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The NSTP Law (RA 9163) - “An Act Establishing the National Covered of NSTP Law
Service Training Program (NSTP) for tertiary level students, - All incoming freshmen students enrolled in any baccalaureate
amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and and in at least two year technical-vocational or associate
Presidential Decree No. 1706, and for other purposes.” courses .
- Private higher education and technical-vocational education
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo – President of the Philippines when institutions with at least 350 student cadets may offer ROTC
RA 9163 was signed
Exempted of NSTP Law : Schools that offer military training or
Fraklin Drilon – Senate President of the Congress when RA equivalent
9163 was signed
Duration of NSTP components: 2 semester/54-90 training
Renato “Campañero” Cayetano – RA 9163 law’s principal hours per semester
Organization of NSTP Graduates
National Service Training Program ACT of 2001 - aimed to
enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the  Citizen Armed Forces (CAF) - Graduates of the ROTC
youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism, component
specifically designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution
to the general welfare of Filipinos.  National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) - Graduates
of the non-ROTC components: the CWTS and LTS
1. Reserve Officer’s Training Corps [ROTC] - NSTP-CWTS Dimensions of Development
Institutionalized under Section 38 and 39 of Republic Act
No. 7077 that provides military training to tertiary level Safety and Security - It involves disaster preparedness during
students in order to motivate, train, organize, and fire, earthquake or other calamity that needs immediate
mobilize them for national defense preparedness. response from any trained civilians during emergency situations.
2. Literacy Training Service [LTS] - train the students to
teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out- Education – It involves enhancement of institutional support
of-school youth and other segments of society in need of materials and facilities for the community and school such as
their services. providing materials containing basic literacy skills for pre-
3. Civic Welfare Training Service [CWTS] - refers to schoolers, alternative learning system for out-of-school youths
activities contributory to the general welfare and the and adults, mathematics and science tutorials and extended
betterment of life for the members of the community or services of skilled students.
the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted
to improving health, education, environment, Recreation – It involves sports fest, parlor games for street
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the children and painting that enrich youth’s capacities to relate with
citizenry and other social welfare services. one another in the community.

Values Formation and Moral Recovery – It involves the Care for Health - It aims to give knowledge on medical-related
development of youth to be good leaders, responsible fields and extend health services needed in the community.
individuals imbued with good moral values and active agent of
development of the community. Environment – It inculcates environmental awareness and its
contribution to health and related fields.
Industry and Entrepreneurship – It includes programs and
activities that are vital to economic growth.

blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law
Citizenship Training - is a program wherein it develops our and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and
characters to become more mindful of our responsibilities, peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
rights, and roles in the society.
Bill of Rights (Sections 1-22)
Philippine Constitution ● Freedom
Since June12,1898, Proclamation of Independence, there have ● Privacy
been a total of 6 Philippine Constitution ● Access to information
1. Malolos Constitution (1898 - 1901) ● Equality
2. Philippine Organic Act of 1902 & Philippine Autonomy ● Education
Act of 1916 (1902 - 1935) ● Safe & Humane
3. Commonwealth and Third Republic (1935 – 1943 & 1945 ● Working Conditions
- 1972)
4. Japanese-Sponsored Republic (1943 - 1945) Duties & Responsibilities of a Filipino Citizen
5. Martial Law Constitution (1973 - 1986)
6. 1987 Constitution (1987 - present) 1. To respect, honor and give due accord to his Filipino
heritage, patrimony, values and tradition.
The Supreme Law of the Republic of the Philippines
● Its final draft was completed by the Constitutional 2. Contribute to the development, welfare and nation-building of
Commission on October 12, 1986. its country.
● It was signed and made official by a nationwide vote on
3. Engage in gainful work to assure himself and his family a life
February 2, 1987.
of worthy of human dignity.
The 1987 Philippine Constitution
4. Loyalty to the federal republic and national consciousness,
aspirations and ideals shall be asked from every Filipino citizen.
Preamble - We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid
of Almighty God, in order to build ajust and humane society and 5. To uphold this Constitution, obey the laws of the land, pay
establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and taxes and duties, and to cooperate with the duly constituted
aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop
our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the

authorities in the attainment and preservation of a just and rights and privileges and give due recognition to highlight their
orderly society. roles and contributions to the society.

