Madhura Et Al-2018-Environmental Chemistry Letters

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Nanotechnology based water quality management for wastewater treatment

Article  in  Environmental Chemistry Letters · July 2018

DOI: 10.1007/s10311-018-0778-8


14 2,580

6 authors, including:

Lavanya Madhura Shalini Singh

Durban University of Technology Durban University of Technology


Suvardhan Kanchi Myalowenkosi I. Sabela

Durban University of Technology Durban University of Technology


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Environmental Chemistry Letters


Nanotechnology‑based water quality management for wastewater

Lavanya Madhura1 · Shalini Singh1 · Suvardhan Kanchi2 · Myalowenkosi Sabela2 · Krishna Bisetty2 · Inamuddin3,4,5 

Received: 3 July 2018 / Accepted: 5 July 2018

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018

Water contamination by pollutants has become one of the most critical health problem worldwide. In the current era, the
supply of high-quality drinking water to the society with cheaper technology is a key requirement for growing the economy.
The foremost challenge is to develop innovative wastewater treatment technologies with low production cost and enhanced
efficiency. Concomitantly, the role of nanotechnology in pollution remediation, drinking, and wastewater treatment has proven
to be promising according to numerous pilot-scale, laboratory, and in situ studies. Remarkable nanoscale features, namely
excellent adsorption properties, enhanced photocatalysis, and high reactivity, have fostered dynamic innovation globally.
This review focuses on the state-of-art of treatment techniques with nano-based materials, for example graphene and carbon
nanotubes, metal nanoparticles such as silver, iron, zinc and magnesium, and metal oxide nanoparticles and magnetic-core
composites including cobalt, nickel, and iron. Furthermore, we compare emerging and conventional technologies in terms
of production cost and performance for both organic and inorganic pollutants. In addition, challenges and future aspects of
engineered nanomaterials to environmental applications in wastewater treatment are also outlined.

Keywords  Nanotechnology · Carbon-based nanomaterials · Nanoadsorbents · Metal/metal oxide engineered

nanomaterials · Nanoparticles · Water and wastewater treatment

Introduction global challenge. Currently, the supply of potable water

is under stress due to the lack of availability of freshwa-
Water remains the most precious resource essential to sus- ter and poor sanitation services. According to the World
tain all life on earth. However, in the twenty-first century, Health Organization, nearly 780 million people still lack
access to reliable and affordable clean water remains a key access to clean and sustainable drinking water worldwide
(World Health Organization 2012). This is prevalent mainly
in developing countries, where the wastewater infrastructure
* Shalini Singh is not well established. Therefore, it is prudent to implement
[email protected]
basic water treatment technologies in the affected areas. In
* Inamuddin both industrialized and developing countries, water short-
[email protected]
ages are intensified by pollution mainly due to the human
Department of Operations and Quality Management, Durban activities. The increasing number of contaminants in waste-
University of Technology, Durban 4000, South Africa water has led to a new scrutiny of the emerging water treat-
Department of Chemistry, Durban University of Technology, ment and distribution systems with the emergence of strin-
Durban 4000, South Africa gent quality standards, particularly in developed countries.
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz The fast-rising world’s population and the improved living
University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia standard increase the demand for clean water. Moreover, it
Centre of Excellence for Advanced Materials Research, King is important to introduce new norms in the use of water due
Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia to the increasing pressure on water supplies, irregular supply
Advanced Functional Materials Laboratory, Department of freshwater, and global climate change. All these pres-
of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering sures on water systems drive the need for the use or reuse
and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, of alternative water sources such as seawater, stormwater,
Aligarh 202 002, India

Environmental Chemistry Letters

brackish water, and recycled domestic water in historically environmental factors such as severe drought and climate
water-stressed areas. Currently, wastewater treatment tech- change were related to water scarcity. On the other hand,
nologies and infrastructures are providing low, but adequate water scarcity could become more serious by 2020, 2050,
water quality to meet societal needs (World Health Organi- and 2070 (Turton 2016). In 2070, the most economically
zation 2012). active portion of South Africa could resemble the Middle
Recent innovations in nanotechnology offer a handful East and North Africa.
of opportunities to establish cost-effective and sustainable
water supply systems. The multi-functional ability of nano- Occurrence of pathogens in wastewaters
material is predicted to provide affordable, high-perfor-
mance water and wastewater treatment solutions that depend Several reports investigated water quality and disinfection
less on large infrastructure wastewater systems (Qu et al. aspects of treated domestic wastewater applications. Since
2013a, b, c). Nanotechnology-related water and wastewater the soil acts as a multilayer filter, surface drip irrigation
treatments are found to be promising initiatives, not only to is regarded as one of the best options to reduce pathogen
overcome the main challenges in water treatment, but also to content from surface waters (Ayars et al. 2015; Forslund
provide novel treatment abilities that could allow economic et al. 2012). Another possibility of reducing pathogens in
exploitation of alternate water sources to increase the water the applied conventional effluent is to detain it in a series
supply. of stabilization reservoirs; this process will increase the
salt concentration (Liran et al. 1994; Walker and Lin 2008).
Scarcity of water Efforts have been put forward to reduce pathogen content in
groundwater; however, this activity has made the water qual-
The scarcity of water remains to be one of the key threats ity worse (Herrero and Pérez-Coveta 2005; Mounzer et al.
to human existence in various areas worldwide. Literature 2013). In some arid regions, precipitation is the only process
suggests that parts of the African continent, the state of Cali- that facilitates soil leaching, compared to the rainy regions.
fornia in the USA, the Mediterranean Basin, and semiarid This result in a reduction in crop yield and in low food pro-
regions (Bunani et al. 2015; Jhansi and Mishra 2013) are duction due to the accumulation of salts and micropollutants
facing severe drought conditions, with water shortages that in the soil (Mounzer et al. 2013; Ternes et al. 2007).
emerged from overuse and extensive extraction of ground- The Silicon Valley Clean Water, a company located in
water (Qadir et al. 2010; Roson and Sartori 2015). Recently, San Francisco Bay, has designed an effective way of treat-
due to growing environmental awareness in water supplies, ing wastewaters to remove 97% of organic materials, solids
inexpensive methods have been developed for the reuse wastes, and pathogens (Silicon Valley Clean Water 2017).
and treatment of non-conventional water sources from grey It was found that 200,000 people are benefitting from envi-
and wastewater systems (Birks and Hills 2007; Salgot et al. ronmentally clean and safe water from this treatment plant.
2006). Even though the desalination of seawater and runoff Recently, silica monoliths integrated with composites and
waters is real option to address the shortage of water, it is biocomposites have been designed for strategical removal
noted that the reuse of treated domestic wastewater is an of organic pollutants from wastewater plants. The schematic
alternate solution to a stable water source. The disposal of illustration of wastewater treatment plants is represented in
treated domestic wastewater into the environment may not Fig. 1 (Rodrigues et al. 2013).
be harmful; however, it is prudent to monitor the potential
environmental risks associated with wastewater pollution Nanotechnology for water quality
to resolve water shortage challenges. An aim of emerging
technologies is to uphold sustainable food production with The quality of the effluent can be improved dramatically by
low-quality wastewaters. It has been mooted that these low- using a nanotechnological system. These systems include
quality wastewaters have the capability of increasing agri- basic separation processes such as reverse osmosis, micro-
cultural yields which can remain consistent and stable for filtration, and nanofiltration to treat effluents more effec-
approximately 25 years. Though treated domestic wastewa- tively. It is also found that the use of these systems allowed
ter is of a great advantage for agriculture because of its high organizations to generate a sustainable water quality, thus
nutrient content (Jhansi and Mishra 2013; Rusan et al. 2007; improving their environmental and economic development
Velho et al. 2012), these nutrients can lead to a eutrophi- (Drews 2010; Qu et al. 2013c; Smith 2006; Wu et al. 2011).
cation process resulting in the accumulation of nitrogen Among all three processes, reverse osmosis is one of the
species in the groundwater (Chislock et al. 2013; She et al. effective systems used to remove all micropollutants from
2016; Xie et al. 2015). According to Turton (2016) stud- wastewaters (Xue et al. 2010). However, the main draw-
ies, scarcity of water in South Africa was divided into four back of this process is in the disposal of the resulting brine
stages based on the years. In 1990, population growth and solution into the environment in which wastewater would

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Fig. 1  Strategies for removal of pollutants from wastewater effluents biomolecules in beads within silica monolith; 2.b immobilized organ-
or prepared solutions, based on silica monoliths: 1.a porous com- ism or biomolecules directly within silica monolith; both biocompos-
posites (mesopores and or hierarchically macro-/mesopores) able to ites are to promote adsorption and diffusion of target chemical com-
promote adsorption of chemical compounds; 1.b titania-loaded com- pounds as well as biodegradation followed by diffusion of degraded
posites able to promote adsorption and photodegradation of chemi- compounds (reproduced with permission of Rodrigues et  al. 2013).
cal compounds; 2.a biocomposites with immobilized organism or Copyright 2013 Elsevier

unavoidably combine with domestic waters. Therefore, most (b) more energy is required (Guest et al. 2009; Huang and
of the reverse osmosis systems are located near the seashore Keller 2015), and
to enable the disposal of brine solution into the ocean (Garg (c) the safe and environmentally friendly disposal of brine
and Joshi 2015; Shenvi et al. 2015; Xue et al. 2010; Yuan solution (Pérez-González et al. 2012).
and He 2015).

Nanotechnology‑based water treatment

Imminent issues associated with nanotechnology and reuse processes
for water treatment
The treatment and reuse of domestic water can be performed
The fundamental challenges identified for the successful with nanotechnology. This technology creates opportunities
execution of nanofiltration processes are as follows: to remove concerns related to water quality deterioration
within distribution networks. It also reduces dependency
(a) the fouling of the membrane (Drews 2010; She et al. on major infrastructure and utilizes other water sources
2016); (e.g. recycled new water) for agricultural and portable

Environmental Chemistry Letters

applications with subsidized energy consumption. This fore- performed using nanomaterials with catalytic and photo-
sight may be predominantly suitable for developing coun- catalytic properties. Functionalized titanium dioxide- and
tries where there are concerns about the rapid deterioration fullerenes-based nanocomposites are used as a photo-
of water quality and growing pressure for cleaner water to catalyst for deactivation and disinfection of bacteria and
meet food safety, public health, and stricter environmental viruses effectively in the presence of visible and ultraviolet
standards. This situation emphasizes the necessity for inno- light (Dunlop et al. 2002). This method signifies a sub-
vative and high-performance water treatment technologies. stantial enhancement over existing chemical disinfection
In developing countries, urban areas are focusing on the methods that produce harmful disinfection by-products.
use of nanotechnology treatment systems that target a wide However, these by-products are not effective to disinfect-
range of pollutants which are inexpensive and easy to oper- ant-resistant pathogens (e.g. Giardia and Cryptosporid-
ate. A sustainable urban water management is an ultimate ium). This method can also be used to treat pollutants such
goal, which can be achieved by adopting ideal treatment as pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors, pesticides, and
systems with engineered nanomaterials as shown in Table 1. residual antibiotics from wastewaters (Lee et al. 2009).
The reuse of wastewater with nanotechnology is still far The effective dechlorination of organic solvents like
away from being on industrial-scale applications. However, trichloroethylene was performed using palladium modi-
researchers have succeeded in laboratory scale testing with fied gold nanoparticles. In this study, the nanocomposite
promising outputs resulting in the establishment of pilot- acts as a superior catalyst for the treatment of wastewater
scale plants (He et al. 2010; Radjenović et al. 2009). Silver (Nutt et al. 2005; Wong et al. 2009). The nano-zerovalent
nanoparticles have been used as water filters in domestic iron nanoparticles are used as an important reductant to
wastewater treatment (Oyanedel-Craver and Smith 2007). enhance dechlorination resulting in effective groundwater
The current nanotechnology-related water treatment research remediation.
focuses on four areas: (a) filtration through membranes; (b)
adsorptive elimination of micropollutants; (c) microbial
decontamination; and (d) catalytic degradation (Li et al.
2008a, b).
The oxidative or reductive degradation of pollut-
ants related to agriculture and pharmaceuticals has been

Table 1  Prospects for engineered nanomaterials in wastewater treatment and reuse

Required engineered nanomaterials properties Engineered nanomaterials-aided technologies Citation

Specific and greater surface area Higher sorbents with great irreversible Mayo et al. (2007)
adsorption ability (useful in the removal of
arsenic and other toxic heavy metals by using
magnetite nanoparticles) and reactants and
Improved catalytic properties Titanium dioxide- and fullerene-based photo- Hoffmann et al. (1995) and Nutt et al. (2005)
catalysts were used as hyper-catalysts, and
hybrid of palladium/gold was also used in the
reduction process of wastewater treatment for
pesticide residues
Antimicrobial properties Titanium dioxide and fullerenes derivatives Lee et al. (2009) and Yang et al. (2009)
were used as disinfectants without toxic by-
Characteristics properties (antibiotic, catalytic, Self-cleaning ability, nanofiltration membranes Zodrow et al. (2009)
etc.) that have unique features in deactivating virus
and terminating organic pollutants
Self-assembly on surfaces This feature will reduce bacterial contact with Nel et al. (2009)
electrode surface, the formation of biofilms,
and corrosion in water storage systems
High conductivity New electrodes for electrosorption (fast deioni- Oren (2008)
zation) and cost-effective, energy-efficient
desalination process
Fluorescence Rapid detection of pathogens and other pollut- Bogue (2009)
ants using sensor technology

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Nanomaterials as adsorbents for water c). For the removal of organic and inorganic pollutants,
treatment various carbon-based nanomaterials have been explored
as superior adsorbents. Fullerenes and carbon nanotubes
Nano-adsorbents are particles in the nanoscale range that are adopted as effective adsorbents due to their extensive
have a great attraction to adsorb organic or inorganic applications. However, the design of low-cost methods for
substances from aqueous solutions (Baruah et al. 2016; effective adsorbents is a great challenge. The hybrid of
Madhura et al. 2018). Due to their small size, high poros- magnetic nanomaterials and multi-walled carbon nano-
ity, and an active surface, nano-adsorbents are capable tubes showed substantial removal efficiency of inorganic
of adsorbing contaminants with varying molecular size metal ions (Yang et al. 2006).
and speciation behaviour. In the manufacturing process of
nano-adsorbents, raw materials are used efficiently without Carbon nanotubes
the release of harmful by-products (Pacheco et al. 2006).
Nano-adsorbents have a strong binding capacity for pol- A carbon nanotube is an allotrope of carbon. Carbon nano-
lutants, resulting in the effective removal from wastewaters tubes are mostly composed of cylindrical shapes rolled up
(Yang and Xing 2007). These adsorbents are attracting in a tube-like structure. There are two types of carbon nano-
the attention of researchers due to their unique proper- tubes, namely single-walled carbon nanotubes and multi-
ties such as small size, surface area to volume ratio, large walled carbon nanotubes (Wang et al. 2014a, b, c, d). Carbon
surface area, high reactivity, and catalytic potential at nanotubes composed of a single, rolled-up graphene sheet
the nanoscale when compared to conventional materials are known as single-walled carbon nanotubes while multiple
(Hristovski et al. 2007). The large surface area of nano- graphene rolled-up sheets are known as multi-walled carbon
adsorbent creates more active adsorbing sites, resulting nanotubes as shown in Fig. 2 (Das et al. 2014).
in the effective interaction of different chemical species Compared to conventional granular and powdered acti-
from wastewaters (Khaleel et al. 1999; Li et al. 2006a, b). vated carbon, carbon nanotubes consist of controlled pore
Magnetic nano-adsorbents can be effortlessly retained and size distribution and high surface active site to volume
separated from the water after the treatment process due ratio, which results in exceptional sorption efficiency. The
to the high specific surface area of magnetic nanoparti- adsorption capacity of carbon nanotubes depends on both
cles. Therefore, these nanomaterials are commonly used to the nature of the sorbate and surface functional groups. For
remove radionuclides and heavy metals from wastewaters. example, the adsorption of polar compounds onto the sur-
The super-paramagnetic properties of nanomagnetite allow face of carbon nanotubes functionalized with acidic groups
separation under low magnetic fields to enable recycling like carboxylic, lactonic, and phenolic groups (Wang et al.
and reuse of magnetite nanomaterials (Mayo et al. 2007). 2008a, b). On the other hand, a higher adsorption capac-
Sand filter treatment for the removal of heavy metals was ity was observed by non-functionalized carbon nanotubes
first performed on pilot scale by the Rice University in towards nonpolar compounds such as polycyclic aromatic
Mexico and was ranked as top five nanotechnology break- hydrocarbons (Stafiej and Pyrzynska 2008). In carbon
throughs in 2006 (ForbesMediaLLC. 2006). nanotubes, sorption behaviours are mainly due to physical
interaction of nonpolar and chemical interaction of polar
compounds, which are shown in Table 2.
Carbon‑based materials The sorption capacity of carbon nanotubes is effective
mainly over a wide pH, ranging from 7.0 to 10.0. It was
In an adsorption process, the main characteristic features reported that, except in this pH range, ionic species could
of adsorbents are a large surface area, pore volume, and occur in the reaction systems, resulting in the lowering of
good functionalities for the adsorbate. Several porous adsorption capacities. When compared to conventional acti-
materials such as activated carbon, polymers, mesoporous vated carbon, carbon nanotubes are more expensive, where
oxides, pillared clays, and metal–organic frameworks are their sorption and desorption cycles are effective in terms
currently available to remove toxic pollutants from waste- of extraction efficiency.
waters and soils (Adeyemo et al. 2012; Gupta and Bhat- By using purified carbon nanotubes (single- and multi-
tacharyya 2012; Kim and Yi 2004; Ngah et al. 2011; Wang walled carbon nanotubes), the removal of zinc(II) was dis-
and Peng 2010). Among them, carbon-based adsorbents cussed by Lu and Chiu (2006). The other study by Lu et al.
including carbon nanotubes, activated carbon, graphene, (2005) suggests that purified carbon nanotubes are more
and fullerenes generally show high thermal stability effective in the removal of metal residual catalysts than the
and excellent adsorption capacity (Rao et al. 2007; Ren amorphous carbon. Large amounts of nanotube bundles with
et al. 2011; Seymour et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2012a, b, hollow inner tube diameters were observed with purified
carbon nanotubes. Due to the presence of negative functional

