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FROM KM 0/000 TO 11/000


Volume -3


Section VII
Part- A & B : Technical Specification
Part- C : MSIP & ESMP Requirements
Section VII Works Requirements (Scope of Work)

Scope of Works
Road, Culverts and Protection Works:

1. The project road involves reconstruction &widening of roads construction of new

pavements (Flexible and Rigid), cross drainage works, drainage works (PCC Side drain and
RCC U shape / Rectangular shape drains) and protective works (breast walls, toe walls,
gabion walls, Retaining walls) and traffic safety (W Metal Beam crash barriers, Pedestrian
Guard Railingat footpath edge and other required locations.,) and road appurtenance.
2. The project involves certain trees to be cut has been identified under EMP measure.

3. Construction of RCC Covered drain: Length: 10,980m

4. Construction of PCC Side drain: Length: 5,655m

5. Construction of Minor Bridges: 2 numbers as per detailed drawings
6. Construction of Pipe Culverts: 31 numbers as per detailed drawings

7. Construction of Box Culverts: 11numbers as per detailed drawings

8. Construction of Slab Culverts: 1 numbers as per detailed drawings
9. Construction of Retaining/Toe wall: Length 1,860m
10. Construction of Breast wall: Length 5,525m
11. Construction of Gabion Walls: Length: 1,600m

12. Shotcreting with MS wire mesh: Length 995m

13. Improvements of Junctions:
Major Junction: 2numbers
Minor Junctions: 8numbers
14. Construction of Pick Up Bus Bays with Bus shelters: 9numbers
15. Double Beam W Beam crash barrier: Length: 2,000m
16. Providing Pedestrian Guard Railing: 10,630m
17. Electrical Powered Single Arm Street lights: 185 Numbers
18. Solar Powered Single Arm Street lights: 22 Numbers
19. High mast lighting: 2 Numbers

20. Construction of Rainwater harvesting systems: 11 numbers

21. Construction of suitable Entry and Exit facility to existing properties: As per site
22. Construction of suitable Mitigation measures for ongoing construction bridges: As per
site requirement
23 Mitigation Measures at Associated Facilities (At Locations of Construction of Bridges
under CRF Scheme)
Section VII Works Requirements (Project Location Map)

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Section VII Works Requirements (Project Location Map)


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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Technical Specification
The Standard Specifications comprise "Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fifth
Revision, August 2013)”, issued by the Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways
(MoSRT&H), Government of India and published by the Indian Roads Congress.
Bidder, if does not already possess a copy of the above, may purchase the same from the
Secretary, Indian Road Congress, Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi, 110 001.
Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


The Special Provisions are an amplification of the Standard Specifications and contain
provisions in respect of items of work not covered by or at variance with the Standard
The Special Provisions contained herein shall be read in conjunction with the other Bidding
Documents. The Special Provisions covering the materials and the workmanship aspects as
well as method of measurements and payments are included in this section. These Provisions
cover the items of civil and non-civil works coming under scope of this document. All work
shall be carried out in conformity with the same. These specifications are not intended to
cover the minute details. The works shall be executed in accordance with good practices
followed for achieving high standards of workmanship, thus ensuring safety and durability of
the construction. All codes and standards referred to in these specifications shall be the latest
thereof, unless otherwise stated.
Where there is any ambiguity or discrepancy between the Special Provisions and the Standard
Specifications, the requirements of Special Provisions shall prevail.
Clause numbers herein correspond with the numbers of related articles, if any, in the Standard
Specifications. The numbering of new clauses is continuous with related clauses in the
Standard Specifications.
The attention of the contractor is drawn to those clauses of codes which require supporting
specification either by the Engineer or by 'Mutual agreement between the Contractor and the
Engineer. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to seek clarification on any
uncertainty and obtain prior approval of the Engineer before taking up the
supply/construction. In the absence of such prior clarification, the Engineer's choice/design
will be final and binding on the contractor without entitling the contractor for any additional
Measurement and Payment
The methods of measurement and payment shall be as described under various items and in
the Bill of Quantities. Where specific definitions are not given the methods described in
MOSRT&H will be followed. Should there be any detail of construction or materials which
has not been referred to in the specification or in the Bill of Quantities and Drawings but the
necessity for which may be implied or inferred there from, or which is usual or essential to
the completion of the work in the trades, the same shall be deemed in the rate and prices
entered by the contractor in the Bill of Quantities.

Defective Works
All defective works are liable to be demolished, rebuilt and defective materials replaced by
the contractor at his own cost. In the event of such works being accepted by carrying out
repairs etc., as specified by the Engineer, the cost of repairs will be borne by the contractor.
Site Information
The information given hereunder and provided elsewhere in these documents is given in good
faith by the Employer but the Contractor shall satisfy himself regarding all aspects of site
conditions and no claim will be entertained on the plea that the information supplied by the
Employer is erroneous or insufficient.
Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

In general, the topography of the road is mountainous. Elevation ranges from 450 metres to
over 6,826 (Reo Purgyil) metres above sea level. The region extends from the Shivalik range
of mountains (barely mountainous region). At 7,026m Reo Purgyil is the highest mountain
peak in the state of Himachal Pradesh. The general physiographic divisions from south to
north are: The outer Himalayas (Shivaliks), The lesser Himalayas (central zone), The Great
Himalayas (northern zone), Zanskar range (shilla Peak-kinnaur, Pangi chamba)
General Climatic Conditions
The maximum average temperature is around 25 degrees C. The temperature varies from a
maximum of 26 degrees C during the summer (July to September) to a minimum of -4
degrees during the coldest winter (January and February).
The normal average annual rainfall in the project area is approximately 1200 mm. Most of it
occurs during the monsoon months of July through September.
Seismic Zone
The works are located in Seismic Zone-IV & V as defined in IRC: 6-2017.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Additional Specifications
The additional specifications shall comprise of specifications for particular items of work not
covered in Part – A and Part - B above.
The following Appendices describing additional specifications have been added to the Part –
A, Standard Specifications:

In the absence of any definite provisions on any particular issue in the aforesaid
Specifications, reference may be made to the latest codes and specifications of IRC, BIS,
ASTM, AASHTO and BS in that order. Where even these are silent, the construction and
completion of the works shall conform to sound engineering practice as approved by the

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Specifications for Buildings and miscellaneous Works:

Technical Specifications for Building, and Miscellaneous works shall be the latest
“Specifications Volume I to VI, 1996 for Civil Works” and General Specifications for
Electrical Works PART I – INTERNAL, PART – II, EXTERNAL for electric work 1994 as
published by the Central Public Works Department (CPWD), Government of India and deemed
to be bound into this document.
The Specifications for Buildings and other Miscellaneous Works, not covered by
specifications in Part-A and Part-B above, shall be “Specifications Volume I to VI, 1996 or
latest for Civil Works” published by Central Public Works Department (CPWD), Government
of India.