6. Must give due honor to the Philippine flag, National Anthem, 2.) It aims to provide the policy framework that shall underscore
Philippine President and other national symbols and emblems. the fundamental principles necessary to harmonize the broad
and diverse efforts of the voluntary sector.
7. To defend the national territory from aggressive invaders,
protect the sovereignty of its people, and preserve the continuity 3.) To provide an effective institutional mechanism to strengthen
of a just, human society and government. the role of the Philippine National Volunteer Service
Coordinating Agency PNVSCA) to perform its mandates and to
8. To report to the proper authorities all plots of terrorism, plans oversee the implementation of this Act.
of rebellion, subversion, or insurrection toward the duly and
legally acknowledge government, and other acts that will Volunteerism - refers to an act involving a wide range of
compromise the union and sovereignty of the federal republic. activities, including traditional forms of mutual aid and
developmental interventions that provides an empowering
9. To report corrupt, dishonest or fraudulent government officials environment for the attainment of the public good and where
to the proper forum, courts and agencies. A Filipino shall not monetary and other incentives or reward are not the primary
tempt or bribe government officials, steal from the coffers of the motivating factors..
government, or escape or abandon his lawful responsibilities.
Volunteer - refers to an individual or group who for reasons
10. To elect officials of government as a means of arising from their socio-developmental, business and corporate
demonstrating his personal ideas and aspirations for the orientation, commitment or conviction, contribute time, service
motherland. and resources whether on full- time or part-time basis and is
essential to social development cause, mission or endeavor in
Flag Heraldic Code of the Philippines - An act prescribing the the belief that their activity is mutually meaningful and beneficial
code of the national flag, anthem, motto, coat-of-arms and other to public interest as well as to themselves.
heraldic items and devices of the Philippines.
Volunteer service organization - refers to a local or foreign
Volunteer Act - An act institutionalizing strategy for rural group that recruits, trams, deploys and supports volunteer
development strengthening volunterism and for other purposes workers to programs and projects implemented by them or by
other organizations or any group that provides services and
The three main objectives of the Volunteer Act of 2007 resources for the attainment of the common good.
1.) It aims to provide a conducive and enabling environment for Voluntary sector - refers to those sectors of Philippine society
the mobilization and nurturance of volunteers and volunteer that organizes themselves into volunteers to take advocacy and
organizations, by setting mechanisms to protect volunteers' action primarily for local and national development as well as
international cooperation and understanding.


Self-awareness - A clear perception of your personality,  Unknown Self – It represents those parts of yourself
including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, about which neither you nor others know.
and emotions.
 Hidden Self – It contains all that you know of yourself but
True Knowledge - It is knowing who you are, what you are in keep hidden from others
this earth for, where you are going, and how you can get there.
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE - An ability to recognize
Aristotle - “Knowing and understanding one’s self is the key to emotions and use these as source of human energy,
true knowledge.” information, connection and influence.

Daniel Goleman - “The less aware we are of what makes us FIVE BASIC ELEMENTS OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE
passionate, the more lost we will be.” -
1. Self-Awareness - It is knowing what the feelings are at
Tao Tzu - “Knowing others is wisdom but knowing yourself is the moment and using preferences to guide our decision-
enlightenment. making, having a realistic assessment of our own
abilities, and a well-grounded sense of confidence.
Self- Concept – an image of who we are.
2. Self-Regulation - It is handling our emotions so that they
IMPORATNCE OF SELF AWARENESS - The more you facilitate, rather than interfere, with the task on hand,
understand why you view yourself as you do, the better you being conscientious and delaying gratification in order to
understand who you are. pursue goals or recovering well from emotional distress.

Johari Window – a model use for mapping personality 3. Motivation - It is using our deepest preferences to move,
awareness made by Joseph Lurt and Hurrington Ingham in guide us toward our goals, to help us take initiative and
1950 strive to improve, and to persevere in the face of
setbacks and frustrations.
4. Empathy - It is sensing what people are feeling, being
 Open Self – It represents all the information, behaviors, able to take their perspectives and circulating rapport and
attitudes, feelings, desires, motivations, ideas… that you attunement with a broad diversity of people.
know about yourself and the other also know about you.
5. Social Skills - It is handling emotions well in relationship,
 Blind Self – It represents information about yourself that accurately reading social developments and lead in
others know but you do not. disputes for cooperation and teamwork.


