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The Greatest of the Century
As the new century began, several groups came up with the idea of selecting the greatest
sports person of the 20th century. These groups included the British Broadcasting
Company (BBC), Sports Illustrated (SI), and the World Sports Award Organization.
Interestingly, all three named the same person as the
Sportsman of the Century!
One man who was among the athletes appearing at the top
of these three groups' lists was golf legend Jack Nicklaus.
Certainly, no one would doubt that he was the greatest
golfer of the century. His sixth Masters win in 1986 at the
age of forty-six amazed golf fans all around the world.
Nicklaus is also known for his charity work to help children
in need.
The second sports legend appearing on all three lists, but not winning the top honor, was
Pelé. This soccer star led Brazil's World Cup team to victory in 1958 when he was only
seventeen years old. He is the only soccer player in the world to receive three World
Cup winning medals. Over his career, Pele personally scored more than 1,000 goals. In
addition to his soccer fame, Pelé is also known for working to try and improve life for
poor people in Brazil and around the world.
Likewise, the athlete named the Sportsman of the Century by the BBC, SI, and the World
Sports Award is known for more than just his sports skills. This man spoke out against
the abuse of civil liberties even to the point of having his awards in his sport taken away.
Then, later in life when faced with Parkinson's disease, he boldly continued to work for
his beliefs. Almost forty years before receiving the award as the Greatest, this athlete
called himself the greatest. And he proved it. The Sportsman of the 20th Century without
a doubt is the boxer Muhammad Ali.
Task 1. Choose the best answer.
1. What is the focus of the reading?
a. A problem with an award

Malarcher, C & Janzen, A. (2010). Reading Challenge 2. 2nd edition. Compass Publishing. P. 95-100
b. Important sports organizations
c. The career of the greatest sportsman
d. The winner of a prize
2. How did Nicklaus amaze golf fans?
a. By giving money to charity
b. By playing a very long game
c. By taking his name off of the list
d. By winning when he was older
3. According to the reading, what is Pelé known for, other than soccer?
a. Helping the poor
b. Speaking out for civil liberties
c. Telling people about Brazil
d. Working with children's charities
4. Which of these questions is NOT answered in the reading?
a. How many boxing matches did Ali win?
b. What did Ali call himself during his career?
c. What kind of health problem did Ali have?
d. What led to Ali's boxing award being taken away?
5. As used in the reading, what does the word "faced" mean?
a. Competed against
b. Had to deal with
c. Turned toward
d. Was in the direction of
Task 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases.
boldly receiving
doubt select
legends spoke out
select the Greatest Sportsman of last century.
Three organizations made lists to (1) _______
The groups listed many (2)legends
_______ from the world of sports, but all three amazingly
chose the same person as the greatest. In addition to (3)receiving
_______ many awards in his
sport over his career, this sportsman (4)spoke outagainst the abuse of civil liberties. He

boldly doubt the
also (5) ________ faced a serious disease later in his life. Without a (6) _______,
greatest sportsman of the 20th century is Muhammad Ali.
Task 3. Choose the best word or phrase to fill in the blank.
1. The _______ of the ripe apple was soft and sweet.
a. drug b. flesh c. legend d. organization
2. I was surprised to hear how many ________ of bananas there are in the world.
a. civil liberties b. element c. species d. victories
3. The second-place runner will win a silver ________.
a. goal b. honor c. medal d. pollution
4. Some terrible animal owners ________ the animals under their care by not feeding
a. abuse b. doubt c. mention d. receive
5. The store ________ most of its products from China.
a. conquered b. imported c. selected d. scored
6. It would be interesting to have a _________ in the travel industry.
a. career b. charity c. century d. controversy
7. The mall was closed because of the snowstorm; most of the stores downtown were
a. boldly b. legally c. likewise d. typically
8. I found an online bookstore with a great _________ of detective novels.
a. selection b. select c selective d. selectively
9. That was __________ the worst movie I've ever seen. It was awful!
a. doubt b. doubtful c. undoubtedly d. doubtfully
10. The police may be called to investigate cases of _________.
a. abuse b. abused c abusive d. abusively

