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Excavations at Kharabeh Shattani Vol. 2

Book · January 1995


0 177

3 authors:

Douglas Baird Stuart Campbell

University of Liverpool The University of Manchester


Trevor Watkins
The University of Edinburgh


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Occasional Paper No.18

Excavations at
Volume 2





Edited by

Douglas Baird,
Stuart Campbell
& Trevor Watkins

Contributions by
Dianna Bolt, Paul Croft, Jacqui Goodwin, Ellen MacAdam,
Dianne Rowan, St.John Simpson

University of Edinburgh, Department of Archaeology, Occasional Paper No. 18

© 1 9 9 5 : The authors

Published by Department of Archaeology

University of Edinburgh
Old High School
Infirmary Street

ISSN 0144-3313

Typeset in Adobe Garamond 1 lpt by:

Campbell Archaeological Services, 62 Scholars Green, Lymm, Cheshire.

Section 1: Introduction 1
Douglas Baird

Section 2: Stratigraphy and architecture 6

Douglas Baird

Section 3: The Proto-Hassuna Pottery 32

Ellen McAdam

Section 4: The Halaf Pottery 55

Stuart Campbell

Section 5: The First Millennium B.C Pottery 91

Jacqui Goodwin

Section 6: Wider Implications of the Achaemenid Period Ceramics 142

St.John Simpson

Section 7: The Small Finds 147

Stuart Campbell

Section 8: The Achaemenid Period Metalwork 161

Dianne Rowan

Section 9: The Faunal Assemblage 165

Paul Croft

Section 10: Human Remains 173

Dianna Bolt

Section 11: Kharabeh Village 175

St.John Simpson & Trevor Watkins

Section 12: Summary and Discussion 185

Douglas Baird, Stuart Campbell and Trevor Watkins

Bibliography 195

Figure 1 General location maps 4

Figure 2 Site contour and trench plan 5
Figure 3 Plans of Proto-Hassuna period levels 23
Figure 4 Plan of Areas A and B, the Halaf site in its Early Phase, with the location
of soundings into the Proto-Hassuna deposits 24
Figure 5 Major North-South section facing page 24
Figure 6 Plan of Area B (1984 excavations), the Halaf site in its Early and Middle Phases 25
Figure 7 Plan of Area B (1984 excavations), the Halaf site in its Late Phase 26
Figure 8 Plan of Area B (1984 excavations), the First Millennium B C features 27
Figure 9 Plan of Areas A and B, the Halaf site in its Middle Phase 28
Figure 10 Plan of Areas A and B, the Halaf site in its Late Phase 29
Figure 11 Plan of the First Millennium B C features 30
Figure 12 Pit profiles and detailed plans of the burials 31
Figures 13-20 Proto-Hassuna pottery 47-54
Figure 21 Halaf shape typology 79
Figure 22 Halaf motif typology 80-81
Figures 23-31 Halaf pottery 82-90
Figures 32-56 First Millennium B C pottery 115-139
Figures 57-58 First Millennium B C schematics 140-141

Figures 59-61 Halaf and First Millennium B C small finds 158-160

Figure 62 Kharabeh Village pottery 184

Volume 1 = Watkins T. and Campbell S., 1986

Excavations at Kharabeh Shattani Volume 1,
University of Edinburgh,
Department of Archaeology,
Occasional Paper No. 14.

In catalogues
L = Length
B = Breadth
T h = Thickness
Ht = Height
diam = Diameter
min = minimum
max = maximum

T h e purpose of this brief foreword is to record and acknowledge the support of those w h o m a d e the ex-
cavations at Kharabeh Shattani possible, and to note h o w this volume has been authored and put together.
T h e excavations at Kharabeh Shattani were made possible only with the help and assistance of the Iraqi
State Organisation for Antiquities and Heritage, which provided accommodation and w o r k m e n for
the project. Specific thanks are due to D r Mu'ayyad Sa'id, the President, and D r Behnam A b u al-Soof, the
Director-General of the Northern Region, as well as our government representatives, Sd M o h a m m e d Zekki
in 1983 and Sd A b d al-Salaam in 1984. T h e excavations were carried out under the aegis of the British Ar-
chaeological Expedition to Iraq, without whose support, material, logistical, administrative and moral, the
work would have been very m u c h harder. Specifically the generous help of D r Michael Roaf, then Director
of the B A E I and Director of its excavations in the area of the Eski Mosul D a m , D r Jeremy Black,
then Assistant Director of the BAEI, and Robert Killick, the Secretary-Librarian, is acknowledged with
m a n y thanks.
Funding for the excavations was provided by the British Academy, the Carnegie Trust for the Universities
of Scotland and funds at Edinburgh University, particularly the M u n r o Fund. T h e team in 1983, led by
Trevor Watkins, consisted of Douglas Baird, Stuart Campbell, W e n d y Knight and Carl Phillips. In 1984
Trevor Watkins supervised the beginning of the season, and Edgar Peltenburg the latter part of the work.
T h e team consisted of Douglas Baird, Paul Croft, Jacqui G o o d w i n and Ellen M c A d a m . T h e results of the
two seasons of excavations are largely due to their hard work.
Grateful thanks are also due to those w h o contributed to the production of these reports. T h e illustra-
tions for thefirstvolume were drawn by Mairi A n n a Birkeland and for the second volume by G o r d o n
T h o m a s . T h e photographic prints for both covers were produced by Joe Rock. In this volume, Douglas
Baird and Stuart Campbell have been mosdy responsible for the work of co-ordinating the work of the
contributors, bringing the contributions together, and the considerable task of making the whole ready for
Douglas Baird did most of the recording on site in the second season of excavations, and he has written
that part of the report that deals with the structures and the stratigraphy, with little help and only minor
interruptions and hindrances from the author of this foreword. Stuart Campbell undertook the writing up
of the Halaf ceramic assemblage and the small finds from the site while working on his doctoral research.
Jacqui G o o d w i n wrote her M A dissertation on the Sassanian ceramic assemblage, and the section of this
publication that deals with that material is largely derived from that dissertation. St.John Simpson very
kindly provided a section bringing it up to date and setting the assemblage in its wider context. Ellen
M c A d a m has described the proto-Hassuna ceramic assemblage. Thanks are also due to Dianne R o w e n for
the metalwork report, to Dianna Bolt for the report on the h u m a n remains and to Paul Croft for the faunal
report. T h e editors gready appreciate the patience of the contributors during the elephantine gestation pe-
riod of the publication.

Trevor Watkins


Douglas Baird

T h e initial element of this report is a detailed sanian and Islamic period pottery recovered from
stratigraphic record of the 1984 excavation season this site is also provided.
at Kharabeh Shattani, as promised and similar to T h e recording system and system of context
that in the 1983 season report {Volume 1, 7). Fur- codes used during the second season of excavation
ther, as this second season proved to be the last, a in 1984, were organized in the same manner as in
s u m m a r y of our interpretation of the development the 1983 excavations {Volume 1, 19-20). Recovery
of the site, based upon the conclusions from both and excavation procedures were essentially the
seasons' work, forms an additional part of the sec- same. Regrettably no dry sieving was carried out at
tion on the stratigraphy and architecture. Also in- all and only very limited flotation with very incon-
cluded in this volume is the complete and final clusive results.
account of work on the first millennium B C ce- T h e process of excavation attempted to isolate
ramic assemblage and a similar status account of each separable and distinct deposit, structural en-
the Proto-Hassuna pottery, the latter almost all tity or specific evidence of activity, such as a cut.
recovered in the second season. In addition a Each entity so isolated was assigned a unique code
s u m m a r y of the regional significance of the consisting of three letters. Inevitably m a n y entities
Achaemenid period ceramics is appended to the so labelled represent more than one ideally separa-
basic account of the assemblage; as the latter was ble component or parts of more than one such
prepared some years before this publication it was element, or sometimes completely arbitrary units of
felt appropriate that w e put the assemblage in excavation convenience. O n e advantage of this
context in the light of more recent work. T h e H a - three letter context code is the ease with which one
laf pottery recovered in the first season was de- can assign specific significance to certain letter
scribed and discussed in detail in Volume 1. Infor- combinations. T h u s all context codes relating to
mation on the Halaf ceramics recovered in the sec- excavations in 1983 begin with the letter A, while
ond season is included within an overall summary all contexts excavated in 1984 begin with the letters
and interpretation of the significance of the entire B, C , or D . In fact the 1983 excavation area has
Halaf pottery assemblage. Valuable information is been named Area A for convenience and tht n e w
provided on the faunal assemblage from both sea- trenches opened up in 1984 comprise Area B. T h e
sons and on the various h u m a n remains recovered. exceptions relate to the Proto-Hassuna deposits
A further section is included on the significant and the sterile deposit lying between the Proto-
pieces of metalwork. A basic catalogue of all small Hassuna and Halaf. Regardless of location all con-
finds is included with some discussion of the most texts belonging to the Proto-Hassuna start with the
interesting Halaf examples. Finally there is a sum- letter C and the sterile deposit with the letter D .
mary of the results period by period, forming the Further locational significance is embedded
basis for a discussion of the significance of the site within the codes. Area B consisted of six, contigu-
and its contribution to our knowledge of north ous, 5 m x 5 m squares (two sets of three), opened
Mesopotamia, focussed on the prehistoric periods. up immediately to the south of Area A and extend-
A small sounding at the neighbouring site of ing 5 m to it's west. Contexts from the three
Kharabeh village is described. A report on the Sas- squares forming the (15m x 5 m ) northern strip of
Area B c o m m e n c e d with the two letters BB... or
2 Kharabeh Shattani II

BD..., those from the southern strip BC... or tion are referred to by this system. Drawings of
BE.... A 1 0 m (north-south), 2.5m (east-west) sherds were identified using the same system. Sherd
sounding was cut through the sterile deposit D B A or find numbers from the sounding excavated by
into the Proto-Hassuna site along the eastern edge Dr. J. Curtis of the British M u s e u m are prefixed
of Area A; all contexts from this sounding were with the code JC....
prefixed CC... (with the exception of C B B ) . T h e It is useful to preface the account of the
other small sounding into the Proto-Hassuna site stratigraphy and architecture with a broad oudine
was m a d e in the southeast corner of Area B, all of some of the conditions and circumstances of
Proto-Hassuna contexts in this sounding were pre- excavation at Kharabeh. These circumscribed the
fixed with the letters CB.... operational procedures w e adopted and some of the
T o aid description and understanding of the conclusions w e can draw.
site certain codes were also employed for groups of D u e to various processes of bioturbation, it is
contexts. A series of codes, of the same type used clear that the upper 0.4m of deposit at Kharabeh
for excavated contexts, were assigned to these was almost completely homogenized (Wilkinson
purely organizational entities. In this w a y each 1990). N o significant differentiation between de-
building or pit, which consisted of a coherent and posits could be achieved within this zone. Because
related series of components, could be simply and of this it is unclear from where any of the
conveniendy described and referred to in the field Achaemenid period pits were cut; it is certain, in
and in publication. These unit codes are easily rec- almost every case, that it was not the point at
ognizable because the second letter of the code is which they were identified. In fact it is clear from
always an ...A T h u s all such Halaf and sections (Fig. 5), from the manner in which slight,
Achaemenid period entities in Area B are desig- poorly defined differentiation in deposit was ob-
nated BA...; all such Proto-Hassuna entities start served before a pit cut could be precisely defined
with C A These are the codes most frequendy (notably with larger pits e.g. B A A ) and particularly
used o n the published plans for such complex en- the manner in which the upper, densely packed,
tities. stone fills of pits projected close to the present
T h e site grid and datum remained the same, the ground surface ( B B D ) , although n o containing cut
latter set at the arbitrary height of 100m; all abso- could at that point be identified, that most if not
lute heights referred to in this report are based on all of these pits cut from relatively high in the
that datum. Points on the grid are referred to in stratigraphy. It seems quite plausible that the con-
eastings and northings in metres from the arbitrary temporary first millennium B C ground surface(s)
point of origin of the grid to the southwest of the from which these pits were cut was higher than
site. Notional excavation squares are 5 m x 5 m and that at present.
can be referred to by their south-western corner six Homogenization processes (Wilkinson 1990,
figure grid point; thus the south-western corner of 91) and the resulting inability to identify pit cuts
Area B is 195 280. Precise coordinates to the near- meant that this upper c. 0.4m of deposit contained
est centimetre could be given for any object on the m u c h mixed material. This zone includes deposits
site with a ten figure grid reference. or parts of deposits B C A , B C B , and B C C , B B A ,
Field registration of small finds (other than ce- B B B , and B B C . Even some deposits earlier in the
ramics) in 1983 involved using a separate, running sequence were contaminated by a degree of biotur-
series of numbers each day. A final, consecutive bation and inability to detect every pit cut until
sequence of numbers was applied to these objects relatively deep in the stratigraphy. Basically the
for the site as a whole and this is the small find lower in the sequence a deposit occurred the less
identification system used in the publication of the probability of contamination exists (although this
1983 small finds in this volume. A running series can hardly ever be completely ruled out in any ar-
of numbers for small finds and a separate series for chaeological context, let alone those typifying
samples was employed for each context in the 1984 Kharabeh). These strictures do not apply to the
season and this is the system of reference for the Proto-Hassuna deposits which were sealed by ap-
publication of the finds from the last season; for proximately l m of sterile compact clay-like mate-
example, B B C 10 is the tenth registered find from rial ( D B A ) .
context B B C . Sherds were assigned a consecutive These circumstances limit the dependability of
series of numbers for each context for recording the conclusions relating to material recovered from
purposes, as in 1983; all ceramics in this publica- these contexts and the s u m s of the architecture.
Introduction 3

This is one reason w h y sieving was not employed from which Achaemenid period pit they probably
on the site. Most of the architectural elements as- derived. T h e relatively pristine Halaf contexts are:
signed to the Late Phase of Halaf occupation on AAH, AAI, ABP, ABQ, ACG, ACI, ADF, ADH,
the site occur in this upper, homogenized zone. ADI, ADJ, ADR, BBM, BBP, BBR, BBT, BBU,
T h e observations of the sections relating to some of BBV, BCR, BCZ, BDC, and BDD.
the architecture of this phase and excavation of T h e matrix depicting the relationships between
limited areas of this zone, where pits were absent the deposits assigned to the three Halaf phases,
(e.g. A D F and A D H {Volume 1, 29)) suggested therefore, takes no account of the differing degrees
that the architectural elements of this phase must of mixing/contamination of the deposits repre-
all antedate the pits and thus be Halaf, but this sented. It merely displays the logical structure of
cannot be conclusively demonstrated in every case. their relationships. It assumes all Achaemenid pe-
In particular, this is w h y grave B A T cannot be de- riod pits are definitively (see above and § 2.6) later
finitively related to a particular period of occupa- than any of these deposits, although this could not
tion (§ 2.5). always be conclusively demonstrated.
T h e Achaemenid period pits contained m u c h In these circumstances sections were relatively
m u d brick debris which included m u c h derived uninformative. It was, therefore, decided to publish
Halaf material. W h e r e pits were not detected, such only the major east-west section of the site, provid-
derived Halaf pottery, as well as Achaemenid pe- ing the east section of Area B and the major Proto-
riod pottery, was introduced into the general Halaf Hassuna sections (Fig. 5). All other Proto-Hassuna
deposits from a particular phase. T h e later the set sections are also published (Fig. 5) and profiles of
of deposits involved, the greater the degree of ad- most of the pits (Fig. 12). T h e north section of
mixture of material, even though, for example, the Area B is provided by the reverse face of Section I-J
Halaf pottery relating to Late Phase deposits was published in Volume 1 (Plan 4).
easily separated from the contaminating first mil- In cases of doubt any statement in this volume
lennium B C ceramics. W h e r e recovered material of the Kharabeh publications m a y be taken to
was not chronologically distinct, e.g. the faunal override any statement or conclusion in any pre-
assemblage or certain sorts of small finds, only ceding volume or publication. This is particularly
material from a specific number of definitely non- important in the case of the Halaf stratigraphy
contaminated contexts could be employed to char- where the sections and plans published in Volume 1
acterize the Halaf assemblages and, of course, the have portions of their stratigraphy misleadingly
Achaemenid period assemblages could not be char- labelled. This refers specifically to Section I-J, Plan
acterized at all. A list of these probably uncontami- 4 in Volume 1, where A B O represents only the
nated Halaf contexts is here appended. In the case surface of the deposit it appears to designate, as it
of chronologically undiagnostic material it must be was an oven base sitting on that deposit; in the
assumed that any entity not from one of these same section a deposit has been incorrecdy labelled
contexts could be either Achaemenid period or A B Q . In Section A-B, Volume 1, Plan 4 a deposit
Halaf. B y plotting the location of certain small has been mislabelled A A G . T h e pit A B Y has been
finds from this upper homogenized zone it was incorrectly labelled on Volume 1, Plan 2; it should
possible to suggest that certain pieces, although in fact be A B Z / A B W . A B Y is correctly assigned on
assigned to more general deposits, probably came Plan 1. O n Volume 1, Plan 1 the depression la-
from specific pits. These pieces are published in the belled A B Z has been incorrectly so designated, the
small finds catalogue, listed by their original con- position of A B Z is correctly shown on Plan 4.
text assignation, but a note is appended suggesting
4 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 2

T h e Stratigraphy and Architecture

Douglas Baird

§ 2.1: Proto-Hassuna Period Levels an irregular shallow hollow or scoop (Figs 3 and 5)
A small sounding 2 m (north-south) x 2.5m (east- (minimum 1.46m north-south and 0.6m east-west,
west) was excavated through Proto-Hassuna de- 0.28m deep) apparendy cut from the top of natu-
posits in the southeast corner of Area B (Fig. 4). A ral, or from the top of deposits removed during the
long trench 10m (north-south) x 2.5m (east-west) Proto-Hassuna occupation. Its primaryfill,CBI,
exposed the uppermost part of the Hassuna depos- 0.2m deep, consisted of ashy silts mixed with clay
its along the eastern edge of Area A (Fig. 4). All lumps and a concentration offire-blackenedstones.
Hassuna contexts in the Area B sounding were The northeast edge of C A D was cut by sub-oval
designated CB..., in the trench in Area A C O . . . scoop C A C (Fig. 3) (2m east-west x m i n i m u m
The sounding in Area B was located 8 m south of 1.3m north-south and 0.56m deep). It too ap-
the southern edge of that in Area A (Fig. 4). peared cut from the top of the natural (Fig. 5). The
In each trench a m i n i m u m of three to four dis- close similarity between its primary fill C B H
tinct phases of activity and deposition are repre- (0.26m deep m a x i m u m ) and C B I suggested similar
sented. These cannot be correlated and it seems and probably concurrent processes of deposition
likely that a continuous, more complicated and and that the cutting of C A C did not long post-date
longer sequence of activity might be documented that of CAD.
by larger trenches. Deposits C B G / C B F , predominandy a light or-
In Area B the earliest phase of activity, at the ange clay, but with an admixture of ashy silt and
base of the small sounding, is represented by C A D , patches of burnt green clay, filled the upper parts

Natural I
The Stratigraphy and Architecture 7
of both hollows with 0.29m of material, and lenses were observed, with varying degrees of ash or
overlaid most of the surrounding surface of the m u d content (Fig. 5). These overlay the apparendy
natural subsoil to a depth of 0.18m (Fig. 5). sterile natural deposit C C L , a compact, cloddy,
T h e second significant phase of activity in this light brown clay. Immediately over C C L lay a
area consisted of the construction of a taufwall, 0.02m thin, continuous ash lens C C K .
C B E (Figs 3 and 5). However, in limited areas this Within this small sounding the deposits overly-
was preceded by the deposition of two, separate, ing C C K were excavated as a block, C C G (0.4-
thin ashy lenses (0.08m and 0.05m thick), exca- 0.48m thick). These deposits preceded and post-
vated as part of C B A . There was considerable dated the construction of what appeared to be the
similarity between these two thin deposits and the stub of a taufwall, C C H (Fig. 3), but did not post-
overlying material (0.18m thick) which abutted the date its truncation. T h e upper 0.15m of this set of
north face of C B E . This fact and the manner in deposits contained what was interpreted as being
which this material abutting C B E rose to the the return or stub of taufwall C C H . C C H was
north, suggested that ashy deposits were accumulat- 0.15m thick and consisted of two blocks of clay
ing from the north before C B E was constructed running into the sounding from the north; the
and similar material continued to accumulate after northern-most was of light brown clay and the
its construction. C B A therefore consisted of thin southern a light grey-brown (Fig. 3). T h e whole
deposits which accumulated immediately before entity ran 0.9m into the sounding, its stub end
the construction of C B E , as well as the thicker 0.66m wide, the narrower northern continuation
deposit accumulating immediately after its con- 0.48m wide (Fig. 3). Contemporary with, or
struction. preceding the construction of C C H , a small pit
Taufwall C B E had been cut by the pit BAA. was dug in the southeast corner of the sounding
Only a small section of C B E had been preserved in (Fig. 5).
the excavated area. This surviving stub (0.7m long) A further 0.32m of mixed ashy deposits and
appeared oriented northeast-southwest. It is not lenses overlay this structure in the sounding and
clear whether it was part of a rectilinear or a curvi- were excavated as C C F (Fig. 5).
linear structure (Fig. 3). T h e fact that both north Exposed in the main trench and overlying C C F
and south faces of the wall were slightly concave or were three orange brown clay bands, each overlain
sinuous suggests that any apparent curvilinear by an ashy deposit, presumably external/courtyard
character to this short stretch could be attributed to surfaces with associated occupation. These were all
the vagaries of construction. Preserved 0.4m high excavated as a unit C C E , m a x i m u m 0.4m deep but
and 0.72m wide, C B E was recognized by the only 0.16m deep at its southern end (Fig. 5). T o
orange-white plaster on its south and north faces the north the build-up of the uppermost ashy
and was constructed in 0.2m thick courses of ashy deposit in C C E was considerable. T h e base of all
silts and clays (Fig. 5). these deposits in C C E sloped d o w n from south to
C B D was a mixed pink and grey deposit of north. T h e thick build-up of this upper deposit
limited extent (0.32m thick) abutting the south within C C E , 0.3m thick at its northern end, only
face of C B E . It is most obviously interpreted as the 0.01m thick at its southern (Fig. 5), presumably
fill of the structure of which C B E was a part. It was occurred as material accumulated against or around
difficult to distinguish from C B A which sur- an entity to the north. This m a y have been the wall
rounded C B E and C B D . T h e upper part of C B A of oven C C A (Figs 3 and 5), from which indeed
clearly represented a third distinct phase of deposi- m u c h of the ashy material could have derived.
tion; this general upper fill was 0.2-0.4m thick, Alternatively C C A m a y have been cut into this
although not separated from the underlying deposit deposit.
during excavation. A set of deposits C C B / C B B were built up
In Area A all, except the very latest, against and overlay a structure C A B . T h e lower
phase/phases of occupation were investigated only part of this set was a grey-brown deposit, 0.14-
in a small sounding (within the 1 0 m x 2.5m 0.2m thick, which had accumulated against the
trench). This was 1.1m wide north-south and, face of the wall C C D (part of structure C A B ) and
running across the width of the larger trench was over and against the upper ashy deposit of C C E .
thereby, 2.5m east-west (Fig. 3). Within the 0.72m This would suggest the construction of C A B could
of deposit excavated, c. eighteen thick and very be contemporary with or later than the formation
thin, continuous and discontinuous, independent of parts of C C E . As this lower part of C C B accu-
8 Kharabeh Shattani II

mulated against the exterior faces of C C D , one or T h e plan of this rectilinear structure cannot be
perhaps two deposits were accumulating within the confidently extrapolated from the small portion
cells of C A B . N o particular depositional process excavated. However, the regularly spaced, parallel
could be assumed to account for this 0.2m deep cross-walls and relatively narrow spaces enclosed
light fawn-brown material. are suggestive of the structures containing double
C A B itself was constructed with the run of the parallel rows of equal and similarly-sized small
slope of underlying deposits (south to north) compartments at broadly contemporary sites such
(Fig. 5). It consisted of a m i n i m u m of three courses as U m m Dabaghiyah (Kirkbride 1975, PI. 1), and
of foundations, one stone wide, part of a rectilinear slightly later Yarim Tepe 1 (Merpert and M u n -
structure oriented northeast-southwest. A length of chaev 1973a, 96-98). A plausible interpretation of
wall (4.9m) ran into the trench from the northeast such is that they were storage blocks (Kirkbride
and l m of return formed a right angle, running 1975, 4). As the plans of structures at broadly
southeast out of the excavation area (Fig. 3). These contemporary Tell Sotto (Bader 1987, 161) and
walls, C C D , bounded at least two cross-walls, slighdy later Yarim Tepe 1, level 6, also indicate,
parallel to the short stretch of return exposed, similar sets of regular, small units were also part of
therefore also running out of the excavation area to apparendy domestic complexes of more varied
the southeast. T h e southern-most compartment character (Merpert and M u n c h a e v 1973a, 96-98),
thus created was 1.4m long, along the northeast although the size of such appended units m a y again
axis of the structure and its northern neighbour suggest a storage role.
1.34m along the same axis. T h e southern com- T h e use of C C I , a shallow, ash-filled, elongated
partment was at least l m wide and its northern oval pit (0.47m x 0.24m, 0.17m deep), immedi-
neighbour m i n i m u m 0.5m wide. T h e lie of the ately preceded the construction of C A B (Fig. 3).
courses provided a relatively even and regular Adjacent to it and set into the underlying deposit
external face to the perimeter walls; the internal from the same level as C C I was a sub-triangular
faces of this wall and both faces of the dividing 'husking tray' C C J (0.38m x 0.26m, 0.06m deep)
walls, to the extent that they were observable, were (Fig. 3). This setting did not contain a conven-
less regular (Fig. 3). N o mud-plaster or plaster tional vessel, but seemed to be a clay lining to a
faces were observed in excavation. A vertical differ- shallow scoop with surface characteristics similar to
entiation in deposit immediately adjacent to the the classic Hassuna ceramic type, the husking tray
south face of the southern cross-wall was observed (§3).
in section and there is the possibility that the C C A , part of an oval cut in the northeastern
internal, less regular, faces m a y have been plastered. corner of the excavation area, was lined with baked
There is no indication as to whether there m a y clay and had remnants of a fired, red clay super-
have been a m u d superstructure. T h e homogene- structure protruding. T h e walls of the sub-
ous fill of the compartments, C C C could have structure sloped inwards (Fig. 5). T h e m i n i m u m
been d u m p , but it contained no obvious occupa- dimensions of the upper part of this feature,
tion-like material and had a limited quantity of probably an oven, are 0.3m x 0.3m (Fig. 3). It was
artefactual material. It m a y have derived from not possible at that stage of. excavation to decide
superstructure or decayed facing/lining from sub- from where C C A was cut. Therefore its relation-
or superstructure. ship with C C E and ultimately C A B remains
Internal floors for C A B were not detected dur- obscure.
ing excavation. Inspection of the section, as it T h e upper part of C B B / C C B , 0.1-0.2m thick
dried, indicated a dense line of salts demarcating a (Fig. 5), sealed the oven and C A B and m a y be
'primaryfill'in both compartments at the level of interpreted as deriving from other Hassuna depos-
the lowest course of stones in the wall (Fig. 5). its. T h e weathered surface of this deposit, the top
These appeared to indicate the presence of rela- of the Hassuna site, sloped from south to north,
tively level surfaces running against the slope. It from 98.06m a.s.d. in the south of the 1 0 m x 2.5m
m a y be that they represent, merely, slightly differ- trench to only 97.66m a.s.d. at the northern end of
entiated initial filling of the compartments, but it the trench, a drop of 0.4m over 1 0 m (Fig. 5). T h e
could also be that they represent deliberately top of Hassuna deposits was 98.22m a.s.d. in Area
levelled, possibly trampled or packed/beaten earth B, so overall the Hassuna site surface dipped 0.62m
floors. over 2 0 m from south to north. T h e bottom of
Hassuna deposits in Area B was 97.56m a.s.d. and
The Stratigraphy and Architecture 9
at the bottom of the small sounding in Area A was T h e local landscape and the soils available for
96.56m a.s.d., a dip of l m over 18.5m from south farming in the early Holocene m a y have been quite
to north, suggesting that the base of Hassuna different from those of today
deposits sloped even more sharply d o w n to the
north than their upper surface. T h e bedding of
C C E and C C D suggests that m a n y of the Hassuna § 2.3: The Halaf Stratigraphy from the
deposits accumulated following the lie of the 1984 Season
natural. T h e Halaf stratigraphy was divided into three
broad phases. Each of these phases encompasses a
series of developments. This division of the
§ 2.2 : The phase of natural deposition stratigraphy was somewhat arbitrary, but reflects a
between the Halaf and Proto-Hassuna broad progression. At least in the western part of
Periods the 1984 excavation area the beginning of the
Between the Halaf and Proto-Hassuna occupations Middle Phase is marked by the construction of a
of the site 0.8 to 1.37m of naturally derived de- series of stratigraphically well linked entities. This
posit had accumulated (Fig. 5); in excavation this represents the clearest demarcation of develop-
was labelled D B A . This was virtually sterile, a few ments. Overlying this set of entities, following the
Halaf sherds were recovered from the top few accumulation of a substantial deposit, B C C / B B C ,
centimetres of the deposit and a few Proto- a further series of structures mark another distinct
Hassuna sherds from the bottom few. Only one set of developments, although less precisely inter-
sherd came from the centre of this deposit in the linked than that characterizing the beginning of the
whole 1 0 m x 2.5m strip excavated in Area A. Middle Phase. Other features/structures were
T h e bulk of this deposit was homogeneous and slotted into the sequence so defined and it is un-
there was no clue given by its macroscopic struc- likely such entities are precisely contemporary with
ture to indicate the manner in which this material these analytically key constructions. It is not clear
was laid. It was a dark orange brown compact day- which model suits the development of the site best;
like deposit with nodular fracture, flecked with either a continuous sequence of activity has been
calcium carbonate inclusions. T h e upper, relatively arbitrarily divided for ease of analysis and descrip-
level, surface of the deposit was laminated, how- tion or each phase represents distinct, wide-ranging
ever, and at its base, and in places in its lower part, patterns of stricdy contemporary developments
discontinuous bands of silt and grit indicated that which cannot be affirmed because of the circum-
water borne material was being laid before, during stances of preservation on the site.
and immediately after the deposition of D B A .
Given the slope of the Hassuna deposits it is Early Phase
possible that D B A was derived from up-slope to Overlying the naturally deposited, virtually sterile
the south. T h e level top of D B A would imply that fill, D B A , were primary Halaf deposits B B T , B B U
by the end of its deposition local contours had and B C O and their arbitrarily separated lower
changed. This process of landscape alteration m a y horizons B D B and B C R . Compared with the
already have c o m m e n c e d during the deposition of deposits that succeeded them, these were relatively
the Hassuna deposits, as the change in the degree thin, average 0.16m. All had relatively high con-
of slope between the basal natural and the surface centrations of soft, loose and ashy occupation-type
of the Proto-Hassuna site m a y indicate. It is likely content mixed with light pink-brown clayey mate-
that local topography was somewhat different from rial, probably redeposited natural, presumably
that today, at the time of the accumulation of this derived from decayed ««/structures. This mixed,
deposit, given that D B A was not transported more occupation-like character also contrasted
further. Given the apparent similarity of the de- with overlying deposits. T h e base of these deposits
posit underlying the Proto-Hassuna and D B A , it B C R / B D B and the surface of D B A were laminated
m a y be that D B A represents no more than the suggesting deposition/redeposition by water.
continuation of more generalised deposition proc- During the accumulation of these deposits only
esses preceding and post-dating the Hassuna two entities represent specific activity in the whole
occupation. Its particular significance is impossible of the excavation area. T h e exiguous character of
to assess without analysis of the precise character of the evidence for activity during the build u p of
the deposit. these deposits must, however, be considered in the
10 Kharabeh Shattani II






Iight of the fact that D B A was only reached in the corner of a rectilinear structure B E G (Fig. 6).
eastern third, and early deposits investigated only These wall stubs suggest this would have been
in the southern half of the remaining two thirds of oriented southeast-northwest/northeast-southwest,
this 1984 excavation area. In the northeast of Area but it could not be thoroughly investigated as it
B in grid square 200 285, sealed by B B T / B B U and was discovered at the very end of the season.
cutting d o w n into natural from the top of the
basal, laminated deposits was an oval pit B D D , Middle Phase
1.8m x 1.5m, depth 1.03m with dark ashy fill. It Overlying the above mentioned deposits a series of
contained in its upper part concentrations of fills, B C C and B B C , contained and sealed a variety
charcoal, a few large flat slabs, concentrations of of structural entities and other features assigned to
disarticulated h u m a n bone (identified by P. Croft), a Middle Phase. These deposits 0.35-0.4m deep
and a spindle whorl B D D 1 (§ 7) (Figs 4 and 6). consisted of an orange to red-brown clayey deposit,
In the southwest of Area B stone tumble m a y be homogeneous in character. Most of this material
the remnants of two courses of foundations of the must derive from local natural and can be envis-
The Stratigraphy and Architecture 11

aged as so doing by various modes of redeposition, Achaemenid period feature, not recognized earlier
including the decay of structures built of tauf. in excavation, cannot be ruled out.
Dense calcium carbonate inclusions characterised Just over l m south of B B R , overlying B B T , was
the deposit, various processes of leaching and a small circular structure B A B , external diameter
bioturbation appear to have contributed to the just over 3.6m and internal diameter 2.9-3m
post-depositional homogenization of the deposit. (Fig. 6). It survived, almost complete around its
As a result of such processes, in some places, the circumference, as a single foundation course of
distinction between these and the clearly different largeflat-lyinglimestone slabs (0.2m x 0.3m -
underlying deposits was difficult to draw precisely 0.4m x 0.4m), with a neady aligned, continuous
and was thus set arbitrarily (particularly between internal face but irregular external face. Part of a
B C C and B C O ) . second course was observed only along a 2 m
In the northwest of Area B a large area of the stretch of foundation in the southern sector of the
surface of B B T was burnt (Fig. 6). This represents wall. T h e internal face of this second course was
one of the few areas of external surface traceable at relatively neady aligned, projecting over the inter-
Kharabeh and allowed us to establish the contem- nal face of the lower course by several centimetres.
poraneity of the adjacent structure B B R / B D C Its external face was irregular, as with the lowest
(Fig. 6) and oven base B D A (Fig. 6), both just to course. O n the north side of the structure possible
the east of this burnt surface. B D A was the oval remnants of a second course were represented only
(1.44m x 1.88m), baked clay base of an oven set by a single stone, also projecting over the edge of
0.06m into underlying B B T against the base of the lower course by a few centimetres. This evi-
wall B B R and was possibly responsible for some of dence suggests that, as with 'tholos' A D E
the burning of the surface of B B T . N o trace of the {Volume 1, 31-32), a taufwall m a y have sprung
base for, or remnants of, a superstructure were inwards from ground level. T h e relatively sharp
recovered for the oven. T h e base of these Kharabeh angle involved would also suggest, as with 'tholos'
ovens m a y be typical of a certain type of oven A D E , that the resulting superstructure, quite
characteristic of the Halaf (§ 10), at least at Ar- possibly a dome, was not a simple portion of a
pachiyah (Mallowan and Rose 1935, 14-15) and sphere, otherwise the roof would have been im-
Shams ed-Din (al-Radi and Seeden 1980, Fig. 46). practically low. It seems plausible that the exterior
B B R was one wall of a narrow, rectangular struc- face of the taufwall continued to ground level
ture, oriented northwest-southeast, m i n i m u m where it provided a regular exterior face and was
3.3m long (external length) and 2.26m wide keyed into the irregular exterior face of the stone
(external), but only 1.6m wide internally (Fig. 6). foundations. T h e original wall would thus have
Construction techniques represented in the walls, been slightly wider than the widest limestone slab,
B B R and B D C , were very varied. T h e foundations that is just over 0.4m. It is not clear if the gaps in
of the corners of the structure consisted of three the foundation, other than that caused by the
courses of stonework. T h e southwest, long wall of Achaemenid period pit B A R , resulted from rob-
the structure, B B R , 0.34m-0.48m wide, was partly bing or might be associated with an entrance. A
of coursed stonework and partly of a red-brown small socketed stone sat upright, off-centre, on the
tauf with dense concentrations of pebbles and stretch of second course stonework in the southern
cobbles; the opposite northeast wall B D C , 0.46m pan of the wall. Its isolated, in situ character
wide, was from a very compact light suggests it was the socket for a door post. In this
green clay with few cobbles or pebbles. T h e corner case the fact that the only stretch of a stone second
sections of this essentially tauf structure were course was recovered here, m a y not be an accident
presumably constructed of stone to reinforce these of preservation, but an original feature providing a
most vulnerable and structurally important areas. stone-based, raised threshold. Gaps elsewhere then
Cutting the burnt surface of B B T , west of would suggest robbing, but this would include the
B D A , was a small, oval (0.9m x 0.78m), ash-filled, possibility of the robbing of the second course. T h e
unexcavated pit B D E with burnt daub elements internal area of the structure was 6.83m 2 .
projecting from itsfill.This m a y have been a T h efillof building B A B , B B M in its northern
hearth with some sort of daub furnishing, associ- part and B C N in its southern, was divided at an
ated like B D A with the burning of surface B B T , arbitrary point from overlying and surrounding
but the possibility that it is an intrusive B B C / B C C , but was distinguished by higher con-
centrations of light pink clay adjacent to its wall
12 Kharabeh Shattani II

B B P . This deposit was too irregular and intermit- baked building material. At Yarim Tepe II slabs of
tent to represent any sort of internal bench-like tauf were noted of plano-convex cross-section and
feature and it seemed likely it was tauf'melt derived the dimensions of the clay slabs used in the con-
from adjacent wall superstructure. struction of buildings there (Merpert and M u n -
Whilst B A B sat immediately on B B T the ab- chaev 1987, 23) are of the same order of
sence of linking surfaces prohibit a conclusive magnitude as the burnt blocks at Kharabeh. South-
demonstration of the contemporaneity of this east of these blocks a broken pot was sitting on its
structure and B B R . However, the absence of base within B C C (Fig. 6).
detectable foundation cuts, and the fact that both South of this vessel in the upper part of B C C a
structures sit directly on the same deposit at the large sub-square limestone block 0.15m x 0 . l 4 m
same absolute level, given their proximity, strongly and 0.09m thick, with a cup mark in its upper
suggested contemporaneity. In this sense the series surface, appeared set on its base (Fig. 6). Immedi-
of entities B D A , B D C / B B R , the burnt surface of ately south of this w e recovered a large limestone
B B T to the west of B B R , and the tholos B A B form cobble with hour-glass perforation, small find B C C
one of the few distinct building phases on the site 3 (§ 7) (Fig. 6). In the northeast of the excavation
(Fig. 6); the other involved the construction of area, within the upper part of B B C , was a concen-
tholos A D E , wall A C D and paving A D R in the tration of fragments of h u m a n bone, B B K , mainly
Late Phase in Area A {Volume 1, 30-32). skull, part of a mandible and part of a limb. There
Possibly also linked with this phase in Area B is was no evidence for any containing cut and their
a disturbed oven base B C V to the southwest of circumstances of recovery suggested their redeposi-
B A B (Fig. 6). Immediately west of B A B a socketed tion within this generalizedfill.Based on teeth and
stone, like the one on the second course of B B P , size of the limb fragment these all appeared to
sat enigmatically - apparendy in situ - on an belong to a child (identified by P. Croft).
isolated limestone slab (Fig. 6). South of the burnt T w o features were detected cutting into B C O ,
surface of B B T , also sitting upright immediately the Early Phase deposits, and m a y therefore be
upon B B T was a complete pot, B B C 08 (Fig. 6). assigned to the Middle Phase; it is possible, how-
Less probably associated with primary activity ever, that since the top of the cuts must have been
within the Middle Phase were a series of other missed in excavation they m a y have cut from
features. B A F (fill B B V and B B Q ) (Fig. 6) was a higher. B A L (Figs 6 and 12) represents the burial
broad, relatively shallow pit complex 3.55m north- of an adult male (§ 10), placed as a contracted
south and m i n i m u m 1.35m east-west, 0.62m deep, inhumation in a sub-oval burial cut, 2.28m north-
with a curvilinear outline-plan. It protruded from south x 1.4m east-west. T h e cut was back-filled
the eastern edge of the excavation area. It had with material ( B C Z ) similar to that which must
gendy sloping upper sides, though this m a y have have been excavated from it, which is w h y detec-
been the product of prehistoric weathering as its tion of the cut was so difficult. T h e burial was
cut was vertical at its base. T h e floor of the feature oriented north-south, its head at the north lying on
was flat, its southern part was slightly raised. T h e its right side facing west (Fig. 12). His thorax was
primaryfillB B V (Fig. 5), 0.35m deep, was a soft, also inclined to the west. T h e left arm was tighdy
ashy, grey-brown deposit and this was overlain by flexed and left hand, if present or preserved, would
an orange-brown deposit B B Q , 0.27m deep, very have rested in front of the mouth. T h e right arm
similar to B B C and presumably derived from was semi-flexed, lying under the lower thorax and
similar sources. the right hand touched the left elbow. T h e left leg
A small, circular pit or post-hole B B Z , 0.35m was tighdy flexed at the left knee which was drawn
diameter and 0.31m deep, post-dated structure up to just under the thorax. T h e right knee was
B B R / B D C (Fig. 6). sharply drawn up to the thorax and this leg more
Contained within the accumulation of loosely flexed than its counterpart. A series of bone,
B B C / B C C at the west edge of the excavation area shell and stone beads (small finds B C Z 2 - B C Z 5)
were large blocks of burnt daub or /a«/(Fig. 6), the encircled the body's pelvis, presumably once part
largest of which 0.4m x 0.4m was several centime- of a girdle or lower part of the burial garment
tres thick and another piece of which 0.04m thick (Fig. 12). T h e largest, most distinctive bead, trape-
and 0.16m x 0.14m had one flat and one convex zoidal and of dark grey stone (Figs 12 and *49:4)
surface. Dense vegetablefillerwas noted in these (§ 7, B C Z 3), sat in front of the pelvis, ahead of
blocks, it seems likely these represent accidentally
The Stratigraphy and Architecture 13

the rest of the concentration, just below the right Whilst obviously incomplete the size of the struc-
femur, probably in the lower thigh region. ture and certain features of its manner of construc-
T h e second feature cutting B C O and possibly tion (the neady finished stub return and the one
cut during Middle Phase occupation, although it slab-wide coursed wall) recall the E-shaped struc-
m a y be later, was B A K , an oval pit (1.2m north- ture A B Q (Fig. 9) in Area A {Volume 1, 33). There
south x l m east-west), preserved depth 0.2m, with is some evidence that the structure was not part of
a loose ashy greyfillB C X . It was located in the a larger entity running, as the return might suggest,
southeast part of the excavation area (Fig. 11). to the south and east. This is the presence of the
neady constructed cairn of stones BBI (Fig. 7) only
Late Phase 0.8m southeast of B B L . BBI consisted of a large,
T h e separation between B B B / B C B and underlying flat slab with three other large and four other
B B C / B C C was arbitrary in m a n y places. They smaller pieces of limestone piled neady over it at an
were only distinguished by meaningful criteria in angle of 45° to form a cairn standing 0.16m high.
the area of structures in the northwest part of Area In the southwest of Area B was a rectangular
B. N o n e of the structural elements sealed by area of stone paving B C I (Fig. 7) (1.1m wide and
B B B / B C B can be considered necessarily contem- at least 1.4m long), oriented southwest-northeast,
porary. This was because no connecting or sealing it ran southwestwards out of the excavation area. It
surfaces were preserved in these levels. T h e prox- was constructed of large limestone slabs (0.18m x
imity of B B E , BBI and B B L , and the manner in 0.2m to 0.27m x 0.44m in size) laid flat, four
which they were founded at the same absolute wide. There was only evidence for a single course,
level, suggested to the excavators their probable although one stone immediately overlay the paving
contemporaneity. Even this intuition was excluded on its western edge. T h e greater width of this entity
for other entities in the southern area of excavation; compared to the wall foundations of definite
in particular it is not clear whether B C L was cut structures and the absence of any evidence for a
d o w n from relatively high deposits, was free return indicate clear similarities to paving A D R It
standing, or leant against some upstanding struc- is not clear whether a concentration of stones,
ture. B C F , located at the northeast end of BCI, and
B B E , (Fig. 7) located in the northwest corner of slighdy higher within the matrix of B C B , might
the excavation area, was the stone foundation for a have been related as some sort of return. Their
taufwall. A few centimetres of the taufwall was position in deposits also overlying B C I and their
observed, preserved in section, sitting on the stone highly irregular and jumbled distribution rendered
foundations. These foundations seemed to belong this unlikely. A D E , the wall of a tholos, rested
to a circular structure of large diameter, although directly on the edge of A D R (Fig. 10) {Volume 1,
the curvature of the wall was slight enough not to 32) in such a manner as to indicate the exposed
exclude the possibility that it could be interpreted state of A D R on the addition of a stone footing to
as a slightly bowed wall belonging to a rectilinear A D E ; if a substantial wall had existed on A D R , it
structure oriented northeast-southwest. T h e foun- seems unlikely that the whole superstructure could
dations (0.38m-0.4m wide) consisted of limestone have been removed without trace, exposing the
slabs laid flat, usually two side by side. Since it was foundations A D R but leaving them undisturbed. It
not clearly differentiated from overlying B B B the seems more likely that A D R was relatively exposed
fill B B F , contained by B B E , was arbitrarily sepa- because of its function. A D R is tangential to A D E
rated from the former. and is unlikely to have formed part of a structure
Just under 3 m southeast of B B E was a stretch integral to it. T h e precise similarities of A D R and
of straight wall B B L (Fig. 7), 1.8m long, 0.28m- B C I and the peculiar absence of returns to such
0.38m wide, oriented northeast-southwest with a substantial entities argue for their function as
return preserved at its northeastern end, 0.3m long paved tracks; such are inferred at Arpachiyah
and 0.38m wide. T h e wall foundation was con- (Mallowan and Rose 1935, 18-19), although there
structed of a single row of limestone slabs, laid flat, they are constructed of cobbles laid in clay. T h e
with evidence in one place that it was originally width of the entities is not in itself decisive, even
coursed. It is not clear if a stone immediately to the though all clear structures at Kharabeh have m u c h
northwest of the centre of the structure was related narrower foundations; at Arpachiyah (Mallowan
(Fig. 7). T h e stub of the return was two stones and Rose 1935, 26 and Fig. 13) there are structures
wide and m a y have had a neady finished butt. with walls as wide as A D R and BCI.
14 Kharabeh Shattani II

B C L (Fig. 7) was a curvilinear setting of three wide pits A A K / A A H and B D D (Fig. 4), the latter
large limestone uprights, 3.4m east and slightly to just possibly associated with burial rites, and by the
the north of BCI. These uprights stood 0.28m- presence of what is possibly a disturbed rectilinear
0.44m high and were each 0.44m-0.7m long. Since structure in the southwest corner of the excavated
they leant towards the northwest, they were un- area. T h e Early Phase generalfillsare distinguished
likely to be free-standing and formed a setting from their Middle and Late Phase counterparts by
(1.6m long) curving round from southwest to their relative thinness, more mixed character and
northeast. Stone slabs lining a cut (ABZ) (Fig. 10) higher ashy-type occupation content. Early Phase
{Volume 1, 32) and stone slabs set up against a tauf deposits were exposed and partially investigated in
wall ( A D E ) (Fig. 10) {Volume 1, 30-31) are both just over half of the 2 5 0 m 2 excavated and natural
k n o w n at Kharabeh in Area A. In this instance ( D B A ) exposed in even less than this. Despite this
neither cut nor structural element was detected and the obvious vulnerability of Early Phase de-
because of the homogenization of these upper posits to disturbance from later occupation, it is
deposits through leaching and bioturbation, which clear that there was a relatively sparse distribution
was also the case with A D E and A B Z . These of entities relating to specific activity and little
uprights, B C L , could have been part of a substan- evidence of the structures from which Early Phase
tial entity of either type; the manner in which the generalfillsmust have pardy derived.
stones curved away from the direction in which
they leant, might suggest they lined a cut, but their Middle Phase (Fig. 9)
slight displacement could have been responsible for Constructed immediately on B B T , tholos B A B
this phenomenon. Clear confirmation of one of (Fig. 9), the thin rectangular structure B B R / B D C ,
these options would be necessary to assess correctly with the oven B D A built against the base of the
their relative stratigraphic position. external face of its southern wall, in association
It is possible that the grave B A T belongs to the with the exterior burnt surface of B B T , form a
Late Phase of the Halaf site (indeed certain features distinct, tighdy defined building phase (Fig. 9).
shared by the individuals buried in B A L and B A T Possibly contemporary with this complex, because
are suggestive, § 10). It was cut by the Achaemenid it was constructed immediately upon the surface of
period pit B A N , but it was not clear whether it cut A B P and over A A K / A A H , was the well-preserved
or was cut by the Achaemenid period pit A B Y . In E-shaped structure A B Q (Fig. 9), founded at the
stratigraphic terms it could just as easily belong to same absolute level as B B R / B D C and oriented at
the Achaemenid period (Fig. 5), or to an interven- right angles to it. It cannot be conclusively dem-
ing period. It is therefore described in detail in onstrated that A B Q belongs to the same phase as
§2.5. this complex in Area B because it was only sealed
by A B G , which m a y be later than A B N . Sealed by
A C G and A D J , the general fills equivalent to A B N
§ 2.4 : Summary of the development of further north, were two oven bases, A C N and
the Halaf site in both Area A and B. A D M , cut d o w n slightly from the same approxi-
Only the Middle Phase deposits from Areas A and mate level upon which A B Q and B B R / B D C were
B can be relatively precisely equated. Thus deposits founded. It m a y be that B C V , another oven base,
A C G , A D J and A B N are to be equated with B B C was constructed at the same time as B A B was in
and B C C on the grounds that A B N continued use (Fig. 9.)
uninterrupted as B B C . A B P underlies A B N and is It is possible that B B R / B D C is linked to a
therefore most likely to be imprecisely equated larger structure, possibly a habitation, outwith the
with B C R / B C O and B B U / B B T / B D B . This is also excavation area. It could be part of a larger storage
probably the case for deposits A C I and A D M , complex as at Yarim Tepe II (Merpert and M u n -
although, as the matrix of the Halaf deposits at the chaev 1987, Fig. 10), a narrow ancillary room
beginning of § 2.3 indicates, this cannot be une- within a larger habitation unit, tholos or other, as
quivocally demonstrated. at Yarim Tepe II again (Merpert and M u n c h a e v
1973a, 110 and Merpert and M u n c h a e v 1987, 25)
Early Phase (Fig. 4) or a particularly narrow dromos for a tholos.
In the area of the site excavated, the only specific Whatever its precise overall configuration it is most
activity in the Early Phase that left any record was likely B B R / B D C itself fulfilled a storage function.
represented by the cutting of two relatively shallow, A B Q , however enclosed on its western edge, as
The Stratigraphy and Architecture 15

another narrow and cellular entity, is most likely to constructional development not an occupational
have fulfilled a storage purpose. There is only one progression.
specific structural parallel for A B Q and that is in There m a y be reasons for regarding A D R as
level VI at Yarim Tepe II (Merpert and Munchaev complete in itself {Volume I, 32) (§ 2.3). It seemed
1973b, PL DC, 2, Structure 201), although there unlikely to be a wall footing because of its width
constructed in tauf. B A B is relatively small com- (on the basis of the width of other walls on the
pared to the two other probable habitations on the site), taken in conjunction with its neat termina-
site and at the lowest end of the size range for what tion, the absence of any evidence for any sort of
are considered domestic/non-storage structures on return and no sign of the preservation of any
other Halaf sites; but at Yarim Tepe structures of superstructure or hint of a second course of stones,
similar size occur in some numbers and are such as is present in the case of other Halaf walls
grouped by the excavators with more obvious on the site. Exceptional width in itself is not
habitations (Merpert and Munchaev 1973a, 110- enough to preclude the possibility that it represents
111). Alternatively B A B could be considered a a wall footing, there are walls of buildings as wide
large storage structure as at Sabi Abyad (Akkermans as this at Arpachiyah (Mallowan and Rose 1935,
1987, 26-27). 26 and Fig. 13). T h e width of what are clearly the
Probably somewhat later in the formation of walls of structures at Kharabeh, are 0.22m-0.44m.
Middle Phase deposits was the cutting and filling T h e one other entity wider than A D R , BCI, shares
of the relatively extensive scoop B B Q / B B V exacdy the same features as A D R In both cases the
(Fig. 9). It is not clear whether any of the Middle weight of the limited evidence (§ 2.3) supports the
Phase structures m a y have been in use. A post-hole interpretation of these elements as 'pavings' or
B B Z (Fig. 9) indicates probable Middle Phase track-like features. These m a y then parallel the
activity post-dating B B R , as perhaps does the pit elements so reported at Arpachiyah, although
A A O . It was probably also in the Middle Phase constructed slighdy differendy (Mallowan and
that the burial B A L / B C Z took place (Fig. 9). Rose 1935, 18-19). T h e kerb around the eastern
A n unusual aspect to the organization of this edge of A D E (Fig. 10), if not a bench whose
area of the settlement in this phase, is the high decayed edges remained unrecognized, m a y indi-
proportion of entities that m a y represent storage cate the structure continued in use during the
and processing activities (ovens), especially in accumulation of c. 0.2m of external deposit. A
relation to what m a y be, in terms of size, a rela- slight 'tail' to this kerb, swinging to the south
tively low order habitation entity (BAB), if one at (Fig. 10), suggests it was not part of an undetected
all (§ 12). Thus the ratio of ovens to possible bench.
habitations is at least 2:1, possibly higher and three Probably also contemporary with the founda-
of those ovens are not immediately juxtaposed with tion of the structure A D E was the oven base A B O
structures. A similar pattern m a y occur at Arpachi- (Fig. 10) and the stone lined pit A B W / A B Z
yah; a relatively dense distribution of oven bases is (Fig. 10).
implied (Mallowan and Rose 1935, Figs 3 and 4). 6 m to 7 m southwest of A D E were the founda-
tions of a second major structure, B B E , probably
Late Phase (Fig. 10) another tholos. This structure was possibly con-
This phase is the most likely to encompass a series temporary with some phase in the life of A D E ,
of developments rather than representing one founded as it was on an extension of the same set
single building phase. T h e closest to a coherent set of deposits. There is, however, no evidence
of clearly contemporary entities is represented in whether they were constructed contemporaneously.
Area A by tholos A D E , the remnant part of a Within Area B it seems likely that B B E , B B L
rectilinear structure A C D and the linear stone (probably another E-shaped storage structure) and
pavement A D R (Fig. 10). All three of these entities BBI (Fig. 10), a small cairn, were contemporary as
sit on the same deposit, although stricdy speaking, they were founded at about the same absolute
the actual laying of A D R must precede the placing height, within a short distance of each other, upon
of A D E , which rested on the very edge of A D R a similar deposit.
This, however, does not mean that the tholos, of T h e rectangular length of paving B C I (Fig. 10),
which A D E was part, came into use after A D R had also belonged to this Late Phase, but was impossi-
fallen out of use; w e m a y be dealing with a purely ble to relate more precisely than in the general
terms oudined already. Its width, lack of returns
16 Kharabeh Shattani II

and similarity to A D R clearly assign it a compara- end of the chamber w h e n B A N was cut and the
ble function, probably a paved 'track'. T h e setting capstone wedged over the opening to the grave.
of uprights B C L , if set against a structure, might be T h e skull lay on its right side facing south
broadly contemporary with BCI, but, if lining a (Fig. 12). A number of long bones lay both to the
cut, would almost certainly be later. north of, and under, the skull; the skull overlay
T h e Late Phase seems to represent a wider series other long bones. It is also possible that the origi-
of developments than the two previous phases. nal interment was disarticulated.
This presents us with a configuration of buildings
closer in layout to the domestic areas of a conven-
tional settlement compared to the Early and Mid- § 2.6: Achaemenid Period
dle Phases (§ 12), with two sizeable structures, Occupation (Fig. 11)
probably habitations, each with possibly associated T o facilitate the presentation and understanding of
storage entities A B Z and B B L . A C D m a y also have the evidence relating to the latest phase of occupa-
been part of a habitation. tion on the site, which must be dated to the
Achaemenid period (§5.5 and § 6), the evidence
from the whole site isfirstsummarised.
§ 2.5: Grave BAT (Figs 11 and 12) T h e ground surface(s) of the site of this period
W e were unable to assign one feature in particular are not preserved and where the evidence was clear
(see § 1) to either the Halaf or Achaemenid period pits could be detected cutting from close to the
specifically (§ 2.3). It could even belong to an present ground surface, e.g. B A A where the cut was
intervening period, not actually represented by an picked up, if not clearly defined, from the base of
occupation of the site, at least one apparent in the plough soil. T h e upper stonefill,B B D , of pit
terms of any surviving material culture. B A M was preserved at the base of the plough soil.
As several successions of Achaemenid period Elsewhere the depth of the plough zone, bioturba-
cuts indicate (§ 2.6 and 2.7), the fact that B A N tion and other factors contributing to the homog-
cuts the built grave B A T , does not preclude the enization of the deposit meant that pit cuts were
grave from being of the Achaemenid period, as not identified until at least the upper 0.4m of
Fig. 5 also demonstrates. B A T was the stone and deposit had been removed and sometimes the base
taufcoffin for the burial of an adult female (§ 10). of B B C / B C C had been reached. T h e point at
A stone wall, at least three courses high, two stones which the pits were detected in no way reflects the
wide with a tauf face (Fig. 5), lined a cut through point from which they were probably cut; the
the lower part of B B C . It ran for l m northwest- depth of all pits as excavated must be considered a
southeast within the excavation area; at its north- basic m i n i m u m . It is possible that a ground surface
western extremity it was bonded into a tauf return of this period lay in the upper 0.3m of the ho-
lining a cut running atrightangles to the northeast mogenized deposit; there were no clear structural
(Fig. 11). T h e cut of B A N seems to have removed remains, however. It is most likely that w e have
the northern edge of the grave, thereby obscuring preserved only the sub-surface aspects of the
the character of the north side of the coffin. A large Achaemenid period site and that almost all related
flat limestone capstone rested in situ over the surface occupation deposit has been eroded.
northwest end of the burial chamber, its long edge There are some suggestions of temporal devel-
resting on the short tauf return and its southern opments. Three pits are cut by others. T w o are in
end set into the stone wall (Fig. 11). A second the eastern part of Areas A and B. At the eastern
capstone had been disturbed by B A N and wedged edge of Area B, B A E is cut by B A D (Figs 5 and
into the northwest side of the cut of B A N to stop 11). At the eastern edge of Areas A and B, B A N
the loose, ashy fill, B B Y , of the burial chamber cuts A B Y (Fig. 5). It is unclear whether A B V cuts
from spilling into the pit B A N . B B Y the loose, A B H / A B Y or vice versa (contra the suggestion in
light grey, ashyfillof the chamber contained the Volume 1, 25) (Figs 5 and 11). A B I (filled with
incomplete, disarticulated skeletal elements of an ABI) is cut by A B T (Fig. 11). Most of the pits had
adult female (§ 10) (Fig. 12). It is not clear to what a repetitive sequence of distinctive and similar fills.
extent the cutting of B A N had involved the distur- These three entities cut by later pits had different
bance of this inhumation. It is possible that the fills. Thus A B H (Fig. 5) the single preservedfillof
A B Y was a mixed, 'greasy', dark grey deposit with a
order of the bones in B B Y result from the sweep-
few fragments of m u d brick. T h e upperfillof B A E
ing, or pushing, of the remains into the northwest
The Stratigraphy and Architecture 17

was a relatively homogeneous, orange brown, silty, group. T h e y do not cut as deep as thefirstgroup,
clay overlying B C Q , its ashier primaryfill.ABI, fill only penetrating the upper part of D B A . There is
of A B I , was a loose, homogeneous, soft, light also a distinct sequence of fills in this group,
brown deposit, unlike any other pitfills.It m a y repeated from pit to pit, but including some varia-
also be significant that all three Achaemenid period tion in the character of the primaryfills.Primary
entities cut by later features were probably shal- fills form a limited proportion of the overall pit fill
lower than the pits that cut them. This m a y con- and include two instances where this primaryfillis
tribute to the suggestion that the later pits are part very similar to thefirstgroup of pits secondary fill,
of a broad phase characterised by a different sort of that is gleyed deposits; occasionally they consist of
activity in this area than that characterising the area brown silts like thefirstgroup's primary fill, but as
w h e n these three pits were cut. frequendy a similar depth of ashy and burnt de-
All other Achaemenid period pits were scattered posit. Secondary deposits, m i n i m u m 7 5 - 8 0 % of
over the excavated area with no intercutting thefill,as preserved, are related to the tertiary fill
(Fig. 11) and can be divided into three groups with in thefirstgroup; that is derived structural debris.
similar sequences offills.This led us to believe that This group includes features B A C , B A D , B A G ,
they represent one broad phase of activity in this B A N , B A P , B A R , A B X , A B T , (Fig. 11) and the
area of the site. T h e distinctiveness of thefillsof cylindrical pit revealed w h e n cutting back the east
ABI, A B Y and B A E , all the earlier of their sets of section of Area A (Fig. 5).
cuts, suggest this phase with its m a n y pits was not T h e third group B A M , B A O and B A Q
the earliest in the Achaemenid on this part of the (Fig. 11) includes other types which, although not
site, although it m a y not necessarily have been precisely related to each other, share some features.
preceded by a long occupation. B A Q did not cut as deep as other Achaemenid pits
T h e pits of thefirstgroup were relatively large but its most distinctive feature was the fact that its
and deep, with unrestricted necks or upper parts to 0.45m of primaryfillconsisted of mixed occupa-
their cuts. T h e y all penetrated into or through tion-like material, with high numbers of tanour
D B A . There are three such pits B A A , A B V and wall fragments and numbers of large round fire-
A C H (Fig. 11). These all evidenced the same crazed wadi cobbles. It seemed likely that this fill
sequence of similar fills; the primary fill consisted derived in p a n from one, or a set of, related activi-
of a relatively thin deposit of brown, silty material ties. N o secondary fill was preserved, but this does
including deposit derived from the weathered sides not m e a n one never existed, nor does it preclude
of the pits. T h e secondaryfillswere a very distinc- the possibility that it was the usual, recurrent
tive, thicker, heavily weathered, homogeneous, structural debris. B A O was a relatively wide-
powdery and gritty, grey-green deposit with m a n y necked, oval feature, with a peculiar scoop in the
tiny white veins suggesting the presence of decayed southwest end of its base. A single fill only was
roodets. T h e staining of the sides of the pits in the preserved in this feature, similar to the tertiary fills
area occupied by these secondaryfillssupport the of thefirstgroup and secondaryfillsof the second
view that chemical processes, initiated by the group. This consisted of the usual heterogeneous
exposure of such fills to weathering, m a y have structural debris; the usual primary fills were
contributed to their peculiar character. T h e surface lacking. B A M was also distinguished because of a
of these secondaryfillswas very compacted. This peculiar feature at its base. Its upper part consisted
combined evidence suggests that these are classic of a deep, relatively vertical, oval cut little different
gleyed deposits resulting from the presence of from cylindrical pits in the second group. H o w -
standing water and organic matter in the base of ever, a stone slab was set at the west edge of the
the pits. Presumably at this stage in their lives the base of this cut sealing the top of a constricted-
pits stood open as rubbish pits. T h e upperfillsof necked, narrow, deep shaft whose base was not
these three features consisted of relatively thick, reached. This shaft undercut the edge of B A M just
heterogeneous deposits with heavy concentrations above the slab. Like B A O a singlefillof conven-
of derived structural debris - m u d brick, mortar, tional structural debris filled the preserved upper
and stone, contained in a matrix displaying distinct part of this cut. T h e shaft wasfilledwith very fine,
tip orfilllines, unlike preceding fills. homogeneous, grey-green silts, distinct from any of
T h e pits of the second group were bell-shaped the otherfillsrecorded in these Achaemenid period
or cylindrical with flat bottoms and narrow diame- pits.
ter necks (average 0.9-1.7m) relative to the first
18 Kharabeh Shattani II