The Specifications for Electrical Works shall be “Specifications for Electrical Works -
Internal Works (Part -1) and External Works (Part -2), 1994 or latest, published by Central
Public Works Department (CPWD), Government of India

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


The Standard Specifications comprise "Specifications for Road and Bridge Works
(Fifth Revision, August 2013)”, issued by the Ministry of Shipping, Road
Transport & Highways (MoSRT&H), Government of India and published by the
Indian Roads Congress.
Bidder, if does not already possess a copy of the above, may purchase the same
from the Secretary, Indian Road Congress, Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road,
New Delhi, 110 001

Page 10 of 189
Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


The Special Provisions are an amplification of the Standard Specifications and contain
provisions in respect of items of work not covered by or at variance with the Standard
The Special Provisions contained herein shall be read in conjunction with the other
Bidding Documents. The Special Provisions covering the materials and the workmanship
aspects as well as method of measurements and payments are included in this section.
These Provisions cover the items of civil and non-civil works coming under scope of this
document. All work shall be carried out in conformity with the same. These specifications
are not intended to cover the minute details. The works shall be executed in accordance
with good practices followed for achieving high standards of workmanship, thus ensuring
safety and durability of the construction. All codes and standards referred to in these
specifications shall be the latest thereof, unless otherwise stated.
Where there is any ambiguity or discrepancy between the Special Provisions and the
Standard Specifications, the requirements of Special Provisions shall prevail.
Clause numbers herein correspond with the numbers of related articles, if any, in the
Standard Specifications. The numbering of new clauses is continuous with related clauses
in the Standard Specifications.
The attention of the contractor is drawn to those clauses of codes which require supporting
specification either by the Engineer or by 'Mutual agreement between the Contractor and
the Engineer. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to seek clarification
on any uncertainty and obtain prior approval of the Engineer before taking up the
supply/construction. In the absence of such prior clarification, the Engineer's
choice/design will be final and binding on the contractor without entitling the contractor
for any additional payment.
Measurement and Payment
The methods of measurement and payment shall be as described under various items and in
the Bill of Quantities. Where specific definitions are not given the methods described in
MOSRT&H will be followed. Should there be any detail of construction or materials which
has not been referred to in the specification or in the Bill of Quantities and Drawings but the
necessity for which may be implied or inferred there from, or which is usual or essential to
the completion of the work in the trades, the same shall be deemed in the rate and prices
entered by the contractor in the Bill of Quantities.
Defective Works
All defective works are liable to be demolished, rebuilt and defective materials replaced by
the contractor at his own cost. In the event of such works being accepted by carrying out
repairs etc., as specified by the Engineer, the cost of repairs will be borne by the contractor.
Site Information
The information given hereunder and provided elsewhere in these documents is given in good
faith by the Employer but the Contractor shall satisfy himself regarding all aspects of site
conditions and no claim will be entertained on the plea that the information supplied by the
Employer is erroneous or insufficient.
In general, the topography of the road is mountainous. Elevation ranges from 450 metres to
over 6,826 (Reo Purgyil) metres above sea level. The region extends from the Shivalik range
of mountains (barely mountainous region). At 7,026m Reo Purgyil is the highest mountain

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

peak in the state of Himachal Pradesh. The general physiographic divisions from south to
north are: The outer Himalayas (Shivaliks), The lesser Himalayas (central zone), The Great
Himalayas (northern zone), Zanskar range (shilla Peak-kinnaur, Pangi chamba)
General Climatic Conditions
The maximum average temperature is around 25 degrees C. The temperature varies from a
maximum of 26 degrees C during the summer (July to September) to a minimum of -4
degrees during the coldest winter (January and February).
The normal average annual rainfall in the project area is approximately 1200 mm. Most of it
occurs during the monsoon months of July through September.
The Project road traverses through the snow bound area.
Seismic Zone
The works are located in Seismic Zone-IV & V as defined in IRC: 6-2017.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Additional Specifications
The additional specifications shall comprise of specifications for particular items of work not
covered in Part – A and Part - B above.
The following Appendices describing additional specifications have been added to the Part –
A, Standard Specifications:

In the absence of any definite provisions on any particular issue in the aforesaid
Specifications, reference may be made to the latest codes and specifications of IRC, BIS,
ASTM, AASHTO and BS in that order. Where even these are silent, the construction and
completion of the works shall conform to sound engineering practice as approved by the

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Specifications for Buildings, Subways and miscellaneous Works:

Technical Specifications for Building, Subways, etc. and Miscellaneous works shall be the
latest “Specifications Volume I to VI, 1996 for Civil Works” and General Specifications for
Electrical Works PART I – INTERNAL, PART – II, EXTERNAL for electric work 1994 as
published by the Central Public Works Department (CPWD), Government of India and deemed
to be bound into this document.
The Specifications for Buildings and other Miscellaneous Works, not covered by
specifications in Part-A and Part-B above, shall be “Specifications Volume I to VI, 1996 or
latest for Civil Works” published by Central Public Works Department (CPWD), Government
of India.

The Specifications for Electrical Works shall be “Specifications for Electrical Works -
Internal Works (Part -1) and External Works (Part -2), 1994 or latest, published by Central
Public Works Department (CPWD), Government of India

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)



The following abbreviations shall be added in this Clause:

"MOSRT&H" : Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport &

Highways (Previously known as ‘MOST’,
Ministry of Surface Transport)
"GOHP" : Government of Himachal Pradesh
“PMC” : Polymer Modified Cement
“BOQ” : Bill of Quantities
“HPSPCB” : Himachal Pradesh State Pollution
Control Board
“MDD” : Maximum Dry Density
“PWD” : Public Works Department


Add following line at end of the clause
The latest eddition of these standard till 60 (sixty) days before the final
date of submission of the tender shall be adopted.
Sub-Clause 105.3
Delete the text of Clause 105.3 and substitute the following:
“The Contractor shall institute and operate a quality management system
complying with SP-47 (Quality systems for road bridges) and SP-57
(Quality system for roads). The quality management system shall be
described in a Quality Assurance Plan that shall be submitted to the
Engineer for acceptance not later than 28 days after the Letter of
Acceptance. The costs associated with preparing, implementing and
monitoring the quality management system shall be deemed to be
covered in the scope of the work. The Quality Assurance Plan shall
cover the following items:
i) The Contractor’s organization and management including:
· The definition of the Contract and its documentation;
· The organization of the Contract, including the line of command and
communication links between parties involved in the Contract;
· Names, roles, responsibilities and authority of principles and key
· Control of liaison and meetings with third parties;
· Uploading and maintaining weekly and monthly progress reports and
other data by the Contractor at the MS Project software or other excel
based software and follow as per client requirement.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

