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Name-Sun uchi Suman

Contaact-1 Engoll n o - Cus8201312S12s|

Semesten-3 d

Contsact of baiment
Chapte 1X Secion 1u8- 181)
of h e Indian
Contsact Act 832 deals i h the gen enal
.oes elahng to bailmentThe wosd bailment
e s i v e d Fsom Fsench uoo8d bole uhich
meanS td
Ony kind
handinq Oven Tn legal sen se2
involues change POSse ssion
Fsom One
8 ods
pensOn anoh n os
speCihc PuposE

Thee ane manu nstances oF

in o
daTlylues when ue
cloheS to laundsy hen we Ose v a l e t
pan kin fos On Can S. we
aoods to deli uen
hey pensom Fos a pose and
p n
epeCt seceive O S1
oodss back hern
he Pupose has been achieved
Sechion 48 Bailment. bailos and bailee
Hbai Iment" is he deli ueny oF 8oods bu
one penson to anothen Fos some puSTp OSe
upon Contsact hat hey Shal, whens
the punp0se S accon plished , be setunned
0 h e n u i se
dsposed of accosdi na to the
disections of he peison delivenin hem
h e peson dei ueina he oods iS Called
Balos" The penson to ush Om hey e
deliveed iS Called, the Bailee
I penson s alseady in possession
Cxplanahon a
OF h e aoods of ohe ContEacts
hold hem aS a batlee he theseby becom es he
baflee, and he OusneS becomeS he bail o
of Such aood s, aHho ugh heu may no have
been deli vened
by a u of bailment
Ustsaionl-) whene deliven s his c n ro 5epao
to V, is he bailos and
he bail ee

'ostsahon-2 man (x) daops
e off his clohes F
dsy ceaning He is he bail os and
he pun pose o baRl ment is o haue
the Penti culan Set oF
clohes cleaned|
The dsy cleaneny) is he baîlee
h e s h e e m pO8 CUShd drOn
oF h e Clothnes and is e s ponsi ble
oS keepin Hhem: S a e and to
etunn Hhem to Hhe boî los once
theu haue been C e a n e d
lustsaton- 3 A)has a motosycle h a t he
SellS Fo ) oho leaves he
motoacycle in he Posse sSion oF

while he is SUt of
Hene, becomes he baflee
euen hough he oas h e csiginal

of ailment
S oF special cont sacE and
thus, OI DCsiC sequ sement s C o n t s a c t 1fke
Consent of PCnh es, Com petency etc One
Opplicable FO an Contsact o Barlment
A bailment is Usbay cseated bu a n a g s e e m e n t
betuween h e bailos a n d bailee Sechon 148
Speci Callu talks Of bailment Uia a
olso in absence
But valid bailment can aUSe
of ePsess Contsa cts Fsom invalid
Voidoable ontsacts
n bai |ment, neihen h e paopeay nO8 h e
invol ved is tsansfes& ed
OL shi p of the aoods
at SSe ssior
any point. Only he e m po80N PO
Hhe baf led aood s s Fsans fessed and Phe

h he
SUch aoodss S e mOinS
The boilos Can demand to haue he

psopesty sekunned to him a an Hme

what may be Baile d
bailment can onlu be oF
Sechon 2(+) of Sale oP Cnoodsaoods As pen
eveny kind Of movable AcE, 8oods means
mone Psopenty othen han
and achonable claim, Thus 1<ee p i 9
yin bank accoUnE not bailment
AsKin Pen son to look aften qO noUse
obsen ce is not
bament as house
movaBle PsOpenty.But he coins and hoteS
hat Qne ho on gen tende and ane
ess objec
be batled Cusiositu,hen heu
Impostant Cage laus on Section 48 oF he
Tndian Contsact Act, 1842
Anamalai Timben Tust Ltd. V Tippunitsa
Devasuwom, AIR 1Su KLT 60
hee hese is no obliaahon O setunn
in its
deni cal subject- matte, eithen
ooiginal o8 in analtened som hene Can
no bai lment Thesefose, Bailment involves
change oF PoSsession

Bhutosia V. Dominion of India, AIR 1961

(2) Haatmal Cal s 4
Sechon 148 makes it clean hat a selle
become a batlee F he Contsacts o hold
he oods as a balee Tn tme abs ence of
Such a Contsact he Cannot be segasnded as q
Balsasa Hygiene föoducts Ltd
AIR 1992
Del o3 bailment deliveny
boailment in
One oF he of POSsee s s i a n
Of aOods Hhe bailee Deliveny
in Sine non oF bailment
to he balee
In osden to Constitute, a bailment Change
Possessim S necesS
tssenial featun es of Baiment
Sectiom 198 of the Tndian Cont s act Act, 182
makes t vey CleaN Hhat hene Ui e

hsee essen hal feato es F BailmenE

O Deliveny of Pos session

Deliveny upon Contsact

Deliveny Fos a pUnpose and Retueir of Coods
DelivenyoF Possessicn TE is essenHial tos
bailmment These must be tsanS Fen oF
ofF he bailed
oo ds Fsom bai los to
Ond he o o dss must
be han ded Oue Fo
he bailee fos hateven is h e p wnpo s e
bailment Heie PoSs ession m
Oven 8oodS and eans Contao
eeniSing Simila31 Contso
aodS Thus, h e bailee
must have act uaal
physiC contso\ Hhe
psopety wi h he intent possess
Fos valid boment
Vetzen V. Nicolls, Ci894)
92 a stnant Fos