M o s t other features, not listed above, seemed to Fills:

conform closely with the second group of pits; BCK Heterogeneous mixture of ashy silt (forming bulk of
basal pan of fill), m u d brick and stone. Presumably
however, they have not been so grouped because
derived occupation and structural debris. Depth
the upper part of their cuts were too poorly de-
fined, or too limited a proportion of their fill
distinguished, to m a k e judgements about similari- BAE (Fig. 8)
ties or differences between t h e m and other features. Location: 205 280
T h e r e follows a list of the A c h a e m e n i d period Dimensions: Plan min. 0.6m N-S x min. 0.8m E-W.
features excavated in 1 9 8 4 (those of 1 9 8 3 are fully Depth 0.45m.
Shape in Plan: Oval/circular.
reported in Volume 1), giving details of d i m e n -
Shape in Section: Inward sloping sides.
sions, morphology, sequence and type offill.Fills Fills:
are listed from earliest to latest. Dimensions are for BCQ This comprises two different deposits, the lower
the upper parts of the pit shaft where first securely ashy silt 0.26m deep and an upper homogeneous,
traced. All depths m u s t be taken as a bare mini- compact, brown, silty clay, depth 0.14m. Depth
mum for that of the original feature.

BAG (Fig. 8)
BAA (Fig. 8)
Location: 205 280
Location: 205 280
Dimensions: Plan 1.22m N-S.
Dimensions: Plan 1.9m N W - S E x 1.5m N E - S W
Depth 1.15m.
Depth 1.6m
Shape in Plan: Circular/oval.
Shape in Plan: Oval
Shape in Section: Cylindrical.
Shape in Section: Bell-shaped
BCS Heterogeneous, loose, ashy, mixed with more
BCM Heterogeneous, nodular brown day-like deposit,
compact clayey material, this latter derived from
apparently derived from the weathering of pit edges
i.e. of deposit D B A and underlying Proto-Hassuna m u d brickfragmentsand weathering of pit sides i.e.
D B A . Depth 1.15m.
deposits, mixed with silty grey-green material related
to overlying BCJ. The surface of this deposit was
compacted. T h e pit possibly stood open with a BAH (Fig. 8)
slight interruption to weathering and filling proc- Location: 205 280
esses at this stage. Depth 0.41m. Dimensions: Plan ?
BCJ Heterogeneous, gritty, predominantly grey-green Depth 2.86m.
deposit with occasional m u d brick fragments and Shape in Plan: ?
light yellow lenses. Indications of m u c h leaching. Shape in Section: Bell-shaped.
Complete articulated dog skeleton located in upper Fill
part of the deposit (§ 9). Depth 0.22m. BCY Homogeneous, compact, ashy silt. Depth 0.32m.
BCH Heterogeneous, loose structural debris - m u d brick BCT Composed of two deposits, the lower was a hetero-
and mortar with some occupation-like admixture. geneous, loose, nodular, brown clay mixed with
Depth 0.22m. loose, ashy silt, the former from the weathering of
BCG T h e same deposit as B C H but excavated during the D B A on the pit sides, 0.66m deep. The upper part
definition of edge of BAA. Depth 0.15m. was a compact ashy silt 0.26m deep.

BAC (Fig. 8) BAI (Fig. 8)

Location: 200 280 Location: 205 280
Dimensions; Plan 1.2m N-S x 0.84m E-W.
Dimensions: Diam. 1.15m.
Depth 0.48m.
Depth 0.4m.
Shape in Plan: Sub-oval.
Shape in Plan: Circular.
Shape in Section: Sloping sides at base.
Shape in Section: Vertical-sided.
BCU Grey, ashy silt with clayey inclusions and stone,
BCP Heterogeneous, loose, light grey-brown silt with
possibly building material. Depth 0.48m.
fragments of m u d brick. Depth 0.15m.

BAJ (Fig. 8)
BAD (Fig. 8)
Location: 205 285
Location: 205 280 Dimensions: Diam. 1.05m.
Dimensions: Plan 1.15m N-S x min. 0.65m E-W.
Depth 0.31m.
Depth 0.94m. Shape in Plan: Sub-circular.
Shape in Plan: Circular/oval. Shape in Section: Vertical-sided.
Shape in Section: Bell-shaped.
The Stratigraphy and Architecture 19
Fill: Fill:
BBS Grey brown, loamy silt. Depth 0.31m. BBJ Heterogeneous structural debris, m u d brick and
mortar with upper pan notable for concentration of
BAK (Fig. 8) large stone slabs (like BBD). There was an articu-
Location: 205 280 lated human limb at the base of thefillon the floor
Dimensions: Plan 1.2m N-S x l m E-W. of the pit. Depth 1.62m.
Depth 0.2m.
Shape in Plan: Oval. BAQ (Fig. 8)
Shape in Section: ? Location: 195 285
Fill: Dimensions: Plan 1.14m E - W x 1.08m N-S.
BCX Grey, loose, ashy silt with pebbles. Depth 0.2m. Depth 0.45m.
Note: Not necessarily Achaemenid period. Shape in Plan: Sub-circular.
Shape in Section: Cylindrical.
BAM (Fig. 8) Fill:
Location: 195 285 BBN Heterogeneous, soft, loose, ashy deposit with
Dimensions: Plan 1.34m N-S x 1.18m E-W. occasional fragments of m u d brick, quantities of
Depth 2m. tanour wall and fire-cracked cobbles. Depth 0.45m.
Shape in Plan: Oval.
Shape in Section: Cylindrical pit with constricted-necked shaft BAR
cut down from its base. Location: 200 285
Fill: Dimensions: Plan 1.3m N-S x l m E-W.
BBD Fill of upper pan of pit; heterogeneous, ashy Depth 0.2m.
occupation-like material mixed with structural de- Shape in Plan: Oval.
bris, that is m u d brick and mortar, the upper pan of Shape in Section: ?
this structural debris consisting of a dense concen- Fill:
tration of stone rubble. The lower pan of this upper BBO Compact ashy lenses mixed with brown loam.
pit fill had higher concentrations of the occupation- Depth 0.2m.
like material with tanour wall. Depth 1.04m. The
fill of the lower shaft was a homogeneous grey-green BAX (Fig. 8)
silt with artefacts. Probably a product of silting Location: 200 285
rather than dump. Depth 0.94m. Dimensions: Plan 1.1m N E - S W x 0 . 9 m N W - S E .
Depth 0.2m.
BAN (Fig. 8) Shape in Plan: Sub-oval.
Location: 205 285 Shape in Section: Slighdy belled.
Dimensions: Plan 1.34m N-S. Fill:
Depth: 1.3m. BBX Heterogeneous, loose, ashy deposit and structural
Shape in Plan: Oval/circular. debris including many complete m u d bricks. Depth
Shape in Section: Bell-shaped. 0.2m.
BBG T w o sets of deposits, the lower consisted of various BAY (Fig. 8)
light grey, ashy silt bands, 0.68m deep. The upper Location: 195 285
was heterogeneous m u d brick debris, 0.5m deep. Dimensions: Plan 0.86m N W - S E x 0.78m N E - S W .
BAO (Fig. 8) Shape in Plan: Sub-circular.
Location: 200 285 Shape in Section: ?
Dimensions: Plan 1.8m N E - S W x 1.4m N W - S E . Fill:
Depth 0.71m. BDE Homogeneous ashy matrix containing burnt bricks
Shape in Plan: Sub-oval. and clay objects, possibly 'hearth furniture'.
Shape in Section: Inwardly/irregularly sloping sides. Notes: Probably Achaemenid period.
BBH Heterogeneous structural debris - m u d brick and
monar. Depth 0.71m.

BAP (Fig. 8)
Location: 205 285
Dimensions: Plan 1.7m E - W x 1.4m N-S.
Depth 1.62m.
Shape in Plan: Oval.
Shape in Section: Cylindrical.
20 Kharabeh Shattani II

Achaemenid period pits in Volume 1. process marked a close to their lives and thus, that
For convenience of reference in relation to the use at one stage, this part of the site was probably
of the section on the Achaemenid period pottery a pocked with such partly open or functioning
list of the pits excavated in the 1983 season features.
{Volume 1, 23-27), with their associatedfills,is T h efills,as their character indicates, are not
here appended. likely to suggest the initial function of these fea-
tures. Morphological factors are more suggestive.
AAM: AAL, and AAF. Clearly a pit with a shaft such as B A M must have
served a very particular function. T h e upper part of
ABT: ABS, and ABF its cut cannot, however, be distinguished from the
ABX: ABR, and ABJ largest, second group of more conventional cuts,
ABY: A B H distinguished above on the grounds of their cylin-
ABV:ABU,ABK,andABE drical or bell-shaped profiles (§ 2.6) (Fig. 12). Such
ADP:ADD morphological similarities m a y m e a n little. H o w -
ever, with their relatively constricted openings it
might be possible to interpret some at least as
storage pits. Interpretations of the significance of
Corrections to published details of Achaemenid period
thefillswould not contradict this. Little evidence
pits in Volume 1.
for weathering or periods of exposure of primary
1) A B Y is inaccurately used to label Halaf pit
fills were noted. Primary deposits are relatively
A B Z Volume 1, Plan 2, but is correctly as-
shallow and appear to represent silting with an
cribed on Plan 1 (where, however, A B Z is
occupation-like admixture. This could accord with
incorrecdy assigned - see following note)
periods of silting and limited d u m p i n g during,
and Plan 4.
between, and following periods of use/reuse; this
2) A B Z was not an Achaemenid period pit as
could then quite logically have been followed by
suggested in Volume 1, Section 5.6 (P. 25)
relatively rapid accumulation of structural debris,
but the stone lined cut just south of tholos
presumably deliberate d u m p i n g or collapse from
A D E . T h e feature described in Volume 1,
Section 5.6 was not assigned a context adjacent structural entities w h e n the features were
code separate from that of its only fill, no longer required for their original funcrion(s). If
A B I . A B I is therefore incorrectly labelled most of this group fulfilled a contemporary storage
as A B Z in Plan 1, Volume 1. role, storage capacity in this limited area would
have been relatively large.
T h e other major group of pits (thefirstdistin-
guished in § 2.6) had unrestricted necks (and
§ 2.7: Achaemenid Period Summary
considerably greater volumes) than this preceding
There is evidence for s o m e stratigraphic develop-
group. They, therefore, seem less likely to be
m e n t in the history of the Achaemenid period site.
associated with a similar storage role. Their life
This consists of the cutting of three pits by later
cycles also seem slightly different. T h e y evidence
features, of the same broad period of occupation.
considerable weathering, presumably as they stood
T h efillsof these three earlier features seem to lack
open. This is also witnessed by primaryfillscon-
the structural debris characteristic of the upper fills
taining collapse from their sides. Further a sub-
of all other pits (well enough preserved to be
stantial part of theirfillis composed of the peculiar
indicative). This, taken with the fact that only
grey-green, friable gleyed deposit c o m m o n to this
these three have been impinged u p o n by later
group, although it occurred also in A B X and A B T
activity, m a y suggest that they represent an earlier
as a primaryfill.Its character and the associated
phase than several of the other pits, although not
coating of the pit edges, suggest a substantial
necessarily all. T h e similarity in the sequence of
rubbish accumulation subject to m u c h leaching
fills, indeed of individual fills themselves (§ 2.6) and weathering as they stood open. T h e very
and the fact that these other pits did not intercut, compact surface of these particular deposits further
suggests they were broadly contemporary, if not suggest that the pits m a y have stood open for a
necessarily cut simultaneously. In fact the specific significant interval at this stage in their life cycle.
similarity in preserved final fills, always closely This view m a y be supported by the manner in
related structural debris (§ 2.6), suggested a similar which a hearth, A C P , was cut fro.n near the surface
The Stratigraphy and Architecture 21

of such a deposit in pit A C H {Volume 1, Plan 4). 'Arab (Fig. lc) (Roaf 1984, 144) had constricted
This hearth apparently saw several short term necks of similar diameters to those at Kharabeh,
reuses. T h e d u m p i n g (not burial) of an articulated but with a more pronounced bell-shaped profile
dog at the top of such a deposit BCJ, in B A A , also their basal diameters were considerably larger
suggests that this feature stood open for rubbish (Curtis et al. 1989, 10). Curtis et al. (1989, 10)
deposition at this stage. T h efinalfillsof this group also mentions a group of Hellenistic 'grain silos'
of features match thefinalfillsof the other pits, from the site of Grai Darki in the Sadam D a m area
except A B H / A B Y , A B I and B A E , in consisting of (Fig. lb). T h e Late Assyrian site of Qasrij cliff
structural debris. Their differing early histories, (1.5km approximately to the north of Kharabeh
along with their morphology, m a y indicate differ- Shattani) (Fig. lc) consists of a large pit, consid-
ent initial functions from the other main group, erably larger than the Kharabeh Shattani examples,
although the precise character of their role cannot for which a storage function is also inferred (Curtis
be inferred from these data alone. et al. 1989, 10). Potential storage entities were
If, as the consistent recurrence of similar final clearly a c o m m o n and important component of
fills and lack of intercutting amongst these exam- several first millennium B C sites in this area of
ples m a y indicate, by the end of this phase in the north Iraq.
life of the Achaemenid period site in this area, these That settlement was located close to the fea-
features stood open together, then there would tures, at some points in the life cycle of the site, is
have been little r o o m for conventional-sized do- suggested by the wide variety of finds recovered
mestic (or larger) structures in m u c h of the area. from the differentfills.These included spindle
This area of the settlement m a y have had a special- whorls, grinding equipment, and metal artefacts,
ised aspect. If our inferences about the function of specifically ornamental pieces, 'domestic' — possi-
the largest group of pits is correct this would bly agricultural - tools, weapons, and possibly
mainly have been one of storage. O f course, a horse trappings (§ 7, 8 and 12). There are two
shifting pattern of opening and closure of the alternative sources for the derived m u d brick
features, with the repeated final filling of structural characteristic of the upper fills of the pits; they m a y
debris representing a convenient m o d e of levelling, have derived from superstructures covering the
might allow the presence of structures in this area pits. This is a plausible alternative if w e envisage
contemporary with some of the features. W e do, at the function of these pits as related to storage. T h e
least, k n o w that such a concentration, or the broadly contemporary pits at Tell ed-Mazar had
recurrence, of such features was not typical of every such superstructures (Yassine 1988, 78-79). T h e
part of sites of the broad post-Assyrian period in concentrations of large limestone slabs in the upper
the neighbourhood, from the evidence of Khirbet fills of some pits, B B D , BBJ and B C K , in appro-
Qasrij (Curtis et al. 1989), just under 1.5km to the priate reverse stratigraphic position, seem likely to
north of Kharabeh Shattani (Fig. lc). W e also represent foundations too substantial to belong
k n o w that at some sites of a broadly contemporary merely to superstructures for the pits. O n the
period, albeit in different geographical settings, whole it seems more likely this structural debris
such as Tell ed-Mazar (Yassine 1988, 78-79) there derives from more conventional structures. W e still
were dense concentrations of what were clearly cannot necessarily assume that the site was a con-
storage pits in certain areas of the site; some were ventional village settlement, although 'statistically'
brick-lined silos, others without brick linings were one supposes this is the most likely role for any
of exacdy the same size and shape. relatively small site of any particular period.
A n u m b e r of putative storage pits belonging to
the Hellenistic period at nearby Tell M o h a m m e d
Kharabeh Shattani II
The Stratigraphy and Architecture 23

Hassuna Soundings

2 3

Fig. 3 Plans ofProto-Hassuna period levels

24 I 1 Kharabeh Shattani II
795 300 200 300 ,205 300

Halaf Site, Early Phase
1 i
Area A
j 1

795 295 200 295 205 295


i Sounding

/ \
/ ! \
/ 1
j N

795 290 200 290 | 205 290 ,

\ BDD ]

Area B



\200 280

Fig. 4 PlanofAreasAandB, the Halaf site in its Early Phase, with the
location ofsoundings into the Proto-Hassuna depostts
Section G-H-K-L
210 300 210 295 210 290 270 285 210 280


North ABY South

!CCAf 7 T — - —

ppi ;'' ',''''''" ','.'.' J"-'^*ri i, ^* C C K


Section K-L-M-N
iG • 210 280


Fig. 5 Major North-South section CAC - CAD

The Stratigraphy and Architecture

26 Kharabeh Shattani II



Q <%>(
The Stratigraphy and Architecture 27

f,^ CO

„ E
28 ~| Kharabeh Shattani II
795 300
1205 300


Halaf Site, Middle Phase.

Fig. 9 PlanofAreasAandB, the Halaf site in its MiddU Phase

The Stratigraphy and Architecture |~ i 29
95 300 2QQ 3QQ „--— ~ -|? 0 5 30

Halaf Site, Late Phase /
i 0
ADE m o 0

1 i ^ ^ ^ ^ °
Q5w* ^
95 295 1
'"NT-SSL,*** "" V ^ Z'^ZfJ'V 205 295 ^Qp
200 12 9 § i O p ADR
-. ^^^


795 290 ) 200 290| 205 290 / \ ,'



gs> 0

BBI ^ - ^
795 285 200 285 205 285

<£/ BCL

795 280
J§yq£> BCI 200 280 205 280


%. 70 Plan of Areas A and B, the Halafsite^jn its Late Phase

ADO Kharabeh Shattani II
795 300 200 3o6

Achaemlenld Period







785 280

Fig. 11 Plan ofthe First Millennium BCfeatures

The Stratigraphy and Architecture 31


0.50 1m

unexcavated L BAR


7 % . 7 2 Pit profiles and detailedplans ofthe burials


The Proto-Hassuna Pottery

Ellen McAdam

A Note on Procedures (Fig. 18.2) produced five different readings. T h e

T h e pottery from the Proto-Hassuna levels exca- detailed descriptions are included in the catalogue
vated during the field season at Kharabeh Shattani of illustrated sherds. Degrees of hardness were de-
in 1984 was processed and recorded in the field in fined as follows; 'soft' meant that the sherd could
less than ideal conditions. All the sherds from each be scratched with afingernailand a corner broken
context were washed and counted, and all diagnos- off with thefingers;with 'medium' sherds a corner
tic sherds (rims, bases, husking tray fragments, could be broken off without difficulty using a pair
decorated sherds and so on) were kept and their of pliers; and 'hard' sherds could be broken only by
shape, fabric type, thickness, decoration and di- exerting considerable force with a pair of pliers.
ameter recorded. A selection of diagnostic sherds All the pottery from the Proto-Hassuna depos-
was drawn. Very few complete vessels or profiles its at Kharabeh Shattani was hand-made without
were found. the use of a wheel. T h e irregularity of hand-made
2314 sherds were excavated from Proto- vessels makes it difficult to establish the angle of
Hassuna contexts, of which 284 were diagnostic rim sherds correctly and the broad classifications of
sherds, and there were 4 3 Proto-Hassuna sherds vessel form illustrated here can only approximate to
from later contexts. W h e r e percentages are cited the original range of shapes. O n some sherds traces
they are based on the numbers of sherds from the of the coils from which the vessel had been built up
Proto-Hassuna contexts only, but four of the fig- were visible, but usually the surfaces had been
ures have been drawn from the material found in smoothed over. T h e quality offiringwas consistent
the later levels where this offered a more complete within each fabric group, and there were remarka-
(or sometimes the only) example of a particular bly few under- or over-fired sherds. About 1 1 % of
type. all the diagnostic sherds were lighdy burnished and
There was not enough time during the short 1 4 % bore some form of decoration, both character-
1984 season for a comprehensive and detailed istics which tended to be associated with the finer
analysis of fabric proportions or for the recon- wares.
struction of vessels, and the proposed season in T h e range offorms,in so far as they are known,
1985 was unfortunately prevented from taking is presentedfirst,illustrated by 55figures,followed
place. T h e data and conclusions presented in this by a detailed description of the fabrics, a catalogue
report are therefore based o n the records of diag- of the illustrated sherds and a discussion of the
nostic sherds m a d e in thefieldin 1984. T h e report material in the light of what is k n o w n of Proto-
was written in 1986-87 and revised for publication Hassuna pottery from other sites.
in 1991.
Five different fabrics were distinguished in the
field o n the basis of macroscopic examination with
a hand lens. A sample of 38 of the illustrated sherds
was described in detail using a Munsell colour
chart in shaded natural daylight; one sherd
The Proto-Hassuna Pottery 33

§3.1: VESSEL FORMS to be shallow and saucer-like, the m e d i u m diame-

ters steeper sided.
Just over 7 1 % of Bowl shape 1 sherds were in
Bowls Fabric 1, medium vegetable-tempered ware, and
2 4 % in Fabric 2, fine vegetable-tempered ware.
Bowl shape 1: simple conical bowls with straight T h e remaining handful of sherds was in Fabric 3,
sides and simple rounded, pinched or slightly flar- fine buff-orange ware. Decoration occurred on
ing rims. only 5 % of sherds, all but one from small bowls,
Figs 13.1-13.5 Small diameters: 70-160mm. and was restricted to bands of paint at the rim,
Figs 13.6-4.1 Medium diameters: 170-260mm. usually a narrow band on the interior and a slightly
Fig. 14.2 Large diameters: >= 2 8 0 m m . broader band on the exterior; the paint colours did
R i m sherds from simple conical bowls comprise not appear on the Munsell chart and varied from
4 3 % of all diagnostic sherds (see Table 3.1). S o m e brown and red through raspberry red to plum red.
jar necks with carefully-smoothed interiors m a y O n e sherd from context B C O had an exterior red
have been included among the smaller diameters in wash and burnish.
this category by accident. Diameters range from
7 0 m m to > 4 0 0 m m , but fall into the three groups
indicated above, with the smaller diameters tending

Table 3.1: proportion of fabrics by vessel shape

Shape Fabric 1 Fabric 2 Fabric 3 Fabric 4 Fabric 5

Bowl 1 87 29
Bowl 2 10 1
Bowl 3 2 1
Bowl 4
Bowl 5
Bowl 6
Bowl 7
Bowl 8
Jar 2
Jar 3 6
Jar 4 10
Jar 5 2
Jar 6 6
Basel 22
Base 2 3
Base 3 2
Base 4 1
Decl 1
Dec 2 1
Dec 3 2
Dec 4
Dec 5
Dec 6
Dec 7 2
Husking trays 21
Miscellaneous* 3
TOTAL 198 54 15 13 4
% of diagnostics 70% 19% 5% 5% 1%
* Includes one warped sherd and two rectangular trays.
34 Kharabeh Shattani II

Table 3.2: shapes by context (only contexts which produced diagnostic sherds have been included)

Bowl 1 21 25 6 2 5 11 5 17 2 11 1 13
Bowl 2 1 1 - 1 - 2 3 1 1 - * 1
Bowl 3 _ _ . 1 - 2 - - - - - 2
Bowl 4 - - - - - - - 2 - - - •

Bowl 5 2 - - - - - - - - '
Bowl 6 2 3 1 - 1 - - 5 1 - - •

Bowl 7 - - - - - - - 1 "
Bowl 8 _ . - - - 1 - - ' •

Jarl 2 1 . 1 1 1 - 1 - - 1 2
Jar 2 1 . . - 2 - 1 1 - - 1 •

Jar 3 _ 1 - - - - 1 1 - 2 1 1
Jar 4 3 4 - - - - 3 - - 5 "
. 2 - - - - - - 1 1
Jar 5 •

Jar 6 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 1 - -
Basel 5 3 1 1 1 9 2 - 1 1 2 3
Base 2 2 1 - - - - - - - *
Base 3 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - "
Base 4 - - - - - - 1 - - - - "
Dec. body
sherd 3 3 - - - 2 1 5 - 1 2 •

tray 4 4 1 1 1 6 2 1 - 1 - 1
Misc. _ . - - 1 1 - - - - 1 •

Total 48 49 10 7 13 36 20 36 5 24 13 23

Bowl shape 2: upright-sided bowls with rounded or Bowl shape 4: bowls with sinuous rims.
internally-sloping rims. Fig. 15.3 Diameters: 130-200mm.
Fig. 14.3 Small diameters: 110-150mm. T w o examples of this shape were found, both in
Figs 14.4-14.5 Large diameters: 230-280mm. Fabric 4, yellowfinevegetable-tempered ware. The
There are only 11 examples of this shape, or about bowl shown in Fig. 15.3 is decorated with bands of
4 % of diagnostics; all but one are in Fabric 1, me- fugitive brown paint at the rim, a broader band on
dium vegetable-tempered ware, and the exception the exterior and a narrower band on the interior.
(the smallest), is in Fabric 2, fine vegetable-
tempered ware. N o n e is decorated. Bowl shape 5: bowls with curving sides.
Figs 15.4-15.5 Diameter: 1 6 0 m m .
Bowl shape 3: small cups. This shape also occurred only twice in the Proto-
Figs 15.1-15.2 Diameters: 40-120mm. Hassuna levels; the sherd shown in Fig. 15.4 is in
There arefiveexamples of small, generally round- Fabric 1, medium vegetable-tempered ware, with a
bottomed cups from Proto-Hassuna levels plus the broad band of raspberry red paint at the exterior of
very small example from an unknown context illus- the rim and a narrower band on the interior. T h e
trated in Fig. 15.1. S o m e had a more open shape weathered and heavily salt-encrusted bowl from
than those illustrated. Three were in Fabric 1, me- context B B C shown in Fig. 15.5 was also in Fabric
dium vegetable-tempered ware, one in Fabric 2, 1, medium vegetable-tempered ware; it is flat-based
fine vegetable-tempered ware and two in the finer and may originally have formed the lower part of a
Fabric 4, yellowfinevegetable-tempered ware. O n e double ogee jar.
of the Fabric 4 cups was decorated on the exterior
with traces of fugitive brown paint and burnishing.
The Proto-Hassuna Pottery 35

Bowl shape 6: fine bowls with straight, slightly Jar shape 2: wide-mouthed jars.
outward-sloping sides. Figs 16.3-16.5 Diameters: 120-250mm.
Figs 15.6-15.8 Diameters: 100-260mm. T h e general shape is open, almost bowl-like, but
T h e majority of the 13 examples fell within the with a slight carination towards the rim and a less
range 1 0 0 - 1 6 0 m m in diameter. Only one was in carefully finished interior. All six examples were in
Fabric 1, m e d i u m vegetable-tempered ware, six in Fabric 1, medium vegetable-tempered ware; two
Fabric 2, fine vegetable-tempered ware, five in were decorated, one with an overall brown wash
Fabric 3, fine buff-orange ware, and one in Fab- and burnish on the exterior and one (Fig. 16.3)
ric 4, yellow fine vegetable-tempered ware. T h e with random diagonal incisions. With the hole-
three decorated examples are illustrated; all three mouthed vessels described above under Jar shape 1,
are in Fabric 3, fine buff-orange ware, and come these represent the only identifiable instances of
from the same context, C C B , as did the sherd decoration on jars. S o m e of these jars (and also
shown in Fig. 15.9. those of Jar shapes 3, 4 and 6) m a y have been cari-
nated, with shallow, curved bases, the curves of the
Bowl shape 7: bowl with flat rim and slighdy in- lower part of the jar producing the characteristic
curving sides.
'double ogee' shape (see also Fig. 20.3).
Fig. 15.9 Diameter: 1 9 0 m m .
Despite its slighdy different shape, this bowl
Jar shape 3: jars with short, slighdy out-turned or
should probably be grouped together with the upright necks.
three fine bowls illustrated in Figs 15.6-15. 8. All Fig. 16.6 Diameters: 80- 1 2 0 m m .
four are in Fabric 3,finebuff-orange ware, and are Six examples of this jar neck shape were in
from context C C B . These are the only bowls found Fabric 1, medium vegetable-tempered ware, and
at Kharabeh Shattani with decoration other than one in Fabric 2, fine vegetable-tempered ware.
overall wash or horizontal bands of paint at the N o n e was decorated.
Jar shape 4: jars with long, straight necks and
Bowl shape 8: bowl with angular sides.
pointed or rounded rims.
Fig. 15.10 Diameter: 1 3 0 m m . Figs 17.1-17.4 Diameters: 50-150mm.
Fig. 15.10 shows the only example of this shape This was the most frequent jar neck shape. O f 15
found, one of the very few sherds in Fabric 5, fine examples, ten were in Fabric 1, m e d i u m vegetable-
grit-tempered ware. T h e bowl has an exterior wash tempered ware, three in Fabric 2, fine vegetable-
of light brown paint which extends into the inte- tempered ware, one in Fabric 3, fine buff-orange
rior as a narrow band around the rim; interior and ware, and one in Fabric 4, yellow fine vegetable-
exterior are lighdy burnished. tempered ware. N o n e was decorated.

Jar shape 5: jars with flaring necks.

Jars Figs 17.5-17.6 Diameters 90-100mm.
Four instances of this jar shape were recorded, two
Jar shape 1: hole-mouthed vessels. in Fabric 1, m e d i u m vegetable-tempered ware, and
Figs 16.1-16.2 Diameters: 70-l60mm. two in Fabric 2, fine vegetable-tempered ware.
T e n hole-mouthed vessels were found in Proto- N o n e was decorated.
Hassuna contexts, nine in Fabric 1, m e d i u m vege-
table-tempered ware, and one in Fabric 5,finegrit- Jar shape 6: neckless jars with collar rim.
tempered ware. T h e grit-tempered sherd is shown Figs 17.7-17.8 Diameters: 8 0 - 3 7 0 m m .
in Fig. 16.2; it is decorated with bands of plum red Six of the eight examples fell within the diameter
paint at the rim and a vertical band running from range 80 to 1 7 0 m m and of thesefivewere in Fab-
the rim d o w n the body of the jar. A n example from ric 1, m e d i u m vegetable-tempered ware, and one in
context B C M was decorated with a spot of dark Fabric 4, yellow fine vegetable-tempered ware. T h e
red paint on the exterior. exceptionally large vessel was also in Fabric 1, m e -
dium vegetable-tempered ware. N o n e was deco-
36 Kharabeh Shattani II

Bases § 3.2: DECORATION

Base shape 1: flat bases. Decoration type 1: bands of paint at bowl rims.
Figs 15.5 and 18.1-18.4 Diameters: 30-240mm. Figs 13.1-13.3, 15.3-15.4.
This was the commonest base shape to be recog- This is the single commonest form of decoration,
nised, with 29 examples from Proto-Hassuna con- occurring infifteeninstances, apparendy always on
texts in addition to the miniature cup in Fig. 15.1 small or medium-sized bowls, although in two in-
and theflat-basedbowl in Fig. 15.5. 22 were in stances the sherd was too small for the shape to be
Fabric 1, medium vegetable-tempered ware, and six distinguished. In most cases there is a broader band
in Fabric 2,finevegetable-tempered ware. T h e ex- on the exterior of the rim and a narrower band on
ample shown in Fig. 18.2 was one of only four the interior, but sometimes only the exterior band
sherds found in Fabric 5,finegrit-tempered ware. is present. T h e paint occurs in shades which are
This base was also exceptional in carrying decora- not represented on the Munsell colour chart; it
tion in the form of circular impressions made with m a y be brown, red, dark red, plum red or a lighter
a sharp-pointed implement; there were traces of shade best described as raspberry red, and is often
burnishing. T h e sherd shown in Fig. 6.4 is proba- very fugitive. Surfaces are usually smooth, occa-
bly from a bowl, as there are signs of smoothing on sionally burnished or slipped, sometimes only on
the interior. the exterior surface.

Base shape 2: ring bases. Decoration type 2: bands of paint around the rim
Fig. 18.5 Diameters: 100-120mm. with a vertical stripe at right angles running down
Only three examples were found, all in Fabric 1, the body.
m e d i u m vegetable-tempered ware. Fig. 16.2.
T w o examples were found, one on a hole-mouthed
Base shape 3: raised flat bases. vessel (Fig. 16.2) in Fabric 5, grit-tempered ware,
Fig. 18.6 Diameters: 90-130mm. with plum red paint on a very smooth surface and
Both examples were in Fabric 1, medium vegeta- lightly burnished exterior, the other a body sherd
ble-tempered ware. from near the rim in Fabric 1, medium vegetable-
tempered ware, with dark red paint on a smooth
Base shape 4: rounded bases. and lighdy burnished exterior.
Fig. 15.2 Diameters: c.40-c.60mm.
Only two rounded bases were identified, one of Decoration type 3: horizontal bands of paint on the
them the small, round-bottomed cup in Fig. 15.2. vessel body.
Both were in Fabric 1, m e d i u m vegetable-tempered Fig. 19.1.
ware. It is probable that m a n y rounded bases went Three body sherds with horizontal bands of paint
unrecognised. were found. T h e sherd illustrated in Fig. 19.1 is in
Fabric 5, grit-tempered ware, with brown paint on
a smooth surface and the other two were in Fabric
1, medium vegetable-tempered ware, one with
raspberry red paint on a cream slip and light exte-
rior burnishing, the other with dark red paint.

Table 3.3: Decoration type 1 by bowl shape and fabric

Fabric 2 Fabric 3 Fabric 4 Fabric 5

Bowl shape Fabric 1
Shape u n k n o w n
The Proto-Hassuna Pottery 37

Decoration type 4: painted triangles filled with and 19.6. T h e surfaces are usually smooth, occa-
parallel lines. sionally slipped and in one case burnished.
Figs 15.7-15.9.
All three examples of this type of decoration were Decoration type 8: impressed decoration.
from context C C B and were in the fine Fabric 3, Fig. 18.2.
fine orange-buff ware. All three were cream Thisflatbase in Fabric 5 with circular impressions
slipped. In Fig. 15.7, the triangle depends from a m a d e with a sharp-pointed implement is the only
band at the rim; the paint is fugitive brown. In instance of impressed decoration.
Fig. 15.8 only a small part of the design survives,
but there is enough to m a k e it likely that it belongs
to this group; the paint is red-brown and the exte- Trays and dishes
rior is lighdy burnished. Fig. 15.9 has a flat rim
with bands across it and a pendant triangle in fugi- Husking trays
tive red paint, with traces of burnishing. Figs 20.1 and 20.4.
22 fragments of so-called 'husking trays' were
Decoration type 5: other painted designs. found, 21 in Fabric 1, m e d i u m vegetable-tempered
Figs 15.6 and 19.2-19.3. ware and one in Fabric 2, fine vegetable-tempered
O f the four sherds in this group, only Fig. 15.6 has ware. T h e bottoms of the trays were deeply marked
a recognisable pattern. Like the three bowls with with finger impressions or parallel grooves
infilled triangles, it comes from context C C B , is (Fig. 20.4) and in some cases the sides had also
m a d e in Fabric 3, fine buff-orange ware and is been diagonally scored with a pointed implement
lighdy burnished; the design, which is in fugitive (Fig. 20.1). It seems unlikely that these were used
black paint, probably consisted of a row of lozenges for removing husks, as it would have been difficult
around the rim. T h e other three members of this to extricate seeds or grains from the deep indenta-
group are all body sherds. Fig. 19.2 is in Fabric 2, tions in these large, heavy trays, but it is possible
fine vegetable-tempered ware with red-brown paint that some sort of rubbing or grating action was
and Fig. 19.3 is in Fabric 3, fine buff-orange ware performed in them.
with raspberry-red paint. Both these sherds are
from context C C B , and it should be noted that of Straight-sided rectangular trays
the seven painted sherds in decoration types 5 and T w o fragments of rectangular straight-sided trays
6, six are from this context. T h e remaining exam- were found in Fabric 1, m e d i u m vegetable-
ple was in Fabric 3, fine buff-orange ware and car- tempered ware and one warped and over-fired
ried six parallel lines in black paint. sherd which m a y have c o m e from such a tray or
from an oval dish. (Not illustrated).
Decoration type 6: overall wash and burnish.
Fig. 15.10.
There were only two instances of overall wash and Miscellaneous
burnish. Fig. 15.10 shows a bowl of type 8 in Fab-
ric 5 with light brown wash and burnish. T h e Applied horse-shoe handles
other example was a rim sherd of Jar type 2 in Fig. 20.2.
Fabric 1, m e d i u m vegetable-tempered ware, also This applied horse-shoe handle in Fabric 2, fine
with light brown wash and burnish. vegetable-tempered ware, comes from a later con-
text which produced a number of Proto-Hassuna
Decoration type 7: incised decoration. sherds, and is the only occurrence of the use of
Figs 16.3 and 19.5-19.8. applied pieces of clay for decorative or functional
Fig. 16.3 shows a jar of type 2 in Fabric 1, m e d i u m purposes in the Proto-Hassuna repertoire at
vegetable-tempered ware; the remaining eight ex- Kharabeh Shattani.
amples of incised decoration were body sherds, two
in Fabric 1, m e d i u m vegetable-tempered ware, two Attached legs
in Fabric 2, fine vegetable-tempered ware and four O n e fragment of a leg like those attached in fours
in Fabric 4, yellow fine vegetable-tempered ware. to vessels at U m m Dabaghiyah and one sherd with
There seems to have been little attempt to create an attachment scar from such a leg were found.
patterns, except perhaps in the cases of Figs 19.5 Both were in Fabric 1, m e d i u m vegetable-tempered
38 Kharabeh Shattani II

ware, and c a m e from later contexts. (Not illus- tous simple conical bowl of B o w l shape 1, followed
trated). by husking trays,flatbases, jars of Jar shapes 1 to 6
and bowls of B o w l shape 2. O n l y 8 % of diagnostic
Jar carination sherds in Fabric 1 were decorated and 9 . 5 % were
Fig. 8.4. lighdy burnished, a lower proportion than in finer
N u m e r o u s sherds from the shoulder carination of wares. T h e most popular type of decoration was a
the characteristic biconical Proto-Hassuna jar were simple band of paint at the rim. Fabric 1 and to a
found, usually in Fabric 1, m e d i u m vegetable- lesser extent Fabric 2 m a y be seen as the ordinary
tempered ware. T h e lower parts often had a flat household wares of the settlement, used for a range
double curve, hence the description of these jars as of bowls, jars and trays in everyday domestic use. It
having a 'double-ogee curve', a term borrowed seems probable that this pottery w a s locally pro-
from architecture by Lloyd and Safar, w h o were the duced.
first to describe this form (1945, 277).
Fabric 2: fine vegetable-tempered simple ware.
T h e fabrics of Fabric 2 were similar in colour to
§ 3.3: FABRIC SERIES those of Fabric 1, with a dark grey or black core
and a light orange or buff surface. T h e temper was
Fabric 1: medium vegetable-tempered simple ware. fine or very fine material, perhaps animal dung,
Sherds in Fabric 1 usually had a dark grey or black and the surfaces were m o r e evenly finished than in
core and a light orange or buff surface (see cata- Fabric 1. A light, cream-coloured slip w a s more
logue of illustrated sherds for Munsell readings). frequendy applied than in Fabric 1. Firing was
T h e temper consisted of medium-sized vegetable even, and most sherds were of soft or m e d i u m
material which was not as coarse as chaff or straw, hardness with a regular fracture.
but the surfaces of m a n y sherds were very unevenly Sherds of Fabric 2 were thinner than those of
finished, giving an impression of coarseness. Firing Fabric 1, the overwhelming majority of bowl and
was even, and most sherds were m e d i u m hard with jar sherds falling between 6 and 1 0 m m . Bases were
an irregular fracture. T h e majority of bowl and jar in the same range. About 1 8 % of all diagnostic
sherds fell into the range 7 - 1 5 m m in thickness; sherds were m a d e in Fabric 2. Again, it was most
bases tended to be rather thicker, usually 16- frequendy used for simple bowls of B o w l shape 1,
2 0 m m , and most husking tray sherds were in the followed by B o w l shape 6,flatbases and jars of Jar
range 1 8 - 3 5 m m . shapes 3 to 5. There was a single husking tray sherd
7 0 % of all diagnostic sherds were m a d e in Fab- in afinevegetable-tempered fabric.
ric 1. It was most frequendy used for the ubiqui-

Table3.4: fabrics by context

Fabric 1 30 31 11 32 15 20 16 11 17
medium vegetable tempered

Fabric2 11 11 3 4 6
fine vegetable tempered

Fabric 3 3 4 - 1 5
fine orange buff

Fabric 4 2 3 . 4

Fabric 5 2 -
grit tempered


Total 48 49 10 7 13 36 20 36 5 24 13 23
The Proto-Hassuna Pottery 39

Fabric 3:finebuff-orange ware. 16.2 has a band of paint at the rim and a stripe at
Fabric 3 was a fine vegetable-tempered fabric, right angles running vertically d o w n the exterior of
sometimes containing white flecks. It closely re- the vessel; only one other example of this type of
sembled the Halaf fabrics from the site in colour. decoration was found. T h eflatbase in Fig. 18.2 is
T h e core might be buff to yellow with a pink to the only example of impressed decoration recov-
orange surface, or vice versa, and sherds were al- ered, and Fig. 19.1 is one of three examples of a
most invariably carefully smoothed and cream horizontal band of paint on a vessel body. T h e
slipped. Most sherds were m e d i u m hard to hard sherds shown in Figs 15.10, 16.2 and 18.2 were
with a regular fracture, but one or two were soft burnished.
and crumbly in texture. All Fabric 3 diagnostic
sherds fell within the range 6 - 1 0 m m in thickness.
Sherds of Fabric 3 accounted for only 5 % of § 3.4: DISCUSSION
diagnostic sherds, with bowls of Bowl shape 1
again the most frequent shape, followed closely by Proto-Hassuna pottery: comparisons with other sites
Bowl shapes 6 and 7. N o jar sherds were found. Proto-Hassuna pottery has n o w been identified
Fabric 3 was used for more complex painted de- from at least six excavated sites in northern Iraq in
signs than were found on bowls in Fabrics 1 and 2: addition to Kharabeh Shattani: Level la at Hassuna
the bowls shown in Figs 15.6-15.9 and the deco- itself, U m m Dabaghiyah, Layers X V and X V I at
rated sherd in Fig. 19.3 are all in Fabric 3 and all Telul eth-Thalathat Tell 2, Strata 1 and 2 at Yarim
c o m e from context C C B . 6 0 % of Fabric 3 sherds Tepe I, Tell Sotto and Kul Tepe.
were burnished and 4 7 % decorated, and the im- At Tell Hassuna, the sherd count shows eight
pression is that this is a fabric that was used for burnished bowl sherds and 'much' Coarse W a r e in
fine, often decorated bowls, perhaps with a special- Level la and 'some' Coarse W a r e alongside 53
ised function, rather than for ordinary household burnished bowl sherds, 12 Archaic Painted sherds
utensils. and 385 Standard Incised sherds in Level lb (Lloyd
and Safer 1945, 261-278 and Figs 5-7). T h e
Fabric 4: very fine yellow ware. Coarse W a r e of the three campsites of Level la was
Fabric 4 was pale yellow in colour, sometimes with straw-tempered, with buff surfaces and a blackened
a greyish brown core and fine or veryfinevegetable core; exteriors were wet-smoothed and occasionally
temper, occasionally over-fired. T h e surface finish lighdy burnished. There were a number of simple
was smooth, sometimes slipped, and sherds were conical bowl rims and numerous large storage jars.
hard with a regularfracture.Most sherds were be- T h e storage jars were sharply carinated, the upper
tween 6 and 1 0 m m in thickness, but one was as part either curving inwards to form a hole-
m u c h as 1 7 m m thick. About 4 . 5 % of all diagnostic mouthed vessel or rising to form a tall-sided jar,
sherds were in Fabric 4. T h e most frequent shapes while the lower part is a shallow,flat-basedbowl
were bowls of shapes 3 and 4 and there were four whose sides m a y have a flat, double-ogee curve.
body sherds with incised decoration, nearly half of Applied 'nipple lugs', horseshoe or horizontal ledge
the incised sherds found. 2 3 % of Fabric 3 sherds handles and one T-shaped ridge were found, and
were burnished and 4 6 % were decorated. one of the eight burnished bowls had a painted
band at the rim. Husking trays do not appear until
Fabric 5: grit-tempered ware. Level II. From Level lb upwards straw-tempered
Only four grit-tempered diagnostic sherds were vessels occur with increasing rarity and Archaic
found and each is described in detail in the cata- Painted W a r e (distinguished from the matt Stan-
logue of illustrated sherds. All were light orange in dard Painted W a r e by its uniform red paint and
colour, in two cases with a darker core and in one glossy surface) and Standard Incised W a r e are al-
case with a cream slip. In two sherds the temper ready present. Archaic Painted W a r e continues into
was fine and in one very fine, and they were m e - Level III, which sees the first appearance of the
dium hard to hard with a regularfracture.All were classic Hassuna Painted and Incised Ware.
7 m m thick. Since the numbers of Coarse W a r e sherds are
Each of the grit-tempered sherds was distinc- not given, it is not possible to compare the sample
tive. Fig. 15.10 shows the only example of a bowl size from Level la at Hassuna with those from
of shape 8 to be found, with an overall light brown other excavated Proto-Hassuna sites or to decide
wash and burnish. T h e hole-mouthed vessel in Fig. whether the absence of certain features such as
40 Kharabeh Shattani II

decoration and husking trays is an accident of that frequent vessel form, followed by neckless, cari-
sample size or reflects a distinctive, perhaps tempo- nated jars of the type found in Level la at Hassuna
rary, form of settlement. T h e differences and simi- and at U m m Dabaghiyah, dishes and small bowls.
larities between Levels la and lb, and the Only one fragment of husking tray, two painted
continuity between Level lb and succeeding levels sherds and one incised sherd were found. 65 ex-
at Hassuna, are evidence of the gradual evolution amples of the applique* technique were found, in-
of the Proto-Hassuna pottery tradition into the cluding a remarkable h u m a n face, but over half of
Archaic and Standard repertoires. these were simple nipple lugs; there were also
At U m m Dabaghiyah, the pottery from the pierced lugs, ledge handles and what appears to be
lower Levels III and IV was better made and more a fragment of a leg like those from U m m Dabaghi-
varied than that from the later Levels I and II yah (Fukai, Horiuchi and Matsutani 1970, 88;
(Kirkbride 1972, 8-10 and Pis. X-XVI; 1973a, Pis. 1981a, Pis. 35,1 and 36,2; 1981, 35 and Pis. 14-16
II-III and X-XI; 1975, 9). M e d i u m coarse wares and 35-37).
with chaff and straw temper predominate, usually According to Bashilov et al. (1980, 50-61 and
lighdy fired with a grey or black core and fairly Table III), Strata 1 and 2 of Yarim Tepe 1 pro-
smooth exterior. White or cream slip was found on duced 3341 sherds of Proto-Hassuna pottery and
finer wares. A fine, pinkish brown burnished ware there was no sign of a break between these levels
found mainly in the lower levels and said to be and those of the Archaic Hassuna period immedi-
comparable with Halaf pottery in texture sounds ately above them. Four fabric groups were distin-
very similar to Fabric 3, fine buff-orange ware, at guished. Group 1, massive straw-tempered sherds
Kharabeh Shattani. It was used for a similar range with dark brown, buff, dark grey or green surfaces
of bowl shapes and seems to have been a luxury and black core, probably corresponds to Fabric 1,
ware. medium vegetable-tempered ware, at Kharabeh
T h e range of vessel shapes at U m m Dabaghiyah Shattani, although it seems to have been coarser,
is larger than that at Kharabeh Shattani and in- with vessel walls 10-20mm and sometimes 3 0 m m
cludes bowls of our shapes 1, 2 and 4-8, jars of thick, very little decoration (usually applied) and
shapes 1, 2 and 6 and carinated jars like those from only rarely signs of wet-smoothing or burnishing.
Level la at Hassuna, ring bases, husking trays (in Group 2, coarse pottery of better quality, seems to
the later levels only) and oval dishes. Narrow- equate with our Fabric 2, fine vegetable-tempered
necked jars like our jar shapes 3-5 are not illus- ware; it is made withfine-grainedclay with small
trated. Incised decoration was rare and again con- particles of organic temper and the surface is beige,
fined to Levels I and II, but there was a great deal pink or nearly red with a darker, sometimes com-
of applied decoration, including h u m a n and ani- pletely oxidised core. T h e walls are no more than
malfigures,and nipple and pierced lugs, horseshoe 5 m m thick and vessels are usually wet-smoothed or
and mamelon handles and legs from four-legged burnished, sometimes slipped, with red painted
jars were also found. decoration on just over 1 3 % . Group 3, well fired
Painted motifs were more varied and elaborate fine pottery of compact, fine-grained clay with
at U m m Dabaghiyah than at Kharabeh Shattani, some very small particles of organic temper, is light
but throughout all levels at least half of the painted brown, reddish or grey-brown in colour and
sherds had a band on the inside or the outside of 5 - 8 m m thick, with surfaces usually wet-smoothed
the rim, sometimes both, and bands at the rim, or burnished and traces of red paint on nearly 1 6 %
infilled triangles like Figs 15.7-15.9 and the band of sherds, perhaps similar to Fabric 3,fineorange-
of paint at the rim of a hole-mouthed vessel with a buff ware. Group 4 consisted of only eight sherds,
stripe at right-angles like Fig. 16.2 provide points seven of which were well-made and hard-fired with
of resemblance. T h e larger and more varied reper- some mineral temper. They were thin and hard,
toire of shapes and motifs at U m m Dabaghiyah with a dark grey, highly burnished exterior surface,
m a y be ascribed to a m u c h larger sample size. and it was thought by the excavators that they
Layers X V and X V I of Tell 2 at Telul eth- might have been imported.
Thalathat produced over 10,000 sherds, almost all T h e flat-bottomed 'goblets' of Yarim Tepe 1
of a straw-tempered ware with a reddish brown to are not paralleled at Kharabeh Shattani, where their
dark brown surface and black core; a few sherds place m a y have been filled by round-bottomed
were tempered with fine vegetable material, well cups of Bowl shape 3. 'Bowls', rounded or cari-
fired and burnished. Large bowls were the most nated, with diameters of 120-180mm, correspond
The Proto-Hassuna Pottery 41

to Bowl shapes 2 and 8, and perhaps also 6 and 7, to level 7. Ornament on vessels of Type I is con-
and 'Plates', with diameters up to 3 5 0 m m , are fined to simple applied decoration. Type II is a
equivalent to the conical bowls of Bowl shape 1 more rounded jar form of which variety 1 occurs in
(Bashilov et al. 1980, Fig. 5, 1-3). A jar similar to levels 12-10, 2 and 3 in levels 10 to 8 and 4 in all
our Jar shape 5 (Fig. 17.4) appears under 'rare six early levels. Type III consists of cups and bowls,
shapes', but in other respects the range of jar shapes the latter with straight rims in the lower levels,
at Yarim Tepe 1 seems to have been similar to that concave in the upper. Geometrical painted decora-
at Kharabeh Shattani (Bashilov et al. 1980, Figs 5, tion gradually becomes more complex from level
4 and Fig. 6). Oval dishes and husking trays were 12 to level 7. Type IV is represented by tall coarse
found, and a m o n g the latter finger-impressions and fine pots with 18 different painted designs,
were c o m m o n e r than grooving. Painted and ap- again becoming more complex with time. There
plied decoration were present, but there were no are seven examples of applied decoration, all from
incised sherds. Painted decoration was found only level 12 and 11, and two examples of incised deco-
on bowls, usually consisting of bands of red paint ration in levels 9 and 8; incised decoration becomes
at the rim and occasionally of an overall wash, but c o m m o n in level 7. Type V is the husking tray,
as at Kharabeh Shattani complex patterns were with what is described as a 'cellular pattern'
rare. In addition to multiple chevrons and pendant (perhapsfingerimpressions) in levels 12 to 10 and
triangles like those from other Proto-Hassuna sites ribbing in all subsequent levels.
there were some unusual curvilinear (Bashilov et al T h e Proto-Hassuna pottery from Kul Tepe and
1980, Figs 7 and 8). Applied decoration, usually Tell Sotto has been reported in less detail than that
on the shoulder, was quite c o m m o n and included from Yarim Tepe 1, but clearly belongs to the same
the usual range of nipple and oval lugs, horseshoe tradition (Merpert et at Y)ll, 74-81, 100 and Pis.
and T-shaped handles, 'eyebrows' and fragments of X X X , X X X I I and XXXIII; 1978, 48-49). At Tell
h u m a n and animal figures. Sotto, 3 k m west of Yarim Tepe, coarse, straw-
At Yarim Tepe 1, jars accounted for nearly 4 9 % tempered pottery with grey, m u d d y yellow or red
of the diagnostic sherds, whereas at Kharabeh surfaces and black core predominated, but an
Shattani they formed only 1 9 % ( 2 1 % if base evenly-fired pink ware with fine vegetable temper
sherds are excluded from the count of diagnostic was also found. Large storage vessels with applied
sherds, as seems to have been the case at Yarim handles of various types, sherds with applied hu-
Tepe 1). At Kharabeh Shattani, bowls of Type 1 m a n and animalfigures,oval dishes and husking
alone accounted for 4 3 % of all diagnostics ( 4 8 % trays were found in the coarseware, while the fine
excluding bases), but at Yarim Tepe the equivalent ware was used for small bowls and beakers, often
group represented only 1.7%. Dishes and husking carinated. Painted decoration was not found on the
trays formed a higher proportion of the sherds at large, coarse storage jars or dishes and took the
Yarim Tepe, 2 6 % as opposed to 9 % ( 1 0 % without form of horizontal bands of red paint at the rim,
bases). Since jars were primarily used for storage overall wash and geometric designs including
purposes and were often sunk into house floors, cross-hatching, chevrons and triangles. Incised
these differences in the frequencies of bowls and decoration was absent. Levels 1 and 2 produced an
jars between the two sites m a y reflect thefeetthat extensive collection of coarse biconical jars with
the small soundings at Kharabeh Shattani encoun- applied h u m a n and animalfigures;levels 3-6 saw
tered open areas or courtyards and included only a jar shapes evolve from the biconical into the
small area of the interior of a building. globular and level 7 yielded some coarse spherical
Another article on Yarim Tepe I, although es- jars with upright neck of a type characteristic of the
sentially a summary, stresses that its successive lev- archaic Hassuna complex (Bader 1989, 353 and
els reflect the entire period of Hassuna Figs 53-67).
development and supplements and expands on Kul Tepe, 3 k m southwest of Tell Sotto, be-
some of the points mentioned above (Merpert and longed to the same culture as Tell Sotto but was
Munchaev 1987). Here the two earliest levels, occupied slighdy later; levels 1 to 4 at Kul Tepe
Strata 1 and 2, are referred to as 12 and 11 and compare with levels 3-6 at Tell Sotto (Bader 1989,
level 12 is compared with Hassuna la. Vessel forms 354 and Figs 78-83).
are classified into five types. Type 1, large coarse Although Kharabeh Shattani is the only site so
carinated storage jars of 'double ogee' type, occurs far excavated on the east bank of the Tigris to pro-
mainly in levels 12-10, with isolated examples up duce Proto-Hassuna pottery, there is evidence of
42 Kharabeh Shattani II

