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Ref. No.

:Ol/ FMSD/CornpliancePZ 1-22

Listing Department
National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. BSE Limited
Exchange Plaza Floor 25, Phir~zeJeejeebhoy 'Towers
Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra(E) Dalal Street
Mumbai-400 05 1 Murnbai-400 !01 1

Sub: Submission of Annual Audited Financial Rwults (Star dalone & Consolidated) of NTPC Ltd.
for the FSnancial Year ended March 31,2021.
Recommendation of Final Dividend for the Financial "ear 2020-21.
a Enhancement of Borrowing Limit of the Company from Ra 2,00,000 Crore to b.; 35,000

Dear Sir,

We are enclosing the Audited Annual Financial Results (Sta

March 31, 2021 dong with Unaudited Financial Results for
format. Also enclosed is the Auditors Report(s) on the Annual
financial year e n d d March 31,2021.Further, it is hereby de
have furnished Audit Report on Standalone & Consolidated
have been reviewed by the Audit Committee of the Board of Di
their meeting held on June 19,2021.

d ii
The information as required under Regulation 52(4) of the SEBl (LOD ) Regulations, 015 is also b ing submitted
along-with Audited Financial Results. Further, the company is in compl anct with the r quirements SEBI circular
dated November 11, 2018 applicable to Large Corporates. The Initial isclosure for e year 202 - and Annual
Disclosure for the year 2020-21 submitted to Stock Exchanges are attac ed herewith as nnexure.

The Board of Directors of the Company have, subject to the approval

Borrowing Limit of the Company from Rs. 2,00,000 Crore to Rs.

The Board of Directors haye also rocommended the finaI

2020-21, subject to the approval of the Shareholders in the ensuing
addition to the interim dividend of Rs.3 per equity share for the

The Board Meeting commend at 1:so P. *l, and concluded at 4:47 P. M 1

The submitted information is also being hosted on the NTPC's website.
Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

(Nandi ni Sarkar)
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Encl.: As Above

Corporate : n@[email protected]
I Regd Office: NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE



C Crore
SI. Particulars Quarter Quarter II Quarterll
No. ended ended ended
(Unaudite )
1 I 2
I llncome
(a) Revenue from operations
(b) Other income
Total income (a+b)
2 Expenses
(a) Fuel cost
(b) Electricity purchased for trading
(c) Employee benefits expense
(d) Finan- costs
( 0 ) Depreciation and amortisation expense
(f) Other expenses
Total expenses (a+b+e+d+e+f)
3 Profit before exceptional items, tax and regulatory deferral
account balances (1-2)
4 Exceptional items-(income) 1 exwnse (Refer Note 10)
5 Profit before tax and regulatory deferral account balances
6 Tax expense:
(a) Current tax (Refer Note 15)
(b) Deferred tax
Total tax expense (a+b)
7 Profit before regulatory deferral account balances ( 5 6 )
8 Net movement in regulatory defeml account balances (net of
9 Profit for the period (7+8)
10 Other comprehensive Income
Items that will not be reclassifiedto profit or loss
(a) Net acturial gainsl(losses) on defined benefit plans
(b) Net gainsl(losses) on fair value of quity instruments
Income tax on items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss

(a) Net acturial gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans

Other comprehensive income for the period (net of tax)
11 ToQl comprehensive income for the period (9+10)
12 Paid-up equity share capital
(Face value of share 7 101- each)
13 Paid-up debt capital5
14 Other equity excluding revaluation reserve as per balance
$5 Net worth*
t 6 Debenture redemption reserve
17 Earnings per share (of C 101- each) - (not annualised)
(including net movement in regulatory deferral account
balances): Basic and Diluted (in T)
18 Earnings per share (of 7 101- each) - (not annualised)
(excluding net movement in regulatory deferral account
balances): Basic and Diluted (in F)
19 Debt equity ratio
20 Debt service coverage ratio (DSCR)
21 Interest service coverage ratio (ISCR)
$ Comprises long term debts
* Excluding Fly ash utilization reserve
See accompanying notes to the standalone financial results.
, .
- .,

" C '
(a) Property, plant and equipment
(b) Capital work-in-progress
(e) Intangibleassets
(d) Intangible assets under development
(e) Financial assets
(i) investments in subsidiaries and joint venture companies
(ii)Other investments

(iv) Uther financial assets

(f) Other nonxurrent assets
Sub-total Non-current assets

(ii) Trade receivables

(iii) Cash and cash equivalents
(iv) Bank balances other than cash and cash equivalents

(vi) Other financial assets

(c) Other current assets


Sub-total Total equ&

(ii) Trade parables

- Total outstanding dues of micro and small enterprises
- Total outstanding dues of crdiiors other than micro a
small enterprises

(c) Deferred tax liabilities (net)

(d) Other non-current liabilities
Sub-total Noncurrent liabilities

(ii) Trade payabks

- Total outstanding dues of micro and small enterprises
- Total outstanding dues of creditors other than,micro a
small enterprises
(iii) Other financial liabilities
(b) Other current liabilities

Deferred revenue

81. 1 Particulars Quawr

4 I I1 ..


(Unaudited) haudlted)
3 4

Segment revenue
- Generation 26418.84 24432.46
-others 1448.93 2208.25
- Unallocated 890.30 45.58
- Less: Inter s4gmmt elimination 516.25 417.73
Total 28239.82 25268.56