· Identification of the Contractor’s staff responsible for overseeing each

major activity;
· Contractor’s control of sub-contracts;
· Document control;
· Program for submission of method statements;
· Procedures for the preparation, review and adjustment of programmes
for the effective progression of the Works;
· Procedures for the regular review and recording by the Contractor of the
quality of the Works;
· Control of personal selection based on skill and experience;
· Management review and audit to monitor and exercise adequate control
over the implementation of the quality plan.
ii) The Contractor’s detailed method statements and construction
procedures for each major activity whether directly controlled or
subcontracted including:
· Plant and materials to be used, safety measures, the requirement for
skilled labour and/or special supervision and working space;
· Delivering, handling and storage of materials;
· Environmental control in respect of pollution, noise, dust, temperature,
working hours, traffic control etc;
· Hold points i.e. the stages at which checks are necessary before
· Work instructions, quality control procedures, compliance testing,
inspection procedures and work acceptance procedures.
· Sanitation and living condition for workers
· Selection of site for Hot Mix Point
iii) The Contractor’s construction quality control including;
· A statement of the Contractor’s organization for quality control;
· Control of test laboratories;
· Control of test, measuring and inspection equipment;
· Document control;
· Procedure for monitoring and recording the inspection, test and approval
status of the Works;
· Procedures for the collation of quality records and provision of copies to
the Engineer;
· Procedures for the receipt, examination and verification of certificates of
conformity and test results for purchased products.”
The general procedures of the QA-programme shall be submitted to the
Employer and Engineer for approval not later than twenty-eight days after
the date of receipt of letter of acceptance. The special part of the QA-
programme shall be submitted successively to the effect that it shall have

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

been approved prior to the commencement of the activities to which the

programme shall apply.
Add the following at the end of sub-para (b)
No equipment used in the work shall be more than 5-7 years old, as
applicable in terms of list of mandatory equipment in Volume –I of the
Add the following sub para (l) after sub para (k)
i) All measuring devices and gauges shall be in good working
condition. Measuring devices that are linked to product quality shall be
calibrated in presence of the Engineer or his authorized representative or
Calibration certificate from manufacturer or authorized testing facility
approved by Engineer shall be produced, at prescribed intervals prior to
use. Calibration procedures shall be established, maintained and
documented and corrective actions taken when results are unsatisfactory.
Accuracy and fitness of measuring devices shall be ensured by proper
Sub clause 107.1
Replace first sentence of sub-clause with:
“The drawings provided with the Tender Documents shall be the
contract drawings according to which the works are to be executed and
completed unless otherwise modified or supplemented by the ‘Engineer’
during the course of the work”.
Sub-Clause 107.2
Add the following paragraphs at the end of sub-clause:
One set of Original “Good For Construction drawings” shall be kept at
the Construction site and second set shall be kept at the contractors site
office under document control section and should be available for
Inspection / Verification at any time. All Superseded / Obsolete drawing
should be clearly marked as “Superseded” or “Obsolete
The contractor shall maintain a document control procedure for “Good For
Construction Drawings” also as per QA – Programme in accordance with
provision of Clause 105.3. The contractor shall include all the above
activities in their Construction Programme, which is to be submitted in
accordance with the Conditions of Contract.
Sub-Clause 108.4

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

“The quarry charts enclosed with the Tender Documents indicate the
location of quarries and other sources from which naturally occurring
materials are available, for guidance of the Contractor. The Contractor
shall identify quarries; borrow areas and other sources of materials
required for the work. Contractor shall satisfy himself that the required
materials are available in adequate quantities and complying with the
requirements of specifications. No claims shall be entertained on account
of non-availability of materials and increase in leads etc.
It is the sole responsibility of the Contractor to arrange the quarries,
borrow areas etc., on license / lease basis or otherwise, and study in
detail before tendering, the scope of taking the quarry on lease. Advance
information must be collected by the contractor regarding the procedure
laid down and the consequent delay in arranging the quarries on lease
and must make alternative arrangement to procure the quarry products
from lease holders. No separate payment will be made for arranging such
quarries, borrow areas, etc.”
Sub-Clause 109.3
Add following Para at end of sub-Clause
The intervals for setting out of centreline as given above is for general
guidance only and the contractor may be required to carry out the setting
out at more closer intervals as deemed fit by the Engineer. The decision
of Engineer in this regards shall be final and binding. No extra payment
claims shall be admissible for this reduced interval.

Sub-Clause 109.8
In 1st sentence, replace”……. having a standard deviation of ± 2mm per
km,……” with ”……. having a standard deviation of ± 1mm per km
double run leveling,……
In 2nd sentence, replace”……. having an accuracy of one second.” with
”……. having an accuracy of 0.5 second.”
Sub-Clause 110.2
Add following as 2nd paragraph to the sub-clause 10.2
The contractor will not be entitled for any additional compensation for
delay in cutting of trees, shifting of utilities and removal of
encroachments by the service provider/concerned authorities/public
utility bodies.
Sub-Clause 110.4

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Add words “and properties” between words “services” and “affected”

in 1st line of this sub-clause.

Sub-Clause 110.7
Add following as 2nd paragraph to clause 110.7

The Employer will make payments for cutting trees and shifting of
utilities, wherever required. The contractor shall obtain necessary
approval from such authorities after payments by the Employer and also
in cases where payments are not required to be made for such shifting.
The Employer will also write to all concerned department/service
provider organization for expedite and facilitating cutting of trees,
shifting of utilities and removal of encroachments, etc.
Sub-Clause 110.8
Add following as 2nd paragraph to clause 110.8

Payments made to contractor persuant to this sub-clause shall be paid

by the funds of Himachal Government, but not from the proceeds of
the loan.


Sub-Clause 111.1
Add following at the end of this sub-clause:
“The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been prepared to
provide the Contractor with measures to be taken to manage
environmental matters during the Contract period. The issuance of the
Environmental Management Plan does not relieve the Contractor of the
responsibility to ensure total compliance with current laws, rules and
regulations in force governing pollution and environmental protection
applicable to the State Himachal Pradesh or where the Works are
situated. This total compliance is required during the construction phase
for construction related activities. The Contractor must carry out the
requirements of the EMP and as listed under Clause 111.15.
In all situations where the Contractor is required to obtain approval or a
license, from Statutory Authorities or Landowners independent of the
Employer, for any activity associated with the Works to be executed
under the contract, evidence of the approval or license must be provided
to the Engineer for his consent prior to commencement of any operation
associated with the work which necessitated this approval or license.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