Hassuna period settlement in the region. At Tell At Yarim Tepe I, Tell Sotto, Kul Tepe and
Jigan, not far from Kharabeh Shattani within the Hassuna itself Proto-Hassuna material is succeeded
area n o w covered by the Saddam D a m , the Japa- by Hassuna deposits (although it has been argued
nese Archaeological Expedition reported Hassuna that at Hassuna there is a gap between la and lb, at
material, including painted and incised decoration least in the area excavated; Bashilov et al. 1980, 59-
(Ii and Kawamata 1985, Figs 6 and 7). T h e 61). A number of shapes and decorative motifs
painted decoration, all of which was on bowls, is continue from the Proto-Hassuna into the Archaic
reminiscent of our Figs 15.7-15.9. Only a few ex- and Standard Hassuna assemblages, including
amples of applied handles and one narrow jar neck husking trays, carinated bowls, globular jars and
are illustrated. Husking tray sherds were found. various designs based upon filled or multiple tri-
Pottery in the Hassuna tradition was also present angles depending from a band at the rim. At the
in the lower levels of Tell A b u Dhahir, one of the same time, the links between these sites and the
sites excavated by the British Archaeological Ex- perhaps rather earlier material from Telul eth
pedition in the course of the Saddam D a m rescue Thalathat and U m m Dabaghiyah are clear. There
project (W. Ball, pers. comm.). does, however, seem to have been a certain amount
of variation even a m o n g the sites which are rela-
tively close to one another on the Jazira. For ex-
§ 3.5: CONCLUSIONS ample, painted decoration was very rare at Telul
eth Thalathat Tell 2, although applied decoration
This survey of the published evidence for Proto- was plentiful and in architecture and other aspects
Hassuna pottery permits some of the distinguish- of material culture the site is clearly related to
ing features of the assemblage to be identified and a Sotto, Yarim Tepe 1 and U m m Dabaghiyah; at
few tentative conclusions about relative dating to Yarim Tepe 1 some of the curvilinear designs are
be reached. Future discoveries and full publication without k n o w n parallels; and U m m Dabaghiyah
of excavated sites will no doubt refine and modify boasts a more varied repertoire of painted decora-
these conclusions. tion than other sites, possibly because a larger
Although there is a certain amount of variation sample was excavated. T h e picture seems to be one
between contemporary sites, the defining character- of a tradition in continuous evolution, and in the
istics of the Proto-Hassuna pottery assemblage m a y present imperfect state of our knowledge it would
be listed as follows: be foolish to be dogmatic about the precise m o -
ment of transition from Proto-Hassuna to Hassuna
1. A preponderance of medium to coarse vegeta- proper.
ble-tempered fabric with an orange or light At Kharabeh Shattani, Fabrics 1 and 2, m e d i u m
brown surface and dark core. and fine vegetable tempered wares, represent 8 8 %
2. Applied decoration, mainly on jars, including of all diagnostic sherds, with Fabric 1 alone ac-
h u m a n and animal figures and a variety of lugs counting for 7 0 % . Vessel shapes are dominated by
and handles. This feature decreases with time. straight-sided conical bowls (Figs 13.1-14.2), a
3. A range of hand-made and therefore somewhat range of jar necks which from the evidence of the
variable vessel forms a m o n g which m a y be rec- body sherds were probably mainly from biconical
ognised husking trays (possibly becoming more double ogee jars' (Figs 16.3-17.8) and husking
frequent with time), a range of simple, mainly trays (Figs 20.1 and 20.4). T h e single most fre-
conical or carinated bowl shapes and biconical, quent type of decoration consisted of bands of red
'double ogee' storage jars. paint at bowl rims (Figs 13.1-13.3, 15.3-15.4),
4. Painted decoration, mainly bands of red paint with some more complex painted designs (e.g. Figs
at the rim, overall wash and simple geometric 15.6-15.9) and nine incised sherds (Figs 16.3 and
motifs which become m o r e complex with time. 19.5-19.8).
It seems likely that the assemblage from Khara-
Incised decoration, grit-tempered fabrics and beh Shattani, although belonging to the Proto-
large globular storage jars appear to be late features Hassuna sequence, represents a late stage in its de-
and to m a r k the transition to the fully developed
Hassuna tradition, with its increasingly complex Although just as it is possible to miss rounded bases a m o n g sherd
decorative schemes and hard-fired fabrics. material, the rounded body sherds of globular jars m a y have been
present but unrecognised.
The Proto-Hassuna Pottery 43

velopment. T h e Proto-Hassuna attributes 1, 3 and exotic forms which m a y have been imported from
4 are present, but applied decoration is attested by larger, more complex and technologically more
only three sherds, all from non-Hassuna contexts, advanced centres of population to the west in
and small numbers of sherds with late features such which the pottery repertoire k n o w n to us as Has-
as grit temper and incision are also present. M a n y suna was already being produced.
late or 'exotic' types - the fine painted bowls of At several sites the Proto-Hassuna settlement
Figs 15.6 - 15.9, painted sherds, incised sherds and was founded on virgin soil and it has been sug-
the finer fabrics 3, 4 and 5 - are concentrated in gested that these settlements were founded by fam-
the later (and more prolific: see Tables 3.2 and 2.4) ily units moving eastwards across the Jazira
contexts C B A , C B B and C C B , and particularly in (Bashilov et al. 1980, 61). Recent excavations at
context C C B . aceramic sites in northern Iraq such as Magzalia
It has already been pointed out that Kharabeh (Merpert et al. 1981: Bader et al. 1981), Nemrik
Shattani is thefirstProto-Hassuna site to be exca- (Kozlowski 1989: Kozlowski and Kempisty 1990)
vated on the east bank of the Tigris, some distance and Qermez Dere (Watkins et al. 1989: Watkins
from the other k n o w n sites of the period in the 1990), all of which produced evidence of substan-
northern Jazira. It is therefore suggested that the tial architecture, have demonstrated the existence
assemblage from Kharabeh belongs to a late phase of a still earlier phase in the history of settled life in
of the Proto-Hassuna culture and represents the northern Mesopotamia and m a y eventually help to
locally produced household utensils of a small, clarify the origins of the Proto-Hassuna culture.
perhaps rather remote, settlement plus a number of

It should, however, be remembered that the sample recovered

(2314 sherds of which 284 were diagnostic) was relatively small.
44 Kharabeh Shattani II

Catalogue of Hassuna Pottery Illustrations Fig. 14

1 Context C B H Bowl shape 1.
Note. All drawings at 1:2. Diam: 240 m m Th: 15 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
temper. Soft; irregular fracture. Uneven surface.
Surface: 7.5YR7/6, reddish yellow.
Fig.13 Core: 2.5Y 7/4, pale yellow, to 2.5Y4/0, dark grey.
1 Context C C B Bowl shape 1.
Diam: 100 m m Th: 8 m m Fabric 2: fine vegetable 2 Context CBB Bowl shape 1.
temper. Soft; regular fracture. Weathered, uneven surface. Diam: c 400 m m Th: IS m m Fabric 1: medium
Surface: 5YR6/6, reddish yellow. vegetable temper. M e d i u m hard; irregular fracture.
Core: 10YR5/3, brown, to 10YR4/1, dark grey. Smooth surface.
Paint: plum red. Surface: 10YR6/3, pale brown.
Core: 10YR3/1, very dark grey.
2 Context CBA Bowl shape 1.
Diam: 120 m m Th: 8 m m Fabric 2: fine vegetable 3 Context CCB Bowl shape 2.
temper. Soft; regular fracture. Smooth surface. Burnished. Diam: 150 m m Th: 9 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
Surface: 10YR6/4, light yellowish brown. temper. M e d i u m hard; irregular fracture. Uneven surface.
Core: 10YR4/1, dark grey. Surface: 5YR7/6, reddish yellow.
Paint: dark red. Core: 5YR5/1, grey.

3 Context CBA Bowl shape 1. 4 Context CBA Bowl shape 2.

Diam: 130 m m Th: 9 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable Diam: 230 m m Th: 13 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
temper. Soft; irregular fracture. Smooth exterior, uneven temper. M e d i u m hard; irregular fracture. Smooth surface.
interior. Surface: 7.5YR7/6, reddish yellow.
Surface: 7.5YR7/6, reddish yellow. Core: 7.5YR3/0, very dark grey.
Core: 7.5YR4/0, dark grey.
Paint: raspberry red.
5 Context CBH Bowl shape 2.
Diam: 270 m m Th: 11 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
4 Context CBA Bowl shape 1.
temper. Hard; irregular fracture. Smooth surfaces (signs of
Diam: 130 m m Th: 12 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
smoothing visible).
temper. M e d i u m hard; irregular fracture. Fairly smooth
Surface: 7.5YR7/4, pink (slip).
exterior, uneven interior. Traces of burnishing.
Core: 7.5YR6/8, reddish yellow, to 7.5YR4/0, dark grey.
Surface: 5YR6/6, reddish yellow, to 5YR8/4, pink.
Core: 7.5YR3/1, very dark grey.

5 Context CBH Bowl shape 1.

Fig. 15
1 Context unknown Bowl shape 3.
Diam: 160 m m Th: 16 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
temper. Hard; irregular fracture. Very uneven surface. Diam: 40 m m Th: 13 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
Surface: 7.5YR7/4, pink.
Core: 7.5YR2/0, black. Colour black core, orange/buff exterior.

6 Context CBH. Bowl shape 1. 2 Context CBH Bowl shape 3.

Diam: 70 m m Th: 9 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
Diam: 170 m m Th: 6 m m Fabric 2: veryfinevegetable
temper Smallfindno.: 57.
temper with whiteflecks.M e d i u m hard; regular fracture.
Smooth surface. Colour black core, orange/buff exterior.
Surface: 7.5YR7/6, reddish yellow.
3 Context CCB Bowl shape 4.
Core: 7.5YR2/0, black.
Diam: 130 m m Th: 7 m m Fabric 4: veryfinevegetable
temper. Hard; regular fracture. Smooth surface.
7 Context CBB Bowl shape 1.
Colour: 5Y8/3, pale yellow.
Diam: 190 m m Th: 8 m m Fabric 2: fine vegetable
Paint: traces of brown.
temper. Hard; regular fracture. Smooth surface. Traces of
4 Context CBA Bowl shape 5.
Surface: 5YR6/6, reddish yellow.
Diam: 160 m m Th: 10 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
Core 5YR3/1, very dark grey.
temper. Soft, friable, irregular fracture. Uneven surface.
Colour: black core, orange/buff exterior.
8 Context CBH Bowl shape 1.
Paint: raspberry red.
Diam: 230 m m Th: 12 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
temper. M e d i u m hard; irregular fracture. Uneven surface. 5 Context BBC Bowl shape 5.
Surface: 7.5YR7/6, reddish yellow, to 10YR7/4, very pale
Diam: c 260 m m Th: 14 m m Fabric 1: medium
brown Core: 7.5YR2/0, black. vegetable temper Small find 58 Uneven surface, heavily
salt-encrusted. Irregular rim.
Colour: black core, orange/buff exterior.
The Proto-Hassuna Pottery 45
6 Context C C B Bowl shape 6. 4 Context C C B Jar shape 2.
Diam: unknown Th: 6 m m Fabric 3: veryfinevegetable Diam: 200 m m Th: 10 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
temper Surface smooth; lighdy burnished. temper. M e d i u m hard; irregular fracture. Uneven surface.
Colour, not recorded. Traces of smoothing on exterior, traces of coils on interior.
Paint: black. Surface: 5YR7/8, reddish yellow.
Core: 5YR5/1, grey.
7 Context CCB Bowl shape 6.
Diam: 140 m m Th: 7 m m Fabric 3: very fine vegetable 5 Context CBG Jar shape 2.
temper with white flecks. Medium hard; regular fracture. Diam: 250 m m Th: 13 m m Fabric 1: medium-coarse
Very smooth surface. vegetable temper. Soft; irregular fracture. Smooth exterior.
Surface: 10YR8/3, very pale brown (slip); 10YR7/6, Surface: 2.5Y8/4, yellow.
yellow. Core: 2.5Y5/2, greyish brown.
Core: 5YR5/8, yellowish red.
Paint: fugitive brown. 6 Context CBB Jar shape 2.
Diam: 110 m m Th: 9 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
8 Context CCB Bowl shape 6. temper. Medium hard; irregular fracture. Traces of
Diam: 160 m m Th: 7 m m Fabric 3: very fine vegetable smoothing on the exterior.
temper with white flecks. Hard; regular fracture. Smooth Surface: 7.5YR7/6, reddish yellow.
surface, lighdy burnished on exterior. Core: 7.5YR3/0, very dark grey.
Surface: 10YR7/3, very pale brown (slip).
Core: 10YR6/4, light yellowish brown, to 5YR6/8, reddish
yellow Paint: red-brown. Fig. 17
1 Context CBI Jar shape 4.
9 Context CCB Bowl shape 7. Diam: 100 m m Th: 9 m m Fabric 2: fine vegetable
Diam: 190 m m Th: 9 m m Fabric 3: very fine vegetable temper. Medium hard; irregular fracture. Smooth surface.
temper with white flecks. M e d i u m hard; regular fracture. Traces of burnishing.
Very smooth surface. Traces of burnishing. Surface: 10YR8/3, very pale brown (slip).
Surface: 10YR8/3, very pale brown (slip). Core: 7.5YR7/4, pink.
Core: 5YR7/8, reddish yellow.
Paint: fugitive red. 2 Context CBA Jar shape 4.
Diam: 100 m m Th: 7 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
10 Context CBH Bowl shape 8. temper. Medium hard; irregular fracture. Uneven surface.
Diam: 130 m m Th: 7 m m Fabric 5: fine grit temper with Surface: 5YR6/6, reddish yellow.
white flecks. Hard; regular fracture. Smooth surface. Core: 10YR7/6, yellow, to 10YR5/1, grey.
Interior and exterior lighdy burnished.
Surface: 10YR8/3, very pale brown (slip). 3 Context CBA Jar shape 4.
Core: 7.5YR7/6, reddish yellow. Diam: 130 m m Th: 10 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
Paint: light brown. temper Even surface with traces of smoothing.
Colour: black core, orange/buff exterior.

Fig. 16 4 Context CBI Jar shape 4.

1 Context B C M Jar shape 1. Diam: 140 m m Th: 12 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
Diam: 70 m m Th: 8 m m Fabric 4. temper Smooth surface with traces of burnishing on
Colour not recorded. exterior.
Paint: dark red. Colour: black core, orange/buff exterior.

2 Context CBA Jar shape 1. 5 Context CBB Jar shape 5.

Diam: 160 m m Th: 7 m m Fabric 5: very fine grit temper Diam: 100 m m Th: 10 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
with whiteflecks.M e d i u m hard; regular fracture. Very temper. M e d i u m hard; irregular fracture. Uneven surface.
smooth surface. Exterior lighdy burnished. Surface: 5YR6/6, reddish yellow.
Surface: 5YR7/6, reddish yellow. Core: 7.5YR7/6, reddish yellow, to 7.5YR4/0, dark grey.
Core: 5YR6/6, reddish yellow.
Paint: plum red. 6 Context CBB Jar shape 5.
Diam: 100 m m Th: 10 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
3 Context CBG Jar shape 2. temper Uneven surface.
Diam: 200 m m Th: 14 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable Colour black core, orange/buff exterior.
temper. Hard; irregular.
fracture. Uneven surface. Incised decoration. 7 Context CCB Jar shape 6.
Surface: 10YR7/6, yellow. Diam: 130 m m Th: 12 m m Fabric 4: fine vegetable
Core: 10YR5/1, grey. temper. Soft; regular fracture. Smooth surface.
Surface: 2.5Y8/4, pale yellow.
Core: 2.5Y6/6, olive yellow.
46 Kharabeh Shattani II

8 Context C B H Jar shape 6. 3 Context C C B Painted sherd: decoration type 5.

Diam: 170 m m Th: 8 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable Th: 8 m m Fabric 3: veryfinevegetable temper with white
temper Uneven surface. flecks. Hard; regular fracture. Smooth surface.
Colour: black core, orange/buff exterior. Surface:7.5YR7/4, pink (slip); 5YR6/6, reddish yellow.
Core: 2.5Y7/6, yellow.
Paint: raspberry red.
Fig. 18
1 Context C B A Base shape 1. 4 Context CBB Incised sherd: decoration type 7.
Diam: 70 m m Th: 8 m m Fabric 2:finevegetable temper. Th: 17 m m Fabric 4: veryfinevegetable temper. M e d i u m
M e d i u m hard; regular fracture. Smooth exterior. hard; regular fracture. Smooth surface. Deep incisions.
Surface: 5YR7/6, reddish yellow. Surface: 2.5Y7/4, pale yellow (slip).
Core: 10YR6/6, brownish yellow. Core: 2.5Y3/2, very dark greyish brown.

2 Context CCG Base shape 1. 5 Context CBH Incised sherd: decoration type 7.
Diam: 220 m m Th: 7 m m Fabric 5: fine grit temper. Th: 12 m m Fabric 1: m e d i u m vegetable temper Smooth
Hard; regular fracture. Smooth exterior with traces of exterior with deep incisions.
burnishing. Colour:black core, orange/buff exterior.
Surface: 7.5YR2/0, black (exterior); 7.5YR7/6, reddish
yellow (interior). 6 Context CCB Incised sherd: decoration type 7.
Core: 7.5YR5/6, strong brown, to 7.5YR3/0, very dark Th: 8 m m Fabric 2:finevegetable temper. M e d i u m hard;
grey and 2.5Y6/4, light yellowish brown. regular fracture. Uneven surface.
Surface: 5YR7/6, reddish yellow.
3 Context CBA Base shape 1. Core: 10YR7/6, yellow.
Diam: 240 m m Th: 18 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
temper Smooth exterior, discoloured by fire. 7 Context CBA Incised sherd: decoration type 7.
Colour: black core, orange/buff exterior. Th: 7 m m Fabric 4: very fine vegetable temper. Hard;
regular fracture. Smooth surface.
4 Context CCF Base shape 1. Surface: 2.5Y8/4, pale yellow (slip).
Diam: 240 m m Th: 19 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable Core: 2.5Y5/2, greyish brown.
temper Uneven exterior, signs of smoothing on interior.
Colour: black core, orange/buff exterior. 8 Context CCB Incised sherd: decoration type 7.
Th: 8 m m Fabric 4: no visible temper. Hard; regular
5 Context CBB Base shape 2. fracture. Smooth surface. Over-fired.
Diam: 100 m m Th: 17 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable Surface: 5Y8/2, white.
temper. Soft and friable; irregular fracture. Uneven Core: 5Y6/3, pale olive.
Surface: 5YR7/8, reddish yellow. Fig. 20
Core: 7.5YR3/0, very dark grey. 1 Context B C M Husking tray,fragmentof side with slashes
Th: 26 m m Fabric 1: m e d i u m vegetable temper.
6 Context CBA Base shape 3. Colour not recorded.
Diam: 130 m m Th: 19 m m Fabric 1: m e d i u m vegetable
temper Smooth exterior, uneven interior. 4 Context CBI Husking tray: fragment of base with finger
Colour black core, orange/buff exterior. impressions Th: 21 m m Fabric 1: medium vegetable
temper. Hard; irregularfracture.Smooth exterior.
Surface: 7.5YR8/2, pinkish white.
Fig. 19 Core: 7.5YR2/0, black.
1 Context C B A Painted sherd: decoration type 3.
Th: 7 m m Fabric 5: grit temper. Hard; regular fracture.
Smooth surface.
Surface: 5YR7/6, reddish yellow.
Core: 5YR5/1, grey.
Paint: brown.

2 Context CCB Painted sherd: decoration type 5.

Th: 6 m m Fabric 2:finevegetable temper. Soft; regular
fracture. Smooth exterior.
Surface: 10YR8/4, very pale brown (slip); 7.5YR8/6,
reddish yellow.
Core: 7.5YR7/6, reddish yellow, to 7.5YR5/0, grey.
Paint: red-brown.
The Proto-Hassuna Pottery 47

Fig. 13 Proto-Hassuna pottery

Kharabeh Shattani II


The Proto-Hassuna Pottery 49

50 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 16 Proto-Hassuna pottery

The Proto-Hassuna Pottery 51

Fig. 17 Proto-Hassuna pottery

Kharabeh Shattani II

The Proto-Hassuna Pottery 53

Fig. 19 Proto-Hassuna pottery

Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 20 Proto-Hassuna pottery

so SECTION 4 c*

The Halaf Pottery

Stuart Campbell

§ 4.1 INTRODUCTION has a slight effect on the precise counts. A s far as

possible, the necessary recording has n o w been
The publication of the 1983 season at Kharabeh completed and it's results are incorporated here. All
Shattani contained a detailed report o n the Halaf the quantitative information contained in the first
pottery found in that season. T h e present report report is therefore superseded by the information
follows o n from that, but rather than simply deal- presented here.
ing with the Halaf pottery from the 1984 season As a result of the knowledge gained in analysing
alone, it attempts to summarise the character of the the results of the 1983 season, a detailed recording
pottery from both seasons. T h e aim is to present an system was devised which, it was hoped, would
overall characterisation of a Halaf ceramic assem- allow almost all the information which had been
blage and its position within the Halaf culture as a contained in the drawings to be recorded more
whole. T o allow its success to be judged and differ- efficiendy without drawing such a large quantity of
ent questions posed, as m u c h of the primary data material. All the major variables relating to fabric,
as possible has been provided in tabular form to form and motif were recorded individually for
allow independent reassessment. sherds which had indications of shape or decora-
Although this report is in m a n y ways com- tion. Rather than using standardised wares which
pletely separate from that on the 1983 season, would have been established o n the evidence of a
some explanation of its links with that report and very small part of the total assemblage, the individ-
of the constraints imposed o n the use of the data ual attributes of the fabric were recorded separately.
by the history of its recording seems appropriate. Forms and motifs were recorded according to the
Because the characteristics of the corpus were typology established for thefirstseason's pottery,
not k n o w n before the first season, the primary ultimately derived from that of Davidson {Volume
method of recording in the 1983 season was I,figs.36-8; Davidson 1977). This large quantity
through a large quantity of drawings. All the re- of independendy recorded attributes was later inte-
cording was done during and immediately follow- grated and analysed with the use of a computer
ing the first season of excavation. There was n o database.
opportunity to re-examine any of the pottery in T o a large extent the aim of complete, detailed
better circumstances prior to the completion of recording was achieved, although, owing to the
that report. Subsequent examination inevitably pressure of time on the small staff, it was necessary
reveals some inaccuracies in thefirstseason's re- to make a few compromises in the field which
port. These are not major and m a k e n o difference make the 1983 and 1984 data sets slighdy incom-
to the main conclusions. Principally, a larger patible in some respects. S o m e categories of fre-
quantity of pottery went unrecorded than had been quendy recurring sherds were recorded as a simple
realised, mainly consisting of the pottery from the count without recording details of dimensions,
last contexts to be excavated and some of the less paint and fabric colour. These categories included
elaborately decorated material from other contexts m a n y bowls, mainly but by n o means exclusively,
which had been put aside for later recording. This of form 2a, which were undecorated or had a single
56 Kharabeh Shattani II

band of paint at the rim; the shoulders of jars total number of Halaf sherds from thefirstseason
which were not further diagnostic, that is of form must have been approximately 5,000 and the total
5a; simple bases; painted body sherds with no clear from both seasons 15,000.
motifs or decorated with a simple line. In the T h e majority of sherds were undecorated: only
counts of bowls, interior and exterior rim bands 2 8 . 5 % of the fine and m e d i u m ware sherds from
were not differentiated. T h e sherds which were both seasons were decorated. This figure falls to
recorded in this w a y will be referred to below as 2 1 . 5 % if the sherds from the 1984 season are con-
bulk recorded sherds. sidered alone, which should be a m o r e accurate
In thefirstseason, some aspects of the pottery estimate for the whole site. However, a large n u m -
were not systematically recorded. W h e r e possible ber of sherds will have c o m e from the undecorated
this was corrected in the second season. Therefore, portions of decorated vessels. A s Halaf pottery is
the two data sets are complementary, the deficien- often only decorated at the rim, and if decorated at
cies in one are countered by the strengths in the all, almost always includes decoration at the rim,
other. For example, the 1983 data provides better the number of rim sherds with decoration is
information on the position of motifs on the vessel probably a better reflection of the total number of
and the absolute quantities of bowl forms while the vessels which were once decorated. 8 4 % of all rim
1984 data provides m u c h better absolute counts sherds were decorated. T h e decoration is generally
and more standardised fabric descriptions. W h e r e painted, very rarely impressed or incised, and the
the two data sets are not entirely compatible, the paint is almost exclusively m o n o c h r o m e . Occa-
two sets offiguresare presented separately. Because sionally slighdy different thicknesses of paint have
of the slightly varying methods of recording, and been used to produce different shades (the so-called
because, inevitably, details were sometimes omit- bitone decoration) but, in most instances, it is
ted, the total sample for the various statistics given questionable whether this is deliberate. There are
below, such as motif counts and fabric colour fre- only two examples of sherds which are quite clearly
quencies, vary slighdy, the total sample size used deliberately decorated in two colours (bichrome).
for each count is given together with the statistics A s detailed in § 2.3, there were three main Ha-
wherever appropriate. laf stratigraphic phases at Kharabeh Shattani. It was
M o s t of the sherds recorded are fine to m e d i u m immediately clear that the pottery from the site was
wares. This is largely a reflection of their predomi- internally largely homogeneous, probably falling in
nance in the assemblage but it also reflects the fact a single phase of the Halaf ceramic chronology as
that m u c h of the Halaf pottery came from contexts presendy known. This was supported by subse-
which had been contaminated by Achaemenid pe- quent examination, although there are a very few
riod material or from Achaemenid period contexts sherds which are markedly earlier in date.
and it proved difficult to distinguish Halaf coarse However, it was not k n o w n whether there was
wares from later coarse wares with total certainty. any detectable degree of development within the
This is particularly unfortunate as Halaf coarse assemblage. Because of the absence of well defined
wares have largely been ignored at other sites. strata in m a n y cases and the difficulty of isolating
In the second season, 6,757 fine ware sherds later mixing and contamination within the Halaf
were found (counts are the number of definite period itself, it seemed inherendy difficult to detect
Halaf sherds after sherds from the same vessel have ceramic development, since any subde changes
been joined) of which 1580 were diagnostic and would have been blurred by mixing of the deposits.
further recorded. O f these diagnostics some 641 Nevertheless, on analysis, some variation was de-
were recorded in detail; the remainder were bulk tected, notably in the motifs used o n the interior
recorded as described above. A n additional 2,720 rims of vessels and, to an extent, in the range of
coarse ware sherds, the large majority of which are shapes. In most areas n o change could be isolated
probably Halaf in date, were found in non- and, in general, the assemblage is presented here
Hassuna contexts in 1984 and bulk recorded; a without sub-division. W h e r e there are changes, the
total of 9,477 Halaf sherds. 6 1 5 diagnostic sherds different phases are presented separately.
from the first season were drawn or fully described. T h e only general division within the Halaf as-
Non-diagnostic and most coarse Halaf sherds were semblage was between fine and coarse wares. This
not recorded in the first season but, assuming the distinction could be readily and consistendy m a d e
proportion of diagnostic to undiagnostic sherds and the two wares are dealt with separately. Al-
was the same in the second season as the first, the though there was clearly s o m e variability in quality
The Halaf Pottery 57

amongst the fine wares, it was not particularly scriptive adjectives. Internal consistency of descrip-
marked; a fabric of similarfinenessmight be used tion was assured as only one person performed the
for a sherd a few millimetres thick as for one over a recording. T h e descriptions of a sample of the
centimetre thick, or for an elaborately decorated sherds was later checked, by a person other than
sherd as for an undecorated sherd. Therefore, it the original recorder, against the Munsell colour
does not seem justifiable to further sub-divide the chart to ensure that the descriptions had been
Kharabeh Shattani Halaf material. T h e fine wares made consistendy and to produce a more objective
are dealt withfirst,followed by a short section on definition of the colours which had been recorded.
the coarse wares. T h e recording of colours in 1983 was less tighdy
controlled and was carried out by more than one
person. However, it was again possible to check
§ 4.2: T H E FINE W A R E S : FABRIC that it was consistent and comparable with the
ANALYSIS 1984 data through the later detailed analysis of a
sample of the sherds.
Fabric Colour Six main colour groups were identified, al-
As stated above, apart from the bulk recorded though the boundaries of each are indistinct as
sherds, fabric colours, inclusions and surface treat- m u c h of the colour differentiation appears to be
ment were all recorded separately and form the mainly attributable to firing differences. This is
subject of this section. T h e paste used for most of particularly true of the first three groups where
thefinewares was extremelyfine.Visible inclusions there is almost a continuous spectrum and where
are relatively rare and usually only make up a small sherds often have an exterior and interior colour of
percentage of the clay body. Therefore fabric col- one group and a core colour of another. T h e assig-
our will be considered first and other attributes nation to particular groups is based o n the colour
related to it. Fabric colour, in fact, while not infal- close to the surface rather than on the core colour.
lible does act as a good guide to the main fabric T h e large majority of sherds (86.4%) from
types which were noted. Kharabeh Shattani come from the first three
Fabric colours were recorded for a total of 971 groups (Table 4.1); these three groups m a y perhaps
sherds. In the 1984 season, for reasons of speed be better described as a continuum with three con-
and non-availability, the colour descriptions were centrations rather than discrete states. S o m e of the
not m a d e using a colour chart, such as the Munsell sherds in the latter three groups alsofitinto this
colour chart, but using a standardised range of de- continuum, particularly in the 'grey' group where

Table 4.1: Fabric colours

Fabric Early Phase Middle Phase Late Phase Residual Total
Orange 66 231 86 77 460
Pink 30 62 47 36 175
Brown 35 80 41 47 203
Red 15 17 9 2 43
Grey 6 39 8 11 64
Green 7 11 2 6 26
Total 159 440 193 179 971

Table 4. la: General Munsellequivalentsfor fabric colours

Orange 2.5YR 5/8: 5 Y R 5/4: 5 Y R 5/6: 5 Y R 6/8: 5 Y R 7/6: 5 Y R 6/8: 7.5YR
Pink 2.5YR 6/6: 5 Y R 7/4: 7.5YR 6/6
Brown 7.5YR 7/6: 1 0 Y R 7/3: 5 Y R 5/6
Red 1 0 R 5/8: 1 0 R 5/6 and other, brighter reds not in the Munsell soil
Grey 1 0 Y R 4/1: 7.5YR 4/2: 5 Y R 4/2
Green 1 0 Y R 5/3: 2.5Y 6/4: 2.5Y 6/2: 5 Y 6/3
58 Kharabeh Shattani II

the colour difference is often attributable to a (e.g. Steinberg and Kammilli 1984, 200), it is per-
slighdy reducing atmosphere in firing. Nonethe- haps more likely to have been intentional and w e
less, a significant proportion of the sherds in the should conclude that the potters were using two
last three groups appear to constitute completely distinctfiringmethods to produce a brown surface.
different types. There is little change in the relative T h e grey fabric colour sherds, which typically
frequencies of the different colour groups through- do not have differently coloured cores, or have
out the sequence; the apparant decrease in the cores in darker grey or black (5.1%), were probably
number of sherds with green fabric colours is most not oxidised fully in any cases. T h e fact that no
probably a result of the small sample. examples were noted with clear pink or orange
T h e large majority of fabrics was evenly col- cores, and few with brown cores, suggests that few
oured throughout the vessel wall. 18.4%, however, were at any point completely oxidised as has been
had distincdy different core colours. Amongst the suggested for some of the brown fabric colour
orange, pink and red fabric colour groups less than group. T h e absence of visible vegetable temper in
1 3 % of all examples had a different coloured core, the group of grey coloured sherds suggests that
indicating a generally quite complete oxidation their colour is not the result of a having a greater
duringfiring.W h e r e there was a different coloured initial amount of carbon in the paste but of differ-
core, it was typically slightly grey or brown, sug- ent firing conditions.
gesting incomplete oxidisation. T h e surface of the
sherd was very rarely affected. There is a slighdy Fabric Inclusions
more frequent occurrence of vegetable temper in In the majority of sherds ( 6 6 % ) , there were n o ob-
sherds which have a grey core (20.7% of the sherds servable inclusions at the macroscopic level. W h e r e
tempered with vegetable temper had a grey core, present, three major types of inclusion were re-
almost all the other vegetable tempered sherds corded; white mineral inclusions, almost entirely
having n o distinction between core and surface calcites; black, or occasionally grey, mineral inclu-
colouring) presumably reflecting the greater sions; vegetable temper, almost all of which appears
amount of carbon in their fabrics. to be chaff. These were further qualified as coarse
In the brown fabric colour group, in contrast, (approximately 1 . 5 m m and over in m a x i m u m di-
only 3 . 3 % of the sherds lacked any difference in mension), fine (barely visible) and, by exclusion,
the colour of the core. T h e most c o m m o n core medium. A number of fabric descriptions did not
colours in this fabric colour group are pink include the colour of the mineral inclusions and
(24.6%), grey-black (24.6%) and orange (32.8%) these have been kept separate in Table 4.2 asfine?,
suggesting that the reason for this, and perhaps for misc ? and coarse ?; from a re-examination of some
the existence of the whole brown fabric colour of the sherds it is clear that more of these inclu-
group, is that some vessels werefiredat slighdy too sions were grey-black rather than white but this is
low a temperature or for an insufficient period of not quantifiable.
time or in an atmosphere which was not suffi- A number of clays were examined in the vicin-
ciendy oxidising for the fabric colour to attain the ity of Kharabeh Shattani, mainly from wadi beds.
clear orange and pink colours characteristic of most These clays all had quantities of natural, white
of the finer wares. There are at least two different calcite inclusions in varying sizes. F r o m the quan-
explanations for this high frequency of differen- tities of such calcite inclusions occurring in the
tially coloured cores amongst this group of sherds. paste of the Halaf pottery (Table 4.2), it seems
T h e grey-black cores probably result from carbon likely that they were not deliberately added but
in the clay not being entirely burnt off in firing. that some cleaning of the clay, to remove the larger
Such carbon can persist in a fine, dense fabric even calcite inclusions, took place prior to potting. Pre-
atfiringtemperatures of up to 8 0 0 ° C (Rice 1987, sumably the sherds with s o m e calcite inclusions
335). W h e r e the core is orange or pink, it m a y be remaining were m a d e from clay which had been
more likely that the carbon had been fully burnt less comprehensively cleaned. T h e black inclusions
out of the clay and that the final part of the firing were not seen associated with clays near the site
was slightly reducing, leading to the reabsorption and m a y have been a deliberately added temper de-
of a small a m o u n t of carbon near the surface. This signed to alter the characteristics of the clay, but
m a y have been accidental. However, as the surface without further study this cannot be considered
colour is not unattractive and in other respects certain. T h e vegetable temper was deliberately
Halaf potters s h o w great control over firing added to the clay. Overall, it is reasonable to con-
The Halaf Pottery 59

Table 4.2: Fabric colour compared to predominant type ofinclusions: Percentage fire
Fabric Colour
Inclusions Orange Pink Brown Red Grey Green
Fine white 12.6 13.1 17.7 18.6 15.4 7.7
Misc white 2.0 9.1 3.0 1.5
Coarse white 1.5
Fine black 4.6 5.1 6.4 7.7 15.4
Misc black 2.3 4.7
Coarse black 0.5 1.5
Fine? 0.2 6.3 5.9 23.1
Misc ? 2.0 0.9 9.3 23.1
Coarse ? 1.0
Veg 0.4 1.7 2.0 2.3 3.8
Coarse veg 0.5
None 77.8 62.3 60.6 65.1 50.8 50.0
Sample 460 175 203 43 65 26

dude that, at most, only 2 6 % of the sherds had colour, rarely with inclusions, almost always hard
had temper deliberately added to their fabric. fired and well oxidised (Fabric I). 6 5 . 6 % of the
T h e sherds with coarser inclusions tend to be Kharabeh Shattani fine ware sherds fall into this
thicker, possibly because the use of temper was category. It m a y also include the red coloured fab-
necessary to allow the thick-walled vessels, or por- rics, taking the total to 7 0 % . There is a second
tions of vessels, to dry and fire without cracking. group of fabrics which have been deliberately fired
This is especially marked with the few sherds with to a light brown colour, possibly by two different
m e d i u m or coarse vegetable temper, although a few methods, which makes up 2 0 . 8 % of the assemblage
sherds which had very fine vegetable temper were (Fabric II); this group is probably closely linked to
indivisible from otherfineware sherds. the first. A third group is made up of the grey col-
There is little obvious connection between the oured sherds (Fabric III). This m a y include sherds
first three fabric colours and the different inclu- which, but for insufficient oxidation during firing,
sions. It is not surprising that the relative quantities might fall in thefirsttwo groups, but it does seem
of the different inclusions remain approximately to include more sherds with grit temper and, at
constant across fabric groups since the differences least in part, constitute a discrete group. T h e
in fabric colour seem mainly attributable to differ- fourth, smallest and most distinctive group is m a d e
ences in firing atmosphere and temperature. T h e up of the green coloured sherds, which has a differ-
sample of red coloured sherds is very restricted but ent pattern of inclusions and paint colours (Fabric
there seems little indication that this fabric colour IV). T h e fabric groups thus defined will be referred
can be differentiated from thefirstthree on the to below as Fabrics I to IV.
basis of inclusions. T h e grey fabric colour does
have a larger proportion of sherds with medium
sized inclusions (24.5%). T h e final fabric colour Fine Wares: Surface Treatment
group, the green coloured sherds, does seem differ-
ent. All but one of the small number of sherds in Paint Colour
this group have eitherfineinclusions or none at all Paint colour was described in a manner similar to
and there seems to be a m u c h smaller number of fabric, with a restricted range of adjectives which
sherds with white inclusions. were later correlated to Munsell colour numbers.
T h e above discussion suggests that several dif- T h e variations in the recording over the two sea-
ferent fabrics are present and appear to be distin- sons are the same as those for fabric colours. There
guished in several respects. As will be seen below werefivemain paint colours. Unlike the fabric col-
some of them are also different in terms of the ours these are relatively distinct with little overlap
paint colours used and forms of vessels. Firsdy, the amongst the groups, with the exception of the
fabric of the majority of sherds is orange or pink in Dark brown and Brown groups which are slighdy
arbitrary divisions of a broader range.
60 Kharabeh Shattani II

W h e n compared with the fabric colours, some Slips

correlations do emerge (Table 4.3). For instance, Most of thefineware sherds had an interior or ex-
the pink fabric group has a high incidence of red terior slip, usually the latter but often both. The
paint with relatively smallfrequenciesof black and slips are typically thin and evenly applied. This
orange paint. In some cases this is likely to be a varied slightly amongst the different fabrics. In
consequence of the same differences infiringtem- Fabrics I and II, 7 5 % of the sherds were slipped,
perature and atmosphere which cause much of the over 6 0 % with a cream slip, the remainder in a
differences in fabric colour. It might plausibly be range of pink, white and light brown. In Fabric III
suggested that the same paint was used to produce only 6 5 % of the total were slipped. In this group
orange and red paint, but when the fabric was fired cream was still the most c o m m o n slip colour, oc-
to the orange range of colours it tended to produce curring in 4 5 % of all cases, but there was a small
orange paint colours, while when it was fired to the but definite increase in thefrequencyof grey, green
pink range of colours it produced more red paint and brown tinged slips. Again, this reflects the dif-
colours. Similarly, the grey fabric colour has high ferentfiringconditions in this group. Once again
quantities of black paint, possibly because, in a sherds from Fabric IV, the green coloured fabrics,
slighdy reducing atmosphere, paint which would were significandy different. They were largely
otherwise give brown coloursfiresblack. The col- without slips, only 2 7 % having them out of the
our of paint chosen can also be expected to reflect small sample present.
aesthetic preferences, particularly in the choice of Slips are much more c o m m o n on painted
paint to place on a particular background. Once sherds than unpainted. Over 8 0 % of painted
again it is Fabric IV, which displays the greatest sherds have a slip while less than 3 0 % of unpainted
distinctness in paint colours. Most of the paint sherds are slipped; as these counts refer to the detail
used is either brown or black, in contrast with all recorded diagnostic sherds, they are likely to be
the other fabric groups where at least 4 0 % of the quite closely related to the original number of ves-
paint is orange or red. sels with and without a slip. Slips were probably
O n only two sherds was there paint of more applied, in part, to provide a better base for paint
than one colour. Sherd A A E 2 0 {Volume I, on which to adhere and with which to contrast.
Fig. 19, 3) has paint of dark and light brown and There seems to be no correspondence between
can only be considered a marginal example of paint colour and slip beyond that already noted as
bichrome decoration. Sherd B B F 2 (Fig. 26.4), linking paint and fabric colour. Thus 1.5% of
however, is true bichrome, being decorated with sherds with black paint have a grey tinged slip
black and dark red paint. Therefore, less than while less than 0.7% of the sherds with paint col-
0.25% of all the decorated pottery was bichrome ours other than black do so.

Table 4.3: Fabric colour compared to paint colour: Percentage frequencies

Fabric Colour
Paint Colour Orange Pink Brown Red Grey Green
Black 25.2 13.9 30.9 36.1 50.0 50.0
Dark brown 8.1 7.3 10.3 5.6 18.8
Brown 13.4 19.7 18.2 13.9 9.5 25.0
Orange 22.2 6.6 15.2 11.1 11.9
Red 31.2 52.6 25.5 33.3 28.6 6.3
Sample 418 152 179 36 49 18

Table 4.3a: General Munsell equivalents for Paint colours

Black 10YR3/2:7.5YR2/0
Dark brown 7.5YR 3/4: 5 Y R 2.5/2: 5 Y R 3/2 2:.5YR 3/2
Brown 5 Y R 5/6 7:.5YR 5/6: 2.5YR 3/6: 2.5YR 3/4
Orange 2.5YR 5/8:2.5YR 6/8: 5 Y R 6/8
Red 1 O R 4/8:1 O R 4/6:1 O R 5/8
The Halaf Pottery 61

Burnishing sherds were assigned to each type almost entirely

T h e surfaces of almost all of the fine ware sherds on the basis of the form at the rim of the vessel.
are well smoothed. However, relatively few have a T h e types were deliberately chosen to concentrate
true burnish, producing a glossy surface. There are on the variability which could be seen from only
only 52 examples, less than 5 % of the total. Almost that portion of the vessel. T h u s few sherds are
all of these are burnished only on the exterior. Al- likely to have been misassigned within the forms
though few unpainted sherds are represented, there used, but the form categories do not pretend to
is no clear tendency for burnishing to be more cover all the types of complete vessel which m a y
c o m m o n on more extensively decorated sherds. have been present at Kharabeh Shattani or else-
There is no correlation with fabric type, temper, where. In particular, the associations of particular
paint colour or slip colour. There is a single possi- base forms with vessel types is u n k n o w n as, very
ble example of stroke burnishing. This a body largely, are the body shapes of jars.
sherd with grit temper which has parallel bands of Because a large number of rim sherds were bulk
burnishing on the exterior. It appears to be likely recorded under the simple heading of bowls the
to belong in the late Halaf assemblage but it is relative proportions of forms is somewhat dis-
from a context contaminated by later material. torted. However, there is little noticeable difference
between the overall statistics and those of 1983 if
this is taken into account (Table 4.4). If the fre-
Fine Wares: Shape Analysis quencies obtained from the 1983 excavations,
w h e n there was little bulk recording, are compared
A detailed analysis of the forms of the fine ware with the frequencies for both seasons, it can be seen
vessels was m a d e in the 1983 report, and there is that the major difference lies in the frequency of 2a
little n e w to add. T h e same description of the dif- bowls, and to a lesser extent la, 2b and 2c bowls.
ferent form types used is that defined in Appendix T h e 1983 results are a m u c h more accurate guide
A of Volume / a n d summarised here in Fig. 21. It is to the relative and absolute quantities of all these
worth re-emphasising that while the form catego- types. Perhaps of more significance is the difference
ries refer to the shape of the complete vessel, the in the frequency of forms 3c and 3d, slighdy hole-

Table 4.4: Frequencies offine ware forms

Forms Early Middle Late Redep. Total I 1983
la 7.6 4.5 7.5 8.9 6.2 9.7
lb 1.9 1.4 0.9 1.2 0.8
lc 2.5 2.6 2.3 2.0 2.4 2.3
Id 2.5 0.6 0.5 1.0 0.9 2.3
le 0.6 0.3 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.8
2a 13.3 10.9 13.1 20.2 13.2 33.6
2b 1.3 2.7 2.8 2.0 2.4 5.0
2c 6.3 3.7 3.3 2.5 3.8 8.5
3a 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.8
3b 5.1 3.9 5.1 4.4 4.3 4.2
3c 4.4 5.0 3.3 3.0 4.3 12.4
3d 0.6 1.0 0.5 0.7 3.1
All Bowls 38.6 47.1 40.7 36.5 43.0 0.4
4a 2.5 0.8 0.5 0.8 6.6
5a 2.5 7.6 7.5 8.4 7.0 3.9
5b 7.0 4.3 6.5 4.9 5.2 3.5
5c 1.3 1.0 1.4 2.5 1.3 0.4
5d 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.8
5e 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.8
5f 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.4
other 1.3 0.6 2.8 0.5 1.1
Sample 158 622 214 203 1197 259
62 Kharabeh Shattani II

Table 4.5: Mean and standard deviation of the di-

ameters ofallfirms. Allfiguresrounded to the nearest
whole mm
Form Number Mean St.Dev.
la 26 237mm 106mm
lb 10 244mm 75mm
lc 13 216mm 67mm
Id 7 267mm 87mm
le 3 150mm 60mm
If 2 280mm 28mm
2a 29 212mm 86mm
2b 10 264mm 45mm
2c 13 140mm 39mm
3a 2 195mm 120mm
3b 20 176mm 77mm
3c 18 180mm 63mm
3d 5 160mm 55mm
4a 5 108mm 36mm
5a 1 110mm
5b 16 142mm 59mm
5c 9 136mm 58mm
5d 2 85mm 35mm
5e 4 228mm 140mm
5f 7 150mm 22mm
other 11 204mm 184mm

mouthed bowls. In 1983 these forms made up this site, as two extremes of a single form rather
15.5% of all the forms while in the 1984 season than as distinct types.
they made up only 2 % of all forms when bulk re- There seems to have been little differentiation
corded sherds are included and only 4.5% if they amongst the three phases at Kharabeh Shattani. A
are excluded. M u c h of this difference is certainly marked decline in the quantities of 3d bowls was
the result of sherds from these groups being placed detected in the 1983 sample between the Middle
in the group of bulk recorded bowls and, to a lesser and Late Phases; 7 . 2 % of the sherds of k n o w n
extent, it m a y have been contributed to by slighdy form in the Middle Phase were form 3d but there
different interpretations of the forms in the two were no occurrences in the Late Phase. However,
seasons. However, there m a y also have been an this was not confirmed in 1984 w h e n the fre-
element of functional differentiation between the quency of this form m a y have been affected by the
two areas exposed, as the bowls generally selected problems discussed above. Therefore, this change
for bulk recording were open rather than cannot be considered more than a possibility. T h e
holemouthed. general proportions of bowls and jars present were
In the form types used in this report, as in the consistent throughout the phases, with approxi-
report o n the 1983 material and as derived from mately 8 3 % of the assemblage coming from bowl
the form types proposed by Davidson (1977), large sherds and 1 5 % from jars.
shallow bowls (form 2b) are separated from small There is a single example of form If
shallow bowls (form 2c); the former being consid- (Fig. 29.10). This is the cream bowl form which is
ered to be those with diameters of more than primarily associated with the early Halaf. T h e
2 0 0 m m , the latter by diameters of 2 0 0 m m or less. sherd is highly abraded both on its surfaces and on
This appears justified at some sites, particularly in the broken edges. It seems probable that, rather
the later stages of the Halaf at Arpachiyah. H o w - than being contemporary with the rest of the Halaf
ever, when the internal evidence of Kharabeh assemblage, it m a y a residual sherd from an earlier
Shattani is examined, this division seems very arbi- occupation at the site or have come from a nearby
trary and it is better to regard these two types, for site.
The HalafPottery 63

Table 4.6: Percentage frequency offorms in each fabric group

Fabric Groups
Form III
la 12.9 12.4 9.1
lb 1.8 3.9
lc 5.4 6.2
Id 1.8 2.3 3.0
le 0.8 0.8 3.0 6.3
If 0.5
2a 25.8 24.0 18.2 6.3
2b 5.7 4.7
2c 6.5 10.1 9.1 18.8
3a 0.3
3b 9.8 7.0 9.1 6.3
3c 6.5 9.3 18.2 31.3
3d 1.3 3.0 6.3
4a 1.8 1.6 3.0
5a 7.0 3.9 3.0
5b 4.9 7.8 12.1
5c 3.1 2.3
5d 6.3
5e 0.8 3.0 6.3
5f 0.8 3.9 3.0
Other 2.6 3.0 6.3
Sample 129 33 16