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Fig. 2  Structures of a multi-
walled and b single-walled
carbon nanotubes (Reproduced
with permission of Das et al.
2014). Copyright 2014 Elsevier

Table 2  Heavy metal ions Metal ions Nano-adsorbents Adsorption efficiency Citation

adsorption onto various types of
carbon nanotubes Pb(II) CNTs(HNO3) 49.95 mg g−1 at pH:7.0 Li et al. (2002)
CNTs 1.406 mmol g−1 Anitha et al. (2015)
CNT-OH 2.07 mmol g−1 Anitha et al. (2015)
CNT-CONH2 1.907 mmol g−1 Li et al. (2003b)
CNT-COO− 4.672 mmol g−1
MWCNTs ­(HNO3) 97.08 mg g−1 at pH:5.0
Cd(II) CNTs-COO− 3.325 mmol g−1 Anitha et al. (2015)
CNT-OH 1.513 mmol g−1
CNT-CONH2 1.563 mmol g−1
CNTs 1.291 mmol g−1
Ni(II) MWCNTs 7.53 mg g−1 at pH:7.0 Lu and Liu (2006)
SWCNTs 9.22 mg g−1 at pH:7.0
Cu(II) CNTs 1.219 mmol g−1 Anitha et al. (2015)
CNT-OH 1.342 mmol g−1
CNT-CONH2 1.755 mmol g−1
CNT-COO- 3.565 mmol g−1

groups on the surface of purified carbon nanotubes, the zeta capacity of zinc (II) using single- and multi-walled carbon
potentials of purified carbon nanotubes were more nega- nanotubes. It was found that at the initial concentration range
tive than those of un-purified carbon tubes. Hence, it can be of 10–80 mg L−1, the maximum adsorption of 43.66 and
noted that in the pH range of 2.0–12.0, the adsorption of zinc 32.68 mg g−1 of zinc (II) within 60 min was reported.
(II) was found to be maximum. At a lower pH, due to the Gupta et al. (2011) studied the removal of chromium
competition for adsorption sites between hydrogen and zinc (III) by using multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated
(II), the adsorption capacity of zinc (II) was lowered. How- with iron oxide nanoparticles. The carbonyl and hydroxyl
ever, up to pH 8.0, the adsorption of zinc (II) was increased group’s functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
and beyond pH 8.0, the adsorption remains unchanged. was performed by acid treatment with nitric acid. The avail-
Therefore, the optimum pH 8.0 was selected for the maxi- ability of additional adsorption sites created by the oxygen
mum adsorption and removal of zinc (II) species. The Lang- atoms of iron oxide nanoparticles on the surface of multi-
muir model was developed to determine the adsorption walled carbon nanotubes established an electrostatic force of

Environmental Chemistry Letters

attraction, resulting in the enhanced adsorption capacity of not undergo protonation at pH 7.0 or 9.0 due to the non-
chromium (III). In the pH range of 3.0–7.0, nanocomposite occurrence of H ­ + ions. The isotherm results revealed that
was found to be effective for the removal of chromium (III) the Langmuir model better fitted to the experimental data
due to the formation of Cr(OH)2+ at pH 4.0. However, in the compared to the Freundlich isotherm model. The adsorption
pH range of 4.0–7.0, maximum adsorption of chromium (III) kinetics were conducted, and it was found that the pseudo-
from multi-walled carbon nanotube was evident due to the second-order was accurate and that the intra-particle dif-
formation of net negative surface charge on the Cr(OH)2+. fusion model suggested the mass transfer rate gradually
The fixed bed experimental results suggested that the low increased by the accumulation of multi-walled carbon nano-
flow-rate of the sample solution resulted in the increased tubes. The maximum adsorption efficiency of multi-walled
adsorption of chromium (III) due to the increased contact carbon nanotubes impregnated with chitosan hydrogen beads
time between the adsorbent and the analyte. Interestingly, it was found to be 450.4 mg g−1.
was found that the uptake of chromium (III) also increased The single-walled carbon nanotubes were used for
with fixed bed thickness, due to the availability of additional the removal of Reactive Red 120 textile dye from textile
adsorption sites on multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Many wastewaters as a function of pH change. The optimum pH
researchers have also designed functionalization of carbon was found to be 5.0, below and above this pH, while the
nanotubes to test the adsorption ability and removal effi- adsorption capacity decreased. At an initial concentration
ciency of toxic substances, compared to non-functionalized of 50 mg L−1 and pH 5.0, the single-walled carbon nano-
carbon nanotubes (Rao et al. 2007; Ren et al. 2011). tubes have an adsorption capacity of 426.49 mg g−1 with a
The adsorption performance of Procion Red MX-5B dye removal percentage of 85.3%. It was found that the adsorp-
from various industrial effluents, with multi-walled carbon tion capacity of dye increased with an increase in adsorbent
nanotubes, was evaluated by Wu et al. (2007). At pH 6.5, dosage up to 882.83 mg g−1 with an equilibrium contact time
kinetic analysis was performed at various temperatures. of 180 min (Bazrafshan et al. 2013).
It was found that the maximum adsorption (20.93, 22.87, Multi-walled carbon nanotubes treated with acids were
27.20, and 30.53 mg g−1) was attained within 3 h at differ- used to monitor the adsorption capacity of resorcinol. In
ent temperatures 281, 291, 301, and 321 K, respectively. this study, resorcinol was used as a model phenol and it was
The results obtained revealed that temperature played a sig- found that adsorption kinetics was fast (Liao et al. 2008). It
nificant role in the adsorption of Procion Red MX-5B onto was noted that the experiments were performed at pH below
the multi-walled carbon nanotubes. The adsorption process 8.0, as resorcinol undergoes oxidation in basic medium. The
increased with temperature, demonstrating that the move- uptake of resorcinol increased with a decrease in pH, due
ment of dye molecules increased with temperature and con- to a decrease in its solubility with the decrease in pH. Fur-
firmed that the adsorption process was endothermic. The thermore, the decrease in the uptake efficiency of resorcinol
Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were studied based on was due to the electrostatic repulsion between the multi-
the standard deviation and linear correlation coefficients walled carbon nanotubes treated with acid and the nega-
results. It was suggested that the Langmuir isotherm fitted tively charged resorcinol. Interestingly, it was found that the
well with the experimental results. The kinetic models were carboxylic groups on the multi-walled carbon nanotubes act
also performed and confirmed that the pseudo-second-order as electron-withdrawing groups, localizing electrons from
model was accurate with the adsorption process of Procion the π-system of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, resulting
Red MX-5B dye. in the weakening of bonds between graphite structure of
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes impregnated with chi- multi-walled carbon nanotubes and the aromatic ring of res-
tosan hydrogel beads were used to study the adsorption effi- orcinol. The hydroxyl group on meta-position of resorcinol
ciency and removal of Congo red from aqueous solutions also influenced the adsorption capacity of the multi-walled
(Chatterjee et al. 2010). The impregnation of chitosan hydro- carbon nanotubes (Chen et al. 2011a, b).
gel beads onto the multi-walled carbon nanotubes resulted Promising results have been achieved in the removal of
in the high porosity and thickness of the material. At pH natural organic matter from aqueous solutions using multi-
4.0, the adsorption of Congo red onto the chitosan hydro- walled carbon nanotubes. Due to the hydrophobicity of
gel beads/multi-walled carbon nanotubes was maximum multi-walled carbon nanotubes, natural organic matter can
(423.1 mg g−1), indicating that the adsorption process is pH be easily removed from the aqueous systems (Hyung and
dependent. It was noted that amine groups of chitosan do not Kim 2008). In pH range of 3.0–9.0, the natural organic mat-
undergo protonation. The formation of beads was performed ter is ionic in nature and results in the enhanced adsorp-
in a sodium hydroxide precipitation bath. The decrease in tion capacity (2.5–50 mg C ­L−1) of multi-walled carbon
­H+ concentration was observed with increase in initial pH nanotubes for some natural surface- and groundwaters.
from 4.0 to 6.0. Such behaviour was not detected for Congo In this report, Langmuir and Freundlich isothermal stud-
red solution at neutral or basic pH, as amine groups did ies were performed and compared with the adsorption of

Environmental Chemistry Letters

multi-walled carbon nanotubes. It found that the adsorption In addition to the removal of toxic metals, carbon nano-
layers of natural organic matter on the surface of multi- tubes are also used to treat wastewaters for organic pollut-
walled carbon nanotubes were formed due to the stable sus- ants. For example, organic dyes are highly toxic at the lower
pension in aqueous solution. concentration levels in water because of their potential car-
In other reports, coagulation and adsorption processes cinogenic effect on the aquatic system. For treating organic
were combined for the removal of natural organic matter pollutants, a wide range of adsorbents such as clays, zeolite,
from a variety of water samples using multi-walled carbon polymers, and activated carbons were used for an effective
nanotubes (Joseph et al. 2012). In the presence of ferric chlo- adsorption process. Among all the adsorbents used, carbon
ride and alum metal coagulants, single- and multi-walled nanotubes are found to be the most promising material to
carbon nanotubes were used for the removal of natural treat leather, food processing, dyeing, paper, and industrial
organic matter with coagulation process. Different samples effluents due to their unique surface properties (Yang et al.
such as brackish water (humic acid), synthetic seawater, syn- 2008a, b; Yao et al. 2011).
thetic landfill leachates (glucose), and natural river water Researchers have investigated the capability of various
were selected to attain a thorough knowledge on the natu- carbon nanotubes to remove a wide range of organic pol-
ral organic matter and its behaviour towards adsorption and lutants from wastewaters. Their findings are summarized
coagulation process. The humic acid present in one of the in Table  3. Even though carbon nanotubes have many
natural samples has 40% dissolved organic carbon. It was important advantages, their usage is limited to the indus-
found that the Freundlich adsorption isotherm fitted well trial applications due to cost implications (De Volder et al.
into the experimental data. Interestingly, single-walled car- 2013). Small quantities of carbon nanotubes are required for
bon nanotubes (407 m2 ­g−1) showed a greater efficiency of point-of-use applications because of competitiveness. For
adsorption compared to the multi-walled carbon nanotubes example, many carbon nanotubes are used in pharmaceutical
(60 m2 ­g−1) due to the higher surface area of the former. industries to remove highly degradable contaminates (Cong
Equivalent quantities of trihalomethanes such as chloro- et al. 2013; Ji et al. 2009; Qu et al. 2013a, b, c). Hence, more
form, dichlorobromomethane, dibromochloromethane, and research is necessary to develop reliable and cost-effective
bromoform were investigated from different water samples procedures for water treatment using carbon nanotubes.
(Lu et al. 2006). The multi-walled carbon nanotubes used in
this study were purified with nitric acid/sulphuric acid and Graphene‑based materials
used as an adsorbent. The kinetic studies performed in this
study were a diffusion-controlled mechanism. It was found Graphene, an allotrope of carbon, has recently been used by
that the adsorption of chloroform onto the multi-walled car- several researchers in developing a cost-effective method of
bon nanotubes was rapid over other dichlorobromomethane, synthesis of graphene oxide. Since the twentieth century, the
dibromochloromethane, and bromoform due to smaller size use of graphene and graphene-based materials has increased
and could easily penetrate into the inner cavities through drastically due to their unique properties, which have moti-
the pores. Additionally, the temperature effect on adsorp- vated the development of novel and performance-enhanced
tion was studied and it was found that the increase in tem- environmental applications (Hebbar et al. 2017; Jilani et al.
perature from 5–35 °C decreases the adsorption efficiency. 2018). Further, the development of graphene-based tech-
At 5 °C, the maximum adsorption capacity of chloroform, nologies is important due to their environmental implica-
dichlorobromomethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromo- tions and cost considerations. Moreover, graphene is an ideal
form was found to be 3.158, 2.016, 2.008, and 1.976 mg g−1, material and substitute for carbon nanotubes in water treat-
respectively. ment. When compared to carbon nanotubes, graphene-based
Morawski et al. (2000) studied the adsorption of chloro- materials act as a promising adsorbent for reliable environ-
form onto the carbon nano-spheres and found that adsorption mental application in terms of production costs.
capacity of 40% was observed from a standard solution . Single-layered graphene materials offer two basal planes
In addition, several reports are available on the removal of for the adsorption of pollutants (Rao et al. 2007; Sitko et al.
aquatic pollutants using carbon nanotubes (Chen et al. 2007; 2013a, b; Stafiej and Pyrzynska 2007). In contrast, the
Lu et al. 2008; Pan and Xing 2008). From the foregoing sec- adsorbates are not accessible in the inner walls of carbon
tion, carbon nanotubes have proved to be a potential adsor- nanotubes (Sitko et al. 2013a, b). Through chemical exfo-
bent for the removal of dyes, toxic metals, natural organic liation of graphite, reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and gra-
matter, and trihalomethanes from aqueous solution. Their phene oxide (GO) can be easily synthesized without using
practical use is restricted due to the cost factor. Thus far, the complex apparatus or metallic catalysts as shown in Fig. 3
toxicity of functionalized carbon nanotubes is not reported in (Amieva et al. 2016; Balaji Mohana et al. 2018). No further
the literature; however, some degree of toxicity is observed purification steps are needed, and the resulting graphene
with raw carbon nanotubes (Chen and Wang 2006). material is free from catalyst residues (Sitko et al. 2013a, b).