All costs associated with environmental protection during the

construction phase (for construction related activities only) including
obtaining the necessary approvals and licenses, shall be deemed to be
included in the rates for items of work included in the Bill of Quantities.
The items mentioned in Bill No. 1(c), which have been covered in
MoRT&H specifications or Section VI of Bid document (Technical
Specifications) will not be paid separately.
The Contractor shall preserve existing trees, plants, and other vegetation
that are to remain within or adjacent to the Works and shall take all
precautions necessary to prevent damage or injury thereto. Any
accidental cutting/clearance of tree, plants and other vegitation shall be
replanted to the satisfaction of the Engineer and at the cost of the
On completion of the Works, all areas disturbed by the Contractor’s
construction activities (such as areas of compounds, material storage,
access and haul roads) shall have been restored to their original
condition, and agreed as having been restored by the relevant property
owner or as may be acceptable to the Engineer. Restoration of an area
shall include clearing excess material, scarifying the surface, top soiling,
seeding and planting. The cost of this work shall be deemed to be
ncluded in the rates of items of work.
The Contractor’s on-site establishment shall include an Environmental
and Safety Manager with qualification & experience as mentioned in
available at any time, who will be responsible for all environmental and
safety matters associated with the Works. The nominated person shall
have a working knowledge of National and State current laws, rules and
regulations in force that relate to the protection of the environment with
respect to the Works to be undertaken as part of this Contract.
Haul roads shall be inspected at least once daily to clear any accidental
spillage. In the event of any spoil, debris, wastes or any deleterious
substance from the Site being deposited on any adjacent land, the
Contractor shall immediately remove all such material at no cost to the
Contract and restore the affected area to its original state to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.”
Sub-Clause 111.2
Borrow Pits for Embankment Construction
Add following at the end of this sub-clause:
“Prior approval shall be sought from the concerned State Authorities,
and the Contractor shall comply with all local environmental regulations.
For all borrow areas, the actual extent of area/zones to be excavated shall

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

be demarcated with the signboards and the operational areas shall be

access controlled.
In the case of borrow from tank beds, a re-grade/improvement of the
inlet channels (at least up to 100m stretch) shall be undertaken in
consultation with the concerned state government departments (the
Minor Irrigation department of the State PWD) and local bodies. The
Contractor shall ensure that excavation of tank beds is uniform over the
entire area and that the finished profile of the bed is smooth.
In the case of borrow from the dry highlands, all borrow areas shall be
reinstated by the formation gentle side slopes, re-vegetated and
connected to the nearest drainage channel to avoid the formation of
pools during/after the rainy seasons.
Plant and machinery used in the borrow areas shall conform to State
noise emission regulations. All operation areas shall be water sprinkled
to contain dust levels to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.”
Sub-Clause 111.3
Quarry Operations
Add following paragraphs at end of Sub- Clause 111.3
“Aggregates shall be sourced only from quarry sites that comply with the
local/state environmental and other applicable regulations. Occupational
safety procedures/practices for the work force in all quarries shall be in
accordance with applicable laws. Quarry and crushing units shall have
adequate dust suppression measures, such as sprinklers, in work areas
and along all approach roads to the quarry sites. These shall preferably
be located on the upwind side.”
The possible suggestive locations are furnished, however contractor is
responsible for arranging the material sources in accordance with the
requirements of technical specifications.
Sub-Clause 111.5
Pollution from Hot-Mix Plant and Batching Plants
Delete the 1st sentence of Sub-Clause 111.5 and substitute the following:
“Stone crushing and screening plants, Bituminous hot mix plant and
concrete batching plants shall be located at least one (1) km away from
the sensitive receptors (schools, hospitals, etc.) and at least 500m from
urban settlements, unless otherwise required by the statutory
requirements of respective state.”
Sub-Clause 111.6
Substances Hazardous to Health.
Add the following after the first paragraph:

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

“The use of any herbicide or other toxic chemical shall be subject to the
approval of the relevant Authorities and strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. The Engineer will be given at least six (6)
working days notice of the proposed use of any herbicide or toxic
A register of all herbicides and other toxic chemicals delivered to the
site, shall be kept and maintained up to date by the Contractor. The
register shall include the trade name, physical properties and
characteristics, chemical ingredients, health and safety information, safe
handling and storage procedures, and emergency and first aid procedures
for the product.”
Sub-Clause 111.8 Environmental Protection
Sub-Clause 111.8.1
Add the following text at the end of 1st Paragraph of Sub-Clause
Water tankers with suitable sprinkling system shall be deployed along
the haulage roads and in the work sites. Water shall be sprinkled
regularly all along the routes to suppress airborne dusts from
truck/dumper movements particularly on unpaved roads. The sprinkling
shall be carried out minimum twice a day as intstrucuted by the Engineer
to suit site conditions.”
After Sub-Clause 111.8.4 Add the following new Sub-Clauses 111.8.5
to 111.8.8
Sub-Clause 111.8.5
Haulage Roads
Existing roads used for hauling shall be strengthened and/ or widened by
the Contractor in accordance with the requirements for normal and
construction traffic. Where such roads do not exist, the Contactor shall
construct project specific single lane paved roads in settlement areas and
gravel roads in open areas conforming to the Ministry of Shipping, Road
Transport and Highways (MOSRT&H) specifications.
The alignment of the haulage roads shall be fixed to avoid agricultural
land to the extent possible. In unavoidable circumstances, suitable
compensation shall be paid to the people whose land will be temporarily
acquired for the duration of the operations. The compensation shall cover
for loss of income for the duration of temporary acquisition and land
restoration. Prior to the construction of the haul roads, topsoil shall be
stripped and stockpiled for re-use.
Material dumping sites shall be access controlled to prevent the
unauthorized entry of the people, grazing cattle and stray animals.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Haulage roads shall be reinstated upon completion of hauling for the use
of local communities.”
Sub-Clause 111.8.6
Equipment and Vehicles used for the Works
Equipments and vehicles deployed for the construction activities shall
not be older than 5 years. Equipments used for road and bridge works
shall be based on new technology and shall generate noise and pollutants
not exceeding the limits specified by the relevant State Authorities.
Vehicles and machineries used for road and bridge works are to be
regularly maintained to conform to the National Air Quality Standards.