Craven, M. (2009). Reading Keys: Skills and Strategies for Effective Reading. Student Book 1. New Edition.
Macmillan. P. 10-12
Pelé is often called the greatest soccer player in the world. His real name is Edson
Arantes do Nascimento. When he was a child, his family
was very poor. He cleaned shoes for money. However,
Pelé’s love of soccer soon changed his life. When he was
11, people started to notice his amazing skill. He joined
Santos Soccer Club when he was 15. His first professional
game was in 1956. A year after, he played for his country
against Argentina. It was his first international game and he scored Brazil’s only goal!
Now, everyone knew the name Pelé. He was famous around the world.
During his time with Santos, Pelé became more and more successful. The club won
national and international competitions. He also played 92 times for his country. He
helped to lead the Brazilian team to three World Cup wins in 1958, 1962, and 1970.
Pelé left soccer in 1974, but the nest year decided to play for the New York Cosmos, an
American team. His salary was 7 million dollars. Pelé now earned more than any sports
star in the world. His last game was on October 1st, 1977, against his old club, Santos.
In his career, Pale played a total of 1363 games and scored 1281 goals.
After he became famous, Pele wrote several books about his life. He also appeared in
many movies. He wrote all the music for the movie “Pelé” (1977). The next year, he
received the international Peace Award. Brazil’s representative in the United Nations
said he believed that Pelé helped international goodwill and friendship more than any
politician. In 2007, Pelé received the FIFA Presidential Award for his life’s work.
Task 1. How old was Pelé when_______?
1. he received the International Peace Award?
In 1978
2. he stopped playing soccer in Brazil?
In 1974
3. he started to play for the New York Cosmos?

in 1975
4. he won his second World Cup with his team?
in 1962
5. he played his last professional game of soccer?

in 1977
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1. What job did Pelé have as a child?
He cleaned shoes for money
2. Wat club did he play for at the end of his career?
The New York Cosmos
3. What award did he win in 2007?
The FIFA Presidential Award
4. How many goals did he score in his career?
There were 1281 goals
5. When did he play his first professional game?
In 1956
Task 3. Number the events in the correct order.
5 a. He played professional soccer for the last time.
2 b. He won his first World Cup with his team.
3 c. He stopped playing soccer in Brazil.
1 d. He started playing for Santos Soccer Club.
4 e. He started playing soccer in the US.
6 f. He won the International Peace Award.
Task 4. Write true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).
NG 1. Pelé scored more goals than any other player.
T 2. He played soccer in the US for three years.
F 3. He wrote music for all his movies.
NG 4. He was 17 when he played his first game for Brazil.

NG 5. He was happier playing for Santos than for New York Cosmos.

Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-H
on the answer sheet.
A. Adults £2.50 Under 12s FREE
F 1. You can't drive this way. B. Shoes repaired while you wait
A 2. Children do not have to pay. C. MIND YOUR HEAD
G 3. You can shop here six days a week. D. Open 24 hours a day I
C 4. Be careful when you stand up. E. INFORMATION
B 5. We work quickly F. Police Notice Road Closed
G. Open daily 10-6 (except Mondays)
Read the sentences (6-10) about a birthday. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for
each space. For questions 6-10, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet.
6. Nina was very __________ because she got lots of presents.
A. interesting B. lovely C. happy
7. She __________ some friends to her house for a party.
A. decided B. agreed C. invited
8. Her mother made a big chocolate ____________ with 'Happy Birthday on the top.
A. meal B. cake C. dish
9. Nina and her mends had a great time, singing and dancing and ____________ to their
favourite music.
A. listening B. hearing C. looking
10. When they had to go. everybody ___________ Nina and her mother for the parry.
A. said B. thanked C. told
Complete the five conversations by choosing A, B, or C.
11. It’s time for lunch.
A. Oh good B. One hour. C. Hall past twelve.
12. Would you like a drink?
A. I don't like coffee. B. I prefer tea. C. Coffee. Please
13. How much was your new shirt?
A. It’s a red shin. B. It was very cheap. C. It was in a shop.
14. I'm very sorry.
A. I'm afraid so. B. I think so. C. That's all right.
15. Do you speak English?
A. No. I'm not. B. Only a little C. Yes, very much.
Complete the conversation between two persons by marking the correct letter A-
H on your answer sheet.
Mechanic: Good morning. Madam. What's the A. I'd prefer the afternoon.
problem? B. I'm not sure. The brakes are not
Woman: (B) working very well.
Mechanic What do you mean? C. Oh! One other thing. how much
Woman: (16) __________________________ will it cost?
Mechanic: I see. We can probably repair that D. The engine is hard to start in the
easily. Can you leave the car now? morning.
Woman: (17) __________________________ E. I work on Mondays
Mechanic: I'm sorry. Were completely full on F. I'm afraid I need it today. How
Saturday. about the weekend?
Woman: (18) __________________________ G. When I brake, the car goes
Mechanic: Yes, all right. Could you come in the H. Oh. Could you do it on Monday?
Woman: (19) __________________________
Mechanic: OK.