W h e n form type is examined together with and 2a, in which 2 7 % and 3 5 % respectively of all
fabric group (Table 4.6), it is difficult to see m u c h the rims are square. Approximately 1 0 % of the
differentiation between the groups. T h e fact that square rims are further decorated on the top of the
these figures include only the shards recorded in rim itself, either with rimticks(motif 13) or a solid
detail in 1983 and 1984, excluding the bulk re- band (motif 1). R i m ticks were more c o m m o n on
corded sherds which do not have fabric descrip- vessel forms la and 2a, occurring twice as often as
tions, means that the percentages of bowls are solid bands while on other vessel forms solid bands
somewhat misrepresented in this table. T o a lesser were considerably more popular.
extent this is also true of the jar forms. Despite There were two fragments of a vessel with an
this, the 1983 figures on their o w n confirm the internal partition (Fig. 31.1 and 31.2). Both were
general accuracy of the figures given. T h e fre- small fragments but it was clear that they came
quency of form 2a should be higher by, perhaps, from different vessels. Both sherds are the bases of
1 0 % and the relative frequency of the other forms vessels, which might be wide, steep side bowls, and
reduced slighdy, but other than this the relative it is unclear whether the partition continued up to
quantities are almost the same. T h e green fabric the rim but there is no indication that they did not.
type (IV) once again appears different but with a Partitioned vessels are very rare in Halaf pottery.
sample size of only 16 it is impossible to be sure There is a published example of a similar shallow
that the high numbers of 3c and, possibly 2c, steep sided vessel from Yarim Tepe II (Merpert,
bowls is significant. However, it m a y be significant Munchaev & Bader 1977, PI. XIV, 1) and there is
that this group includes the only example of jar an unpublished, very small, example from Arpachi-
type 5d, the b o w rim jar, for which w e have a good yah. In these examples, as with those from Khara-
fabric description. beh Shattani, there is no decoration.
T h e rims of vessels are most often terminated
with a simple pinched rim. However in 2 3 % of the
rim sherds the top of the rim has been flattened.
Such square rims are most c o m m o n in forms la
64 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fine Wares: Motif Analysis were bulk recorded in 1984 without distinguishing
whether they were interior or exterior, the two sea-
General overview sons figures cannot be considered direcdy compa-
As is usual with Halaf pottery a very wide range of rable and are given in different tables, although
motifs occurred. Most of the most c o m m o n motifs they are in close agreement w h e n the additional
which are considered as 'typical' of Halaf pottery bulk recorded 1984 examples are added to the
occurred at least once and the range of motifs at totals.
Kharabeh Shattanifitswell within the central Halaf Although the differing recording systems used
tradition. T h e large majority of the motifs are lin- in the two seasons has some affect, the general
ear and are placed in narrowly spaced horizontal trends in the use of motifs can be seen in the ac-
bands. Although thefrequenciesof motifs indicate companying tables. T h e information is the 1983
an overwhelming dominance of simple horizontal and 1984 totals combined and the values which are
lines, these generally occur either as the sole deco- affected by the different recording methods ate
ration at the rim or, very frequendy, in combina- indicated by an asterisk in the left hand column.
tion with other motifs as a divider between more Table 4.7 shows the general use of motifs; it is
complex bands motifs. Only 1 5 . 5 % of the painted restricted to rim sherds with a significant propor-
sherds have a motif, such as crosshatching, which tion of the decoration preserved. T h e analysis is
could be employed tofilla wide area. As m a n y of slighdy simplistic as a single motif includes a few
the sherds included in this percentage are small and motifs, such as crosshatching, which might cover
m a y misrepresent the decoration on the original the whole of the interior or exterior of a vessel.
vessel, this is the m a x i m u m number of vessels However, examples of that sort are rare and are
which m a y have had a single motif over a large submerged within larger categories where they
area. would only have an effect of a few tenths of a per-
Because m a n y of the decorated sherds are body cent. Perhaps more serious is the case where the
sherds it is often very difficult to determine the type of decoration is assessed on the evidence of a
position of a motif on the original vessel. However, rim sherd on which there is only a single motif but
where rim sherds alone are considered, it is possible where the sherd belongs to a vessel which had more
to examine the motifs which occur in a k n o w n decoration further d o w n the body. This will have
position. Often either the interior or exterior of an the effect of over-estimating the number of vessels
Halaf pot will be decorated with a single motif at with single motifs on the interior and exterior.
the rim; this means the number of examples of rim However, the number of body sherds with multiple
motifs is significandy higher than motifs occurring bands of decoration are quite small which is
elsewhere on the vessel and, at Kharabeh Shattani, probably a good indication that the figures given
provides a sample of sufficient size to examine in are not a serious underestimation.
isolation. Because rim sherds with a single band

Table 4.7: The general distribution ofmotifs in rim sherds

Interior Exterior Number
None None 15.8 186
*None Single motif 0.2 2
*Single motif None 0
'Single motif Single motif 27.5 309
None Multiple motifs 0.3 3
Single motif Multiple motifs 10.9 128
Multiple motifs None 0.1 1
Multiple motifs Single motif 6.2 73
Multiple motifs Multiple motifs 10.2 120
Single band on interior
and/or exterior (bulk re- 30 353
Total 1175
• These numbers are artificially low as they do not take into account the m a n y sherds which would havefittedinto this category but which we«
bulk recorded and therefore cannot be used here.
The Halaf Pottery 65

T h u s the figures should not be regarded as an T h e total number of occurences of the motifs in
exact representation of h o w the original assemblage Fig. 22 are given in tables 4.12 and 4.13 for inte-
was decorated, but as a close approximation. Ta- rior and exterior occurances repectively. This
ble 4.7 gives a good impression of the general lay- summarises the range of motifs which appear on all
out of decoration on vessels at Kharabeh Shattani. sherds in the assemblage which received detail re-
Although the number of rims with decoration, cording. However, m a n y of the motifs are clearly
a fairly direct measure of the number of vessels related. Motifs 30 to 35 are obviously closely re-
with decoration, is high, at 8 4 % , most of the lated. In Tables 4.14 and 4.15 the motifs in Fig. 2 2
sherds have very simple decoration; only 2 7 . 7 % of have been divided into broader general groups,
the sherds have more than a single band at the in- again for all sherds which were detail recorded. It
terior or exterior rim. This is in contrast to the should be noted that some motifs can be included
generally held impression of Halaf pottery being in more than one general group (for example motif
characterised by complex, repeating bands of m o - 57 is both a lozenge and has crosshatching so it is
tifs. It is unlikely that this is a reflection of less counted in two groups) and some motifs are in-
elaborate decoration at Kharabeh Shattani. Al- cluded in none (such as motif 76). Therefore the
though this m a y play a part, it is probably more number do not add up to the total sample from
indicative of the tendency to over-emphasise the which they are drawn. T h e percentages given are
elaborate and attractive decoration in selective the percentage of the whole sample which falls into
publication of the pottery from sites such as Ar- a group. Therefore the percentages do not sum to
pachiyah. 100%.
A tendency visible in Table 4.7 for extensive These tables provide a good guide to the gen-
decoration to be more prevalent on the exterior eral usage of generalised forms of motifs. T h e con-
than the interior (21.4% have multiple motifs on trast in frequency between the interior and exterior
the exterior, only 1 6 . 5 % on the interior) is rein- of sherds is particularly apparent. There is little
forced if body sherds are included in the counts. clear indication of change through time with the
4 3 % of all detailed recorded sherds have multiple single exception of links on the exterior of sherds.
motifs on the exterior but this would drop to This declines from 1 1 . 2 % of all motifs being of
around 2 5 % if bulk recorded sherds were taken this kind in the early phase to 4 . 8 % in the late
into account; 2 9 % of detailed recorded sherds have phase.
multiple motifs on the interior but again this
would drop w h e n bulk recorded sherds are in- RimMotifi
cluded, perhaps to around 2 0 % . Although the If the motifs which occur closest to the rim are
3 0 % of rim sherds bulk recorded m a y distort the considered alone (Table 4.8), there are some inter-
picture, almost all rim sherds either have no deco- esting points. Plain bands heavily predominate
ration or have decoration both on the interior and both on the interior and exterior, although particu-
on the exterior. larly on the exterior. Given that the 'various' cate-
T h e form of vessel clearly has a major influence gory includes m a n y sherds where the decoration is
on the decoration of vessels. Very open forms such unknown, it is likely that the true percentages are
as lb, lc, 2c and 2b tend to have more decoration even higher. There is a marked contrast between
on the interior, often the most elaborate and ex- interior and exterior use of motifs. Motif 18, a
tensive (e.g. Fig. 26; Volume I, Fig. 14, Fig. 18). single band with a single line of swags below it,
D e e p bowls have more extensive decoration on the makes up 1 4 % of the total number of interior
exterior. As at other sites, particularly to the west, motifs in the 1983 sample and 1 7 % in the 1984
bowls of form Id are typically extensively deco- sample. T h e figures for exterior motifs are 2 . 6 %
rated on the interior from the rim to the carina- and 2 . 1 % respectively. T h e figures for motif 19, a
tion, usually with two bands on the exterior one at single band with multiple lines of swags below it,
the rim and one along the carination (Fig. 27; Vol- are 3 . 5 % and 4 . 7 % on the interior, and 1.4% and
ume I, Fig. 4: 1, Fig. 3: 2 and 3; examples from 0 % on the exterior. Motif 13 is also an important
other sites include Shams ed-Din, Gustavson- minority motif on the interior rim. It is perhaps
G a u b e 1981, Fig. 492-4; Arpachiyah, Mallowan worth noting that in no case does motif 13 occur
and Rose 1935, Fig. 66, 5; Tell Aqab, Davidson on the interior rim combined with a square rim
and Watkins 1981, Fig. 2,4). and motif 13 on the top of the rim. These three
66 Kharabeh Shattani II

Table 4.8: Motifs which occur at the rim

Interior %age N u m b e r Exterior %age Number
*lor3 39.7 110 Mor3 52.2 149
2 0.4 1 2 0.7 2
4 0.7 2 4 2.8 8
5 1.1 3 6 0.7 2
6 1.1 3 8 8.1 23
7 0.4 1 9 0.4 1
8 0.4 1 12 0.4 1
10 0.4 1 18 2.8 8
11 0.4 1 19 1.4 4
13 6.1 17 21 0.7 2
18 16.2 45 24 0.7 2
19 5.4 15 26 0.7 2
21 0.4 1 30 0.4 1
26 1.8 5 47 0.7 2
27 0.7 2 55 1.1 3
62 1.1 3 62 0.4 1
67 0.4 1 67 0.4 1
68 0.4 1 68 0.4 1
81 0.4 1 85 1.4 4
85 0.4 1 * Unknown 23.9 68
*Unknown 22.4 62
Sample size 277 Sample size 285
* These numbers are artificially low as they do not take into account the m a n y sherds which would havefittedinto this
category but which were bulk recorded and therefore cannot be used here.

motifs, therefore, are used almost exclusively as similar motifs used tofillan area, typically occurs
interior rim motifs. on the exterior down the body from the rim. From
At many other Halaf sites, motif 18 is the pre- the relatively few examples with large parts of the
dominant interior rim motif (for example Tell profile preserved this extends approximately two
Aqab and Tell Arpachiyah; Davidson 1977). Al- thirds of the way down the body of deep bowls
though it is characteristically found in that position (Fig. 25.4 and 25.5; Volume I, Fig. 6, 2, Fig. 20) in
at Kharabeh Shattani, it is gready outnumbered in a way abundandy parallelled at other sites.
this position by a single horizontal line (motif 1). As noted above, some of the rim sherds which
As the sites where motif 18 predominates are have a single motif on the interior and exterior m a y
deeply stratified and are likely to include the time have come from vessels which had more extensive
span represented at Kharabeh Shattani, it is prob- decoration of the portion which is missing. Such
able that this difference is not chronological. It is sherds probably include those with motif 26 (small
more likely that it is regional differences being em- chequerboarding) on the interior. T h e category
phasised by subde stylistic variation, which, in less 'unknown' in Table 4.9 includes all the sherds
detailed studies or less clear cases, would not be where there were only traces of paint or encrusted
detected. exteriors; in the large majority of cases these sherds
It seems likely that there was a tendency for could be seen to have had only a single motif.
motif 26, chequerboarding, to be used on largely Table 4.9 gives the associations between inte-
the interior (e.g Fig. 26.6). This would accord with rior and exterior rim motifs. T h e most frequent
the many examples from other sites (e.g. Mal-
lowan and Rose 1935, Fig. 61). Crosshatching and
Table 4.9: Rim sherds with a single motifinterior and exterior
Percentages are ofall rims with a single motifinterior and exterior
Exterior Interior %age Number
*1 1 21.1 33
5 0.6 1
6 0.6 1
8 0.6 1
10 0.6 1
18 8.3 13
19 8.3 13
26 1.3 2
81 0.6 1
85 0.6 1
*1 Unknown 6.4 10
2 19 0.6 1
3 3 0.6 1
4 1 0.6 1
4 4 1.3 2
4 18 0.6 1
4 67 0.6 1
8 1 6.4 10
8 13 1.3 2
8 62 0.6 1
8 Unknown 0.6 1
9 26 0.6 1
18 18 0.6 1
18 Unknown 2.6 4
19 1 1.3 2
24 3 0.6 1
26 1 0.6 1
26 Unknown 0.6 1
47 Unknown 0.6 1
55 1 0.6 1
55 18 0.6 1
68 Unknown 0.6 1
85 1 1.3 2
85 62 0.6 1
"•Unknown 1 5.8 9
Unknown 6 1.3 2
Unknown 13 1.9 3
Unknown 18 3.8 6
Unknown 19 0.6 1
Unknown 21 0.6 1
Unknown 27 1.3 2
Unknown Unknown 10.3 16
Sample 156
* These numbers are artificially low as they do not take into account the m a n y sherds
which would have fitted into this category but which were bulk recorded and therefore
cannot be used here.
68 Kharabeh Shattani II

Table 4.10: Motifs occurring at interior rim

1983 Interior percentages
Motif Early Phase Middle Phase Late Phase Redep
1 50.00 66.67 63.33 61.70
3 7.69 12.82 2.13
18 19.23 5.13 13.33 14.89
19 7.69 2.56 3.33 2.13
Other 15.39 12.82 19.99 19.17
Sample 26 39 30 47

1984 Interior percentages

Motif Early Phase Middle Phase Late Phase Redep
1 31.82 41.43 53.49 36.00
3 13.64 3.57 2.33 4.76
18 20.45 12.14 13.95 24.00
19 5.71 4.65 4.00
Other 27.27 25.00 23.26 32.00
Sample 44 140 43 25

1983 Exterior percentages

Motif Early Phase Middle Phase Late Phase Redep
1 53.33 40.38 71.43 66.07
3 3.33 3.85 1.79
18 3.33 7.69 4.76
19 3.33 7.14 1.79
Other 36.65 48.07 16.66 30.38
Sample 30 52 42 56

1984 Exterior percentages

Motif Early Phase Middle Phase Late Phase Redep
1 54.90 47.13 62.50 50.00
3 3.92 5.17 3.33
18 3.92 2.30
19 0.57
Other 35.29 33.31 29.16 46.65
Sample 51 174 48 30

associations are motif 1, a single band, on the inte- Compared to the large number of different
rior and exterior; motif 1 on the exterior and motif motifs used at the rim, it is striking how consis-
18 or 19 on the interior; and motif 8, crosshatch- tendy motif 19, a single band with multiple swags,
ing, on the exterior of a bowl and a single band on occurs at the interior rim together with a single
the interior. In the last case it is worth noting the band on the exterior. O f the 15 examples where
fact that there were ten examples of crosshatching motif 19 is the sole interior rim motif, 13 have a
on the exterior with a single rim band on the inte- single band on the exterior rim.
rior but no occurrences of motif 18 or 19 on the Although there are certain obvious similarities,
interior together with a crosshatched exterior. This such as the dominance of simple bands (motif 1),
seems likely to be a deliberate choice in motif there are significant differences in the motifs which
The Halaf Pottery 69

Table 4.12: Interior motif frequencies

Motif Early Phase Middle Phase Late Phase Residual
1 25.9 32.5 43.5 37.8
2 1.2 0.3 2.7 1.7
3 10.5 6.5 3.4 6.4
4 4.3 5.7 4.8 2.3
5 1.1
6 1.9 0.6
7 0.7
8 3.1 0.8 1.4 0.6
9 1.4 0.7
10 1.2 2.4 0.7
11 0.3
13 2.5 1.1 1.4 4.7
14 0.5 1.2
17 0.3 0.6
18 11.7 7.0 9.5 14.0
19 3.7 3.0 2.7 1.7
21 1.2 1.1 0.7
22 0.3
23 1.2
24 1.2
26 2.5 1.1 1.4 2.3
27 0.6 0.3 1.4 0.6
30 2.5 0.5 0.7 1.2
31 1.2 0.2
32 0.6 0.7
33 0.3 0.6
34 0.5
35 1.2
36 0.5
38 1.2
43 0.6
45 0.6
47 3.7 0.8 1.2
50 0.3 1.4
52 0.8
53 0.3 0.7 0.6
54 0.6 0.3 0.6
55 0.3
56 1.2 0.5
57 0.6 0.8 0.7
61 * 0.6
62 0.6 0.5 0.7
64 1.1
67 1.2 1.4 1.2
68 0.3
69 1.2
71 0.6
72 1.2
76 0.3
81 0.3
82 0.6
85 0.6 0.6
86 1.4 1.2
Encrusted 5.6 15.7 11.6 5.8
Other 5.5 5.5 4.8 4.7
Incision 1.2
Rosette 0.6
Traces 1.2 1.6 2.7 1.2
Vert panels 1.2
70 Kharabeh Shattani II

Table 4.13: Exterior motiffrequencies

Motif Early Phase Middle Phase Late Phase Residual
1 31.1 29.1 36.6 38.3
2 5.4 2.9 2.9 3.2
3 7.5 7.4 7.0 5.6
4 9.4 12.2 12.4 11.0
5 0.5 0.9 1.8 1.6
6 2.1 1.4 1.6 0.5
7 0.3 0.2
8 3.0 6.5 4.1 5.1
9 0.6 2.5 0.5
10 2.1 3.0 2.0 3.8
11 0.5
13 0.1 0.3
14 0.5
17 0.3
18 2.8 2.4 0.7 1.6
19 0.5 0.5 1.8 1.1
21 1.4 1.1 1.1
22 0.1
23 0.5
24 0.5 0.5
26 0.5 0.3
27 0.5 0.5
30 5.9 3.2 2.3 2.7
31 1.2 1.1 0.5
32 1.4 0.6 0.5
33 0.5 0.5 0.3
35 1.2 0.3 0.5
36 0.1 0.9
43 0.7
45 0.3 0.5
47 0.9 1.1 0.2 0.8
50 0.2
52 0.7 0.6
53 0.2 0.9 0.5 0.5
54 0.7 0.4 0.9
55 0.7 1.0 0.9
56 0.5
57 0.2 0.6 0.2 1.1
61 0.5
62 0.5 0.5
64 0.2
67 3.0 1.1 1.8 0.3
68 1.4 0.5 0.3
69 0.5 0.3 1.4
71 1.3 1.4 0.5
72 0.5 0.5
81 0.2 0.1 0.5
82 1.4 0.5
85 0.2 0.3 0.5
86 0.9 0.3 0.5
Encrusted 2.1 4.9 4.7 3.2
Other 8.2 7.3 7.0 9.6
Incision 0.3 2.1
Traces 0.5 2.2 0.5
Vert panel 0.2 0.3
Sample 427 788 443 373
The Halaf Pottery 71

Table 4.14: General groups ofinterior painted motif (percentages are omitted for Redeposited material)
Group Early Phase Middle Phase Late Phase Redeposited Total
Zig-zags 6 2.6% 1 1.2% 7
Triangles 1 1.0% 2 0.9% 1 1.2% 4
Lozenges 3 2.9% 7 3.0% 2 2.3% 3 15
Links 4 3.9% 5 2.2% 2 2.3% 3 14
Cross-hatch 4 3.9% 6 2.6% 3 3.5% 1 14
Chevrons 2 2.0% 3 1.3% 1 1.2% 6
W a v y lines 2 2.0% 7 3.0% 1 1.2% 2 12
V a n Dykes 18 17.6% 33 14.35% 13 14.9% 21 85
Checks 4 3.9% 5 2.2% 2 2.3% 3 14
Dots 7 6.9% 4 1.7% 1 1.2% 1 13
Lines 50 49.0% 129 56.1% 58 66.7% 51 288
Circles 2 2.0% 2
Scales 3 2.9% 4 1.7% 1 8
Sample 102 230 87 98 517

Table 4.15: General groups ofexterior painted motif (percentages are omitted for Redeposited material)
Group Early Phase Middle Phase Late Phase Redeposited Total
Zig-zags 3 0.5% 2 0.9% 1 6
Triangles 3 0.5% 1 4
Lozenges 9 3.7% 26 4.9% 8 3.5% 6 49
Links 27 11.2% 41 7.7% 11 4.8% 12 91
Cross-hatch 10 4.1% 51 9.6% 14 6.1% 17 92
Chevrons 4 1.7% 6 1.1% 1 0.4% 4 15
W a v y lines 7 2.9% 22 4.1% 9 3.9% 8 46
V a n Dykes 9 3.7% 12 2.3% 7 3.0% 5 33
Dots 2 0.9% 11 2% 3 0.9% 2 18
Lines 146 60.3% 312 58.7% 148 64.4% 135 741
Circles 2 0.9% 6 1.1% 6 2.7% 4 18
Scales 11 4.5% 12 2.3% 8 3.5% 4 35
Sample 247 532 230 214 1223

are used on the interior and the exterior of the rim General use (Tables 4.12 - 15)
(Tables 4.10 and 11). T h e range of motifs on the There is evidence from both the seasons that there
interior and exterior of the rim is quite varied and, is an increase in the predominance of motif 1, a
because the motifs often only occur once or twice, narrow single band, as an interior rim motif. In the
most of them cannot be considered as of real sig- early phase in 1983 5 0 % of interior rim motifs
nificance. As the single band motifs which cause were motif 1, compared to over 6 0 % in the middle
the incompatibilities between 1983 and 1984 sea- and later phases. In the 1984 sample, where the
sons are repeated frequendy, the motifs which oc- figures are artificially deflated relative to the motifs
cur exclusively on the interior and exterior rims are which are not simple bands because of the effect of
tabulated together. bulk recording, the early phase has 3 1 % of interior
In all 17 motifs occur on both the interior and rim motifs as motif 1, and between 4 1 % and 5 3 %
exterior rim, 9 occur only on the interior and 12 in the middle and late phases. This change is not
occur only on the exterior. Clearly m a n y of the parallelled in exterior rim motifs, where the exact
motifs which only occur a few times cannot be percentages vary but no clear trend is visible. In the
considered to be significant. main, it appears that motif 3, a wide horizontal
band, was more c o m m o n in the early phase and
that the actual change was not the increase in the
use of a simple rim band, but a decrease in its
72 Kharabeh Shattani II

width. This development, together with the decline Yarim Tepe (Bader, Merpert and Munchaev 1981,
in the use of lozenge based decoration, is very in- P1.V).
teresting as possibly indicating a change in one Such decoration is much more widely spread,
particular aspect of the use of motifs within a single occurring most prominendy as Dalma impressed
phase of the Halaf ceramic sequence without re- ware in north west Iran (e.g. Hamlin 1975). It also
lated change in other aspects. occurs at many Ubaid 3 sites in the Hamrin as a
major part of the ceramic assemblage. In levels I
and II of Tell Abada it made up 2 0 . 8 % of the as-
Surface manipulation semblage (Jasim 1985, 130). Henrickson and Vi-
A number of sherds are decorated by various forms tali (1987, 44) consider these occurrences to be
of surface manipulation (Fig. 30). All of these are examples of the spread of a decorative concept. It is
in typical Halaf fabric; all of them fall into fabrics not clear whether the Halaf examples should be
groups I-III as defined above. O n occasion incision considered as related to the Dalma examples and, if
or impression is combined with regular Halaf so, whether the link was direct or through the
painted motifs using paint which appears entirely Ubaid sites to the south.
within the normal range for the site. All occur on The variety referred to as applied/scored layer
the exterior of sherds and do not occur at the rim; appears to have no published parallels and must be
all but five are on body sherds, many of which described in detail (Fig. 30.2). The fabric, paint
seems likely to have originally been from jars. With and motifs are entirely typical of the Halaf pottery
one exception discussed below, most of the varie- at Kharabeh Shattani. A very thick slip or a layer of
ties are quite simple. fine clay, at most 3 m m thick, was applied to the
exterior surface. As the original exterior surface of
Table 4.16: the bowl is easily distinguishable beneath this extra
Frequencies oftypes of Surface Manipulation layer, the original bowl may have been dried or
Incised 6 partiallyfiredbefore its addition. The surface of
Incised chevron 4 the applied layer was then scored diagonally. This
Grooves 6 scoring is very distinctive and may have been done
Combing 3 by a bundle of straw or twigs. There are only two
Stabbing 2 parallels known to this writer for this variety of
Circular impressions 4 surface manipulated decoration, both from Ar-
Finger impressions 2 pachiyah and both unpublished. There is one sherd
Finger nail impressions 2 of identical type from Arpachiyah in Birmingham
Applied/scored layer 1 City M u s e u m and a similar one in the British M u -
seum, both combined with typical Halaf painted
Broadly similar material to the majority of im- decoration. It is not known from which levels at
pressed and impressed sherds has been found con- Arpachiyah these came. As with the Kharabeh
sistendy in small quantities at other Halaf sites, at Shattani example, they are sherds from bowls
least in north Iraq and north eastern Syria. At Ar- combining Halaf fabric and painted decoration
pachiyah the only example illustrated is considera- with an applied/scored layer on the exterior below
bly more complex (Mallowan and Rose 1935, PL. the rim.
XXa) although there are general references to a
range of incised and impressed pottery (Mallowan
and Rose 1935, 174). However, Mallowan's site Red washed sherds
notes in the British M u s e u m make it clear that fin-
ger impressed sherds in medium to coarse fabrics Two rim sherds of either form la or of flaring jar
were found in the latest levels. Related sherds have necks with an external wash of red paint were
been found at Khirbet Derak Ouest, in a Halaf- found at Kharabeh Shattani. This external wash is
Ubaid Transitional context (pers c o m m Catherine quite thin but even. In one case it has been heavily
Breniquet). O n e similarfingerimpressed sherd is burnished and, in the other, m u c h more lighdy
illustrated from Chagar Bazar (Mallowan 1936, smoothed. The surface has a slighdy streaky red
Fig. 27, 19) and another example comes from wash which, where it has been more heavily bur-
nished, has turned to red-brown. The wash extends
over all of the exterior which has been preserved
The HalafPottery 73

(from the rim to the base of the neck if they are more highlyfiredthan other sherds from Kharabeh
jars) and there is a thin interior rim band. T h e Shattani and the dark grey brown paint is fused to
fabric of both sherds is similar to the rest of the the body of the pot. There are no exact Samarran
Halaf pottery from Kharabeh Shattani. parallels for this sherd but itfitswell within a more
These examplesfitwell within the range of the general type
rather heterogenous red wash ware found in north- The occurrence of a Samarran pot sherd here is
ern Syria principally in association with Late Halaf surprising. It is argued below that the Halaf pottery
or Halaf-Ubaid Transitional pottery (Leenders from Kharabeh Shattani is from the latter half of
1989). It has not previously been found in the Ti- the Halaf sequence, almost certainly from what has
gris valley although there are scattered examples traditionally been termed Late Halaf. This ought to
from the Sinjar plain (Leenders 1989, 90-91). In date from somewhere in the middle of the fifth
the Khabur area, it is best represented and de- millennium B C (uncalibrated). T h e presendy
scribed at Tell Aqab. Here it appears in the final available dates from sites with Samarran pottery
phase of the Late Halaf and continues into the (Watkins and Campbell, 1987, Fig. 5) do not indi-
Halaf-Ubaid Transitional levels (Davidson 1977, cate that it lasted to any extent into thefifthmil-
155-256). lennium.
It is most probable that the sherd is residual
from earlier activity on the site. Certainly Samarran
Green Fabric Group pottery does occur rarely in the area of the Sad-
d a m m D a m , for instance at Musaifha (Salem
Fabric group IV appears distinctively different Yunis, pers. comm.).
from the other groups in several respects and it
worthy of separate consideration of the sherds
which occur with this fabric. Although they are §4.3 COARSE W A R E
different to the normal Halaf fabrics, two of the 26
sherds in this group can be separated from the rest. Because of the difficulty experienced, particularly
O n e of them is the Samarran sherd discussed in in thefirstseason, in differentiating securely Halaf
detail below (Fig. 30.7). A second sherd seems coarse wares from those of thefirstmillennium and
similarly unlikely to be an Halaf sherd from its of the Hassuna period, the coarse wares were less
style of decoration but cannot be clearly assigned to well recorded than thefinerwares. It is unfortunate
another pottery style (Fig. 29.9). T h e only sherd that little new information can be added to our
with vegetable temper in this group is also rather knowledge of Halaf coarse wares, an aspect of the
thick ( 1 0 m m ) and m a y more properly be consid- ceramic industry which has frequendy been ig-
ered on the boundary of coarse sherds. Apart from nored in favour of the more attractive painted
these exceptions, this group is consistent and seems wares. Nonetheless a certain amount of quantita-
to be component of the main Halaf assemblage at tive information is available. In the first season a
the site. T h e frequency of the green ware sherds small number of detailed fabric descriptions were
appears to decline by phase but, on the very small made and some sherds drawn. In the second sea-
sample, this m a y be illusionary (Table 4.17). son, although fabrics were not recorded in detail,
records of the general form were made
Table 4.17: Frequency of Green ware sherds by phase (Table 4.18). Coarse ware can be distinguished
Phase Number %age of total readily and consistendy in the field from the fine
Early 7 4.3 ware, not always on a single characteristic, but on a
Middle 11 2.4 combination of temper, thickness (on average
Late 2 1.0 12.5mm on the 1983 sample) and surface finish.
All phases 26 2.7 41 coarse ware sherds were recorded in detail in
1983. These are not necessarily a representative
The Samarran sherd sample as they were selected for recording due to
A single sherd was found which appears to be a being large portions of vessels suitable for drawing
clear example of the Samarran type (Fig. 30.7). and no attempt will be made to treat them statisti-
T h e fabric is heavily grit tempered with the grits cally. T h e fabrics recorded in thefirstseason split
very prominent on the surface of the sherd. It is into two main groups. T h efirsthas vegetable tem-
per of varying degrees of coarseness and density.
74 Kharabeh Shattani II

The fabric colour (defined using the same termi- upper body a short distance below the rim (for ex-
nology as used above for the fine wares) ranges ample Volume /, Fig. 28, no. 6). Such lug handles
from orange and pink through brown to a few grey appear more c o m m o n in the grit tempered sherds,
sherds. Differendy coloured cores occur in about although this could simply be a sampling error.
half the sherds. The second type has grey or black
grit temper, often very dense. Grit tempered coarse
wares occur only in the brown and grey groups of § 4.4 C H R O N O L O G Y A N D DISCUSSION
fabric colour, and are most commonly grey, fre-
quendy with a darker grey or black core. The chronological position of the late Halaf ce-
A total of 2720 coarse ware sherds was found in ramic assemblage at Kharabeh Shattani relative to
the Halaf and later levels in the 1984 season. Al- Tell Arpachiyah and Tell Aqab was discussed in
though a proportion were redeposited Hassuna detail in the 1983 report {Volume I, 41-56). Briefly
sherds and there may have been an element of first summarised the arguments were as follows. The
millennium contamination, the majority of these site cannot date from the early Halaf because of the
are certainly of Halaf date. 2036 of these came ratio of type la to type 2a bowl forms as well as the
from levels which were primarily Halaf and these presence of other distinctively late vessel types, be-
sherds were used to obtain a broadfrequencydis- cause of the absence of lustrous slips and paint, and
tribution of forms. A rough division was made because of the wide range of motifs. It has been
between those with predominandy vegetable tem- argued elsewhere {Volume I, 55; Watkins and
per and those with grit temper, which corresponds Campbell 1987, 430-1) that the major split within
closely to the major division which can be made for the Halaf is between early and middle and that di-
the 1983 sherds. vision of middle and late Halaf may be, to some
The division into shapes is rather approximate. extent, regional. Therefore, it is rather harder to be
Flat bases are the only type of base found and often definite about the position of Kharabeh Shattani
have a slight foot (see Volume I, Fig.29, nos. 4 and within the latter part of the Halaf. The absence of
5 for examples). Shallow dishes are similar to fine polychrome and scarcity of bichrome painting
ware forms lb, lc, 2b or 2c in shape. Bowls are would argue, on their own, for a middle Halaf
similar to those found in 1983 {Volume I, Fig.2, date. However, there is other evidence that the ab-
no.2; Fig. 11, no.5; Fig. 15, no. 5). All of these sence of such painting must be explained by other
bowls are in vegetable tempered fabrics, presum- factors than simply chronology. The presence of
ably signifying a strong functional differentiation. vessel forms lb, Id, 3b, 3c and 5c points to a date
Jars are similar to those illustrated in the 1983 re- after the early part of the Tell Aqab middle Halaf.
port (Volume I: Fig. 26, no. 4; Fig. 27, nos. 1 and The presence of bow-rim jars (form 5d) in small
5) although there is a wider range than illustrated, numbers indicates a late phase date. The portion of
including some which would fall in the 5b category 3c bowls, allowing for the underestimate in the
if the fine ware classification was used. Holemouth 1984 Kharabeh Shattani sample due to bulk re-
pots are a similar range to those illustrated from cording,fitsT T 6-7 at Arpachiyah better than ear-
1983 {Volume /, Fig. 21, nos. 1, 3-5; Fig. 23, lier phases. Finally, a single sherd was shown by
no. 1) and often have a lug handle attached to the neutron activation analysis to have been very likely

Table 4.18: Frequencies ofcoarse ware shapes (1984 season)

General Shape Vegetable Grit
Flat base 66 34
Shallow dish 3 16
Bowl 14
Bowl with square rim 78
Jar 5 7
Holemouth 6
Holemouth with knob lug 14 10
The Halaf Pottery 75

to have originated at Arpachiyah, m a d e from the significant quantities of such pottery. While this
clay source used in the late phase at that site does emphasis the fact that earlier excavations, and
{Volume I, 61). perhaps most importantly the unique concentra-
T h e above arguments require little modi- tion offinepottery in the Burnt House at Arpachi-
fication. There are some n e w pieces of evidence, yah, have produced a slighdy misleading
however, in support of a late dating. T h e presence characterisation of the late Halaf ceramic tradition,
of surface manipulated decoration at Kharabeh it does perhaps also have a wider significance.
Shattani matches its occurrence in late Halaf con- What all the sites which produce the
texts at Arpachiyah and Chagar Bazar. It also pro- 'impoverished' variant of the late Halaf assemblage
vides a useful link with the Ubaid in the Hamrin have in c o m m o n is that they are low sites with rela-
basin where pottery which seems to be related has tively short occupation. It m a y be suggested that
been found widely. At Tell Abada such pottery is there was some qualitative difference between Ha-
associated in Level II with small quantities of poly- laf sites (§ 12.4). T h e production of bichrome or
chrome Halaf pottery implying that this site m a y polychrome pottery is a major advance in technol-
be contemporary with the very latest Halaf (Jasim ogy, probably requiring considerable knowledge of
1985, 139). T h e presence of Red W a s h W a r e pro- pigments and, particularly, control over firing
vides some evidence of links with Late Halaf and temperature. Therefore, some settlements, such as
Halaf-Ubaid transitional sites further west. Kharabeh Shattani, m a y have lacked direct access
T h e nature of the ceramic assemblage as a to this technology the knowledge of which m a y
whole at Kharabeh Shattani is interesting, and have been restricted to specific sites.
possibly correlates with the relative poorness of the T h e Samarran sherd, the single cream bowl
other Halaf finds at this site (Section 7). It is simi- sherd and, possibly, the probable non-Halaf sherd
lar to the assemblages of some other recendy exca- in Fig. 29.9, suggest that there was activity in the
vated sites such as Shams ed-Din (Gustavson- vicinity of Kharabeh Shattani at some point be-
G a u b e 1981) and U m m Qseir (Hole and Johnston tween the proto-Hassuna and late Halaf. This ac-
1986-87) in Syria in that it appears to possess a late tivity m a y have been concentrated at a location on
Halaf assemblage but with a minimal component the site away from the area of excavation or it m a y
of fine bichrome or polychrome wares. This con- have been of a very short term and fugitive nature.
trasts strongly with sites such as Arpachiyah, Cha- It is also possible that is was deposited on the site
gar Bazar and Tell A q a b where the late Halaf is as part of D B A (§ 2.2) and had eroded from a
characterised most strongly by die presence of nearby location.
76 Kharabeh Shattani II

Catalogue of Halaf Pottery Illustrations Fabric description: Orange fabric with burnished exte
with cream slip and red brown paint. N o visible temper.
Form: 3c.
Note. Some of drawn sherds were not described
at the time of drawing. Because it was not possible
2 BBT 3
to return to Iraq during the final stages of writing, Diam: 140 mm.
it is not possible to provide complete pottery Description: Light orange green fabric withfinewhite grits
decsriptions for all drawings. and black paint.
All drawings are at 1:2. Form: 3c.

3 BBC 113
Fig. 23 Diam: 140 mm.
Description: Grey fabric with dark red core, white slip and
1 ADI8
red black paint. N o visible temper.
Diam: 240 mm.
Form: 3c.
Form: 2a.

4 ABP 27
2 ABP 25
Form: 3c
Diam: over 300 mm.
Description: Possible waster.
5 BBC 56
Form: lb.
Diam: 120 mm.
Description: Orange brown fabric with buff slip and black
3 ABD6
paint. N o visible temper.
Fabric: dark buff with cream slip and orange brown paint.
Form: 3c.
N o visible temper.
Form: 2a.
6 A-A/A-B/A-C 10 (baulk cleaning)
4 BCC 7 Diam: 180-220 mm.
Diam: 110 mm. Form: 3c
Description: Orange with fine white grits, cream slip and
red paint.
Form: 2a. Fig. 26
1 BCC 32
Fig. 24 Diam: 160 mm.
Description: Orange fabric, black paint. N o visible
1 BBQ 15 temper.
Diam: 220 mm. Form: 2c
Description: Orange buff with buff slip and black paint.
N o visible temper. 2 ACI3
Form: 2a. Diam: 50 mm.
Form: 2c.
2 BBC 30
Diam: 100 mm. 3 BCC 23
Description: Orange withfinewhite grits, cream slip and Diam: 360 mm.
orange red paint. Description: Orange fabric, burnished exterior, black
Note: Rim heavily warped and diameter approximate. paint. N o visible temper.
Form: lc
3 ADJ 53
Diam: 220 mm. 4 BBF2
Form: 2b. Description: Orange fabric with cream slip. Bichrome
decoration, black on drawing shows brown-black paint,
4 ACK5 shading shows red-orange. N o visible temper.
Diam: 260 mm.
Form: 2a. 5 BBT 6
Description: Brown fabric with cream slip and brown
5 ADA/ADB 1 paint. N o visible temper.
Diam: 160 mm. Form: 2b.
Form: la.
6 BBC 87
Diam: 150 m m .
Fig. 25 Description: Orange fabric with red paint. N o visible
1 BBC 72 Form: 2c
Diam: 70 mm.
The Halaf Pottery 77

Fig. 27 Form: 5a.

1 BCU2 3 ABE 14
Diam: 220 mm.
Description: Pink fabric with cream slip and black paint. 4 BCC 26
N o visible temper. Description: Orange fabric with red paint. N o visible
Form: lc. temper.

2 BCC 35 5 BCO 37
Diam: 210 m m . Description: Orange fabric with buff core, exterior cream
Description: Buff fabric with grey core, cream slip and red slip and orange paint. N o visible temper.
paint. N o visible temper.
Form: lc. 6 BCO 38
Description: Grey fabric with black paint. N o visible
3 BCC 71 temper.
Description: Orange fabric with cream slip and orange
paint. N o visible temper. 7 BCC 51
Form: lc. Description: Orange fabric with exterior cream slip and
red black paint. N o visible temper.

Fig. 28 8 BCC 24
Description: Orange brown fabric with exterior cream slip
1 BBB 22 and black paint. N o visible temper.
Diam: 80 m m .
Description: Orange fabric with buff core and fine white 9 BCC 72
grits, cream slip and red black paint. Description: Greenish fabric, black paint, very well
Form: 5b. smoothed surface. N o visible temper.

2 BCO 36 10 BCC 5
Description: Red fabric with cream slip and light orange Diam: 220 m m .
paint. N o visible temper. Description: Orange fabric with red paint. N o visible
3 BBH15 Form: If.
Diam: 100 m m .

4 BBF5 Fig. 30
Diam: 140 m m .
Description: Brown buff fabric with cream slip and orange 1 BCO 39
brown paint. N o visible temper. Diam: 300 m m .
Form: 5b. Description: Orange fabric with no visible inclusions. Neat
fingernail impressions.
5 BCB1
Diam: 120 m m . 2 BCO 15
Description: Buff fabric with pink core, cream slip and Diam: 280 mm.
black paint. N o visible temper. Description: Orange fabric with red brown paint.
Form: 2a.
6 BCO 61
Diam: 120 mm. 3 BBU6
Description: Buff fabric with burnished exterior, cream Diam: 240 mm.
slip and orange paint. N o visible temper. Description: Orange fabric with no visible inclusions.
Form: 5b. Deepfinemailimpressions.

4 BBM 11
Fig. 29 Description: Orange fabric with no visible inclusions.
1 BBS 5
Description: Orange fabric with brown paint. N o visible 5 BBG1
temper. Description: Orange fabric with few inclusions. Shallow
Note: This does not appear to be a pedestal vessel as the horizontal scoring.
profile is asymmetric.
6 BCC 73
Description: Grey fabric withfinevegetable temper.
2 BCC 98
Description: Orange fabric with dark red core, exterior
cream slip and orange paint. N o visible temper. 7 BCO 14
78 Kharabeh Shattani II

Description: Light greenish fabric, hard fired with 3 Surface 1

prominant fine black, white and orange grits. Dark green- Diam: 180 m m .
brown paint. Shallow slashed incisions on upper shoulder Form: la.
amde after painting. Diam. of base of neck c.100 m m .
4 BCC 76
8 BCC 74 Diam: 60 m m .
Description: Buff fabric with orange core. N o visible Description: Orange fabric. N o visible temper.
5 BBB 20.
Diam: 120 m .
Fig. 31 Description: Grey fabric with vegetable temper, buff slip
and orange paint.
1 ADJ 33
Diam: 155 m m . 6 A-A/A-B/A-C 11 (baulk cleaning)
Description: Mottled buff grey fabric withfinegrey grits. Dimensions: Slightly oval, maximum length 212 m m . N o
Thin vertical division (c.5 m m thick) up to preserved visible temper.
height of vessel.

2 AAD6
Description: Pink orange fabric with light pink slip.
Vertical division broken off, only preserved at base.
The Halaf Pottery 79

c .c



1c ^Ms^ 2c


\ 3b ^^Mi 5d


if ^™~ 3c V.^M V—m

3d \ M M
Fig. 21 The Halaf Pottery
80 Kharabeh Shattani II

19 ®©@z&

» » » » 39 OOOO
22 xxxvx 40
23 41

//////// 24 42

25 43

SSK 44


10 46


12 mi i' \T

ua 48

13 III H 49

« ?rffl5 32

15 33
oooo 51

16 34

\\\w 52

Fig. 22 The Halaf Pottery

The Halaf Pottery

oooo 64 73 faJkM
54 <sm@«& O QO
65 $0$o
56 66

67 ^J&/JV;/&




63 fiOWTWTO^

Fig.22 (conld) The Halaf Pottery

82 Kharabeh Shattani II


The Halaf Pottery 83


Fig. 24 Halaf pottery

84 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 25 Halaf pottery

The HalafPottery 85

86 Kharabeh Shattani II

e Halaf Pottery


Fig. 28 Halaf pottery

88 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 29 Halaf pottery

The Halaf Pottery 89

Fig. 30 Halaf pottery

90 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 31 Halaf pottery


The First Millennium B.C. Pottery

Jacqui Goodwin

T h e core of this contribution is based o n the text § 5.1: I N T R O D U C T I O N

of a dissertation presented by Jacqui G o o d w i n for
the degree of M A with honours in Archaeology at Deposition of the Assemblage
Edinburgh University in 1985. In the light of the Most of thefirstmillennium B C pottery was found
publication of parallel work at nearby Qasrij in disturbed surface deposits. A smaller amount
(Curds et al. 1989) and some other recent publica- was contained in a number of pits, cut into the
tions, the text has been minimally revised; it has underlying Halaf deposits, and ranging in size from
also been adjusted from its dissertation form for narrow cylindrical pits to very large scoops (§ 2.6).
publication here [Editors]. T h e surfaces from which these pits were cut no
This contribution is in two parts. Part one (that longer survive and m u c h of the material in the su-
is, § § 5-1 to 5.3) is a presentation of the evidence, perficial levels probably originates from the upper
and consists of descriptions of the types and wares fills which were not detected or have been
characteristic of Kharabeh Shattani in the third and ploughed away. S o m e of the material, too, m a y
last phase of its occupation. This is accompanied have derived from higher strata n o longer surviv-
by a catalogue of all drawn sherds. Part two (that ing.
is, § 5-4) is a discussion of the material, the aim to There has proved to be insufficient material to
try to establish the date of the assemblage as pre- establish chronological distinctions between the
cisely as possible, and, to consider its historical various pits and consequendy it has been necessary
context. Echoes of both the Neo-Assyrian and the to treat the assemblage as a single unified entity.
Hellenistic periods date the assemblage approxi- There is no reason to think that the material was
mately to the period intermediate between the two, not deposited over a short period of time. There is
w h e n northern Iraq lay under the control of the some additional justification for this however, since
Achaemenid Persians. This is where the impor- most of the excavated pits d o not cut each other,
tance of the Kharabeh Shattani material lies. It be- suggesting they were open at the same time. It is
longs to a period which has been virtually therefore probable, though not necessarily certain,
u n k n o w n archaeologically in this area and the that thefillsaccumulated contemporaneously, or at
pottery from Kharabeh Shattani m a y therefore least within a relatively short time of each other.
prove to be enlightening. In recent years other as- If the pits are viewed as contemporaneous, their
semblages from this general period have c o m e to close concentration over most of the excavated area
light, both in north and in south Mesopotamia; suggests that this part of the site m a y have had a
but n o long, stratified sequence yet bridges the specific function (§ 2.7), the nature of which is as
dark period from the end of the Assyrian Empire to yet unknown. This does not necessarily imply,
the Hellenistic age. For the time being, at least, the however, that the pottery reflects such a function
sequence must be tentatively reassembled from ex- and represents only a part of the full assemblage in
posures like Kharabeh Shattani. use o n the site, since the pits m a y have been delib-
erately infilled with material derived from else-
where, particularly m u d brick debris, or
92 Kharabeh Shattani II

alternatively fills could have accumulated gradually /. Bowls

from a wide area. For our purposes the pottery can 1 9 % of the Kharabeh Shattani rims come from
be treated a single, general assemblage, with the bowls.
possible exception of a few sherds which m a y be a) (Figs. 33:5, 34:6, 35:5, 41:1-2, 46:7) Plain
later, [opposite] rimmed, usually open bowls. Only one example
has inturned sides. Most examples are charac-
Introduction to the Catalogue terized by a groove just below the rim. Diame-
As the first millennium B C pottery came from ters range from 120 to 340 m m .
mixed surface deposits or from pits cut through b) (Fig 32:3, 33:9, 11, 37:3, 44:8) Bowls with
Halaf levels, the first step in processing was to sepa- everted rims, generally flattened along the top.
rate it from secondary Halaf material. As the as- T h e smaller examples have a marked carination.
semblage was an unknown entity intrusions from Internal diameters range from 120 to 330 m m .
other periods could not necessarily be easily rec- c) (Fig 32:4, 35:6) Bowls with smooth exterior
ognized. All non-Halaf sherds were therefore re- profiles and a rim thickened to a roughly trian-
corded for later study. gular profile on the interior. Diameters range
It was excavation policy to draw as many as from 160 to 320 m m .
possible of the diagnostic sherds (rims, bases, han- d) (Figs. 32:2, 33:8) T h e most elaborate rim type
dles and lugs, decorated sherds) and in 1983 every at Kharabeh Shattani. T h e rim is roughly dia-
example was drawn. In 1984 some duplicates were m o n d shaped in profile with a thickened inte-
merely noted but again the majority of diagnostic rior, similar to that of type c) above, an external
sherds were drawn. The bulk of the corpus of lip and a pointed top. A groove sometimes runs
drawings is reproduced in the catalogue. The fabric below the exterior lip. Diameters range from
of each sherd was recorded in detail, and in the 200 to 410 m m , most commonly above 300
catalogue the ware is given whenever possible. mm.
Where a sherd cannot be attributed to one of the e) (Fig 34:4, 35:1, 3, 53:1) A rather amorphous
wares, the fabric description is quoted from the group of rim sherds, thickened, often to a col-
excavation records. The context 'JC refers to a 2 m lared rim, on the exterior only. Diameters range
x 2 m sondage conducted by Dr. John Curtis of the from 160 to 300 m m .
British M u s e u m early in 1983. All measurements
are given in millimetres. 2. Beakers
The catalogue is arranged according to shape (Fig. 36:9, 10, 37:1, 5) Only 3 % of the rims at
type rather than according to fabric. This is be- Kharabeh Shattani come from beakers. These are
cause the majority of sherds are of what has been small, thin-walled vessels, generally with plain
termed 'Standard ware', but also because fabric is flared rims of diameters between 100 and 110 m m .
likely to be a local feature and when comparisons O n e example (Fig. 36:10) has a rounded base and
have to be made with other sites for chronological there are several recorded examples of small, fiat,
purposes, shape is a feature more likely to be re- fine ware bases with diameters from 20 to 40 m m ,
tained over distance. which m a y belong to beakers. All surviving exam-
ples have carinated bodies.

§5.2: VESSEL SHAPES 3. Jars

6 3 % of the rim sherds are from jars.
Introduction a) (Figs. 34:3, 43:1, 3, 17, 44:3, 45:12, 46:8) Jars
Thefirstmillennium B C pottery from Kharabeh with flared plain rims. T h e top of the rim is
Shattani is very fragmentary and with the sole ex- usually rounded and the exterior m a y be very
ception of type 2, beakers, there are no complete slighdy thickened. Diameters range from 70 to
profiles. Rims, bases, handles and lugs, and deco- 260 m m but are concentrated between 100 and
rated sherds must therefore be discussed separately. 190 mm.
b) (Figs. 32:10, 33:2, 10, 34:7, 35:2, 4, 38:1-2,
Rims 40:2-7, 42:3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 43:6, 44:2, 6, 45:6,
These are the most commonly surviving diagnostic 46:5, 47:1-2, 49:1-4, 50:1-7, 51:3-4) O n e of
sherds. Altogether 6 % of the rim sherds could not the most c o m m o n jar rim types at Kharabeh
be classified. Shattani with m a n y variations. T h e rim is
The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 93

thickened on the exterior to a collar with a con- there is only one clear instance of this, Fig. 52:6, a
vex profile which often gives the rim a roughly C o m m o n ware cooking pot. There are only four-
triangular section. Some examples have grooved teen recorded C o m m o n ware bases and these are
collars. Diameters range from 45 to 340 m m perhaps more likely to belong to straight-sided
but are concentrated between 100 and 200 bowls, the rims of which are also recorded.
c) (Figs. 34:2, 38:4, 40:1, 41:3-6, 8, 42:2, 5, 7, 9- Recorded base types are as follows.
11, 43:14, 16, 44:11, 45:10, 46:4) The most a) (Fig. 39:2, 5-6, 9) Simpleflatbases with diame-
c o m m o n jar rim type at Kharabeh Shattani. ters generally ranging from 50 to 160 m m . Sev-
Also a collared rim but with a concave profile eral smaller examples with diameters between
which gives the collar a distinctive upturned 20 and 40 m m . probably belonged tofineware
edge. Diameters range from 40 to 230 m m , beakers.
with a concentration between 100 and 210 b) (Fig. 39:4, 7-8) Flat bases with a clear indica-
mm. tion on the external wall of the vessel where the
d) (Fig. 33:1, 38:5, 41:7, 45:2, 7) Again a jar with base begins. Some examples are developed
a concave collared rim, but with a flattened top enough to be classified as disc bases. Diameters
in contrast with the pointed top of type c) range from 60 to 145 m m .
above. Diameters range from 130 to 340 m m . c) Slighdy rounded bases with diameters ranging
e) (Fig. 43:2, 4, 44:4, 9-10, 45:11, 48:2-4) from 25 to 90 m m .
Everted rim with squared profile. This type is d) (Fig. 54:5) Flat bases of tall narrow vessels,
often characterized by relatively coarse, poorly possibly jars or amphorae.
levigated fabric and is also commonly painted. e) Ring bases varying from almostflatbases to
Diameters range from 110 to 260 m m . clearly developed rings. Diameters range from
f) (Fig. 33:4, 44:1, 7, 12) Everted rim, usually 55 to 140 m m with one recorded example of a
flattened on the top, but with a rounded or diameter of 25 m m .
pointed profile. A short-necked jar with a flat f) (Fig. 36:1-2) Pedestal bases.
thickened rim (Fig 22:7) should also perhaps be
included with this type though the rim is not 8. Possible Stands
everted. Diameters range from 90 to 200 m m . Fig. 36:4-5

