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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Region
Division of Tabuk City
Northern Tabuk District
Balong, Tabuk City

Title: Celebration of the 2015 High School Intramurals

The high school intramural program is an extension of the regular physical education instructional program, including the
development of movement skills, health-related fitness, and personal and social responsibility, conducted before and/or after school
among students in the same school.  All intramural activities are treated equally in terms of resources, facilities, selection of staff, and
allocation of supplies and equipment.

Intramural programs should provide students with a variety of interesting, diverse, and challenging activities to accommodate
differing levels of need, skill, readiness, and interests.  Each school's program should be individualized to reflect the needs and
interests of all its students.  The primary reason for participation is enjoyment of the learning activities rather than pressure to compete
and win, as in athletic competition.  Such an environment will enable students to extend learning of the benefits of movement, develop
positive attitudes, increase self-esteem, enjoy positive social interactions, and broaden their fitness and leisure horizons.


The high school intramural program provides opportunities for students to:

 Enjoy participation and personal success

 Strive for personal bests, make commitments, set goals, and follow through with responsibilities
 Participate in an intramural program in a safe environment and under the direction of knowledgeable, caring and trained personnel
 Develop creativity and provide opportunities to generate games and practice skills
 Participate in the planning, organization and leadership of the intramural program

Activities Objectives Scheduled of Process Participants Expected Output


A. Faculty Discuss for the activity: September 7, Show the proposal School Head Program has been
Meeting schedule, program and 2015 program for the finalized, additional
preparation of intramural. information is added.
equipment and facilities
to be used.

B. Activities to Check attendance of September Adviser of each grade School Head Understand the
be done students 10,2015 level will be the one to meaning of the
check the attendance theme and applying
PART I: Students
of their class values through
Attendance of To discuss the sports.
each team, Open The school head will
importance of the event,
Remarks formally start the Win with humility and
explanation of the
program through lose with grace. Do
giving a short message both with dignity.
about the theme: Avoid excessive
"Unity and Progress celebrating after a play
Through Sports". or at the end of a

C. Oath of • To prevent violent September The MAPEH teacher School Head Those who pledge
Sportsmanship action towards officials, 10,2015 will be task to lead the agree :
opponents and other Oath of sportsmanship • To be a proper role
spectators which are through reading the model for other young
becoming commonplace pledge and letting people.
in today’s society and student to follow.
• To be clear and firm
sports. • To decrease the
about rules concerning
emphasis on just winning
our conduct and
and losing an event.
behavior while
• To learn the attitudes
participating in an
necessary for responsible
athletic contest.

D. Banner Participation in the September Each team will send Team captain There will be one
Raising formal opening of the 10,2015 their team captain for of each team winner to be
program. the banner raising. The declared.
winner will be the first
team captain to
accomplish the

E. Lighting of Formally open the September There would be four Team captain The activity explains
the torch program. The torch is a students who will be that the intramural is
symbol of the harmony 10,2015 doing of each team now open and to be
and goodwill which start.
represent the ideals of the
Olympic Games.

F. Warm – up To raise total body September 5-10 mins of exercise: Students Prepare the whole
Exercise temperature and muscle 10,2015 body for any sporting
 Stretching Teachers
temperature to prepare activity
 Work – out
the entire body for
 Cool down
vigorous activity.

Individual and Dual  Acknowledge all September Wish opponents good Players Live up to the
Sports: good plays or 10-11,2015 luck before the game and standards of
performances by congratulate them in a sportsmanship
both your sincere manner that you established by the
Table Tennis teammates and referee.
would like to be greeted
Chess your opponents. following either victory
 Win with humility or defeat.
Track and Field
and lose with
Team Sports: grace. Do both
Basketball with dignity.
 Play by the rules
and in the spirit of
the game.

Awarding and To close formally the September Award the team for Players Appreciation to all
Closing Remarks winning most of the players’
program. 11, 2015 activity. participation.

Recognize outstanding Accomplishment of

players. the program.

Criteria for Cheering Competition

• This contest is open to BNHS students.
•Each team should prepare for their original cheer
• Contestants must provide for their own instrument/s and costume/s if any.
• Allotted time of performance is eight (8) minutes
• Points will automatically be deducted if performance time exceeds allotted time.
• The contest will accommodate the first five (5) groups that will register.

Criteria for Judging

Overall Performance o Defined as the contestant’s ability to 35%
present original material that is distinctive or
different from other performers, with
confidence and poise.
o Includes mastery, timing, and choreography

Concept and Creativity o Style and interpretation, subject or 30%

message, choice of production, and

Costume and Props 20%

Audience Impact and Rapport o Ability of the contestant to draw the 15%
audience to the performance, eliciting a
positive response

100 %

I (state your name) do solemnly swear that in joining the intramural 2015, I shall abide by its rules and regulations, subscribe to the
true spirit of sportsmanship, promote happy fellowship and camaraderie. To help me attain this pledge, I shall be guided by the
dictum “when the great scorer pens your name, he writes not, if you won or lost, but how you played the game”.

So help me god.

Math Teacher

1. Prayer Nelson L. Lagazo Prepared by: Lino Anthony C. Banatao

SSG - President Sport Coordinator
2. Philippine Anthem Harlet Ya-o
Grade 9 - Student

3. Panunumpa sa Watawat Lemuel Lomadeo

Grade 8 - Student

4. Warm – up exercise All Players 6. Pampasiglang Pananalita Oliver P. Mendoza

School Head

5. Welcome Remarks Joy L. Paguel, Ma Ed 7. Oath of Sportmanship Lavarnie B. Ambeguia

SSG- Adviser

8. Banner Raising

9. Lighting of the Torch

10. Pagbubukas ng Palaro Lino Anthony C. Banatao

MAPEH Teacher

Noted by: Oliver P. Mendoza

School Head

Prepared by: Lino Anthony C. Banatao Noted by: Oliver P. Mendoza

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