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Task 1. Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the others
1. A. inconsistent B. significant C. auxiliary D. rejuvenate
/ˌɪn.kənˈsɪs.tənt/ (with) /sɪɡˈnɪf.ɪ.kənt/ /ɔːɡˈzɪl.i.ə.ri/ (~ staff) /rɪˈdʒuː.vən.eɪt/ (make sb look/ feel young
2. A. usually B. anxiety C. customer D. applicant
/ˈjuː.ʒu.ə.li/ /æŋˈzaɪ.ə.ti/ /ˈkʌs.tə.mər/ /ˈæp.lɪ.kənt/
3. A. employment B. atmosphere C. quantity D. fortunate
/ɪmˈplɔɪ.mənt/ /ˈæt.mə.sfɪər/ /ˈkwɒn.tə.ti/ /ˈfɔː.tʃən.ət/
4. A. inspiration B. electrician C. federation D. mechanical
/ˌɪn.spɪˈreɪ.ʃən/ /ˌɪl.ekˈtrɪʃ.ən/ /ˌfed.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ /məˈkæn.ɪ.kəl/
5. A. stimulate B. relative C. unpleasant D. reasonable
/ˈstɪm.jə.leɪt/ /ˈrel.ə.tɪv/ /ʌnˈplez.ənt/ /ˈriː.zən.ə.bəl/
6. A. economic B. energetic C. manufacture D. available
/iː.kəˈnɒm.ɪk/ /ˌen.əˈdʒet.ɪk/ /ˌmæn.jəˈfæk.tʃər/ /əˈveɪ.lə.bəl/

Task 2. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences
1. He built his reputation performing across the _________ of the country.
A. the full width B. length and breadth C. great lengths D. height and width
- the length and breadth of sw: every part of sw
- breadth (n) the distance from 1 side to another (bề ngang/ rộng) = width /wɪtθ/
- go to great/ any lengths = try very hard to achieve sth
2. We thought an _________ package tour would be more economical.
A. all-including B. inclusively C. included D. all-inclusive
- package tour = tour trọn gói
- economical (adj) = cheap
- inclusively (adv) in a way that includes everyone or everything
- all-inclusive (adj) including everything/ everyone
3. The aim of the award was to _________ the label “environmentally friendly” as sales gimmick.
A. dissuade companies to falsely use B. falsely using the dissuasion of
C. dissuade companies from falsely using D. dissuade companies from using falsely
- dissuade sb from Ving = discourage
- gimmick (n) a trick intended to attract attention
4. I don’t need a calculator, thank you. I’ve a good _________ for figures and I’ll work it out mentally.
A. idea B. brain C. eye D. head
- have a (good) head for sth = have a natural ability to do something well
- have an eye/ a good eye for sth = be good at noticing a particular type
- work out = exercise; calculate; understand
5. I was so lucky that I could buy the china cabinet for a _________ at a jumble sale.

A. tune B. tone C. song D. rhythm
- china (n) đồ gốm
- jumble sale: a sale of cheap second-hand goods, usually held to raise money for charity
- buy sth for a song = buy sth for very little money (come from the pennies given to itinerant songsters performing
outside inns and public houses (bars), as well as the very small amount required to buy sheet music)
6. It’s not quite the sort of book you’d want to read from cover to cover but it’s quite interesting to _________ now
and then.
A. look into B. dip into C. figure out D. phase out
- look into = investigate
- dip into = read quickly
- figure out = work out = discover the answer
- phase sth out = stop using sth gradually (E.g. The airline is planning to phase out the aircraft at the end of this
7. Although not everyone is a fan of Justin Bieber, most people agree he is worthy of his _________ success.
A. influential B. aspiring C. phenomenal D. resourceful
- be worthy of = deserve
- influential (adj) = having great influence
- aspiring (adj) + name of the job = ambitious
- phenomenal (adj) extremely successful
- resourceful (adj) = skilled at solving problems and making decisions on your own (tháo vát, có tài xoay xở)
8. My brother _________ a total transformation during adolescence.
A. underwent B. undermined C. underlined D. underpinned
- adolescence (n) teenage years
- undergo (v) = experience
- undermine (v) = sabotage = make sb less confident/ powerful
- underpin (v) support/ form the basis/ structure for (chống đỡ, củng cố)
9.. There is _________ parking for both staff and customers.
A. single B. hard-pressed C. mere D. ample
- hard-pressed (adj) to V = have difficulty Ving
- mere (adj) = solely (e.g. mere thought/ idea/ possibility)
- ample (adj) = spacious
10. A therapist is trying to help the couple _________ with the strain of the situation.
A. appreciate B. fester C. condone D. cope
- fester (v) (of wound) suppurate (mưng mủ); (of food) rot/ decay; (of negative feelings) continue so that the hate/
dissatisfaction increase (day dứt)
- condone (v) = deliberately ignore = disregard (behavior that some people consider wrong) (e.g. ~ violence)
11. “Did you finish the report?” – “Yes, but I wish I had known _________!”
A. how hard would it be B. how hard it would be
C. would be hard D. how would it be hard
12. “Why did Bob get into trouble?” – “Someone heard him _________ his views of the boss.”
A. to express B. expressing C. expressed D. was expressing
13. “Computers certainly have changed the world.” – “Yes, they make_________ to store the information.”
A. it easier for people B. it easier people C. people easier D. easier for people
14. “Which is more important: luck or effort?” – “Luck is _________ effort.”
A. of the same importance B. the same importance as

