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The School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT) shall be used to assess the readiness of the schools in transition to the limited face-
to face learning modality in the time of covid-19 pandemic. This tool must be accomplished by the School Head (SH). The data
gathered shall be used as baseline information in preparation for the safe re-opening of classes.
SH shall provide progress update on the accomplishment of SSAT by adding the school’s latest data every 15th and 30th day of
the month. This is to monitor the number of schools prepared to participate in the succeeding phases of the face-to-face learning

Direction: Fill out the SSAT by supplying the necessary information being asked, while put a check mark (/) on the box corresponding
to your response.

School Name: Division:

School ID: Contact Number of the School Head:
Date of SSAT Administration: Quarantine Classification:
School Safety Assessment Result:
Passed: All indicators were satisfactorily met
Needs Improvement: One or more indicators were unmet.
Failed: All indicators were not met.

For the past twenty-eight (28) days, has the barangay where your school is located recorded any confirmed COVID-19 case/s? Kindly
refer to your respective barangay for the data.
Yes No

Is the school accessible through public transportation? Specify the available mode of transportation.


Meralco Avenue corner St. Paul Road, Pasig City 1

Telephone No.: (02) 9413760 / Email Address: [email protected]
Yes, through _____________________, No

Specify the mode of transportation

_____ Jeepney
_____ Pedicab
_____ Habal-habal
_____ Tricycle
_____ Multicab
_____ Vans
Others, __________________ __________________________
__________________ __________________________

Is the school accessible through walking?

Yes No
o At an average, how many minutes will the learner (farthest) walk
from house to school?
____ less than 10 minutes ____ less than 20 minutes
____ less than 30 minutes ____more than 30 minutes
o Are there congested areas like talipapa, terminal and the likes
where the learner may pass before going to school?
o What is the distance (km) of the house to school?
_______less than 1 kilometer _______more than 1 kilometer
o What is the terrain of the area?
_____Plain _____Rolling ____Mountainous _____ Steep
If the barangay where the school is located has not recorded any confirmed COVID-19 case/s in the past 28 days, and the school is
accessible by public transportation or walkable, proceed in answering this safety assessment tool, otherwise, your school cannot be
nominated as participating school in the implementation of limited face-to-face learning modality.

Direction: Below are the major pillars of the operational framework for the resumption of face-to-face classes. Please respond by placing a check
mark (√) in the answer box that corresponds to your response and/or fill in the blank where indicated.


1. The school has secured support of LGUs (Barangay, Municipality, City, Province) through a resolution or a letter of support.
o Letter of Support and/or Resolution from the Barangay Council
o Letter of Support and/or Resolution from the Municipal Council
o Letter of Support and/or Resolution from the City or Provincial Council

2. The school has secured written consent from parents/guardians who will participate in the limited face-
to-face classes.
How many learners per grade level have written parental consent?
Nos. of learners whose parents manifested Nos. of learners with written parental
Nos. of Learners per Grade level
interest to participate in LF2F consent
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
3. The school has mobilized resources and support from community stakeholders to meet the standards of the health and safety
o Book or Deed of Donations and Acceptance of PPEs and other related medical and safety supplies.
4. The school has conducted simulation activities among school personnel regarding protocols and routines
to replicate and discuss possible scenarios during the actual conduct of face-to-face classes.
o Attendance sheet during the simulation
o School Memorandum on the conduct of the simulation
o Photos Documentation and Completion Report of the activity
1. The school has implemented an Alternative Work Arrangement necessary to deliver quality basic
education in a safe learning environment to learners.

o Copy of approved AWA to be implemented by the school for the next 2 months.
a. Number of teachers who physically report meets the required teacher: learner ratio

Grade Level Number of teachers who will physically report to Number of learners participating in the Teacher: Learner
school limited F2F Ratio
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
b. Teachers who physically report are 65 years old and below.