An o d CUStomen when he

the pnpoSe of dining c o a t , c o thout
he aiten to ok hiS d
hook behin
being asked and hono On

cOstom1sOSE eaue he
him. ohen h e
Coat Uas 8one
oha h e waiten did mi ght be n mose Hhan on
CCt aE volontamy Coutesy O ands h e costomey
get h e ses taonant- Keepen o a s held iable as a
The waîtem by Fakinq Hhe coat Snho his P ossession
had selieued h e plainh FF oF t s c O e a n d
a bo led
had hus q ssUmmed h e sesponSi6iliEq of
was he who select he place o h e n e h e
coat Should be put
Deliveny of Possession uporn a Contsact
Bailment is selaionshfp sui gen eni s and ornless
iiS Sought to incsease o8 dfrninish he
buumdens imposed OPon the batlee
act of Hhne by h e vesy
bailment,ît s not neces sony o
incosposate n t o he a w OF Contact and
Po oUe Consi deahom
Case lau
Ram Culam V. State of Uttan Psad esh,
9so Ai 206
In thiS Case some
Stolen Cstan s n a m e n t S e n e
in h e custody of h e police, h e wesne aAan
Stolen and hiS Hme Hhey could not be secouened
The ploin fi ff Sued he o ent foo Hheooss
OSnaments But his achon a s dism issed
bby Allahabad Count the 9soUnd hat
High on

he Posse s s i o n o he aoods as not onde

Contaact Sin c e SnamenF e s i e not deli ven

Unde a Contsact, h e Aoveimm en nev en

occupied he Positiam Of a bailee

decisin f he Alahabad Hiah
seemS D be easoneous
Count in Hhis s sum phon ha
S based On h e OSOna
a baflmenE Cann o t anise independently of
Con Fsact.
o8 o dispose
setnn aoods
B a i l e ebound t o he GiseCtim OF
OF a Ccosdling to
whom he goods
Fhe penson to seshose hem
delivened isS not o8 to deal
penson deliuenina
to Hhe mahdate ,
wi h hem aecosding Fo h
hat of
theid selahonshi p wi hot be
bailo& and baileee
Case Law
Chandsa Paikha V. Ponjab Nati onal BanK
Jagdish AIR A98 De)
26 6
an d
Hene, a b o Containi nq eold jewellesy
Conaments wene entsusted to a ank and
bemaiDed coh
he cUstod of boc aluoaS
w e e Foun d
Bank, he Conaments and jeoelles
missinq Cuhen psodoced befose hat Count,
held that the Barnk Foed o dischonge
doli a s bailee and h e
es h eiss oF
sosled be en Htled to he PsTce o mank e t
value of old Oonaments the Hime of h e
insitohom of he SUft alonguoih Simple intesest
at he Tate of 12/ pen OnnO m

Deliveny tD bailee hous made

Secion-149 Deliveny to bailee ho ma de
The deli v e u to hhe balee may be m a d e
has h eFCectss
doing anythinq whichn
in Po SSe ssiorn o f me
Puttina h e aoods he
intended bailee OS of an p e s o n outhooi 2ed|

Fo hold hem on hisbehaif

AS alseadu escplai ned befose h e bafIment
when h e s ¬ is
aood s takes place onl
Fsom he PosSe ssion o
deli vesu oF 8ood s
och delf v e u
one penson to ano h e

take place in eihen

DActul Tdivey
2 Constauc Hve Delivy
Deliveny when hee S chan g i n a o F
pesor + chananS o placee oF
ocds ohile handing OUe o ano h e n
pen son is Called Actual Delfue
ELampe Agives his bicucle to ) on hise fos
do Fos
Rs7SO takes it immediatelu
goes ausausidina I is an actoal
deliue ood s
alSo called Deliveny
Conskzuctiue Dellueyny os Bailment by
by Ackho sledament hene
constsucive deliveny
Legal Rchon In Possession oF
S no physical
change of h e
Same P l a c e
3oods The AoodS demaîn in caUses a change

but Some Hhinq S done h a t

oF TtS possessiom o h e bailee, Fo6 insrance
he deliuenu oFa document ihe
deliveu o k e y OF s t o s e os vehic\e

ELample-(@ sold his can to ,Psice hot

pafd , Con eft in POSsession of
paid by
he Owne1 Of he But, has become
and Rs Bailos Nous, (A is eaî lee

ypes OF Bailment
On Hhe psemise of beneRt
O n he basis of e a 1 d
On he psemise of beneE
B a i m e n t fb8 exclusive beneht of bailos

