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Princess Mary L.

Anecito March 15, 2022

03 Task Performance 1

Prelim Exam


Choose and examine an existing ERP system. Provide the answers to the
following questions. (40 points)

CHOSEN ERP SYSTEM: Microsoft Dynamics 365

1. Which company owns the system? Provide the name of the system and the
screenshot of its home page/dashboard. (5 points)

 Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a Microsoft-owned system. Microsoft Dynamics GP

(previously Great Plains) is an ERP system that scales with the needs of the
business, integrates with other systems, provides detailed reporting, and is
simple to set up, customize, and use.

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2. Enumerate five (5) modules available for this system excluding Home/Dashboard.
Describe the specific function of each module. (5 items x 2 points)

1. Field Service - Proactive service is a great way to innovate! With Dynamics 365
for Field Service, businesses can provide a seamless, end-to-end service
experience. Built-in intelligence aids in the prevention of service difficulties, the
reduction of operational expenses, and the delivery of excellent onsite
experiences. This module was created for any business that has a field service
2. Project Automation - For project management teams, this module was
developed. It enables the company to expand faster by improving project
management and the profitability of ongoing initiatives, all while sticking to
budgets and enhancing the productivity of the collaborators.
3. Finance and Operations - Finance and Operations apps are Microsoft Azure-
based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software as a service (SaaS)
products. Without needing companies to manage infrastructure, the Finance and
Operations service provides organizations with ERP functionality that supports
their requirements and helps them adapt to continuously changing business
4. Supply Chain Management - Beginning with the establishment of the production
order, batch order, or Kanban, Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
handles the whole product life cycle. It closes with a finished, manufactured
object that is ready for delivery to a customer or the next step in the
manufacturing process. Each stage of the life cycle necessitates different types
of data to be completed. The production order, batch order, or Kanban illustrates
a change in the production status as each step is completed. Different production
procedures are required for different sorts of products.
5. Human Resources - Personnel who can generate tangible outcomes should be
hired, developed, and retained. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent gives the
company's HR team and personnel managers the tools they need to hire the
finest people and help them succeed faster.

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3. Cite five (5) widgets that can be found in Home/Dashboard. (5 points)

 Charts (Pie, Line, Bubble)

 Budget Utilization
 Power BI
 Traditional
 Side Panel

4. Can additional widgets be added to Home/Dashboard? What are those? (5 points)

 Yes, you can add widgets to the Home/Dashboard. Examples of additional

widgets are the Live Chat, Hello World application, MVC template, and Call a
customer widget.

5. Which module do you find the most important? Why? (5 points)

 Each module, I believe, is important since it addresses the needs of several

departments. Marketing, sales, people, production, administration, accounting,
financing, people, and more are all departments that businesses require. They
are all equally vital, so neither is the most significant. The same can be said for
each Microsoft Dynamics 365 module since it will make its finest contribution
once it has been modified and carefully maintained. All of these modules will
bring long-term benefits to the business.

6. Provide recommendations to improve the system. (10 points)

The performance of ERP systems can be slowed by complex structures and

needless activities, decreasing the productivity of business operations. To avoid this,
here are some tips to improve the ERP of Microsoft Dynamics 365:

 Pay Special Attention to ERP Features That Make A Difference. To ensure

that your employees use each feature, you must examine its use cases and
performance regularly. After all, your staff is the true end-users of your ERP

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systems. As a result, it's critical to incorporate their opinion on the features and
 Prepare Your Team For ERP Updates By Training And Retraining Them.
Continuous upgrades, feature implementations, and change are all part of a
successful ERP strategy, as long as your staff keeps up with the changes. To
ensure the efficiency and efficacy of your business operations, you must educate
them on these advances.
 Take Advantage Of ERP Customization. For ERP users that know how to
make the most of what they have, a customization is a game-changing tool. It
aids in the prioritization, integration, and streamlining of business processes for a
specific organization.
 Process Documentation In ERP Is More Useful Than You Might Think. The
backbone of successful corporate operations is the process documentation;
without it, an organization would collapse. As bold as this assertion may appear,
there is substantial evidence to support the importance of good documentation.
 Remove Reports From Your ERP System That Aren't Necessary. The wise
thing to do is conduct an audit within your teams and departments, identifying the
reports that are most important and eliminating the rest. This basic task
minimizes the reporting process' complexity and simplifies it, making the system
more effective and efficient.

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