Woman: (20) __________________________
Mechanic: I'm not sure, but probably about
£30. to the left.
Woman: That's fine. I'll see you on Monday.
Look at the text in each question. Mark the correct letter A, B, or C on your answer

Question 21: What does Karen want Steve to do?
A. Order the cinema tickets.
B. Meet after work to go to the cinema.
C. Collect the tickets.

Question 22
A. The lift is only for employees.
B. The lift isn't working.
C. Ask someone if you need help with the lift.

Question 23: What does this person need to do?

A. Think about what they can have for dinner
B. Buy something for dinner.
C. Prepare the dinner.

Question 24
A. This car park is for people who use the shop.
B. No parking here.
C. Anyone can park here.

Question 25
A. The cafe is where the builders eat.
B. The cafe will still be open while building work is being
C. Students will be told when the cafe is open.

Read the article and decide whether each statement is True (T), False (F) or Not
Given (NG).
Most house burglaries happen between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., say the police. Inspector Ian
Saunders told our newspaper that the number of house burglaries has gone up by more
than 30% compared with last year. He also said that 67% of burglaries happen when
people have gone out and forgotten to close a door or a window.
He went to a report that night-time burglaries are unusual because families are usually
at home at that time. But he said that winter afternoons are the best time for burglars
because it is dark and they can’t be seen easily. Also many houses are empty at that time,
because people are often still at work.
Inspector Saunders said that it is a good idea to leave lights on in living rooms and
bedrooms when you go on holiday. This will help to keep burglars away. He also asked
neighbors to watch the other houses in the street when people are not at home. They
should call the police if they see anything strange. “We will also tell you how to make
your house safe,” inspector Saunders said. “This kind of help costs nothing.”
26. The number of house burglaries is the same as last year.
27. Most burglars are men.
28. People sometimes make things easy for burglars.
29. The summer is more difficult for burglars.
30. Burglars don’t usually go to houses with lights on.
31. Burglars usually drive cars.
32. You have to pay for information from the police.
Read the text and choose the best option (A, B or C) for each space.
Earthworms (33) ______________ found all over the world, although they are more
common in Europe. They do not live (34) ___________ deserts or places where there is
a lot of snow and ice. This is because it is (35) _____________ cold for them and the
ground is hard. Some kinds of earthworms have been known (36) ____________ grow
to the length of a ruler, although they are usually only as long as your finger. Their
bodies are made up (37) _____________ little rings and they have small hairs on them.
The worm uses (38) ____________ rings to move and make holes. As they make holes
in the ground, they eat the soil and all the dead stuff, and (39) _____________ produce
all the useful things plants need. Earthworms are (40) ____________ important for the
health of the soil and for the plants growing in it.
33. A. are B. is C. am
34. A. on B. in C. at
35. A. too B. such C. much
36. A. of B. with C. to
37. A. of B. for C. from
38. A. this B. these C. that
39. A. thin B. than C. then
40. A. every B. very C. any


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