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Table 3  Removal of organic pollutants using various types of carbon nanotubes (CNT)

Carbon-based nano-adsorbents Organic pollutants Adsorption efficiency (mg g−1) Citation

Untreated CNTs
SWCNTs Oxytetracycline 554 Ncibi and Sillanpää (2015)
Ciprofloxacin 933.8 Ncibi and Sillanpää (2015)
4-Chloro-2-nitrophenol 1.44 Mehrizad et al. (2012)
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) 26.1–20.8 Lou et al. (2011)
Double-walled carbon nanotubes Oxytetracycline 507 Ncibi and Sillanpää (2015)
Ciprofloxacin 901.2 Ncibi and Sillanpää (2015)
MWCNTs Tetracycline 192.7 Álvarez-Torrellas et al. (2016)
Olaquindox 99.7 (%) Zhang et al. (2011)
Ciprofloxacin 391 Ncibi and Sillanpää (2015)
Oxytetracycline 651.4 Ncibi and Sillanpää (2015)
4-Chloro-2-nitrophenol 4.42 Mehrizad et al. (2012)
Methylene blue 59.7 Wang et al. (2012a, b, c)
Treated CNTs
Alkali-activated MWCNTs Methylene blue 399 Ma et al. (2012)
Oxidized SWCNTS Basic red 46 (BR 46) 49.45 Moradi (2013)
MWCNTs activated with KOH Toluene, ethylbenzene, m-xylene 87.12, 322.05, 247.83 Yu et al. (2012)
Carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes Norfloxacin 90.3 Yang et al. (2012)
Pristine and hydroxylated MWCNTs Sulfamethazine 24.78, 13.31 Yang et al. (2015)
CNTs based nanocomposite
Chitosan/Fe2O3/MWCNTs Methyl orange 66.90 Zhu et al. (2010)
Calcium alginate/MWCNTs Methyl orange 12.5 Zhu et al. (2010)
CNTs-C@Fe-chitosan composite Tetracycline 104 Ma et al. (2015a, b)
MWCNTs/CoFe2O4 Sulfamethoxazole 6.98 Wang et al. (2015)

SW: single-walled, MW: multiwalled

Santosh et al. (2016) cited (Zhao et al. 2011a, b) that the existence of interaction sites, i.e. oxygen groups on the
the graphene oxide prepared using acid treatment methods surface, compared to the pristine graphene. The significance
resulted in a large number of oxygen atoms containing func- of oxygen groups was described by using adsorption process
tional groups on the surface of graphene oxide. The gra- of lead (II) with oxidized a graphene sheet and pristine gra-
phene oxide obtained exhibited excellent hydrophilic char- phene (Huang et al. 2011). To design composite materials,
acteristics with greater reactivity towards the wide range of graphene nanosheets (GNs) and graphene oxide can also be
contaminants (Santhosh et al. 2016). combined with metal oxides. A typical hybrid of graphene
The significant feature of the graphene oxide is due to oxide/metal oxide has specific characteristics as an adsor-
the presence of oxygen atoms containing functional groups bent for the removal of various pollutants from wastewaters.
on the sheets of graphene oxide, thus facilitating the elec- Toxic metal ions such as lead (II), zinc (II) and cadmium (II)
trostatic interactions with organic and inorganic pollutants. were known to be removed by using a flower-shaped hybrid
Additionally, due to their electron-rich environment and of graphene oxide/titanium dioxide (Lee and Yang 2012). In
large specific surface area, graphene-based materials act as the same study at pH 5.6, adsorption efficiencies of lead (II),
an efficient adsorbent. zinc (II), and cadmium (II) were found to be 65.6 mg g−1,
Several studies have been reported on the graphene-based 88.9 mg g−1, and 72.8 mg g−1, respectively, using a hybrid
adsorbents and their applications for the removal of inor- of graphene oxide/titanium dioxide. It was noted that higher
ganic pollutants from aqueous solutions (Zhao et al. 2011a, adsorption capacities were observed with nanocomposite
b), which was reported by Santhosh et al. (2016). For the of graphene oxide/titanium dioxide, compared to graphene
remediation of metal ions from wastewaters, graphene oxide oxide or titanium dioxide alone. The results obtained are
was used as a model adsorbent in most of the studies cited tabulated in Table 4.
in the literature (Santhosh et al. 2016; Sitko et al. 2013a, b; The first time, pristine graphene was synthesised using
Wu et al. 2011; Zhao et al. 2011a, b). Graphene oxide is a a vacuum-promoted low-temperature method followed by
preferred material for the adsorption of metal ions due to a temperature treatment at 500 and 700 °C (GNS500 and

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Fig. 3  Graphene: the basic

structure of all carbon materials
that can be rolled up into a
graphene, b 3-D graphite, and
c zero-dimensional fullerenes
(reproduced with permission
of Balaji Mohana et al. 2018).
Copyright 2018 Elsevier

Table 4  Various graphene- Inorganic pol- Graphene-based nanocomposite Adsorption efficiency Citation

based nanocomposites for the lutants (mg/g)
removal of some heavy metal
ions Cu(II) Graphene oxide (GO)/Fe3O4 18.3 Li et al. (2012a, b)
GO/Fe3O4/sulfanilic acid 50.7 and 56.8 Hur et al. (2015)
GO/Fe3O4 23.1 Hur et al. (2015)
GO/Mn-doped Fe(III)oxide 129.7 Nandi et al. (2013)
Pb(II) GO/silica/Fe3O4 333.3 Wang et al. (2013a, b)
GO-MnFe2O4 673 Kumar et al. (2014)
rGo/COFe2O4 299.4 Ozmen et al. (2010)
GO/Fe3O4 38.5 Hur et al. (2015)
TiO2/GO 65.6 Madadrang et al. (2012)
GO-EDTA 479 Madadrang et al. (2012)
SiO2–GNs 113.6 Hao et al. (2012)
Cd(II) GO/silica/Fe3O4 166.7 Wang et al. (2013b)
GO/Mn-doped Fe(III)oxide 87.2 Nandi et al. (2013)
GO/Fe3O4 4.4 Hur et al. (2015)
Hg(II) MnO2/GNs 10.8 Sreeprasad et al. (2011)

GNS700) to incorporate oxygen groups onto the surface and Yang 2012). Furthermore, graphene-based adsorbents
of graphene oxide sheets. Then, the adsorption capacity were also used to remove a wide range of organic pollutants
of normal pristine graphene was evaluated and found to be from the wastewater systems and the results obtained are
less when compared to the graphene synthesized at 500 and summarized in Table 5.
700 °C for the removal of lead (II) ions from the wastewa- Apart from the adsorption capacity, the toxicity, transfor-
ters. This was due to the contribution of oxygen functional mation, and fate of graphene-based materials have been widely
groups in the adsorption mechanism (Huang et al. 2011; Lee reviewed in the literature (Bianco 2013; Bussy et al. 2012;

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Table 5  Adsorption of organic pollutants using graphene-based materials

Organic pollutants Graphene oxide-based nanocomposite Adsorption efficiency Citation

Methylene blue Polyethersulfone/GO 62.50 Zhang et al. (2013a, b)

Fe3O4/GO hybrids 167.2 Xie et al. (2012)
GO sponge 397 Liu et al. (2012)
Reduced GO/ZnO nanohybrids – Fan et al. (2012), Pant et al.
(2013) and Xie et al. (2012)
Reduced GO/CdS hybrids 94 (%) Wang et al. (2012a, b, c)
Reduced GO–MFe2O4 hybrids 92 (%) Bai et al. (2012)
Fe3O4–GNs 45.3 Yao et al. (2012)
GO 351 Bradder et al. (2010)
GNs 154–204 Bai et al. (2012)
Neutral red Fe3O4/GO hybrids 171.3 Xie et al. (2012)
Rhodamine B Reduced GO–MFe2O4 hybrids 92 (%) Madadrang et al. (2012)
Reduced GO/ZnO nanohybrids – Fan et al. (2012), Pant et al.
(2013) and Xie et al. (2012)
Methylene violet GO sponge 467 Liu et al. (2012)
Methylene orange Reduced GO–TiO2 – Pastrana-Martinez et al. (2012)
Congo red Fe3O4–GNs 33.7 Yao et al. (2012)
Ciprofloxacin Porous graphene hydrogel 235.6 Ma et al. (2015a, b)
KOH-activated graphene 194.6 Yu et al. (2015)
Single layer GO 379 Chen et al. (2015)
Tetracycline TiO2-graphene sponge 1805 Zhao et al. (2015)
GO 381.77 Ghadim et al. (2013)
F–GO with MNPs 39.1 Lin et al. (2013)
GO 313.48 Gao et al. (2012)
Doxycycline F–GO with MNPs 35.5 Lin et al. (2013)
GO 398.40 Gao et al. (2012)
Oxytetracycline GO 212.31 Gao et al. (2012)
F–GO with MNPs 45.0 Lin et al. (2013)
Chlortetracycline F–GO with MNPs 42.6 Lin et al. (2013)

GO: graphene oxide, GN: graphene nanosheets, MNP: metal nanoparticle

Hu and Zhou 2013). Due to the lack of historical data, the fungi (Krishnaraj et al. 2012), bacteria (Kalhapure et al. 2015),
ecotoxicological properties and life cycle of different forms and viruses (Borrego et al. 2016). Due to this activity, silver
of graphene-based materials which have a minimal impact on nanoparticles have been extensively used for the disinfection
environmental and health system must be evaluated and identi- of water. It was reported that silver nanoparticles interact with
fied urgently. It would be difficult to find out the most reliable bacterial cell wall and then penetrate the cell resulting in a
areas of graphene-based material research due to their environ- change in the cell wall structure and consequently enhancing
mental and economic considerations. On the other hand, it is a permeable capacity (Sondi and Salopek-Sondi 2004). In addi-
challenging task to reduce graphene oxide to pristine graphene tion, free radicals can be formed from the interaction of silver
by restoring its mechanical and electronic properties. On the nanoparticles with bacteria resulting in cell wall damage and
large scale, reduction of graphene is one of the cost-effective finally cause the death of cells (Danilczuk et al. 2006). Fur-
methods for the production of graphene oxide. thermore, silver nanoparticles can interact with phosphorus
and sulphur elements present in DNA and destroy the whole
Metal nanoparticles bacterial cell. Interestingly, it was found that the death of bac-
terial cells by the silver nanoparticles is due to the generation
Silver nanoparticles of antimicrobial silver(I) ions, which can later interact with
the thiol functional group of the enzymes, deactivate them,
The silver nanoparticles are found to be highly toxic to micro- and disturb the regular functions of the cells (Dhanalekshmi
organisms resulting in effective microbial defence against and Meena 2016; Prabhu and Poulose 2012). Although these

Environmental Chemistry Letters

theories have emerged, the antimicrobial mechanism of silver It was found that nano-zero-valent aluminium has a great
nanoparticles is still unclear and remains under discussion. reduction ability and is thermodynamically unstable in an
Recent advancements in nanotechnology reveal that silver aqueous medium, resulting in the formation of hydroxides/
nanoparticles have been effectively used in wastewater treat- oxides on the surface preventing the electron transfer from
ment. However, unmodified silver nanoparticles have a ten- the contaminants to the metal surface (Rivero-Huguet and
dency to form clusters in aqueous media and thus this slowly Marshall 2009).
decreases their antimicrobial ability during long-term use The reduction ability of nickel is lower than iron due to
(Li et al. 2011). The integration of silver nanoparticles with the less electronegative standard reduction potential. How-
filtration membranes or filters has been considered useful ever, nano-zero-valent iron or zinc has a moderate standard
for the disinfection of water due to their effective antibacte- reduction potential to exhibit good reduction abilities when
rial abilities and cost-effectiveness (Quang et al. 2013). It compared to various redox contaminants. The nano-zerov-
was noted that sheets of silver nanoparticles exhibited effec- alent iron has many advantages over zinc due to a weaker
tive antibacterial properties towards Enterococcus faecalis, reduction capacity. This property has allowed researchers
Escherichia coli, and deactivated bacteria while filtering to use nano-zerovalent iron extensively in water treatment
through the sheet. processes, owing to its outstanding adsorption capacity, its
According to World Health Organization and the Envi- cost-effectiveness, oxidation, and precipitation. Because of
ronmental Protection Agency, the concentration of silver the stronger reduction ability, small size, and large surface
ions generated from silver nanoparticles was lower than the area, iron nanoparticles have been widely used metal nano-
standards of silver ions in the drinking water (Dankovich particles in wastewater treatment (Fu et al. 2014; Matheson
and Gray 2011). Thus, the membrane filters prepared with and Tratnyek 1994; Wang et al. 2013a, b) (Table 6).
polyethersulfone and silver nanoparticles could be an effec- Different separation methods such as precipitation,
tive tool for the treatment of wastewater contaminated by adsorption, oxidation, and reduction were adopted by
bacteria. nano-zerovalent iron particles for the removal of wide
It was found that unusual suppression of microorganisms range of pollutants, including radioactive elements (Ling
was observed near the membrane resulting in strong antimi- and Zhang 2015), heavy toxic metals (Arancibia-Miranda
crobial activity, thus creating the potential for wastewater et al. 2016), metalloids (Ling et al. 2015; Muradova et al.
treatment applications (Ferreira et al. 2015). In past dec- 2016), inorganic anions (Markova et al. 2013), organic
ades, silver nanoparticles were coated on ceramic materi- dyes (Hoag et al. 2009), aromatic compounds with nitro
als or integrated into membranes. This has drawn consider- group (Xiong et al. 2015), phenols (Wang et al. 2013a),
able attention due to the biofouling reduction of household and halogenated organic molecules (Liang et al. 2014).
water treatment and disinfection of waters (Ren and Smith The applications of nano-zerovalent iron particles in
2013). The simple way of designing an effective treatment wastewater treatment are not limited to laboratory scale
of Escherichia coli from wastewaters was performed by but also used for soil remediation in industrial-/pilot-scale
accumulating silver nanoparticles with ceramic filters man- treatment from contaminated sites (Gueye et  al. 2016;
ufactured with clay and sawdust. It was found that filters Zhang 2003). Although nano-zerovalent iron particles
with higher porosity removed more bacteria than those with have several advantages, oxidation, aggregation, and sepa-
lower porosity filters (Kallman et al. 2010). In addition, sil- ration difficulties from the degradation system are some
ver nanoparticles integrated with cylindrical ceramic filters of the disadvantages associated with these nanoparticles.
made up of flour, grog, clay-rich soil, and water in various To overcome these problems, different coating methods
compositions showed improved filtration performances of have been adopted to increase the performance of nano-
Escherichia coli with a removal percentage of 97.80–100% zerovalent iron particles in wastewater treatment. The most
(Oyanedel-Craver and Smith 2007). The Derjaguin-Landau- familiar coating method includes doping of other metals,
Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) approximation methods were encapsulation in the matrix, surface modification, and
adopted to predict successful incorporation of silver nano- emulsification (Stefaniuk et al. 2016). It was demonstrated
particles into ceramic membranes (Mikelonis et al. 2016).
Additional studies on silver nanoparticles will endorse their
applications in wastewater treatment. Table 6  Standard reduction Metals Standard reduction
potential of various metals potential ­(Eo/V)
(Bratsch 1989)
Iron nanoparticles
Nickel − 0.236
Zinc − 0.762
Recently, researchers’ attention has been drawn on various
Iron − 0.440
nano-zerovalent metal particles such as nickel, aluminium,
Aluminium − 1.677
iron, and zinc for the treatment of wastewater.