Sub-Clause 111.8.7
Noise Control
The Contractor shall consider noise as an environmental constrain in the
planning and execution of the Works.
The Contractor shall take all necessary measures so that the operation of
all mechanical equipment and construction processes on and off the site
shall not cause any unnecessary or excessive noise, taking in to account
applicable environmental requirements. The Contractor shall use all
necessary measures and shall maintains all plant and silencing
equipment in good conditions so as to minimize the noise emission
during construction works.
Any member of the work force likely to be exposed to beyond their
threshold noise levels shall be provided with protective equipment, such
as earplugs, and shall be rotated every four hours.
Construction operations shall be limited to daytime hours only,
particularly in the settlement areas.
Sub-Clause 111.8.8
Vibration Control
The Contractor shall take measures during construction activities to
control the movement of the work force and construction
machinery/equipment, and to avoid/ minimize activities, which produce
Sub-Clause 111.10
Control and Disposal of Wastes
Add the following sentence between 1st and 2nd sentence of Sub-
Clause 111.10
The Discharge Standards promulgated under the Environment protection
Act, 1986, shall be adhered to strictly. All waste arising from the project
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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

is to be disposed of in a manner acceptable to the Engineer and the State

Pollution Control Board. Add Following Paragraphs at end of sub-
clause 111.10
Spilling of oil and bituminous products during construction and transport
shall be avoided to reduce the chances of contamination of surface as
well as ground water.
Degraded materials shall be disposed of in a manner as approved by the
Engineer and wastewater shall be disposed into septic tanks and soak
pits etc. The Contractor shall make arrangements to cleanup spoil as
soon as the work finishes in a stretch. If such sites are located outside the
ROW, restoration of the site to a level acceptable to the land owner(s)
will be carried out within a time period agreed between landowner(s)
and the Contractor. Separators shall be used to separate POL materials
from wastewater prior to discharging to the watercourses or as approved
by the Engineer in conformance with directives and guidelines.
Disposal of solid waste materials shall be outlined in a plan for which
environmental clearances shall be obtained from State environmental
regulatory authorities. Potential locations for solid waste disposal are the
natural depressions and borrow areas. The areas used for dumping of
uncontaminated debris shall be covered with 300mm soil and shall be
planted. Contaminated debris shall be dumped in depressions whose bed
must be impervious e.g., stone quarry sites or depressions made
impervious with 450mm thick impervious floor apron as per
MOSRT&H Technical Specifications. Each successive 1.0m layers shall
be covered with 500mm thick soil layer, and the area will be covered
with 300mm thick layer and planted.


Sub-Clause 112.1 General
Add words “Two weeks” at start of 2nd last srntence of first
Paragraph of sub-clause 112.1:
Add following items after item v) of Sub-Clause 112.1
vi) Drawings for any temporary diversions away from the existing
vii) Details of the traffic management measures to be used where traffic
will use part of the existing carriageway in accordance with Sub-Clause
112.2; these shall include the traffic arrangements proposed to be in
place after the cessation of work each day.
Add following paragraphs at end of Sub-Clause 112.1

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

“The Traffic Management Plan shall conform to the typical

arrangements shown in the road works drawings, or as otherwise
directed by the Engineer.
The Traffic Management Plan shall be as per guidelines given in
Special consideration shall be given in the preparation of the Traffic
Management Plan to the safety of pedestrians and workers and
delineation of the roadway at night.
The Engineer’s written approval of the Traffic Control Plan, including
any temporary diversions, shall be obtained by the Contractor before any
work is commenced.
The Contractor ‘s Safety Officer shall have day-to-day responsibility for
implementing and maintaining all safety measures.
The entire Contractor's staff shall wear high-visibility orange or yellow
jackets or waistcoats while at the construction site.
As part of the suppression of dust due to the progress of earthworks, at
all times it shall be ensured that dust suppression measures are taken up
in accordance with the provisions of EMAP.
Persistent breaches of the safety provisions by the Contractor and his
employees shall constitute a sufficient cause for action and penalties.”
Sub-Clause 112.2 Passage of Traffic along a part of the Existing Carriageway under
Replace the paragraphs in the sub-clause with the following
“For widening and strengthening of the existing carriageway where part
width of the existing carriageway is proposed to be used for passage of
traffic, the following requirements must be respected:
i) Normally, a roadway width equivalent to the available roadway
width without project situation for two-way traffic shall remain
open at all times, but, where there is not possible to achieve, one-
way traffic on a 3.7m lane (absolute minimum 3.25m) with
traffic management shall be used.
ii) Edge marking on both side of cairrageway thus provided shall be
provided. For night time movement delinator on both side shall
be provided to the satisfaction of the engineer.
iii) Suitable baricading shall be provided to separate traffic lanes
from construction zone.
iv) Traffic Safety Devices and road signs shall be provided as per

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

v) Where ever traffic movement is restricted to one way traffic

traffic marshals/Flagsmen equiped with red and green flags,
lanterns/lights and walkie talkies shall be deployed on both sides
during all hours of such construction zones to control traffic
vi) The surface used by the through traffic shall at all times be a firm
all weather compacted surface with Bituminous surface dressing
free of pot holes and other defects like ponding of water etc..
vii) The maximum continuous length over which construction under
traffic may take place shall be limited to 500m.
viii) Construction activity shall always be restricted to only one side
of the existing road.
ix) In any case Engineer and Contractor shall ensure that a
continuous road section of length in excess of 1 km (i.e 1000 m
thousand meters) shall not be permitted for taking up of earth
works and an aggregate length of the section where the earth
works are in progress at any given instant shall not be more than
7000 m or 7 km.
In case of eccentric widening of existing two lanes to four lanes, the
additional two lanes shall be constructed first up to the stage of
Bituminous Concrete for a minimum length of 2 km. and traffic diverted
to it and only thereafter the required treatment to the existing
carriageway including construction of median shall be taken up. In case
of concentric widening requirements as above shall apply”
Sub-Clause 112.3 Passage of Traffic along a temporary diversion
Replace the clause with following
Temporary diversion to carry traffic, either at the site of cross drainage
structures which are to be replaced or at any other locations, shall
comply with the following:
Embankments as per clause 305. The use of fly ash in temporary
diversions will not be permitted.
Pavement 3.5m wide or existing carriage width whicever is maximum
and 1.0m earthen shoulder on each side with the following provision for
road crust in the above width:
(i) Eartwork/Embankment as per site condition and as approved by
engineer in confirmity to clause 305.
(ii) 200mm compacted granular sub-base as per clause 401,
(iii) 225mm compacted granular base course as per clause 404, 405
or 406
(iv) Priming and Tack Coat as per clause 502 and 503 and

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

(v) 20mm Close-Graded Premix Surfacing/Mixed Seal Surfacing as

per clause 508 with Seal Coat as per clause 511.
Earth shoulders 1.0m wide shall be provided on both side of the
pavement as per clause 408
Minimum horizontal radius on curves 50m shall be provided.
Maximum gradient 5 percent and minimum camber of 2.5 percent shall
be provided.
Restriction of maximum speed to 30kmph along the temoprary diversion
shall be adheared.
Cross drainage structures (if any) in temporary diversion shall be
adequate to deal with the water flow at all seasons at that location.
Account should be taken of the waterway area and other relevant
parameters of the existing and proposed replacement structures as given
in the drawings. Causeways if provided in temporary diversion and
agreed by Engibeer may only be overtopped and the road closed to
traffic for short periods in extreme flood conditions. Adequate erosion
protection must be provided.
The location of temporary diversion, alignment and longitudinal section
of diversion including junctions and temporary cross drainage provision
shall be approved by the Engineer.The Contractor shall be responsible
for the design of temporary diversions and submit the designs to the
Engineer for his approval. If the contractor finds it necessary to
construct part of any diversion outside the Right of Way the temporary
use of additional land shall be arranged for by him at his expense. Any
roadside trees that have to be removed for the construction of temporary
diversions shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor
shall provide adequate warning signs, speed breakers, barriers, marker
posts etc., as per IRC: SP 55 - 2014 as well as other stipulations given in
clause 112.4 to ensure safety of the traffic, all to the approval of the
Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for the dismantling and
disposal of all temporary diversions when approved by the Engineer.
Sub-Clause 112.4 Traffic Safety and Control
Add the following paragraph after 2nd paragraph of Sub-Clause

