RPH - Reading Philippine History

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Module 3

One Past but Many

In this module, you will analyze four historiographical problems in Philippine history
in an attempt to what you have learned thus far in the work of a historian and the process of
historical inquiry. Previously, you have been introduced to history as a discipline, the
historical method, and the content and context analysis of primary sources. Two key concepts
that need to be defined before proceeding to the historical analysis of problems in history are
interdisciplinary and multiperspectivity.

Key Terms
Interpretation. From the Greek word “historia” (meaning knowledge acquired through
inquiry or investigation), it is the account of the past of a person or of a group through
written documents and historical evidences.

Multi-perspectivity. the manner in which historical events, personalities, developments,

cultures, and societies are scrutinized from different perspectives suggesting thereby
the plausibility of “a multitude of ways by which one can view the world.”

Code of Kalantiaw. a purported legal code in the epic history Maragtas that is said to have
been written in 1433 by Datu Kalantiaw, a chief on the island of Negros in the
Philippines. The code is now believed by many historians to have been a hoax and
that it had actually been written in 1913 by Jose E. Marco as a part of his historical
fiction Las antiguas leyendas de la Isla de Negros (English: The Ancient Legends of
the Island of Negros), which he attributed to a priest named Jose Maria Pavon.

Butuan. Chartered city, northern Mindanao, Philippines, on the Agusan River near its mouth
at Butuan Bay. A major settlement in early Spanish times, Butuan was visited by
ships from Borneo and Luzon, reportedly trading for gold, cinnamon, and slaves.

Limasawa. Small island of historic importance near the island of Leyte, east-central
Philippines. Located about 4 miles (6 km) off the southern tip of the island of Leyte
just outside the mouth of Sogod Bay, Limasawa rises to about 700 feet (200 m). On
this island, Ferdinand Magellan first made extended contact with Filipino natives on
March 28, 1521. There also the first Roman Catholic mass was celebrated (March 31,
1521) in the Philippines. The island is inhabited by Visayan peoples who practice
subsistence agriculture and fishing.

Balanghai. A large boat used by Malay settlers of the Philippines in prehispanic times. The
vessel was about eighteen meters in length. Such a vessel would carry a small clan or
a large family.

Jose Montero y Vidal. A Spanish Historian, who interpreted that the Mutiny was an attempt
to remove and overthrow the Spanish Colonizers in the Philippines.

Rafael Izquierdo. Rafael Gerónimo Cayetano Izquierdo y Gutiérrez (30 September 1820 – 9
November 1883) was a Spanish Military Officer, politician, and statesman. He served
as Governor-General of the Philippines from 4 April 1871 to 8 January 1873. He was
famous for his use of "Iron Fist" type of government, contradicting the liberal
government of his predecessor, Carlos María de la Torre y Navacerrada. He was the
Governor-General during the 1872 Cavite mutiny which led to execution of 41 of the
mutineers, including the Gomburza martyrs. Izquierdo also acted as Governor-
General of Puerto Rico from March 1862 to April 1862.

Sa Aking mga Kabata. It was a long-held belief that the poem Sa Aking mga Kabata (To
My Fellow Children) was written by Dr. Jose P. Rizal. According to popular belief,
Rizal wrote the poem in 1869 to express the importance of loving one’s native tongue.
This is the poem where one finds the popular line, “Ang hindi magmahal sa kanyang
salita, mahigit sa hayop at malansang isda.”
Mass. The central act of worship of the Roman Catholic Church, which culminates in
celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist. The term mass is derived from the
ecclesiastical Latin formula for the dismissal of the congregation.

Age of Exploration. also called the Age of Discovery) began in the 1400s and
continued through the 1600s. It was a period of time when the European nations
began exploring the world.

Mutiny. An open act of rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or
sailors against their officers; or to refuse to obey the orders of a person in authority.

Gom-Bur-Za. All Filipino priest, was executed by the Spanish colonizers on charges of
subversion. The charges against Fathers Gomez, Burgos and Zamora was their alleged
complicity in the uprising of workers at the Cavite Naval Yard.

Retraction. The action of withdrawing a statement, accusation, which is now admitted to be

erroneous or unjustified recantation; an instance of this; a statement of making such a

Katipunan. Filipino nationalist organization founded in 1892 to oppose Spanish rule. The
organization numbered anywhere from 100,000 to 400,000 members. The Filipino
nationalist Emilio Aguinaldo was the leader of this group, which successfully fought
the Spanish. Most of the members were Tagalogs.

Rebellion. A violent organized action by a large group of people who are trying to change
their country's political system.

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this section, the learner must be able to:

 Interpret historical events using primary sources.

 Recognize the multiplicity of interpretation that can be read from a historical
 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of employing critical tools in
interpreting historical events through primary sources.
 Demonstrate ability to argue for or against a particular issue using primary

Lesson 1
Site of the First Catholic Mass

The popularity of knowing where the “firsts” happened in history has been an easy
way to trivialize history, but this lesson will not focus on the significance (or lack thereof) of
the site of the First Catholic Mass in the Philippines, but rather, use it as a historiographical
exercise in the use of evidence and interpretation in reading historical events.

Let’s start!
As we proceed to the lesson proper, watch the presentation video for Church History
in Ten Minutes by TrueTube on YouTube by clicking this link:

Think and Reflect

In your own words, give your own personal understanding of the following terms:

a. Religion – Religion is like a system, it consists of people with the same

beliefs, values, principles and practices.

b. Tradition – Tradition is a value, belief, practices or principles that is being

passed and practiced from generation to generation.

c. Baptism – Baptism is a ceremony wherein there is an immersing of an

individual to a water which symbolizes of spiritual purification.

d. Culture – Culture is like the identification of a society or a particular group,

it embodies the traditions that are being practiced by the whole member of a society
or group.