Environmental Chemistry Letters

that the nanoparticles doped with other metals are assumed Magnetic‑core composite nano‑/microparticles
to increase the reactivity of nano-zerovalent iron particles
(Liou et al. 2005). Furthermore, conjugation with sup- The magnetic-core nano-/microparticles consist of magnetic
port and surface modification can avoid aggregation and elements such as cobalt, nickel, iron, and other oxides in
increase the dispersibility of nano-zerovalent iron particles the centre including alloys with superparamagnetic or fer-
(Chen et al. 2011a, b; Singh and Misra 2016). On the other romagnetic material such as shells ranging from micro- to
hand, encapsulation of nano-zerovalent iron in the matrix nano-level (Ambashta and Sillanpää 2010; Clark and Keller
and conjugation with the substrate provided the effective 2012; Girginova et al. 2010; Huang et al. 2012; Liu et al.
separation of nano-zerovalent iron particles from the deg- 2008; Ngomsik et al. 2005). In addition, silica (Bagheri
radation system (Berge and Ramsburg 2009; Li et al. 2016; et al. 2012; Clark and Keller 2012; Huang and Keller 2013;
Lv et al. 2014). Mashhadizadeh and Amoli-Diva 2013; Wang et al. 2008a,
b), alumina (Karimi et al. 2012) or organic molecules such
as surfactants (Afkhami et al. 2010; Faraji et al. 2010) and
Zinc nanoparticles polymers (Ashtari et al. 2005; Li et al. 2010) can be used to
make the shells of the nanoparticles. These modifications
Though reports on the degradation of pollutants in waste- can enhance the chemical and thermal stability of the nano-
water treatment by nano-zerovalent metal nanoparticles had particle, avoid oxidation processes, and increase the water
been focused on iron, zinc is considered as an alternative for solubility of hydrophobic pollutants (Clark and Keller 2012;
the silver and iron nano-zerovalent particles (Bokare et al. Huang and Keller 2013; Wang et al. 2008a, 2011a, b) or
2013). With an extra negative standard reduction ability (see selective uptake of ions (Afkhami et al. 2010; Ashtari et al.
Table 5), nano-zerovalent iron particles are a weak reductant 2005; Faraji et al. 2010; Li et al. 2010). It was found that
when compared to nano-zerovalent zinc particles. Therefore, the magnetic-core shell nanoparticles are favourable for
it was noted that the degradation ability of pollutants with the quick separation of pollutants when compared to non-
zinc nanoparticles may be faster than that of nano-zerov- magnetic particles from the wastewater by applying exter-
alent zinc particles. Most of the dehalogenation reactions nal magnetic field due to their superparamagnetic property
in wastewater have been focused on the nano-zerovalent (Huang and Keller 2013; Wang et al. 2008a).
zinc particles and their applications. Recent studies have
specified that the reduction rates of carbon tetrachloride with Metal oxide nanoparticles
nano-zerovalent zinc particles were significantly affected by
physicochemical properties than by the size of the particle Iron oxide nanoparticles
or surface morphology. By evaluating the reactivity of dif-
ferent types of nano-zerovalent iron and zinc, it was found Recently, several researchers have focussed on the use of
that nano-zerovalent zinc could degrade carbon tetrachloride iron oxide nanoparticles for the elimination of toxic heavy
faster than with nano-zerovalent iron under optimal experi- metals due to their unique physicochemical properties
mental conditions (Tratnyek et al. 2010). In addition, a study such as large surface area, easy to synthesize, and ability
examined the degradation of octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in to act as a superior adsorbent. Several magnetic nanoma-
wastewaters with four distinct zerovalent metal nanoparticles terials are available; however, maghemite, magnetite, and
such as nano-zerovalent nickel, aluminium, iron, and zinc. non-magnetic haematite are often used as nanoadsorbents.
Under optimal reaction conditions, maximum degradation Mostly, nanoadsorbents are small in size and their recovery
efficiency of octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin was achieved by and separation after wastewater treatment are challenging
nano-zerovalent zinc with minimal chlorinated congeners. tasks. Nevertheless, maghemite and magnetite nanoparti-
Therefore, it was found that nano-zerovalent zinc was the cles can be easily separated after wastewater treatment. This
first nanomaterial recorded as suitable for octachlorod- is one of the unique features of iron oxide nanoparticles.
ibenzo-p-dioxin degradation (Bokare et al. 2013). Though Therefore, iron oxide nanoparticles are effectively adopted
various reports have validated that degradation of pollut- as promising nanoadsorbents in the removal of a wide range
ants with nano-zerovalent zinc could be fruitful, the appli- of toxic heavy metals from wastewaters (Lei et al. 2014;
cations of nano-zerovalent zinc towards the degradation of Ngomsik et al. 2012; Tan et al. 2014). The functionalization
organic pollutants are limited only to carbon tetrachloride. of iron nanoparticles with various ligands, namely α-thio-
Very few reports have been recorded on the treatment of pol- ω-(propionic acid) hepta-(ethylene glycol), mercaptobutyric
luted water with nano-zerovalent zinc. Consequently, in situ acid, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, L-glutathione, meso-
research on the treatment of wastewaters for the degradation 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid, and polymers, may increase the
of pollutants with nano-zerovalent zinc has not been com- adsorption efficiency and avoids inference from the other
pletely accomplished (Tratnyek et al. 2010). metal ions (Ge et al. 2012; Warner et al. 2010). Khaydarov

Environmental Chemistry Letters

et al. (2010) designed a flexible shell integrated with wide nanoparticles is comparable to titanium dioxide, in light of
range of functional groups to safeguard the properties of the fact that their band-gap energies are nearly the same
iron oxide nanoparticles from any damage . In addition, the (Daneshvar et al. 2004). Zinc oxide nanoparticles are cost-
polymer shell was designed to prevent the aggregation of effective (Daneshvar et al. 2004), adsorb solar light from
iron oxide nanoparticles and to improve their monodisper- a wider spectrum, and have more light quanta, compared
sion (Ge et al. 2012). Nanohaematite has been used as a cost- to those of other semiconducting metal oxides (Behnajady
effective and promising material in environmental applica- et al. 2006). It was found that the absorption of light by
tions, catalysis, and sensors (Liang et al. 2014). Moreover, zinc oxide nanoparticles is limited in the ultraviolet region
nanohaematite has proved to be a powerful adsorbent for similar to titanium dioxide nanoparticles due to their wide
the elimination of heavy metal ions from spiked water sam- band-gap energies. Moreover, the applications of zinc oxide
ples (Shipley et al. 2013). Liang and Wang synthesized nanoparticles are hindered by photocorrosion, resulting in
self-assembled 3-D flower-like iron oxide nanoparticles for the quick rearrangement of photo-generated charges, thus
the water remediation purpose. The flower-like iron oxide lowering of photocatalytic ability (Gomez-Solís et al. 2015).
nanoparticles efficiently avoid the aggregation of nanopar- The doping of metals into zinc oxide nanoparticles is one
ticles and improve their surface area with active spaces and of the common approaches to enhance the photocatalytic
pores, resulting in greater adsorption of pollutants. It found capacity. It was noted that different dopants, namely cati-
excellent adsorption of arsenic (V) and chromium (VI) onto onic, anionic, co-dopants, and rare-earth dopants have been
the surface of 3-D flower-like iron oxide, when compared to examined to test the photocatalytic efficiency of zinc oxide
that of other nanomaterials (Liang et al. 2014). nanoparticles (Lee et al. 2016). Furthermore, several reports
The easy existence of iron and its facile synthesis methods have suggested that the modification of zinc oxide nanopar-
make ferric oxide a cost-effective material for the adsorp- ticles with other semiconducting materials such as graphene
tion and removal of toxic metals. Moreover, iron oxides are oxide (Dai et al. 2014), tin(IV) oxide (Uddin et al. 2012),
environmentally friendly and can be used effectively to treat cadmium oxide (Samadi et al. 2014), titanium dioxide (Pant
wastewaters with minimal production of toxic secondary et al. 2012), and cerium (IV) oxide (Dai et al. 2014) is a
contaminations (Li et al. 2006a, b). practical approach to increase the photodegradation ability
Different experimental factors such as temperature, incu- of zinc oxide nanoparticles.
bation time, pH, and adsorbent dosage were optimized to
increase the removal efficiency of iron oxide nanoparticles Manganese oxide nanoparticles
(Tyagi et al. 2017). In addition, the adsorption capacity
of iron oxide nanoparticles was evident by modifying the Manganese oxide nanoparticles exhibit excellent adsorption
surface with 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (Ozmen et al. capacity due to their high Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface
2010; Palimi et al. 2014). It was observed that after the sur- (Luo et al. 2010) and are extensively used for the removal
face modification of iron oxide nanoparticles, the adsorption of arsenic from wastewaters (Wang et al. 2011a, b). Further-
of various heavy metals such as arsenic (III), lead (II), cop- more, commonly used modified manganese oxide nanopar-
per (II), cobalt (II), chromium (III), nickel (II), and cadmium ticles include hydrous manganese oxide and nanotunnel or
(II) was drastically enhanced from wastewaters (Tyagi et al. nanoporous manganese oxides (Tyagi et al. 2017). In another
2017). report, hydrous manganese oxide was synthesized by add-
ing manganese sulphate dihydrate into sodium hypochlorite
Zinc oxide nanoparticles solution (Zaman et al. 2009). The fabricated hydrous man-
ganese oxide has Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area of
Recent literature has suggested that zinc oxide nanoparticles about 100.5 m2 ­g−1. Gupta and co-workers developed a novel
have been developed as an effective and promising photo- hydrous manganese oxide for the removal of zinc (II), cad-
catalytic material when compared to titanium dioxide in the mium (II), and lead (II) effectively due to the ion-exchange
treatment of wastewaters. Due to their unique properties process (Tyagi et al. 2017). The adsorption mechanism of
such as direct and broader band gap in the near-ultraviolet divalent metal ions takes place in two steps. Initially, adsorp-
region, greater oxidation capacity, and excellent photocata- tion of metal ions onto the external surface of hydrous man-
lytic property, zinc oxide nanoparticles were found to be ganese oxides occurs, followed by the intra-particle diffusion
excellent materials (Chen et al. 1998; Janotti and Van de (Parida et al. 1981).
Walle 2009; Reynolds et al. 1999). Moreover, zinc oxide
nanoparticles are eco-friendly as they are coherent with Magnesium oxide nanoparticles
organisms, thus making them appropriate for the treatment
of wastewaters (Schmidt-Mende and MacManus-Driscoll Magnesium oxide is utilized for the elimination of various
2007). Further, the photocatalytic ability of zinc oxide types of toxic heavy metals from wastewaters. Magnesium

Environmental Chemistry Letters

nanospheres are novel and used to enhance the adsorption Furthermore, organochlorine pesticides, organic dyes,
efficiency for the removal of heavy metals (Tyagi et  al. polychlorinated biphenyls, and other chlorinated organic
2017). To enhance the adsorption ability of magnesium solvents were degraded effectively using nano-zerovalent
oxide, various fabrication methods were performed in iron particles (Cho and Choi 2010; Liu et al. 2007; Ma et al.
nanoparticles morphology. These are comprised of nano- 2013; Zhang 2003). Kim et al. (2012) developed a novel
cubes (Li et al. 2002), nanobelts (Zhu et al. 2001), nanorods method for the degradation of polybrominated diphenyl
(Engates and Shipley 2011), nanotubes (Yin et al. 2002), ethers and their degradation products using a sequential
and three-dimensional structures (Klug and Dravid 2002). nano-bio-treatment process with nano-zerovalent iron par-
It demonstrated that the efficient adsorption of lead(II) and ticles. Li et al. (2008a, b) prepared cetyltrimethylammonium
cadmium(II) was performed with mesoporous flower-like bromide-modified iron oxide nanoparticles for the adsorp-
magnesium oxide (Li et al. 2003a, b, c, d). tion and removal of a variety of chlorophenols from the
wastewaters. Likewise, Wang et al. (2008a, b) used a mag-
netic permanently confined micelle array for the removal of
organochlorinated pesticides from water and soil samples. It
Nanomaterial‑enabled wastewater demonstrated that a magnetic permanently confined micelle
techniques for organic pollutants array was effective for the removal of organochlorinated
pesticides and can be easily regenerated after the treatment
Literature suggests that carbon-based nanomaterials were process (Wang et al. 2008a).
used as excellent adsorbents on laboratory-scale experiments
for the removal of organic compounds (Bikshapathi et al. Performance and cost evaluation between existing
2011; Cheng et al. 2005; Ji et al. 2012; Ma et al. 2011; Peng methods and nanomaterial‑based methods
et al. 2003a, b; Velzeboer et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2014a,
b, c, d). Recently, 3-D sponge-like carbon nanotube frame- Based on the adsorption and removal efficiency of chlo-
works were designed by Camilli and co-workers. They found rinated organic pollutants, activated carbon is found to be
that the adsorption capacity of dichlorobenzene was 3.5-fold a cost-effective and promising material in the wastewater
greater when compared to carbon nanotubes and it was easy treatment process. Though metal or metal oxide engineered
to recover them from the aqueous solutions (Camilli et al. nanomaterials have the highest removal ability of pollut-
2014). It was demonstrated that carbon nanotubes and gra- ants (per weight up to 500 mg g−1 of nanoparticles), in the
phene oxide interacted strongly with chlorobenzene, due to case of P25 titanium dioxide nanoparticles-based photoca-
the presence of chlorine groups. Therefore, these materials talysis, similar cost implications were found in the treat-
are highly suitable for the adsorption and the removal of ment of organic pollutants. It was found that treatment of
chlorobenzene. However, graphene oxide showed stronger wastewater for chlorophenols (per gram) cost US$ 0.51 with
interaction with chlorobenzene, resulting in a higher adsorp- titanium dioxide. But with activated carbon and coir pith,
tion ability than single-walled carbon nanotubes (Balamuru- the estimated cost was found to be US$0.14 and US$ 0.03
gan and Subramanian 2013). Like existing methods, metal or for chlorophenols-associated wastewater treatment process
metal oxide engineered nanomaterials-based photodegrada- (Adeleye et al. 2016).
tion is one of the main methods for the treatment of organic Magnetic permanently confined micelle array tech-
pollutants. Due to their specific and large surface area to niques are considered as effective methods for the removal
volume ratio, these materials provide a greater reactivity of 80 mg g−1 of chlorophenols with an approximate cost
compared to the current bulk catalyst. It was found that pure of US$0.05 per gram, which is comparable to the existing
(Ba-Abbad et al. 2012a, b; Oyama et al. 2011; Peiro et al. conventional methods. Though magnetic permanently con-
2001; Shengyong et al. 2013) and doped forms of titanium fined micelle arrays are highly expensive, it has the ability
dioxide (Jung and Park 2000; Park and Lee 2014; Shchukin for multiple uses. Photocatalysis by metal/metal oxide engi-
et al. 2004), as well as other selected nanomaterials (Botía neered nanomaterials removes the extra costs allied with
et al. 2012; Kamat et al. 2002), have been considered as the management and storage of huge quantities of polluted
excellent photocatalysts for the wide range of organic pollut- sorbent. Accordingly, these existing methods for the treat-
ants. It was concluded that dehalogenation and photodegrad- ment of chlorinated pollutants are practical and expensive,
ation processes are found to be suitable for a variety of water compared to the other methods.
treatment applications (Ba-Abbad et al. 2012a, b; Barakat Carbon-based engineered nanomaterials are considered
et al. 2014; Botía et al. 2012; Oyama et al. 2011; Peiro et al. to have excellent adsorption ability for variety of organic
2001; Suryaman and Hasegawa 2010) in laboratory-scale pollutants such as volatile organic compounds, polyaro-
experiments, as well as in pilot-scale reactors (Oyama et al. matic hydrocarbons, industrial dyes, and herbicides in both
2011; Peiro et al. 2001). natural and spiked water samples (Farghali et al. 2013a,