C. of the same importance as D. as the same importance as
15. You _________ anything to me if you want to spend virtually your entire wages on lottery tickets, then that’s up
to you.
A. don’t have to explain B. weren’t able to explain
C. shouldn’t have explained D. weren’t supposed to explain
16. William _________ to becoming a powerful politician and has already started to make his way in the world of
A. persists B. determines C. aspires D. perseveres
- make one’s way = move forward usually by following a path
- persist (v) in Ving (cố chấp, dai dẳng) = persevere with sth/ Ving = continue even in the face of difficulty (kiên trì,
bền chí)
- determine (v) to V (quyết tâm, kiên định) = decide to V
- aspire (v) to V = desire to Ving/ sth (khao khát)
17. I stayed up all night because I was completely _________ the book I was reading.
A. absorbed in B. acquainted with C. appealed to D. spontaneous about
- be absorbed in = very interested in something and not paying attention to anything else
- be acquainted with = be familiar with sth, because you have studied it or have experienced it before
- appeal to sb for sth = formally request; attract sb
- spontaneous (adj) = unplanned
18. You’ll have to reverse out of this road – it’s a _________ and we can’t go any further.
A. next-door B. run-down C. built-up D. dead-end
- next-door neighbor
- run-down building/ run-down on sth = reduction
- built up area (covered by houses or other buildings) (có nhà cửa san sát)
- dead-end job/ come to a dead-end (đường cụt)
19. He is not willing to embrace new ideas. He is _________.
A. single-minded B. narrow-minded C. absent-minded D. feeble-minded
- single-minded (adj) = determined
- narrow-minded (adj) >< broad-minded
- absent-minded (adj) = forgetful
- feeble-minded (adj) = stupid (feeble = weak)
20. I always get _________ in the stomach before sitting an exam.
A. worms B. butterflies C. crabs D. ants
- have/ get butterflies in one’s stomach = be nervous

Task 3. Choose the best way to rearrange the following sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation
1. a. Last time, we got seats next to the kitchen
b. Here he comes now.
c. Oops, I guess I was wrong.
d. Every time we eat out, it’s an adventure.
e. Have you seen our waiter?
f. We’ve been sitting here for almost 10 minutes.
A. b-a-d-e-f-c B. f-a-d-b-c-e C. c-a-b-f-d-e D. e-b-f-c-d-a

2. a. I’ll get our fishing rods and the bait.
b. Yes. That’s a good idea.
c. We’ll have fresh fish for dinner
d. Do you want to go fishing?
e. We can go to the river.
f. Where do you want to go?
A. f-d-b-a-e-c B. c-f-d-b-a-e C. d-b-f-e-a-c D. e-f-d-a-b-c
- fresh (adj) >< foul (fish), rotten (fruit, vegetables), sour (milk)
3. a. Yes, it starts at 7 p.m.
b. Is there a game tonight?
c. Yes, but only the cheap tickets.
d. I want to go to the ball game.
e. Can we get tickets?
A. b-a-d-e-c B. d-b-a-e-c C. e-a-b-c-d D. c-e-a-f-b
4. a. Don’t drink milk out of the carton. Use a glass!
b. I didn’t do anything.
c. I saw what you did.
e. Okay, I promise.
f. Oh yes, you did.
A. c-b-f-d-a-e B. b-d-e-a-c-f C. c-f-e-d-a-b D. d-a-f-b-e-c
5. a. But you didn’t tell me to wake you up.
b. Don’t ever be in a hurry.
c. I’m in a hurry.
d. It’s not my fault because you didn’t wake me up.
e. You’re driving too fast.
f. Well, I meant to.
A. b-a-f-d-c-e B. e-c-b-d-a-f C. b-f-d-e-a-c D. d-c-b-a-f-e

