisonment.
A. 1st class inmate B. 2nd class inmate C. 3rd class inmate D. Colonist

188. What Classification of Prisoners According to Degree of Security if the prisoner cannot be trusted in open
conditions and pose lesser danger than Maximum Security Prisoners in case they escape.
A. Minimum Security Prisoners B. Medium Security Prisoners
C. Maximum Security Prisoners D. Any of the Above

189. The close confinement in a cell in BJMP shall be between _____ in any calendar month provided that this
punishment shall be imposed only in the case of an incorrigible prisoner, when other disciplinary measured
had been proven ineffective.
A. 1 month to 2 months B. 1 day to 7 days
C. not more than 1 month D. Not more than 12 months

190. A device, contrivance, tool or instrument used to hold back, keep in, check or control inmates.
A. Instrument of Restraint B. Iron leg Lock
C. Handcuffs D. Metallic chains

191. The inmate’s ___ may be excused from mandatory prison labor.
A. Senior Citizens Inmates B. 56 years old C. Jail Aide D. Colonist

192. The ____ may grant GCTA to an inmate as a matter of privilege for good behavior with no record of
disciplinary infraction or violation of prison rules and regulation. Except.
A. Director of BJMP B. Warden C. President D. Director of Corrections

193. The Inmates’ earnings that may be used to buy his needs.
A. ½ of his earnings B. ¼ of his earnings
C. ¾ of his earnings D. Discretion of Warden

194. The telephone calls are permitted for inmates for a period not exceeding five minutes every how many days
with good behavior.
A. Thirty days B. Seventy-two days C. Ninety days D. Forty-five days

195. To be considered as the forgotten victim?

A. Women B. Victim C. Offender D. Client

196. If escorting an inmate a guard shall keep distance of not less than how many paces (steps) from his charge.
A. Ten B. Six C. Fifteen Days D. Forty Five Days

197. The Presiding Judge shall place the witness stand _______. When the prisoners is on the witness stand, the
custodian shall stand between the judge and the prisoner.
A. At least one and a half meter away from his seat
B. At least forty meters

C. Not less than 20 meters
D. At least One meter and sixty-two centimetre

198. In mess hall and dining area for purposes of precaution, the prescribe utensil for inmates shall be made of:
A. Wood B. Paper C. Plastic D. Carton

199. Mr. Chaps a prisoner from New Bilibid Prison carry a pair of spoon and fork in dining hall to eat his favorite
Chicken inasal with Chicken oil, Chili, Soy sauce and calamanci. As a Correction Officer or Jail Officer what
will you do?
A. Confiscate the food and conduct strip search B. Ignore him because its lunch break
C. Confiscate the spoon and fork and make a report D. Conduct surveillance

200. The one-fifth of the sentence for loyalty equivalent shall be deducted from the inmates sentence if, after the
inmate abandoned prison due to disorder arising:
A. Special Time Allowance (STAL) B. Good Conduct Time Allowance (GCTA)
C. Conjugal Visitation D. Conjugal Privilege

201. An offender who surrenders from escaping because of calamity immediately 48 hours after the
pronouncement of the passing away of calamity shall be granted
A. 1/5 reduction of sentence (RPC) B. 80% of total confinement
C. 2/5 reduction of sentence (R.A. 10592) D. 100% of total confinement

202. A visit by the wife for a short period, usually an hour, more or less, to her incarcerated husband during
which they are allowed privacy and are generally understood to have sexual contact.
A. Maternal Visit B. Sodomy C. Masturbation D. Conjugal Visitation

203. Who shall exercise authority if the warden is taken as the hostage, and for all intents and purposes the
warden shall ceases (stops) authority to command and the next in command or the ______ must takes
A. Most Senior B. Deputy Warden C. London Syndrome D. Stockholm syndrome

204. It is an act of leaving from jail of an inmate through unofficial and illegal ways or without any legal order
from the authorities.
A. Jail Break B. Jail Escape C. Noise Barrage D. Jail Incident

205. In case of mass jailbreak, all members of the custodial force shall be immediately issued firearms and
assigned to critical posts to:
A. Plug off the escape routes B. To shoot the escape
C. Sound the alarm D. Gives warning shots