2 Segment results
Profit before interest, exceptional items and tax (tncludlng
regulatory deferral account balances)
- Generation 4498.25 6614.01
- Others (235.39' 69.77
Total 4202.86 6683.m
(i) Finance costs 1594.34 2009.36
(ii) Other unallocated expenditure net of unalloeable income (766.37: (4.84:
(iii) Exceptional items (Refer Note 10)

Pmfk before tax {Including regulatory deferral account 3434.89 4679.28

Tax expense (including tax on movement in regulatorydeferral (1 044.33: 1363.92
auxxlnt balances)
Proflt alter tax 4479.22 3375.34

Segment assets
- Generation 296267.42 300093.83
- Others 10653.55 11911.23
- Unallocated X298.42 33605.58
Total 343219.39 345810.54

Segment liabilities
- Generation 33279.28 33744.45
-0thetS 4370.24 4340.71
- Unaeocated 186584.38 190167.84
Total 224233.90 228283.00
..-- . .. - .

The opwaCons of the Company am mainly carried out within the country and therefore, thdre is no repMtaWf lent.
n regulatorj deferral account balances (net of taw)

Depreciation and amMtigation expense

Spacial rebate to bersehciaries- exceptiqnal items

On account of gwernment grants
Deferred foreign currency fluctuation a W
Deferred incwne from fwegn currency fluctuation
Regulatory deferral aocount deM b a l a m
Fly ash utilisation reserve fund
Exchange differences on translation of foreign currency cash and cash quivale
Finance costs
Unwinding of discount on vendor liabilities
Interest incornellate payment Surchargdlncome on investments
Dividend income
Provisiwls written back
Loss on disposal of rwn-cumt investments
Profit on de-reqnitim of property, plant and equipmd
Loss on dereeognition of property, plant and equipment

Trade receivables

Trade payables, provisions, olher financial liabilitiesand other liabilities

Loans, other financial assets and other assets

Cash generated from operations ,

Income taxes (paid) Irefund&

Net cash froml(used in) openting activities - A


Purchase of property, plant and equipment & intangible assets
Disposal of p r o m , plant and equipment & intangib assets
Investment in mutual funds
investment in subsidiariw and pint venture companies
Loans and advances to subiiiaries
Interest incomdLate payment Surchargefincomeon investments received
Dividend received
lnmme tax paid on i n m from investing activities
Bank balances other than cash and cash equivalents
Net a s h froml(uaed In) investing activities B -
Prooeeds fmm m a r r e n t borrowings
Repayment of non-current bonowings
Proceeds fmm current W n g s
Payment of lease obligations

Buy back of Equity Share Capital

Tax ~l divdend
Net cash froml(u#d in) financing a c t i i t i i C-
to Smdalwre Flnanelal Results:
1 The above standalone financial results have been reviewed by the Audit
June 2021 and approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting held

General of India u m r Section 143(6) of the Companies Act, 2013.

(ii) Sales have been provisionally recognized at C 94,464.04 m r e (31 March 2020 T 91,491.55 cr
4.1' ) on the said is.

recoverablefrom beneficiaries as per Regulations, 2019.

c) Sales indude 1 T ,154.64 wore (31 March 2020: i 31-59 crore) pertaining to earller
grade slippages and other adjustments.
d) Revenue from operations for the year ended 31 March 2021 inckrde 7 3,112.51
sale of energy through trading.
9" d
re (31 March 2 20: 7 2,903.5

itre) on account of

ower project in the

intake structure,

company is committed to the wmpletiin of ttte project at the eatiist. t I#

Industry Experts engaged by the Company induding experiencedomciats of the C mpany, are prep ring a a m p
cum- action plan for restwation of the project. It is anticipated that the restoration
nsive assessment -
may take ti up to the e d of the next financial
year i.e. 2021-22, which is being closely monitored by the Company. lnsuran cover is availabl for the los mag%caused. The
(Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change). On 27 May 202
instructing MOEFBCC to keep the EC granted for the project in abeyance
is done and additional conditions imposed by the IWOEF&CC, whichever i
additional studies pertaining to Environment Impact Assessment of the

Further. the Arbihal Tribunal had awarded a cl

financial year 201819. The Company aggriwed
the Hon'bleHih Court of Delhi (Hon'ble High Co

visit had to be deferred.

er directions to

15 July 2021 in vlew of lhe current Covid-$9sihratlon.

Pending final disposal of the
and Contingent Assets' and
March 2020:7 37.92 crore)
contingent liability.

been accounted for and disclosed as exceptional item.

economic condins and take appropriate remedial measures as

During the year ended 31 March 2021, one thermal unit of gBO
w.e.f. 7 November 2020, 8 MW solar W capam at Auraiya w.e.
D e w m b r 2020, 140 MW sdar PV capacity at Bilhaur w.e.f. 18 Jan
2021, one thermal unit of 800 MW at Gadamara w.e.f. 1 March 2021 rch 2021 have
k e n dedared commercial. Further, Dulanga Captive Coal Mine of th
Further, the operations of 460 MW Talcher Thermal Power Station ha