Environmental Chemistry Letters

b; Hou et al. 2013; Hüffer et al. 2013; Liu et al. 2011a, b; enhance the adsorption capacity of dye wastewaters (Fan
Moradi et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2014a, b, c, d). The adsorp- et al. 2009; Shu et al. 2010, 2007a, b).
tion of water-insoluble organic pollutants is circuitously Magnetic nanoparticles are extensively used for the removal
associated with the degree of oxidation of carbon-based of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (Liu et al. 2009; Wang et al.
nanoadsorbents (WangChen et al. 2014, WangHuang et al. 2008a; Zhang et al. 2010) and natural organic matter (Wang
2014). On the other hand, carbon-based nanoadsorbents et al. 2011b) from wastewaters. Liu et al. (2009) developed
were also used as filters for the separation and removal of ­C18-functionalized iron oxide microspheres for the extraction
water/emulsified oil mixtures (Shi et al. 2013). The inte- of 16 polyaromatic hydrocarbons from tap water based on the
gration of graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes has been hydrophobic interactions.
adopted to fabricate membranes/filters that recollect pol- In another study, octadecyl-functionalized iron oxide nano-
lutants based on size exclusion and have also been inserted particles were used to prepare hydrophilic alginate polymers
into existing membranes such as polyamide, polyether- to increase the solubility and dispersibility of analytes in aque-
sulfone, and ceramics for enhanced performance. It was ous solutions (Zhang et al. 2010). The alginate polymer-based
found that fewer nanocomposite membranes have revealed nanomaterials were used for selective extraction of polyaro-
a reasonable to a greater removal percent of industrial matic hydrocarbons due to the blockage of humic acid via size
dyes from wastewaters (Hou et al. 2013). A recent report exclusion and electrostatic force of repulsion. Zhao and co-
suggested that the carbon nanotube-based hollow fibre worker designed cetyltrimethylammonium bromide-modified
membrane showed 100% removal of Rhodamine B from iron oxide engineered of 4-n-nonylphenol and 4-tert-octylphe-
wastewater samples (Wei et  al. 2014). The most com- nol (Zhao et al. 2008a, b).
monly used water treatment processes such as adsorption,
non-photoactive oxidation/reduction, and photodegrada- Performance and cost evaluation of existing
tion with metal/metal oxide engineered nanomaterials are methods and nanomaterial‑based methods
reported in the literature for the removal of organic pollut-
ants. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles-based photodegrada- In the case of organic pollutants treatment, the adsorption
tion is a widely used technique for its enhanced perfor- process was found to be the more effective method in terms
mance after doping (Bouras et al. 2007a, b; Georgekutty of both cost and removal efficiency. The treatment cost of
et al. 2008; Nagaveni et al. 2004; Yang et al. 2002, 2013) polyaromatic hydrocarbons is comparable to the existing and
and (Barakat et al. 2014; Kim and Kwak 2007; Kominami nanotechnology-based methods. However, magnetic nanopar-
et al. 2002; Peiro et al. 2001; Zhan et al. 2006) with other ticles are cheaper and can be used to treat naphthalene polluted
semiconducting metals oxides. Besides titanium dioxide, wastewater at an estimated cost of US$ 4 per gram of pollut-
several other materials such as zinc oxide/zinc-aluminate ant, compared to the current methods with removal efficiency
(Cho et al. 2012; Lam et al. 2013; Ullah and Dutta 2008), greater than 95%.
nickel oxide (Suo et al. 2013), silver/silver oxide (Lam It was found that some of the existing methods such as
et al. 2013; Xiong et al. 2010), cuprous oxide (Aazam microfiltration, ion-exchange, ultrasound degradation, oxida-
and Mohamed 2013), and russellite (Zhang et al. 2009) tion, and activated sludge have shown that complete removal
were used as photocatalysts. In the literature, only a few of pollutants occurs from hours to months based on the ana-
reports are available on the metal/metal oxide engineered lyte and treatment process. Interestingly, it was shown that
nanomaterials as adsorbents and oxidizing agent for the the magnetic permanently confined micelle arrays have the
removal of organic materials (Chen and He 2008; Wu et al. greater adsorption and removal efficiency and a relatively low
2014). Chen and He (2008) used manganese oxide nano- cost compared to existing methods. It can be concluded that
particles for the removal of methylene blue (Chen and He carbon-based nanomaterials have demonstrated higher adsorp-
2008), whereas others have proposed manganese oxides tion and removal ability in a wide variety of organic pollutants.
as an oxidizing agent for organic impurities (Behnam Additionally, the operational cost is reasonable compared to
et al. 2013; Ding et al. 2005; Saputra et al. 2013a, b). current methods, making them a perfect choice, since the price
In addition, dioxoruthenium (Muhammad et  al. 2012), of the carbon-based nanomaterials is expected to reduce con-
cobalt oxide (Saputra et al. 2013a, b), magnesium oxide, tinuously with time. Literature survey results were created in
and aluminium oxide (Behnam et al. 2013) were used as the form of database and are presented in Table 7.
oxidizing agents; however, in the early studies mentioned
above, peroxymonosulphate was used to generate sulphate
radicals for oxidation to occur. Various experimental con-
ditions such as high dosage of nano-zerovalent iron, high
reaction temperature, and low initial pH were studied to

Table 7  Performance and cost for various treatment technologies for organic compounds
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials-based methods Merit of figures Citation
Cost associated with Removal efficiency (%/time) Removal
removal efficiency ($ ability
­mg−1) (mg g−1)

2-Chlorophenol Fenton ­processa 90/6 min Kwon et al. (1999)

Photo-Fenton 97/30 min Kavitha and Palanivelu (2003), Perez-Moya
et al. (2007) and Poulopoulos et al. (2008)
Environmental Chemistry Letters

Ultrasound coupled to Fenton p­ rocessa 99/90 min Lin and Ma (2000)

Electrochemical-based ­oxidationa 50/360 min Polcaro et al. (1999)
Adsorption using activated ­carbona < 0.0001 80/7 d 140–270 Aktaş and Çeçen (2007)
Carbon-based ­adsorptiona < 0.00003 99/20 min 4–17 Namasivayam and Kavitha (2003)
Reverse ­osmosisa > 99/7.5 h Williams et al. (1999)
Degradation by aerobic–anaerobic p­ rocessa 95/26 h 17 Atuanya et al. (2000)
Hybrid of titanium dioxide/In2O3b 26/1.5 h 58 Shchukin et al. (2004)
Titanium dioxide (P25)b 0.0005 68/2 h 248 Peiro et al. (2001)
Titanium dioxide ­nanoparticlesb 99/1.5 h 50 Ba-Abbad et al. (2012a, b)
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles(P25) coupled 100/2 h 64.3 Suryaman and Hasegawa (2010)
to ­bioreactorb
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (P25) cou- 100 80 Oyama et al. (2011)
pled to ozonation ­processb
Magnetic permanently confined micelle ~ 0.00005 80/24 h Huang and Keller (2013)
Zinc oxide/zinc sulphide functionalized with 89/ 50 Anjum et al. (2017)
Chlorobenzene Photolysisa 90/4 min Legrini et al. (1993)
Ultraviolet coupled to hydrogen peroxide > 98/30 min Legrini et al. (1993)
Biodegradation ­processa > 99/90 d Field and Sierra-Alvarez (2008)
Fenton ­processa > 99/1 h Casero et al. (1997)
Magnetic permanently confined micelle 0.000096 41.692 Huang and Keller (2013)
Titanium dioxide modified with bentonite > 99/10 min 0.2 Mishra et al. (2017)
1,1,1-Trichloroethane Pristine multi-walled carbon ­nanotubesb 36.1 0.35 Ma et al. (2011)
Biochar-supported hybrid of nickel/iron 99.3 20 Li et al. (2017)
bimetallic ­nanoparticlesb


Table 7  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials-based methods Merit of figures Citation

Cost associated with Removal efficiency (%/time) Removal
removal efficiency ($ ability
­mg−1) (mg g−1)

1,2-Dichlorobenzene Pristine carbon ­nanotubesb 5.26 30.8 Peng et al. (2003a, b)

Graphitized carbon ­nanotubesb 5.66 28.7 Peng et al. (2003a, b)
Carbon nanotubes ­frameworkb 100 Camilli et al. (2014)
Zinc sulphide@ indium(III) sulphide core@ 49/8 h Liu et al. (2017)
shell ­compositeb
Magnetite nanoparticles @titanium dioxide 95/90 min Salamat et al. (2017)
1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene Pristine multi-walled carbon ­nanotubesa 9.77 1.29 Ma et al. (2011)
Thermally treated multi-walled carbon 6.24 2.01 Ma et al. (2011)
2,2′-Dichlorobenzene Membrane integrated with iron/palladiumb 100/1 h 7.36 Xu and Bhattacharyya (2005)
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Adsorption using activated ­carbona 2.17–6.33 > 92/25 h 169–716 Hameed et al. (2008, 2009) and Tan et al.
Adsorption using c­ laya > 90/100 min 14–79 Hameed (2007)
Ultraviolet process coupled to titanium 80/15 min Benitez et al. (1999)
Natural haematite modified with chloride of 96/180 100 Benbachir et al. (2017)
zirconium ­oxideb
2,4-Dichlorophenol Biodegradation ­processa 90/21 d Wang et al. (2000a, b)
Biodegradation process coupled to 82/21 d Contreras et al. (2003)
Biodegradation process coupled to Fenton 90/400 min Chamarro et al. (2001)
Adsorption using activated c­ arbona 98/21 min 0.38–1.90c Akhtar et al. (2006) and Sathishkumar et al.
Electrochemical ­oxidationa > 90/360 min Brillas et al. (2000)
Photo-Fenton ­processa > 99/1 h Pupo Nogueira et al. (2002)
Ultraviolet ­processa 19.5/2 h Yang et al. (2008a, b)
Titanium dioxide ­nanoparticlesb 248 99/2 h Ba-Abbad et al. (2012a, b)
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles(P25) coupled 50 100/2 h Suryaman and Hasegawa (2010)
to ­bioreactorb
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles(P25) coupled 313 100/0.67 h Peller et al. (2003)
to ­sonolysisb
Cobalt-doped titanium dioxide n­ anoparticlesb 96.62/120 min 40 Benbachir et al. (2017)
Magnetic spinel iron cobaltite n­ anoparticlesb 95.8/90 min Hoseini et al. (2017)
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Table 7  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials-based methods Merit of figures Citation
Cost associated with Removal efficiency (%/time) Removal
removal efficiency ($ ability
­mg−1) (mg g−1)

2,4,5- Trichlorophenol Photoelectron-associated ­Fentona > 98/360 min Boye et al. (2003a, b)

Ultraviolet ­processa > 95/360 min Boye et al. (2003a, b)
Biodegradation ­processa 97/6 d Kilbane et al. (1982)
Environmental Chemistry Letters

Titanium dioxide nanoparticles(P25) coupled 50 100/2 h Suryaman and Hasegawa (2010)

to ­bioreactorb
Hexachlorobenzene Hydrogen peroxide-based oxidation p­ rocessa >90/4 h Watts et al. (1994)
Hydrogen peroxide-based ultraviolet oxida- 50/1 h Legrini et al. (1993)
tion ­processa
Titanium dioxide thin ­filma Lu et al. (2013)
Phencyclidine Electrochemical oxidation p­ rocessa 95/11 h Hanna et al. (2005)
Photo-Fenton ­processa > 90/5 min Engwall et al. (1999)
Biodegradation-based anaerobic ­processa 66 Mikesell and Boyd (1986)
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles(P25) coupled 100/2 h 50 Suryaman and Hasegawa (2010)
to ­bioreactorb
Trichloroethylene Adsorption using c­ laya > 95 Zhao and Vance (1998)
Photocatalysisa 100/2 h Pruden and Ollis (1983)
Biodegradation by cometabolic ­processa 98/312 d McCarty et al. (1998)
Adsorption using activated c­ arbona 0.28–1.46 83/2 wk < 12 Karanfil and Dastgheib (2004), Wilmanski and
Van Breemen (1990)
Ozone oxidation ­processa 0.38–1.4a > 95/7.5 min Peyton et al. (1982)
Ultraviolet process coupled to ozone > 95/53 s Peyton et al. (1982)
Biodegradation coupled to activated c­ arbona > 0.006 82.5/48 h 3.2 Nakano et al. (2000)
Pristine multi-walled carbon n­ anotubesb 23 0.55 Ma et al. (2011)
Thermally treated multi-walled carbon 16 0.77 Ma et al. (2011)
Membranes integrated with hybrid of nickel/ 100/2 h 100 Xu and Bhattacharyya (2005)
Fenton-like degradation by hydrogen perox- 98.9/30 min 0.94 Yan et al. (2017)
ide activated with nanoscale zerovalent iron
loaded on b­ iocharb


Table 7  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials-based methods Merit of figures Citation

Cost associated with Removal efficiency (%/time) Removal
removal efficiency ($ ability
­mg−1) (mg g−1)

Decabromodiphenyl ether Degradation using ­anaerobica 97/240 d Gerecke et al. (2006, 2005)
Ultraviolet ­processa 88/60 min Hua et al. (2003) and Shih and Wang (2009)
Nano-zerovalent iron p­ articlesb 0.1 0.1 Shih and Tai (2010)
Biochar-supported nickel/iron bimetallic 91.29/10 min 0.1 Yi et al. (2017)
Hexachlorocyclohexanes Degradation by anaerobic ­processa 94/102 d Quintero et al. (2005)
Adsorption using c­ arbona 1.4–3.8 98/60 min Gupta et al. (2010)
Activated ­sludgea 90/8 d Buser and Mueller (1995) and Nyholm et al.
Reverse ­osmosisa 1.9–3.4 99/< 1 h Chian et al. (1975)
Biosorptiona 43/1 h Mac Rae (1985)
Nano-zerovalent iron p­ articlesb 0.39 0.23 Li et al. (2007)
Magnetic permanently confined micelle 70/24 h 70 Hua et al. (2003)
Hexachlorobenzene Hydrogen peroxide-based o­ xidationa 80/30 min Watts et al. (1994)
Silver-doped nano-zerovalent iron p­ articlesb 0.11 0.8 Xu and Zhang (2000)
Xylenes Reverse ­osmosisa 0.48–4.86c 99/< 4 h Agenson and Urase (2007)
Photocatalysisa > 90 Bahnemann (2004)
Photo-Fenton ­processa > 90 Andreozzi et al. (1999)
Degradation by anaerobic p­ rocessa > 90/10 d de Nardi et al. (2005) and Edwards et al.
Adsorption by activated c­ arbona 0.37–5.43c > 90/200 h Voice et al. (1992)
Adsorption by ­carbona > 75/500 h Banerjee et al. (1997), Janks and Cadena
(1992) and Ranck et al. (2005)
Activated ­sludgea 0.000003–0.00003c 99/20 d Tellez et al. (2002)
Ultrafiltrationa 0.48–4.68c 54 Bilstad and Espedal (1996)
Magnetic permanently confined micelle 0.000267 15/24 h 15 Huang and Keller (2013)
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Table 7  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials-based methods Merit of figures Citation
Cost associated with Removal efficiency (%/time) Removal
removal efficiency ($ ability
­mg−1) (mg g−1)

Rhodamine B Adsorption by ­carbona 100/5 h Gupta et al. (2004) and Jain et al. (2007)
Adsorption by activated c­ arbona 93/5 h 6–16 Jain et al. (2007) and Kadirvelu et al. (2005)
Ultrasound ­processa 76/30 min Sivakumar and Pandit (2001)
Environmental Chemistry Letters

Biosorption by anaerobic s­ ludgea 52/2 h Wang et al. (2006)

Hydrogen peroxide coupled to ultraviolet < 51/10 min Daneshvar et al. (2008)
Reduced graphene oxide modified with mag- 91/2 h 13 Sun et al. (2011)
netite ­nanocompositeb
Carbon nanotubes hollow fibre ­membraneb 100 Wei et al. (2014)
Hybrid of praseodymium Pr/Titanium diox- 95/5 h 6.0 Wang et al. (2000a, b)
ide ­nanocompositeb
Hybrid of gold nanoparticles/grapheneb 100/3.5 h 40.3 Xiong et al. (2010)
Nickel oxide n­ anoparticlesb 100/1 h 2.5 Suo et al. (2013)
Hybrid of silicon dioxide/titanium dioxide 100/2.7 h 300 Ma et al. (2013)
Reduced graphene oxide-supported 90.0/20 min 87.72 Shi et al. (2017)
nanoscale zerovalent ­Ironb
Rhodamine 6G Fenton-like ­degradationa 52/2 h Dükkanci et al. (2010a, b)
Catalytic ­oxidationa 59/2 h Dükkanci et al. (2010a, b)
Photocatalysisa > 90/3 h Kansal et al. (2007)
Adsorption by ­carbona 0.00000077 90.5/500 min 32.6 Senturk et al. (2010)
Silver-doped zinc oxide ­nanoparticlesb 100/4 min 2.0 Georgekutty et al. (2008)
Rhodamine WT Graphene oxide nanosheet fi ­ ltersb 95 (% rejection) HouZhu et al. (2013)
Ethylbenzene Ultraviolet ­irradiation > 98/30 min Legrini et al. (1993)
Adsorptiona 0.55–2.04c 99/1 h Akhtar et al. (2007), Gallup et al. (1996),
Ranck et al. (2005) and Zhu et al. (1998)
Precipitation by dissolved ­aira 70/5 h Thoma et al. (1999)
Anaerobic process coupled to ­bioreactora 97/189 d Gusmão et al. (2007) and Gusmão et al. (2006)
Activated ­sludgea 4.41–11.77 99/20 d Tellez et al. (2002)
Trickle bed air ­biofiltera > 99/14 d Sorial et al. (1997)
Biodegradationa 100/14 d Morgan et al. (1993)
Magnetic permanently confined micelle 0.000058 68.1/24 h 68.1 Huang and Keller (2013)
Acenaphthene Magnetic permanently confined micelle 79.9/24 h Clark and Keller (2012)


Table 7  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials-based methods Merit of figures Citation

Cost associated with Removal efficiency (%/time) Removal
removal efficiency ($ ability
­mg−1) (mg g−1)

Toluene Adsorption by activated c­ arbona 0.02–0.06c < 250 Wibowo et al. (2007)