206. In case of Jailbreaks, who shall immediately sound the alarm and also shall take into consideration the
readiness of all communication lines for emergency calls to the outside? (2003)
A. Desk Officer B. Armorer
C. Officer at the Control Center D. Gater

207. The following are the duties of the custodial force in prison, except:
A. Censor offender’s inmate B. Escort inmates
C. Inspect security devices D. Conduct disciplinary hearing

208. Who among the following shall be responsible in the custody of all the properties seized from the detainee
prior to his detention?
A. Property Custodial Officer B. Chief of Custodial Officer
C. Evidence Custodian Officer D. Court

209. It is the primary objective of Custodial and Security Division?

A. To prevent riot B. To implement discipline
C. To prevent escapes D. To help in the reformation of prisoners

210. The Custodial Division is in charge of all matters pertaining to the custody of the prisoners and security of
the institutions, which of the following is considered as the commanding officers?
A. Security Officers B. Senior Prison Guards
C. Supervisor Prison Guards D. Prison Guards

211. Which of the following is the function of the Custodial Division?

A. Supervision of prisoners B. Escort
C. Keep records D. All of the above

212. Any article, item, or thing prohibited by law and/or forbidden by jail rules that would pose as security
hazards or endanger the lives of inmates.
A. Contraband B. Impact Weapon
C. Illegal Contrabands D. Merely Prohibited and Nuisance Contraband

213. It is a written order of the court, or any other agency authorized by law to issue, entrusting an inmate to a
jail for the purpose of safekeeping during the pendency of his/her case.
A. Commitment Order B. Safekeeping of National Prisoner
C. Safekeeping D. Mittimus Order

214. The maintenance of care and protection accorded to people who by authority of law are temporarily
incarcerated for violation of laws and also those who were sentenced by the court to serve judgment is
A. Custody B. Safekeeping
C. Maximum Tolerance D. Classification

215. This refers to the institutional record (national record) of an inmate which consists of his
Mittimus/commitment order, the prosecutor’s information and the decision of the trial court, including that
of the appellate court, if any:
A. Mittimus Order B. Carpeta “Inmate record or Jacket”
C. Commitment Order D. Prison record

216. This refers to information concerning an inmate’s personal circumstances, the offense he committed, the
sentence imposed, the criminal case numbers in the trial and appellate courts, the date he commenced
service of his sentence, the date he was received for confinement, the place of confinement, the date of
expiration of his sentence, the number of previous convictions, if any, and his behavior or conduct while in
A. Carpeta B. Prison record
C. Mittimus Order D. Commitment Order

217. The following are the requisites of a valid Mittimus Order EXCEPT:
A. Signature of the Judge B. Seal of the Court
C. Name of the President D. Attested of the Clerk of Court

218. It refers to an order of the court directed to the counsel, litigant and the witnesses not to discuss matters
pertaining the case to the reporters to assure fair trial.
A. Commitment order B. Mittimus Order C. Habeas Corpus D. Gag order

219. All letters passed by censors should bear the censor’s stamp at the _____ of each page and on the envelope.
The letter should be placed back in the same envelop and resealed.
A. Back B. Conspicuous Area C. Side D. Top

220. It is designed to improve their communication and computation skills, such as the ability to read and write
in order to enhance their individual educational level. Designed for a regular high school diploma in
coordination with DEPED. The cornerstone of rehabilitation in prison.
A. Apprenticeship D. Vocational Training
C. Prison Education D. Non-Formal Education

221. The Detainee are allowed to smoke cigars and cigarettes, except in prohibited cases. Under the BuCor
manual this is allowed. The statement is-
A. Partially True B. Partially False C. Absolutely False D. Absolutely True

222. The visiting room officer shall be responsible for compiling the regular visiting list for each inmate:
A. Special Visitor B. Strange Visitor C. Regular Visitor D. Unusual Visitor

223. A calamity occurred in municipality prompting the jail warden to let go the inmates. After 48 hours and
there was a declaration that the place is safe, inmate returned to their cell. What is their reward?
A. Visitation Privilege B. Good food and drinks
C. Special time and allowance for loyalty D. Good Conduct Time Allowance

224. The ___ responsible for handling the keys in Women’s quarter and the keys shall be available all the time.
A. Locksmith B. Resident Key Matron C. Peterman D. Any of these