Task 4. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences
1. Laura: “Thanks for all that you’ve done for me.”
Jeffrey: “_________”
A. It was the least I could do. B. I have been waiting to hear this.
C. Never mind. D. The pleasure is mine.
2. Joey: “I asked her about her condition and she snapped. How weird is that?”
Fiona: “_________”
A. Well, I can see where she’s coming from. B. Well, you wouldn’t do that, I believe.
C. Well, unfortunately, the air-con does that often. D. Well, it’s easier said than done.
- snap (v) = say sth suddenly in an angry way
3. Tom: “Can I bring a friend to your birthday party?”
Kyle: “_________”
A. It’s my honor. B. Let’s do it then.
C. The more the merrier. D. That’s right.
4. James: “Would you mind turning down the radio?”

Alice: “_________”
A. Oh, I didn’t realize that. B. I’m really sorry. I’m not paying attention.
C. Yes, I do. D. No, I don’t.
5. Bush: “Let’s catch up one of these days, shall we?”
David: “_________”
A. Yes, it’s been ages! B. Sorry, I’m not too sleepy!
C. Never mind. D. I know, it’s been exhausting.


Task 1. There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them.
People are destroying the Earth. The seas and rivers are so dirty to swim in. too
There is so much smoke in the air that it is healthy to live in many of the unhealthy
world’s cities. In one well-known city, for example, poison gases from cars poisonous
pollute the air so much that policeman have to wear oxygen masks. We policemen
have cut on so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all down
over the world. As a result, so many farmers in parts of Africa do not enough grow grow enough
to eat. In some countries in Asian there is so little rice. Asia
Moreover, we do not take enough care of the countryside wild animals
which are quick disappearing. For instance, tigers are rare in India now quickly
because we have killed too much for them to survive. However, it isn’t so many
simple to talk about a problem. We must act now before it is too late to do the
anything about it. Join us now!

Task 2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
In this era of increased global warming and diminishing fossil fuel supplies, we must begin to put a greater
priority on harnessing alternative energy sources. Fortunately, there are a number of readily available, renewable
resources that are both cost-effective and earth-friendly. Two such resources are solar power and geothermal power.
Solar energy, which reaches the earth through sunlight, is so abundant that it could meet the needs of
worldwide energy consumption 6,000 times over. And solar energy is easily harnessed through the use of photovoltaic
cells that convert sunlight into electricity. In the United States alone, more than 100,000 homes are equipped with
solar electric systems in the form of solar panels or solar roof tiles. And in other parts of the world, including many
developing countries, the use of solar systems is growing steadily.
Another alternative energy source, which is abundant in specific geographical areas, is geothermal power,
which creates energy by trapping heat from below the surface of the earth. Hot water and steam that are trapped in
underground pools are pumped to the surface and used to run a generator, which produces electricity. Geothermal
energy is 50,000 times more abundant than the entire known supply of fossil fuel resources. And as with solar power,
the technology needed to utilize geothermal energy is fairly simple. A prime example of effective geothermal use is in
Iceland, a region of high geothermal activity, where over 80 percent of private homes are heated by geothermal power.
Solar and geothermal energy are just two of a number of promising renewable alternatives to conventional
energy sources. The time is long overdue to invest in the development and use of alternative energy on a global scale.

1. What is the main topic of this passage?

A. The benefits of solar and wind power over conventional energy sources.
B. Two types of alternative energy sources that should be further utilized.
C. How energy resources are trapped from nature.
D. Examples of the use of energy sources worldwide.