“The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the adequate safety of all
site operations and methods of construction.”
Add the following paragraph after 4th paragraph of Sub-Clause
“The design and layout of all traffic management devices shall be in
accordance with the roadwork’s drawings, the Traffic Management
Planand as per IRC:SP:55-2014 or as otherwise directed by the

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Engineer. All signs, barricades, and delineators shall be reflectorised.

Regulatory, Warning and Informatory signs shall conform to IRC 67-
2001 with sign faces made from retro-reflective sheeting of High
intensity grade or Engineering grade.”

Add the following paragraphs after last paragraph of Sub-Clause

“In any case Engineer and Contractor shall ensure that a continuous road
section of length in excess of 1 km (i.e 1000 m thousand meters) shall
not be permitted for taking up of earth works and an aggregate length of
the section where the earth works are in progress at any given instant
shall not be more than 7000 m or 7 km.
At all times, the Contractor shall provide safe and convenient passage for
vehicles, pedestrians and livestock to and from side roads and property
accesses connecting to the roadway. Work which affects the use of side
roads and existing accesses shall not be undertaken without providing
adequate provisions to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Persistent breaches of the safety provisions by the Contractor and his
employees shall constitute a sufficient cause for action and penalties”.
Sub-Clause 112.5 Maintenance of Diversions and Traffic Control Devices
Replace the paragraphs in the sub-clause with the following
The Contractor shall at all times maintain the signs, lights, barricades,
round the clock flag mans and other traffic control devices in the correct
position as per the drawings and the Traffic Management Plan, or as
otherwise directed by the Engineer. All signs, lights, barricades and
other traffic control devices, as well as the riding surface of diversions,
shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition till such time they are
required and as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be
responsible for replacing or repairing all signs, lights, barricades, and
other traffic control devices that are lost, stolen, damaged or defaced.
The barricade shall be approved for the type and quality prior to the use
for the traffic management by the Engineer, the barricading shall be
made of MS steel sheets with properly designed support and anchorage
system acceptable to the Engineer.
Any temporary roadway or existing road shall be kept free of dust by
frequent applications of water.
Upon completion of the Works all temporary roads, temporary bridges,
signs, lights, barriers, other traffic control devices and other equipment
shall be completely removed unless otherwise approved in writing by
the Engineer

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Any serious work zone safety deficiency by the contractor in the site-
specific traffic management plan approved by the Engineer having failed
to provide in fulfiiling the approved plan in the repair or maintainenance
of existing or temporary roadways, or provide sufficient or appropriate
warning signs, lights, barricades, traffic control, etc. he shall instruct the
Contractor, in writing, to provide required repairs and maintenance and
take such actions as he considers appropriate for protection of traffic,
pedestrians, employees and the works within a specified time. If the
Contractor fails to respond within the time given by the Engineer, the
same shall be treated as “fundamental breach of contract “. and the
Engineer may suspend works which interfere with traffic until such time
as the Contractor provides required repairs and maintenance as the
Engineer has directed, or the Engineer may arrange to provide the
required repairs and maintenance at cost to the Contractor, these costs
being deducted from payment due to the Contractor under the Contract
along with liquidated damages.
If in the opinion of the Engineer the Contractor has failed to properly to
provide and repair or maintain existing or temporary roadways, or
provide sufficient or appropriate warning signs, lights, barricades, traffic
control, etc. he shall instruct the Contractor, in writing, to provide
required repairs and maintenance and take such actions as he considers
appropriate for protection of traffic, pedestrians, employees and the
works. If the Contractor fails to respond within the time given by the
Engineer, the Engineer may suspend works which interfere with traffic
until such time as the Contractor providesrequired repairs and
maintenance as the Engineer has directed, or the Engineer may arrange
to provide the required repairs and maintenance at cost to the Contractor,
these costs being deducted from payment due to the Contractor under the
Sub-Clause 112.6 Measurements for payment and rate
Replace the paragraphs in the sub-clause with the following
All arrangement for traffic during construction including temporary
safety barricades, temporary traffic signs, providing traffic safety, flag
mans round the clock and control devices where necessary, temporary
diversions and temporary cross drainage structures, if required, and
construction of treated shoulders for traffic during construction, as
mentioned hereafter, shall be payable separately as per relevant items in
the BOQ if provided, else treat the items as incidental to the works.
Temporary safety barricade shall be measured in linear meter-month.
The contract unit rate for the temporary safety barricade shall be
payment in full for the cost all labour, materials, installation,
maintenance or replacement, shifting of temporary units from one

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

location to other and refilling the temporary holes made in the ground
including removing debris and all other incidentals to complete the work
in all respect. These temporary units shall not be used in any permanent
work in the project.
Temporary traffic signs shall be measured in Number - month. The
contract unit rate for the temporary traffic signs shall be payment in full
for the cost all labour, materials, installation, maintenance or
replacement, shifting of temporary traffic signs from one location to
other and refilling the temporary holes made in the ground including
removing debris and all other incidentals to complete the work in all
respect. These temporary traffic signs shall not be used in any permanent
work in the project.
Traffic safety and control devices shall be measured in Number - month.
The contract unit rate for the traffic safety and control devices shall be
payment in full for the cost of all procurement, installation, maintenance
or replacement, shifting of traffic safety and control devices from one
location to other and all other incidentals to complete the work in all
respect. These traffic safety and control devices shall not be used in any
permanent work in the project.
CLAUSE 113.2
Replace the paragraphs in the sub-clause with the following
“The rates in the Bill of Quantities are deemed to include the costs of
haulage from the source of supply to the site for all materials required
for the works.”
Delete the second sentence of paragraph 5 " The average thickness
of the pavement course…….in writing” and add the following:
“The levels indicated on the Drawings or as modified by the Engineer
are the levels to which the works shall be completed. The average
thickness of pavement course at any section shall be the arithmetic mean
of the difference of levels before construction at all the grid points and
the levels after construction at the same grid points provided that the
actual accomplished levels lie within the tolerances provided in the
specifications. No measurement or payment shall be made for
bituminous mixes laid in excess of the thickness or width shown on the
drawings or specified by the Engineer.”
Add the following new sub-Clause 113.6 after Clause 113.5