Degradation-based sonolytic ­processa 55/3 h Thoma et al. (1998)
Ultraviolet-based ­photocatalysisa 100/7 h Luo and Ollis (1996)
Trickle bed b­ iofiltera 99/12 min Serial et al. (1995)
Adsorptiona <0.000004 30/4 d < 30 Ghiaci et al. (2004) and Huttenloch et al.
Biodegradationa 92 Morgan et al. (1993) and Zeyer et al. (1986)
Magnetic permanently confined micelle 0.000076 52.6/24 h 52.6 Huang and Keller (2013)
Catechol Ultraviolet coupled to ozone-based oxidation > 70/1 h Li et al. (2003a, b, c, d)
Ultraviolet coupled to hydrogen peroxide 95/1 h Mandal et al. (2004)
Titanium dioxide(P25) 0.001 40/2 h 29.4 Peiro et al. (2001)
p-Nitrophenol Adsorption by activated c­ arbona 0.00001–0.00002c 98.5/1 wk 500 Haydar et al. (2003)
Single-walled carbon ­nanotubesb 1.07 151.77 Moradi et al. (2011)
Single-walled carbon nanotubes-functional- 1.12 144.83 Moradi et al. (2011)
ized carboxylic g­ roupsb
Resorcinol Adsorption by activated c­ arbona > 95/24 h Kumar et al. (2003)
Electrochemical ­oxidationa 94 Rajkumar et al. (2001)
Hybrid of silver oxide/zinc oxide 100/5 h 20 Lam et al. (2013)
Phenol Electrochemical ­oxidationa 90/8 h Comninellis and Pulgarin (1993)
Photo-Fenton ­processa 96/2 h Kavitha and Palanivelu (2004)
Ultraviolet coupled to Fenton p­ rocessa 97/2 h Kavitha and Palanivelu (2004)
Oxidationa 99/30 min Cooper and Nicell (1996)
Adsorption by ­carbona 0.00002–0.00003c 98/8 h 18.3 Mukherjee et al. (2007) and Rengaraj et al.
Bioreactora > 90/15 h González et al. (2001)
Biodegradation by aerobic p­ rocessa 98/< 200 d Vázquez et al. (2006)
Titanium dioxide(P25)b 0.0008 60/2 h 37.6 Peiro et al. (2001)
Manganese oxide + peroxymonosulphate 100/0.33 h 62.5 Saputra et al. (2013a, b)
Ruthenium oxide + peroxymonosulphate 100/0.33 h 125 Muhammad et al. (2012)
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Table 7  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials-based methods Merit of figures Citation
Cost associated with Removal efficiency (%/time) Removal
removal efficiency ($ ability
­mg−1) (mg g−1)

Guaiacol Photo-Fenton ­processa 60/6 h Amat et al. (2005)

Electrochemical ­oxidationa 82 Samet et al. (2006)
Titanium dioxide(P25)b 49.7 60/2 h 49.7 Peiro et al. (2001)
Environmental Chemistry Letters

Naphthalene Degradation by ultrasound ­processa 63/14 d El-Hadj et al. (2007)

Adsorption by ­carbona 0.21–19a 99/4 d <450 Ania et al. (2007), Huttenloch et al. (2001) and
Zhu et al. (1998)
Microfiltrationa 0.03–0.21a 61/12 h Campos et al. (2002)
Activated ­sludgea 61/6 h De Wever et al. (2007)
Electrochemical ­oxidationa 40 Panizza et al. (2000)
Membrane-based ­bioreactora 80 De Wever et al. (2007)
Electro-Fenton ­processa 87 Panizza and Cerisola (2001)
Ion exchange-based r­ esina 0.03–0.21a 87/7 d 20 Long et al. (2008)
Ozone ­oxidationa 0.28–1.9a 75/< 12 h Legube et al. (1986)
Single-walled carbon ­nanotubesb 2 8 Moradi et al. (2012)
Single-walled carbon nanotubes-functional- 0.81 200 Moradi et al. (2012)
ized with carboxylic ­groupsb
Magnetic permanently confined micelle 0.0048 0.82 Wang et al. (2008a)
Phenanthrene Adsorption by ­claya 99/30 min Ma and Zhu (2006)
Biological (wetlands)a 99.9/< 7 d Machate et al. (1997)
Ozone-based ­oxidationa 0.96–4.62c 95/4 h Masten and Davies (1997)
Degradation by anaerobic p­ rocessa 63/40 d Bernal-Martinez et al. (2007)
Magnetic permanently confined micelle 70/24 h Clark and Keller (2012)
Pyrene Biodegradationa 78/7 d Lei et al. (2007)
Degradation by ultrasonic ­processa 34/20 d Benabdallah El-Hadj et al. (2007)
Ozone-based oxidation p­ rocessa 1.68–36.00c 91/40 min 2–40 Corless et al. (1990) and Masten and Davies
Magnetic permanently confined micelle 64/24 h Clark and Keller (2012)
Biphenyl Magnetic permanently confined micelle 0.0034 97/24 h 1.191 Legrini et al. (1993)


Table 7  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials-based methods Merit of figures Citation

Cost associated with Removal efficiency (%/time) Removal
removal efficiency ($ ability
­mg−1) (mg g−1)

Methyl orange Adsorptiona > 90/400 min 47–180 Mittal et al. (2007) and Ni et al. (2007)
Electrochemical ­oxidationa 100/1 h Ma et al. (2007)
Reverse ­osmosisa > 99 Al-Bastaki (2004)
Activated ­carbona <0.0006 > 99/300 min 350–44 Chen et al. (2010)
Photocatalysis coupled to ­biodegradationa > 90/90 min Chun and Yizhong (1999)
Electro-Fenton ­processa > 80/21 h Rosales et al. (2009)
Photo-Fenton ­processa 75/1 h Devi et al. (2009)
Hybrid of titanium dioxide/tin oxide 95/12 min 38 YangLi et al. (2002)
Hybrid of silver/Titanium dioxide 90/0.8 h 135 Yang et al. (2013)
Magnetic permanently confined micelle 0.00004 98/30 min 100 Huang and Keller (2013)
Azo dye black 24 Degradation of anaerobic ­processa 84/228 d O’Neill et al. (2000)
Degradation of aerobic/anaerobic p­ rocessesa 98/228 d O’Neill et al. (2000) and Seshadri et al. (1994)
Coagulation coupled to carbon ­adsorptiona 99.9/6 h Papić et al. (2004)
Adsorptiona 79/80 min Gupta et al. (2006)
Nano-zerovalent iron n­ anoparticlesb 0.0003 299 Shu et al. (2007a, b)
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Table 7  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials-based methods Merit of figures Citation
Cost associated with Removal efficiency (%/time) Removal
removal efficiency ($ ability
­mg−1) (mg g−1)

Methylene blue Adsorptiona < 0.0033 > 99/2 h 7.5–714 Kadirvelu et al. (2003), Mohan et al. (2002),
Otero et al. (2003), Rafatullah et al. (2010)
and Yang et al. (2011)
Environmental Chemistry Letters

Electrochemical ­oxidationa > 99/2 h Panizza et al. (2007)

Activated ­carbona > 99/35 m Garg et al. (2004) and Kannan and Sundaram
Adsorption by c­ laya 0.066 > 99.9 300 Ghosh and Bhattacharyya (2002)
Fenton ­processa 99/2 h 7.5–20.5 Dutta et al. (2001)
Electrocoagulationa 97/15 m Golder et al. (2005)
Ultrafiltrationa 94/30 m Bielska and Szymanowski (2006)
Graphene oxide ­spongeb 99/0.03 h 390 Liu et al. (2012)
Graphene oxide ­filtersb 44–46 (% rejection) Hou et al. (2013)
Amorphous ­carbonb 194 Ai and Li (2013)
Hybrid of graphene oxide/iron oxide Deng et al. (2013)
Graphene oxide/β-cyclodextrin–chitosan/ 84 Fan et al. (2013a, b)
magnetite ­nanocompositeb
Titanium dioxide ­nanoparticlesb 100/0.75 h 50 Kim and Kwak (2007)
Titanium dioxide ­nanotubesb 87/0.67 h 174 Zhan et al. (2006)
Manganese oxide ­nanoparticlesb 90/0.08 h 68 Chen and He (2008)
Silver-doped titanium dioxide n­ anoparticlesb 90/0.67 h 135 Yang et al. (2013)
Methyl green Adsorption by polymeric ­resina 95/150 min dos Reis et al. (2011)
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/cobalt ferrite 91.7 Farghali et al. (2013a, b)
nanoparticles functionalized with amine
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/transition 173 Farghali et al. (2013a, b)
metal-substituted cobalt ferrite nanoparti-
cles functionalized with amine groups
Methyl violet Adsorption by activated c­ arbona 99% 400 Chen et al. (2010)
Graphene oxide ­spongeb 99/0.03 h 386 Liu et al. (2011a, b)
Titanium dioxide/platinum and titanium 95, 78/20 min 0.5, 2.5 Saeed et al. (2017)
dioxide/palladium photocatalysts


Table 7  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials-based methods Merit of figures Citation

Cost associated with Removal efficiency (%/time) Removal
removal efficiency ($ ability
­mg−1) (mg g−1)

Procion red Adsorptiona < 0.0000034 99/8 h 35–70 Calvete et al. (2009)

Photocatalysisa > 90/80 min So et al. (2002)
Degradation by anaerobic ­processa 80/3 h O’Neill et al. (2000)
Fenton ­processa 95/11.5 h Rodrigues et al. (2009)
Ultraviolet coupled to Fenton p­ rocessa > 79/20 min Ince and Tezcanh (1999) and Núñez et al.
Fenton process coupled to b­ ioreactora 99.8/11.5 h García-Montaño et al. (2006) and Rodrigues
et al. (2009)
Wet peroxide o­ xidationa 84/15 min 310 Chen et al. (1999)
Silver-doped titanium dioxide n­ anoparticlesb 100/0.25 h 150 Yang et al. (2013)
Activated carbon–Magnetite particles com- 94/50 min 278 Hariani et al. (2018)
Malachite green Adsorption by activated c­ arbona 95/2 h 92.3 Bulut et al. (2008)
Reduced graphene oxide/magnetite 94/2 h 22 Sun et al. (2011)
Magnetic cobalt ferrite nano-adsorbent 85/30 min 22 Vergis et al. (2018)
Orange II Coagulationa 99/30 min Xiong et al. (2001)
Electrocoagulationa > 98/360 min Daneshvar et al. (2003) and Mollah et al.
Hydrogen peroxide-based o­ xidationa 80/60 min Peralta-Hernández et al. (2008)
Photo-Fenton ­processa 80/< 27 h Fernandez et al. (1999)
Zinc/aluminium/gold ­nanoparticlesb 100/2 h 35 Cho et al. (2012)
Direct Blue Coagulationa 80 Shi et al. (2007)
Activated ­carbona 0.00059 98/180 min 33.8 Nemr et al. (2009)
Hydrogen peroxide-based o­ xidationa 97/60 min Malik and Saha (2003)
Copper oxide ­nanoparticlesb 100/1 h 75 Aazam and Mohamed (2013)
Diuron Adsorption by ­claya < 4 Bouras et al. (2007a, b)
Biodegradation by Photo-Fenton p­ rocessa >99/2 d Farré et al. (2006)
Ozone-based ­oxidationa 0.2c 75 Ormad et al. (2008)
Chlorine-based ­oxidationa 0.07c 100 Ormad et al. (2008)
Activated ­carbona 0.14–0.21c 65 Ormad et al. (2008)
Ultraviolet ­photolysisa >99/200 min Malato et al. (2003)
Magnetic permanently confined micelle 0.0035 90/24 h 1.142 Wang et al. (2008a)
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Table 7  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials-based methods Merit of figures Citation
Cost associated with Removal efficiency (%/time) Removal
removal efficiency ($ ability
­mg−1) (mg g−1)

Atrazine Ozone-based ­oxidationa 6.00–18.00c 99/2 h Acero et al. (2000), Hua et al. (2006), Majew-
ska-Nowak et al. (2002), Snyder et al. (2006)
and Westerhoff et al. (2005)
Environmental Chemistry Letters

Electrochemical ­oxidationa > 99.9/2 h Malpass et al. (2006)

Photo-Fenton ­processa > 98/2 h Huston and Pignatello (1999)
Adsorption by ­carbona 4.33–19.00c > 90/20 min Brown et al. (2004)
Ozonation/hydrogen ­peroxidea 99 Esplugas et al. (2007)
Fenton ­processa 75 Esplugas et al. (2007)
Ultrafiltrationa 5.67–17.00c 80 Majewska-Nowak et al. (2002)
Magnetic permanently confined micelle 0.0037 76/24 h 1.1 Wang et al. (2008a)
Polyethylenimine copper nanoparticles 85.94/60 min 24.8756 Kalidhasan et al. (2017)
deposited onto montmorillonite and sand
 Existing methods
 Nanotechnology-based methods
 Based on the cost calculations performed by the literature report (Adeleye et al. 2016)

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Pharmaceuticals, personal care products and Fenton chemistry with nano-zerovalent iron/hydrogen
and endocrine‑disrupting chemicals peroxide (Shirazi et al. 2013) for the removal of pollutants.
In another study, pharmaceuticals and personal care prod-
Literature survey on the laboratory-scale reports has dem- ucts such as succinic acid, gemfibrozil, sulfamethoxazole,
onstrated that the carbon-based engineered nanomateri- L-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, D-gluconic, and ateno-
als have excellent adsorption capacity for emerging pol- lol were removed by using magnetic permanently con-
lutants such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, fined micelle arrays (Huang and Keller 2013; Wang et al.
and endocrine-disrupting chemicals from natural and 2008b). The adsorption and removal mechanism included
spiked wastewaters (Bohdziewicz and Kamińska 2013; hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic and electrostatic forces of
Gao et al. 2012; Joseph et al. 2011a, b, 2012; Liu et al. interactions. Additionally, cetyltrimethylammonium bro-
2014). Recently, Joseph and co-workers have designed mide modified with iron oxide engineered nanomaterials
a combined technique, coagulation–adsorption for the has also demonstrated excellent adsorption properties for
removal of endocrine-disrupting compounds using single- bisphenol A (Zhao et al. 2008b).
walled carbon nanotubes, multi-walled carbon nanotubes,
and powdered activated carbon. It demonstrated that the Performance and cost evaluation between existing
results obtained were similar to the adsorption process methods and nanomaterial‑based methods
alone (Joseph et al. 2013). Pharmaceuticals and personal
care products such as ibuprofen (Cho et al. 2011), car- The most commonly used technologies are reverse osmosis
bamazepine (Cai and Larese-Casanova 2014), bisphenol and ozonation for the removal of some of the persistent and
A (Bohdziewicz and Kamińska 2013; Joseph et al. 2013; emerging contaminants which are discussed in Table 3. It
Joseph et al. 2011a, b), ciprofloxacin (Liu et al. 2014), was found that 70–99% removal efficiency of emerging con-
doxycycline hydrochloride (Gao et al. 2012), triclosan taminants was observed with these two technologies; how-
(Cho et  al. 2011), tetrabromobisphenol A (Zhou et  al. ever, more than 90% removal efficiency was achieved with
2012), oxytetracycline (Gao et al. 2012; Oleszczuk et al. Fenton/hydrogen peroxide method. The current technolo-
2009), and norfloxacin(Yang et al. 2012) were removed gies such as membrane bioreactor, UV radiation, activated
using carbon-based engineered nanomaterials from syn- sludge, biological treatment, and solid-phase extraction sor-
thetic and natural wastewaters (Joseph et al. 2011b; Kumar bents have demonstrated that some effect on the removal
and Mohan 2012). The adsorption process using carbon- efficiency was obtained within reasonable cost. Surprisingly,
based engineered nanomaterials is mainly dependent on it was found that carbon-based engineered nanomaterials
the physicochemical properties such as water–octanol par- and magnetic permanently confined micelle arrays are the
titioning (Heo et al. 2012; Joseph et al. 2011a), aromaticity most extensively used methods for the treatment of emerg-
(Gao et al. 2012), natural organic matter (Cho et al. 2011; ing pollutants with maximum removal capacity compared
Joseph et al. 2011a, b), and adsorbate concentration for to the existing methods. By using carbon-based engineered
the removal of endocrine-disrupting compounds. In the nanomaterials, it was found that more than 300 mg g−1 of
literature, very few reports are available on the evalua- doxycycline and tetracycline was removed from the waste-
tion of metal/metal oxide engineered nanomaterials as a waters. Finally, it was concluded that carbon-based engi-
remediation method for the removal of pharmaceuticals, neered nanomaterials are cost-effective for the removal of
personal care products, and endocrine-disrupting com- pharmaceuticals and personal care products and endocrine-
pounds. Nevertheless, even though nano-zerovalent iron disrupting compounds.
has not been extensively used for the removal of pharma-
ceuticals and personal care products, some studies have
demonstrated the oxidation ability of this nanomaterial for Nanomaterial‑enabled wastewater
metronidazole (Fang et al. 2010), amoxicillin, ampicillin techniques for inorganic pollutants
(Ghauch et al. 2009), and ibuprofen (Machado et al. 2013)
from industrial wastewaters. The generation of hydrogen Several reports are available on the adsorption of heavy
and electron species from nano-zerovalent iron could be metals with carbon-based engineered nanomaterials (Gong
accountable for the degradation of pharmaceuticals and et al. 2011; Gupta et al. 2010; Rao et al. 2007; Tofighy and
personal care products (FangQiu et al. 2010). It was found Mohammadi 2011; Wang et al. 2013a, b; Xiao et al. 2012).
that pharmaceuticals and personal care products are very It was found that the adsorption ability of pristine carbon
difficult to undergo degradation. Therefore, it is desirable nanotubes for metals is low; however, it may be enhanced
to use two methods concurrently, for example, biodegrada- significantly by functionalization (Hadavifar et al. 2014; Li
tion by a functional microorganism (Bokare et al. 2010) et al. 2003a, b, c, d; Yu et al. 2013). After functionalization
of carbon nanotubes, a greater number of nitrogen, oxygen,