During the quarter, the Company has paid an interim divided of 7 3.00 per
2020-21. The Board of Directors has recommended final dividend of T 3.15
(including interim dividend) for the financial year 2020-21 is 7 6.15 per equity
Pursuant to h e approval of Board of Dbectors of the Company for buyback of
Company has bought back 19,78,91,146 equity shares of the Company for an
total paid up equity share capital at 7 115.00 per equity share. The settlement of
the equity shares bougM back were extirguish8d on 1 January 2021. According1
7 197.89 more and other equQ is redueed by 7 2,565.93 wore (including tax on
expenses off 4.01 More (net of tax)). Futther, earnings per share has been adj

The Company has entered into a triparlite framework agreement with Ratnagi Gas & Power . Ltd. (
Company of NTPC Limited, and its lenders on 31 December 2020 for settletm of RGPPL's o standing d
Composite Resolution Plan. As per the Resolution Plan, the Company has provi d inter cwporat loan of
settlement of loan with the lenders: Further, 35.47% of equity hdd by lenders in R PPL have been nsferred t
of the Resolution Plan, at nominal value. Consequently, the Company's equity s rehdding in RG PL has in from 25.51 % to
60.98% on 31 December 2020 and RGPPL has become a subsidiary company of PC Limitedwith ct from

RGPPL has become 86.49% with effect from 23 February 2021.

1 im
The GO1 introduced Vivad se Vishwas Scheme (VsV Scheme) through The rect Tax Vivad e V~hwa
previous year, the Company had created an additional tax provision amounting to 2,661.47 ero~ea it
Irtwrne Tax disputes for fourteen years by opting for the VsVs scheme. During he year. the Co pa
disputes for three years only. under the VsVs scheme, for which the Company is i the process of
Accordingly, excess tax provision amounting to t 1,889.05 crwes has been wtitten a& during Ihe q art

(Interest net of transfer to expentiire during construction).
The Company has maintained required asget cover as per the terms of offer d
Trust Deed, including compliance with all the covenants, in resped of the Bsted

Figures of last quarter are me balancing figures belween audited iigures in-reap
date figures upto the third quarter of the current financial year.

Previous periods figures have been redassifiedwherever considered ne-ary.

For and cn beha of Directors of

Place: New Delhi
Date: 19 June 2021
T o the Board of Directors of
NTPC Limited

Report on the Audit of Standalone Financial Results


We have audited the Standalone Financial Results of

year ended 31 March 2021 induded in the accomp
Results for the quarter and year ended 31 March 202
Company pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended

In our opinion and to the best of our information and

the Statement:

i. is presented in accordance with the requirements of Re

in this regard; and

ii. gives a true and f& view in conformity with the

prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act
issued thereunder and other accounting
and other comprehensive income and other
quarter and the year ended 31 March 2021.

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standid; on Audi

Section 143(10) of the Act. Our responsibilities under those !jtandards
the AM&#oftbe Skatemend section of c ur
~ ~ d i t o rRr@p~SB'bihbs'e$f.r
Company in accordance with the Code ofEthics, issued by tl e I
of India r t h e ICAI") together with the ethical requirements that ar
standalone hancial statements under the provisions of the . k t and
have ful6Ued our other ethical responsibilities in accordar ce
ICAI's Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evider
appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion on the Standalo
We draw attention to the following matters in the notes to
(a) Note No.S(a), regarding billing and accounting of sales

@) Note No. 6, in respect of one of the projects of

each, where the order of National Green
clearance for the project has been stayed
is sub-judice and all the units have since

(c) Note no. 7 in respect of one of the projects under

800MW each, where the National Green Tribunal
environment clearance granted to the project in
studies relating to environmental impact
before Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.

(d) Note No. 9, with respect to appeal aed by the Company

in the matter of Arbitral award pronounced against th
made/disc~osureof contingent liability as mentioned in

Our opinion is not modified in respect of these matters.

for the Staternem

Management?s ~es~onsibilities.

Thls Statement has been prepared on the basis o

Company's Board of Directors are responsib
Standalone Financial Results that give a true an
income and other financial information of the
Standards prescribed under Section 133 of the Act read
other accounting principles generally accepted in India
the Listing Regulations. This responsibility
records in accordance with the provisions of
and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irr
appropriate accounting policies; making j
and the design, implementation and maintenance
operating effectively for ensuring ac
to the preparation and presentation
view and are free from material mis

In preparing the Standalone Financial Results,the Board o

the Company's ability to continue as a going concern, disc1
going concem and using the going concern basis of acc
either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease opera
to do so.
Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Statemen

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whe er the Stan alone
as a whole, are free from material misstatement, whether d e to fraud o error, a
auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable ass nce is a hg level of
is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance th SAs will ways
misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise fro fraud or e or and
material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reas nably be ex ected
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these Stan alone Finan ial Resul

' 1
As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise ~rofessionalj dgrnent
professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: 14
d maintain

Identifj and assess the risks of material

whether due to fraud or
and obtain audit evidence that is
The risk of not detecting a
resulting from error, as
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

Obtain an understanding of internal controls relevant

procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. U
are also responsible for expressing our opinion on
hnancial controls with reference to Standalone
effectiveness of such controls.

Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies

estimates and related disclosures made by the

Conclude on the appropriateness of the Board o

accounting and, based on the audit evidence o
related to events or conditions that may cast s
continue as a going concern. If we conclude
to draw attention in our auditor's report to the relate
disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion.
evidence obtained up to the date of our auditors' rep
may cause the Company to cease to continue as a

Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and

including the dxsclosures, and whether the
underIying transactions and events in a manner

We communicate with those charged with governance

planned scope and timing of the audit and significant
deficiencies in internal control that we identify during

We also provide those charged with governance with a s

relevant ethical requirements regardmg independence,
relationships and other matters that may reasonably be
where-applicable, related safeguards.
Other Matter

The Statementindude the results for the quarter ended 31

between the audited 6gures in respect of the full
published unaudited year to date hgures up to the
were subjected to limited review by us.