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Sub-Clause 113.6 Measurement of Works & Survey Checks

The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of qualified surveyors,
helpers and labourers etc. as and when required by the Engineer to
facilitate survey checks and/or during measurement of works. The cost
of the same shall be deemed to be included in the item rates quoted by
the Contractor and no additional payment whatsoever shall be made by
the Employer
Sub-Clause 114.2 Item (ii) of Clause 114.2 shall read as follows:
A detailed resource based construction programme including resources
planning using computerized critical path network method/PERT in a
form, which facilitates control of the progress of the works and
consequences of any changes in terms of time. The programme shall also
include detailed network, activities for the submission and approval of
materials, procurement of critical materials and equipment, fabrication of
special products/ equipment and their installation and testing and for all
activities of the Contractor that are likely to affect the progress of work
etc. including updating all such activities on the basis of decisions taken
at the periodic site review meetings or as directed by the Engineer. The
Contractor shall submit data via electronic media to the Engineer in a
form readily compatible with Engineer’s planning system.

Add the following as item (xix) to sub-clause 114.2:

The Contractor shall prepare detailed construction drawings as per
clause 107 on the basis of the drawings given in Bid Documents and get
them approved by the Engineer. The drawings shall be submitted to the
Engineer at least 8 weeks before commencement of construction of
Add the following as item (xx) to sub-clause 114.2
Monthly progress report will be submitted in a format acceptable to the
Engineer. The report shall state the progress which has been achieved
compared with the planned progress, illustrate delays in proportion to
the progress planned, analyse the consequences and state planned
corrective measures. Intermediate progress reports may also be required.
The first issue of the detailed construction programme including the
detailed description of the system and the procedures shall be submitted
to the Engineer for acceptance not later than 28 days after the date of
receipt of the letter of acceptance.
The contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval & consent, the
updated & revised programme at every three months interval or as such
as directed by the Engineer. The updated & revised programme shall be

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

submitted showing the actual progress achieved (physical & financial)

and the effects of the progress achieved on the timing of the remaining
work including any change to the sequence of the activities.
Add the following as item (xxi) to sub-clause 114.2
Cost of establishment of contractor’s camp, offices and other facilities
necessary for the execution and control of the works.
Sub-Clause 114.4 Add the following new Clause 114.4
If any 'work' executed by the Contractor does not meet the
specifications, it shall be deemed as rejected. The Engineer, in his sole
discretion, may consider a proposal by the Contractor to retain, the
element or part of the 'work'. The Contractor’s proposal shall be
supported by calculations, drawings and other data to prove the
soundness of the proposal and shall clearly describe the additional
measures required to ensure the intended performance of the 'work'.
Such corrective measure shall be carried out at the contractor’s cost and
Sub-Clause 115.1
In the first sentence“date of agreement” shall be be substituted by
“date of letter of acceptance”
Sub-Clause 115.2

Add following sentence after 1st sentence of 1st paragraph of sub-

clause 115.2
“The General part shall be furnished along with the first issue of the
construction programme (refer clause 114.2).”
Add following sentence after 1st sentence of item b) of sub-clause
“Contractor shall identify at least two sources for each of the items.”

Sub-Clause1154 Approval of Proprietary Product/Process/System

Add Following sentence at start of sub-clause 115.4
“Only proprietary products proven by International usage in comparable
projects shall be permitted to be used.”
Add following item h) after item g)
h) Details of projects where similar product/process/system has
been successfully used shall be furnished

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


Sub-Clause 120.1
Add the following at the end of the clause.
“This facility will be provided and maintained by the Contractor, as
incidental to work and no separate payment shall be made for this item.”
Sub-Clause 120.2 Description
Add following after Engineer (Construction Supervision Consultant,
Project Management Consultant and Contract Management Unit site
Replace “electric supply etc.” in the second sentence of first
paragraph by “electric supply including uninterrupted power
supply etc.”
Add Following sentences at end of second Paragraph
“The floor space required for the field laboratory shall be not less than
300 sqm. A good semi furnished office accommodation shall be
provided to the Material Engineers of the Supervision Team as per the
direction of the Engineer. There shall also be provided a concrete paved
area, for storing samples adjacent to the laboratory, of about 150 sq m
and another 100 sqm shall be suitably roofed with open sides giving
protection against sun and rain”
Add the following at the end of this Sub-Clause:
Within 14 (fourteen) days of the commencement date, the Contractor
shall prepare and submit a layout plan and details of the laboratory
building and make/supplier of the equipment to the Engineer for his
The field laboratory to be provided under the Contract shall be handed
over to the Engineer in finished and fully equipped condition not later
than 2 months after the receipt of Notice to Commence Work, and the
field laboratory with all equipment/ instrument shall be to the entire
satisfaction of the Engineer. During the 2 month period starting from the
Notice to Commence work, the laboratory tests shall be performed in
another laboratory proposed by the Contractor and approved by the
The equipment and instruments shall be new and make AIMIL or
equivalent and shall be quality certified by Bureau of Indian Standards

Sub-Clause 120.3 Ownership

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Add the following to the end of sub-clause120.3:

“The land for laboratory building shall be provided by` the Contractor”
Table 100-2 : List of Laboratory equipments shal be replaced by
following table
Sub Nos.
S. No Item, Specifications
No. Required
A: General
i) Balance
7 kg to 10 kg capacity semi -self indicating Electronic Type –
(a) 2
Accuracy 1 gm
500 gm capacity semi-self indicating Electronic Type –
(b) 2
Accuracy 0.01 gm
(c) Chemical balance 100gm capacity - Accuracy 0.0001gm 1
(d) Pan balance 5 kg capacity - Accuracy 0.5 gm 2
(e) Platform Scale – 300 kg capacity 1
(f) Triple Beam balance-25kg capacity Accuracy 1gm 2
ii) Ovens – Electrically operated, thermostatically controlled
(a) From 100oC to 220oC – Sensitivity 1°C 2
iii) Sieves, as per IS 460-1962
IS Sieves 450 mm internal dia. of sieve sets as per BIS of
(a) 2 set
required sieve sizes complete with lid and pan
IS sieve 200 mm internal dia. (brass frame and steel or brass
(b) wire cloth mesh) consisting of sieve sets of required sieve sizes 2 set
complete with lid and pan
Sieve shaker capable of taking 200 mm and 450 mm dia. Sieves
iv) 1
electrically operated with time switch assembly (As per BIS)
v) 200 tonnes compression testing machine 1
vi) Stop watches 1/5 sec. Accuracy 2
vii) Glassware comprising of Beakers, Pipettes, dishes, measuring
cylinders (100 to 1000 cc capacity) glass rods and funnels, glass 1 Dozen
thermometers range 0oC to 100oC and metallic thermometers each
range 300 C
viii) Hot plates 200 mm dia (1500 watt) 6
ix) Enamel trays
(a) 600 mm x 450 mm x 50 mm 10
(b) 450 mm x 300 mm x 40 mm 10
(c) 300 mm x 250 mm x 40 mm 6
(d) Circular plates of 250 mm dia. 6
x) Water Testing Kit 1
xi) First Aid Box 1
xii) Spatula Set of 100 and 200 long 3
xiii) Digging Tools (pixels, shovel, fork etc.) As reqd.
xiv) Miscellaneous tools (sledge hammer, lump hammer, wooden As reqd.
pegs etc.)
xv) Maximum and Minimum Thermometer 2 Sets each
Mercury in Glass thermometer range 0° to 250°C
Mercury in Steel thermometer with 30 cm stem, range upto