c. Teachers who physically report do not have comorbidities, immunodeficiency, or any health risk/conditions
d. Teachers who have service vehicles from and to area of residence and school
e. Teachers who physically report are from within the city/municipality where school/learning center is located.
o Updated profile of Teachers with indicated age, address, mode of transportation to and from the school,
health status and vaccination status.
o Medical Certification of Teachers from MHO or Medical Officer not more than 6 months prior to the
opening of classes.
2. The school has oriented teaching personnel and non-teaching personnel on the Alternate Work
Arrangement that will be implemented during the limited face-to-face classes.
o Attendance sheet during the orientation
o School Memorandum on the conduct of the orientation
o Photos Documentation and Completion Report of the activity
1. The school has established mechanism inside the classroom to ensure zero to minimal risk of COVID-19
transmission of the learners
a. Number of seats to be occupied must not exceed the required number of maximum learners in the classroom
o With available list of learners per class participating in the limited F2F. There must be at least five (5)
students per class.
o With available and functional armchairs or desk with chairs
b. Seats to be occupied must be at least 1-2 meters apart
c. Number of seats shall be equivalent to the number of learners present
No of
Actual nos. of learners to Nos. of
Grade Level Max. nos. of learners allowed Classroom
participate in the LF2F Classes
s Needed
Kindergarten 12
Grade 1 16
Grade 2 16
Grade 3 16
Grade 4 20
Grade 5 20
Grade 6 20
Grade 7 20
Grade 8 20
Grade 9 20
Grade 10 20
Grade 11 20
Grade 12 20
TVL Workshop and 12
Science Laboratory
o With available gymnasium, school grounds and the like which can be repurposed as learning spaces.
o With available learning spaces in the community near the school or residential area of the learners and
o With available and functional lapel, microphones, megaphones or any other appropriate sound system
for teachers to facilitate teaching in a physically distanced-set-up
d. Presence of markers and stickers on the floor to manage traffic system and physical distancing inside the
e. Availability of working electric fans
o Number of functional electric fans.
f. Open windows and doors at all times.
g. Installation of appropriate ventilation equipment such as general and exhaust ventilation and CO 2 monitoring
h. Availability of sterilization box where outputs (e.g., quiz papers) submitted by the learners will be placed for To be ratified, per
disinfection. recommendation of
i. Usage of high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration air purifier to clean recirculated air for air-conditioned the DTFC.
spaces, provided that the unit is adequate for the size of the room in which it is installed.
1. The school has set-up clear and easy-to-understand signages, preferably in local languages and Braille,
and mechanisms to strengthen observance of health protocols and protective measures.

a. Display of school map at the entrance point indicating the location of the classrooms
b. Designation of separate entrance and exit points in the school.
o Only private vehicles or regulated public vehicles shall be allowed to fetch the learner.
c. Designation of separate entrance and exit points in high traffic areas (unidirectional markers, installation of
signages for cueing and unidirectional movement, sectioning, and queueing)
d. Designated entrance and exit points in the classrooms
e. Hallway ground markings for walking direction guide
f. Designation of areas for queue (e.g., restroom, library, principal’s office, etc.)
g. Presence of traffic enforcers near the pedestrian lanes.
1. The school has established safe entrance and exit procedures for teachers, students, non-teaching
personnel, and school visitors
a. Availability of temperature thermal scanner or thermal gun in entrance and/or exit gates
b. Availability of hand sanitizer or alcohol dispenser in school gates and classrooms
c. Availability of surgical masks at school entrance.
2. The school has established a contact tracing procedure/tool for school-goers
a. Health declaration sheet for school personnel
b. Health declaration sheet for students
c. Contact tracing tool for school-goers
3. The school has mobilized the school COVID-19 DRRM team that will take charge effective
implementation of the school’s health and safety protocols that are in place and are observed during the
preparation and implementation of limited face-to-face classes.
a. Designation of a Safety Officer who shall serve as the focal person for the health and safety protocols of the
b. PPEs are available for Covid-19 DRRM Team Members, health personnel, maintenance, and security guards.
4. The school has set up a proper sanitation ang hygiene facility for the school-goers.
a. Availability of handwashing station with clean and safe water supply
b. Availability of clean and safe toilet facilities
c. Schedule of supervised handwashing and toothbrushing activities
d. Placement of handwashing facilities in a strategic location (e.g., school entrance)
o Number of functional faucets with sink and safe water supply.
o With available liquid soap dispenser.
e. Placement of trash bins in strategic locations
f. Visual signages on proper waste management practices near trash bins
g. The school clinic has available emergency health kits that include PPEs and other needed supplies and

5. The school has ensured proper regular sanitation and disinfection of school facilities, furniture, and
a. Schedule of sanitation of frequently touched surfaces (e.g., table, doorknobs, light switches, etc.)
o Sanitation shall be done every after end of a school shift.
b. Schedule of disinfection of school facilities (e.g., chairs, desk, blackboard, toilet facilities)
o Disinfection shall be done every after the end of a school day.
c. Availability of sanitation and disinfecting materials
o Trained personnel on proper sanitation and disinfection procedure.
6. The school has ensured a proper disposal system of infectious wastes, such as used tissues and masks, in
non-contact receptacles
a. Disposal of all used PPEs in a separate leak-proof yellow trash bag/container with a cover properly labelled as
o Availability of trash bags/containers per classroom with cover and properly labelled as “USED PPE”
b. Collection of the leak-proof yellow trash bag/container regularly or twice a day (after end of class and after
working day) from designated/specific area to the general collection area for treatment and disposal.
o Schedule of trash collection.
c. Availability of medical-grade facemask required for school personnel when collecting/handling the leak-proof
yellow trash bag/container.
d. Treatment through disinfection or spraying of the collected wastes with a chlorine solution (1:10) in accordance
with DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020-0157 “Guidelines on Cleaning and Disinfection in Various Setting
as in Infection Prevention and Control Measure Against COVID-19”
e. Disposal of disinfected PPE with general waste to the final disposal facility.
1. The school has developed a communication plan.
a. Identification of platform of communication for coordination purposes among the learners, parents/guardians,
and teachers
o What are the platforms of communications to be used?
b. Database of contact details including contact number and address of parents/guardians of the learners are kept
to inform them in case their child shows flu-symptoms while in school premises
c. Development of child-friendly information, education, and communication (IEC) materials on hygiene practices
and respiratory etiquette including hand hygiene (hand disinfection thru handwashing and/or of 70% isopropyl
alcohol), respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette (coughing or sneezing into tissues or one’s elbow), protective
measure (proper use of face shield and face mask, physical distancing), among others, that are posted in
common areas and are available in local languages and braille
2. The school has prepared an orientation session for learners, parents, guardians, teaching and non-
teaching personnel, external stakeholders, and LGU of the eligibility criteria for participation, existing
protocols, mechanism, and procedure needed in the conduct of the limited face-to-face classes.