For S.KMehta & Co For S.N. Dhawan & Co

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
FRN 0 0 0 0 5 0 ~ / ~ 5 0 J d

U D I N : ~ W I ~ ~ ~2631 ~ ~ ~ 2 108 4993AAi
Place: New Delhi Place: New D&

For Par& & Co. For C K Prusty & As

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountan
FRN 001475C FRN 323220E

Partner Partner
M. No.079236 M. No.057318
UDIEd: 21ay1236CWIA@349 UDIN:
Place: Jaipur Place: Bhubaneshwar

For V K Jindal & Co

Chartered Accountants

"I -
(Suresh Agarwal)
M. No.072534
m m : igtiia53qAAfific;fL33\
Place: Hazaribagb

, Dated: 19 June 2021

0th& Matter

The Statemat Mude the res

bmeen tho e u d W 6 p m in
, Z ,<
FotsKbkha &cQ
I charteta3 bun^& Chrrrrctadhun~*
FRN Q00478N PRNO@@@?J~5

whit Wta) (s.KKhatt&r)

Partner Parmct
M.No.091382 M No.084993
Place: New Drlhi Place: Nrw Delhi

For P& & Co.

charted Accountants
FRN 001475C

For V K JinM & Co

Chartered Accountants
FRN O01468C

(Swsh 44-4
Place: Hsaaribagh

Dated: 19 juae 2021



- <.:
- .$

> >

I 1

. Othcr Matter,
The Statement include the results for the quarter
between the audited figures in respect of the
published unaudited year to date figures up co
were subjected to limited review by us.

For S.K.Mehta & Co

Chartexed Accountants
FRN 000478N
For S.N. Dhawan & Co
Chartered Accountants
FRN 000050N/N500045 7

(Rohit Mehta) (S.K.IUlattar)

Partner Partner
M.No.091382 M.No.084993
Place: New Ddhi Place: New Delhi

For P& & Co. For C K Prusty & Asso

Chartered Accountants C h a r t e d Accountants
FRN 323220E

Partner Partner
M No.079236 M.No.057318
UDIN:? lo'tQ2'JdlAARA P70W UDIN:
Place: Jaipur Place: Bhubaneshwar

Chartered Accountan&
FRN 001468C

, (Suresh Agarwal)
M No.072534
Place: Hazaribagh

Dated: 19 June 2021

Other Matrer

The Sratement indude rhc resdts for the q m e r mded 31 M a

between the audited figures in respect of the full financial y k ended 31
published umuditd year to date W e s up to the third quark
wece subjected to limited d e w by us. .

~ bS.KMehta
r & Co * For S.N. Dhawan & Co L
Chamred Accountants Chartered Accountants
FRN 000478N FRN 0000WN/N500045

(Rohit Mehta) (S .K-Kham)

Partser Partner
M.No.091382 M.No.084993
Place: New Delbi Place: New Dethi

For P d & Co. For C K Prusty & Assou

Chartered Accountants Charmed Accountants
FRN 009475C FRN 323220E

phlcndra S h a m } P 4 tSingW
Parma Partner
M. No.079236 M No.057318 M N ,073488
Place:Jaipur Place: Bhubaneshwar Place Kanpur

For V K Jindal& Co
C h a r t a d Accountants
FRN 001468C

(Suresh Agarwall
Place: Hazatibagh

Dated: 19 Juhe 2021

Scanner I
&ween the a d d 6pxa in
m p u ~ ~ y c ~ t b n ~ ~

For S.Khhhta & Co ForSN.Dhnwpn%CaI

Acmunimrs Cbrterd-m
FRN 00Q478N FRN OQ0050N/NS00045

M, N0.084993
Place: New Whi
31 MARCH 2021

wtisaiDn and imp-enl qmse

venures accounted for under the eqr*, method

) llams thal wlll be radasslRed lo prolft ar bsa

atlrlbutebk to armem of the parent cwnpany

imrhtabls to nan-mldlii i m e w

uw net mwernenl in maulatmy deferral accw

nces): Bask and D I M (in 7)

): Bask and D I M (In t)

(b) Capital workin-progress
(c) lntangibk assets
Id) Intangible assets under development
(e) Investments amounted for using the equity method
If) Financial assets

(g) Deferred tax assets (net)

(9Other non-current assets
Subtotal Non-current

(ii) Trade receivables

(iii) Cash and cash equivalents

(vi) Other financial assets

(c) Current tax assets (Net)
(d) Other current assets
Sub-total Curmnt

Non controlling interest

Sufi-total Total equi

(a) Financial liabilities

Iiil Trade ~avablee

and small enterwises

(iii) Other finanaal liabilities

Subtotat - Non-current llabllit

(ii) Trsde payables

and small enterprises

(iii) Other financial liabilities
(6) Other artrent liabilities

(d) Current tax liabilities (net)

SuMotal Current liabll
7 cme
SI. Particulam QuaWr Iauarter Quarter ended
No. ended ended 31.0?,.2020
31.03.2021 3' .12.2020 {Unaidited)
(Unaudited) (U )audited)
1 2 3 4 5 7