2. What best describe the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A. To warn about the hazard of fossil fuel use.
B. To inform people of the benefits of developing alternative energy sources.
C. To describe the advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy use.
D. To outline the problems and solutions connected with global warming.
3. According to the passage, how is solar energy production similar to geothermal energy production?
A. They both require the use of a generator.
B. They both use heat from the earth’s surface.
C. They both require fairly simple technology.
D. They are both conventional and costly.
Para 3, 4th sentence: And as with solar power, the technology needed to utilize geothermal energy is fairly simple.
4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE about solar power?
A. There is very little of it available in Iceland.
B. It is being used in 100,000 private homes worldwide.
C. It is 6,000 times more powerful than the energy needs of the world.
D. There is enough of it to far exceed the energy needs of the world.
Para 2, 1st sentence: Solar energy, which reaches the earth through sunlight, is so abundant that it could meet the
needs of worldwide energy consumption 6,000 times over.
5. What does the word “which” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. An alternative energy resource
B. A machine for generating electricity
C. Geothermal power
D. The use of photovoltaic cells
Para 3, 2nd sentence: Hot water and steam that are trapped in underground pools are pumped to the surface and used
to run a generator, which produces electricity.
6. What can be inferred from the use of geothermal energy in Iceland?
A. It is the widely used form of energy for heating homes.
B. Twenty percent of the geothermal energy generated is used to heat the cath.
C. It is not effective for use in private homes.
D. It is 80 times more effective than traditional forms of fuel use.
Para 3, last sentence: A prime example of effective geothermal use is in Iceland, a region of high geothermal activity,
where over 80 percent of private homes are heated by geothermal power.
7. The word “conventional” in paragraph 4 can be replaced by _________.
A. optimistic
B. traditional
C. effective
D. abundant
Para 4, 1st sentence: Solar and geothermal energy are just two of a number of promising renewable alternatives to
conventional energy sources.
8. It is stated in the passage that _________.
A. An increased number of countries are using solar energy.
B. The heat coming from inside the earth can be utilized almost everywhere on earth.
C. Only solar energy is environmentally friendly.
D. Geothermal heat can provide 80% of power needs in Iceland.

Para 2, last sentence: “in other parts of the world, including many developing countries, the use of solar systems is
growing steadily”
B – NG
C – sai vì còn geothermal power
D. sai vì “over 80%”

New words Meanings Notes

diminish To reduce in size/ importance = reduce
fossil fuel Fuels, such as gas, coal, and oil, that were Nhiên liệu hóa thạch
/ˈfɒs.əl ˌfjʊəl/ formed underground from plant and animal
remains millions of years ago
harness To control something, usually in order to use = control
/ˈhɑː.nəs/ its power

cost-effective Good value for the amount of money paid

convert (sth into sth) (Cause sth/ sb to) Change in form/ character
be equipped with having the necessary tools, clothes, equipment
utilize to use something in an effective way = use effectively
invest (sth) (in sth/ Ving) to put money, effort, time, etc. into something
/ɪnˈvest/ to make a profit or get an advantage

Task 3. Read the following passage and choose which of the headings from A-K match the blanks. There are
two extra headings, which do not match any of the paragraphs.
List of headings
A. A description of the procedure
B. An international research project
C. An experiment to investigate consumer responses
D. Marketing an alternative name
E. A misleading name
F. A potentially profitable line of research
G. Medical dangers of the technique
H. Drawbacks to marketing tools
I. Broadening applications
K. What is neuromarketing?

Inside the mind of the consumer

Could brain-scanning technology provide an accurate way to assess the appeal of new products and the effectiveness
of advertising?
K. What is neuromarketing?

Marketing people are no longer prepared to take your word for it that you favour one product over another. They want
to scan your brain to see which one you really prefer. Using the tools of neuroscientists, such as electroencephalogram
(EEG) mapping and functional magnetic-resonance imaging (fMRI), they are trying to learn more about the mental
processes behind purchasing decisions. The resulting fusion of neuroscience and marketing is inevitably, being called
- take one’s word: believe that what someone is saying is true
- electroencephalogram (EEG): kĩ thuật đo điện não đồ
- functional magnetic-resonance imaging (fMRI): chụp cộng hưởng từ chức năng
- purchase /ˈpɜː.tʃəs/ (v) = buy