Environmental Chemistry Letters

or other groups are observed on the surface, resulting in (Bhaumik et al. 2011; Bystrzejewski et al. 2009; Chen et al.
the enhanced dispersibility of nanomaterials, thus leading 2011b; Faulconer et al. 2012; Ghebremeskel and Bose 2002;
to a higher surface area (Adeleye and Keller 2014; Li et al. Huang et al. 2012; Larraza et al. 2012; Liu et al. 2011b;
2002). Recent advancement in designing carbon-based nano- Sprynskyy et al. 2012; Towler et al. 1996) from wastewaters.
composites has led to the hybridization of other metals into Functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles with dithiocar-
the nanocomposites that have desired features. For example, bamates has been applied to eliminate mercury (II) from
incorporation of iron oxide nanoparticles onto carbon-based wastewaters (Girginova et al. 2010). It demonstrated that
nanocomposites has facilitated an easy and cost-effective selective and sensitive removal of arsenic (III) was per-
method for the removal of metal ions through an applied formed with magnetite nanoparticles coated with manganese
external magnetic field (Deng et al. 2013; Tang et al. 2012; oxide (Silva et al. 2012). The resultant magnetic adsorbent
Zheng et al. 2012). Doping of organic molecules or metals exhibited excellent chemical and physical stability over the
into carbon-based engineered nanomaterials could enhance pH range of 3.0 to 9.0. The lead (II) and copper (II) ions
the selective adsorption ability for specific metallic contami- are removed from the wastewaters, and porous manganese
nants (Chandra et al. 2010; Fan et al. 2013a, b; Zhou et al. ferrospinel was used as a reusable, effective, and selective
2014). On the other hand, graphene sheet-based membranes material (Ren et al. 2012; Su et al. 2014). The regeneration
have also been used as a filtration tool for metal ions to process was performed by using 0.2 M hydrochloric acid as
some extent (Sun et al. 2012). In general, adsorption is the an eluent. The magnetic nanoparticles functionalized with
only method that can be used frequently using metal/metal ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid were used to remove a wide
oxide nanomaterials in the treatment of organic and inor- range of metallic ions such as lead (II) and cadmium (II)
ganic pollutants. For example, modification of zirconium from aqueous solutions (Huang and Keller 2015).
oxide engineered nanomaterials with commercially available
cation exchange resin (D-001) resulted in a 13-fold increase Performance and cost evaluation of existing
in the adsorption and selectivity for cadmium (II) and lead methods and nanomaterial‑based methods
(II) from mining acidic effluent, compared to the unmodi-
fied resin (Hua et al. 2013). These nanocomposite resins The conventional methods such as sulphide precipitation,
can also be easily recovered and reused after the wastewater ion-exchange, pH alteration, and coagulation are commonly
treatment process. used for the removal of heavy toxic metals from wastewaters.
In another report, granular activated carbon was modified Coagulation, sulphide precipitation, and pH adjustment
with iron oxide and manganese oxide for the removal of cad- are frequently used methods in the treatment of industrial
mium (II) from wastewaters, resulting in a slight enhance- wastewater due to their reasonable operational cost, although
ment in the adsorption ability; however, the result obtained the ion-exchange method was applied to treat drinking water
was similar. In this study, the granular activated carbon was effectively with a higher estimated cost. The generation of a
prepared from rice hulls or areca nuts (Lee et al. 2013). large quantity of heavy metal solid waste after the wastewa-
Interestingly, it was noted that at low pH, nano-zerovalent ter treatment process from these methods resulted in addi-
iron gains a positively charged surface which is facilitated tional cost implications and was one of the main drawbacks.
in the removal of dichromate ions (YangFu et al. 2013), Furthermore, nanomaterials such as magnetic, metal/metal
whereas at high pH, it contributes to the removal of heavy oxide engineered, and nano-zerovalent iron nanomaterials
metals (Boparai et al. 2013; Su et al. 2014) due to nega- can produce less solid waste due to higher adsorption capaci-
tively charged surface. After adsorption, metals with stand- ties. The nano-zerovalent iron and their derivatives includ-
ard potentials (Eo) such as nickel (II), copper (II), lead (II), ing magnetic particles have gained significant attention and
and silver (I) undergo reduction, due to their more positivity exhibited viability for the treatment of toxic heavy metals in
than iron (Li and Zhang 2007). The nano-zerovalent iron has different aquatic systems and soil samples.
high removal ability for metal ions with minimal generation It was concluded that the effect of interference is greatly
of solid waste; therefore, this material is environmentally minimized in the case of real sample analysis by using nano-
friendly and an ideal contender for the wastewater treatment. zerovalent iron. Based on the literature results presented
Apart from these materials, various other metal/metal oxide in Table 8, nano-zerovalent iron becomes a cost-effective
engineered nanomaterials have been reported in the litera- nanoadsorbent to treat wastewaters for heavy metals in
ture for removal of metal ions from aqueous solutions (Lee the future. The estimated operational cost of carbon-based
et al. 2012; Maliyekkal et al. 2010; Zhu et al. 2007). engineered nanomaterials is less with greater adsorption
Recent studies have suggested that magnetic nanoparti- abilities compared to other nanomaterials and conventional
cles have been used for the removal of cadmium (II) (Ghe- techniques.
bremeskel and Bose 2002), mercury (II) (Hadavifar et al. Adsorption process was adopted to remove fluo-
2014; Pacheco et al. 2006), and some other toxic metal ions ride ions (Gupta et  al. 2009; Li et  al. 2003a, b, c, d;


Table 8  Performance and cost for various treatment technologies for heavy metals
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials/methods Merit of figures Citation

Cost associated with Removal Removal ability (mg g­ )
removal efficiency ($ efficiency (%/
­mg−1) time)

Chromium Fly ash–lime p­ recipitationa 99/10 min Chen et al. (2009a, b)

Biosorption (various biomass sources)a 2–230 Singh et al. (2011)
Ultrafiltrationa 0.0001–0.34a < 100 Fu and Wang (2011) and Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Ion ­exchangea 0.00002–0.04a 100 10–40 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Activated carbon ­adsorbentsa 0.0001–0.38a 150–170 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Chemically modified plant a­ dsorbentsa 1.7–28 Wan Ngah and Hanafiah (2008)
Chemical ­precipitationa > 99 Fu and Wang (2011)
Graphene oxide/polypyrroleb 500 Li et al. (2012a, b)
Cerium oxide c­ ompositeb 60/5 h 5.9 Zhong et al. (2007)
Nano-zerovalent ­ironb 73–110 Li et al. (2007)
Polypyrrole-coated magnetite p­ articlesb 170 Bhaumik et al. (2011)
Zinc Fly ash–Lime ­precipitationa 97/10 min Chen et al. (2009a, b)
Biosorption (various biomass sources)a 0.2–641 Singh et al. (2011)
Chemical ­precipitationa 99.7 45 Fu and Wang (2011) and Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Coagulation ­flocculationa 99.9 45 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Reverse ­osmosisa 0.0002–0.003c 99 Fu and Wang (2011) and Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Ion ­exchangea 0.00002–0.0003c 100 10–40 Fu and Wang (2011) and Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Activated carbon ­adsorptiona 0.0001–0.003c 63.2–103 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Chemically modified plant a­ dsorbentsa 0.18–83.3 Wan Ngah and Hanafiah (2008)
Ultrafiltrationa 0.0002–0.003c 99 Fu and Wang (2011)
Nano-zerovalent ­ironb 0.000229 393 Yan et al. (2010a, b)
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Table 8  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials/methods Merit of figures Citation
Cost associated with Removal Removal ability (mg g­ )
removal efficiency ($ efficiency (%/
­mg−1) time)

Lead Recycled alum sludge c­ oagulationa 98 166–300 Chu (1999)

Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide carbon 98/180 min 6–9 Nadeem et al. (2006)
Environmental Chemistry Letters

Fly ash–lime p­ recipitationa 98/10 min Chen et al. (2009a, b)

Biosorption (various biomass sources)a 2–770 Singh et al. (2011)
Chemically modified plant a­ dsorbentsa 4.5–310 Wan Ngah and Hanafiah (2008)
Chemical ­precipitationa 99.6 Fu and Wang (2011)
Ion exchange ­resina 0.001–0.02a > 55 0.21–1.4 Fu and Wang (2011)
Ultrafiltration 0.001–0.17a > 99 Fu and Wang (2011)
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/magnetite p­ articles 42 Hu et al. (2011) and Ji et al. (2012)
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/magnetite particles 75 Ji et al. (2012)
functionalized with amine ­groupb
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/cobalt ferrite func- 66 Zhou et al. (2014)
tionalized with amine g­ roupb
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/cobalt ferrite func- 140 Zhou et al. (2014)
tionalized with amine group/chitosanb
Graphene oxide/chitosan/magnetiteb 77 Fan et al. (2013a)
Manganese spinel ferrite n­ anoparticlesb 69 Ren et al. (2012)
Mag-ligandb > 98/15 min 100 Huang and Keller (2015)
Zirconium oxide ­nanoparticlesb 25/1.7 h 320 Hua et al. (2013)
Nano-zerovalent ­ironb 0.00005 1667 Zhang et al. (2013a, b)
Cobalt Biosorption (various biomass sources) 2.4–156 Singh et al. (2011)
Ion exchange ­resina 100 60–75 Rengaraj and Moon (2002)
Ultrafiltrationa 100 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Bentonite/iron oxide magnetic c­ ompositesb 22.73 ChenHuang et al. (2011)
Nano-zerovalent ­ironb 172 Uzum et al. (2008)


Table 8  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials/methods Merit of figures Citation

Cost associated with Removal Removal ability (mg g­ )
removal efficiency ($ efficiency (%/
­mg−1) time)

Cadmium Biosorption (various biomass sources)a 3.4–220 Singh et al. (2011)

Chemical ­precipitationa 99.6/24 h 15 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Coagulation ­flocculationa 99.7 15 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Reverse ­osmosisa 0.002–0.85a 99 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Ion ­exchangea 0.0003–0.1a 100 10–40 Fu and Wang (2011) and Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Activated ­carbona 0.002–0.95a 146 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Chemically modified plant waste ­adsorbentsa 4.5–310 Wan Ngah and Hanafiah (2008)
Ultrafiltrationa 0.002–0.85a 99 Fu and Wang (2011)
Oxygen-functionalized multi-walled carbon 0.57 22 Vuković et al. (2010)
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes–ethylenediamineb 22 Vuković et al. (2010)
Graphene oxide/iron ­oxideb 91 Deng et al. (2013)
Zirconium dioxide n­ anoparticlesb 30/1.7 h 215 Hua et al. (2013)
Nano-zerovalent ­ironb 0.0014 67 Zhang et al. (2014a, b, c)
ZEAa 85 Sprynskyy et al. (2012)
Mag-ligandb > 98/2 h 79 Huang and Keller (2015)
Zinc oxide ­nanoparticlesb 90/30 min 217.4 Khezamia et al. (2017)
Nickel Biosorption (various biomass sources)a 0.8–30 Singh et al. (2011)
Chemical ­precipitationa 71/1 h Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Reverse ­osmosisa 0.0002–0.17c 100 Fu and Wang (2011) and Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Ion ­exchangea 0.00002–0.02c 100 10–40 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Activated carbon ­adsorbentsa 0.0001–0.19c 80.9–160 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Chemically modified plant waste ­adsorbentsa 3.37–62.5 Fu and Wang (2011) and Wan Ngah and Hanafiah
Ultrafiltrationa 0.0002–0.17c 100 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
ZEAa 67.35  Sprynskyy et al. (2012)
Nano-zerovalent ­ironb 80 Efecan et al. (2009)
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Table 8  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials/methods Merit of figures Citation
Cost associated with Removal Removal ability (mg g­ )
removal efficiency ($ efficiency (%/
­mg−1) time)

Copper Fly ash–lime p­ recipitationa 99/10 min Chen et al. (2009a, b)

Biosorption (various biomass sources)a 0.4–380 Singh et al. (2011)
Chemical ­precipitationa 100/24 h Fu and Wang (2011) and Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Environmental Chemistry Letters

Coagulation ­flocculationa 99.6 0.8–4 Kurniawan et al. (2006)

Reverse ­osmosisa 0.001–0.03a 100 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Ion ­exchangea 0.0001–0.004a 100 10–40 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Activated carbon ­adsorbentsa 0.0005–0.04a 83–150 Kurniawan et al. (2006)
Chemically modified plant waste ­adsorbentsa 0.15–140 Wan Ngah and Hanafiah (2008)
Ultrafiltrationa 0.001–0.03a 99.7 Fu and Wang (2011)
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes Magnetite p­ articlesb 39 Hao et al. (2012) and Hu et al. (2011)
Nano-zerovalent ­ironb 0.00026 340 Zhang et al. (2014a, b, c)
Manganese spinel ferrite n­ anoparticlesb 61 Ren et al. (2012)
ZEAa 96 120 Sprynskyy et al. (2012)
Mercury Biosorption (various biomass sources)a 290 Singh et al. (2011)
Chemically modified plant waste ­adsorbentsa 150 Wan Ngah and Hanafiah (2008)
Chemical ­precipitationa > 99.9 Fu and Wang (2011)
Magnetite/silicon dioxide p­ articlesb 50 17 Girginova et al. (2010)
Magnetite/silicon dioxide particles functionalized 74 25 Girginova et al. (2010)
with amine and sodium salt of carbon ­disulphideb
Nano-zerovalent ­ironb 80 Yan et al. (2010a, b)


Table 8  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials/methods Merit of figures Citation

Cost associated with Removal Removal ability (mg g­ )
removal efficiency ($ efficiency (%/
­mg−1) time)

Arsenic Chemical ­oxidationa < 80 Ning (2002)