- Less: lnter segment elimination

- Less: Inter segment elimination

- Le6s:lnter segment elimination

Prolit M o r e tax
Add: Net movement In regulatory deferral a m u n t balances (net of tax)

Special rebate to beneficiaries -exceptional items

Share of net profits of joint ventures accounted for using equity method
Deferred revenue on account of government grants
Deferred foreign currency Ructuatlon asset
Deferred income from foreign currency fluctuation
Regulatory deferral account debii balances

Finance costs
Unwinding of discount on vendor liabilities
Interest incomekate payment Surchargenncome on Investments
Dividend income
ProvisionsWritten back
Loss on dispwal of investment accounted throwh equrty method
Profit on de-rewgnlion of property, plant and equipment
Loss on de-reeognitb of property, plant and equipment

OpereUng profit before mrrklng capltal changes

Trade remivabks

Trade payables, provisions, other financial liabilities and other IIaMIYles

Loans, other financial assets and otbr assets

Cash generated fmm operations

lnoome taxes (paid) Irefunded
Net cash froml(used In) operating activities - A

Purchase of properly, plant and equipment & intangible assets

Disposal of property, plant and equipment & intangible assets
Investment In mutual funds
Investment in joint venture urmpanies
Consideration paid towards acquisition of NEEPCO and THDCIL
Business combination
Interest incornellatepayment Surchargellnwrne on Investments recelve
Ohredend received
lneome tax paki on investing activities
Bank balances other than cash and cash equivslenk
Net cash froml(used in) investing a c t l v M B -
Proceeds from non-current borrowings
Repayment of noncurrent borrowings
P r o m s from cumnt borrowings
Payment of lease obligations

Net cash froml(used In) financing adkklee - C

2 The consolidated financial statements of
Indian Aeeounting Standards (Ind-AS) as
unrnodlfled opinion on these consolidated
General of India under Section 143(6) of lbCompanies Act, 2013.
3 The adlaw and joht veniure companiesmsidered in the consdidaed financial resub are as f o l h :
n I
a) Subsidlarv Camwnk
1 NTPC El& Supply Cornpaw Ltd.
2 NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam LW.
3 Kanli Bijlee Ulpadan N l c m Ud.
4 Nabinagar Power GeneratingCompany Ltd.
5 Bhartiya Rail Bijlee Company Ltd.
6 Patratu Vdyut Ulpadan Nigam LM.
7 NMth Eastern Eledric PM CorporationLW. (MEEPCO)
8 THDC India Limited (THDCIL)
8 NTPC Mining Ltd.
10 NTPC EDMC Waste Solutions Private LW:
11 NTPC Renwvable Energy Ltd."
12 Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Ltd.-'

# The financial statements are un-audited a d certifed by the managemmi of re

consolidated finandal statements of the Group. The fieurn appearing in their

-The Company has entered Into a @partite framework agreement with Ratnag
Cornmite Resolution Plan. As per the Resolution Plan, the Company
settlement of loan with the lenders. Further, 35.47% of equity held by len
of lhe Resolution Plan at nomlnal value. Consequently. the Company's
60.98% on 31 December 2020 and RGPPL has become a subsidiary corn

RGPPL has beeome 86.49% with e W from 23 Fetn-uary 2021.

4 a) (i)The Central Etecbicity Regulatory Commission (CERC) notified the CERC ( l e

Order dated 7 March 2019 (Regulations. 2019) for dederrninationof tariff for the
tariff orders
as on 31 March 2018. as arovided in Reaulatlons. 2019. In case of n w WOWS.
effect from 1 Ap1l2019, capadty charges are billedto benefidaries in with $t tariff approv&hd applicable
which ot wmrnemlls from 1 Awil 9 and ~rdects
where tariff appmved and applicable as i n 31 Mamh 2019 is pending ~ ~ C E R C .
CERC In tariff petitions. Energy charges are billed as per the operational
provlslonally billed is 1 101,959.08 uore (31 March 2020: T 98,705.70 wore).

(ii) S a k have hen prwisionallyreeognlzed at 7 102.881.88 a t e (31 ~ a k 2020:

t tI
V 8,940.49 wore) o the said basi

tax disputes. Safes also include f 95.08 cmre (31

from beneficiariesas per Regutabions,2019.
F C) Sales indude ? 1,185.02 wore (31 March 2020: T 60.93 cmre) pertalnhg to earlier yeax on account d reui
grade dippages and other adjustments.

d) Revenue from operations for the year ended 31 March 2021 indude f 7,143.81 wore (
sale of energy through W i n g .

by tlw Roods. Most ofthe mechanical and eWdcsl equlpmmt are In safe condltlon.

lndusw EXWS engaged

curn- action plan for m t a
war i.e. 2021-22, W c h
company is mm'Med to the completion of the project at Ihe earFiest.