a. Schedule of the orientation (at least one week prior to the conduct of the face-to-face classes)
o Attendance sheet during the orientation.
o Memorandum on the conduct of the orientation.
o Completion Report with documentation of the activity conducted.
b. Orientation materials are made available for distribution to teachers, learners, BLGU, DRRM team members,
and person-in-charge in ensuring observance of protocols, mechanisms, and procedures
o Proof of distribution.
o Samples of orientation materials.
3. The school has a proactive COVID-19 local hotline/help desk or any similar local mechanism that
connects and coordinates to the hospitals, testing facilities, and LGUs.
o Covid 19-hotlines are posted in conspicuous places.
4. The school has prepared a re-orientation session for school stakeholders on measures a needed for the
reopening of the school in the event of resurgences and school lockdowns.
o Attendance sheet during the orientation.
o Memorandum on the conduct of the orientation.
Completion Report with documentation of the activity conducted.
1. The school has followed a session model and contingency plan for reclosing and reopening the school in
case of COVID-19 resurgence in the community.
o A copy of an approved contingency plan for reclosing and reopening the school in case of COVID-19
resurgence in the community.
a. Inclusion of decision points for school lockdown dependent on the assessment and decision of the Local Task
Force against COVID-19 (LTF) with the following considerations:
o When there is suspected, probable, or confirmed COVID-19 case to facilitate disinfection and contact
o Change in number of community transmission and quarantine risk classification identified by IATF;
o Violations/instances of non-compliance of learners or personnel with the minimum public health
standards or PDITR for review of protocols
b. In the event of school lockdown, all learners shall revert to distance learning,
c. Implementation of a 24-hour granular lockdown period for disinfection following identification/detection of
suspected, probable, or confirmed COVID-19 confirmed case/s, only after which can be opened for use to
d. Consideration of the following for the reopening of classes after a school lockdown:
o Complete contact tracing
o Complete disinfection activities
o 14 days without confirmed cases in the school
o School is in a barangay with low to no community transmission
o Area where the school is located is classified as minimal risk
e. Implementation of return to school is located/work policies consistent with latest national guidelines
o For close contacts:
i. For fully vaccinated individuals: Seven (7)-day quarantine has been completed regardless of
negative test result
ii. For unvaccinated or with incomplete vaccination: Fourteen (14)-day quarantine has been
completed regardless of negative test result
o For suspect, probable or confirmed cases, whether fully vaccinated, unvaccinated, or with incomplete
i. For asymptomatic: Ten (10)-day isolation have passed from the first viral diagnostic test and
remained asymptomatic throughout their infection.
ii. For mild to moderate COVID-19 confirmed cases: Ten (10)-day isolation have passed from onset
of the first symptom, respiratory symptoms have improved (cough, shortness of breath), AND have been
afebrile for at least 24 hours without use of antipyretic medications.
iii. For severe and critical COVID-19 confirmed cases: Twenty-one (21)-day isolation has passed
from onset of the first symptom, have improved (Cough, shortness of breath) AND have been
afebrile for at least 24 hours without the use of antipyretic medications.
iv. For immunocompromised, do RT-PCR testing on the 10 th day. If RT -PCR test results
turn out positive, refer to infectious Disease Specialist. If RT-PCR test results turn out negative,
discharge from isolation.
o Medical certification or repeat testing is not necessary for the safe return to work of immunocompetent
individuals, provided that a licensed medical doctor certifies or clears the patient.
2. The school has developed strategies for the continuity of learning while the school is closed until the
local authorities have determined the safe resumption of face-to-face classes.
a. Distance learning modalities during lockdown in the decision model and contingency plan
b. Strategies for the reopening of schools after the lockdown in the decision model and contingency plan.


Meralco Avenue corner St. Paul Road, Pasig City 10

Telephone No.: (02) 9413760 / Email Address: [email protected]

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