225. Mr. Chaps, was sentenced to imprisonment on March 21, 2013. On March 25, 2013 the Judge who
promulgated the decision died. What is the effect of the Judge’s death to the service of Chaps sentence?
A. His sentence will not be binding anymore B. He will have to serve his sentence
C. His sentence will be suspended D. His sentenced will be reduced
226. The United Nation Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (UNSMRTP) or the Nelson
Madela rules prescribes those penal facilities should not exceed ____ inmates.
A. 1:500 B. 1:700 C. 1:800 D. 1:1000

227. With respect to the United Nation Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (UNSMRTP),
which of the following should NOT be done to the prisoners?
A. Untried prisoners shall be kept separate from convicted prisoners.
B. Young offenders shall be kept separate from adult prisoners.
C. Women prisoners shall be segregated and kept away from male prisoners.
D. Female prisoner shall be allowed to have her children stay with her.

228. The minimum number of times in counting the inmates on a daily basis. (Bureau of Corrections)
A. 13 times B. At least 4 times C. 6 times D. At least 5 to 6 times

229. The Jail Bureau shall be headed by a chief with a rank of Director, and assisted by Deputy Chief with the
Rank of Chief Superintendent. This statement is:
A. Partially True B. Partially False C. True D. False

230. Having a pornographic materials inside jail is a?

A. Minor offense B. Moral Turpitude C. Grave Offense D. Less grave offense

231. How do inmates know that they have letters?

A. A list of mails for inmates is posted
B. A jail guard delivers the letter personally
C. An inmate trustees delivers the letters to the addressee
D. Inmate with letters are called to the Jail Warden’s Office

232. The ____ Program employs prisoners in various product or good-producing tasks.
A. Agricultural (Minor) B. Industrial (Adult)
C. Operational D. Administrative

233. How many days are given to the Disciplinary Board of Bureau of Jail Management and Penology to resolve
A. 5 working Days B. Within 48 hours C. 30 working Days D. 24 Hours

234. The inmates may request a review of the findings of the Disciplinary Board and the propriety and the penalty
to the _______.
A. Chairman of Disciplinary Board B. Chief, BJMP
C. Central Office/BJMP D. Warden or Summary Disciplinary Officer

235. How long does an inmate mother who gave birth inside the BJMP is allowed to be with his child?
A. One month or maybe extended B. One year and no extension
C. Relative D. DSWD

236. How many days before election does inmate are prohibited from going out?
A. 30 days B. 90 Days C. 60 Days D. 120 Days

237. Which of the following organizations donated the Halfway House inside the compound of the Bureau of
A. Office of the President B. Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office
C. Asia Crime Prevention Foundation D. Japan International Cooperation Agency

238. Opponents of capital punishment claim that a prisoner's isolation and uncertainty over their fate constitute
a form of mental cruelty and those especially long-time death row inmates are liable to become mentally ill,
if they are not already. This is referred to as
A. Deathrow phenomenon B. Cruelty syndrome
C. Execution syndrome D. None of these
239. The Supreme Court automatically reviews the cases of criminals convicted and meted out the penalty of…
A. Reclusion Perpetua B. Death Penalty
C. Life imprisonment D. Indeterminate sentence

240. The first female executed through lethal injection for the crime related on drug case in the Philippines upon
the reinstatement of death penalty?
A. Leo Echegaray B. Josefina Esparas
C. Marcial “Baby Ama” Perez D. Death Convict

241. The Mail letters of a Death convict should be documented within _____ before the execution.
A. 30 Days B. 72 Hours C. 48 Hours D. NONE

242. When death penalty was still enforced by means of lethal injection, four guards keep a death watch, the
convict is confined in an individual cell. How many hours prior to the scheduled time of execution which is
usually 3:00 in the afternoon.
A. 6 Hour B. 24 Hour C. 12 Hour D. 36 Hour

243. A chemical that is injected to a Death Convict that puts him into deep sleep in lethal injection.
A. Potassium Chloride (3rd) B. Sodium Thiopenthotal (1st)
C. Sodium Chloride C. Pancuronium Bromide (2nd)

244. If a regular convicted prisoner has 3 shifting guards, X which is a Death Convict should have ___.
A. 2 Shifting Guards B. 4 Shifting Guards C. 3 Shifting Guards D. 5 Shifting guards