Alum ­coagulationa 95/< 2 min 1.8–10 Kang et al. (2003) and Kartinen Jr and Martin (1995)
Iron ­coagulationa 99/20 min 17–50 Baskan and Pala (2009), Hering et al. (1997),
Kartinen Jr and Martin (1995), Song et al. (2006)
Ion exchange ­resina 0.001–0.07a 98/12 h 66–2500 An et al. (2005), Kartinen Jr and Martin (1995) and
Ruixia et al. (2002)
Reverse ­osmosisa 0.001–0.57a > 95 Gholami et al. (2006), Kartinen Jr and Martin (1995),
Shih (2005), Van der Bruggen and Vandecasteele
Alum ­precipitationa > 90 10 Kartinen Jr and Martin (1995)
Ozone ­oxidationa 0.001–0.6a 96/4 min 15 Kim and Nriagu (2000)
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/magnetite p­ articlesb As(III) = 1.7, As(V) = 0.2 Addo Ntim and Mitra (2011)
Grafting of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with As(V) = 18 Veličković et al. (2012)
ethylenediamine and iron (II) p­ articlesb
Grafting of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with As(V) = 11 Velickovic et al. (2012)
ethylenediamine and iron (III) p­ articlesb
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/zirconium dioxide As(III) = 3, As(V) = 5 Ntim and Mitra (2012)
Reduced graphene oxide/magnetite ­nanocompositeb As (III) = 13, As(V) = 5.8 Chandra et al. (2010)
Graphene oxide/zirconia dioxide ­nanocompositeb As(III) = 95, As(V) = 85 LuoWang et al. (2013a, b)
Reduced graphene oxide/nano-zerovalent ­ironb As(III) = 36, As(V) = 29 Wang et al. (2014a, b, c, d)
Cerium oxide n­ anoparticlesb 100/1.2 h 14 Zhong et al. (2007)
Mixed manganese/aluminium oxide ­nanocompositeb 65/5 h 140 Wu et al. (2012)
Nano-zerovalent iron with air and carbon d­ ioxideb 0.00078 130 Tanboonchuy et al. (2011)
Sulphate Anaerobic biological ­removala < 99/8 d Genschow et al. (1996), Pol et al. (1998) and Silva
et al. (2002)
Activated ­carbona < 0.000003c 99/140 h Zhao et al. (2008a, b)
Ion exchange ­resina < 0.0000003c > 99/150 m 100 mg/ml Haghsheno et al. (2009)
Magnetic permanently confined micelle ­arraysb 75.7 Clark and Keller (2012)
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Table 8  (continued)
Contaminants Engineered nanomaterials/methods Merit of figures Citation
Cost associated with Removal Removal ability (mg g­ )
removal efficiency ($ efficiency (%/
­mg−1) time)

Nitrate Electrocoagulationa > 0.00000012 > 90/150 min Koparal and Öğütveren (2002)

Chemical ­denitrificationa < 100 Bhatnagar and Sillanpää (2011)
Biological ­denitrificationa 0.000003–0.02a > 99/3.5 h Bhatnagar and Sillanpää (2011), Reyes-Avila et al.
Environmental Chemistry Letters

(2004) and Schoeman and Steyn (2003)

Ion exchange ­resina 0.0000001–0.001a 100/12 h 14–82 Bhatnagar and Sillanpää (2011), Clifford and Liu
(1993) and Schoeman and Steyn (2003)
Reverse ­osmosisa 0.000001–0.01a > 95 Bhatnagar and Sillanpää (2011), Bohdziewicz et al.
(1999) and Phenrat et al. (2010)
Carbon ­adsorptiona 0.000001–0.01a 97/45 min 1–100 Bhatnagar and Sillanpää (2011) and Öztürk and
Bektaş (2004)
Carbon ­nanosheetsb 0.088 140 Tofighy and Mohammadi (2012)
Magnetic permanently confined micelle ­arraysb 100 Clark and Keller (2012)
Perchlorate Biological ­treatmenta 0.0000263 > 87/35 h Coates et al. (1999), Gu et al. (2007), Hatzinger
(2005), Matos et al. (2006), Srinivasan and Sorial
(2009) and Wallace et al. (1996)
Ion exchange ­resina < 0.00001c > 99/8.3 h
Magnetic permanently confined micelle ­arrays 98.8 Clark and Keller (2012)
Phosphate Ion exchange ­resina 0.0000039–0.0000044a 99/5 min Ruixia et al. (2002) and Zhao and Sengupta (1998)
Carbon ­adsorption 0.00003–0.00004a > 99 2.5–1150 Sakadevan and Bavor (1998)
Biological ­removal > 68/360 min Chen et al. (2004)
Electrocoagulationa > 80/20 min Bektaş et al. (2004)
Activated ­sludgea 94/65 d De Kreuk et al.( 2005)
Magnetic permanently confined micelle ­arraysb 95.7 Clark and Keller (2012)
Mixed manganese/aluminium oxide ­nanocompositeb 100/5 h 60 WuLiu et al. (2014)
Zirconium dioxide/graphene oxide ­nanocompositeb 18 Zong et al. (2013)
Zirconium-modified magnesium–aluminium lay- 60/2 d 30 Chitrakar et al. (2010)
ered double ­hydroxideb
 Existing methods
 Nanotechnology-based methods
 Based on the cost calculations performed by the literature report (Adeleye et al. 2016)

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Ramamurthy et  al. 2011) and other nutrients such as Performance and cost evaluation of existing
ammonium and nitrates (Moradi et al. 2012; Tofighy and methods and nanomaterial‑based methods
Mohammadi 2012) from different water systems using
graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes, and web-like cellu- Several engineered nanomaterials-based technologies have
lose nanofibres. It was found that the adsorption capacity been used effectively to treat wastewater for phosphatase
of carbon nanotubes sheets for nitrates was higher with and arsenic. For example, carbon-based engineered nano-
shorter equilibrium time and improved regeneration abil- materials and metal/metal oxide engineered nanomaterials
ity compared to commercially available activated carbon were used for the removal of arsenic. Magnetic nanoparticles
(Tofighy and Mohammadi 2012). If the estimated operat- and metal/metal oxide engineered nanomaterials were suc-
ing cost of the carbon-based nanomaterials reduces sig- cessfully used for the effective removal of phosphate from
nificantly, this technology could be considered as prom- wastewater.
ising to minimize the nutrient content of industrial and Literature suggests that conventional treatment meth-
agricultural wastewaters. In addition, carbon-based engi- ods are available and found to be effective up to 99% in
neered nanomaterials have shown to be a good adsorbent terms of adsorption efficiency and estimated operational
for the removal of arsenic from wastewaters (Luo et al. cost. Furthermore, metal oxide nanomaterials seem to be
2013). Studies have been performed on the simultaneous the alternate technology for the removal of phosphatase and
adsorption of arsenic (0), arsenic (II), and arsenic (V) arsenic. However, the treatment time to a comparable per-
on to the surface of nano-zerovalent iron, indicating that centage removal is generally longer than for conventional
along with adsorption, both reduction and oxidation of technologies. It should be noted that the removal percentages
arsenic occurred through nano-zerovalent iron treatment vary extensively by treatment technology, which makes them
(Mauricio 2010; Ramos et  al. 2009). Additionally, by difficult to compare over other treatment methods. In the
considering the stability of arsenic (III), arsenic (V), and case of carbon-based engineered nanomaterials, the removal
complexes of iron oxide, nano-zerovalent iron can be con- abilities vary widely, suggesting their superiority and suit-
sidered as an effective nanomaterial for in situ removal of ability in wastewater treatment over conventional methods.
arsenic from polluted sites. Though nanomaterials offer an effective substitute for the
Though nano-zerovalent iron has been considered as treatment of inorganic nonmetals, the selection of nanoma-
an in situ method for the removal of nitrates (Jiang et al. terials should be done carefully depending on the type of
2011; Kassaee et al. 2011; Ryu et al. 2011; Sohn et al. pollutants. Literature survey results were created in the form
2006), the production of ammonium as a by-product indi- of database and are presented in Table 8.
cated that additional treatment is necessary to complete
remediation process (Ryu et al. 2011; Sohn et al. 2006).
Different literature reports have examined the signifi- Overview of performance and cost
cance of various metal/metal oxide engineered nanoma- of nanotechnology methods
terials such as zirconium oxide-modified graphite oxide
(Zong et  al. 2013), zirconium-coated magnesium-iron For the treatment of several contaminants, nanotechnol-
double-layered hydroxide carbonates (Chitrakar et  al. ogy-based methods are found to be a reliable and practical
2010), and manganese-doped aluminium-based bimetal- option. These technologies are effective compared to con-
lic oxides (Wu et al. 2014) for the removal of phosphates ventional methods due to their unique features such as low
and other nonmetals from aquatic systems. The removal sludge generation, quicker treatment, or processes associated
of arsenic (III) (Silva et al. 2012), boron (Tural 2010), and with a broader range of interaction mechanisms. It was found
phosphate (Sarkar et al. 2010) was successfully achieved that metal and metal oxide nanoparticles are considered to
by using magnetic nanoparticles. Most of the common be effective for the removal of halogenated, non-halogenated
oxyanions were removed effectively with magnetic organic pollutants and comparable to the existing technol-
permanently confined micelle arrays from wastewaters ogy (activated carbon-based adsorption). The estimation of
(Clark and Keller 2012). It demonstrated that high free operational costs of the technologies varies, depending on
energy was found with magnetic permanently confined the treatment process, analytes, and nanomaterials. But in
micelle arrays during adsorption of sulphates and phos- some cases, the costs can be comparable. For example, costs
phates, nitrates, and perchlorates (Clark and Keller 2012). related to the removal of chromium, cadmium, zinc and tolu-
Interestingly, the competitive investigation revealed that ene, xylene with nano-zerovalent iron, and magnetic perma-
sulphates and phosphates, nitrates, and perchlorates did nently confined micelle arrays, respectively, are comparable
not target for similar binding sites, suggesting different with existing technologies, whereas in some cases, current
interaction mechanisms. nanotechnology-related methods for the removal of chlo-
ramphenicol, arsenic, lindane, trichloroethylene, lead and

Environmental Chemistry Letters

methyl orange, gemfibrozil, 2-chlorophenol, ethylbenzene, The price of carbon-based engineered nanomaterials
naphthalene, atrazine, atenolol, diuron with nano-zerovalent differs broadly depending on the type of nanomaterials
iron, and magnetic permanently confined micelle arrays, (graphene, carbon nanotubes, amorphous carbon nanoma-
respectively, are less expensive compared to the existing terials), grade and level of purity (wt%), and functionali-
technologies. zation of nanomaterials. The price of single-walled carbon
In the literature, current technologies such as reverse nanotubes, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and graphene-
osmosis and ozonation are found to be more expensive than based derivatives is found to be ranging from US$25–300/g,
existing nanotechnology techniques (magnetic nanoparticles US$0.10–25/g, and US$2.50–1000/g, respectively (Cheap-
and carbon-based engineered nanomaterials) for emerging TubesInc. 2017).
contaminants in terms of removal efficiency. For example, the adsorption and removal of lead (II) from
Furthermore, magnetic permanently confined micelle wastewaters by single-walled carbon nanotubes could cost
arrays and nano-zerovalent iron technologies are less expen- roughly US$2.2/g-Pb with an average adsorption ability of
sive, compared to those of current methods in treating waste- 75 mg lead (II)/g-single-walled carbon nanotube. In this
waters for chloramphenicol, atenolol, and gemfibrozil. In the study, the cost of single-walled carbon nanotubes is only
treatment of heavy metals with current technologies (metal considered. Furthermore, the overall estimated cost of the
oxide nanoparticles and nano-zerovalent iron), the produc- treatment process may be decreased by various features
tion of a significant amount of solid waste increases opera- since carbon-based engineered nanomaterials may be eas-
tional cost compared to the other nanotechnology-related ily recoverable and reusable over many cycles (Bandaru
methods (see Table 4). Depending on the concentration of et al. 2013; Hadavifar et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2014a, b,
metal ions present in the water samples, the operational cost c). In general, carbon nanotubes are comparatively more
of the nanotechnology becomes cheaper to treat wastewaters expensive than most of the other nanomaterials for waste-
for zinc (II), lead (II), and copper (II). water treatment. However, high stability and easy recovery
Moreover, the treatment of inorganic nonmetals is feasi- of carbon nanotubes are some of the advantages compared
ble using different existing nanotechnologies. Though very to other nanomaterials (Qu et al. 2013a; b, c; Zhang et al.
few reports are available on the nano-based treatments with 2014a, b, c). It is necessary to consider the toxicity of engi-
major conclusions, effectiveness of the method depends on neered nanomaterials in future work. For example, nano-
the analyte. zerovalent iron is highly reactive in laboratory tests; how-
Interestingly, it was found that nano-zerovalent iron for ever, larger amounts of nano-zerovalent iron are required to
arsenic seems to be less expensive than the most existing treat natural waters due to the presence of other unwanted
methods, but in the case of nitrates, current methods are components. Additionally, the estimated production cost
highly economical compared to the carbon-based nanomate- of nano-zerovalent iron is relatively more expensive due to
rials. The overall cost of current treatments mainly depends the use of borohydride (reducing agent) to reduce iron to
on the chemicals costs, initial capital costs, operations and nano-zerovalent iron. It is found that the manufacturing of
maintenance costs. For example, adsorption based on the borohydride is highly expensive compared to that of other
granular activated carbon appears to be the most commonly reagents or reducing agents.
used option and greatly relies on the source of carbon, cost, The advancement in nanotechnology resulted in the
and frequency of regeneration (Behnam et al. 2013; Cai reduction of production cost; however, it was found to be
and Larese-Casanova 2014; Gupta et al. 2009). It should US$0.05–0.10/g (Crane and Scott 2012). Some metal/metal
be noted that based on the type of pollutants removed, the oxide engineering nanomaterials are commercially produced
activated carbon treatment method may not be a cost-effec- and highly useful in wastewater treatment plants; however,
tive choice compared to other methods. Depending on the titanium dioxide has distinguished properties with limited
extent of oxidation required, it is also an expensive method applications. It is found that the production cost of some
of treating a wide range of pollutants ranging from organic nanomaterials/techniques is not accessible in the literature
compounds to inorganic metals and nonmetals. Though a as most remain largely at the patenting stage. Due to the
biological treatment method is not effective for all contami- wide range of applications, the estimated production cost
nants, it was found to be less expensive and requires very of titanium dioxide nanoparticles ranges from US$0.16/g to
low operational costs with minimal maintenance. Depending 1.21/g (Lu et al. 2011), whereas the approximate wastewater
on the size of the wastewater treatment plant, the estimated treatment cost per gram of pollutant ranges from US$0.50
investment cost for existing methods was found to be US$90/ to US$1.00/g (Sigma–Aldrich 2018; US Research Nanoma-
m3 and US$2800/m3 per day for 3000 and 5 m3 treatment terials 2018).
plant, respectively. From this study, it was demonstrated Titanium is an inexpensive element and is most abun-
that the larger treatment plants have lower operational costs dantly available in the earth’s crust (Barksdale 1949).
(Legrini et al. 1993; Martinez-Huitle and Ferro 2006). Despite the adequate investment on some metal/metal

Environmental Chemistry Letters

oxide engineered nanomaterials, it may not reach the esti- On the other hand, researchers should focus more on
mated production cost, similar to that of titanium dioxide addressing the challenges associated with nanomaterials.
nanoparticles (Yang et al. 2002). It is noted that titanium Presently, very few nanomaterials have materialized com-
dioxide nanoparticles do not produce oxidizing radicals dur- mercially. Since the production cost is one of the crucial
ing photodegradation; hence, they have really been listed parameters, future research should be dedicated to designing
under quickly regenerated and reused materials. Therefore, cost-effective and highly efficient nanomaterials. For exam-
the overall treatment cost decreases with using metal/metal ple, the synthesis of nanomaterials from various waste mate-
oxide engineered nanomaterials. As the technology and pro- rials by greener routes results in low-cost nanomaterials.
duction of magnetic core increases, the actual cost of these Applications of these eco-friendly nanomaterials will reduce
nanoparticles has been gradually reducing. Interestingly, it the overall production cost of the treatment process with a
was found that there was a huge cost difference between lower environmental footprint. Furthermore, some of these
laboratory- and industrial-scale production of magnetic per- methods have an added advantage of the regeneration and
manently confined micelle arrays. For example, manufac- reuse of engineered nanomaterials to enhance the adsorption
turing of magnetic permanently confined micelle arrays in efficiency and further decrease the production cost which
a laboratory scale costs approximately US$70/kg, whereas may be important for developing countries. Moreover, with
US$4/kg to produce industrially (Huang and Keller 2013). growing interest in the application of nanomaterials in water
This material is easy to regenerate and reuse after treatment, and wastewater treatment, there is increasing consternation
resulting in the decrease of additional cost associated with on their potential toxicity to the human health and environ-
the technique (Clark and Keller 2012; Wang et al. 2008a, ment. It is concluded that nanotechnology is developing as a
2011b). promising tool to the conventional techniques of wastewater

Acknowledgements  Authors are grateful to Durban University of

Technology and National Research Foundation of South Africa for
Conclusion their financial support in the form of NRF-DST Innovation Doctoral
Scholarship (UID: 107643) to carry out this work.
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