The carrying cost of the project as at 31 March 2021 is T 5,337.69 wore (31 March 202
the calamity is indemniflable as stated abwe and Management is of the view that then
and eontident that any additional m i r e consequent to tlw natural ealarmty. woul
Regulations, hence no adjustment is cMssidered necessary In resp&iof the carrying val F rojeci dw to
e financiala
t as per Tariff

relation to the project during the period of revim by the Committee w tlll

stabilisation measurn, other recurring site expenses and interest costs as well as
thii projed will be compensated in full by the GOI. Hen=, no provision is considered
10 The Company had entered into an agreement for
agreement, the operator was to design, finance. build,
after which it was to be transbrred to the Company
disputes, invoked arbitration and r a m substantial
dlmdons of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, an a
Further, the Arbitral Trlbunal had awarded a clalm of ? 1.891.09
year 2018-19. The Company aggrieved by the arbllral award
Hon'ble High Court of Delhi (Hon'ble High Court) again& the said arbitral award in its
In the financial year 2019-20, against the appeal ofthe Compny, Hon'ble High Co

In v i w of delay in the handover exercise, NTPC had filed an Applicabiwr in Hon'ble
operator in this regard. Hm'ble High Court on 11 November 2020 d s p e d off the a
appointed by the Court, to visit the project site expeditiously preferably within 2 weeks
exercise has been delayed due to operatws issues with local labours at the site and
Court of Delhi has been adjourned Several times in light of restricted functioning of the
15 July 2021 in view of the current Cwid-19 sitwtion.
Pending final disposal of the appeal by Um Hon'ble Hlgh Court, Eonsideringthe provisi
and Contingent Assets' and Slgnlficanlaccount in^ Policies of the Company, prwidom
March 2020:T 37.92 m r e ) and the balance amount of ? 2,153.57 more (31 March
oontingent liability.
igh Cwrt prayi

lication requestln the Ld.
nd carry wtt the mmission.
id situation. D of hearin
on'ble High Cw and mm,

The Group is mainly in !he busin- of generation an

During the ou-k of COVID-ID, including recent surg
to generate power and has continued lo supply power d
2020. ksud in amarclance with the announcement
package. to allow a rebate of Mween 20%25% m the
rebate of C 1,512.19 c m has been allwed in the fin8
excephnal item.

peroent higher than the has? rate at any time.

Further, under the Atmanirbhar Bharat

the m r not scheduled to be payable
for the the year due to h e reduction in

Further, four units of 150 MW each at Kameng Hydro ElecbSc Project w.e.f. 17 J
2021 respectively of NEEPCO and 50 MW at Kasargod Solar Project w.e.f. 31
May 2020 of THDCL, have been declared commercial. Further, the operati
Compny have been discontinuedw.e.f. the end of 31 March 2021.

13 During the quarter, h e Compny has paid an interim dividend of 7

21. The Board of Directors has recommended Rnal dlvldend of
(including interim dividend) fnr the finandl year 2020-21 is i6.15
14 Pursuant to W apprwal of Board of Directors for buyback of equity shares in Its
bought back 19,78,91.I48 equity shares of the Company for an aggregate amount
sham =pita1 at T 115.00 per equlty share. The settlement of all va
bought back were extinguished on 1 January 2021. Accordingly, the paid up equity
other equity is r e d m by C 2,567.02 wore (including tax on bvy ba
wore (netof tax)). Further, earnlngs p r share has been adjustedon

10. Formula used for cornputation of coverage ratios DSCR = Earning be-
I(lnterest net of b-ansfer to wmditum during construction + Prlrdpl re
made out of refinancing arrangements) and ISCR = Earnil~gbefare In
(Interest net oi transfer to exwnditumduring conmclion).

figures upto the third q w h of the current financial year.

19 P W o u periods figures have been reclassified wherever wnsidered necessary.

Place: New Delhi

Date: 19 June 2021
To the Board of Directors of
NTPC Limited

Report on the Audit of Consolidated Financial Results


We have audited the Consolidated Financial Results of

and its subsidiaries (Holding Company and its
and its joint ventures for the year ended 31
of 'Consolidated F i n a n d Results for
Statement"), being submitted by the
33 ofthe SEBI @sting Obhgations
('Listing Regulations').

In our opinion and to the best of our information and acc

and based on the consideration of reports of other a
statements /hnancial results/ f i n a n d information of
referred to in Other Matters section below, the Statement:

i. include the financial results of the following entities:

List of Subsidiaries:
1. NTPC Electric Supply Company Ltd., 2. NTPC
Utpadan Nigam Ltd., 4. Bhartiya Rail Bijlee Comp
Ltd., 6. Nabinagar Power Generating Company Ltd.
9. North Eastem Electric Power Corporation Ltd.,
Ltd., 11. NTPC Renewable Energy Ltd., 12. Ram
upto 30 December 2020)

List ofJoint Ventures:

I. Utility Powertech Ltd., 2. NTPC-GE Power S
Company Ltd., 4. NTPC Tarnilnadu Energy
Ltd., 6. Meja Urja Nigam Pvt. Ltd., 7.
Power Test Jkboratory Pvt. Ltd., 9.
Effiuenq Services Ltd, 11. C1L
Hindustan Urvarak and
Trincomalee Power Company
(* incorporated outside India)

ii. is presented in accordance with the requirements of

ths regard; and

iii. give a true and fair view in conformity with the ap

prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act
issued thereunder and other accounting
consolidated net profit and other
Group for the year ended 31 March 2021.
Basis for Opinion

environmental clearance for the project has been
India; the matter is sub-judice and the units have

Note no. 8 in respect of one of the projects under c

800MW each, where the National Green Tribunal
environment clearance granted to the project in
studies relating to environmental impact
appeal before Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.