245. The end purpose of Prisoners Classification is –

A. To orient new inmates for prison life
B. To prepare inmates for prison life

C. To develop integrated and realistic program for prison
D. All of these

246. Which of the following is undoubtedly (true) related to the types of people who are in prisoned and the
characteristics is they bring with them?
A. Prison Economy B. Prison Management
C. Prison Structure D. Personal Punishment

247. The process of determining the needs and requirements (diagnosis, treatment planning and execution of
treatment programs and reclassification) of prisoners for grouping or assigning them to programs needs or
according to their existing resources is called:
A. Classification B. Quarantine C. Diversification D. Quality control

248. It is the formulation of tentative treatment programs suited for the prisoner based on the investigation
A. Reclassification B. Diagnosis
C. Treatment planning D. Execution of Treatment Program

249. For minimum security institution, the purpose of fencing the surrounding is:
A. To keep away the civilian population from entering the institution.
B. It is designed to prevent escapes.
C. It is designed for agricultural purposes
D. It is designed to facilitate open view of the surrounding.

250. Pursuant to Proclamation no. 551, Series of 1995, the National Correctional Week is being celebrated every
A. Every last week of October B. March
C. Ever First week of September D. Every fourth of December or December 26

251. What is the population of a type A Jail?

A. More than 100 (A) B. 20 or less (C) C. 21 to 99 (B) D. 101 to 150

252. This is also known as “Youth Camps” and is being maintained by BuCor where youth offenders may serve
their sentence in lieu of confinement in a prison.
A. AFP Stockade (Baguio) B. Bahay Pag Asa
C. Agricultural and forestry camp D. Hospicio De San Jose

253. A prisoner having the natural inclination or tendency to evade custody against the will of the custodian or
from the place where he is held in lawful custody or confinement.
A. Escape Prone Inmates B. Sex Deviate inmates
C. Mentally-Ill inmates D. Gay Inmates

254. Prison work assignments are usually given to prisoners,

A. After recreational activities B. At early morning hours
C. Before sleeping hours D. During middle hours of the day

255. One of the effects of social stigma maintained by an unforgiving society against criminals is.
A. Worked out good relationship with the community
B. Respond to a rehabilitation program
C. Difficulties in securing employment
D. Fostered friendship with co prisoner

256. Which of the following unusual offenders should be under the close supervision of the jail physician?
1. Mentally-ill 2. Sex deviates 3. Infirm or sick 4.Escape-prone prisoners
A. 1 and 2 B. 3 and 4 C. 1 and 3 D. 2 and 3

257. This is the basic needs of a convicted person under custody.

A. Shelter B. Food C. Food D. Slippers E. Cigarettes F. Drinks
A. A-B-C-D B. A-C-D-E C. C-D-E-F D. A-C-D-F

258. The Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court, Sandiganbayan,
Military Court, House of Representatives, Senate, Commission on Elections, Bureau of Immigration and the
Board of Pardons and Parole.
A. Legislative Branch B. Executive Branch
C. Judiciary Branch D. Competent Authority

259. The open institution usually a penal farm or camp is known as the
A. NBP B. Maximum Security Institution
C. Medium Security Institution D. Minimum Security Institution

260. An inmate shall be transferred to a separation center for adjustment process from life in prison to life in
free community within –
A. 60 days prior to release B. 90 days before release

C. 30 days prior to release D. 15 days prior to release

261. What is meant by “Hustling” inside the prison? (0413)

A. Heating a prisoner for bad behavior
B. Staying incommunicado for a period of time
C. Selling of illegal commodities such as drugs, alcohol and weapons
D. Staying at work in congregate shop

262. The most common problem of the National prison is

A. Excessive number of escapes B. Overcrowding
C. Disagreement about their mess D. Lack of adequate funding

263. Every violation of jail/prison discipline shall be dealt with accordingly. In extreme cases, where the violation
necessitate immediate action, the Warden or the Officer of the day may administer the necessary restraints
and reports the action taken to.
A. Standard Operating Procedure B. An Emergency plan
C. A General rule D. A Security Management Plan

264. What is the place in some prisons, or a section in prisons where criminals are placed awaiting execution?
A. Execution room B. Death row C. Garotine D. Galley room