Let’s Level-UP!
1. Albo’s Log.

2. Pigafetta’s Testimony of the Route of Magellan’s Expedition.


3. Pigafetta and seven Days in Mazaua.


Let’s do IT!
Activity 3. 1.
From your readings, fill-in the required answer for the following items:

a. Where was the actual site of the First Mass? Mazaua

b. Cite evidences that proves your claim:
1. On March 16, 1521, the first time Ferdinand Magellan came to the
2. Magellan’s expedition led him to many islands mostly in Visayas region.
3. on March 28, 1521 they reached an island called Mazaua.
4. March 31, 1521, the first documented Catholic Mass was held.
5. The mass was conducted by Father Pedro de Valderrama which was
referred into Antonio Pigafetta’s journals.

Lesson 2
The Cavite Mutiny of 1872

The year 1872 is a historic year of two events: the Cavite Mutiny and the martyrdom
of the three priests: Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, later immortalized as
GmBurZa. These events are very important milestones in Philippine history and have caused
ripples throughout time, directly influencing the decisive events of the Philippine Revolution
toward the end of the century. While the significance is unquestioned, what made this year
controversial are the different sides to the story, a battle of perspectives supported by primary
sources. In this lesson, we zoom in to the events of the Cavite Mutiny, a major factor in the
awakening of nationalism among the Filipinos of that time.

Let’s start!
Before we start, watch the presentation video for Xiao Time: Ang pag-aaklas sa
Cavite (Cavite Mutiny) presented by Xiao Chua on YouTube by clicking this link:

Think and Reflect

By the video you have watched earlier, list some major factors in the
awakening of nationalism among Filipinos at that time of the mutiny:
1. Rulers that time were Spanish priers.
2. Abolished privileges of the Filipino.
3. Filipinos wanting to stop Gov. General Izquierdo’s “hindi makataong
pamamalakad” alongside Spanish priers
4. Opening of schools were not allowed that time.
5. Filipino’s that time were deprived of their freedom.

Let’s Level-UP!
1. Spanish Accounts: Excerpts from Jose Montero’s Account of the Mutiny.

2. Spanish Accounts: Excerpts from the Official Report of Governor Rafael


3. Differing Accounts: Excerpts from Pardo de Tavera’s Account

4. Differing Accounts: Excerpts from Edward Plauchut’s Account

Let’s do IT!
From the videos you have watched, answer the following:

Activity 3. 2.

a. Which among the four accounts presented of the Cavite Mutiny of 1872 provided
the closest and most believable evidence as to where and when the event actually
happened? Why?

- Upon reading and watching the accounts being presented, I could assess that
the account that provided the closest and most believable evidence as to where
and when the event actually happened is the “Spanish Accounts: Excerpts from
Jose Montero’s Account of the Mutiny”, as it states that the mutiny happened
because Filipino’s were deprived from their freedom and privileges and their
wish to defeat the rule of the Spanish.

Lesson 3
Rizal’s Retraction

It is understandable, therefore, that any piece of writing from Rizal that recants
everything he wrote against the friars and the Catholic Church in the Philippines could deal
heavy damage to his image as a prominent Filipino revolutionary. Such document
purportedly exists, allegedly signed by Rizal a few hours before his execution. This
document, referred to as “The Retraction” everything he wrote against the Church.

Let’s start!
Before we start, watch the presentation video for What is retraction? By Sense about
Science on YouTube by clicking this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Think and Reflect

Imagine yourself in Rizal’s persona, will you be able to easily throw away all
your hard-earned dreams and ambitions for the sake of saving yourself from
approaching death? Why?
If sacrificing all your hard-earned dreams and ambitions for your beloved
country and for the good, then yes, I would be willing to throw away everything.

Let’s Level-UP!
1. Rizal’s Retraction.

2. Balaguer’s Testimony.

3. Testimony of Cuerpo de Vigilantes.

4. Eyewitness Accounts of the Last Hours of Rizal.
Let’s do IT!
From your readings, answer the following:

Activity 3.3.
Based upon the videos watched and readings, did Rizal truly retracted? Justify
and provide evidences of your claim.

- Based on the videos and readings presented, I myself really want to know what
really did happened. Despite lots of theories and evidences were being presented
about Rizal’s retraction, I am still torn between whether Rizal did truly retract
or not, also the debate regarding Rizal’s retraction continues. I truly believe
that without Rizal’s presence this question wouldn’t be answered.

Lesson 4
Cry of Pugad Lawin

The controversy regarding this event stems from the identification of the date and
place where the Cry happened. Prominent Filipino historian Teodoro Agoncillo emphasizes
the event when Bonifacio tore the cedula or tax receipt before the Katipuneros who also did
the same.

Let’s start!
Before we start, watch the presentation video for What is retraction? By Sense about
Science on YouTube by clicking this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Think and Reflect

The Cry of Pugad Lawin is a momentous event in the history of the Philippines, if
this uprising did not happen at all, can our country still gain its freedom from foreign
colonizers? Why?
- We wouldn’t know, we may be or may not be gaining freedom from foreign
colonizers because everything depends on the people who really are thirsty for
freedom. It’s the act of bravery and unity that would always lead us to victory
over the colonizers rule in our country.
Let’s Level-UP!
1. Accounts of the Cry: Guillermo Magsangkay.

2. Accounts of the Cry: Pio Valenzuela.


Let’s do IT!
From your readings, answer the following:

Activity 3.4.
By applying internal and external criticism on the accounts provided in your
readings, where do you think did the actual event happened? Cite your sources.

Place: The house of Juan Ramos in Pugad lawin is where the first cry of Pugad
Lawin took place.

Time: Time was not stated and specified in the presented documents.

Date: August 23, 1896

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