(d) Note No. 10, with respect to appeal fled by the

Court of D e h in the matter of A r b i d award
the related provision made/disclosure of

Our opinion is not modified in respect of these matters.

Management's Responsibilities for the Statement

We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standar on Auditin (SAs)

t Statement section of ur report. W are in

Group and its joint ventures, in accordance with the Cod of Ethics is ued b
Chartered Accountants of India ("the ICAI") together w

the ethica
relevant to our audit of the consolidated hnancial statemen under the p ovisio
the Rules thereunder, and we have fulfilled our other e h c responsib' ties
these requirements and the ICAI's Code ofEthics. We beli e that the au 't

This Statement has been prepared on the basis of the co solidated an ual 5n
The Holdmg Company's Board of Directors are responsib for the pre aration

section 143(10)of the Act. Our responsibilities under those tandards are further
Auditor k~onsibi/itiesjorfheA ~ dOftbe

us and other audrtors in terms of their repom referred to ' "Other hla er" para
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinio .

Emphasis of Matter

We draw attention ;o the following matters in the notes to

(a) Note No. 4(a), regardjng billing and accounting of sales Ion

(b) Note No. 7, in respect of one of the projects of the

units of 800MW each, where the order of National
I e Statement

of these Consolidated F i n a n d Results that give a true and air view of e conso
and other compxehensive income and other h c i a l info tion of the Group
ventures in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standa s prescribed under
Act read with relevant rules issued thereunder and other a counting p uples
in In& and in compliance with Regulation 33 of the Listin Regulations The
Directors of the companies included in the Group and ts Joint Ven es ar
1 basis.
Il1 /

safeguarding of the assets of the Group and its joint ve
frauds and other irregularities;selection and applicationo
judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
maintenance of adequate internal lituncial con
accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, releva
of the Consolidated FinanciaI Results that give a m e and
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error,which have be
of the Consolidated Financial Results by the Directors of

In preparing the Consolidated Financial Results,

companies included in the Goup and its joint
the Group and its joint ventures to continue
related to going concern and using the
Board of Directors either intends to
operations, or has no realistic dtematme but to do so.

The respective Board of Directors of the companies

are responsible for overseeing the hnmd reporting

Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Statemen

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance abou

1 I I1
Results as a whole are free from material misstatement, wh
an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable
but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in acmrdan

misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise
material if, individually or in the aggtegate, they could
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these

professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:

identify and assess the dsks of m a t e d

t Pf
As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise rofessional j dgment maintain

whether due to bud or error, design and perform

and obtain audit evidence that is suffient and
The risk of not detecting a material misstate
resulting from error,. as fiaud may inv
misrepresentations, or the override of i n t d control.

Obtain an understanding of internal controls

procedures that are appropriate ia. the d t c
are also responsible for expressing our opinion on w
Companies incorporated in India has adequate
consolidated financial statements in place and

Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies

estimates and related disclosures made by the

ConcIude on the appropriateness of the Board of

accounting an$, based on the audit evidence
related to events or conditions that may cast significant
its joint ventures to continue as a going concern. If
exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor
. - , Statement or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to
- based on the audit evidence obtained up to the da
. . events or conditions may cause the Group and its joint
- - concern.

including the disclosures, and whether the

underlying transactions and events in a

Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regar

information of the entities within the Group and its
the Consolidated Financial Results. We are
performance of the audit of h a n d
Financial Results of which we are
the Consolidated Financial
auditors remain
carried out by

We communicate with those charged with governance

entities included in the Consolidated Financial Results
regarding, among other matters, the p h e d scope an
hndings, induding any significant deficiencies in in

We also provide those charged with governance with a

relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, them all
relationships and other matters that may reasonably be
where applicable, related safeguards.

I $
We also performed procedures in accordance with the circular issu by Y! ~ E B Ivnder
Regulation 33 (8) of the Listifig Regulations, as amended, to the extent a licable.

Other Matters
a) We did not audit the f i n a n d statements of twelve suxidia&s, d o s e
reflects total Assets of 7 76,313.50 crore as at 31 Marc? 2021; total R
crori and 715,353.59 crore for the quarter and year ended on dm
considered in the consolidated h a n d results. The Statement also in
of net profit using the equity method, of 7201.27 crore :nd 721.15
year ended 31 March 2021 respectively, as considered i 1 the consohiated
respect of five joint ventures, whose h a n d statemen 3 have not b:en au
financial statements have been audited by their respecti1.e independer t audito
have been furnished to us by the management upto 17 June 2021
. .
Statement, in so far as it relates to the aforesaid subsidt mes and join
on the reports of the other auditors and the procedures perfonne
Auditor's Responsibility section above after considerng the requrement
Auditing (SA 600) on 'Using the work of Another Acditor' indud

b) The Statement also includes the Group's share of net

crores and ~/(37.330 crore for the quarter and
results, in re?pect of e1evt:n joint v
- r


.. .-.,,
.;, ,
. .-- ,.

.- : i.,
,:-, ' -- , ,
' _.

hancial statements/hnancial information are unaudited and have

management of the Holding Company and o& opinion o:1 the
to the aforesaid joint venture companies are based solely
statements/ hmcial information. In our opinion and accordmg t
explanations given to us by the Holdmg Company's Ma
profit included in respect of these joint ventures in these
material to the Group.