4. Hole-Mouthed Vessels Handles and Lugs

Only 9 % of the rims belong to hole-mouthed ves- These are not c o m m o n at Kharabeh Shattani ex-
sels. cept on hole-mouthed vessels, some of which show
a) (Figs. 45:5, 47:3, 52:1-4) Plain or simple hole- clear signs of burning on the exterior, indicating
mouthed vessel rims with diameters ranging probable use as cooking pots. Handles and lugs
from 90 to 300 m m . would therefore have had a practical function in
b) (Fig. 33:3, 7, 37:4, 46:1, 2, 47:4, 51:1) C o m - lifting, carrying and possibly suspension above
plex hole-mouthed vessels, often characterized fires. Examples n o w surviving singly would origi-
by collared rims, generally grooved. Diameters nally have occurred in pairs or larger numbers to
range from 130 to 220 m m . facilitate this.
c) (Fig. 42:12, 43:11, 15, 45:8, 47:5, 52:6-7) Ves- a) Handles:- Short strap handles, often slighdy
sels with a very short vertical neck giving them grooved, and joined direcdy to the rim of the
almost the appearance of short-necked jars. Di- vessel, are seen on Fig. 47:5, 51:4 and 52:6-7;
ameters range from 130 to 380 m m . these are all hole-mouthed vessels. There is only
one recorded example of a jar with handle. Fig.
S.Plate 53:2 is a fragment of a m u c h larger, thicker
Fig. 32:1 handle with a double groove. Fig 53:5 shows
6. Lid part of an unevenly made handle joined to a
fragment of a Fine ware rim.
7. Bases b) Plain Lugs Fig 53:2 shows a small oval lug, and
Base sherds are gready outnumbered by rims. The a larger example appears in Fig. 52:1 on a hole-
possibility that some vessels m a y have had round mouthed vessel. A more angular, plain lug is
bases should not, however, be ruled out, although seen on Fig. 52:2.
Kharabeh Shattani II

c) Perforated Lugs Fig. 53:2 shows an oval pierced g) Glaze

lug while Fig. 53:3 shows a narrower version, Only one very small fragment of a glazed vessel
the last being the only recorded example of a jar from pit fill B C M (pit B A A ) was found at
with lug. Kharabeh Shattani. A yellowish glaze covers one
d) Crescent shaped lugs, found only on hole- side of the sherd but it is uncertain if this was
mouthed vessels. (Fig. 52:3-4). the original colour. T h e glaze is too mottled to
e) Two-horned Lug. Fig. 42:12. take accurate Munsell readings. A yellowish
stain and greenish patches o n the other side of
Decoration the sherd indicate that the vessel m a y originally
Most of the Kharabeh Shattani assemblage consists have been glazed on both surfaces, perhaps sug-
of plain utilitarian vessels. Decoration, w h e n it gesting an open bowl shape. T h e fabric falls
does occur, is very simple and is found on the within the limits of Kharabeh Shattani green-
normal Kharabeh Shattani types and wares. Rec- white ware (see below).
ognized techniques m a y be classified as follows:- Decorated sherds not illustrated include seven
a) Painted decoration. sherds with incised lines, seven with raised ribs and
Most c o m m o n l y this consists of horizontal three examples of slashed ribs, together with the
bands of red paint around the rims and/or small glazed sherd. Most of these c o m e from mixed
bodies of the vessels. (Figs. 33:9, 37:5, 50:2). deposits.
T h e only consistendy painted type is jar type e
(Fig. 45:11, 48:2-4). Irregular black bands are
shown o n Fig. 56:9, 10. Fugitive traces of §5.3: WARES
painting m a y be seen on Figs. 36:4, 42:2, 11,
54:4. Introduction
b) Horizontal Ribs. Each ware is discussed under three headings:- a)
These have been recorded on isolated sherds in physical properties, b) surface properties and c)
groups of one to three (Fig. 55:1-3). Ribs occur types.
on recognisable vessels o n Figs. 40:6, 42:10.
c) Slashed Ribs. a) Physical Properties
These occur o n generally fairly coarsely exe- These include such aspects as colour, texture,
cuted and decorated, relatively thick walled ves- hardness, porosity and strength (Shepard 1954,
sels. 100-2), all c o m m o n l y reported features, but often
d) Incised horizontal lines. described in a subjective manner which m a y not
These are sharply defined lines and must be accurately convey what was seen by the archaeolo-
distinguished from the more gende grooves gist. It was decided at Kharabeh Shattani that these
emphasizing the rims of type a, b and c bowls, properties could only be meaningfully reported by
and from those o n the collar rims of type b and reference to c o m m o n standards. Hardness, porosity
c jars. Incised lines occur in groups of two to and strength which could not be calculated objec-
four (Fig. 36:8, 55:6-9) and are seen singly in tively infieldconditions were therefore regarded as
association with other decorative forms (Figs. less important than colour and texture.
55:4, 56:1, 3-4, 7, 11). Single incised lines arc Colour can be reported most objectively by ref-
seen on recognisable vessel forms on Figs. 39:5, erence to Munsell soil colour charts, which classify
36:10 and 45:11. colours scientifically according to three variables.
e) Other incised decoration. T h efirstset of numbers and letters in each reading
Incised zigzags are seen o n Figs. 56:2, 5. Di- refer to hue, the position of the colour within the
verging incised lines are seen on Fig. 56:7 and spectrum. This is followed by a fraction, the nu-
Fig. 56:8, 9 show multiple incised lines, merator representing value and the denominator
probably executed with a comb. Fig. 56:3, 4 representing chroma. Value describes lightness and
have a distinctive 'petal' design, and, as already darkness on a scale of 0 indicating black, to 10 in-
noted, m a y be of a later date than the main dicating white. T h e chroma or purity of colour is
body of pottery. also calculated on a scale of 0 indicating neutral
f) Impressed decoration occurs only o n three iso- grey, to 10 the colour in its purest form. A n ap-
lated sherds. Fig. 56:2,6,11. propriate standardized colour n a m e is indicated for
each reading and so avoids the use of unnecessarily
The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 95

imprecise terms (such as the infamous 'buff) which tion of slip remains a problem. All surface features
have little descriptive value. Munsell readings are were recorded whenever recognized.
presented as a summary in table form, indicating
the range and most c o m m o n reading for each ware. c) Types
T h e excavation records preserve the Munsell read- This section will summarize briefly the main types,
ing for individual sherds. or forms describes in Chapter 2, represented in
There is not yet a comparable descriptive sys- each ware.
tem which can be applied to texture. This is a fea-
ture influenced primarily by the non-plastic Standard Ware
inclusions in the fabric (Shepard 1954, 117), so a T h e overwhelmingly c o m m o n ware at Kharabeh
description concentrates mainly on the composi- Shattani has been called Standard Ware.
tion of inclusions together with calculations of the
amounts, size and size variability of the grains. a) Physical Properties
Wentworth's scale (Shepard 1954, 115) could be
used as a standard for distinguishing the sizes of Table 5.1: Munsell values for Standard Ware, based
larger measurable grains but it is not possible to on 97 readings from 86 vessels/sherds.
distinguish the smaller divisions by the naked eye. Lower Modal Upper
It was found more practical to record the actual Limit Value Limit
sizes of measurable grits, this being in itself an ob- Hue 2.5 Y R 5 or 7.5 Y R 10YR
jective method. Value 3 6or7 8
'Fracture' is a characteristic conditioned by the Chroma 2 6 8
texture, hardness, homogeneity and other qualities
of the clay, and also by the method of breaking
Colour is generally uniform over the surface of the
(Shepard 1954, 102), and therefore has little de- vessel and falls within the range indicated in Ta-
scriptive value.
ble 5.1. High value and chroma readings show a
predominance of light, pure colours most com-
b) Surface Features monly described as 'reddish yellow'. These colours
These are indications on the surface of the vessel of indicatefiringin an oxidizing atmosphere, the high
the method of manufacture or finish. O n the most chroma values showing a normally high degree of
basic level it is possible to separate wheelmade and oxidization. S o m e sherds with grey cores or with
handmade vessels, the former being characterised Munsell readings with lower chroma values for the
by distinctive, horizontal, parallel or spiral ridges, cores than the surfaces m a y indicate incomplete
('wheelmarks') together with body walls of rela- oxidation.
tively even thickness. H a n d m a d e pots are often Inclusions are visible in the body of the vessel
recognized by a surface marked by depression and and on both the internal and external surfaces.
indentations, and by less tegular body walls. These Most characteristic are white limestone grits vary-
marks m a y be obliterated by smoothing of the ves- ing from very fine (i.e. too small to measure) to
sel, but smoothing, too, m a y leave marks on the l m m in diameter, occasionally up to 2 m m . There
surface. Smoothing marks depend to a certain ex- is great variation in size, even within the same ves-
tent on the texture of the clay, but m a y indicate sel. Pits on the surfaces occur where these grits have
both the state (i.e. degree of dryness) of the clay exploded duringfiring.Very fine black and, less
w h e nfinished,and the tool used. commonly, red grits of a more uniform size are also
Marks of manufacture and smoothing m a y fi- visible but have not been identified. There are also
nally be obscured by more decorative finishing occasional indications of very fine shiny or grey,
techniques such as slip or burnish. Burnishing gen- possibly micaceous, inclusions. Organic inclusions
erally produces an easily recognisable lustrous fin- have been recognized in only a few examples.
ish but the recognition of slip m a y present more T h e organic matter was undoubtedly added to
problems. W h e n a slip is a different colour from the clay as temper but the other non-plastic inclu-
the body of the vessel it is clearly visible with the sions m a y be natural. Clays from surrounding wadi
naked eye, but w h e n there is little or no colour beds appear to contain significant quantities of
difference it m a y be detectable only by microscopic limestone grains, generally of a size similar to those
investigation. This has not been possible on the which occur in the pottery (see § 4) and thus, al-
sherds from Kharabeh Shattani, and the recogni-
96 Kharabeh Shattani II

though these may have been retained as beneficial possible at present to make a reliable statement
to thefiring,they need not necessarily be deliber- regarding the percentage of slipped Standard ware.
ately added.
The absolute number of inclusions per c m 2 Table 5.2:
fluctuates considerably within a single vessel due to Munsell readings for Standard Ware slips.
the variability in size of the limestone grits. The Lower Modal Upper
finer grits are too small to count with the naked Limit Value Limit
eye. T h e proportions of grits also varies considera- Hue 2.5 Y R 10 Y R
bly between vessels, and is estimated to range be- 2.5 Y 5Y
tween 5 and 2 0 % of 1 cm 2 . Consequendy, Value 7 8
although the clay is generally well levigated, there is Chroma 2 4
a continuum of fabrics with varying degrees of
coarseness of texture. There is no apparent rela- c) Types
tionship between the coarseness of texture and the Standard ware is the most c o m m o n of the Khara-
thickness of the vessel walls. beh Shattani wares, and is used for all recognized
Finally, Standard ware is generally hard fired types, except possibly beakers (type 2).
and breaks with a rough fracture.
Fine ware
b) Surface Features This shares most of the characteristics of Standard
Standard ware sherds are characterised by promi- ware but forms a definite group with its o w n defin-
nent 'wheelmarks', which are particularly evident able, distinctive features.
on interior surfaces. Most rim sherds indicate
closed vessel shapes, in which case it would have a) Physical Properties
been neither necessary or practical to remove such
marks. 'Wheelmarks' are m u c h less prominent on
Table 5.3: Munsell readings for Fine ware, based on
the exteriors, where roughly horizontal, shallow 14 readings.
striatums suggest smoothing before firing. The ab-
Lower Modal Upper
sence of dragged grains suggests this was most
Limit Value Limit
probably carried out while the vessel was still wet,
Hue 2.5 Y R 5 or 7.5 Y R 10 Y R
possibly with a yielding tool. Some white grits,
Value 6 7 8
visible on the surface, m a y originally have been
Chroma 4 6^
smeared over but 'exploded' during firing, displac-
ing the clay covering.
O n e sherd (Fig. 56:12) is marked by a line of Table 5.3 shows the recorded colours of Fine ware
faint indentations which may be the marks of a sherds and clearly demonstrates that Fine ware col-
cord tied around the body of the vessel to help it ours are within the Standard ware range, the most
maintain its shape during firing. This is the indi- c o m m o n readings being identical. T h e narrower
cation of such a practice. ranges of the value and chroma readings indicating
The majority of Standard ware vessels do not generally lighter and less pure colours than Stan-
appear to have been furtherfinishedafter smooth- dard ware, m a y be due to differential firing or to
ing and have a m a n e or dull surface. Only one ves- clay selection, but, as the sample is small, it is per-
sel shows signs of burnishing. The use of slip is not haps more likely to be entirely fortuitous.
c o m m o n but there are occasional clearly visible The most c o m m o n Fine ware inclusions are the
examples of 'white' or 'pinkish-white' slips which white limestone and fine black grits of Standard
give Munsell readings (Table 5.2) indicating the ware, the difference being one of degree. T h e black
absence of the red element present in the body grits, as in Standard ware, are too small and too
sherds. There is also a group of sherds which have numerous to count, but the limestone grits are
surfaces slightly lighter than the interior and which limited to the smaller sizes in the Standard ware
produce readings within the normal Standard ware range, that is below l m m in diameter. T h e pro-
range. In these cases the light colouration m a y be portion of inclusions is low, an estimated 2.5 to
due to compaction during smoothing rather than 5 % of 1 cm 2 - This could indicate that the clay was
the application of a slip. Consequendy it is not specially selected or treated before working to re-
move larger grits.
The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 97

Finally, Fine ware vessels are characterized by marked by dark grey or black patches, apparendy
thin walls, around 4 m m thick, compared to an caused by burning during use.
average of 8 m m to 1 0 m m in Standard ware vessels. C o m m o n ware is also distinguished by the
presence of large mineral inclusions ranging in size
b) Surface Features from l m m to 5 m m within the same vessels and
T h e surface features of Fine ware show great simi- protruding on both the inner and outer surfaces.
larity to those of Standard ware. 'Wheelmarks', These are usually grey, angular, quartz grits, al-
though not normally prominent, are characteristic though one vessel has large, black grits. It is not
of the internal surfaces of the vessels, while the ex- k n o w n whether these grits were deliberately added
teriors show signs of wet smoothing. Also compa- as temper or occurred naturally in the clay, possibly
rable to Standard ware is the relatively rare specially selected for its coarseness, though the sin-
occurrence of light coloured slip; more c o m m o n in gle example of large black grits suggests deliberate
fine ware is the use of burnishing. Fig. 40:6 has addition. Smaller white limestone grits, ranging in
rings of pot burnishing around the neck of the ves- size from very fine to around 2 m m are also com-
sel and Fig. 37:5 is burnished over the entire body m o n , and very fine black and possibly grey grits
surface. There are also three recorded burnished also occur.
body sherds. T h e actual number of grits per c m 2 m a y be low
but the large size of the inclusions means that there
c) Types is often a high proportion of inclusions in 1cm 2 ,
T h e most important Fine ware type is the beaker an estimated 15 - 3 0 % .
(Fig. 36:9, 10, 37:1, 5), but there are also examples
of bowls of type a, and jars of types a, b, c and f, b) Surface Features
and hole-mouthed vessels, type a. Flat Fine ware 'Wheelmarks' are occasionally visible but indenta-
bases have also been recorded. tions on the surfaces and walls of uneven thickness
indicate that most C o m m o n ware vessels were
Common Ware handmade. Fine grooves running horizontally, ver-
This is recognisably coarser than other Kharabeh tically and diagonally over the external surfaces
Shattani wares but is still well levigated and some- show that the vessels were rather carelessly
times of a m e d i u m texture. T h e term ' C o m m o n smoothed before firing. Smearing o n the surfaces
ware' is therefore preferred to 'coarse ware', where of vessels withfinertextures shows that this process
c o m m o n means unsophisticated rather than nu- took place while the clay was still wet. T h e internal
merous. surfaces are generally unsmoothed and are grainy
and pitted, probably indicating that most vessels
Physical Properties were closed shapes. There is no indication of any
other form of surfacefinishor decoration.
Table 5.4: Munsell readingsforCommon ware, based
on 21 readings from 12 vessels. c) Types
Lower Modal Upper T h e most frequent C o m m o n ware types are hole-
limit Value Limit mouthed vessels, often with handles or lugs, but
Hue 5YR 10YR there are also nine recorded, but undrawn, C o m -
Value N5 5 6 m o n ware rims belonging to straight-sided bowls.
Chroma 1 4 8 These are very fragmentary but have recorded di-
ameters ranging from 1 3 0 m m to 1 8 0 m m . A s the
hole-mouthed vessels would probably have had
C o m m o n ware vessels are characterized by com-
rounded bases, the fourteen examples of C o m m o n
paratively low value and chroma readings, indicat-
ware bases of type a m a y have belonged to these
ing dark colours of low purity, which suggests a
low degree of oxidation or even reduction. Indi-
vidual vessels occur in a variety of colours ranging
Green-white ware
from dark grey to reddish yellow, the most diag-
This is an infrequent ware at Kharabeh Shattani.
nostic colour being however reddish brown. Sur-
face colours are generally uneven and are often
98 Kharabeh Shattani II

a) Physical Properties a) Physical Properties

Table 5.5: Munsell Readings of Green-white ware,Table 5.6: Munsell readings for Grey ware, based
based on 13 readings from 11 vessels. on 13 readings from 10 vessels.
Lower Modal Upper Lower Modal Upper
Limit Value Limit Limit Value Value
Hue 5YR 10YR Hue 5YR 10 YR
2.5 Y 5Y 2.5 YR 5Y
Value 7 8 Value N5 7
Chroma 2 3 6 Chroma 0 1 2

The predominance of Y readings (Table 5.5) indi- Grey ware sherds have very low chroma values,
cate the absence of any red element in the hue. which shows a very low purity suggesting that fir-
Colours are generally light, either pale yellow or ing took place in an unoxidizing or reducing at-
white with a characteristic greenish tinge. mosphere. This contrasts strongly with Standard
The texture of Green-white ware is similar to ware, which generally reveals a high degree of oxi-
that of Standard ware. The usual white limestone dation.
grits are visible in sizes up to l m m but the smaller The mostfrequendyrecorded grits are very fine
sizes cannot be seen with the naked eye against the black or dark grey grits. White limestone grits are
light fabric, and the number and percentage cannot also commonly recorded in sizes varying from very
therefore be estimated accurately. The very fine fine and unmeasurable to around 1.5mm. These
black or grey and red grits, also found in Standard are often very widely spaced and form a negligible
ware, stand out clearly but are too small to be proportion of the total fabric. There are also two
counted. recorded examples of very fine, shiny, probably
micaceous grits, andfinallyone example of very
b) Surface Features fine red grits. Only one vessel has no visible grits.
Like Standard ware the outer surface has usually
been smoothed beforefiringwhile the interior is b) Surface Features
often rougher with prominent 'Wheelmarks'. This Like the other wares at Kharabeh Shattani, Grey
suggests a predominance of closed shapes. ware is characterized by a smoothed outer surface
There are no known examples of dark slips and and prominent 'wheelmarks' especially on the in-
since the colours recorded for Standard ware slips terior of the vessels.
closely match those of Green-white ware, it re- The outer surface m a y occasionally be of a
mains a moot point whether Green-white ware was slighdy lighter colour than the core of the vessel,
sometimes supped. but this is probably due to smoothing and there is
no dear indication of slip.
c) Types
Green-white ware is used for normal Kharabeh c) Types
Shattani shapes, specifically one type b bowl, jars of Grey ware vessels include normal Kharabeh Shat-
types b, c, e and f, and several base sherds of vari- tani bowls of type c, jars of type a and d, hole-
ous types. O n e decorated sherd (Fig 56:2) is also in mouthed vessels of type c and type a flat bases. In
this ware. addition there are two unusual Grey ware rims, a
bowl with an inturned rim, and perhaps the lip of a
Grey Ware bottle.
This is also an infrequent ware at Kharabeh Shat-
The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 99

The Origins Of The Wares § 5.4: T H E D A T E O F T H E ASSEMBLAGE

Standard ware is overwhelmingly the most frequent It has already been suggested that the Kharabeh
ware at Kharabeh Shattani, and as such should be Shattani pottery m a y be dated to the post-Assyrian
viewed as an indigenous product, either manufac- period, but this post-Assyrian pre-Hellenistic pe-
tured o n the site itself or distributed from some riod spans two or three centuries. First, the placing
nearby centre. If this is so, Fine ware and C o m m o n of the assemblage in this period must be justified.
ware should probably also be considered local. T h e Then, if the position of the material within this
former shares m a n y of the physical properties of period can be more closely established, the value of
Standard ware, suggesting an identical origin, while the assemblage as comparative material will be
the latter also shares the same inclusions, and is gready increased. There are very few published as-
often used for handmade cooking pots, probably semblages of this period not only from northern
the least likely vessels to be imported (But see Iraq but from the whole of the Near East, except
Freestone and Hughes in Curtis et al. 1989, 7 4 for perhaps Palestine. It must be stated at the outset
an alternative view). Green-white ware, although that the discussion which follows is based on rela-
very different in appearance from Standard ware tively little comparative material and therefore any
again shares the same inclusions, and as this ware is conclusions reached are. necessarily tentative and
used for normal Standard ware vessel types it imprecise.
should probably also be considered as local, possi- A local pottery series is almost always likely to
bly representing the occasional use of an alternative provide the best comparative material, especially in
clay source. a period which, to judge from our historical
T h e source of Grey ware is more difficult to knowledge, is likely to be comparatively regional-
establish however, and several unusual features ized. In this particular instance the local pottery
could be used to suggest an extraneous origin. T h e series is decidedly deficient, and is used here to
grey fabric indicates firing in a reducing atmos- establish the outer limits for the range of possible
phere, uncharacteristic of Kharabeh Shattani, and dates for the Kharabeh Shattani assemblage. Only
the inclusions too, though of the same types as one local site has provided a useful comparative
those found in Standard ware are found in very assemblage within these outer chronological limits.
different proportions. These features could how- T h e second part of the study will deal with possibly
ever be explained simply as differential selection, contemporary sites outside northern Iraq. O n c e the
preparation andfiringof local clay resources. Most parallels have been presented, all the information
grey ware vessels are in fact easily recognisable will be drawn together in the conclusion, and a
Kharabeh Shattani types and support this explana- tentative date will be suggested.
tion. Grey ware vessels of unparalleled shapes can-
not be shown to c o m e from a recognized source The Upper Limit: Neo-Assyrian Parallels
and are not therefore securely classifiable as im- T h e points of comparison between the Kharabeh
ports. Shattani material and late Neo-Assyrian pottery are
In conclusion it can be stated that the first mil- listed in detail below. These clearly show that the
lennium B C pottery from Kharabeh Shattani forms two groups of material are related, albeit relatively
a locally m a d e assemblage with n o unequivocal distandy. T h e pottery is obviously not Assyrian
examples of imports. Local fabrics d o not auto- and so cannot be dated direcdy from Assyrian
matically suggest that the shapes of the vessels and comparisons; but, since it can be shown from clear
all other aspects of life should be considered en- indications of Hellenistic influence that the Khara-
tirely localized too, since pottery manufacture is beh Shattani pottery is post-Assyrian, it is possible
possible even o n the smallest sites. T h e apparent to use the latestfixedAssyrian date as the earliest
absence of ceramic imports, however, m a y suggest limit of the Kharabeh Shattani range.
a relatively poor settlement unable to afford such T h e most important late Assyrian site in this
luxuries or a specialised site. [But see the evidence context is Nimrud. T h e Nineveh reports
of the metalwork, § 8. Editors]. (Thompson & Hutchinson 1929; T h o m p s o n &
Hutchinson 1931; T h o m p s o n & Hamilton 1932;
T h o m p s o n and Mallowan 1933), although exten-
sive by the standards of the time, d o not illustrate
sufficient vessels to form comprehensive compari-
100 Kharabeh Shattani II

sons. However, the N i m r u d material is securely the wares of ordinary beakers at Nimrud. T h e dif-
dated to the extreme end of the Neo-Assyrian pe- ference in fabric is probably the main reason for
riod, m u c h of the published material coming from the absence of dimpled decoration on the Khara-
destruction levels belonging to the sack of the city beh Shattani vessels, as well as on the ordinary
by the Medes in 612 B C . T h e earliest date for the beakers from Nimrud, this being a functional form
Kharabeh Shattani assemblage can be carried be- of decoration, an extension into a pattern of the
yond this watershed date by the material from Fort potter's fingerprints on the thin vessel walls
Shalmaneser. Here Joan Oates (1959, 130) has (Rawson 1954, 168)
shown that pottery identical to that used in 612 c) T h e Kharabeh Shattani goblet base
B C continued in use in three levels of squatter set- (Fig. 36:1) is similar to one example from Nineveh
dement fot an estimatedfiftyyears. T h e date of the (Thompson and Mallowan 1933, PL X X I V : 14),
destruction of the third squatter settlement there- although the latter is m u c h taller and wider. T h e
fore sets the upper limit for the Kharabeh Shattani goblet bases from N i m r u d (Oates 1959, PL
material around 560 B C . X X X V I I : 55-57) are of a different type.
d) T h e slashed rib type decoration from Khara-
Parallels beh Shattani (Figs. 51:1, 4, 55:4-5) m a y be com-
a) T h e carinated bowls of type 6 at Kharabeh pared with a similar rib on a 'teapot' from Nineveh
Shattani (Figs. 33:9, 37:3) show a generic similarity (Oates 1959, PL XXXVIII: 96).
to small bowls with evened lips and carinated In addition it is possible to compare the use of
shoulders which occur in large numbers at N i m r u d simple painting in bands, and the use of horizontal
(Ones 1954, PL X X X V I : 4, 5, 10; Oates 1959, PL incision and plastic ribs, but given the extreme
X X X V : 8, 9, 17-19, 21, 23, 24). T h e Kharabeh simplicity of such forms of decoration, the validity
Shattani examples have a slightly flatter lip and a of such comparisons is ambiguous.
less pronounced carination, although the m a n y e) Finally, the fact that there are no compari-
varieties of this type at N i m r u d do include vessels sons at N i m r u d to the numerous large jars from
with rounded shoulders. T h e N i m r u d bowls also Kharabeh Shattani m a y not be of m u c h signifi-
appear to be deeper than the Kharabeh Shattani cance, since the published corpus is not a complete
examples but have comparable diameters. Ring range of late Assyrian pottery types and large jars
bases, characteristic of this type at Nimrud, are appear to be a category virtually unrepresented in
k n o w n at Kharabeh Shattani but cannot be specifi- the illustrations. Those which are shown, from
cally associated with any particular type. F o n Shalmaneser and from private houses, (Lines
b) Kharabeh Shattani beakers (Fig. 36:9, 10, 1954, PL X X X L X ; Oates 1959, PL XXXVIII: 93,
37:2, 6) m a y be compared to palace ware beakers 98-99) are, however, of types not paralleled at
and small bowls from N i m r u d (Lines 1954, Kharabeh Shattani.
PL X X X V I I : 7, 8; Oates 1959, PL X X X V I I : 59-67,
78-79), together with their imitations in ordinary The Lower Limits: Hellenistic Parallels
ware and to two similar beakers from Nineveh T h e possibility that Hellenistic parallels might in-
(Thompson and Mallowan 1933, PL L X X I V : 16- dicate a post- or late Hellenistic date must be ruled
17). A wide flared rim is c o m m o n to examples out on several counts. Firsdy, a study of Seleucid
from both sites, but here are obvious differences. and Parthian material in the Ashmolean M u s e u m
Most of the Assyrian beakers are taller and more and in available publications bears n o resemblance
slender, although the shoner examples are similar to the Kharabeh Shattani pottery. In addition
in shape to Kharabeh Shattani Fig. 37:5. At N i m - m a n y characteristic Hellenistic types, such as 'fish
rud, too, most of the beakers are characterized by plates' and angular bowls, are not found on the
tiny ring or indented bases. There is one recorded site, and this, together with the relatively strong
fragment of a ring base of comparable size at Assyrian parallels outlined in the preceding section,
Kharabeh Shattani, but beakers here generally have clearly indicates a pre-Hellenistic date. Conse-
smallflatbases. T h e carinated bodies of Fig. 36:9, quendy the earliest established Hellenistic date m a y
37:1 are related to the N i m r u d bowls, although in be regarded as the latest limit of the Kharabeh
this case the N i m r u d vessels are shoner and wider. Shattani pottery.
T h e vessels from Kharabeh Shattani are obvi- Again, the most useful assemblage of compara-
ously not in Assyrian palace ware, but are in the tive material comes from Nimrud. Hellenistic ma-
corresponding finest ware, perhaps more akin to terial has also been found at Tell M o h a m m e d
The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 101

'Arab within easy walking distance of Kharabeh these vessels can be paralleled at Tell M o h a m m e d
Shattani (Fig. lc), but has not yet been published 'Arab and some (Oates and Oates 1958, PL XXVII:
(except Roaf 1984, Fig. 3; nothing illustrated can especially 7 and 9) also at Kharabeh Shattani (types
be paralleled at Kharabeh Shattani). 3b and 3e, particularly Figs. 33:10, 40:2, 44:4, 9,
T h e material from Nimrud comes from six, 45:11, 50:2, 4). T h e slight depression on the inside
somewhat arbitrarily defined levels of small mud- of the rim, characteristic of m a n y of the Nimrud
brick houses, probably representing the life of a jars, m a y also seen on a few vessels (Figs. 42:13,
single village, on the high south-east corner of the 46:5, 50:7).
citadel. T h e dating of the earliest level, level 6, is d) The rather irregular band of triangles on
based on a coin of Seleucus III, which gives a ter- Fig. 56:11 m a y be compared with the neater band
minus post quern of 233-226 B C for the destruction of "notched triangles" from the later levels at N i m -
level in which it was found. Oates (Oates and rud (Oates and Oates 1958, PL XXI: 16-17; PL
Oates 1958, 135) convincingly suggests a founding XXIV: 8) and with "dog tooth bands" commonly
date of 250-240 B C , when the threat of Parthian used to decorate the shoulders of large jars at Tell
pressure in the east m a y have led to the foundation M o h a m m e d 'Arab, the latter instances probably
of the village in a protected position on the citadel being more significant since the Kharabeh Shattani
of the old Assyrian mound. This date is well within sherd also appears to have come from a large jar.
the historical Hellenistic period, inaugurated by the e) Bowls with thickened interior rims from
campaigns of Alexander in 331 B C . but as the ear- Nimrud (Oates and Oates 1958, PL XXIV: 16-17)
liest secure Hellenistic date it must be regarded as bear a slight resemblance to type c bowls from
the latest limit of the Kharabeh Shattani assem- Kharabeh Shattani, but the relationship must re-
blage. main uncertain since these belong to the latest level
at Nimrud (after c.140 B C ) . Examples from A b u
Parallels Sheetha are so far undated.
a) Carinated bowls with evened lips from Khara- f) Incised grooves, possibly comparable to those
beh Shattani (Figs. 33:9, 37:3, 44:8) can be com- decorating vessels at Kharabeh Shattani are also
pared with similar bowls from Nimrud (Oates and known at Hellenistic Nimrud (Oates and Oates
Oates 1958, PL XXII: 13, 34-37), at least one ex- 1958, PL XXIV: 21; PL XXVII: 5-7, 9, 11-12).
ample of which was found as early as level 6. This
is a form which had continued in use from the Achaemenid period assemblages
Assyrian period onwards and has already been dis- T h e preoccupation of archaeologists in the past
cussed in connection with parallels of that period. with large scale city mounds has meant that until
b) A 'bag-shaped bowl' from Nimrud (Oates very recendy Achaemenid material has been re-
and Oates 1958, PL X X I V : 27) is very similar in ported only when it occurred in or near to ruined
shape to Fine ware beaker Fig. 36:10 from Khara- Neo-Assyrian buildings at the major Assyrian cen-
beh Shattani and is of a closely comparable size. tres such at Khorsabad (Loud and Airman 1938,
This too m a y have been derived from Assyrian 58) and Assur (Moorey 1980, 131). At Nimrud
prototypes. too an Achaemenid date has been suggested for
c) Large jars at Nimrud, as at Kharabeh Shat- occupation levels at a height of about l m above the
tani, are numerically the most c o m m o n type and Assyrian pavements of the A B Palace, the N a b u
there are m a n y similarities between vessels from Temple and the Burnt Palace (Mallowan 1956, 20-
both sites. Jars with a "folded rim, often with an 1, Phase H ; Oates and Reid 1956, 32, 33, 37,
indent on the side" (Oates and Oates 1958, 128, Phase H ; Oates and Oates 1958, 119, 122). Unfor-
PL X X V : 5-6) found as early as level 5 at Nimrud, tunately these settlements have produced very little
m a y be closely paralleled with examples from pottery and the three identifiable bowl types from
Kharabeh Shattani (Fig. 35:4). Similar vessels were Nimrud, published by Oates and Oates (Oates and
also found at Tell M o h a m m e d 'Arab (Killick, pers. Oates 1958, PL XXVIII: 12-14) are of types so far
comm.). unrepresented at Kharabeh Shattani. A little more
M a n y of the large jars illustrated from Nimrud possibly Achaemenid pottery comes from a post-
came from the 'Hellenistic house', possibly con- Assyrian level of Ezida, sealed beneath the floor of
temporary with levels 5 and 6 but more likely to be a house which Oates and Oates (1958, 124) have
earlier, perhaps early Hellenistic (Oates and Oates tentatively dated to the Early Hellenistic period.
1958, 124, 150 (note too PL XXVII)). M a n y of T w o jars (Oates and Oates 1958, PL XXVIII: 17,
102 Kharabeh Shattani II

23) m a y be compared with vessels from Kharabeh lels above are also present at Khirbet Qasrij
Shattani (respectively Figs. 32:10, 33:10, 40:2, 4, (Curtis et al 1989: N o s 3, 5, 8, 9, 21, 29, 43,
6, 7, 43:6, 46:5) and such close parallels in such a 44) and show similarities with Kharabeh Shat-
small assemblage m a y be significant; but the N i m - tani type lb (Fig. 32:3, 33:9,11,37:3,44:8).
rud material is of little practical value, since it can-
not yet be pinpointed within the Achaemenid Khirbet Qasrij is a site with similar dating
period to which it has been assigned on the basis of problems to Kharabeh Shattani, being a single pe-
its stratigraphic position between the Assyrian and riod site with no datable associated artefacts, but
Hellenistic remains. Oates and Oates (1958, 122) Cunis et al (1989, 52) has been able to suggest a
suggest that recognisable types are closer to Helle- date of thefirsthalf of the sixth century B C on the
nistic than to Assyrian styles but there is as yet in- basis of very strong parallels with pottery from the
sufficient material from N i m r u d to suggest the date post-Assyrian squatter settlements at Nimrud. This
of the assemblage relative to Kharabeh Shattani. is not the place to discuss these parallels exhaus-
tively but they can clearly be seen in tripods, fine
Khirbet Qasrij ware vessels with high flared rims, carinated bowls
T h e most useful, comparable assemblage from the with evened lips and flat plates, all of these being
north of Iraq has come from the site of Khirbet virtually identical to the N i m r u d examples. Evi-
Qasrij, situated only 1.5km from Kharabeh Shat- dendy the Assyrian connections are m u c h greater at
tani (Fig. lc) and excavated by D r John Curtis of Khirbet Qasrij than they are at Kharabeh Shattani
the British M u s e u m as pan of the same rescue and this, together with the absence of any indica-
project (Curtis et al 1989). T h e pottery from this tions of Hellenistic shapes, suggests that the Khir-
site shows m a n y points of close similarity to the bet Qasrij assemblage is earlier than the Kharabeh
Kharabeh Shattani material and the assemblages are Shattani material, and that the latter should
clearly related, although the absence from Khara- probably be dated to a developed stage of the
beh Shattani of any of the distinctive yellow Achaemenid period.
'sherben ware' found in situ in a kiln at Khirbet
Qasrij and therefore manufactured on the site, sug-
gests they are not contemporary. § 5.5: DISCUSSION
Parallels between the two sites m a y be listed as
fbllows;- Towards a closer date
It has been shown above that the Kharabeh Shat-
a) Collared rim jars, the most common form at tanifirstmillennium B C assemblage is related to
Kharabeh Shattani, ate also popular at Khirbet pottery from both the post-Assyrian squatter set-
Qasrij and m a n y vessels are virtually identical dements and the Hellenistic village at Nimrud, and
(Curtis etaL 1989: N o 223 - cf here Fig. 35:1; consequendy should be dated to the period be-
Curtis etaL 1989: N o 150 - cf here Figs. 38:2, tween these, the limits of which m a y approximately
40:3 etc). be set at 560 and 250 B C . This upper limit is sup-
b) Kharabeh Shattani beaker types (Fig. 36:10, ported by the dating of Khirbet Qasrij to the first
37:2) are closely related to a similar beaker from half of the sixth century B C (Curtis 1989, 52). T o
Khirbet Qasrij (Curtis etaL 1989: N o 140). determine a more specific date within these con-
c) O n e distinctive hole-mouthed vessel from fines however, is a m u c h more difficult matter. As
Kharabeh Shattani (Fig. 46:1) is almost exacdy has been shown above there is no well-dated local
paralleled at Khirbet Qasrij (Curtis et al 1989: pottery sequence into which the Kharabeh Shattani
N o 289) and other hole-mouthed types includ- assemblage can be fitted and as the bulk of the
ing vessels with handles jointed direcdy to the material appears to be of localized production there
rim, show a more general relationship to the are few extraneous parallels which could be used to
Kharabeh Shattani material. date the material from foreign sequences.
d) A slashed rib from Khirbet Qasrij (Curtis et al T h e meagre amount of local material available
1989: N o 242) m a y be compared to similar in- for comparison is, however, sufficient to suggest
stances from Kharabeh Shattani (Figs. 51:1, 4, that the Kharabeh Shattani assemblage belongs to
55:3, 5). the middle of the suggested time range. In the ab-
e) T h e small carinated bowls already discussed in sence of any strong cultural influences on north
connection with Assyrian and Hellenistic paral- Iraq from outside during the Persian period,
The First Millenium B.C. Pottery 103

Assyrian styles tended to be long-lived and parallels T h e closest parallels to the most rounded of the
with late and post-Assyrian N i m r u d need not nec- Kharabeh Shattani beakers are not local, however,
essarily, therefore, be considered indicative of an but from Pasargadae. As has been suggested above,
early date. T h e Kharabeh Shattani assemblage is beakers of this type, derived from metal prototypes,
clearly more closely comparable with the material were widespread during the Iron Age and conse-
from the Hellenistic levels at Nimrud, and this quendy these are the only foreign vessels which
suggests a relatively long period of development m a y convincingly be used as comparative material
after the destruction of the final squatter settle- for dating purposes. T h e Pasargadae beakers are
ment, into which the intermediate stage repre- dated to the late and immediately post-
sented by the Khirbet Qasrij assemblage must be Achaemenid periods and the close similarity be-
fitted. tween these and the Kharabeh Shattani vessel indi-
T w o particular vessel types of which both N e o - cate that the latter is probably of a similar date.
Assyrian and derived Hellenistic forms are k n o w n T h e use of impressed decoration at Kharabeh
are particularly significant in demonstrating the Shattani is also perhaps significant in this context.
comparatively close relationship of the Kharabeh This is a feature which is k n o w n in a simple form
Shattani material to Hellenistic styles. T h e first of as early as the Assyrian period but is apparendy
these types consists of small carinated bowls with m u c h more widely used in Hellenistic assemblages
everted lips related to Kharabeh Shattani type lb; being a characteristic feature at both N i m r u d
these have already been mentioned as a long-lived (Oates and Oates 1958, 128-9) and Tell Halaf
northern type. Fig. 57 shows a representative selec- (von Oppenheim 1931, 314). Impressed decora-
tion of these vessels in chronological series. Al- tion is not c o m m o n at Kharabeh Shattani but is
though Oates and Oates (1958) suggest that the not unknown, and its use m a y be considered as
great range of Assyrian shapes m a k e it virtually im- indicative of a late date, particularly since the im-
possible to date these bowls from shape alone, n o w pressed triangle design m a y be paralleled on late
that more sites are k n o w n there does appear to be Hellenistic sites.
some evidence of a developmental sequence. T h e Finally the similarities between the Kharabeh
bowls from Assyrian N i m r u d and Khirbet Qasrij Shattani jars and the jars found in the "Hellenistic
are clearly closely related, with sharply defined house" at Nimrud, together with a possible
carinations and d o w n w a r d pointing lips. T h e Achaemenid deposit sealed beneath it, must also be
Kharabeh Shattani vessels on the other hand re- mentioned. Both of these deposits most probably
semble the Hellenistic examples more closely hav- ante-date the earliest level of the Hellenistic village
ing a less clear carination and a generally flatter by a short period and the parallels of the material
rim. with that from Kharabeh Shattani m a y therefore be
A similar developmental sequence can perhaps significant. As has been previously pointed out,
be suggested for the small beakers and bowls, re- however, similar storage jars m a y also have been in
lated to the Kharabeh Shattani type 2, a represen- use in later levels and too m u c h reliance should not
tative selection of which is shown on Fig. 58. T h e be placed on the similarity of simple forms.
earliest vessels from N i m r u d are of two distinct Most of the evidence shows that the Kharabeh
types, tall necked beakers and small squat bowls, Shattani assemblage should be considered to be-
and this division appears to be preserved at Khara- long either to the developed Achaemenid period or
beh Shattani. At Kharabeh Shattani the distinction to the earlier part of the Hellenistic period and it
is blurred. T h e painted beaker is a 'jar' shape, ap- m a y be tentatively suggested that a late
parendy ultimately derived from the tall Assyrian Achaemenid date is preferable. A n important con-
beakers, and is of a type not so far k n o w n from the sideration in this context is the possible connection
Hellenistic period. T h e remaining vessels appear to between the historical Hellenistic period, inaugu-
be more closely related to the bowls, although they rated by the conquests of Alexander in 331 B C ,
are considerably taller. T w o are very similar in and the appearance of Hellenistic pottery styles in
height and body shape to a 'bag-shaped bowl' from the archaeological record. Unfortunately as the
N i m r u d , the latter example having however a less early Hellenistic period is as yet u n k n o w n in north
pronounced flared rim. A gradual increase in Iraq the nature of the introduction of Hellenistic
height relative to width m a y be seen in the illus- styles in the area has to be inferred from other
trated examples of N i m r u d bowls, and beakers sources.
from Khirbet Qasrij and Kharabeh Shattani.
104 Kharabeh Shattani II

Before 331 B C in the late Persian period Greek Historical context

imports are k n o w n from Egypt, Cyprus, Palestine, It would be more gratifying, both to author and
Syria and Anatolia, but have been recovered only in reader, if the consideration of the light shed by
very limited quantities from sites further to the east Kharabeh Shattani on its historical period in post-
such as Babylon and Susa. In these areas the Hel- Assyrian northern Iraq were the major part of this
lenistic influence on the pottery is unlikely to have study, rather than a mere appendage. Till now,
been very significant, and in a small-scale rural so- however, the effect of the dissolution of Assyrian
ciety such as has been suggested for north Iraq the political power on ordinary Assyrian society and
local tradition is likely to have remained most economy, the operation of the Achaemenid Empire
prominent. After 331, however, the situation ap- on Assyria, and the cultural effects of the Hellenis-
pears to have changed. All over Alexander's empire tic advance remain dark areas of historical and ar-
his Orientalizing policy resulted in an increasing chaeological ignorance. Certainly there was massive
d e m a n d for Greek goods, and the setdement of dislocation of population and settlement pattern in
Greek colonists in Asia m a d e commercial activity Assyria as the royal centres collapsed and the major
considerably easier. M u c h of this trade, too, was cities were abandoned. It is probably significant
potentially influential, as it must have passed that no site excavated has shown continuity of oc-
through north Iraq which lay on the main routes cupation from the neo-Assyrian period into the
south and east from Asia Minor and the Mediter- Seleucid period. Instead w e k n o w that major sites,
ranean coast. former population centres, were abandoned,
Although it would be simplistic to suggest that though they may, as at N i m r u d (Mallowan 1956,
changes in pottery styles can be dated closely by 20; Oates and Reid 1956, 32, 37; Oates and Oates
political events there d o appear to be indications 1958, 122) or at Fort Shalmaneser (Oates 1959,
that the widespread adoption of Greek-derived 130) have sustained limited squatter occupation for
types is perhaps more likely to have taken place in a generation or two. Those years were possibly
the circumstances created by the empires of Alex- troubled, as the repeated destructions of these ref-
ander and the Successors than in the late Persian uges at Fort Shalmaneser m a y show (Oates 1962,
period. It m a y be significant, therefore, that the 10; 1968, 58-9). T h e lack of further use of the high
most diagnostic Hellenistic types are not found at m o u n d s as refuges m a y be related to the establish-
Kharabeh Shattani. Perhaps, therefore, the Khara- ment of Achaemenid power in the middle of the
beh Shattani assemblage should be dated before the sixth century B C .
main influx of Hellenistic styles which it has tenta- Very little is k n o w n about the nature of
tively been suggested indicates a date broadly be- Achaemenid provincial administration of former
fore 331 B C . Assyria, but perhaps this lack of information re-
Finally, before concluding with a possible date flects an absence of heavy-handed administration
for the Kharabeh Shattanifirstmillennium mate- and interference with regional or local mechanisms.
rial, the limited nature of the available evidence Common practice elsewhere within the
must again be stressed. M u c h m o r e excavation of Achaemenid empire was the division of satrapies
post-Assyrian sites is necessary before there is suf- into huge estates granted to members of the royal
ficient comparative material to allow the Kharabeh family and other influential Persians. If that prac-
Shattani assemblage to be dated accurately. All that tice held good in Assyria, then it, too, m a y have
is possible at present is to suggest a tentative date, had an absentee satrap and absentee landlords. W e
probably towards the end of the period of are a long w a y from understanding h o w the system
Achaemenid rule, perhaps the laterfifthand earlier worked or what it would have looked like from the
fourth centuries B C . As this is a period which has point of view of the inhabitants of Assyria. But
been virtually u n k n o w n in northern Iraq, the as- perhaps Kharabeh Shattani gives us one of our first
semblage is of considerable potential significance. glimpses into the shadows, and it is all the more a
In the future, as more post-Assyrian sites are exca- pity that the last phase of occupation at the site was
vated and published, the Kharabeh Shattani as- so poorly preserved and can give us so little infor
semblage will prove to have m a d e a contribution to mation o n which to build a picture (§ 6, § 12.5).
the construction of an archaeological chronology,
and thus to have played a part in opening the w a y
to some understanding of the nature of the period
in north Mesopotamia.
The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 105

Catalogue of First Millenium B.C. Pottery Fig. 33

1 AAA25
Type: 3 Diam: Indet. m m
Ware: Standard.
Fig. 32
1 AAFll
2 AAA 29
Type: 5 Diam: 310 m m
Type: 3b Diam: Indet. m m
Ware: Standard.
Ware: Light pink brown. Veryfinegrey grits.
Notes: Finely finished. Notes:
Scale: 1:2
3 ABH4
2 ABE6
Type: 4b Diam: Indet. m m
Type: Id Diam: Approx 370 m m Ware: Standard.
Ware: Standard. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
4 AAC7
3 ABC 5 Type: 3f Diam: 300 m m
Type: lb Diam: Ext. m m Ware: Light brown.
Ware: Standard. Notes: Cream slip.
Notes: Cream slip with yellowish green tinge. Scale: 1:4
Scale: 1:2
5 ABF21
4 ABE 3 Type: la Diam: Int. 300 m m
Type: lc Diam: 250 m m Ware: Standard.
Ware: Standard. Notes: Possible yellow-cream.
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2

5 AAC27 6 AAE5
Type: Diam: 320 m m Type: lb Diam: Ext. 330 m m
Ware: Standard. Ware: Standard.
Notes: Cream slip. Notes: Some vegetable temper.
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2

6 AAC26 7 ADA8
Type: Diam: 220 m m Type: 4b Diam: 360 m m
Ware: Standard. Ware: Standard.
Notes: Cream slip. Scale: 2:3
Scale: 1:2
8 ADA7
7 AAC25 Type: Id Diam: 290 m m
Type: Diam: 200 m m Ware: Standard.
Ware: Pink beige fabric hard fired. Notes: Cream slip.
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2

8 ABC 6 9 ADA9
Type: Diam: 95 m m Type: lb Diam: Int. 120 m m
Notes: Handmade, buff light orange-brown fabrics, fine Ware: Standard.
veg temper, Cream slip, soft. Notes: Red painted bands (Decoration type a).
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2

9 JC2.4 10 A D A 10
Type: Diam: 200 m m Type: 3b Diam: 110 m m
Ware: Standard?. Ware: Unrecorded.
Decor Fugitive paint. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
11 ADA6
10 ABI 3 Type: lb Diam: Ext. 200 m m
Type: 3b Diam: 120 m m Ware: Standard.
Ware: Unrecorded. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
106 Kharabeh Shattani II

12 A B F 8 3 JC1.1
Type: Diam: 90 m m Type: le Diam: 260 m m
Ware: Fineware. Ware: Standard.
Notes: Cream slip int and ext. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
4 AAA4
Type: 3b Diam: 200 m m
Ware: Light yellow brown Small black grits.
Fig. 34
Scale: 1:2
1 AAE6
5 AAA6
Type: Diam: 280 m m
Type: la Diam: Ext. 260 m m
Ware: Light orange with dark orange core.
Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
2 ACF2
Type: 3c Diam: 100 m m 6 AAA7
Type: lc Diam: 160 m m
Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2 Ware: Grey.
Scale: 2:3
3 ADC 37
Type: 3a Diam: 90 m m
Ware: Grey. Fig. 36
Notes: Fine grey cream slip.
Scale: 1:2 1 ABC 8
Type: 7f Diam: Ex bs 105 m m
4 ADB2 Ware: Standard.
Type: le Diam: Indet. m m Notes: Some vegetable temper. Rough interior.
Ware: Standard. Scale: 1:2
Notes: Green cream slip.
Scale: 1:2 2 AAG8
Type: 7f Diam: Ex base 75 m m
5 AAG12 Ware: Green white.
Type: Diam: 290 m m Notes: Exterior fugitive orange-red paint.
Ware: Green. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
3 AAE10
6 JC3.7 Ware: Standard.
Type: la Diam: Int. 260 m m Notes: Cream slip.
Ware: Mottled grey. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
4 AAC9
7 ABC 3 Type: 8 Diam: 150 m m
Type: 3b Diam: 260 m m Ware: Orange.
Ware: Standard. Notes: Black painted (?) band at foot.
Notes: Thick cream slip with green tinge. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
5 AAC10
Type: 8 Diam: 175 m m
Fig. 35 Ware: Orange.
Notes: Orange cream slip.
1 JC1.3 Scale: 1:2
Type: le Diam: 240 m m
Ware: Standard. 6 AAC64
Notes: Cream slip. Ware: Cream with white and black grits.
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2

2 AAA 15 7 Unrecorded
Type: 3b Diam: 280 m m Type: 9b Diam: c30 m m
Ware: Unrecorded. Ware: Unrecorded.
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2
The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 107

8 JC5.1 4 AAC91
Type: d Type: 3c Diam: 210 m m
Ware: Unrecorded. Ware: Very light brown.
Scale: 1:2 Notes: Pale cream slip.
Scale: 1:2
9 ABI 7
Type: 2 Diam: Base 44 m m 5 AAA1
Ware: Unrecorded. Type: 3d Diam: Ext. 220 m m
Scale: 1:2 Ware: Very light brown. Very small white grits.
Scale: 1:2
10 AAF1
Type: 2 Diam: 110 m m
Ware: Unrecorded. Fig. 39
Scale: 1:2
1 AAA31
Type: 7c Diam: 60 m m
Fig. 37 Ware: Brown small black grits.
Scale: 1:2
1 ADA1
Type: 2 Diam: 100 m m 2 AAA30
Ware: Fineware. Type: 7a Diam: 90 m m
Scale: 1:2 Ware: Green white.
Scale: 1:2
2 AAC30
Type: Diam: 200 m m 3 JC1.5
Ware: Standard?. Type: 7b Diam: 80 m m
Scale: 1:2 Ware: Green white.
Notes: Interior and exterior green-cream slip.
3 AAC33 Scale: 1:2
Type: lb Diam: Ext. 195 m m
Ware: Green-white. 4 AAC47
Scale: 1:2 Type: 7a Diam: 16 m m
Ware: Fineware.
4 AAC62 Notes: Crudely executed fine incisions (Decoration type
Type: 4b Diam: 260 m m d).
Ware: Light beige. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
5 BCJ1 Type: 7a Diam: 22 m m
Type: 2 Diam: Rim 105 m m ; Base 17 m m Ware: Fineware.
Ware: Fineware. Scale: 1:2
Notes: Red painted bands (Decoration type a) Height 104.
Scale: 1:2 AAC48
Type: 7b Diam: Indet. m m
Ware: Beige Coarse tempered.
Notes: Finger width impressions on interior.
Fig. 38
Scale: 1:2
1 AAC5
7 AAC50
Type: 3b Diam: 260 m m
Type: 7b Diam: 145 m m
Ware: Standard.
Ware: Common.
Notes: Cream slip.
Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
8 AAC49
2 AAC8
Type: 7b Diam: Indet. m m
Ware: Common.
3 AAA 16
Scale: 1:2
Type: 3b Diam: 160 m m
Ware: Unrecorded.
9 AAC61
Scale: 1:2
Type: 7a Diam: 160 m m
Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2
108 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 40 5 A A A 13
Type: 3c Diam: 180 m m
1 AAC4 Ware: Unrecorded.
Type: 3c Diam: 130 m m Scale: 1:2
Ware: Very light brown.
Notes: Cream slip. 6 AAA 18
Type: 3c Diam: Ext. 200 m m
Scale: 1:2
Ware: Standard.
Notes: Cream slip.
2 AAC90
Type: 3b Diam: 120 m m Scale: 1:2
Ware: Standard.
Notes: Cream slip. 7 AAA2
Scale: 1:2 Type: 3d Diam: Ext. 210 m m
Ware: Very light brown. Grey grits.
3 AAC2 Scale: 1:2
Type: 3b Diam: 140 m m
Ware: Standard. 8 AAA 17
Notes: Cream slip. Type: 3c Diam: 220 m m
Scale: 1:3 Ware: Standard.
Notes: Cream slip.
4 AAA8 Scale: 1:2
Type: 3b Diam: 100 m m
Ware: Green white.
Scale: 1:2 Fig. 42

5 AAA9 1 JC2.5
Type: 3b Diam: 130 m m Type: Diam: 162 m m
Ware: ? Fineware Light pink brown. Sandy grit. Ware: Fineware.
Scale: 1:2 Notes: Cream slip.
Scale: 2:3
6 JC1.4
Type: 3b Diam: 110 m m 2 JC2.3
Ware: Standard. Type: 3c Diam: 150 m m
Notes: Three lines of pot (?) burnishing above raised rib Ware: Green white.
(Decoration type b). Notes: Interior and exterior fugitively painted in solid red
Scale: 1:2 brown.
Scale: 1:2
7 A A A 10
Type: 3b Diam: 120 m m 3 JC2.1
Ware: Fineware. Type: 3b Diam: 190 m m
Scale: 1:2 Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2.6

Fig. 41 4 ABE 5
Type: 3b Diam: 210 m m
1 AAA21 Ware: ? Fineware Light brown white grits.
Type: la Diam: Int 210 m m Notes: Cream exterior slip.
Ware: Standard. Scale: 1:2.6
Scale: 1:2
5 JC2.2
2 AAA23 Type: 3c Diam: 190 m m
Type: la Diam: Ext. 140 m m Ware: Green white.
Ware: Grey-green Very fine. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
6 ABI1
3 AAA5 Type: 3b Diam: 45 m m
Type: 3c Diam: 150 m m Ware: Unrecorded.
Ware: Standard. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
7 JC3.2
4 AAA 12 Type: 3c Diam: 100 m m
Type: 3c Diam: 170 m m Ware: Standard.
Ware: Standard. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
The First Millenium B.C. Pottery 109

8 ABI 2 7 AAG10
Type: Diam: 130 m m Type: Diam: 130 m m
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2

9 JC3.3
Type: 3c Diam: 120 m m Type: Diam: 170 m m
Ware: Standard. Ware: Beige, hard fired.
Notes: Cream slip. Notes: Cream slip int. and ext.
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2

10 JC3.1 9 ADB7
Type: 3c Diam: 66 m m Type: Diam: 130 m m
Ware: ? Fineware very light brown. Very fine black grits. Ware: Cooking pot?.
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2

11 JC3.5 10 AAC 12
Type: 3b Diam: 240 m m Type: Diam: 280 m m
Ware: Green-white. Ware: Grey pink, very fine black grits, hard fired.
Notes: Fugitive brown red painted band on rim interior, Notes: Cream slip.
15 m m thick. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
11 AAC 13
12 ABC 50 Type: 4c Diam: 175 m m
Type: 4c Diam: Int. 180 m m Ware: Grey pink. Coarse white grits.
Ware: Common. Notes: Cream slip.
Notes: T w o horned lug (type 9e). Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
12 ADB8
13 ABC 2 Type: Diam: indet. mm
Type: 3b Diam: 160 m m Ware: Standard.
Ware: Standard. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
13 A A C 15
Type: Diam: 120 imm
Fig. 43 Ware: Beige orange, hard fired.
Scale: 1:2
1 ABE7
Type: 3a Diam: 150 m m 14 A D B 10
Ware: Standard. Type: 3c Diam: 210 mm
Scale: 1:2 Ware: Standard.
Notes: Cream slip.
2 AAC11 Scale: 1:2
Type: 3e Diam: 200 m m
Ware: Grey-beige. 15 A D B 3
Scale: 1:2 Type: 4c Diam: 130 mm
Ware: Light browngrey. White grits.
3 ABE 8 Scale: 1:2
Type: 3a Diam: 110 m m
Ware: Standard. 16 A D B 9
Notes: Interior and exterior cream slip. Type: 3c Diam: 100 m m
Ware: Light beige fabric. White grit.
Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
4 AAC3
Type: 3e Diam: 190 m m 17 A D B 1
Type: 3a Diam: 70 m m
Ware: Green white.
Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2
Notes: Cream slip.
6 AAC6 Scale: 1:2
Type: 3b Diam: Indet. m m
Ware: Standard.
Notes: Cream slip.
Scale: 1:2
Kharabeh Shattani II
Fig. 44 12 A B C 4
Type: 3f Diam: Ext. 200 m m
1 ADB 4 Ware: Standard.
Type: 3f Diam: Ext. 180 m m Scale: 1:2
Ware: Green white.
Scale: 1:2
Fig. 45
2 ADB 5
Type: 3b Diam: 160 m m 1 ADA2
Ware: Standard. Type: Diam: 200 m m
Notes: Green cream slip. Ware: Orange with pale orange core, fine grits.
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2

3 ABS90 2 ADA 5
Type: 3a Diam: 130 m m Type: 3d Diam: Ext. 210 m m
Ware: Standard. Ware: Standard.
Notes: Light cream slip. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 2:3
3 AAC 31
4 ADC 33 Type: Diam: 200 m m
Type: 3e Diam: 190 m m Ware: Standard?.
Ware: Standard. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
4 AAC 32
5 ADC 32 Type: 3f Diam: Ext. 185 m m
Type: Diam: Indet. m m Ware: Green white.
Ware: Light grey pink, dense white and grey grits. Scale: 1:2
Notes: Light grey cream slip.
Scale: 1:2 5 ABC 7
Type: 4a Diam: Int. 640 m m
6 ADB 50 Ware: Standard.
Type: 3b Diam: 270 m m Notes: Veg. temper. Dull cream slip. Coil built
Ware: Green white.
Scale: 1:2 6 ADA4
Type: 3b Diam: 260 m m
7 AAE7 Ware: Standard.
Type: 3f Diam: Ext. 120 m m Notes: Exterior cream slip.
Ware: Standard. Scale: 1:3
Notes: Possible cream slip.
Scale: 1:2 7 ADA3
Type: 3d Diam: Ext. 340 m m
8 AAE8 Ware: Standard.
Type: lb Diam: Ext. 140 m m Scale: 1:2
Ware: Unrecorded.
Scale: 1:2 8 AAE4
Type: 4c Diam: 220 m m
9 ACF1 Ware: Grey.
Type: 3e Diam: 100 m m Notes: Possible green-cream slip.
Ware: Light creamy beige. Fine white and black grit. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
9 ADA 12
10 ABE1 Type: Diam: 120 m m
Type: 3e Diam: 170 m m Ware: Orange with yellow core, small grits.
Ware: Standard. Notes: Cream ext. surface.
Notes: Interior and exterior cream slip. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
10 ADA 13
11 ABE2 Type: 3c Diam: 130 m m
Type: 3c Diam: 80 m m Ware: Standard.
Ware: Standard. Notes: Cream slip.
Notes: Possible interior and exterior light cream slip. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 111

11 ABH6 Fig. 47
Type: 3e Diam: 140 mm
Ware: Standard. 1 ABF9
Notes: Purple red painted band over incised groove Type: 3b Diam: 170 m m
(Decoration types a and d). Ware: ? Standard Grey brown to pink-orange small white
Scale: 1:2 grits.
Notes: Possible exterior cream-orange slip.
12 ABF7 Scale: 1:2
Type: 3a Diam: 105 m m
Ware: Standard. 2 ABH1
Notes: Exterior cream slip. Type: 3b Diam: 200 m m
Scale: 1:2 Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2

Fig. 46 3 ABF12
Type: 4a Diam: 140 m m
1 JC 1.2 Ware: ? C o m m o n Dark brown to orange brown. Coarse
Type: 4b Diam: 190 m m white grits.
Ware: Brown, Heavy white grits. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
4 ABH2
2 AAC 92 Type: 4b Diam: 150 m m
Type: 4b Diam: 190 m m Ware: Dark brown. Fine black grits.
Ware: Light brown. Notes: Interior cream slip. Cream band of paint beneath
Notes: Cream slip. rim.
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2

3 AAA 19 5 ABF15
Type: Diam: 180 m m Type: 4c Diam: 170 m m
Ware: Fineware. Ware: C o m m o n .
Scale: 1:2 Notes: Handle (type 9a).
Scale: 1:2
4 AAA22
Type: 3c Diam: 120 m m
Ware: ? Fineware Very light brown. Fine grey grits. Fig. 48
Scale: 1:2
1 BCC 2
5 AAA24 Type: 3e Diam: 220 m m
Type: 3b Diam: 100 m m Ware: Standard.
Ware: Standard. Notes: Red painted band (Decoration type a).
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2

6 AAA 14 2 BCJ 8
Type: 3c Diam: 100 m m Type: 3e Diam: 210 m m
Ware: Unrecorded. Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2 Notes: Red painted band and incised groove (Decoration
type a and d).
7 AAA20 Scale: 1:2
Type: la Diam: Ext. 120 m m
Ware: ? Fineware Light Brown. 3 BBH1
Scale: 1:2 Type: 3e Diam: 260 m m
Ware: Standard.
8 AAA11 Notes: Red painted bank (Decoration type a).
Type: 3a Diam: 130 m m Scale: 1:2
Ware: Fineware.
Scale: 1:2
Fig. 49
9 AAA3
Type: Diam: 90 m m 1 AAC1
Ware: Light brown, small white grits. Type: 3b Diam: 200 m m
Notes: Possibly not Achaemenid, possibly Halaf. Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:3
112 Kharabeh Shattani II

2 ABS6 Fig. 51
Type: 3b Diam: 360 m m
Ware: Standard. 1 JC 2.6
Scale: 1:2 Type: 4b Diam: Ext. 245 m m
Ware: Beige. Veryfineblack grits.
3 BBB 5 Notes: Slashed rib below 2 incised grooves (Decoration
Type: 3b Diam: 240 m m types c and d).
Ware: Standard. Scale: 1:2
Notes: Possible very pale brown slip.
Scale: 1:2 2 A B S 4/5
Type: 4b Diam: 130 m m
4 BBD 8 Ware: Standard.
Type: 3b Diam: Indet. m m Scale: 1:2
Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2 3 ABR4
Type: 3b Diam: 200 m m
Ware: Green-white.
Fig. 50 Notes: Possible white slip.
Scale: 1:4
1 BBB1
Type: 3b Diam: 60 m m 4 AAD4AAC64
Ware: Standard. Type: 3b Diam: Int. 220 m m
Notes: High narrow pierced lug (type 9c). Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2 Notes: T w o conjoining sherds Strap handle (type 9a)
joined torimand slashed rib
2 BBA1 Decor: (Decor type c).
Type: 3b Diam: 150 m m Scale: 1:4
Ware: Standard.
Notes: Red painted bands (Decoration type a).
Scale: 1:2 Fig. 52
3 BCH1 1 ABK3
Type: 3b Diam: 200 m m Type: 4a Diam: 230 m m
Ware: Standard. Ware: Common.
Scale: 1:2 Notes: Plain lug (type 9b).
Scale: 1:2
4 BBQ1
Type: 3b Diam: 90 m m 2 BCC1
Ware: Standard. Type: 4a Diam: 110 m m
Scale: 1:2 Ware: Common.
Notes: Plain lug (type 9b).
5 BCB1 Scale: 1:2
Type: 3b Diam: 120 m m
Ware: Standard. 3 BBB 4
Notes: Exterior white slip or wash. Type: 4a Diam: 110 m m
Scale: 1:2 Ware: Common.
Notes: Crescentic lug (type 9d).
6 BBN3 Scale: 1:2
Type: 3b Diam: 110 m m
Ware: Standard. 4 BBD 6
Scale: 1:2 Type: 4a Diam: Indet. m m
Ware: Common.
7 BCJ 5 Notes: Grey fabric.
Type: 3b Diam: 130 m m Scale: 1:2
Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2 5 BCB11
Type: 4b Diam: 380 m m
Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2
The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 113

6 ABR3 3 BBD1
Type: 4c Diam: 180 m m Type: 7c Diam: 28 m m
Ware: Common. Ware: Very pale brown. Very small white and black grits.
Notes: Hand made Lug (type 9c). Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:4
4 ABH3
7 BBN2 Type: 7d
Type: 4c Diam: 180 m m Ware: Pale orange.
Ware: Common. Notes: Possible exterior bands of fugitive red brown paint.
Notes: Handle (type 9a). Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
5 BCS1
Type: 7d Diam: 25 m m
Fig. 53 Ware: Standard.
Notes: Possible very pale brown slip or wash.
1 BBB 7 Scale: 1:2
Type: le Diam: Indet. m m
Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2 Fig. 55
2 ABS1 1 BCH 5
Type: 9a Type: b
Ware: Yellow Limestone grits up to 3 m m & black grits Ware: Standard.
to 0.5mm Fine red grits. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
2 BCQ1
3 AAA35 Type: b
Type: 9c Ware: Standard.
Ware: Brown. Fine black grits. Scale: 1:2
Notes: Cream-orange slip.
Scale: 1:2 3 BBB 8
Type: b
4 BCJ 19 Ware: Standard.
Type: 9c Notes: Posible white slip.
Ware: Standard. Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
4 BCJ 21
5 BBE1 Typec
Type: 9a Ware: Standard.
Ware: Fineware. Scale: 1:2
Notes: Attached to fragment of plain rim.
Scale: 1:2 5 BCR2
6 ABK1 Ware: Standard.
Type: Diam: 260 m m Notes: Possible exterior wash.
Ware: Reddish yellow, small white, red and black grits. Scale: 1:2
Notes: Smoothed surface.
Scale: 1:2 6 BCB 18
Type: d
Ware: Standard.
Notes: Possible very pale brown slip.
Fig. 54
Scale: 1:2
1 ABR2
7 AAC 59
Type: 7c Diam: 90 m m
Type: d
Ware: Standard.
Ware: Unrecorded.
Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
2 ABS 10
Type: 7c Diam: 80 m m 8 AAC 55
Type: d
Ware: Standard.
Ware: Unrecorded.
Notes: Rough interior.
Scale: 1:2
Scale: 1:2
114 Kharabeh Shattani II

9 BCH 4 6 AAD150
Type: d Type:f
Ware: Standard. Ware: Unrecorded.
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2

7 BCA4
Fig. 56 Type: d & e
Ware: Very pale brown.
Notes: Rough surface.
1 BCJ 20
Type: d & e Scale: 1:2
Ware: Standard.
Notes: Exterior very pale brown slip. 8 BBOl
Scale: 1:2
Ware: Standard.
2 AAA 36 Scale: 1:2
Type: e & f
Ware: Green white. 9 BBN1
Notes: Identical sherd from BCA, also plough soil. Type: a & e
Scale: 1:2 Ware: Light brown-cream.
Scale: 1:2
3 ABE 12
Type: d & e 10 ABE 10
Ware: Standard. Type: a
Notes: Cream exterior slip. Ware: Brown. Veryfinegrey grits.
Scale: 1:2 Notes: Grey cream slip.
Scale: 1:2
4 BBB 11
Type: d & e 11 BCB 16
Ware: Standard. Type: d & f
Notes: Exterior well smoothed. Ware: Standard.
Scale: 1:2 Notes: White slip.
Scale: 1:2
5 ADB 15
Type:e 12 BCR1
Ware: Standard. Ware: Standard.
Notes: Possible slip. Some pot temper. Notes: Possible exterior wash. Possible rope mark.
Scale: 1:2 Scale: 1:2
The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 115

<^ ^

Fig. 32 First Millennium BCpottery

116 Kharabeh Shattani II


Fig. 33 First Millennium BCpottery

The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 117

n i \

3 4

5 r =? 5

—w ~ -^ V

Fig. 34 First Millennium BCpottery

Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 35 First Millennium BCpottery

The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 119

Fig. 36J!int Millennium BCpottery

Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 37 First Millennium BCpottery

The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 121

Fig. 38 First Millennium BCpottery

122 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 39 First Millennium BCpottery

The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 123

\ ?