265. It should be executed by the interviewer, which will exempt prison authorities from any liability arising from
death or injury sustained while in prison:
A. Waiver of Liability B. Waiver of Responsibility
C. Waiver of Acceptance D. Waiver of Agreement

266. A representative of the news media may file a written request with the head of prison for a personal interview
of an inmate provided that he/she shall file a written request at least ____ days before the proposed
A. One day B. Two days C. Three days D. Four days

267. The head of prison may establish this group whenever the frequency of requests for interview reach a volume
hat warrants limitations. It is composed of not more than 2 representatives from the national news services,
the television and radio networks and outlets; and the news magazines and newspapers. All news materials
generated by them shall be made available to media without right of first publication or broadcast.
A. Aljazeera B. Net 21 C. Press pool D. Press Conference

268. Execution by electrocution (the Electric Chair) is an execution method originating in the United States in
which the person being put to death is strapped to a specially built wooden chair and electrocuted through
electrodes placed on the body. In the Philippines, its first use was in :
A. 1924 B. August 6, 1890 C. March 20, 1899 D. October 4, 1961

269. It refers to the suffering inflicted by the State for the transgression of the law.
A. Amnesty B. Commutation C. Penalty D. Sentence

270. How are inmates who have only six months to serve before expiration of maximum sentence classified in
terms of security?
A. Minimum Security B. Maximum Security
C. Medium Security D. Super Maximum Security

271. What is the most common form of sexual perversion in prison and jail facilities? (2012)
A. Sodomy B. Homosexuality C. Masturbation D. Chapopoy

272. For maximum security facility how high should the walls be constructed?
A. 8 – 12 feet (minimum) B. 12 – 14 feet (medium)
C. 18 – 25 feet (maximum) D. 30 – 35 feet

273. The first Chief of the BJMP upon its creation was ____ who took his oath of office on July 1, 1991.
A. Director Charles Mondejar B. Director Cesare Nazareno
C. Jaybee Ñino “Palos” Manicad Sebastian C. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
274. What is the first prison systematically designed to harness pain in service of the reformation of men?
A. Prison B. Penal Colony C. Penitentiary D. Baroning

275. There are four (4) acknowledged goals of ______, as follows: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation and
A. Criminal intent B. Criminal mind C. Criminal sanction D. Criminal action

276. If inmates fails to claim his letter within these hours after the mail has been posted, it shall be delivered to
A. 12 hours B. 24 hours C. 36 hours D. 48 hours

277. This was created to provide rehabilitation activities in a residential setting or pre-release place for prisoners.
It is a 24 hours residential agreement that is geared towards preparing the client to become emotionally,
socially and economically ready for family and community life:
A. Detention cell B. Pre-release house C. Halfway house D. Lock-up

278. A colonist may be awarded ____ parcel of land as homestead:

A. Five Hectares B. Six Hectares C. Seven Hectares D. Eight Hectares

279. Iwahig Penal Colony was created in 1904 through the order of:
A. Gov. Luke E. Wright B. Gov. Forbes C. Dr. S.G. Howe D. Neptali Gonzales

280. What concept is referred to when a prison completely encapsula (hold)?

A. Therapeutic Community B. Total Institution
C. Halfway House D. Voluntary Institution

281. Which of the following should be done before the offender is released
A. Prisoner is given back his each and valuable he deposited was received on jail or prison
B. Prisoner is properly identified
C. Prisoner is fitted to a despidida party
D. Prisoner is adequately served his food

282. Which procedure shall be followed when food is served to inmates inside the quarters?
A. Jail guard A, distributes the food while Jail Guard B, holds the key and the control the entrance
B. Prisoner is properly identified
C. Prisoner is fitted to a despidida party
D. Prisoner is adequately served food

283. Which of the following is not included in the inmate’s body strip search?
A. Examination of cases splint or bandage for contraband
B. Discovery and treatment of lice, if any
C. Removal of jewelry
D. Discovery of injuries and physical inabilities

284. The following are considered minor offense of an inmate except?

A. Failing to stand at attention and give due respect when confronted by or reporting to any officer
or member of the custodial force (Less Grave)
B. Rendering service to follow inmate (Minor)
C. Littering or Failing to maintain cleanliness and Orderliness in his quarters and/or surroundings.
D. Willful waste of food (Minor)