VALUES - It is a personal perceptions of one’s own future, LEVELS OF VALUES

relatively of the family, works, friendship, group, community and Foundation Values - It is relate to the satisfaction of the basic
nation as a whole. or fundamental for life to be sustained and to achieve a relative
state of health.
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR VALUES Ultimate Values - It means experiencing life fully, vividly,
DEVELOPMENT selflessly, with full concentration and total absorption.
1. Human values as ideals which determine our priorities
and direct our behaviors. LIVING VALUES
2. Human ideals as they reflect different levels of needs.  Cooperation - Using of energy of the mind to create
3. Human pursuit for the ultimate and highest values as vibrations of good wishes and pure feelings for others
they relate to spiritual nature of man. and for the task. One who cooperates receives
4. Human desire much of which is unconscious. cooperation.
5. Human ideals as pursued individually and collectively.  Freedom - It is a precious gift which promises an
experience of liberation and feeling of no limits as if the
Brian Hall - “The ideals that give significance to in our lives and earth, the skies, and the seas are at one’s service.
reflected through the priorities that we choose and that we act  Happiness - It is earned by those whose actions, attitude
on consistently and repeatedly” and attributes are pure and selfless.
 Honesty - It is the awareness of what is right and
Types of Values
appropriate in one’s behavior, and one relationship.
Cognitive Values - It is a reality that majority of us share
 Humility - Removes fear and insecurity and open up the
common value ideals with others.
self to universal truths.
Active Values - Values that determine our priorities in the
decisions that we make and the actions that we choose  Love - It is not simply a desire, a passion, an intense
repeatedly and consistently. feeling for one person or object, but a consciousness
which simultaneously selfless and self-fulfilling.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs  Peace - It consist of pure thoughts, pure feelings, and
1. Self-actualization needs - realizing personal potential, pure wishes.
self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak  Respect - It is based on awareness of the self as a
experiences. unique entity, a life force within a spiritual being, a soul.
2. Esteem needs - esteem for oneself and the desire for  Responsibility - It is accepting what is required, to honor
reputation or respect from others the role which has been entrusted, and to perform
3. Love and belongingness needs - The need for conscientiously and to the best of one’s ability.
interpersonal relationships motivates behaviour.  Unity - It is an harmony with and among individuals in a
4. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, group.
law, stability, freedom from fear.
5. Physiological needs - these are biological requirements
for human survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing,
warmth, sex, sleep.

THE GOOD CITIZENSHIP VALUES CLUSTER  Truth in Action - cultivating in enthusiastically and
sincerely performing one’s task and role with honesty.

 Faith in Almighty in Action - integrating the value of

Faith in God in different areas in daily lives by always  Justice in Action - to put the value of justice into action
attributing one’s efforts to God and making Him a part of in your lives by nurturing an attitude of vigilance and
the choices and decisions that one makes understanding of situations.
 Respect for Life in Action - integrating the value of
Respect for Life through deeper personal reflection and III. PAGKAMAKA-BAYAN
consciousness practice in daily lives by recognizing the
dignity of others and appreciating the value of the life of  Unity in Action - be united with the nation, people, local
every person. community, organization of work and family
 Order in Action - learn to develop organization skills and  Equality in Action - encourage others to live out the
time management. Following the rules and regulations at value of equality be being a good and consistent example
any establishments. to them
 Work in Action - personal reflection as how to value  Respect for Law and Government in Action - be a
work each day. good example by being a law-abiding and by respecting
 Concerns for the Family and Future Generations in the work of the government.
Action - evaluating your own family life more deeply.  Patriotism in Action - practicing Filipino values, love for
country and do a simple acts of service to your
 Promotion of the Common Good in Action - actively
 Love in Action - to evaluate the way you regard and participate in immersion, outreach and social exposure
express the value of love with people that surrounds you. activities.
 Freedom in Action - to be responsible in your own
freedom. Learn to develop a more mature notion of IV. Pagkama-kalikasan
 Peace in Action - to reflect on how they have cultivated  Concern for the Environment in Action - develop a
the value of peace in your own family, work and dealing, more conscious and consistent habit of keeping your
as well as in the manner by which they tackle issues that surroundings clean.
affect them.

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