Fig. 40 First Millennium BCpottery

124 Kharabeh Shattani II

ft ?
\\ 1

^ 7
Fig. 41 First Millennium BCpottery
The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 125

Fig. 42 First Millennium BCpottery

126 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 43 First Millennium BCpottery

The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 127


Fig. 44 First Millennium BCpottery


Fig. 45 First Millennium BCpottery

The First Millenium B. C. Pottery 129

^V ? ^ 3

^ ^ 7

^ 7

Fig. 46 First Millennium BCpottery

Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 47 First Millennium BCpottery

The First Millenium B.C. Pottery


Fig. 48 First Millennium BCpottery

132 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 49 First Millennium BCpottery

The First Millenium B. C. Pottery

Fig. 50 First Millennium BC pottery

134 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 51 First Millennium B Cpottery

The First Millenium B.C. Pottery 135

Fig. 52 First Millennium BC pottery

136 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 55 First Millennium BC pottery

The First Millenium B.C. Pottery

Fig. 54 First Millennium BC pottery

138 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 55 First Millennium BC pottery

The First Millenium B. C. Pottery

Fig. 56 First Millennium BC pottery

140 Kharabeh Shattani II


t • ^

3 Khirbet Qasrij

Kharabeh Shattani




Fig. 57 First Millennium BC schematics
C/> 141





Fig. 58 TfilFirst Millenium B.C. Pottery


Wider Implications of the

Achaemenid Period Ceramics

St.John Simpson

§ 6.1: INTRODUCTION diagnostic of different periods w h e n in fact there

T h e archaeological definition of post-Assyrian and m a y be a gradual evolution in vessel morphology
Achaemenid sites and ceramics continues to be a and technology through time. T h e latter hypothesis
major problem in Mesopotamia, as in other regions can only be tested through more careful and rigor-
of the Near East (Kuhrt 1990, 186; Moorey 1980; ous examination of large, well-stratified, excavated
Stern 1982). Within this area our understanding of assemblages.
Achaemenid material culture stems primarily from As Late Assyrian ceramics themselves become
excavations at Babylon, Tell ed-Der, Kish, Nippur better understood - particularly as a result of recent
and U r (Gibson et al. 1975; Haerinck 1980; investigations at Nimrud, and Qasrij Cliff and
M c C o w n & Haines 1967; Moorey 1978; Reade Khirbet Khatuniyeh in the Saddam D a m Salvage
1986; Woolley 1962), as well as from archaeologi- Project (Curtis et al. 1989; Curtis & Green 1987;
cal surface surveys in central and southern Iraq Lines 1954; Oates 1959; Rawson 1954) - it should
(Adams 1965, 130-1, Fig. 13; A d a m s 1981, 231; become easier to distinguish sites or contexts of
A d a m s & Nissen 1972, 104; Gibson 1972, 159- post-Assyrian and Achaemenid date in northern
60, 164-5, Fig. 35). Mesopotamia. T h e publication of the short-lived
However, it is unclear to what extent the ce- site excavated in the same Project at Khirbet Qasrij,
ramic types found in central and southern less than 1.5 k m north of Kharabeh Shattani
Mesopotamia and generally used to identify (Fig. 1), n o w also offers a major advance in our
Achaemenid sites in this region are valid in dating understanding of what seems to be an immediately
contemporaneous sites in northern Mesopotamia. post-Assyrian or sixth century assemblage (Curtis et
There is a strong possibility (see below) that certain al. 1989; also Simpson 1990b). Elsewhere in the
factors have led to regional variation in and differ- Project probable post-Assyrian or Achaemenid
ences between the ceramics of this date in northern graves have been excavated at Tell Jigan and Tell
and central/southern Mesopotamia. T h e rather Rijim O m a r Dalle (Fig. 1, Bielinsky 1987; Ii &
tantalising presence of Achaemenid small finds at Kawamata 1985, 183-4, PI 36, 2 2 0 - Grave 22),
sites such as Nimrud, Khorsabad and Nineveh but it is unclear in these instances whether they
(Moorey 1980, 131; Kuhrt 1990, 186-7) also im- were associated with (unidentified) occupation ho-
plies that the presumed associated ceramics have rizons or whether they are indicative of more
not been adequately distinguished from those of transient setdement in the area. In addition, within
earlier and later periods at these sites. Although this Iran itself current research on Median and
is undoubtedly partly due to problems in the exca- Achaemenid ceramics should help refine our un-
vation of post-Assyrian deposits at, for instance, derstanding of the local regions in particular,
Nimrud (Oates 1958, 124), it m a y also partially against which the Mesopotamian evidence m a y be
reflect methodological problems concerning the compared or contrasted (Brown 1990; Levine
isolation of certain ceramic types considered to be 1987; cf.aLso Haerinck 1983).
Wider Implications ofthe Achaemenid Period Ceramics 143

However, it should also be borne in mind that (Figs 37.6 & 2; 36.9 & 10). This type of vessel -
recent excavations at Nippur, coupled with a re- similar in form to certain metal vessels (cf Abka'i-
examination of earlier survey ceramic and numis- Khavari 1988) - is represented at A b u Q u b u r
matic evidence from the same area and improved (Gasche et al. 1989, 27-8, PI. 8:6-11) and in the
knowledge of Hellenistic material culture, suggests possible late Achaemenid levels 5-4 at Ville Royale
that m u c h of what has in the past been termed II at Susa (Miroschedji 1978, 224, Fig. 55:1, 225
Achaemenid is in fact Hellenistic in date, and that & 227), the Tall-i Takht at Pasargadae (Stronach
what was previously described as Hellenistic is also 1978, Fig. 106: 1-7, PI. 173a) and Dailaman:
characteristic of the Parthian period (Gibson 1972, Ghalekuti II T o m b 2 (Sono & Fukai 1968, 34-5,
159-60, 164-5, Fig. 35; Gibson 1974). This sug- 42, PlsXLV:l,LXXVII:3).
gests that, in ceramic terms, the Achaemenid T h e use of reddish painted horizontal stripes as
period actually represents a continuation from and exterior decoration on one example from Kharabeh
development of the earlier Iron Age traditions Shattani (Fig. 37.6) is more unusual but is an oc-
rather than a purely innovative phase (but cf. also casional feature also of certain Late and post-
Fleming 1989). Assyrian ceramics - albeit of different shape -
This partial re-evaluation is reinforced by the from, for instance Khirbet Khatuniyeh and Khirbet
steadily growing body of important archaeological Qasrij in the Saddam D a m Salvage Project, N i m -
data deriving from Hellenistic sites. Comparison of rud and other sites (Curtis & Green 1987; Curtis
the excavated material from the southern Mesopo- etal. 1989, 49-50, Fig. 40, 271-6, PL XIa; Oates
tamian sites of Larsa, Nippur and Seleucia (Gibson 1959, 137, 144-6, PlsXXXVHI:90-l, XXXLX:107;
etal. 1975; Lecomte 1989; Valtz 1984), as well as cf also Kletter 1991, 36, Fig. 6; Stern 1982, 125-
Failaka at the head of the Gulf (Bernard, Gachet & 6). T h e use of similar red painted decoration on
Salles 1990; Hannestad 1983; Simpson 1988), the exterior rims and shoulders of some bowls and
with that from more northern sites, such as Bala- jars from Kharabeh Shattani (Figs 33.9, 50.2,
wat, N i m r u d and Tell A b u Sheetha (Oates and 45.11, 48.2-4 & 9; cf. also Fig. 56.9 & 10) m a y be
Oates 1958), and those recendy excavated in the regarded as evidence for wider use of this type of
Saddam D a m Salvage Project (Curtis, Green & surface treatment in the Achaemenid period. This
Knight 1988; Roaf 1983, 76-7, Fig. 6), indicates a would therefore seem to represent a combination
c o m m o n repertoire of ceramic forms but a marked (or revival) of a form of decoration found o n north
contrast in the preferred regional type of surface Mesopotamian ceramics that began in the early
treatment. Whereas classes of vessel such as bowls second millennium B C with so-called Khabur
with simple incurving rims, 'fish plates' and ware, continued to a certain extent in the Middle
'pilgrimflasks'n o w appear throughout Mesopo- Assyrian period, and, as mentioned above, is also
tamia, the use of blue-green alkaline glazes is found on certain Late and post-Assyrian ceramics
restricted to the south and contrasts with the deco- (Lloyd 1938, 134 Group XII; Stein 1984). T h e use
rative use of reddish paint in the north. of red paint also typifies Hellenistic ceramic fine
wares in this region (Hrouda 1962, 71:57 & 75:
32 & 36; Oates and Oates 1958, 126-8, 139-42,
§ 6.2: THE EVIDENCE FROM PL XXIII: 1-25); the tradition appears to end in the
K H A R A B E H SHATTANI early third century A D when red paint is sparingly
used on the exterior of certain categories of jars
The Achaemenid ceramic assemblage from Khara- (Oates and Oates 1959, 227, 233, 235, Pis LVIII:
beh Shattani is important because of its affinities 61, 64, LIX: 97-98; Venco Ricciardi 1982, 60, tav.
with late Iron Age (Achaemenid) ceramics from 8:1).
elsewhere, and yet the significant absence of certain
features generally associated with assemblages of Other open forms
this period in Mesopotamia. In terms of the other open forms represented at
Kharabeh Shattani, there is a marked contrast with
Fine wares Late and post-Assyrian types found at N i m r u d and
Amongst the Achaemenid ceramics from Kharabeh elsewhere (Oates 1959, 132, Pi. X X X V ) . However,
Shattani, perhaps the most distinctively late Iron the single fragmentary example found belonging to
Age types are a small number offineware goblets a bowl with inverted, thickened rim (Fig. 37.5)
or bowls (beakers) with outward flaring rims recalls a type of vessel that was c o m m o n at Khirbet
144 Kharabeh Shattani II

Qasrij and occurs in other post-Assyrian and assemblage is worth noting, even allowing for a
Achaemenid contexts (Curtis et al. 1989, 47, Figs possible under-representation of rounded vessel
28-9: Nos. 79-100). In addition, there are base fragments owing to non-recognition in ce-
Achaemenid comparanda from levels I-II in Area ramic processing. A m p h o r a bases, such as Fig. 54.4
W A 12 at Nippur for the admittedly rather simple & 5, are not particularly diagnostic of period al-
bowl forms illustrated by Fig. 4.1-7 (Gibson et al. though possibly late Achaemenid parallels have
1975, 14-6, Figs 41, 49 - Cat. Nos. 120337, been published from levels 5-4 at Ville Royale II,
040127); Fig. 32.2 is a type also attested from Susa (Miroschedji 1978, 224-5, 227, Fig. 55:14-5).
Achaemenid contexts at Nippur, Susa and Uruk- T h e presence of several vessels with very high ring
Warka, and is attributed to the latefifthor early bases (Fig. 36.1-2, 4-5) is noteworthy however:
fourth century B C at Tell ed-Der (Haerinck 1980, they are a feature of Iron Age ceramic assemblages
67-8, 72, PI. 10: 10). T h e distinctive 'hammer reported from surface survey at Samarra'
head' bowl rim profile from Kharabeh Shattani (Northedge & Falkner 1987, 162-3, 166, Fig. 9:
m a y also be late Iron Age judging by comparanda 20) and excavations at Tell A b o u Danne' and level
from Tell A b o u Danne" in the Aleppo region III in Area W A 13 at Nippur (Gibson et al. 1975,
(Lebeau 1983, 253, 468-9 - Type B L 30). Fig. 48 - Cat. N o . 750127; Lebeau 1983, 500-1 -
Type B A L 24). They have also been noted from
Closedforms excavations at the Qala'at al-Bahrain in Bahrain,
A number of the closed vessel rim forms at Khara- where they were tentatively dated between the
beh Shattani (for example Fig. 49.1) exhibit thirteenth and eighth centuries B C (Kervran,
parallels with Late and post-Assyrian and Neo- Mortensen & Hiebert 1987, 88, 91, Figs 8: 4 & 9:
Babylonian types (e.g. Curtis et al. 1989; 7-8, 10).
Northedge & Falkner 1987, Fig. 9: 24-30), and are
also reflected in Neo-Elamite jar profiles from level Other comments
13 at Ville Royale II at Susa (Miroschedji 1978, A sherd from the plough soil (not illustrated here)
225, Fig. 50:9; also Gasche et al. 1989, 28, 30-1, probably belongs to a jar with constricted neck.
Pis 10, 12). In addition, the fragment of a jar with Although its date is uncertain, there are Partho-
flaring rim and constricted neck (Fig. 44.11) is Sasanian parallels for this type of vessel, and it
paralleled from a probably Achaemenid context at opens the question of some later activity on the
Nippur (Gibson et al 1975, Fig. 49 - Cat. N o . surface of the site. Another fragment (Fig. 50.1)
020120; W A 12, level II,floor2). T h e more elabo- m a y represent a 'pilgrimflask';the development of
rately tooled rims of m a n y of the jar forms from this class of vessel in the Achaemenid, Hellenistic
the site exhibit a contrast; although 'folded' jar rim and Parthian periods has been oudined by Stro-
profiles are generally considered to be typical of the nach (1978, 261). A sherd with a rather distinctive
Hellenistic period the less exaggerated forms from rim form (Fig. 49.3) m a y date to the Parthian pe-
Kharabeh Shattani have more in c o m m o n with riod judging by comparanda from Tell Barri in
post-Assyrian comparanda (Curtis et al. 1989, 38- north-east Syria (Parmegiani 1987, Figs D : 2 0 A &
9, Fig. 37: 227-40). F: 212). Similarly, the single fragmentary jar-rim
T h e range of holemouth forms found at Khara- with groove running along the top (Fig. 38.5)
beh Shattani (Fig. 47.3, 45.5) is rather distinctive, probably belongs to the third century A D ; this
and is broadly similar to examples published from feature, designed to act as a lid seating, is typical of
Iron II-III levels at Tell A b o u Danne - (Lebeau Late Parthian and eastern R o m a n ceramics found,
1983, 478-81), but the latter lack close parallels to for instance, at Ain Sinu in northern Iraq (Oates
the more elaborately reeded rims exhibited on sev- and Oates 1959, 232, PI. LVII: 50-4), while more
eral of the examples from Kharabeh Shattani pronounced examples are typical of Parthian con-
(Fig. 33.7, 46.1); post-Assyrian cooking wares texts at, for instance, Tell ed-Der and Nippur in
sharing the same forms have been published from southern Mesopotamia (Haerinck 1980, Pis 20-1;
Khirbet Qasrij (Curtis et al. 1989, 50, Fig. 41: Kealll970,PlsIV:l,VII, 1).
286-9). Without examination of the original sherds
(Fig. 56.3-4) it is impossible to decide whether the
Bases decoration on the exterior is vertical excision (or
T h e high proportion of flat bases (as opposed to chattering) or relief-moulded ribs: their date is
low ring bases) in the Kharabeh Shattani ceramic therefore open to question. A hollow-ended and
Wider Implications ofthe Achaemenid Period Ceramics 145

roughly heart-shaped tool appears to have been (ed) 1981, 81, PI. 101: 4; Stern 1982, 134-6), they
impressed on the exterior of the sherd depicted in are also a feature of Hellenistic ceramics from this
Fig. 35.6. T h e crudely incised hatched triangle region (e.g. Oates and Oates 1958, 138, 145,
decoration on the exterior of the sherd in Fig. 56.8 PI. XXI: 17, 18, 20). T h e precise date of these two
superficially resembles both Late Uruk and Late sherds from Kharabeh Shattani thus remains open.
Islamic examples also found at sites in the Saddam
D a m Salvage Project; vertical registers of crude
incision on ceramics are also reported from Neo- § 6.3: CONCLUSION
Babylonian contexts excavated in Area W A 12/13
at Nippur (Gibson et al. 1975, Fig. 4 7 - Cat. N o . It is clear that given the prevalent occurrence of the
040121) and a similar date is of course possible for 'late' ceramics from Kharabeh Shattani in either
this sherd from Kharabeh Shattani. topsoil or pit contexts, great caution must be exer-
T h e sherd shown in Fig. 36.6 probably derives cised before treating this assemblage as one
from the upper shoulder of a medium-sized jar; contemporaneous group. As the notes on individ-
judging by the drawing, a strip of clay seems to ual pieces above make clear, a few sherds of
have been wrapped around the vessel exterior to possibly Parthian-Sasanian date were recovered;
form a horizontal rib or ridge which was then however, it m a y be noted that they occurred in
decorated w h e n the clay was still relatively soft. plough soil and the uppermost, very disturbed and
T h e decoration was m a d e as follows: a possibly amorphous deposit, and none was actually ascribed
blunt-ended tool was impressed at regular intervals to any of the deep pits. T h e pits are very similar in
along the crest of the ridge, and a tool with a form andfills.M s Goodwin has demonstrated the
wedge-shaped or triangular end was repeatedly im- homogeneity of the bulk of the assemblage in terms
pressed into the clay to form two horizontal rows of shapes and fabric. T h e use of selective parallels
above and below the ridge and each consisting of rather than overall impressions can be potentially
(slighdy overlapping) triangular imprints. T h e lat- highly misleading and often leads to circular argu-
ter are usually deeper impressed on the left-hand ments in terms of dating. M o r e comparative
side and top edge of each imprint, thus giving the published material is therefore urgendy required
visual impression of a 'running dog-tooth' or zig- before the exact chronological and socio-
zag motif. A similar decorative effect can be seen technological context of this material can be relia-
on a second body sherd found at Kharabeh Shat- bly assessed.
tani (Fig. 56.11). T h e use of a wedge-shaped tool Since M s Goodwin completed her work on the
to create decoration onfirstmillennium B C ceram- Kharabeh Shattani ceramic assemblage more has
ics in Mesopotamia and Syro-Palestine has been become k n o w n about the ceramics of other sites in
linked by a number of writers to the knowledge the area. T h e stylistic affinities of portions of the
and use of a cuneiform script (most recendy by material from Kharabeh Shattani indeed suggest to
Zertal 1989, 80-1). If that were the case, it is sur- the writer a date in the latefifthand early fourth
prising that it does not occur on ceramics of a centuries B C , the late Achaemenid period in his-
m u c h earlier date: the actual imprints on the tablets torical terms, corresponding to iron III in the
and the ceramics are quite different, however, and central-west Iranian archaeological sequence
the implements used are also clearly distinct from (Brown 1990; Levine 1987). T h e absence of cer-
one another. Wedge-shaped imprints similar to the tain distinctive ceramic types found at this date in
latter are incidentally found on Hausa ceramics southern Mesopotamia or Iran, such as 'eggshell
m a d e in northern Nigeria, where they were made ware', festoon ware, certain alkaline glazed wares
using a piece of calabash (Pitt Rivers M u s e u m , and 'husking trays' (Adams 1965, 130, Fig. 13;
Oxford; presented by H . Balfour, 1930). A Gibson 1972, 159-60, 164-5, Fig. 35; Fleming
'running dog-tooth' motif of consecutive wedge- 1989; Gasche et al. 1989; Stronach 1974; cf. also
imprints occurs on the upper portion of bowls and W h i t c o m b 1985, 136, Fig. 52.i), suggests that
jars alike infirstmillennium B C Mesopotamia; in these m a y not have been as widely distributed in
other cases, the intentions m a y have served a func- northern Mesopotamia (or perhaps were not used
tional purpose (London 1992; Whitehouse 1978). there at all). T h e latter region m a y indeed have
Whereas isolated wedge impressions are usually formed a distinct 'ceramic province' in the
considered to be diagnostic of the Achaemenid pe- Achaemenid period, but further archaeological evi-
riod in Mesopotamia and Syro-Palestine (Gibson
146 Kharabeh Shattani II

dence is required before this idea can be firmly glazed fine wares, small bowls with simple inturned
substantiated. rims, 'fish plates', or equally characteristic, carefully
T h e absence from Kharabeh Shattani of a fur- cut low ring bases (e.g. Gibson et al. 1975, Fig.
ther group of ceramics often considered to be 35:6-7; Hrouda 1962, Taf. 72: 65-72; Oates and
typically Achaemenid, namely carinated bowls or Oates 1958, PL XXIII). Despite the uncertainty
jars decorated on the exterior with rosette or other expressed over occasional finds at Pasargadae
types of 'pushed out' stamp (Adams 1965, 130, (Stronach 1978, 184, footnote 5), there does not
Fig. 13; Gibson 1972, Fig. 35; Stern 1982, 132-6) seem to be any secure evidence indicating that
is also significant but m a y be attributable to a dif- these ceramic types were represented at
ferent reason. T h e evidence for this type of ceramic Achaemenid sites in Mesopotamia or Iran. H o w -
surface treatment in the late Assyrian and ever, they were c o m m o n at rural sites of the third
Achaemenid periods is limited to a small number and second centuries B C investigated elsewhere in
of vessels from N i m r u d (Mallowan 1966, Vol. I, the Saddam D a m Salvage Project, such as Tell Deir
190-1) and poorly stratified contexts or sites that Situn, Grai Darki and Tell M o h a m m e d 'Arab
continue into the Hellenistic period, such as Tell (Fig. 1, Curtis, Green & Knight 1988; Roaf 1983,
M o h a m m e d Diyab and A b u Q u b u r respectively 76-7, Fig. 6), suggesting radical changes through
(Bachelot 1990, 13-4, PL 1: 14; Gasche et al. time in the regional ceramic repertoire rather than
1989). It certainly becomes widespread in Mesopo- a simple case of inter-site variability.
tamia only in the Hellenistic period, w h e n new T h e precise nature of the ceramic transition
types of stamp are also introduced, judging by from the Achaemenid to the Hellenistic period is as
finds from Balawat, Tell ed-Der, Larsa, N i m r u d yet poorly understood; a time-lag between histori-
and Nippur (Gibson 1974; Haerinck 1980, 69, cal events and socio-economic or technological
72-3, Pis 13 & 17; Lecomte 1989, 133-5, PL 10: changes m a y be surmised, as suggested elsewhere
1-2; Oates and Oates 1958, 128-9, 138-9, 144-5, for other periods in Mesopotamia. It is hoped that
151, Pis XXI: 19-20, XXII: 1-4, X X I V : 5, XXVII: in future closer attention will be paid to the prob-
4). T h e absence of this class of vessels from Khara- able changes in ceramic manufacturing technology
beh Shattani thus lends support to this suggested which accompany the Hellenistic period in the
pattern of development. Near East which are reflected in northern Mesopo-
Finally, it is also worth observing that the first tamia by a shift to sandy, oxidised ceramics as well
millennium B C ceramic assemblage from Kharabeh as new types of vessel morphology and surface
Shattani also lacks any other examples of clearly treatment.
Hellenistic type, such as red-painted or blue-green

The Small Finds

Stuart Campbell

§ 7.1 INTRODUCTION numbered sequentially within each context. It was

not felt necessary to revise the numbering for pub-
The small finds from Kharabeh Shattani were, with lication as the combination of the three letter
some exceptions, not notable for their quality al- context code and small find number provides an
though they were relatively numerous. T h e small unique reference in all cases.
finds are presented here primarily as a catalogue, This catalogue was compiled with only partial
with little additional commentary except where access to the material. M a n y of the small finds were
there are particular parallels to be drawn or other drawn and photographed but the rest are only re-
points of interest. corded by written descriptions. Although these
T h e catalogue is organised in the five main descriptions are not always as full as might be de-
stratigraphic phases present at the site: sired, no artefact has been excluded o n grounds of
Achaemenid, the Early, Middle and Late Halaf poor recording; it isfeltbetter to publish as full an
phases and Hassuna (§ 2). Note that the terms account as possible. T h e metal finds from the
early, middle and late Halaf refer to the Achaemenid Phase are discussed in detail in § 8.
stratigraphic phases of the site only; all probably There are few objects worthy of individual
date from the late phase of the Halaf culture. T h e mention. T h e possible clay bulla ( A A H 24), from a
poor condition of the stratigraphy of Kharabeh secure Halaf context, is the only possible indication
Shattani, particularly in the upper levels, must be of the more sophisticated administrative functions
re-emphasized. N o t only m a y Halaf artefacts have attested at sites such as Arpachiyah (Mallowan and
been redeposited in Achaemenid pits, but Rose 1935, Pl.LX). T h e fragment of a stone palette
Achaemenid artefacts m a y well be found out of ( A A G 26) isfinein the context of Kharabeh Shat-
context in levels which are largely Halaf in date, tani and is morphologically identical with the
either due to bioturbation or due to parts of Halaf examples from Arpachiyah (for example
Achaemenid pits being undetected. W h e r e an arte- Mallowan and Rose 1935, Fig. 52, 4) but it cannot
fact is clearly Achaemenid in date but is intrusive compare in the skill and care used to manufacture
into the Halaf levels (as in the case of some of the thefinestof the Arpachiyah palettes.
metal objects), and where it is clear that there m a y M a n y of the small finds are stone objects and,
have been a pit cutting d o w n in the location of its rather than describe each one in detail, a simple
find-spot, it has been included along with the other functional typology has been adopted to aid in
Achaemenid finds and the pit from which it is their description. Five main combinations of use
likely to have c o m e is included in the catalogue and object shape were found, although there are a
entry where possible. number of instances where more than one type of
Different methods of numbering small finds use is found associated with a single object. Stone
were used in the two seasons at Kharabeh Shattani. tools which do not fall into these groups as de-
In thefirstseason sequential numbers were given to scribed individually.
each find regardless of context, the numbers run- Rubbing stones are stones with polish or linear
ning from 1 to 73. In the second season,findswere abrasions on aflatsurface.
148 Kharabeh Shattani II

Pestles are elongated stones with wear marks, in date, although one was found in a late deposit.
predominandy from impact, on one extremity. All are similarly small and, in two cases, have evi-
S o m e of these objects have indications of secondary dence of considerable resharpening during their
use, usually rubbing along one side, although their lifetime.
use as pesdes accounts for the majority of wear. S o m e types of artefact appear to be ubiquitous
This secondary use m a y have been completely dis- in the periods represented at Kharabeh Shattani.
tinct from the primary function but it seems Visually identical spindle whotls occur in Hassuna
probable that they were, to some extent, composite contexts ( C B A 1, for instance), in Halaf contexts
tools. They m a y have been used first to pound ( B D D 1) and in a situation in an Achaemenid pit
some material and then to rub it to process it fur- which strongly suggested that they were of the
ther (cfSeeden 1982, 56). same date as the context in which they were found
Whetstones axe elongated stones with polish ( B B X 1 to 3). In all cases they are biconical,
along the length of the stone. spherical or sub-spherical in shape and pierced near
Rubbing stones, pesdes and whetstones are to their centres of gravity. Usually they are rela-
generally natural pebbles, often river pebbles, tively low and unevenly fired with minimal
which are minimally modified. Little care appears tempering. T h e spindle whorls in the Halaf levels
to have been taken in their preparation and, are parallelled in late Halaf levels at Yarim Tepe III
probably, litde value attached to them as objects. (Munchaev, Merpert and Bader 1984, 40) but are
This lack of an inherent value m a y be reflected in dissimilar to the more conical type which pre-
the typically rather light usage evident on them; dominate at Yarim Tepe II (Munchaev and
they m a y have been used and discarded in a very Merpert 1981, 230 andfig.53). At Arpachiyah too
short time. M a n y c o m e from relatively secure Ha- conical spindle whorls may predominate
laf contexts but, given the obvious ad hoc usage of (unpublished examples in the Iraq M u s e u m ) but
these objects, there is no reason to assume that they there are biconical examples as well. T h e large
were restricted to that phase and the examples from numbers of spindle whorls which occur in the late
late pits need not be Halaf in date. pits suggest that m a n y of them are genuinely
Mortars are stones of various sizes characterised Achaemenid in date rather than being residual
by a cup shaped hollow with wear marks within it. from the earlier deposits at the site.
Querns are large, carefully shaped, flat stones Clay slingstones occur quite c o m m o n l y in the
where one surface has been artificiallyflattenedand Halaf levels; there are four examples from early
heavily abraded. phase Halaf contexts and a further example from
T h e c o m m o n quern type at Kharabeh Shattani late contexts which presumably derive from Halaf
is a thin slab of basalt roughly shaped to be oval or deposits. These are typical objects from a long pe-
sub-rectangular in plan with rounded bases and flat riod in north Mesopotamian prehistory and are
or, sometimes, concave upper surfaces. Alongside similar in shape to those from other sites (for ex-
obsidian, this is the material which was most obvi- ample Munchaev and Merpert 1981, Fig. 82). T h e
ously imported in quantity to the site. N o Kharabeh Shattani examples were found singly
examples of these querns occur in the Hassuna rather than in the large concentrations occasionally
Phase, although this is probably not significant found elsewhere.
given the small sample size. They occur c o m m o n l y A large number of pot discs were found at the
in both the Halaf levels and in thefillsof the later site. Although they were found both throughout
pits with no apparent morphological distinctions Halaf levels and in late contexts, all diagnostic fab-
amongst them, although they are usually in a frag- rics were Halaf and it seems likely that they are all
mentary state. Obviously those in late contexts m a y Halaf in date. They were not recorded in the field
be redeposited but this is not necessarily the case. as small finds and are therefore detailed in the fol-
There are abundant parallels throughout the Halaf lowing catalogue but they fit within this section
sequence from the Yarim Tepe group of sites where and will be dealt with as a group. All appear to
virtually identical querns of similar dimensions have been cut d o w n from larger sherds, probably
were found in large numbers (Munchaev and Mer- from broken vessels. They are generally between
pert 1981, Fig. 72, 1-4 and Munchaev, Merpert 4 2 m m and 7 5 m m in diameter but there are rare
and Bader 1984, 37). larger examples, up to a m a x i m u m of 1 8 0 m m .
There are two examples of polished stone chis- Apart from all being m a d e from fine ware sherds,
els and one small stone axe. All are probably Halaf no particular fabrics or type of vessels seem to have
The Small Finds 149

been favoured. Most of the discs are unpierced. § 7.3 Early Phase Halaf Contexts
There is no indication of the function of these pot
discs and, although they appear to have been Clay Object
c o m m o n at other sites, there are too few published A A H 24 (Fig. 61.7)
parallels for detailed comparison. It should be Dimensions: Diam. 30-35mm; Th. 3 m m
noted, however, that a single example was found A roughly circular fragment of black clay which
sealed by bitumen as a stopper in the neck of a jar may have been a sealing. There is no seal impres-
at Arpachiyah (Mallowan and Rose 1935, Fig.49, sion and it had probably simply been pressed by a
23) which may be at least one of the uses to which finger. There is no indication to what it may have
the Kharabeh Shattani examples were put. The been attached. It comes from one of the more se-
heavy abrasion on the edges of some of the pot cure Halaf deposits and may be considered to be
discs may have been due to the method by which definitely Halaf in date.
the discs were shaped but it is equally possible that
it was through use and that some of the discs pro- ABP 10 (Fig. 61.10)
vided working edges. Grid Ref 207 293
Dimensions: Diam. 3 3 m m ; Preserved length
SMALL FINDS CATALOGUE Fragment of a biconical clay slingstone. The fabric
is orange brown with sparsefinewhite inclusions,
§ 7.2 Hassuna Contexts probably calcites; it is poorly wedged but is very
hard. This is very similar to the complete example
Clay Objects A B P 21 and like it, A C I 15 and B B U 1 is from a
CBA1 secure Halaf context.
Grid Ref. 207 280 Level: 97.97m
Dimensions: Diam. 37mm; Ht 29mm; Hole ABP 21 (Fig. 61.11)
Diam. 5 m m Grid Ref: 207 293
Clay spindle whorl in the form of a flattened Dimensions: Diam. 3 5 m m ; L. 5 2 m m
sphere. Biconical clay slingstone. Hardfired,orange brown
fabric with a dark brown to black exterior.
Bone Objects Amongst Halaf sites, it compares closely with the
CBD1 examples from Yarim Tepe II (Munchaev and
Grid Ref: 206 280 Level: 97.95 m Merpert 1981: Fig. 82).
Worked bone fragment.
ACI 15
Stone Objects Dimensions: L. 2 9 m m ; Th. 3 4 m m ; H t 2 1 m m
CBA 2 Fragment of spherical/biconical clay object. Its
Grid Ref: 209 281 Level: 97.92 m fabric is dark grey brown, hard fired with sparse
Stone vessel fragment. fine white grits. It is possibly a slingstone as it is
similar in form, colour andfiringto the other
CBB 2 slingstones from the site.
Grid Ref: 207 294 Level: 97.64 m
Dimensions: L. 45mm; Th. 3 3 m m BBU1
Roughly ovoid stone with red ochre stains on one Grid Ref: 2074 2890 Level: 99.18 m
end. The stone is a very pale brown river pebble Biconical clay slingstone. See also A B P 10, A B P 21
with possible abrasion marks on one side. The red and A C I 15.
ochre is adjacent to the possible abrasion marks
and is smeared thinly in a rather localized area. BCO 2
Grid Ref: 198 281 Level: 99.08 m
Clay Disc.

Grid Ref: 204 289 Level: 99.13 m
Clay spindle whorl.
150 Kharabeh Shattani II

Stone Objects B C Z 2 (Fig. 59.13)

AAH22 Grid Ref: 208 280 Level: 99.17 m
Flat elongated river pebble used as a pesde/rubbing Dimensions: L. 6 m m ; Diam. 4 m m
stone. It has abrasions from rubbing just short of Cylindrical red stone bead.
one end which also has wearfromimpact.
ACJ 16 (Fig. 60.7) Grid Ref: 208 280 Level: 99.17 m
Dimensions: L. 80mm; Th. 5 4 m m Dimensions: L. 8 m m ; Diam. 5 m m ; Hole Diam.
Fragment of a pierced stone. The stone is probably 2mm
naturally sub-rectangular in shape and has been Cylindrical stone bead.
biconically pierced. N o wear marks are visible.
BCZ 3 (Fig. 59.4)
ACJ 46 Dimensions: L. 13mm; B. 6-1 l m m ; Hole Diam.
Dimensions: L. 170mm; B. 70mm; Th. 6 0 m m 6mm
Fragment of a basalt quern. Black stone, trapezoidal bead.

$ 7.4 Middle Phase Halaf Contexts Dimensions: Diam. 7-8mm; Ht 5mm; Hole Diam.
Objects with burial BCZ 2 small red penannular beads.
B C Z 1 (Fig. 59.15)
Grid Ref: 208 280 Level: 99.10 m BCZ 5
Dimensions: L. 53mm; W 12mm; Th. 3 m m Dimensions: L. 9-1 lmm; Diam. 3-5mm; Hole
Fragment of a bone point. Diam. 2-3mm
2 tapering cylindrical dentalium shell beads.
Grid Ref: 208 280 Level: 99.10 m BCZ 6 (Fig. 59.11)
Dimensions: Rim Diam. 48mm; Ht 20mm; Th. Dimensions: Diam. 4 m m ; Ht 2 m m ; Hole Diam.
3mm 1.5mm
Fragment of small limestone vessel. It appears to be 2 red stone disc beads.
of the type of bowl known as 'water bowls'
(Bielinski 1987) although the interior profile is Clay Objects
rather differentfrommost examples. If it is consid- A C G 71 (Fig. 61.5)
ered a 'water bowl' it would be, as noted by Grid Refi 207 294
Bielinski, thefirstexample in a secure Halaf con- Dimensions: Diam. 38mm; L. 37mm; Hole Diam.
text and a possibly significant link with the later 5mm
Ubaid. Fragment of a well-made, biconical clay spindle
whorl. The fabric is dark brown grey with few
BCZ 2 visible inclusions. The surface is light brown,
Grid Ref 208 280 Level: 99.17 m probably as the result of a thin slip.
Dimensions: L. 13mm; Diam. 6-7mm; Hole
Diam. 3-5mm BBC 4
10 bugle-shaped, bone beads Grid Ref 206 285 Level: 99.35 m
Curved, elongated object offiredclay.
BCZ 2 (Fig. 59.5 and 7-10)
Grid Refi 208 280 Level: 99.17 m Stone Objects
Dimensions: L. 6-10mm; Diam. 4-6mm; Hole A A E 37 (Fig. 60.13)
Diam. 2-3mm Dimensions: L. 98mm; B. 41 m m ; Ht 3 8 m m
8 cylindrical bone beads. Fragment of a long narrow river pebble used as a
whetstone. The upper surface isflattenedthrough
wear and is glossy with heavy polishing.
The Small Finds 151

A A G 26 (Fig. 60.2) tains traces of the breakage and remains slightly

Dimensions: L. 4 l m m ; B. 4 0 m m ; Th. 2 m m ; Rim hollowed from it but it has also been heavily worn
ht 9 m m smooth by subsequent use, probably as some sort
Fragment of a stone palette. The stone is a distinc- of rubbing stone.
tive hard, cream limestone with red mottling. It has
been carefully smoothed. Both the top of the rim ABG 18
and the left edge in the illustration have been Grid Ref: 205 294
carefully finished. The other edges are broken. Dimensions: Th. 4 0 m m
There are a number of objects from Arpachiyah Fragment of a basalt quern.
(Mallowan and Rose 1935, Fig.52, 4) which are
very similar in form and size but seem to be rather ADJ 36 (Fig. 60.10)
betterfinishedthat this example. There is also an Dimensions: Diam. 6 2 m m ; L. 6 8 m m
example from the late Halaf at Yarim Tepe III Cylindrical stone pestle of black vesicular basalt.
(Merpert and Munchaev 1984, Fig. 13, 1) which, The artefact seems to have been shaped by pecking,
unlike this example, may have a central perfora- then heavily smoothed. Only the lower end as illus-
tion. trated has clear wear marks, apparently from
pounding, but both ends may have been utilized.
AAG 73 (Fig. 60.3)
Dimensions: Diam. 120mm; Th. 1 3 m m ADJ 39
Fragment of a ground stone bowl. It is made from Dimensions: L. 2 0 0 m m ; B. 120mm; Th. 5 0 m m
a very soft ferigenous limestone or siltstone. Its Fragment of a basalt quern stone, consisting of a
surface colour is a dull yellow but beneath the sur- right angled corner.
face, and possibly it original colour, it is a very
striking saffron. Its shape is typical of the Halaf ADJ 61
with a narrowed rim and, like B C Z 1, it is proba- Dimensions: Diam. 8 0 m m
bly of the 'water bowl' form but unlike most of Rubbing stone made from a flat, natural stone with
these its point of widest diameter is not at the rim polish on one surface.
but on the upper body. It is slighdy more upright
than the examples of this type at Arpachiyah ADJ 62
(Mallowan and Rose 1935, Fig. 44, 8-10 and 17- Dimensions: Diam. 5 0 m m
18) but not exceptionally so. Spherical chert pounder. Such objects are c o m m o n
on earlier sites in the north of Iraq such as Jarmo,
AAG 52 where they are termed hammer stones (Moholy-
Dimensions: Th. 7 0 m m Nagy 1983, Fig.129, 11; Fig.141, 1), and
T w o fragments of a basalt quern. Nemriq, where they are termed bolas (Kozlowski
1989, Fig. 5). From these parallels it might be
ABG 11 (Fig. 60.5) considered to derive from the Hassuna deposits.
Dimensions: Th. 4 3 m m ; W 3 4 m m ; Hole Diam. However, there are objects, identical to those re-
12mm ferred to, from the Halaf site of Shams ed-Din
A n oval pierced stone which has been smoothed (Seeden 1982, Fig. 33-35) and this example
and polished before being biconically pierced. It is probably dates from the Halaf occupation of
much more carefully made than other pierced Kharabeh Shattani.
stones from Kharabeh Shattani but there is no evi-
dence for its purpose. BBC1
Grid Ref: 195 286 Level: 99.66m
ABG 17 (Fig. 60.9) Dimensions: L. 7 5 m m ; B. 6 3 m m ; Th. 8 m m
Grid Ref 205 294 Chipped stone point.
Dimensions: Diam. 3 1 m m ; L. 1 7 0 m m
Fragment of the upper part of a conical stone pes- BBC 2 (Fig. 60.4)
de. It has been shaped by pecking and then heavily Grid Ref: 208 288 Level: 99.52m
smoothed. The lower part of this artefact appears Dimensions: Rim Diam. 7 0 m m ; H t 3 5 m m
to have broken off in use and the upper pan, this Fragment of a ground stone vessel. This small pot
smallfind,reused. The base of the upper pan re- is well and evenly mrde. It may perhaps be related
152 Kharabeh Shattani II

to the type of bowl found in the Ubaid at Tell el- A A C 51 (Fig. 61.12)
Saadiya; this Bielinski's type 4 and its occurrence Dimensions: L. 4 4 0 m m ; B. 3 3 2 m m ; H t 1 7 2 m m ;
in an Halaf context would contradict his sugges- Hollow Diam. 2 2 8 m m ; Hollow depth
tion that this type is specific to the Ubaid 1 2 8 m m ; Hole Diam. 6 8 m m
(Bielinski 1987, 265 and Fig. X,4). Stone mortar, probably made from a river boulder.
The central cup has been deeply ground and there
BBQ1 is a hole in the base. This hole m a y have been made
Grid Reft 209 285 Level: 99.21m through use, but it is probably part of the original
Polished stone chisel. design.

BCC 2 19 ABC 3
Grid Ref 213 282 Level: 99.41 m Dimensions: L. 110mm; B. 75mm; Th. 60mm
Dimensions: L. 7 4 m m ; B. 2 1 m m ; Th. 9.8mm Stone pestle made from a sub-spherical natural
Ground stone chisel. This is oval in section and stone with heavy wear on one side.
relatively narrow for its length. Its cutting edge is
slightly bevelled and only 1 2 m m wide. There is ACC34
some indication of hammering on the butt. Dimensions: L. 140mm; B. 70mm; Th. 25mm
Fragment of stone quern.
Grid Reft 197 280 Level: 99.56m ADC 35 (Fig. 60.12)
Stone with hourglass perforation. Dimensions: Diam. 6 2 m m ; L. 7 6 m m
Small, squat, cylindrical stone pestle made from
black vesicular basalt. T h e base of the pestle is
$ 7.5 Late Phase Halaf Contexts slighdy convex and shows traces of extended use.

Clay Objects ADC 41

A B C 1 (Fig. 61.9) Dimensions: L. 100mm; B. 70mm; Th. 50mm
Grid Ref: 205 290 Stone pestle, from large natural pebble, with wear
Dimensions: Diam. 3 9 m m ; H t 3 4 m m ; Hole at one extremity.
Diam. 5.5mm
Spherical clay spindle whorl. This is well made and ADC 42
high fired. Dimensions: Diam. 60mm
Spherical stone with wear marks; possibly a pestle.
ABC/ABG 72 (Fig. 61.6)
Grid Reft 205 294 ADC 63
Dimensions: Diam. 3 5 m m ; L. 3 5 m m ; Hole Diam. Dimensions: L. 140mm
4.5mm Whetstone made from a thin, natural pebble with
Spherical clay spindle whorl. It is rather roughly rubbing marks on one side.
made but is evenly pierced in the centre and would
be well balanced. It has beenfiredin a very variable ADC 64
atmosphere, its fabric ranging in colour between Dimensions: Th. 50mm
light brown and dark grey. Small fragment of a basalt quern.

BCB 2 (Fig. 61.8) ADF 66 (Fig. 60.11)

Dimensions: L. 5 1 m m ; H t 2 6 m m Dimensions: L. 2 1 4 m m ; Diam. 6 2 - 7 0 m m
Animal Figurine. Fragment of a clay animal figu- Stone pestle. It has been shaped by pecking and
rine. The head is broken off entirely. The legs are subsequendy extensive grinding to a relatively
schematic stumps. smooth surface. There are extensive indications of
wear on the base, possibly mixed pounding and
Stone Objects grinding. The opposite end has been damaged,
AAC 32 possibly due to hammering during use.
Grid Reft 208 297
Fragment of a sub-rectangular basalt quern stone.
The Small Finds

ADF 67 Spherical clay spindle whorl. This is almost an ex-

Dimensions: Th. 60mm act sphere and is more carefully made and more
Fragment of a basalt quern. highlyfiredthan is normal with this class of arte-
fact at Kharabeh Shattani.
ADF 68
Dimensions: Diam. 160mm AAF 27 (Fig. 61.4)
Monar made from a natural stone with 4 0 m m Dimensions: Diam. 3 4 m m ; H t 3 2 m m ; Hole
deep hollow worn into the centre. Diam. 4 m m
Fragment of a sub-spherical clay spindle whorl. It
ADI54 is roughly made with a light brown fabric and few
Pestle madefroma natural stone. visible inclusions. It is relatively low fired.

