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Coca-Cola takes every customer as target and potential who is thirsty.

All age groups are being targeted

but the most potential is the age group from 18-25 that covers around 40% of total age segment.

Age: The target market for the Coca-Cola is based on age. The audience of Coca-Coal is youngester or
youth. It has wide range of targeting. It ranges from the age of 15-25 and reaches to 40.

Gender: Their targeting is not based gender but the results show that both genders like this product and
use it Coca-Cola segments pakistani market with a percentage ratio of 58% females and 42% males.

Life style: busy life style( face shortage of time) and mobile generation. Family; dependent on their
family. Occupation; students and family oriented people.

Nature: Fun lovin and entertainment loving.

Socio Economic Status: Upper lower and lower class. Coca-Cola serves its products using mass market

Geographic segmentation Internationally: Coke segments its products country wise and region wise.
The most important things is the taste and quality. It varies according to the taste and income level of
the people in that country third world countries are given low quality and taste


In demographic segmentation, the market is divided into groups on the basis of variables such as age,
family life cycle,, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, nationality, and social class.
Demographic variables are the most popular base of Coca-Cola Company for distinguishing their
customer groups. The reason is that consumer wants, preferences, and usage rates are often associated
with demographic variables. Another is that demographic variables are easier for Coca-Cola to measure
because they can evaluate or conduct surveys for the demographic segmentation. Identifying Market
Segments and Targets for Marketing Strategy Plan of Coca-Cola Company.

2.2.1. Age and Life-Cycle Stage

Coca-Cola Consumer wants and abilities change with age. Age and life cycle can be tricky variables
because there are different needs and wants as accord to the age of a person. The main sector in which
CocaCola Company targets is the youth because there is a much need of refreshment and energizers to
cope up with their daily activities.

2.2.2. Gender

Gender is also an issue needed to be given prior by Coca-Cola.

Men and women tend to have different attitudinal and behavioral orientations, based partly on genetic
makeup and partly on socialization practices. Coca Cola targets both genders with its wide variety of
drinks. This market is relatively large and is open to both genders, thereby allowing greater product
2.3. Psychographic segmentation

In psychographic segmentation, Coca Cola buyers are divided into different groups on the basis of
lifestyle or personality or values. People within the same demographic group can exhibit very different
psychographic profiles, for that reason Coca Cola Company designed and made product which are
suitable for their personality.

2.3.1. Lifestyle

People exhibit many more lifestyles than are suggested. People differ in attitudes, interest, activities,
and these affect the goods and services they consume. Coca-Cola Company presented products which
are suitable for modern, busy life style (shortage of time) and mobile generation.

2.3.2. Personality

Coca Cola Company is using personality variables to segment markets. They award Coca-Cola products
with a brand personality that corresponds to a target consumer personality.

2.4. Behavioural segmentation

In behavioral segmentation, Coca Cola buyers are divided into groups on the basis of their knowledge of,
attitude toward, use of, or response to a product. Many marketers believe that behavioral variables-
occasions, benefits, user status, usage rate, loyalty status, buyer-readiness stage, and attitude are the
best starting points for the construction of market segments.

2.4.1 Occasions

Coca Cola consumers can be distinguished according to the occasions when they develop a need,
purchase a product, or use a product. Occasion’s segmentation can help firms expand product usage.

2.4.2. Benefit sought

Sometimes, for the promotion strategy of Coke, Coca-Cola Company introduces prizes in the top cover.

Source: I0704027780.pdf (


Age: 10 – 40

Gender: Males and Females

Life-cycle stage: Bachelor. Singles not living at home, newly married couples, Full nest I and II

Income: Average, above average, high-income earners

Occupation: Professionals, students, and employees

Source: Coca-Cola Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning | EdrawMind

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