Our opinion on the Consolidated Financial Results is

matters with respect to our reliance on the work done
the Financial Results/hancial information certified

c) The Consolidated Financial Results include the

being the balancing w e between the audited
the published unaudited year to date figures up
which were subjected to limited review by us.
For S.K.Mehta & C o
Chartered Accountants

UDIN: atc4 1 3 g ~ b ~ l l ~ ~ q g ~ ~ Awe R%E-

Place: New Delhi

For Parakh & Co. For C K Prusty & Ass ciates orBCJ '

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountant/

FRN 001475C FRN 323220E 0010 9

Partner Partner
M. No.079236 M. No.057318
UDEN: ~ D ? ~ ~ % A A A C I A E O ~ SUDIN:
Place:Jaipur Place: Bhubaneshwar

For V K Jindal & Co

Chartered Accountants
FRN 001468C

(Suresh Agamal)
M. No.072534
UDIN: 3107X3q AAPR bb 6418
Place: Hazaribagh
Dated: 19 June 2021
Far S M t h t ~
& Ca


For V K Jindal&Co
Q w t c d Accountma
FRN 001468C
bm&d s b t e m e n d b d iafmtioe rrxe waudid
magmat of rbe.Holding Company and our q&im
to the a f o r d d joint \ r e companies are based
statements/ hwncial infamatian, In our opinion md o

profit included in respect of these joinr ventures in rh

m a t d to the Group.
Our opinion on the Consolidated Finand h u l t a iii rn
matten Fpithmpect to our rebeeon thew& dogcatad
the P W ~ t s / Womdofi ~ 4 c d. ,f l e_ d by +s
hdudc h,
c) The Consolidad P i n a n d Reaat:~
being the bslandng.6gwe betwcni the aidit&
the phbbed umu&d,yw to date &m up w the
w&h ww wqmt to x& by wb

@ohit M&a)
M No.091382
Phee: New Delhi

For P h & Ca,

Chutered Accountants
FRN 001475C

w s - 1
Jh% N0,1)79236

For V K Jhdd& Co
FRN 001468C

(Sm=h AgarwaE)
l'lace; Hazatibagh
Dated: 19 June 2021

hmcinl swcmmt8/hnandal information a q unaudited
mmapnmt ofthc Holding Company
to &c afomslid joht vcn-

Our opinion un the Co&tcd

FRN 00047RN

@ohit WM)
M No.091382
Place: New Delhi

For Rud& & Co.

C h a r d Accountants
FRN 001475C
cornpies art based s
6 m m d idomation. In
&a to us by h e Holding
proiit included iu re-
ms& to the &up.
o f t h e joia

FRN 000050N/N5Q0045

(Mukd Bansal)
M. No.505269
F i m d Results is not
m a m s with respect to our r e h e e on the work done and th
the Fmmd Results/financial infoma& certifiedby rhe

T h e Consolidated F i c i a l Results injudc the

being the balsrnciag @pare bemeen &e audid
the published u u d i t d year m date figues up m the
which wae subject to hnited review by us.
For S.KMehb h Co
C h a d Accwuntants

[Jlmtetcd Accau~tanw

For C K Prruty & As

I=hatecred A c c o u n m ~
FRN 323220E

h e r .
M No.057318
Place: Bhubandwar

- -
M N0.072534
U D I N : ? I ~ S ~ Y A ~ C A A H PC W O
k H m i h g h
D a d I9 June 2021

Extract of the Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended 31 March 2021

* Excluding Fly ash utilization reserve and Corporate social responsibility reserve.
1 The above is an extract of the detailed formats of financial results filed with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full formats of the financial results of the Company are available on the investor section of our websii https:ltw, and under
Corporate Section of BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited at https:lhwvw,

2 Previous periods figures have been mlassified wherever considered necessary.

For and on behalf of Board of Directors of

Place: New Delhi Director (Finance)
Date: 19 June 2021 DlN:08293632
52(4)(d) & (e) Payment Status of Commercial Papers:


i f II
For 52 (4) (b), (c) and (f) to (1) rtfcr Audited Annual Finmcial Results for the period ended 1 March 2021 as plicablt.
Ref. No.:Oll FMSDICompBancel2021-22

Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra(E)

Mumbai-400 05 1

Sub: Disclosures as a Large Corporate Borrower

Dear Sir,

find enclosed Initial Disclosure of NTPC Limited as a Large

of NTPC Limited as a Large Corporate Borrower. The di

Kegistercd O~T~LY: MTPC Bhau-41,SCOPE Cu~nplrx, 7,In3ti~ud

Corporate Identikbtion N m h r . LdO t 0 1DL147SGQ1007966,Tcfephune Nu.4l.12
Website \vn w nllx.cr3In

along with name of the Credit Rating Agency

under the framework

We confirm that NTPC Limited is a Large Corporate as

SEBI circular SEB~O/DDHS/CIRIP/201 81144 dated N

Nandini Sarkar
Company Secretary
Email: [email protected]
Contact No.: 011-24360959

Date: 26 April 2021

-ate IdentHcatlan Number. 1.4r r I0ILSt 197?00100796h,Telephone No.4 112

WebsiW www.ntpc ct\.ii~
1. Name of the Company: NTPC Limited
3. Report filed for N:
4. Details of the burrowings (all figures in Rs.crore):

Nandini Sarkar
Company Secretary
Email: csntpc @
Contact No.: 01 1-24360959
Date: 26 April 202 1

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