Dimensions: Ht 4 0 m m Grid Reft 204 293
Fragment of a rubbing stone made from a natural Fragment of a biconical clay spindle whorl.
river pebble.
ACN 14 (Fig. 61.2)
ADI65 Dimensions: Diam. 5 3 m m ; H t 3 8 m m ; Hole
Fragment of a rubbing stone made from a natural Diam. 1 0 m m
pebble; heavy rubbing marks on one side. Large clay spindle whorl. This is made from a light
green fabric with no visible grits, mediumfired.It
ADL 19 (Fig. 59.12) is a flattened sphere in shape and slightly larger
Grid Reft 202 298 than the typical spindle whorl from Kharabeh
Dimensions: L. 12mm; Diam. 7-8.5mm; Hole Shattani.
Diam. 2-5mm
Fragment of a stone bead. The bead is made in a BBB 2
soft, dark green stone with blue-green veins in it. It Pit: B A R
is biconically pierced and highly polished. Grid Reft 202 287 Level: 99.97m
Dimensions: Diam. 4 4 m m max.; 2 2 m m mini-
ADL 20 (Fig. 60.8) mum.; existing length 31mm; Hole Diam. 10mm
Dimensions: Diam. 110-146mm; Th. 4 4 m m ; Fragment of pierced clay cup-like object. It m a y be
Hole Diam. 10-26mm a tuyere or, perhaps, a different variety of spindle
Pierced stone, probably limestone. It appears to whorl.
have been roughly shaped by flaking and it has
been pierced from both sides. BBX1
Dimensions: Diam. 48mm; Ht 30mm; Hole
ADL 53 Diam. 9 m m
Dimensions: L. 8 0 m m Clay spindle whorl. This is almost certainly
Natural pebble used as whetstone. Achaemenid in date as it were found the bottom of
pit B A X together with B B X 2 and 3.
Grid Ref: 197 284 Level: 99.75 m BBX2
Several small obsidianflakesfound together. Dimensions: Diam. 38mm; Ht 34mm; Hole
Diam. 9mm
Clay spindle whorl. As with B B X 1, this is almost
§ 7.6 Achaemenid Contexts and Unknown certainly Achaemenid in date.
Clay Objects Dimensions: Diam. 5 3 m m
JC-? 25 (Fig. 61, 3) Clay spindle whorl. As with B B X 1, this is almost
Dimensions: Diam. 3 6 m m ; H t 3 2 m m ; Hole certainly Achaemenid in date.
Diam. 4.5mm
154 Kharabeh Shattani II

B C G 1 (Fig. 61.1) BBB 5

Grid Ref: 209 280 Level: 99.50 m Grid Ref: 200 287 Level: 99.75 m
Dimensions: Diam. 4lx44mm; Ht 34mm; Hole Fragment of an iron sickle blade (see § 8).
Diam. 4 m m
Biconical clay spindle whorl. BBC 3
Grid Ref: 199 288 Level: 99.50 m
BCG2 Fragment of copper.
Grid Reft 209 280 Level: 99.50 m
Clay spindle whorl. BBC 7
Grid Ref: 197 288 Level: 99.33 m
BCK1 Fragment of copper. This is relatively quite low in
Grid Ref: 209 284 Level: 99.32 m the stratigraphy of the site and its presence within
Dimensions: Diam. 40x36mm; Ht 34mm; Hole what is essentially an Halaf deposit cannot be ex-
Diam. 5 m m plained by an intrusive pit. It may have been
Clay spindle whorl. carried down from Achaemenid layers by animal
burrowing but it is possible it may be contempo-
BCS2 rary with the surrounding Halaf deposits.
Grid Reft 209 281 Level: 98.53m
Dimensions: Diam. 38x36mm; Hole Diam. 6 m m BBD1
Clay spindle whorl. Grid Ref: 197 289 Level: 99.39m
Fragment of iron sickle blade (see § 8).
Grid Reft 209 281 BBJ 4 (Fig. 59, 6)
Dimensions: Diam. 36mm; Ht 25mm; Hole Grid Ref: 206 289 Level: 98.15 m
Diam. 7 m m Dimensions: Maximum Diam. 59mm; Hole
Clay spindle whorl. Diam. 43mm; Ht 2 3 m m
Bronze macehead. See § 8 for discussion.
Pit: B A Y BBOl
Grid Reft 195 289 Level: 99.52m Grid Ref: 201 286 Level: 99.42m
Figurine leg?. Possibly part of the 'hearth furniture' Fragment of metal.
found in this pit.
BCB 1 (Fig. 59.2)
BBC 5 Grid Reft 206 284
Pit: B A O Dimensions: Diam. 2.5x2.2mm; Th. 2 m m
Grid Ref: 204 289 Level: 99.40m Bronze ring. See § 8 for discussion.
Clay slingstone.
PCS 1 (Fig. 59.3)
BBC 6 Grid Ref: 209 281 Level: 98.62m
Pit: BAP Dimensions: L. 44mm; Th. 3 m m
Grid Ref: 207 288 Level: 99.33m Fragment of copper. See § 8 for discussion.
Dimensions: Maximum Diam. 43mm; Ht 33mm;
Hole Diam. 6 m m Bone Objects
Clay spindle whorl fragment. BBJ 1 (Fig. 59.14)
Grid Ref: 206 287 Level: 99.47m
Metal Objects Dimensions: L. 49mm; B. 16mm; Th. 9 m m
B B B 1 (Fig. 59.1) Fragment of a bone tool. Only the point is pre-
Grid Ref: 198 205 Level: 99.92m served.
Dimensions: L. 12.5mm; W7.7-5.8mm
Bronze horse trapping. See § 8 for discussion. Stone Objects
Surface 13 (Fig. 60.1)
Dimensions: L. 45mm; B. 37mm; Th. 1 0 m m
The Small Finds 155

Small stone axe, almost certainly of Halaf date. It ACB8

has been carefully smoothed and polished with a Grid Reft 209 295
almost symmetrical profile. It has some edge dam- Fragment of a basalt quern.
age, probably through use, and has been quite
heavily resharpened. ACF50
Dimensions: Diam. 4 6 0 m m ; Ht 3 1 5 m m ; Hole
ABE 2 Diam. 2 2 5 m m ; Hole depth 1 6 8 m m
Rubbing stone made from a flat pebble. Mortar made from light yellow limestone block.
The mortar has been shaped by pecking and
ABJ30 smoothing and the central hollow is deep. It is
Dimensions: L. 8 0 m m ; B. 7 0 m m ; Th. 7 0 m m heavily worn with linear abrasions running around
Sub-spherical stone which has evidence of use as it. It is possible that rather than being a mortar this
both a pesde and as a rubbing stone. object is a discarded door socket, which might ac-
cord better with the horizontal linear abrasions.
Dimensions: L. 2 8 0 m m ; B. 2 0 6 m m ; Th. 4 0 m m ACF58
Fragment of a quern. Like other examples from Dimensions: B. 8 0 m m
Kharabeh Shattani it is made from dark grey ve- Natural pebble which has been used as a pestle.
sicular basalt. It appears to have been roughly
pecked to shape during manufacture to give a flat ACF59
upper surface, a rounded base and, from the surviv- T w o fragments of natural pebbles, both of which
ing fragment, was probably oval in plan. The appear to have been used as whetstones.
centre has been subjected to heavy grinding in use,
forming a shallow, smoothed hollow. ACF60
Dimensions: Th. 4 0 m m
ABK29 Fragment of a basalt quern.
Dimensions: L. 100mm; B. 8 0 m m ; Th. 4 0 m m
Fragment of a basalt quern. ACK43
Dimensions: L. 7 0 m m
ABR44 Fragment of a natural pebble which has been used
Dimensions: L. 2 4 0 m m ; B. 170mm; Th. 3 4 m m as a whetstone.
Complete oval quern made in the normal dark grey
vesicular basalt. The upper surface isflatand the ACK48
base is rounded. The upper surface is heavily but Dimensions: L. 80mm; B. 70mm; Th. 5 0 m m
evenly smoothed through extensive use. Three fragments of basalt querns. The dimensions
given are those of the largest fragment; the other
ACA33 two were much smaller.
Grid Reft 209 296
Dimensions: L. 212mm; B. 130mm; Th. 52mm ACN40
Fragment of a roughly rectangular grey vesicular Whetstone, made from a natural elongated pebble
basalt quern. It has been roughly shaped and the with heavy polish on oneflattenedside.
bottom is curved. The top has been heavily ground
down, probably partly through use but, since the ACN47
wear is not localised to any particular part of the Dimensions: L. 140mm and 100mm
stone (such as down the centre), it is probable that Two stone whetstones.
it had also beenflattenedduring manufacture.
T w ofragmentsof natural pebbles which have been
Dimensions: L. 1 8 5 m m ; B. 6 6 m m ; Th. 1 4 m m used as rubbing stones.
Stone whetstone.
Natural stone with heavy battering at one end
where it has been used as a pesde.
156 Kharabeh Shattani II

ACP 56 B C A 1 (Fig. 60.6)

Large natural pebble which has been used as a Dimensions: Diam. 50mm; Ht 57mm; Th. 1 7 m m
de. Fragment of a stone bowl.

ACT 38 AAA 57
Fragment of an oval basalt quern. A long natural pebble used as a whetstone.

Grid Reft 207 288 Level: 99.56 m Grid Reft 207 288
Fragment of a stone bowl or mortar. Pit: BAP
Fragment of a basalt quern.
Grid Ref: 207 288 Level: 99.26 m Other Objects
Fragment of a stone bowl. ABE/ABK 5
Frit (?) Ornament
The Small Finds 157

List of Small Find Illustrations

Fig. 59

Number Scale
1. BBB1 12 6. BCA1
2. BCB1 12 7. ACJ 16
3. BCS1 12 8. ADL 20
4. BCZ 3 12 9. ABG 17
5. BCZ 2 12 10. ADJ 36
6. BBJ 4 12 11. ADF 66
7. BCZ 2 12 12. A D C 35
8. BCZ 2 12 13. AAE37
9. BCZ 2 12
10. BCZ 2 12
11. BCZ 6 12 Figure 61
12. ADL 19 21
13. BCZ 2 12 Number Scale
14. BBJ 1 12 1. BCG 1 12
15. BCZ1 12 2. ACN 14 12
3. JC-? 25 12
4. AAF27 12
Figure 60 5. ACG 71 12
6. ABC/ABG 72 12
Number Scale 7. AAH24 12
1. Surface 13 1:2 8. BCB 2 12
2. AAG 26 1:2 9. ABC1 12
3. AAG 83 1:2 10. ABP 10 12
4. BBC 2 1:2 11. ABP 21 12
5. ABG 11 1:2 12. AAC 51 18
158 Kharabeh Shattani II

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

^TT3 - <$#.

Q-® 8 Q-@ o) 1 0 «=»-©

12 13

14 15

/%. 59 Halafand First Millennium BC small finds

The Small Finds 159

Fig. 60 Halafand First Millennium BC small finds

Kharabeh Shattani II

— o



Fig. 61 Halafand First Millennium BC small finds


The Achaemenid Period Metalwork

Dianne Rowan

B B B 1 (Fig. 59.1) kind of repousse" groove and circle style as illus-

Grid Reft 198 205 trated on the Kharabeh Shattani piece. They are
Level: 99.92m 2 3 5 m m and 2 1 2 m m in length and 1 4 2 m m and
Dimensions: L 1 2 5 m m ; W 7 7 - 5 8 m m . 1 0 4 m m in width. Further examples are allegedly
from Iran from Ziwiyeh (Godard 1950, Fig.
Description: A fragment from a piece of bronze 96,97). These are 2 4 0 m m and 2 1 5 m m in length.
sheet metal which is approximately rectangular in They bear a strong resemblance to the Kharabeh
shape, although tapering slightly inwards at the and Ashmolean examples except that they are made
broken edge. In section the piece is concave. T h e of silver and their decoration is m u c h more ornate.
fragment is decorated with two vertical repousse" O n e of the pieces (Godard 1950, Fig. 96) has a
lines, which each terminate in a circle. T h e decora- single groove and circle decoration. T h e plaques
tion is symmetrical. A central ridge runs the length from Iran were attached to the rest of the harness
of the plaque. At the unbroken edge the piece rolls by means either of a hinge, the Ziwiyeh piece, for
around under itself. A small section has been cut example, has a small tube running along one edge,
through the top of this roll. T h e plaque m a y have or by means of thongs of leather or thin wire being
been hinged at this end, presumably to allow passed through holes, for example the Ashmolean
movement. T h e function of this fragment cannot pieces (Moorey 1971b, 138-139, PL 29:159-160).
be established from the context in which it was T h e evidence from Baba-Jan, and of their shape,
found, nevertheless it m a y be possible to show that size, hinge or hole apparatus and on depictions
this piece from Kharabeh Shattani is one part of a from Assyrian palace reliefs (Barnett I960 Pis 59
forehead plaque from a horse harness. and 84) all indicate that they are forehead plaques
Unfortunately there are no published examples from horse harnesses.
from Iraq to compare with this piece. However Forehead plaques have been found in Syria at
there are plaques from Iran which m a y provide Tell Tainat, (Kantor 1962, 96-97, Pis XI-XV),
useful parallels. From the excavations at Baba-Jan Anatolia (Moorey 1971b, 138-139) and even Ar-
(Goff 1969, 123, Fig. 7:3) in Iran a plaque was menia at Karmir Blur, (Barnett 1959, 15, Fig. 13).
found at the brow of the skeleton of a horse. T h e T h e shapes of these plaques and their decoration
plaque was m a d e of bronze and was rectangular in seem to differ from region to region. T h e Syrian
shape tapering slightly inwards beforeflaringout- plaques tend to be triangular in shape as opposed
wards. In length it was approximately 2 0 0 m m . T h e to the Iranian and Anatolian predilection for trape-
plaque is dated to the seventh century B C . T w o zoidal shapes. T h e Kharabeh Shattani example
similar shaped and sized plaques can be found in most resembles the pieces from Iran in shape and
the collection of "Ancient Persian Bronzes" in the size. W e r e the Iranian pieces to be broken at the
Ashmolean M u s e u m in Oxford, although their same point, they would then resemble the surviving
exact provenances remain u n k n o w n (Moorey portion of the Kharabeh Shattani example in size,
1971b, 138-139, PI. 29:159-160). Both pieces are i.e. between 110-130mm. In decoration the Iranian
m a d e of sheet bronze and are decorated in the same examples bear a very close resemblance, though the
162 Kharabeh Shattani II

groove and circle repousse" work appears the op- that Iron was a c o m m o n material and widely used"
posite way round to that on the Kharabeh Shattani (Curtis et al. 1979, 382). In their basic form and
example. design they are little different from the earlier
T h e only significant difference between these blades. They have the same crescentic blade and
plaques is in the attachment apparatus. It is possi- were attached by roll hafting or riveting. Published
ble that this example had a different function to examples from sites in Iraq are difficult to locate
the other cited examples; that is it m a y have been a and to date precisely. A number of iron blades were
part of a m u c h larger and more elaborate piece in found at N i m r u d though not all have been pub-
which case the rolling was a means of attachment lished. O n e example which is thought to have been
to other pieces. It is possible that a thin strip of Neo-Assyrian has been published (Curtis et al.
metal wire or leather was slotted through the roll. 1979, 377, Fig. 16). In length it is 1 4 0 m m and has
Because of the absence of any examples from a short tang which is believed to have been riveted,
Iraq w e are obliged to use the Iranian frondets as although the rivet holes have been entirely cor-
guidance in dating the Kharabeh Shattani plaque. roded over. Another example from Nimrud
T h e Iranian frontlets provide a post quern of the (Unpublished N.753. British M u s e u m 140246)
eighth century B C . still has an intact and rolled tang. Unfortunately
the blade m a y not necessarily be Neo-Assyrian in
BBB 5 (not illustrated) date since it was found in the topsoil, but it does
Grid Reft200 287 show that both types of hafting appeared at N i m -
Level: 99.75m rud.
Dimensions: L 1 6 0 m m ; W at tang 1 5 m m ; W of T h e distribution of iron sickle blades is by no
blade 2 5 m m . means restricted to Iraq with examples being found
Description: Badly corroded iron sickle blade. T h e in Iran, Israel, Trans-Jordan, and Eygpt. Examples
blade is broken at the tang. from Iran are found of several periods. For exam-
ple, there are two blades found at Baba-Jan which
BBD 1 (not illustrated) are dated to the eighth-seventh centuries B C (Goff
Grid Reft 197 289 1978, 39, Fig. 15:17 and 18) and a blade from
Level: 99.39m Pasargadae which is dated to thefifthcentury B C
Dimensions: L 8 3 m m ; W 3 0 m m . (Stronach 1978, 182, Fig. 95:15, PL I64e). They
Description: Fragment of an iron sickle blade. It is range in length from 9 4 m m to 1 7 8 m m and are
not possible to discern h o w this blade was origi- either riveted or "rolled". T h e example from Pasar-
nally attached to the haft. gadae ( 9 4 m m in length) has three rivets still in
position, however one of the examples from Baba-
In the first half of the second millennium BC in Jan (Goff 1978, Fig. 15:17) has a short broken
Iraq there appears to have been two types of sickle tang which m a y have snapped at the point where
blade (Moorey 1971a, 76-77). These are distin- the tang had started to roll around (the second ex-
guished by the way in which the blades are hafted ample has no tang remaining to indicate the
rather than any difference in the form of the blade. method of attachment). Iron sickle blades found in
In the first type the tang of the blade was first Israel date from the tenth century onwards as at
pushed through the handle before then being Hazor (Yadin etal. 1958, Pis 82:5, 149:21, 152:7;
beaten back over. Examples are found at Tell As- Yadin et al. 1960, Pis 59:30, 106:7, 20, 22, 34;
mar (Frankfort 1946, Fig. 106), Nippur Yadin et al. 1961, Pis 100:6, 258:19-21) to the
( M c C o w n & Haines 1967, PI. 154:12), Kish fourth century as at Ashdod (Porath 1974, 54 PI.
(Langdon 1924, PI. X X : 5), Babylon (Koldewey XTV:8, Fig. 6:7 and 8).
1914, 263, Fig. 183) andfinallyTell Sifr, (Moorey In almost all cases the examples are so badly
1971a, 76-77). In the second type the tang is riv- corroded or fragmentary that it is difficult to k n o w
eted and examples of this are rarer in Iraq, one was h o w they were attached. T h e evidence from N i m -
found at Gawra (Speiser 1945, PI. XLV1II) and rud and Iran illustrates that rivet hafting and roll
one was found in Syria at Brak (Mallowan 1947). hafting were used contemporaneously proving that
Examples of both types are m a d e of copper. Iron no one type of attachment was peculiar to a place
sickle blades came into popular use in Iraq in the or period. Because of a relatively universal stan-
first millennium B C probably towards the later dardization in sickle blades it is not possible to pin-
half of that period w h e n "there can be no doubt point any one period in time to which the Khara-
The Achaemenid Period Metalwork 163

beh Shattani blades belong. Only a detailed metal- bronze, the latter being produced at a much
lographic analysis of the blades could help (Curtis cheaper cost and probably used more frequendy for
et al. 1979). Such an analysis would indicate the the practical business of sealing (Boardman and
stage of iron-working technology achieved by the Vollenweider 1978, 29). The shape of the bezel
smiths in producing these examples. Such infor- and the hoop are paralleled by early to middle fifth
mation could show whether the blades represented century examples from Greece (Boardman 1970,
an earlier or later stage of such technology. At best 33 Fig. 6:27 and 32), whereas on the later examples
all that can be said is that these sickle blades from the fourth and third centuries, the bezel tends
probably date to a period after the eighth century to broaden into a full oval or circle (Boardman and
when the iron industry was better established and Vollenweider 1978, 29 and 33; Boardman 1970,
when bronze was rarely used for agricultural tools 322).
(Curtis et al. 1979,382). Regular contacts with the Achaemenid Empire
resulted in the popularity of these leaf-shaped bezel
BBJ 4 (Fig. 59, 6) rings reaching beyond Greece and into the Empire.
Grid Reft 206 289 Examples of these rings or impressions left by
Level; 98.15m them, have been found in Syria, at Deve Huyuk
Dimensions; max. diam. 5 9 m m ; diam. of hole (Moorey 1980, nos. 323-326), Kamid El Loz
43 m m ; Ht. 2 3 m m . (Poppa 1978, no. 56), in Israel at Adit (Johns
Description; A broken spherical object with a cen- 1933, PL XXXVII:904-563, PI. XXVII, 713), in
tral vertical hole made of cast bronze. The upper Iraq at Ur; the Persian Coffin Hoard (Woolley
side has a slightly rolled lip; the lower side is bro- 1962, nos. 70ff), Nippur; the Murashu archives
ken. This was probably the bulb from a bronze (Legrain 1925, PL X X X V Iff),and in Iran at Perse-
macehead. A similar type was found at Tell M u - polis; the Treasury (Schmidt 1957, nos. 46, and
hammed, Baghdad, Iraq. There are two copper 79), and Parsagadae (Stronach 1978, Fig. 92).
maceheads from this site which are n o w in the The corrosion of the metal make the identifica-
British M u s e u m (WAA.22455-6) and these exam- tion of the engraved animal difficult. The animal
ples have the same plain bulb and rolled lip as the appears to be partly crouching with its head turned
piece from Kharabeh Shattani. They are dated to back. The closest parallels to the Kharabeh Shattani
the Old Babylonian period on the basis of inscrip- example are from Greece and date to the fifth
tions found upon them which bear the name of century (Boardman and Vollenweider 1978,
Hammurapi, King of Babylon. If the Kharabeh PL XVIII:99 and 100, Boardman 1967, PL 7:N30
Shattani example is a macehead of this type then a and N34). In each of these rings animals described
date of sometime in the early second millennium as lions or wingless griffins are engraved with the
B C would be feasible. There is no evidence of sec- same emphasized, S-shaped curvature to their
ond millennium B C use of the site and the context bodies as the Kharabeh Shattani ring. In the case of
of this object is secure at the base of an N 3 0 and N 3 4 (Boardman 1967) the lions have
Achaemenid period pit. The attributes that give their heads turned and facing backwards. There are
this object its character are very basic, it is quite many Greek rings of this type with devices of other
possible that similar types were long-lived and that types of animals, such as hares, which are found
it dates to the Achaemenid period. O n the other partly crouching (Boardman 1967, P1.:N35) and it
hand it is, at least, plausible that this is a stray, ear- has been suggested that the popularity of such was
lier piece. due to the suitability of the motif for the shape of
the ring. Heavier rings than these leaf-shaped ex-
BCB 1 (Fig. 59.2) amples tended to have a wider range of subjects
Grid Ref; 206 284 (Boardman 1970,322).
Dimensions; Diam. 2.5mm x 2.2mm; Th. 2 m m . It seems clear that the shape and motif of the
Description; A copper/bronze ring with aflat,leaf- Kharabeh Shattani example are, at the least, Greek
shaped bezel and a stirrup-shaped hoop. The bezel inspired if not Greek produced. Workshops at-
is engraved with thefigureof a crouching animal, tended by Greek craftsmen were set up throughout
possibly a lion. the Achaemenian Empire, although mainly in Asia
Rings of this shape were popular in Greece Minor and at the Persian Royal Court (Boardman
from thefifthcentury through to the third century and Vollenweider 1978, 40) to supply the imperial
B C . The commonest materials were silver and markets with jewellery and other luxury items. The
164 Kharabeh Shattani II

craftsmen either copied Greek motifs or adapted (Boardman 1970, 312). It is thus more likely to
them to a more Achaemenian taste. W h e n the de- have been produced locally. T h e dating of the ring
vices remained faithful to their Greek counterparts depends upon the length of time it took for Greek
the bodies of the animals were well modelled with fashion to spread through the provinces and estab-
attention paid to anatomical detail. However, lish itself. It seems likely therefore that the ring
when the craftsmen adapted these devices by mix- belongs to a period within thefifthor fourth cen-
ing them with more local motifs, the detailed tury B C .
treatment was lost and the animals appear stiff. It is
conceivable that the Kharabeh Shattani ring was BCS 1 (Fig. 59.3)
produced in one of these workshops, although the Grid ref; 209 281
crudeness of the engraving and the absence of de- Level; 98.62m
tail would suggest that the ring was produced in Description: Fragment of a copper/bronze pin.
the "mixed style" rather than the pure "greek style"

The Faunal Assemblage

Paul Croft

§ 9.1: I N T R O D U C T I O N than summary details of them (bone weights and

counts of identified fragments by taxon). T h e
The small faunal sample recovered from Kharabeh exception to this general rule is a complete skeleton
Shattani consisted mainly of very fragmentary and of a dog which, although deriving from a mixed
heavily encrusted pieces of bone. T h e sample was, context, must be presumed to date to the later of
moreover, chronologically mixed to a very great the two periods in question, namely the
degree, thus further reducing its capacity to sustain Achaemenid period, because it was complete and
all but the most tentative, low-level interpretation. in a late pit.
In view of these factors it seemed most appropriate Identifications are based on a brief examination
that this report should consist essentially of a of the material, conducted in thefieldand without
presentation, in a series of tables, of the more recourse to comparative specimens. T h e bone
useful data derived from the faunal sample. T h e weights given in the tables below include
possible significance of these data is also briefly encrustation and soil which could not readily be
discussed. extracted from the medullary cavities of long
This report is primarily concerned with that bones, and are therefore approximate, being
small proportion of the animal bones (including a generally somewhat inflated. At the outset it must
few scattered h u m a n bones) which m a y fairly be stressed that since the identifications were m a d e
securely be attributed to one of the three major without access to comparative material some of the
periods of occupation on the site viz the Hassuna, identifications are less confident than they might
Halaf and Achaemenid periods. Data for these otherwise be. In particular it is possible that the
three small subsamples is presented in greater detail material attributed to caprines m a y include a small
in the tables than for those animal remains which proportion of gazelle remains.
are not attributable to any specific period of
In fact a majority of the faunal remains from § 9.2: DISCUSSION
the site (approximately 8 0 % by weight) derive
from contexts which contained a mixture a Halaf The composition of small subsamples for the
and Achaemenid material. This is because the Hassuna and Halaf periods (31 identified
Achaemenid period pits were not clearly specimens in each case) suggest that caprines were
distinguishable in the upper Halaf deposits which the most numerous food animal and that lesser
as thus potentially contaminated with later numbers of pigs and cattle were also eaten in both
Achaemenid period material. A t the same time the periods (Tables 9.1 & 9.3). However, in view of
1st millennium pits w h e n isolated hasfillswhich the far greater body size of cattle than of caprines,
contained a significant quantity of derived Halaf it seems probable that any disparity in their relative
pottery and, presumably, bones. However, since contribution to h u m a n diet was less pronounced
bones from such mixed contexts are essentially than might be suggested by the disparity in
undatable it was not felt worthwhile to offer more numbers of identified fragments for each taxon.
166 Kharabeh Shattani II

For instance, the seven identified fragments of likely the onager {Equus hemionus). Metrical data
cattle bone in the Halaf period subsample might are presented in Table 9.6.
well represent as much, or indeed more, meat than All of the faunal remains represented in
the eighteen caprine fragments. Almost equal Table 9.7 derive from contexts which potentially
weights of bones of large and smaller m a m m a l s in contain a mix of Halaf and Achaemenid bones
both the Hassuna and the Halaf subsamples with possible very occasional Hassuna residuals.
(Tables 9.2 & 9.4) emphasize the point that Since caprine remains in the small Halaf subsample
caprine-dominated animal economies should not outnumber those of pigs by about three times
necessarily be inferred. (Table 9.3) and outweigh them by more than four
T h e presence of a single unambiguous gazelle times (Table 9.4), their m u c h more equal
bone in the Hassuna subsample suggests that this representation amongst these potentially mixed
animal was at least occasionally hunted, and the samples, m a n y from thefillsof Achaemenid period
two pieces of cattle bone which are attributable to pits, (roughly equal weights, with caprine bones
this period seem also to represent a wild-type, only about half as numerous again as those of pig)
presumably hunted, animal. T h e single measurable m a y possibly indicate the greater importance of
Hassuna cattle bone, the burnt proximal pigs in the Achaemenid period, although still
articulation of a metacarpal, is rather large for within a mixed animal economy.
domestic cattle but falls comfortable within the T h e only fact about the Achaemenid period at
size-range of Bosprimigenius (Table 9.5). T h e other Kharabeh Shattani which emerges clearly from an
cattle bone from the Hassuna period, an examination of the animal bone is that the dog was
immeasurable scapula blade fragment, also seems present. A complete skeleton of a dog, found in
large for domestic Bos taurus. articulation in pit BCJ, represents the only animal
Catde remains from post-Hassuna contexts also remains which are firmly attributable to the
include specimens which would seem large for Achaemenid period. Since this pit, as with all the
domestic cattle, but a number of others are pits, contained a mixed assemblage of Achaemenid
sufficiently small that they must represent domestic and Halaf cultural material, the other animal bone
stock. It m a y be that domestic catde only began to found in it is not attributable to one period or the
be kept at Kharabeh Shattani sometime after the other, but a whole articulated skeleton cannot be
Hassuna occupation there, but it seems probable seen as derived. T h e teeth are quite heavily worn
that the hunting of wild cattle oudasted the end of and several joints show indications of a degree of
this period, continuing at least into Halaf times. arthritis, so this must have been a fairly aged
A small quantity of equid remains derives individual. T h e weight of the skeleton was 1036g,
entirely from mixed Halaf/Achaemenid contexts. and metrical date derived from it are presented in
These indicate the presence of a small equid, most Table 9.8.
The Faunal Assemblage 167

Table 9.1 Bones ofthe Hassuna period (Notes 1 &2)

Context Taxon Element and comments

CBA caprine Radius, shaft frag, burnt.
CBB caprine Tibia, fused, dist. (Bd23.4)
O s malleolaris.
Pig Humerus shaft, infant, burnt.
CBH catde Scapula blade frag.
caprine Tibia, fused, dist.
P»g L. humerus shaft.
L. humerus, fused, dist. (Bd41.8 BT32.2 H26.9 hl9.5)
R. humerus, fused, dist. (Bd4l.8 BT32.4 H27.5 hi9.2)
Metapodial II or V, unfused shaft.
CBI caprine Horncore frag, burnt.
R. mandible frag with dp3 (f) M l (g) M " (E).
L. mandiblefragwith P4 (E) M l (h) M 2 (g)
Metatarsal shaft frag.
P!g Skull frag, infant/juvenile.
CCB caprine 3 x upper molars.
*R. humerus, fused, dist. (Bd26.5 H17.7 hl3.7)
L. humerus, fused, dist. (HI7.9)
R. humerus, shaft frag.
*Radius, fused, prox, burnt. (Bp24.6 BFp22.5)
Femur, dist frag.
*R. astragalus. (GL127 G L m 2 4 . 9 D114.6 Bd5.9)
*L. astragalus. (GLm24.2 Bdl6.1)
Naviculo-cuboid frag.
*metapodial dist frag.
CCE caprine •Humerus, fused, dist. (Bd31.5 BT31.2 H19.1 hi5.0)
gazelle Upper 3rd molar. (LI 9.7 B12.3)
CCI catde Metacarpal, prox, burnt. (Bp70.7 Dp4l.3)
Total 31 identified frags (cattle 2, caprine 22, pig 6, gazelle 1)

Those caprine bones marked with an * were identified (in the light of the criteria of Boessneck (1969)) with more or 1
confidence as representing the remains of sheep. N o caprine remains were specifically identified as representing goat.
168 Kharabeh Shattani II

Table 9.2 Distribution ofHassuna animal bones by weight (grams)

Identified Unidentified
Context catde caprine pig gazelle cattle caprine/pig/gazelle

CBA 121 15
CBB 20 5
CBH 217 6 142 34
CBI 56 16 22
CCB 69 47
CCE 10 8
CCF 25 25 15
CCI 150
Total 367 184 161 10 146 150
Identified 722g Unidentified 296g Total 1018g

Table 9.3 Bones ofthe Halaf period

Context Taxon Element and comments
ADF cattle Calcaneum, unfused.
Calcaneum, distfrag.(1151.5)
Metatarsal, abraded. (Bp>52.5 Dp>49.4)
Phalanx 1, dist frag.
caprine 3 x upper molars.
Adas vertebra.
P»g Mandible frag.
Mandiblefrag,with M l (b/c).
Scapula, unfused dist.
ADJ caprine Mandible frag.
2 x lower molars.
Tibia, fused, dist. (Bd25.7)
Tibia, unfused, dist.
P»g Phalanx 2, fused. (GLpe20.6 Bpl5.7 Dpl4.8 SD12.2)
BBM caprine Maxillafragwith M 2 - 3 .
Lower M 3 . (L23.6 B7.9)
BBP caprine Mandible with P2.
BBT caprine Upper molar.
Tibia, fused dist. (Bd26.8).
P»g Temporal frag.
Radius, immature shaft.
BBU caprine Upper molar.
Mandible frag with P3-4, Ml-1-2. encrusted.
Lower molar.
BBV catde Phalanx 3. (DLS57.0* MBS22.8*)
caprine Astragalus, burnt.
BCZ catde Metacarpal, unfused dist. end of shaft.
Metatarsal, prox frag.
bird 2 x tiny long bone shaft frags.
Total 31 identified frags (cattle 7, caprine 18, pig 6)
The Faunal Assemblage 169

Table 9.4 Distribution ofHalafanimal bones by weight (grams).

Identified Unidentified
Context catde bird catde caprine/pig/gazelle
caprine P!g
ADF 190 39 7 51 35
ADI 13
ADJ 24 3 17
BBM 40 7
BBP 25
BBT 25 30 50
BBU 30 8
BBV 20 2 3
BCZ 81
Total 291 185 40 64 120
Identified 517g Unidentified 184g Total 70 lg

Table 9.5 Measurements ofcattle bones

1 2 3 4 5 6
Has Metacarpal Bp CCI 70.7 66-88
Has/Hal/Ach Naviculocuboid GB BCY 48.9 60-73
Hal/Ach Humerus Bd BCO 86.0 90-118
Radius Bp BCB 85.4 91-120
Metacarpal Bp BBC (68.0) 66-88
Tibia Bd BBC 77.4 68-90
Phalanx 1 Glpe BBC 62.5 61-80*
BBC 67.2
BCO 59.5
BCT 66.1
Phalanx GL BCC 41.0 42-52
BDE 37.5
Key to Table 9.5
1 Period Has = Hassuna, Hal = Halaf, Ach = Achaemenid
2 Element
3 Dimension
4 Context
5 Measurement. T h efigurein parentheses is an estimate.
6 Size range of wild cattle given by Stampfli 1983, table 28.
* T h e size range for phalanx 1 is based on m a x i m u m length measurements, whilst the dimension recorded on the Kharabeh
Shattani material was the greatest length of the peripheral half. These two dimensions are not directly comparable, G L p e
having a somewhat lesser value on any given specimen than greatest length.
170 Kharabeh Shattani II

Table 9.6 Measurements ofequid bones*

Context Element Dimensions and measurements

ACH phalanx 1 GL64.0 Bp37.6 BFp34.9 Dp26.8 SD22.7 Bd31.2 BFd30.5
ACN innominate SH30.0 SB 13.9 LA52.1 L A R 45.3
phalanx 2 GL34.5 Bp34.6 BFp31.9 Dp22.3 Sd28.9 Bd29.9
BBC phalanx 2 BFp31.2
BCD tibia Bd48.7 Dd30.8
BCH scapula SLC51.3
* N B all of these equid bones come from potentially mixed Halaf/Achaemenid samples.
The Faunal Assemblage 171

Table 9.7 Bones not attributable to period: distribution by weight (grams) and number ofidentifiable fragm
(in parentheses).
Context Catde Equid Caprine Pig Human Large Small
AAD 13(1)
AAF 24(2) 25(2) 8(1) 26(11)
AAG 14(2) 5
AAH 7(1) 1KD 25
AAJ 15(2) 6(1) 2
ABC 23(1) 14(1) 18 24
ABN 10(2) 10(1) 47 22
ABR 14
ACF 4(2) 4(1) 32(5) 85
ACH 45(1)
ACJ 80(3) 4(1) 106(8) 50
ACK 60(1) 7(1) 8(2) 26
ACN 86(3) 23(3) 325(18)
ACP 8(1) 12
ADB 26(1) 24(1) 21
ADC 109(2) 43(1) 25(2) 7(1) 239 58
ADD 15
BBB 199(2) 184(10) 11(1) 410 77
BBC 872(15) 2(1) 577(39) 345(19) 17(1) 698 355
BBD 60(1) 28(3) 12(1) 9 12
BBF 55(2) 175(9) 32(1) 12 77
BBG 47(1) 13 3
BBH 12(1) 15(1) 17
BBJ 35(3) 60(3) 230(2) 29 14
BBQ 72(2) 121(8) 73(3) 51 64
BBS 27(2) 2
BBX 16(2) 11
BCA 142(3) 24(1) 8(1) 15(2) 68 7
BCB 1125(14) 43(1) 102(9) 134(9) 40(3) 240 165
BCC 1046(17) 13(1) 496(37) 410(14) 5(1) 917 262
BCD 28(1) 75(2) 45(4) 238(7) 290 43
BCG 20(3) 12
BCH 91(1) 30(3) 4 28
BCJ 34(1) 60(9) 115(4) 128 98
BCM 25(1) 15(1) 15
BCO 206(5) 74(9) 294(9) 439 107
BCQ KD 12 3
BCS 42 2
BCT 41(1) 8(1) 11
BCX 7(1) 11(1) 49 2
BCY 18(2) 12
BDE 15(1) 15(2) 20
BCY 27(1)
Weight 4174 512 2322 2279 318 3741 1772
Frags (77) (15) (180) (114) (18)
Identified 5614g Unidentified 5513g Total 11127g
172 Kharabeh Shattani II

Table 9.8 Metrical dataforthe Achaemenid dog skeleton

(17) Length of premolar row 52.6
(18) Length of carnaissal (P4) 21.2
(18a) Breadth of carnaissal 11.6
(19) Length of carnaissal alveolus 20.0
(20) Length offirstmolar 15.2
Breadth offirstmolar 17.7
(11) Length of premolar row, PI-4 40.6
(12) Length of premolar row, P2-4 35.3
(13) Length offirstmolar 23.5
Breadth offirstmolar 10.1
1201 Height of mandible between P2 and P3 24.4
Axis LCDe>59.0 LAPa62.3 BFcr32.3 BFcdl9.3 H39.2
Sacrum BFcr29.6 HFcrl2.7
Humerus GL186.0 Bp29.8 Dp42.8 SD13.5 Bd34.1 BT25.4 H22.9 hi4.3
Radius GL175.0 Bpl9.1 SD15.0 Bd25.3
Ulna GL205.0 S D O 22.5 D P A 28.6 BPC18.9
Pelvis SB10.5SH20.1 LAR23.7
Femur GL207.0 Bp40.2 DC20.6 SD14.2 Bd36.6
Tibia GL211.0Bp36.3SDl4.3Bd25.0
Astragalus GL29.5
Calcaneum GL50.2 GB20.7
1. Bone measurements, given in parentheses, have been taken according to the specifications of von den Driesch (1976) with the
following exceptions:
H = medial height of the trochlea of the distal humerus (Ducos 1968, 175)
zh = minimum height of trochlea of distal humerus at the central constriction (Ducos 1968, 175).
II = maximum distance between the most dorsal point on the articular facet for the os maileolare and the olantar edge of the
cuboid articular facet of the calcaneum (Ducos 1968,176 & fig 27).
The abbreviations prox. and dist. refer to the proximal and distal ends of bones. Measurements marked by an asterisk are
estimates. All measurements are in millimetres.
2. The wear stages indicated (in parentheses) for caprine mandibular teeth are those of Payne (1973), beginning at "a" (enamel
wear only), E = tooth erupting through bone. For pig mandibular teeth the stages of Grant (1975) have been employed.
80 SECTION 10 os

The Human Remains

Dianna Bolt

§ 10.1: C A T A L O G U E sent. T h e age at death in the mid-40's was

determined from the skull sutures (Meindt and
BAT: BBY (Figs 11 and 12) Lovejoy: 1985), and by dental wear.
Female in her mid-40's.
Period: Halaf, Achaemenid or intermediate (§ 2.5). BAL: BCZ (Figs 6, 9 and 12)
Male about 40 years of age.
The surviving bone was robust or large in propor- Period: Halaf (§2.3)
tions, indicative of an active life of manual labour.
At the same time a moderate amount of osteopo- The skeleton was robust, but slight osteoporosis
rosis, probably senile osteoporosis, affected both was affecting at least the lumbar vertebrae. Unfor-
the bones of the axial skeleton and those of the ap- tunately not enough of the thoracic vertebrae
pendicular skeleton. Both right and left parietals survived to tell if they were also affected. There was
also showed thinning, most likely due to osteopo- fairly good recovery of teeth, which were in general
rosis. Unfortunately, very little of the joint surfaces quite worn (on Brothwell's (1981) scale ranging
survived, so that no information was available from 3+ to 5). There were slight (Grade 1) calculus
about arthritis. Only the maxillary teeth survives deposits on the teeth, the lower incisors displaying
and these were all extremely worn, ranging from 5 rather more (Grade 2). A slight degree of perio-
to 5++ on Brothwell's scale (Brothwell 1981). dontitis also affected both maxillae and mandible.
There was no sign of ante mortem tooth loss. Very Unfortunately, no cranial measurements were pos-
little was observed of calculus deposits (Dobney sible, but the lefttibiawas measured and found to
and Brothwell 1987), which were confined almost have a platycnemic index of 59.5, which is well
exclusively to L M 3 ( R M 3 was missing post mor- within the hyperplatycnemic range.
tem) and ringed the crown. There was one alveolar T h e age was determined by the closure of skull
abscess or infection of the bone surrounding the sutures (following Meindl and Lovejoy 1985) and
teeth above LP3. by dental wear. T h e gender was determined from
Few measurements could be made, but the skull morphology and long bone measurements.
cranium could be reconstructed enough to deter-
mine the m a x i m u m length (192 m m ) and breadth
(130 m m ) , yielding a cranial index of 67.7, that is § 10.2: GENERAL DISCUSSION
in the dolichocephaly range. T h erighttibiawas
measured and yielded a platycnemic index of 46, It is of course risky, not to say impossible, to gen-
which is well within the hyperplatycnemic index. eralise about the population on the basis of two
This means that the tibia was very narrow, a ge- rather imperfectly preserved skeletons. For these
netically inherited trait. two individuals w e can at lease draw a few tentative
T h e sex of the skeleton was determined as fe- conclusions. Their diet was probably a very gritty
male from the skull morphology and measurements one, but low in carbohydrates and probably high in
of the long bones; the pelvic bones, alas, were ab- protein, most likely from meat sources. Both
174 Kharabeh Shattani II

skeletons were of robust stock, but both suffered It should, however, be noted that these two in-
from some degree of osteoporosis, perhaps indicat- dividuals m a y belong to 2 quite seperate periods of
ing a lack of calcium or vitamin C, or both, in the occupation, although the similarites between them
diet. Both shared a somewhat unusual trait of very outlined by the above contribution m a y be sugges-
narrow, almost blade-like, tibiae (platycnemia) tive. [Editor]
which should be useful in comparing them to other
populations of this area w h e n such information
becomes available.

Kharabeh Village

St.John Simpson & Trevor Watkins

§ 11.1: I N T R O D U C T I O N deposits with a view to obtaining very basic knowl-

edge of the date of earlier settlements on the site.
The site, surmounted by a recent mud-brick village T h e excavation and recording methods were
(which makes its appearance on the cover- those employed on the main excavation. Five con-
photograph of Volume 1), was visited in March texts were identified, which were labelled V A A to
1982, and a small number of sherds (including V A E . T h e artificial deposits within the area of the
Fig. 62.18) was collected. In 1983 a small sound- excavated sounding were found to be approxi-
ing was excavated at the north end of the village as mately 2 m in depth. Ceramics were the only
part of the University of Edinburgh investigations artifacts recovered, and these were hand-picked as
carried out at the nearby site of Kharabeh Shattani seen in the soil.
under the auspices of the British Archaeological T h e uppermost 0.15m (VAA) was a compact,
Expedition to Iraq (B.A.E.I.). This report n o w su- trampled, weathered grey soil. There was no sign of
percedes the brief notes published elsewhere on this contemporary artefacts within it, and it was con-
excavation (Killick & Black 1985, 234; Nashef cluded that the stratum represented the weathered
1987; Watkins 1987, 221; Watkins (ed) 1987, surface of earlier settlement. Below V A A the de-
151; Volume 1, 11). T h e village was situated a few posit was a less compact, darker grey soil with more
hundred metres east of the main excavated site of sherds in evidence. This stratum (VAB) was about
Kharabeh Shattani, on the opposite side of a dry 0.33m deep, and became gradually browner with
wadi. depth; in the lower part of the stratum the material
T h e excavations were supervised by Carl Phil- was clearly less weathered and homogenized, for a
lips and recorded by Trevor Watkins, w h o wrote few lumps of decaying brick could be detected.
the following section. T h e pottery from the T h e third stratum ( V A C ) was a soft brown soil,
sounding has been examined by St. John Simpson, the red-brown colour of local mud-brick; the de-
w h o has contributed all but these opening para- posit was approximately 0.5m deep. T h e lowest
graphs o n the excavation. stratum ( V A D ) consisted of orange-brown bricky
material. A pit (VAE) was identified in one corner
of the square, perhaps a quarter of its circular area
§ 11.2: THE EXCAVATIONS falling within the trench. T h efillof the pit was a
distinctly greyish brown, amorphous soil. T h e pit
Remains of earlier settlement stretched throughout certainly cut through the two lower strata, V A D
the contemporary village, but the only spot where and V A C , but it is difficult to see from which level
excavations could be mounted was at the northern it was cut because of the homogenization of the
end of the village, where the deposits extended a upper deposits; one must conclude that the pit was
little beyond the area of the modern settlement. later than stratum V A C , but there is no evidence to
T h e excavation consisted of a single sounding, 2 m show that it was later than V A B . N o diagnostic
x 2 m in area. Its objective was simply to sample the pottery was found in thefillof the pit.
176 Kharabeh Shattani II

As the following analysis of the ceramics shows, meaningful and rigorously described - yet flexible
the site was occupied twice, first in the late - set of fabric definitions. It was felt these should
Sasanian period, and again in the late Islamic pe- facilitate comparison with other ceramic assem-
riod. Together with the short-lived recent blages and would reflect more accurately the
occupation, which was ended by the building of distinctive chronological differences noted by the
the Saddam D a m , Kharabeh village offers a history writer and others between ceramic fabrics of differ-
of settlement neatly symmetrical with that of the ent periods in this Project2.
neighbouring site which w e have called Kharabeh All of the diagnostic ceramic sherds from
Shattani. Each was occupied at three different peri- Kharabeh Village were grouped according to the
ods at widely separated intervals. followingfivecategories:

A. Fine plain ware.

§11.3: THE CERAMICS B. M e d i u m plain ware.
C. Coarse plain ware.
The relevant numbers of pottery diagnostics, withD. Cooking ware (not represented at Kharabeh
their Figure numbers, are given below according to Village).
each excavated context. Individual recorded sherds E. Glazed ware.
were numbered within the context; thus V A B 1 to
V A B 14 are the fourteen diagnostics from context These categories were each sub-divided in turn,
VAB. according to the relative proportion of grit (sand)
or vegetable (organic) inclusions. These sub-groups
Context Diagnostics Illustration were assigned individual fabric type numbers,
VAA 3 Fig. 62.1, 13 where appropriate. Thus each of the above five
VAB 14 Fig. 62.2-4,8-9, 14-17 categories (or main fabric groups) was sub-divided
VAC 6 Fig. 62.6-7, 11-12 intofivefabric types, in turn defined as:
VAD 2 Fig. 62.5, 10
Type 1. Grit, the temper consisting wholly of grit
Processing methodology inclusions, probably added in the form of
The total quantity of ceramics recovered from these fine sand.
limited excavations was very small and in fragmen- Type 2. Vegetable, the temper consisting wholly of
tary condition. All rims, bases and decorated body burnt-out vegetable (or other undefined
sherds were considered to be potential diagnostics organic) remains.
and recorded. A total of 25 potentially diagnostic Type 3. Grit and Veg., the temper being mixed
sherds were drawn and/or catalogued (hereafter Grit and Vegetable, but predominandy
described in this report as diagnostics): seventeen Grit.
are illustrated here, along with one sherd collected Type 4. Veg. and Grit, being similar to Type 3 but
from the surface of the site (Fig. 62.1-17, 18 re- with a predominandy Veg. temper.
spectively). T h e illustrations were redrawn by Type 5. Grit/Veg., there being approximately equal
Gordon Thomas from pencil originals completed proportions of each type of temper.
in Iraq, with the exception of Fig. 62.17-18, which
were drawn by the writer (StJ.S.). However, possibly due to the very small size of
T h e diagnostics were re-examined by the writer the Kharabeh Village ceramic sample, not all of
during a B.A.E.I. study season at Tel 'Afar in these types were represented in each of the main
1987 . During thistime,the catalogue descriptions fabric group categories. Where appropriate, each of
were partially revised following close macroscopic the fabric types that was represented was in turn
examination of the ceramic fabrics as exposed in
fresh deliberate breaks caused with pliers. These
Ceramic reports dealing with larger groups of Late
sherds were then re-grouped according to a more Sasanian and Islamic pottery from B A E . I . work at Bab-
neet Village and Qara Dere (directed by D r Michael Roaf)
and British M u s e u m excavations at Khirbet Deir Situn
T h e writer is grateful to the British School of Archaeology (directed by D r John Curtis) are currendy in preparation.
in Iraq for travel grants in 1985-86 and 1986-87 for the These are based on a ceramic processing methodology
purpose of studying Sasanian and Islamic pottery from re- where equal importance is attached to form or surface
cent excavations in Iraq.
treatment, diagnostic and plain body sherds alike.
Kharabeh Village 177

sub-divided according to closer definitions of the B. Medium coarse plain ware

temper and ware (and numbered consecutively .1 Type 3. G & V
onwards within each fabric type). Italicized por- .1 Numerousfine- medium dark (including oc-
tions of these more detailed fabric sub-type casional red), rare fine calcareous, grits and
definitions indicate characteristic features. The to- some fine veg. Light greenish buff ware. Paler
tal overall classification, as far as it applies to thesurfaces. Hardfired.1 sherd: V A C 4 (Fig. 62.3).
Kharabeh Village ceramics, is oudined and then .2 Numerous fine - medium dark, and rare fine
described in greater detail below: calcareous, grits. Some fine veg. Light greenish
buff ware. Paler surfaces. (Similar to, but
A. Fine plain ware coarser than, Medium Coarse Plain ware Type
Type 3. G & V : . 1 , . 2 3.1). Hard fired.2 sherds: V A B 6, V A C 6
(Figs X 4, 12).
B. Medium coarse plain ware .3 Numerous fine - medium calcareous and some
Type 3. G & V : . 1 , . 2 , .3, .4, .5 fine dark grits. Some fine veg. Light brownish
Type4.V&G:.l buff ware. Paler surfaces. 1 sherd: V A D 1 (Fig.
C. Coarse plain ware .4 Numerous mixed fine - medium dark & cal-
Type l.G:.l careous grits and somefineveg. Colour of ware
Type2.V:.l varies:- Grey-brown with paler, light brownish
Type 4. V&G:.l buff, surfaces. Hardfired.2sherds: V A C 1 (not
illustrated), V A D 2 (Fig. 62.10).- Light reddish
D. Cooking ware brown with paler buff surfaces. Hardfired.2
Not represented. sherds: V A B 7 (Fig. 62.17), V A C 3 (Fig. 62.6).
.5 Numerous mixed medium -finecalcareous &
E. Glazed ware dark grits and some fine veg. Light brownish
Type4.V&G:.l buff ware. Paler slip. (Similar to Medium
Coarse Plain ware Type 3.4). Hard fired.2
Thus, at a glance, the Kharabeh Village ceramic sherds: V A B 11 (not illustrated), V A B 14 (Fig.
diagnostics can be seen to be dominated by plain 62.9).
wares, particularly by a range of G & V tempered
medium and coarse plain wares. It is now necessary Type4. V&G
to examine a more detailed breakdown of this .1 Numerous fine - medium veg. & some fine
classification to see a quantified assessment of dark grits. Colour of ware varies:- Light reddish
numbers of diagnostic sherds within each of the brown with paler surfaces. Hardfired.1 sherd:
above fabric groups, types and sub-types. V A A 2 (not illustrated).- Light grey-brown buff
with paler, light greenish buff, surfaces. Hard
fired. 1 sherd: V A B 10 (Fig. 62.14).- Slightly
§ 11.4: THE CERAMIC FABRIC GROUPS yellowish, light greenish buff with paler sur-
faces. Hardfired.1 sherd: V A B 8 (Fig. 62.15).-
A. Fine plain ware Olive greenish buff with paler surfaces. Hard
Type 3. G & V fired. 1 sherd: V A A 3 (Fig. 62.13).

