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Afkar Siddiq

Test 1 Structure and Written Expression

Exercise (Skills 16 – 18)

1. We have become good friends in the last year. (I)

2. Your name will be listed in the new directory (I)
3. The new movie is receiving good news (I)
4. She must have felt sorry about her bad behavior (I)
5. They have always given their family many presents (C)
6. We may be taking a vacation next week (C)
7. We could have taken a vacation next week (I)
8. The package might had been delivered by an express mail service (I)
9. I have not written very many letters to my friends (I)
10. The car should not have been drive anymore today (I)

Exercise (Skills 24 – 25)

1. The chef prepared a delicate sauce (I)
2. Matthew feels terribly angry about the issue (C)
3. The swimmer swam powerfully across the pool (I)
4. The receptionist answered the phone carefully (C)
5. The dishes in the sink were dirty (C)
6. The physics exam seemed quite simple to me (I)
7. He acted unbelievably rude (C)
8. The burned toast did not taste very good (C)
9. His decision was absolutely necessary (C)
10. The job applicant dressed carefully for the important interview (C)

TOEFL Exercise (Skills 24 – 25)

1. Sound quieter than 10 decibels are impossible for human ear to hear. (B)
2. Often the best farmland is next to a river that floods periodically. (D)
3. The planet mercury has a moderately elliptical orbit (D)
4. An 18-watt fluorescent bulb seems as bright as a 75-watt incandescent bulb
5. The telephone works by changing the voices sound waves into electrical
signals (D)
6. In the northern United States, two European species of small white birch are
extensively planted as ornamentals (B)
7. Fifty million Americans continue to smoke despite abundant evidence that
smoking is extremely unhealthy (D)
8. The U.S. military Academy sits on scenic heights overlooking a strategic bend
in the Hudson River (D)
9. The Erie Canal became so successful at providing cheap transportation that it
was greatly enlarged between 1835 and 1862 (A)
10. The Infra-Red Astronomy Satellite (IRAS), launched in 1983, contained a
specially coded reflecting telescope that detected infrared rays (B)
Test 2 Structure

Exercise ( Skills 21-23)

1. They sold the car to you and me.(I)
2. Please tell your brother that I need to talk to him.(C)
3. The bicycle lost its front wheel. (I)
4. Martha was happy when her boss gave her a pay raise. (C)
5. Just between us, I am not sure if we can trust them. (C)
6. The mother talked to her son about his behavior. (C)
7. I told him the truth, but he didn’t believe me. (I)
8. You and she should look for them. (I)
9. The student left his notebooks in the class, so he went to get it. (C)
10. if they don’t have car, we will lend them ours. (I)

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 19-20)

1. Cone shells live in many different seas and feed mainly on small fish and worms. (B)
2. The leaves of the common sunflower are rough to the touch on both sides. (D)
3. Hemoglobin enables the red blood cells to carry oxygen and small amounts of carbon
dioxide. (D)
4. Those with narcolepsy experience the uncontrollable desire to sleep, perhaps several
times in one day. (C)
5. Another great artist of the time and possibly the most gifted silversmith in the
colonies was Paul Revere. (A)
6. Alzheimer’s disease afflicts two in ten people over the age of seventy in the United
States. (B)
7. The red cardinal spends much of its time feeding on the ground. (B)
8. In the 1920s, Tulsa had a higher number of millionaires than any other U.S. city. (B)
9. Because Washington is a district and not a state, its residents have fewer rights than
other citizens. (C)
10. Implosive consonants occur in many different languages, but they are particularly
common in American Indian and African languages. (C)
TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 16-18)
1. By the 1920s, many radio transmitters had been built. (D)
2. Fish farming has risen in the United States in recent years. (C)
3. In areas of volcanic activity, beach sand may contain dark minerals and little quartz.
4. Cro-Magnon man was named after the caves in southwest France where the remains
were discovered. (A)
5. Lassie, the famous collie who made her first screen appearance in 1943, has always
been played by a male dog. (C)
6. A blue bigwig lizard stakes out a territory and will defend females within it against
courting males. (C)
7. President George Washington was inaugurated on the steps of the Federal Building in
New York City. (A)
8. By 1627, Plymouth had become a viable and growing community of 50 families, 25
goats, 15 cows, and more than 50 pigs. (B)
9. Tobacco was the crop on which the eminence of Williamsburg and the prosperity of
Virginia were based. (D)
10. Because there may be scores of genes in each suspect DNA region, scientists must
identify and sequence the actual genes contributing to Type I diabetes. (B)

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