2 Bailment fo ecclusive beneit of h e

3Balment Foo mutual advantage

OBailment fos erclusive beneit of bailos-

Tn his Kind of
baîment, h bailos offens
men chan di
moh vahon
se o bailee Fos i s own
Cnd eat 1 is fos the eliFe
advanFage of he bailos
Fos insEance (A a s Pos
get away he aives his pet aoing
a -
o for
dayS needes o deal with his p e t
won E DecetUe
as a bailee howeven he
n etwnn In his
any qdvan tage os ps3e
y bailee is
Sost Of bailment he obligahon oF
Sot of
he snt takina an
slight Since
out of his agsee men
Aduantaqe and po2e
oF baflm ent So his obliaahon is sligbt
BaiIment fos ecclusiue benehE oF he bailee
foshis Sitoai on the baflee claf ms h e
Pooducts Fos hiss O n mohivahon a n d s e a t
The bailos
is ets nothing Yet, h e bolee
Temunenated Hhe
psoducts Fos
SoneNShip oF Hhe
bookS Fsom ce, a n undenstudu task, Fakes
ContemplainqHee he
advant ages
OF Since
ailee has
pani onS
balos Hliaina
hoeuen oalo he book
any paize and duan
isn't see ceivin3
a in taqe setunn In his
Soot of boRlment the
obligaion of bailee is
high os he bailox isnt
emoving anu sost of
Points of intesest Fsom his aqseement he is
iving his poopenty to he baflee fos his
as it
oHli3aion wese
Bailment Fos mut ual advanta q e
he b a i l odS
Ln this Kind oF baRIment both
ane d
Sost of
benehts Lt's
b a i lee
h e
aduan Fage S i t u a t i o n w h eOut
of t h e a g o e e m e n t
playes get SomeEhing
hey made
Fos instan ce, iF an indiuidual aives his

vehiCle Fo Rxing, the canpost psop3iefoð

ike he baloo
will be pso REed Simpl
O pla e s ane gethna aduanta qe
Hene he
out of h i s agoee ment so h e obliaahon oF cane
wih sespec o barlee S standand h a t ' s
mose he oblioahon of he bailos s additionall
of emunenahon
On Hhe pae mise

OCsqtuitous bailment

Non - C8atuitous

OGsatUfFoUS bailment of b a i m e n t
satuitous a Iment fs a tupe Gut
bailee but
bene ft Can be of bailos os
anu monet any auoad
Fos eiample, boa% owing a Fsiend S con
A Fos osS oF the pa penty
9satuitous bailee is liable
onlu ? he loss iS caused by the baileee'
9sOsS hegioence These Fose a o e kand and|
CU iS imposed upon the boRlee in a
gsatuitoUs balment CaatuitovS boilment is alSo
a i m e n t foE bat Iment
FoS Sole
to as naked
beneE bailos
The new Yosk count f appeals hasjUst hele in
8 Vs Spean a qgatuitous bai lee S
Co. that bseach oF h i s psomi se
boun d o pay dama ges fos
ro effect in S u ance on he asnhicle oF

2 Non- Chsatuitous bailment

Non- Cgatui toUS batlnent RSa type of batlment
Chene bene GE can be of baîlos
but with Some monetoonu a asid Fos eam ple

atuitoUS bcilee
boosouinq a Fsiends Ca A a
is liable Fos evenu k i n d o f oss Ond damage of
to the Pso penty Thesefose a highe S t a n d a n
TS impo sed upon in a
he sgtuitous
baf lment
Cxampe Ma Sean delfvens the Coon on sent o M
Rs 2500 pe dayn and X has harnded
Ove his dsess O B sho is Oonen OF a
launda Fos Sasmina At a chanae ot
0 Hene both ponties One beina
ben e ed
Conclusi on he basis o
So, by his PsecE and on

above discussiom , it Can be analy2ed hat balment

iS a contaact in which a delivehy of possesSiOm
oF Specihc aoods is aiven Fo anothen penson
fos aspeci fc Pnpose an d it is di Ffesent
fsom he concept
and sale of license
he bailee and h e baos haue to pentosm
in accoxdan ce S i h h e psouiSionS oF
the Indian Contsact AcE, 1842 an he
Contsact of bailment

his papen has taken Hhe OPp ostuniku o

eplose he Conce pt of ballment si h hei&

Hhe Stand an d of
ypesalso, Osiainally
Cane balee2 to a balo n
Ow ed by a
taking Cane of aoods depen ded OpoYm

the yee of bailment ente ed intop

he liabi lihy to act bailee oF
8oods only aTise OUE oF vali d
Conta act entsustment and delfven
psopemty Fsom bail ox to bailee

hefeien ce
Laus, fsagai Poblicahons
chadha PR.&Bagaial A.k (2oo5):Busines s
Ne Delhi. ad
S(1oo): Tndian Contsact Act,Alakhab
Banaia RK & Gangia Lous Agency, faidabad

Auta (200 8) Lao of Contract and
(3) Simh
Nih edihon, astem BooK ,Com pany,uckno
Anant Psakash Sis
class notes - Contsact -i by

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