.1 Numerous fine calcareous grits and occasional C. Coarse plain ware

fine veg. temper. Light brownish buff ware. Type 1. G
Paler surfaces. Hardfired.1 sherd: V A B 9 (Fig. .1 Numerous medium, and occasionally large, to
62.16). fine mixed grits. Colour of ware varies:- Light
.2 Numerous fine dark grits, rare medium - fine brownish buff with (partial) light grey core and
calcareous grits, and occasionalfineveg. Light light reddish brown surfaces. 1 sherd: V A B 12
reddish brown ware. Partial light brownish buff (not illustrated).- Dark reddish brown with
core. Light brownish buff surfaces. Hard fired. thick dark grey/black core in outer three-
1 sherd: V A B 5 (Fig. 62.2). quarters of vessel-wall; reddish-brown mottled
(oxidised) patches on exterior. Brittlefeel(but
distinct from Roman and Sasanian - Abbasid
178 Kharabeh Shattani II

brittle ware cooking pots).l sherd: V A B 4 (not Sasanian ceramics are from sites in lowland Meso-
illustrated). potamia, namely Tell Baruda - Coche (Venco
Ricciardi 1967; 1984; 1985), Kish (Harden 1934;
Type 2. V Moorey 1978, 122-46 andfiche)and Tell M a h u z
.1 Numerous coarse - fine veg. Colour of ware (Venco Ricciardi 1971), plus less closely dated
varies:- Light reddish brown with buff surfaces. material from Tell A b u Sarifa (Adams 1970),
Moderately hardfired.1 sherd: V A A 1 (Fig. Kiiyiinjik - Nineveh (eg. Mallowan 1933, 177, PL
62.1).- Light reddish brown with dark brown LXXVII), and archaeological surface surveys in
surfaces. 1 sherd: V A C 5 (Fig. 62.11).- Greenish central and southern Iraq (Adams 1965, 131-2,
buff with paler surfaces. 1 sherd: V A B 2 (not Fig. 14:12; 1981, 231-4; A d a m s & Nissen 1972,
illustrated). 104; Gibson 1972, 160-1, 166-7, Fig. 36; Finster
& Schmidt 1976; cf. also W e n k e 1976).
Type 4. V & G Recent international archaeological participa-
.1 Abundant coarse veg. Occasional medium cal- tion in d a m salvage projects in Iraq has resulted in
careous grits. Light reddish brown surfaces. 1 the investigation of a number of Sasanian sites in
sherd: V A B 3 (Fig. 62.8). the Hamrin basin (eg. K a m a d a & Ohtsu 1988; al-
.2 Numerous medium veg. Rare large grits. Dark Kasar 1979; Kawamata 1981; 1990; 1991; Valtz
brown ware with darker surfaces. 1 sherd: 1985, 69-70), the Qadisiyya D a m Project on the
V A C 2 (not illustrated). middle Euphrates (Killick 1988; Northedge 1988),
and the Saddam D a m Salvage Project on the upper
E. Glazed ware Tigris (see below). Late Sasanian material is n o w
Type 4. V & G also being reported from sites in northeast Syria,
.1 Densefine- medium veg. and somefinedark such as Tell 'Ajaja, Tell Barri and Tell M o h a m m e d
grits. Slighdy yellowish light greenish buff ware Diyab, plus the North Jazira Irrigation Project in
with paler surfaces. Thin grass green glaze, northern Iraq and the Cizre-Silopi plain of south-
slightly b u m p y in texture, on the interior. 1 east Turkey (Bernbeck & Pfalzner 1988, 161-4;
sherd: V A B 13 (not illustrated). Lyonnet 1990, 77, 113, Figs 29-30, PL VIII A;
Pecorella 1987, 109-10, Figs 54-5; Ball, Tucker &
Wilkinson 1989, 18, 37-9, Fig. 26:40-56; Algaze et
§ 11.4: SUMMARY OF RESULTS al 1991, 199; cf. also Meijer 1986, 45, 59, Fig. 8
Two distinct periods of occupation are indicated at
Kharabeh Village by the different ceramic fabric The evidence from Kharabeh Village (Fig. 62.3-7, 9,
types, diagnostic vessel forms and surface treat- 10, 12, 17, 18)
ment: namely, Late Sasanian (fifth - seventh T h e Sasanian ceramics from Kharabeh Village are
centuries A D ) and Late Islamic (post-Ilkhanid - of interest, despite the very limited sample size,
Ottoman/post-Ottoman). These are discussed when compared with other material of this date
separately below, along with brief reviews of recent from northern Iraq. Firstly, they all seem to consist
archaeological research on these periods. T w o other of wheel-thrown m e d i u m coarse plain wares tem-
sherds could not be securely identified chronologi- pered with mixed grit (sand) and vegetable matter
cally. (but predominandy the former), and were mainly
hardfiredin an oxidising atmosphere. As such they
are visually distinct from late Parthian and Early
Late Sasanian Ceramics Islamic ceramic fabrics represented at other sites
within this salvage project. This accords with the
The study of Sasanian ceramics is an under- m u c h larger Late Sasanian ceramic corpora exca-
developed subject in afielddominated by the his- vated at the nearby sites of Khirbet Deir Situn and
tory, architecture, sculpture and fine arts of this Qara Dere (Fig. lc, see footnote 2), as well as evi-
period. However, as growing attention is n o w be- dence from elsewhere in Iraq and northeast Iran
ing paid to more everyday aspects of Sasanian (eg. cf. Falkner 1988, 6; Northedge 1988, 77-82;
material culture, there is gradually increasing rec- Trinkaus 1986).
ognition of the value of Sasanian ceramic studies. All of the Sasanian sherds originally belonged to
T h e best stratified, dated and published groups of closed (jar) forms: these also predominate in Late
Kharabeh Village 179

Sasanian ceramic assemblages elsewhere, but it is from a single centre (perhaps within the Project
likely that this is purely coincidental given the rec- area), or whether they were m a d e and sold by a
ognition of contemporary bowl forms from, for travelling potter (or potters). T h e same applies, of
example, Khirbet Deir Situn and Qara Dere. In course, to other ceramics represented at these sites:
terms of precise morphological parallels, V A B 1 it is hoped that future technical analyses will throw
(Fig. 62.3) is paralleled in the 1986 Samarra' sur- more light on this problem.
vey Sasanian pottery corpus (Falkner 1988, Fig. 18 However, this is thefirstoccasion k n o w n to the
- N o . 182; cf. also Ball, Tucker & Wilkinson writer where contemporaneity between archae-
1989, Fig. 26-No. 43, Type 10). T h e occurrence ological sites has been plausibly demonstrated from
of horizontal incised lines, executed while rotating Mesopotamia on the basis of ceramics alone. This
the pot on the wheel-head, on the upper shoulders technique of matching Late Sasanian dies, briefly
of two or more jars is again similar to Late Sasanian alluded to elsewhere (Watkins 1987 (ed), 151), has
pottery from Khirbet Deir Situn. been successfully used in studying Anglo-Saxon
T h e most distinctive of the Sasanian ceramics ceramics from England (Briscoe 1983; cf. also
from Kharabeh Village are the two sherds, origi- Riddler 1986), and has been suggested as a means
nally belonging to m e d i u m sized jars, that were of defining classical Greek pottery workshops (Gill
impressed on the exterior with circular die stamps 1990) but has not been previously employed
of a type n o w recognised as being Late Sasanian in within a Mesopotamian context. Attention has fo-
date and characteristic of sites in northern and cused elsewhere in the Near East on the possible
central Mesopotamia ( V A B 7: Fig. 62.17, Surface: role of stamped vessels within archaeological ce-
Fig. 62.18). These impressions were executed using ramic assemblages and the relationship between
different dies which are, however, similar to one their iconography and that of contemporary glyptic
another in that they both represented a stag facing (Helms 1987 a, b; Ibrahim 1978, 117-21; Mazzoni
left (when impressed). T h e terminology used here 1984) but this new approach offers enormous po-
for describing stamped pottery follows that given tential in the seriation of the associated ceramic
by Lady Briscoe (1983). Similar stamped pottery assemblages and can be extended to other periods
has been excavated at a number of sites within the w h e n types of stamped pottery were being pro-
Saddam D a m Salvage Project, including Khirbet duced {cf. Simpson 1988, 31-2).
'Aqar Babira (Surenhagen 1987 a, b), Babneet, Tell
Fisna ( N u m o t o 1988, Fig. 34: 398-9), Tell Jambur
( T o m a 1987), Tell Jigan (Ii & Kawamata 1985, Late Islamic Ceramics
Fig. 11: 180-3, PL 34: 207-8), Khirbet Deir Situn
(Curtis 1989) and Qara Dere (Roaf 1983). M o r e There have been virtually no studies published as
important is the discovery that V A B 7 (Fig. 62.17) yet of archaeologically provenanced Islamic pottery
was impressed with exacdy the same tool as frag- from northern Iraq, although brief comments were
mentary ceramic vessels found at three other sites made by Gerald Reidinger (1938, 156) following
in this Project, namely Babneet, Khirbet Deir Situn his participation with Seton Lloyd in their 1938
aiid Qara Dere (Roaf 1983, 79, 81, Fig. 9:1). This Liverpool University Nielson Expedition three-
observation was confirmed by direct comparison of week survey of sites in the 'Afar - Sinjar plain and
the actual sherds. In addition, other die links have north Jazira {cf also Reidinger 1951). However,
been found on Late Sasanian pottery linking these recent archaeological investigations carried out in
three sites with Tell Jigan (Ii & Kawamata, 1985) northern Iraq and northeast Syria have included
and possibly Khirbet 'Aqar Babira and Tell Jambur more conscious efforts to record sites and material
(Surenhagen 1987, a, b; T o m a 1987). culture of this period. As part of this increasing
Judging by the impressions (where it is some- archaeological interest in the Islamic period, there
times possible to see the grain of the actual die), it is also gradually growing recognition of Late Is-
seems likely that the dies themselves were carved lamic ceramic assemblages from Iraq and
from wood: given the probable short life of indi- elsewhere. Hitherto, local regional studies have
vidual dies (as they would have been susceptible to been reliant on archaeological surface survey evi-
wear), this group of Late Sasanian sites can there- dence from southern Iraq (Adams 1965, 134;
fore be regarded as being wholly or virtually 1981, 240-1; A d a m s & Nissen 1972, 67; Gibson
contemporary. It is as yet unclear whether these 1972, 161, 170-1, Fig. 37), accidentalfindsresult-
ceramics were manufactured in and distributed ing from the excavation of earlier remains at the
180 Kharabeh Shattani II

same sites (Gibson 1981, 81-2, 100, 102-4, PI. 55; T h e width of the roulette impressions indicates the
Martin 1988, Fig. 43:4-8; Moorey 1978, Fiche use of a 7 m m high wheel, presumably mounted on
1.B01; Northedge 1988, 110-4, Pis XV.a, XVI.a) a stick {cf Anderson 1984, 187-8, PL 24). The
and ethnographic observations (eg. Matson 1974; material used for the roulette itself is uncertain but
1983, 623, Figs 223-6). given the slightly blurred impressions (which con-
M o r e recent work in northern Iraq, northeast trast with those created by metal cog-wheel notch
Syria and eastern Turkey demonstrates that Late rouletting found on hubbs (water jars) recendy
Islamic sites in this region are characterised in ce- m a d e in Iraq) it m a y have been m a d e of wood,
ramic terms by the presence of dark green which would be susceptible to use-wear {cf. Levy
monochrome glazed wares, often with minor firing 1985). Incidentally, it should be possible to calcu-
defects, wheel-thrown m e d i u m plain wares with late the diameter of the roulette wheels used to
predominandy vegetable tempered fabrics and decorate these ceramics if care is taken in future to
decorated with rouletting, combing, or (more examine the impressions for evidence of damaged
rarely) in moulded relief, and coarse vegetable tem- or irregular teeth {cf Bellamy & Le Patoutel 1970,
pered handmade wares usually decorated with 116-7, footnote 33).
incision (eg. Algaze 1989, 246). A minor, perhaps Pattern-wheel and notch rouletting, usually
chronologically short-lived, category of the last executed in parallel horizontal rows as the vessel
group involves the use of inset glazed spots or 'eyes' was turned on the wheel, is a typical decorative
(Curtis 1989, 8-9). T h e occasional presence of clay feature of Late Islamic wheel-thrown m e d i u m
tobacco pipe bowl and glass bracelet fragments at coarse plain wares in northern Mesopotamia. Its
these sites again betray their late date. Further precise chronological parameters are unknown, but
study is needed, however, before sites can be more it m a y be restricted to Ottoman and later sites.
closely dated within this period and greater atten- Fragments of pattern-wheel roulette decorated
tion should be paid to the differing proportions of small or m e d i u m sized jars very similar to that evi-
ceramic fabrics and types and the precise types of dendy represented at Kharabeh Village have been
clay pipe bowl (Simpson 1990a).3 T h e Late Islamic found at the Saddam D a m Salvage Project sites of
pottery from Kharabeh Village is discussed below. Bardiya 15 (also k n o w n as Tell Amran: Ball, Simp-
son & Tucker forthcoming) and Khirbet Deir
The evidence from Kharabeh Village Situn (Curtis 1989). Other types of rouletting have
A total of twelve demonstrably Late Islamic diag- been found on Late Islamic pottery at the following
nostic sherds were recovered at Kharabeh Village. sites in this Project: G o z Giran and Khirbet Jem
Laklak (Ball, Simpson & Tucker forthcoming),
Medium coarse plain wares (Fig. 62.13 - 15) Hatara 2 (excavated by D r Paolo Fiorina of the
Four diagnostic sherds of Late Islamic m e d i u m Centro Scavi di Torino, to w h o m I a m extremely
coarse plain ware vessels were excavated ( V A A 2-3, grateful for permission to examine this material),
V A B 8, 10: M e d i u m Coarse Plain ware Type 4.1). Tell Jigan (Ii & Kawamata 1985, 214, PL 34:
T h e fabric of these was essentially similar to Late 206), Khirbet Deir Situn, and Qara Dere (Fig. lc)
Islamic medium coarse plain wares recovered from
(Roaf 1983, Fig. 9:6), plus 'Ana on the middle Eu-
other sites in this Project; similar fabrics are also
phrates (Northedge 1988, 112-3, Fig. 51: 8), Tell
found on more recent ceramics produced in Iraq. al-Hawa on the North Jezira (Ball, Tucker &
O n e of the Kharabeh Village sherds consisted of a
Wilkinson 1989, 38-39, Figs 16: 26-28, 27: Type
ring base ( V A A 2: not illustrated) and two be-
81), Nineveh (unpublished, British M u s e u m ,
longed to vessels decorated on the exterior with
W A A . Smith 2228, 2346) and Tekrit (Berlin, Per-
combined horizontal and wavy c o m b incision
g a m o n M u s e u m , Sarre 3783, Sarre & Herzfeld
( V A A 3: Fig. 62.13, V A B 8: Fig. 62.15).
1920, Vol. IV, Abb. 387).
T h e fourth sherd ( V A B 10: Fig. 62.14) was the
most distinctive, being decorated on the exterior Coarse plain wares (Fig. 62.1, 8, 11)
with parallel horizontal rows of pattern-wheel rou- As in the Levant, Late Islamic sites in Mesopotamia
letting. T h e terminology concerning different types
characteristically possess a high proportion of
of rouletting is that used by Healey (1976, 2-3).
coarse handmade wares a m o n g the ceramic assem-
blages. However, in contrast to the so-called
Clay pipe bowls were not recovered from Kharabeh Vil- 'pseudo-prehistoric' or other styles of handmade
lage. painted pottery found in southern Mesopotamia,
Kharabeh Village 181

the Levant and Arabia, those from northern Meso- sence of any Early or Middle Islamic material sug-
potamia are usually decorated with incision; larger gests a substantial chronological break, of eight
vessels also bear applied relief bands and are occa- hundred years or more, between the two periods
sionally impressed with fingertips. Within the represented here.
Saddam D a m Salvage Project, relatively large as- T h e fortuitous location of Late Islamic occupa-
semblages of this sort of pottery were recovered tion above a Late Sasanian horizon at Kharabeh
from Hatara 2, Khirbet Deir Situn and Qara Dere. Village is curiously similar to the situation at the
Seven diagnostic sherds of coarse plain ware nearby site of Qara Dere (Fig. lc). Early Islamic
pottery were excavated at Kharabeh Village: all sites are k n o w n from the vicinity, however, as
were handmade and can be attributed a Late Is- eighth-tenth century ceramics were excavated at
lamic date ( V A A 1: Fig. 62.1, V A B 2-4: Fig. 62.8, Babneet, 2.5km to the northwest of Kharabeh Vil-
not illustrated, V A B 2, V A C 2: not illustrated, lage, and at Bir H a m i , about 1 k m to the south, as
V A C 5: Fig. 62.11). T h e c o m b incision on one of well as from the surface of one area at Khirbet
these sherds ( V A C 5: Fig. 62.11) is more widely 'Aqar Babira (Killick & Black 1985, 228; Sam'an
paralleled by Late Islamic coarse wares at Hatara 2. 1988; cf. also Curtis etal. 1989, 51). Nevertheless,
in terms of identified settlements, this period was
Glazed wares (not illustrated) generally rare in the Saddam D a m Salvage Project
As mentioned above, (rather poisonous looking) and adjoining North Jazira (pers. comm., M r T o n y
dark green m o n o c h r o m e glazed wares are typical of Wilkinson), a pattern that has also been noted in
Late Islamic sites in northern Mesopotamia. Light the Euphrates valley north of Urfa, in the area of
(sky) blue and bright yellow monochrome glazed Kurban Hoyiik (Wilkinson et al. 1990, 126-9,
wares are also frequendy found at these sites. T h e 132-3). In contrast, there seems to have been a
single glazed sherd recovered from Kharabeh Vil- dramatic revival in the density and size of settle-
lage ( V A B 13: not illustrated) falls into another ments in these areas by the twelfth century,
category that is nevertheless of recent or modern although this particular portion of the Upper Ti-
date: it was light (grass) green in colour. T h e fabric gris valley seems to have been favoured less than
of this sherd appeared very similar to that of M e - the area closer to the Mosul - Cizre road, where a
dium Coarse plain ware Type 4.1 (especially V A B Middle Islamic khan has been excavated at Tell
8: Fig. 62.15), also of Late Islamic date. Baqaq 3 (Younis 1987).
In the Ottoman and post-Ottoman periods,
Date uncertain (Fig. 62.2, 16) there seems to have been a greater dispersal of rural
T w o sherds could not be certainly ascribed either a settlement throughout the area covered by the Sad-
Late Sasanian or Late Islamic date: both were fine d a m D a m Salvage Project: Babneet Village
plain wares that were, nevertheless, rather distinc- certainly existed by the late nineteenth century as
tive in appearance ( V A B 5: Fig. 62.2; V A B 9: H o r m u z d Rassam spent a night there in 1880
Fig. 62.16). It is uncertain whether they represent (Rassam 1897, 390-1). Late Islamic encampments
u n c o m m o n (hence currently unrecognised) fine employing stone footings were established nearby
wares (perhaps imports) contemporary with one at Khirbet Khatuniyeh, Qara Dere and W a d i
(especially the earlier) of the two periods otherwise Khatkhun (Curtis 1986, 14-15; Curtis & Green
represented at Kharabeh Village, or whether they 1987, 73-4; Killick & Black 1985, 234-6, 238-9;
are s o m e h o w residual from an earlier (perhaps Roaf 1983, 79-81), and mud-brick villages were
Hellenistic - Parthian) period at or close to the constructed at Qasrij Cliff and Ronak as well as at
site. Kharabeh itself.4 Recent inhabitants of Kharabeh
Village claimed that they originally lived nearer the
Tigris, where they still owned and tended a n u m -
§ 11.6: CONCLUSION ber offields{Volume 1, 11): the date of and reason
for any such move and foundation of Kharabeh
Two distinct periods are represented in the albeit Village are unknown. Although it is possible that
very limited sample of fragmentary ceramics exca- the Late Islamic sherds excavated at this site de-
vated at Kharabeh Village, viz. Late Sasanian and rived from the recent village, it is more likely that
Late Islamic. T h e nature of the occupation in these
respective periods is, of course, u n k n o w n owing to
Qasrij village was said to have ben founded in 1945 by
the small size of the excavated sounding. T h e ab- inhabitants from Babneet (Curtis etaL 1989, 19).
182 Kharabeh Shattani II

they were associated with an immediate mud-brick sequendy chipped. Prob. Late Islamic (fabric
predecessor. and surface treatment).

12 V A C 5. Closed vessel. Wheel-thrown. Body

sherd: wall thickness 8 m m . Angle uncertain.
M e d i u m coarse plain ware type 3.2. Five or
3.7 C A T A L O G U E O F ILLUSTRATED more horizontal parallel shallow incised grooves
S H E R D S (FIG. 62) on the ext, made with a blunt-ended tool. Sur-
faces rather worn. Prob. Late Sasanian (fabric).
1 VAA 1. Jar. Wheel-thrown. Rim sherd: int. rim
diam. 1 1 0 m m . Coarse plain ware type 2.1. 13 V A A 3. Closed vessel. Wheel-thrown. Body
Prob. Late Islamic (fabric). sherd: wall thickness 1 2 m m . Angle uncertain.
M e d i u m coarse plain ware type 4.1. Ext.
2 V A B 5. O p e n bowl (?). Wheel-thrown. R i m
smoothed and incised with wavy combing using
sherd: int. rim diam. possibly c. 1 5 0 m m . Angle
a tool with seven or more teeth. Surfaces rather
approximate only. Fine plain ware type 3.2.
worn. Prob. Late Islamic (fabric).
Date uncertain.
14 V A B 10. Closed vessel. Wheel-thrown. Body
3 V A B 1. Jar. Wheel-thrown. Rim sherd: int. rim
sherd: wall thickness 6 m m . Angle uncertain.
diam. 100-120mm. M e d i u m coarse plain ware:
M e d i u m coarse plain ware type 4.1. Ext.
type unrecorded. Prob. Late Sasanian (form).
smoothed, and impressed with two horizontal
4 V A B 6. Jar. Wheel-thrown. R i m sherd: int. rim rows of pattern-wheel rouletting. Late Islamic
diam possibly c. 1 7 0 m m . M e d i u m coarse plain (fabric and surface treatment).
ware type 3.2. Prob. Late Sasanian (fabric).
15 V A B 8. Closed vessel. Wheel-thrown. Body
5 V A D 1. Jar. Wheel-thrown. R i m sherd: int. rim sherd: wall thickness not recorded. Angle uncer-
diam. c. 160-180mm. M e d i u m coarse plain tain and possibly other way up. M e d i u m coarse
ware type 3.3. Prob. Late Sasanian (fabric). plain ware type 4.1. Ext. smoothed, and incised
with horizontal and wavy combing using a tool
6 V A C 3. Jar. Wheel-thrown. R i m sherd: int. rim
with seven or more teeth. Break pattern on ext.
diam. c. 80-110mm. M e d i u m coarse plain ware
suggests a broken-off strap handle. Prob. Late
type 3.4. Prob. Late Sasanian (fabric).
Islamic (fabric).
7 V A C 4. Jar. Wheel-thrown. R i m sherd: int. rim
16 V A B 9. Closed vessel. Wheel-thrown, with clear
diam. c. 150-230mm. M e d i u m coarse plain
rotation marks on the interior. Body sherd: wall
ware type 3.1. Prob. Late Sasanian (fabric).
thickness 5 m m . Angle uncertain. Fine plain
8 V A B 3. Closed vessel. Handmade. R i m sherd: ware type 3.1. Ext. burnished all-over, and
int.rimdiam. possibly c. 2 0 0 m m . Coarse plain painted with an evenly applied stripe in red-
ware type 4.1. Smoothed surfaces. Prob. Late dish-brown paint. Date uncertain.
Islamic (fabric and form).
17 V A B 7. Closed vessel. Wheel-thrown. Body
9 V A B 14. Jar. Wheel-thrown. R i m sherd: int. sherd: wall thickness 7.5mm. Angle uncertain.
rim diam. c. 9 0 m m . M e d i u m coarse plain ware M e d i u m coarse plain ware type 3.4. Ext.
type 3.5. W o r n surfaces. Prob. Late Sasanian smoothed, and impressed with a circular die
(form). stamp bearing a stag facing left (when im-
10 VAD 2. Closed vessel. Wheel-thrown. Body pressed) with afirealtar in front and streaming
sherd: wall thickness 8 m m . Angle uncertain. ribbons behind [not visible on this sherd but re-
M e d i u m coarse plain ware type 3.4. Four or constructed from identical die stamps from
more horizontal parallel incised grooves on the other sites]. Late Sasanian (fabric and surface
exterior. Prob. Late Sasanian (fabric). treatment).

11 VAC 5. Closed vessel. Wheel-thrown. Body 18 Surface. Closed vessel. Wheel-thrown. Body
sherd: wall thickness 11.5mm. Angle uncertain. sherd, wall thickness 7 m m . Angle uncertain.
Coarse plain ware type 2.1. Ext. incised with M e d i u m coarse plain ware: type unrecorded.
horizontal and wavy or diagonal combing using Ext. smoothed, and impressed with a circular
a tool withfiveor more teeth. Ext. surface sub- die stamp bearing a stag facing left (when im-
Kharabeh Village 183

pressed). Late Sasanian (fabric and surface ext. with two horizontal rows of partial vertical
treatment). (?) incised combing between, and on either side
of, the lugs. Ext. smoothed but no int. surface
finish. Prob. late Sasanian (fabric).
LUSTRATED VAB 12 Rim sherd: diam. and angle uncertain.
Wall thickness 8 m m . Coarse plain ware type
1.1. Prob. Late Islamic (fabric).
VAA 2 Ring base. Wheel-thrown. Sherd: base
diam. uncertain. M e d i u m coarse plain ware VAB 13 Possibly from near base of closed vessel.
type 4.1. Dark grey / black matt paint on ext. Body sherd: wall thickness 1 2 m m . Glazed ware
Prob. Late Islamic (fabric). type 4.1. W o r n horizontal rilling on exterior
surface. Late Islamic (glaze).
V A B 2 Hole-mouth jar. Handmade. R i m sherd:
int. rim diam. possibly c. 1 8 0 m m . Wall thick- VAC 1 Jar. Wheel-thrown. Rim sherd: int. rim
ness 1 2 m m . Coarse plain ware type 2.1. diam. 1 0 0 m m . Wall thickness 6 m m . M e d i u m
Smoothed surfaces. Prob. Late Islamic (fabric). coarse plain ware type 3.4. Traces of horizontal
shallow incised groove on ext. Prob. Late
V A B 4 Flat base. Wheel-thrown. Sherd: base diam.
Sasanian (fabric).
c. 1 6 0 m m . Wall thickness 8 m m . Coarse plain
ware type 1.1. Ext. smoothed but no int. sur- VAC 2 Shallow flat-based platter. Complete pro-
facefinish.Prob. Late Islamic (fabric). file: basal diam. 7 0 m m . Wall thickness varies
from 8-10mm. Coarse plain ware type 4.2.
V A B 11 Closed vessel. Wheel-thrown. Body sherd:
Prob. Late Islamic (fabric).
wall thickness 1 0 m m . M e d i u m coarse plain
ware type 3.5. Pair of probably vertical lugs on
184 Kharabeh Shattani II

Fig. 62 Kharabeh Village pottery


Summary and Discussion

Douglas Baird, Stuart Campbell & Trevor Watkins

§ 12.1: I N T R O D U C T I O N almost no stratified settlement remains survived;

most of the material recovered came from superfi-
This section offers readers two things. On the one cial, eroded and ploughed soils, below which were
hand it serves as a summary of the results of the found a number of large, circular pits. T h e late
excavations at Kharabeh Shattani and the conse- Halaf phase settlement was present everywhere be-
quent research, which m a y be useful to readers w h o low thefirstmillennium B C remains, represented
do not wish to read the detailed account. O n the by a layer less than one metre thick. Both these
other hand w e offer some discussion of the signifi-
phases were explored over as large an open area as
cance of those results, seeking to place Kharabeh
was feasible within the available time and re-
Shattani into the contemporary context of research.
sources. T h e earliest phase was, unlike the later
T h e site was excavated over two short seasons
in the spring of the years 1983 and 1984. A n in- phases, quite unexpected. It was discovered in the
tended third season in the spring of 1985 was second season only w h e n a late pit was found to
overtaken by the completion of the d a m and the have penetrated what had been thought to be a
drowning of the site. Kharabeh Shattani lay three virgin, natural subsoil, and cut into underlying
or four kilometres from the left bank of the Tigris, Hassuna culture deposits. This earliest phase,
in the rolling flanks of the valley. T h e main site, which would have been the objective of the third
which was situated in the 'peninsula' at the conflu- season of excavation, was only sounded in two
ence of two seasonal wadis, gave no evidence of small trenches.
being a m o u n d , but in fact proved to consist of
three, distinct, superimposed occupations. Under
the nearby village of Kharabeh Shattani soundings § 12.2: THE PROTO-HASSUNA PERIOD
revealed the existence of an earlier settlement OCCUPATION
(described here as Kharabeh Village), originally of
late Sasanian date, reoccupied in the late Islamic The earliest occupation attested on the site of
period. It was envisaged from the outset that the Kharabeh Shattani belongs to the Proto-Hassuna
Halaf culture material, especially the pottery, period (§ 3). At the present time this would be
would be a useful assemblage for further research, dated to thefirsthalf of the sixth millennium B C
and one of us (SC) has been involved with the
uncalibrated (Watkins and Campbell 1987). Sev-
project from the start for that purpose. Similarly, eral clear building phases are represented in two
w h e n the post-Assyrian material was found to be
small soundings at Kharabeh. Both tauf and. stone
present in some quantity, it was arranged that an
architecture were present on the site (Fig. 3). Only
Edinburgh student should undertake its classifica-
one building was exposed to the extent of revealing
tion and description as the basis for an M A thesis.
even part of a plan; C A B (§ 2.1) was represented
Finally, although the sample was all too small, the
by parts of two cell-like units (Fig. 3.3). Similari-
Sasanian material from the Kharabeh village
ties in size between these units and comparable
sounding has been adopted as research material.
entities at other sites suggested that these either
T h e three phases of occupation on the main site belonged to an elongated block of cells, standing
were of Achaemenid period, the late Halaf culture independent of complexes of larger rooms, as at
and the proto-Hassuna culture. O f the latest phase broadly contemporary U m m Dabaghiyah
186 Kharabeh Shattani II

(Kirkbride 1975, PI. 1) or slighdy later Yarim Tepe Tell Jigan (excavated by the Japanese) and Tell A b u
I (Merpert and Munchaev 1973a, 96-98), or a Dhahir (excavated by the British Archaeological
group of cells directly attached to what was proba- Expedition in Iraq).
bly a domestic complex, as at broadly
contemporary Tell Sotto (see § 3; Bader 1987,
161) or Yarim Tepe I (Merpert and Munchaev § 12.3: THE FIRST INTERLUDE
1973a, 96-98). It has been suggested on account of
their size and the lack of doors that such cells were A thick sterile deposit separating the Proto-
used for stotage (§ 2.1; cf. Kirkbride 1975, 4). Hassuna from the Halaf culture levels indicates a
Elsewhere these structures were constructed of tauf, period of abandonment (Fig. 5). B y reference to
but at Kharabeh stone foundation construction 'absolute' chronology established by Radiocarbon
presumably reflects a local adaptation, similar to dates from other sites (Watkins and Campbell
the buildings of Tell Hassuna itself (Lloyd and Sa- 1987), w e k n o w this period to have been a lengthy
far 1945). Aside from this detail, Kharabeh one. This does not imply that the deposition of the
demonstrates once again the remarkable consis- deposit D B A occurred over a long time span, how-
tency of these very similarly sized cell units over ever. T h e factors contributing to its deposition are
considerable geographical distances (Merpert and unclear, but w e can suggest that the local topogra-
Munchaev 1973a, 99 and Kirkbride 1975, PL 1). phy was altered to some extent by these
T h e Proto-Hassuna ceramic assemblage is developments (§ 2.2). It is of general importance to
dominated by vegetable tempered wares, predomi- note that the natural stratum D B A indicates that
nandy coarse but with a small proportion of finer the topography and agricultural soils in this area of
fabrics. Bowls are the most c o m m o n form of vessel, the Tigris valley m a y be altered quite considerably
particularly simple conical bowls, but various types by deposition during the later prehistoric period;
of jars and pots are also present along with husking prehistoric landscapes m a y have been quite differ-
tray fragments. Only one example of applied deco- ent from those today.
ration was found, in contrast to other Proto-
Hassuna sites, where it is a characteristic feature. § 12.4: THE HALAF PERIOD OCCUPA-
Instead painting is the most c o m m o n decorative TION
technique, with a small but significant incised
component. T h e high quality of some of the There is more information about the character of
painted sherds and the presence of incised decora- the Halaf site, which was more extensively exposed.
tion m a k e it possible to suggest that the assemblage Unfortunately, this information is of poorer qual-
dates from near the end of the Proto-Hassuna pe- ity because of the degree to which the site was
riod, w h e n traits of the subsequent Archaic disturbed by Achaemenid period pits, bioturbation
Hassuna ceramic style were beginning to appear. and general soil homogenization processes (§ 1). As
T h e faunal sample is very small, but, signifi- well as leading to the mixing of the artifactual as-
candy, hunting does not appear to be unimportant
semblages of different phases (and periods) this
as a contributor to the meat component of the diet, m a y have contributed to difficulties in identifying
if the wild status of the cattle is correctly inferred
stratigraphic developments and architectural ele-
from the morphology (§ 9). Thus cattle and ga-
ments within the Halaf sequence (§ 2.3).
zelle (and possibly also pig and sheep) were hunted.
O n the basis of this rather poor quality evi-
In addition domesticated sheep were probably
dence three major Halaf stratigraphic phases were
herded. It is interesting that equids do not appear
identified, each probably involving within itself a
in this sample, albeit small, given their importance
sequence of developments (§§ 2.3 and 2.4). O n the
at broadly contemporary U m m Dabaghiyah
basis of the ceramic assemblage all three phases
(Kirkbride 1975, 9, and see below). It m a y be that
belong within the late Halaf period (§ 4). This pe-
ecological circumstances within the catchment of
riod should be dated towards the middle of the
Kharabeh did not favour equid to the same extent
fifth millennium B C uncalibrated (Watkins and
as further S in the N Mesopotamian steppe. Alter-
Campbell 1987).
natively hunting practice, preference and range
T h e earliest phase of the Halaf site was charac-
m a y have been different.
terized by sparsely distributed evidence of specific
T h e significance of the site during this first
activity. This consisted of relatively broad, shallow
phase of its occupation lies in its demonstration of
pits, a possible rectilinear structure and the accu-
the relatively widespread distribution of early
mulation of occupation and material presumably
manifestations of specific features of an 'early' Has-
derived from adjacent structures (§ 2.4, Fig. 4).
suna cultural complex. Other sites with similar
ceramics in the same part of the Tigris valley are
Summary & Discussion 187

T h e second phase had three structures of small These and other features at Kharabeh share
internal area, of which two probably (and a third certain constructional idiosyncracies not noted at
possibly) fulfilled a storage function; in addition other Halaf sites. Clearly certain constructions on
there was a notable number of oven bases (§ 2.4, the site were very closely related to each other. This
Fig. 9). A burial m a y also belong to this phase is one factor which suggests to us that the site was
(Fig. 12), and a number of pits probably post-date occupied over a relatively short time span. T h u s
the structures. A relatively sparse distribution of the 'tracks' A D R and B C I used paving slabs of
features and structures characterized this area of the similar size, laid in a comparable manner and were
site during this second phase of development of similar overall dimensions. At Arpachiyah the
(§ 2.4, Fig. 9). In particular there was only one tracks were of similar dimensions, that is approxi-
small entity, B A B , which might be considered a mately l m or so wide, and were constructed of
dwelling. cobbles laid in clay (Mallowan and Rose 1935).
T h e third phase had two relatively large struc- There are several instances at Kharabeh where up-
tures that might readily be considered ordinary rights were used to line cuts ( A B W / A B Z ) and
dwelling units and a more diverse range of other presumably to protect the base of taufwalls ( A D E ,
entities than earlier phases, including stone-lined and an ambiguous example, B C L ) . This practice is
cuts, pavings, ovens and parts of other disturbed not documented elsewhere on Halaf sites. T h e
structures for storage or domestic use (§ 2.4, mixture of stone and tauf construction character-
Fig. 10). Even in this last phase there were rela- ized by B B R and B D C is unusual. O n the other
tively extensive areas exhibiting no surviving signs hand the oven bases are very similar to those from
of specific activity, although this was more likely to Arpachiyah and Shams ed-Din, but all those at
be a function of the disturbance to which the up- Kharabeh share the notable absence of any base for
per portions of stratigraphy were subjected. A superstructures, preserved in distinctive styles at
burial in these upper portions of the Halaf Arpachiyah (Mallowan and Rose 1935, 14-15) and
stratigraphy m a y also be Halaf in date (§ 2.5 Shams ed-Din (Al-Radi and Seeden 1980, Fig. 46),
and 10). of clay at the former and stone at the latter. Argu-
ments e silentio are always dangerous, but the
Discussion absence of such types from the ovens at Kharabeh
M a n y of the structural components of the Halaf m a y indicate a different type of superstructure. T h e
site at Kharabeh closely replicate features found on E-shaped structures A B Q and B B L are very similar
other Halaf sites. There is a range of relatively to each other. A B Q presumably represents a cellu-
small to relatively large, circular tholoi, some lar storage structure enclosed in some u n k n o w n
probably domed. There is also a series of relatively manner on its W edge. Although these are analo-
thin rectangular (some cellular) structures, proba- gous in general terms to structures on other sites,
bly for storage {cf. Merpert and Munchaev 1973a, the only specific parallel is to be found in level V I
110 and Merpert and M u n c h a e v 1987, 25 and at Yarim Tepe II (Merpert and Munchaev 1973b,
Fig. 10). 'Floors' for any of these structures were PL LX, 2, structure 201), where there seems to an
ill-defined and appeared to consist only of the sur- identical structure in tauf.
face of the underlying deposit. N o n e had any T h e limited evidence of specific activity and the
surviving evidence of original floor fixtures. Thus thinness of the Early Phase deposits suggest that
v/hilst there is no evidence of the use to which this phase was relatively short-lived. A n increase in
these structures were put it would seem plausible the density of presumed dwelling units or increase
that the two largest entities of the latest phase, were in the area given over to such units from the Early
some sort of domestic dwellings and that the small- to Late Phase seems indicated. Change through
est rectilinear entities were for storage. B A B , the time in the intensity of use of this area of the site
smallest tholos, m a y have been for either purpose. might be taken to imply either a shift in location of
Similarly sized structures elsewhere have been dwelling units around the site, or increased packing
identified as habitations (at Yarim Tepe II; Mer- of dwelling units on the site overall. This latter
pert and M u n c h a e v 1973a, 110-111) or as storage interpretation m a y be attributed to incrementation
structures (at Sabi Abyad; Akkermans 1987, 26- of the settlement's population by immigration or
27). A particular type of oven, which must be in the expansion and consequent proliferation of co-
some w a y related to those at Arpachiyah resident groups within the settlement.
(Mallowan and Rose 1935, 14-15), occurs at As one of us (Watkins 1987) has noted, even at
Kharabeh in numbers, both associated with and their densest in the final Halaf phase, storage,
separate from specific structures. 'Tracks' m a y be processing and particularly dwelling units were
related to those recovered at Arpachiyah (§§ 2.3 relatively sparsely distributed across the excavated
and 2.4; Mallowan and Rose 1935, 18-19). area; correspondingly, the extensive areas of open
188 Kharabeh Shattani II

space were not clearly demarcated by any surviving bances had been clearly identified and isolated, that
material indicators. Comparative information on this p h e n o m e n o n was most marked. Explanation
settlement layout is uneven. There are several must take account of the degree to which these
small, short-lived sites which are similar to Khara- phenomena are typical of Halaf settlement as a
beh Shattani in several regards. However, only whole, particular to certain sites, or exclusive to
Yarim Tepe provides reliable information from a Kharabeh. M a n y rather specific details of the con-
larger, long-lived site. At Arpachiyah information is structions at Kharabeh suggest that its occupants
only available from the central area, which can be were behaving in ways very typical of the inhabi-
considered exceptional, and from Hijara's tants of a range of otber Halaf settlements. Overall,
stratigraphic soundings, which provide too small however, it is suggested as an hypothesis that
an area. Even at Yarim Tepe it is clear that within Kharabeh m a y characterise one particular segment
the area excavated in some phases there was consid- of the Halaf culture settlement system, presenting
erable variation in the distribution and density of us with a village formed from rather widely spaced
structural units. domestic dwelling units and a notable lack of re-
Nevertheless some useful, albeit tentative, construction of structures on the same spot.
points can be made. There was no evidence for the Kharabeh shares these features with S h a m s ed-Din,
repeated reconstruction of particular buildings on Sabi Abyad and U m m Qseir, and these sites m a y
the same spot over relatively lengthy periods as at be contrasted with Yarim T e p e II and III, Tell
other periods in N Mesopotamian prehistory and Aqab and Arpachiyah, which are more conven-
perhaps to an extent as on other Halaf sites, for tional tell-setdements. T h e character of the
example Yarim Tepe II and III (Munchaev and demarcation of space in settlements, shared by all
Merpert 1973b, 10; Merpert, Munchaev and Bader Halaf communities, could then be seen to reflect to
1976, 45) and in the central area at Arpachiyah, some extent the c o m m o n character of the relation-
which is exceptional in other ways. These m a y be ships and interaction around the site between the
general features which Kharabeh shares with some different co-resident groups on the site. W e may
Halaf sites and which contrast it with others. At not be able to be more specific than this. T h e pos-
Yarim Tepe II, for example, buildings were densely sible association between dwelling unit density and
distributed in most of the excavated area through- the practice of reconstruction m a y reflect the char-
out the life of the settlement (Merpert, Munchaev acter of and constraints o n the fissioning or
and Bader 1976, 46; Merpert and Munchaev 1987, replication of sub- or co-resident groups within the
23), although at any one time there were also some community. Since perceived property rights are
restricted areas of open space. T h e distribution of likely to be reflected in the character of the demar-
structures in any one phase at the site of Shams ed- cation of space and there is n o contrast in this
Din, in particular, bears some similarities to sphere it seems unlikely to be a factor. Pressure on
Kharabeh. Potential dwelling units were not space m a y be related to population size; that the
densely distributed in the excavated area of this contrast between sites with and without evidence
site, nor were any reconstructed on the same spot of reconstruction is associated with the contrast of
during the life of the settlement (Al-Radi and differing densities of dwellings suggests that the
Seeden 1980, Figs 31-33). Ovens and storage enti- size of the population of the settlement unit or
ties at Shams ed-Din were relatively c o m m o n , differentiation between residential groups m a y be a
whilst open areas were not clearly demarcated in factor.
any surviving, visible manner (Al-Radi and Seeden If the grave B A T (§ 2.5) in the upper part of
1980, Figs 31-33). T h e early Halaf site of Sabi the stratigraphy is Halaf in date, as certain features
Abyad also gives the impression of an open scatter shared by the individual buried there and in B A L
of buildings, amongst which putative storage suggest (§ 10), a range of features m a y be said to
structures m a y have been relatively important characterize the treatment of h u m a n remains on
(Akkermans 1987, 27). Whilst exposures are not so the site during this period. Disarticulated h u m a n
extensive at U m m Qseir, the relatively isolated remains were recovered from the Early Phase pit
position of the Halaf tholos recovered there seems B D D (§ 2.3), apparendy not part of a deliberate
dear (Hole & Johnston. 1986-87). burial. Flexed inhumation also occurred (Fig. 12).
T h e loosely configured settlement structure of Inhumation occurred both in simple pits with
Kharabeh clearly invites explanation. While it m a y grave goods (BAL; § 2.3, Fig. 12), including a
be ascribed in part to the poor conditions of pres- stone vessel as at other Halaf sites (Merpert and
ervation of the Halaf deposits on the site, it cannot M u n c h a e v 1987, 25-26), and possibly in a built
be wholly so, since it is in the Early and Middle grave (coffin) ( B A T ; § 2.5, Figs 8 and 12).
Phases, where preservation was at its best and T h e Halaf levels at Kharabeh Shattani provide a
where, at the time of their excavation, later distur- relatively large sample of Halaf pottery. Although
Summary & Discussion 189

the paucity of well stratified deposits causes diffi- While the sample from Kharabeh Shattani is very
culty, there is every indication that the ceramic small (§ 9), there is no indication that exploitation
assemblage is internally very consistent throughout of wild animals was of similar significance.
the Halaf occupation and must date from within a Most of the Halaf small finds are cypical of
single ceramic phase. T h e fine wares were very what w e k n o w from other Halaf sites. There are a
largely produced in a single consistent fabric. A few categories which are unrepresented which are
wide range of forms is present, particularly bowls, worthy of comment. There are no h u m a n figure
and from the evidence of rim sherds around 7 6 % fragments at all and only a single animal figure.
of all fine ware vessels were decorated. A wide There are no seals and only a single possible un-
range of typically Halaf painted motifs was used in sealed bulla ( A A H 24) which might indicate more
simple and more complex combinations. Together sophisticated administrative techniques. Given the
with the painted decoration there is a very small impoverishment of the assemblage in these regards,
but important group of incised and impressed it is perhaps surprising to find four stone bowls,
decoration which always occurs on typical Halaf one of which is unique in its material ( A A G 73), of
fabric and sometimes in combination with painted a quality only parallelled at the m u c h larger and
Halaf motifs. These forms of decoration, unusual more extensively excavated sites of Arpachiyah and
in the Halaf period, m a y be connected with their Yarim Tepe. Other smaller Halaf sites such as
appearance in large numbers in the possibly con- Shams ed-Din and U m m Qseir also lack specific
temporary northern Ubaid in the Hamrin types of Halaf artefact, particularly the less utilitar-
(e.g. Jasim 1985, 130). ian. However, it should be noted that it is not the
A combination of specific parallels at other sites same types that are missing at every site. U m m
and the presence of these incised and impressed Qseir, for instance, has no stone bowls but does
sherds suggest that the Halaf at Kharabeh Shattani have several seals and also possesses figurine frag-
dates from the latter half of the Halaf sequence (in ments. Nonetheless, it can be suggested that, even
the traditional Middle or Late Halaf) and almost allowing for the larger samples available from Ar-
certainly towards the end of that period. In view of pachiyah and Yarim Tepe, in some regards there is
such a date, the almost complete lack of bichrome differential access to or use of specific components
and polychrome pottery at Kharabeh is surprising of the total repertoire of the Halaf material culture
(less than 0 . 2 5 % of decorated pottery is painted in at Kharabeh and other, small, short-lived sites.
two colours). At Tell Arpachiyah, Tell Aqab, Cha- Contrasts in the density of dwelling units and
gar Bazar and, particularly, in the Hamrin and at in facets of the material culture m a y signify varia-
C h o g a M a m i such decoration is a consistent fea- tion in what is in other ways a remarkably
ture at the end of the Halaf sequence. However, its homogeneous cultural zone. Granted the disper-
absence at Kharabeh Shattani is matched at U m m sion across the whole Jezirah of these small, low,
Qseir and S h a m s ed-Din, which are similar to single-period sites with less than the total repertoire
Kharabeh Shattani in terms of size and length of of characteristic artefact types, it seems clear that
occupation. It is suggested that this can be best they do not represent a regional variant. Factors
explained by differential access to or interest in the contributing to this particular form of patterning
more sophisticated aspects of the technology of might be varying population size, to which pres-
firing and pigments. sure on space might be related, the character of
Exploitation of animals in the Halaf period differentiations within the population (i.e. varia-
probably involved the herding of caprines. As the tions in the economic and social organization of
morphologically wild cattle remains recovered from the groups concerned), or perceived property
contexts which contain both Halaf and rights. Fluctuations in on-site population could
Achaemenid period material most likely belong to also be a factor in such a p h e n o m e n o n and would
the Halaf culture period, w e m a y infer that cattle themselves also be likely to reflect the c o m m u n i -
m a y have been hunted and possibly onager (as m a y ties' economic and social organization. For
of course some caprines and pig) (§ 9). Equid re- example, such fluctuations might be attendant on
mains cannot be identified with certainty in the the practice of transhumant pastoralism, and this
well-contexted Halaf sample, but at least some might also be an important factor in models built
from the mixed contexts m a y be Halaf in date on variation in economic or social organization.
(§ 9). In view of the similarities noted between There are hints that the herding of caprines was an
Kharabeh Shattani, S h a m s ed-Din and U m m Qseir important subsistence activity at Kharabeh and
in other regards it should be pointed out that there indeed at other Halaf sites. Unfortunately w e have
is no evidence that this resemblance extends to the little indication of the degree to which the practice
faunal assemblage. T h e latter two sites seem to have was integrated into a mixed farming economy such
exploited wild animals to a quite significant degree. as was certainly practised at some Halaf sites.
190 Kharabeh Shattani II

In terms of a normative understanding of cul- strong dynamic exchange and communication sys-
ture it appears that Kharabeh was well integrated tem, although not perhaps to the same extent as
into the Halaf cultural system. There are two some other sites. W h e r e there are differences, it is
modes for the maintenance of cultural continuity. not a question of divergence (which might be ex-
In one m o d e contemporary communities engage in plained in terms of localised cultural drift), but
dynamic communication in ways that reinforce rather of absence. Kharabeh Shattani is notable for
c o m m o n cultural practice. In diachtonic terms, on the absence of some but not all of the finer prod-
the other hand, within individual communities (or ucts of such Halaf systems. Thus, as remarked
local groups of communities) deeply encultured above, polychrome pottery was completely absent
behavioural modes are transmitted across the gen- and bichrome occurred only very sporadically
erations. Clearly the two modes are not mutually (§ 4). T h e repertoire in other areas of the material
exclusive but operate simultaneously, perhaps with culture is also limited in comparison with sites like
different degrees of relative importance in different Arpachiyah and Yarim Tepe II and III. There are
cultural situations. few indications at Kharabeh of some of the admin-
Before considering the position of Kharabeh istrative activities well documented at other Halaf
Shattani in relation to a synchronic, dynamic sites; there is only one fragment of what m a y be a
communication system, w e should note that loca- clay bulla, A A H 2 4 (§7).
tion and environment m a y also be significant as T h u s while Kharabeh appears well integrated
constraining factors in synchronic communication. into the Halaf cultural system both in terms of
However, Kharabeh Shattani is located within the certain preferred behavioural practices and the
geographical core of the Halaf culture distribution contemporary communications and exchange net-
and can in no way be thought to be restricted in its work, it can be contrasted in certain respects with
ability to engage in dynamic communication by what have been considered classic Halaf sites such
reason of its marginality. Another sense of mar- as Arpachiyah and Yarim Tepe II/III. These con-
ginality is that of a physical environment of limited trasts would associate a relative poverty in certain
economic potential: environmental marginality aspects of material culture with particular features
might be thought to inhibit economic activity with of site configuration and development and thus
repercussions on the production of certain kinds of link Kharabeh Shattani with late Halaf sites such as
culturally distinctive goods, and a reduction in the Shams ed-Din (Al-Radi and Seeden 1980) and
economic ability to participate in dynamic com- U m m Qseir (McCorriston 1992). W e have sug-
munication. Again, the location of Kharabeh gested that population size or fluctuation and
Shattani in the Tigris valley and within an area of economic organization m a y be factors in some of
relatively good annual rainfall cannot be described these phenomena; these sites do not have long se-
as marginal. quences, which m a y also contrast them with Yarim
It is clear that Kharabeh Shattani participated at Tepe II/III, Tell A q a b or Arpachiyah. T h e quality
some levels within a dynamic communication sys- of material products, sophistication of administra-
tem. A relatively high proportion of the chipped tive features, lengths and character of occupation
stone on the site was obsidian, and it is inherendy and size of or presence of differentiated popula-
highly unlikely that this material, which was avail- tions are all likely to reflect the long term stability
able only at a very considerable distance and and productive capacities of the communities con-
outside the Halaf culture area, was obtained di- cerned. For whatever reasons, then, it m a y be said
recdy from source. T h e same is true for the two that Kharabeh belonged to a class of Halaf sites
dentalium shell beads ( B C Z 5, § 7). Material for with a lower or less stable order of productive ca-
certain ground stone artifacts, especially basalt, pacity than sites such as Yarim Tepe and
originated outwith the immediate locale of Khara- Arpachiyah. In conclusion w e should emphasise
beh (§ 7), and m a y represent the product of an that there is already enough evidence to indicate
embedded procurement system, that is procure- that this cultural pattern should not be envisaged as
ment embedded within the pursuit of other a two-tier system. There are important cultural
activities (Binford 1979, 259). Further evidence for differences within the sub-group of long-lived Ha-
a dynamic communication model is the pottery, of laf settlements, as there are within the sub-group of
which quite a large proportion seems to have been relatively short-lived, loosely configured settle-
imported to the site (although over what distance is ments: the material culture differences between
unclear) {Volume 1, 60-62), and a small proportion Halaf are m u c h more subtle than can be de-
almost certainly was imported over some consider- scribed in a simple bipartite division into two
able distance {Volume 7, 61). groups.
This evidence suggests that, as with other Halaf
sites, Kharabeh Shattani was integrated into a
Summary & Discussion 191

§ 12.5: T H E A C H A E M E N I D PERIOD 78-79) there were dense concentrations of what

OCCUPATION were clearly storage pits in certain areas of the site;
some were brick-lined silos, while others without
The final occupation of the site occurred during brick iinings were of exacdy the same size and
the Achaemenid period, probably in thefifthto shape. A number of putative storage pits belonging
earlier fourth centuries B C . T h e interlude between to the Hellenistic period at nearby Tell M o h a m -
this and the previous prehistoric occupation is not m e d 'Arab (Roaf 1984, 144) had constricted necks
documented o n the site, unlike that between the of similar diameters to those at Kharabeh, but with
Proto-Hassuna and Halaf period occupations; it a more pronounced bell-shaped profile their basal
seems probable that there was erosion of the sur- diameters were considerably larger (Curtis et al
face of the site between the Halaf and the 1989, 10). Curtis etal. (1989, 10) also mentions a
Achaemenid occupations, and there was certainly a group of Hellenistic 'grain silos' from the site of
degree of disturbance and muting at the interface. Grai Darki in the Saddam D a m area (Fig. lb). T h e
All that survived of the site in recognisable form of Late Assyrian site of Qasrij cliff (1.5km approx. to
thisfinalperiod was a series of sub-surface features. the N of Kharabeh) consists of a large pit, consid-
T h e excavated area of the site seems to have been erably larger than the Kharabeh examples, for
densely pocked with pits. There are two groups, which a storage function is inferred (Curtis et al.
distinguished both o n morphological grounds and 1989, 10). W h a t are believed to be storage facilities
by the character and sequence of theirfills.T h e were clearly a c o m m o n and important component
larger group of bell-shaped and cylindrical pits m a y of the latefirstmillennium B C sites in this part of
plausibly be interpreted as for storage use. T h e N Iraq.
majority seem to belong to one phase but there are That settlement was located close to the pits at
hints of an earlier set of activities on the site involv- some point in the life cycle of the site is suggested
ing the cutting of only a few pits. T h e pottery by the wide variety of finds recovered from the
recovered, which has been the main source of evi- different fills. These included spindle whorls,
dence for dating the occupation, also seems to be a grinding equipment, and metal artifacts - jewel-
consistent assemblage indicative of a single, rela- lery, horse trappings, weapons and domestic,
tively short phase of use. possibly agricultural tools (§§ 7 and 8). There are
T h e consistency of thefinalfillsand the lack of two alternative sources for the derived m u d brick
intercutting amongst these later two main groups characteristic of the upper fills of the pits. T h e
of pits m a y indicate that, by the end of this phase building debris m a y have derived from superstruc-
in the life of the Achaemenid period site in this tures covering the pits, which is a plausible
area, these features stood open together. If that alternative if w e envisage the function of these pits
were the case, then there would have been little as related to storage. T h e broadly contemporary
room for conventional domestic (or larger) struc- pits at Tell ed-Mazar had such superstructures
tures in m u c h of the area. This area of the (Yassine 1988, 78-79). T h e concentrations of large
settlement m a y therefore have had a specialized limestone slabs in the upper fills of some pits,
aspect. If our inferences about the function of the B B D , BBJ and B C K , in appropriate reverse
largest group of pits is correct this aspect would stratigraphic position, seem likely to represent de-
have been one of storage. O f course, if there were a bris of foundations too substantial to belong
shifting pattern of opening and closure of the fea- merely to superstructures for the pits. O n the
tures, with the repeatedfinalfillingwith structural whole it seems more likely that this structural de-
debris representing a convenient m o d e of levelling, bris derived from more familiar structures
the presence of built structures in this area con- somewhere close by. Unfortunately, from the in-
temporary with some of the features would be a formation from Kharabeh w e cannot necessarily
possibility; against that hypothesis it has to be said assume that the site was a conventional village set-
that n o trace of any in situ structural remains was tlement, but w e do not have enough information
encountered, despite almost desperate efforts to from other sites of this rather poorly documented
locate some. period to place the site in a satisfactory context.
W e d o at least k n o w that such a concentration T h e importance of storage facilities here is, how-
of large pits was not typical of every part of sites of ever, interesting and instructive.
the broad post-Assyrian period in the neighbour-
hood from the evidence of Khirbet Qasrij (Curtis
etal. 1989), a site only 1.5km N of Kharabeh (Fig. § 12.6 KHARABEH VILLAGE SOUNDING
lc). W e also k n o w that at some sites of a broadly
contemporary period, albeit in different geographi- The very limited sounding on the edge of Khara-
cal settings, such as Tell ed-Mazar (Yassine 1988, beh Shattani village, about 2 0 0 m N of the main
192 Kharabeh Shattani II

site, yielded evidence of two distinct periods of tensive w o r k on the earliest occupation of the
earlier occupation, the first in the late Sasanian proto-Hassuna period. In view of the conditions of
period (5th to 7th centuries A D ) and the second in preservation and the limited potential of excavating
the late Islamic period (post-Ilkhanid to Ottoman). a series of pits, it is arguable that little more would
T h e information obtained from the sounding is have been learned from further excavation on the
limited to a very small assemblage of diagnostic Achaemenid period remains, and that doubling or
ceramics; while the uppermost level was surpris- trebling the a m o u n t of pottery recovered would
ingly uncontaminated by material from the not have been cost-effective employment of the
contemporary village and contained only pottery of limited funding. T h e Halaf deposits were the best
earlier, Islamic date, pottery from the Islamic and explored, which is in part a function of their pres-
the Sasanian periods was found together in the ervation and of our preparedness. T h e proto-
lower strata except those at the very bottom of the Hassuna deposits were discovered only during the
sounding. However, the two lowest strata were part course of what proved to be thefinalseason on the
of thefillof a pit, which contained only one dat- site, and, not surprisingly, the presence of an occu-
able (Sasanian), diagnostic sherd. pation of that date had not been detected from
T h e Sasanian ceramics all seem to consist of surface evidence. In the event, the rapidfillingof
wheel-thrown, m e d i u m coarse, plain wares, tem- the lake behind the d a m during the winter follow-
pered with sand and some vegetable matter in ing our second season removed any possibility of
conformity with the pottery from other sites of capitalising on these sealed and well-preserved de-
similar date recently excavated in the Saddam D a m posits. In any case, all that would have been
area (and being prepared for publication by St.J. possible, if a further season could have taken place,
Simpson). T w o sherds in particular were decorated was a programme aimed at digging (part of) the
by stamping with circular dies depicting a stag. area already opened through the Halaf deposits in
O n e of the dies was also used at three other sites in order to obtain some fairly arbitrary view of the
the D a m Project, indicating the potential of the architecture of the settlement, but controlled sam-
die-stamped pottery of this period for providing a ples of pottery and other portable artefacts and of
very tighdy controlled pottery chronology, and the the botanical and zoological materials.
extent of the circulation or trade in ceramics. T h e Nevertheless, most of what was found has been
equally small group of Late Islamic sherds is diffi- turned to a useful purpose. T h e proto-Hassuna
cult to date precisely, not only because of its ceramic assemblage is a coherent, if rather small,
paucity but also because of lack of information group, and w e hope that its detailed study and
about locally m a d e ceramics of this broad period in publication will prove a service to the recognition
N Mesopotamia. T h e sherds which might be diag- of what is becoming an increasingly commonly
nostic of particular stages within the Late Islamic noted culture-group in N Mesopotamia. In a
period seem to indicate a recent date (though the somewhat similar way the publication of the
villagers living at Kharabeh Shattani in the 1980s Achaemenid period ceramics will be the most use-
said that they had recendy settled the site). Thus, ful result of our work in the final phase of
like the main site, Kharabeh Village had been set- occupation on the main site. It is extraordinary to
ded three times at intervals. While Kharabeh notice that, w h e n the material was being excavated,
Shattani is one of a number of Late Sasanian sites washed, sorted and pondered over, there was
in the area, there is a notable shortage of Early Is- nothing with which to compare it. At m u c h the
lamic sites. T h e renewal of occupation in Late same time other excavators on other sites within
Islamic times, perhaps within the Ottoman period, the project area were finding similar, though not
alsofitswith the pattern in the immediate area and identical, material; as the references added since
more widely in N Mesopotamia. Jacqui G o o d w i n completed her original study
show, the concentration of archaeologists in the
project area has brought light to one the most
§ 12.7 CONCLUDING REMARKS profound dark ages in N Mesopotamian archaeol-
ogy and history. At this stage, and with the
Between the two locations on either side of the material recovered from a series of sites which no-
wadi, at Kharabeh Shattani village itself and in the one k n e w h o w to identify in advance, w e can only
field opposite the village, there were six distinct publish what w e have and lay the foundations for
and separate phases of occupation, most of which proper research in the future. T h e limited potential
received less investigation than they merited. It was of the material from the Achaemenid remains at
never the intention to do more than discover the Kharabeh Shattani means that the site can only
dates of any settlements below the contemporary assist in the reconstruction of the settlement pat-
village, but it was intended to carry out more in- tern of the period and its history w h e n taken in
Summary & Discussion 193

conjunction with all the other sites which are final gion. They cannot be regarded as an unusual and
Assyrian, post-Assyrian and earliest Hellenistic. marginal phenomenon; rather, the short-lived,
T h e Halaf culture period, by contrast, is m u c h single-phase settlement m a y well prove to be the
better documented and studied. T h e site was small, norm, or at least an alternative norm, in this part
not long occupied nor deeply stratified, and the of the Tigris valley.
area of our excavation was relatively restricted, but Another aspect of this still unfamiliar settle-
our work on the Halaf occupation at Kharabeh ment pattern m a y well prove to be the rhythm
Shattani can be brought into play in relation to which emerges w h e n the occupations and gaps
existing understanding of the culture of the period between occupations are s u m m e d from the accu-
and can be seen to m a k e its o w n contribution to mulated excavation reports. At present the evidence
furthering the debate. W e hope that the discussion is subjective and confined to those archaeologists
of the Halaf occupation at Kharabeh Shattani m a y w h o have worked in the area. However, it deserves
also be seen as a contribution to the understanding mention that the periods represented at Kharabeh
of the working of culture in general. Shattani were also found to be represented else-
Before closing this discussion it deserves to be where a m o n g the sites in the project, while the
remarked that the settlement type represented by periods not represented at Kharabeh Shattani (for
Kharabeh Shattani owes its recognition to the phe- instance, the later Hassuna period and the Ubaid
n o m e n o n of salvage archaeology on the large scale period, or the Late Assyrian period) are generally
required w h e n massive d a m projects are planned not represented elsewhere in the locality. T h e long-
for the major rivers of the Near East. While there term history of this part of the Tigris valley seems
were plenty of conventional tell-sites in the area of likely to consist of an ebb and flow of settlement,
the S a d d a m D a m Project, there were also m a n y rather as there were found to be periods of dense
sites which were not betrayed by the surface relief occupation followed by periods of extremely sparse
and which could only be found through intensive settlement in the area of the Diyala valley behind
survey of the area for surface sherds. T h e salvage the Hamrin D a m , N E of Baghdad. S o m e might
archaeology project, which located m a n y more sites say that such regions thus demonstrate their pe-
than were previously credited to that particular ripheral situation relative to the important cultural
part of the Tigris valley, and which provided for centres: others might reply that these regions are
some sort of investigation for most if not all of important to us both because they are proving to
those sites, will give us a view of a quite unfamiliar be more sensitive indicators of change than the
settlement pattern w h e n all the reports are pub- core areas and because they present us with signifi-
lished. At present it is enough to draw attention to cant cultural questions to tackle, thereby offering
the fact that relatively short-lived occupations such us the promise of deeper understandings of the
as those which m a k e up the intermittent history of workings of history and prehistory.
Kharabeh Shattani are quite c o m m o n in the re-

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