285. What institution conducts training program for uniformed personnel of the Bureau of Jail Management and
A. National Forensic Science Training Institute
B. National Fire Training Institute
C. Philippine National Police Academy
D. National Jail Management and Penology Training Institute
E. Corrections Training School

286. The current allowance of our Person Deprived of Liberty

A. 100 Pesos per Prisoner B. 75 Pesos per Prisoner
C. 70 Pesos per Prisoner D. 50 Pesos per Prisoner

287. The minimum requirements in the professionalization and upgrading of qualification standards in the
appointment of uniform personnel to the BJMP applicant must have ____________ educational qualification?
A. Baccalaureate degree B. Master’s degree
C. At least 72 academic units in college D. Doctorate degree

288. Which of the following applicants may join the BJMP through Lateral entry for Jail Inspector and Jail Senior
Inspector. Except.
A. Doctor of Medicine, Members of the Philippine Bar and Chaplains
B. Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, and Chemical Engineers
C. Chemist, Architects, Criminologists, Certified Public Accountants, Nurses, Physical Therapists,
and Dentists
D. Social Workers, Psychologists, Teachers and PNPA Graduate
E. Graduate of 4 years’ experience in Mastery of Automobile with trouble shooting NC II and NC III

289. Mr. Chapopoy, a Registered Criminologist who applied in the BJMP but unfortunately he is overweight. How
many months shall be given to him to satisfy the minimum weight requirement?
A. twelve months B. Nine months C. Eight months D. Six months

290. Mr. Chapopoy is a public servant in BuCor with the rank of Corrections Technical Superintendent what will
be the age of compulsory retirement of C/TS Chapopoy?
A. 65 years old B. 56 years old C. 40 years old D. 21 years old

291. A prison that was established for the worst of the worst prisoner”. Typically involves single cell confinement
up to 23 hours a days for those highly risk criminals.
A. Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary B. Alcatraz of the Rockies
C. New Bilibid Prison D. Super Maximum Facility (Administrative Maximum)

292. It refers to a document containing the names of all officers in the active corrections service, arranged by
grade and in accordance with their relative seniority for each regular component and by service to which
they are appointed.
A. 201 Files (Personnel Files) B. Black List
C. Access List (White) D. Seniority and Lineal List

293. It refers to the casualties of the offense committed but not limited to those who filed charges against the
offender but also include the family of the offender but also include the family of the offender himself.
A. Offender B. Victim C. Ex-Convict D. Accused

294. Who shall appoint the positions of Correction Officer I to Correction Chief Superintendent?
A. Attested by the Civil Service B. President of the Philippines
C. DOJ Secretary D. Director General of Bureau of Corrections

295. How many successful recorded cases of escapes that was held inside the prison of Alcatraz?
A. 1 B. 3 C. 4 D. 36

296. Lethal Injection was the mode of execution by swift death that was being implemented through the passage
of RA 8177, also known as the “Lethal Injection Law”. Which of the following prison personnel was
responsible to administer lethal injection on a death convict?
A. Director of Correction (Procure not earlier than 10 days before the actual date of Execution)
B. Secretary of DOJ (Approval)
C. Superintendent of Corrections (Safekeeping of drugs)
D. Doctor or Physician of Corrections (Designated person by the Director)

297. Prisonization is the process of teaching the rules and regulations in the jail or prison which was held after
detainee or inmate undergone medical examination by the doctor in jail or prison. Which of the following is
responsible to orient inmates or detainees?
A. Director General of Corrections B. Superintendent of Prison
C. Officer of the day or Chief of Custodial Officer D. Assistant Superintendent

298. The UNSMRTP means?

A. United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
B. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
C. Dr. Ruben A. Sta. Teresa, Dr. George O. Fernandez and Atty. Ramil G. Gabao

299. During middle ages, inmates suffered through the widespread disease generally coming from poor sanitation
and overcrowding. The disease that became epidemic during the middle ages and blameable for the death
of John Howard in Russia while he is under inspection tour around Europe and England is known also as
the “Jail Fever”.
A. Dengue B. Hepatitis C. Typhus D. HIV/AIDS

300. The new term used for Prisoners?

A. Detainee B. Person Deprived of Liberty C. Client D. Resident


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