E. A misleading name
The first person to apply brain-imaging technology in this way was Gerry Zaltman of Harvard University, in the late
1990s. The idea remained in obscurity until 2001, when BrightHouse, a marketing consultancy based in Atlanta,
Georgia, set up a dedicated neuromarketing arm, BrightHouse Neurostrategies Group. (BrightHouse lists Coca-Cola,
Delta Airlines and Home Depot among its clients.) But the company's name may itself simply be an example of clever
marketing. BrightHouse does not scan people while showing them specific products or campaign ideas, but bases its
work on the results of more general f MRI -based research into consumer preferences and decision-making carried
out at Emory University in Atlanta.
- conduct/ carry out/ do research on/ into sth

A. A description of the procedure

Can brain scanning really be applied to marketing? The basic principle is not that different from focus groups and
other traditional forms of market research. A volunteer lies in an f MRI machine and is shown images or video clips.
In place of an interview or questionnaire, the subject's response is evaluated by monitoring brain activity. f MRI
provides real-time images of brain activity, in which different areas “light up” depending on the level of blood flow.
This provides clues to the subject's subconscious thought patterns. Neuroscientists know, for example, that the sense
of self is associated with an area of the brain known as the medial prefrontal cortex. A flow of blood to that area while
the subject is looking at a particular logo suggests that he or she identifies with that brand.
- subconscious thought pattern: tiềm thức
- be associated with = related to
- medial prefrontal cortex: vỏ não giữa trước trán

I. Broadening applications
At first, it seemed that only companies in Europe were prepared to admit that they used neuromarketing. Two
carmakers, DaimlerChrysler in Germany and Ford's European arm, ran pilot studies in 2003. But more recently,
American companies have become more open about their use of neuromarketing. Lieberman Research Worldwide, a
marketing firm based in Los Angeles, is collaborating with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) to enable
movie studios to market-test film trailers. More controversially, the New York Times recently reported that a political
consultancy, FKF Research, has been studying the effectiveness of campaign commercials using neuromarketing
- enable sb/sth to V = allow sb to V/ sth to happen

H. Drawbacks to marketing tools

Whether all this is any more than a modern-day version of phrenology, the Victorian obsession with linking lumps and
bumps in the skull to personality traits, is unclear. There have been no large-scale studies, so scans of a handful of

subjects may not be a reliable guide to consumer behaviour in general. Of course, focus groups and surveys are
flawed too: strong personalities can steer the outcomes of focus groups, and people do not always tell opinion pollsters
the truth. And even honest people cannot always explain their preferences.
- phrenology (n) khoa tướng sọ, não tướng học
-lump and bump: chỗ u bướu
- flawed (adj) = imperfect
- steer (v) (a vehicle, vessel, aircraft) = guide

C. An experiment to investigate consumer responses

That is perhaps where neuromarketing has the most potential. When asked about cola drinks, most people claim to
have a favourite brand, but cannot say why they prefer that brand’s taste. An unpublished study of attitudes towards
two well- known cola drinks. Brand A and Brand 13. carried out last year in a college of medicine in the US found
that most subjects preferred Brand B in a blind tasting fMRI scanning showed that drinking Brand B lit up a region
called the ventral putamen, which is one of the brain s ‘reward centres’, far more brightly than Brand A. But when
told which drink was which, most subjects said they preferred Brand A, which suggests that its stronger brand
outweighs the more pleasant taste of the other drink.
- blind tasting: The tasting of wine with, typically, no knowledge of the identity of the wine
- ventral putamen: cầu sẫm

F. A potentially profitable line of research

“People form many unconscious attitudes that are obviously beyond traditional methods that utilise introspection,”
says Steven Quartz, a neuroscientist at Caltech who is collaborating with Lieberman Research. With over $100 billion
spent each year on marketing in America alone, any firm that can more accurately analyse how customers respond to
products, brands and advertising could make a fortune.
- introspection (n) examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes
- make a fortune: make a lot of money

G. Medical dangers of the technique

Consumer advocates are wary. Gary Ruskin of Commercial Alert, a lobby group, thinks existing marketing techniques
are powerful enough. “Already, marketing is deeply implicated in many serious pathologies,” he says. “That is
especially true of children, who are suffering from an epidemic of marketing- related diseases, including obesity and
type-2 diabetes. Neuromarketing is a tool to amplify these trends.”
- pathology (n) bệnh lý học
- suffer from = go/ come down with (an illness)


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