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Sub Nos.
S. No Item, Specifications
No. Required
xvi) Rain Gauge 1 Set
xvii) Timer 0-60 minutes with alarm & 1/5 sec accuracy. 3 Sets

B: For Soils and Aggregates

i) Water still, 3 litre/hr with fittings and accessories 1
Liquid limit device with Casagrande and ASTM grooving tools
ii) 1
as per IS: 2720
Sampling pipettes fitted with pressure and suction inlets, 10 ml
iii) 2 set
Compaction apparatus (Proctor) as per IS: 2720 (Part 8)
iv) 1 set
complete with collar, base plate and hammer
Sand pouring cylinder with conical funnel and tap and
vi) complete as per IS 2720 (Part 28) 1980 including modified 4
Sampling tins with lids 100 mm dia x 75 mm ht ½ kg capacity
vii) and miscellaneous items like moisture, tins with lid (50 grams) 12
Lab CBR testing equipment for conducting CBR testing, load
viii) frame with 5 Ton capacity, electrically operated with speed 1 set
control as per IS: 2720 (Part 16), and consisting of following:
(a) CBR moulds 150-mm dia – 175-mm ht complete with collar,
base plate etc.
(b) Tripod stands for holding dial gauge holder 24
(c) CBR plunger with settlement dial gauge holder 1
(d) Surcharge weight 147-mm dia 2.5 kg weight with central hole 48
(e) Spacer disc 148-mm dia, 47.7-mm ht. With handle 3
(f) Perforated plate (Brass) 24
(g) Soaking tank for accommodating 24 CBR moulds
(h) Proving rings of 1000 kg, 2500 kg and 5000 kg capacity 1 each
(i) Dial gauges, 25 mm travel- 0.01 mm/division 10
(j) Aluminium Tins
50x30m 36 nos
55x35m 36 nos
70x45m 36 nos
70x50m 36 nos
80x50m 36 nos
ix) Standard Penetration test equipment 1
x) Nuclear Moisture Density Meter or equivalent 1
xi) Speedy moisture meter complete with chemicals 2
xii) Unconfined compression test apparatus 1 set
xiv) Aggregate Impact Test Apparatus as per IS 2386 (Part 4) 1
xv) Los Angeles abrasion Test Apparatus as per IS 2386 (Part 4) 1
xvi) Riffle Box of Slot size of 50mm as per ASTM C-136 1

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

B: For Soils and Aggregates

xvii) Dynamic Cone Penetrometer 1
xviii) Hydrometer with high speed stirrer and jars 2 sets
xix) Post-hole augur (to BS-812) 3

C: For Bitumen and Bituminous Mixes

i) Constant temperature bath for accommodating bitumen test
specimen, electrically operated and thermostatically controlled, 2
50 litre capacity temp. range ambient 80o C
ii) Penetrometer automatic type, adjustable weight arrangement
and needles as per IS. 1203 – 1978
iii) Solvent extraction or centrifuge type apparatus complete
(AASHTO, T-164) with extraction thimbles with stocks of 1
solvent and filter paper
iv) Laboratory mixer including required accessories about .02 cum
capacity electrically operated fitted with heating jacket
v) Standard Marshall compaction apparatus automatically
operated as per ASTM 1559-62 T and complete with
electrically operated loading unit, compaction pedestal heating
head assembly, dial micrometer and bracket for flow 1 set
measurement, load transfer bar, specimen mould 100 mm dia.
(4 in) with base plate, collars, specimen extractor, compaction
hammer 4.53 kg (10 lb.) x 457 mm (18 in) fall
v) a Modified Marshall compaction apparatus d automatically
operated as per ASTM 1559-62 T and complete with
electrically operated loading unit, compaction pedestal heating
head assembly, dial micrometer and bracket for flow 1 set
measurement, load transfer bar, specimen mould 152.4 mm dia.
(6 in) with base plate, collars, specimen extractor, compaction
hammer 10.2 kg (22.5 lb.) x 457 mm (18 in) fall
vi) Distant Reading Digital Thermometer for Measuring As required
Temperatures in Asphaltic Mixes
vii) Riffle Box 1
viii) Automatic Asphalt Content Gauge [Nuclear or equivalent] 1
Thin film Oven test apparatus to the requirement of AASHTO
ix) 1
T 179, including accessories
x) Ring Ball Apparatus as per IS 1205- 1978 1
Asphalt Institute Vacuum Viscometer as per IS 1206(part II) –
xi) 1
BS U- Tube Modified Reverse Flow Viscometer IS 1206(Part
xii) 1
III) – 1978
Apparatus for Determination of Ductility Test as per IS 1208 –
xiii) 1
Pensky – Martin Apparatus for testing flash and fire point as
xiv) 1
per IS 1209 – 1978.
xv) Apparatus for Float Test – IS – 1210 – 1978 1
Apparatus for Determination of water content (Dean and Shark
xvi) 1
Method) IS – 1211 – 1978
xvii) Apparatus for Determination of Loss on Heading IS – 1212- 1

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

C: For Bitumen and Bituminous Mixes

xviii) Apparatus of Determination of specified Gravity IS-1202-1978 1
xix) Core cutting machine with 100mm dia. Diamond Cutting Edge 1
xx) Apparatus for Elastic Recovery test for Modified Bitumen 1
xxi) Apparatus for Storage Stability test for Modified Bitumen 1
xxii) Apparatus for Separation test for modified bitumen 1

D: For Cement, Cement Concrete and Materials

i) Water still 1
Vicat needle apparatus for setting time with plungers, as per IS.
ii) 1
iii) Moulds
(a) 150 mm x 300 mm ht cylinder with capping component As required
(b) 150mmx150 mm x150mm cubical for compressive strength As required
(c) 150mmx100 mm x600mm beam for flexural strength As required
iv) Concrete permeability apparatus 1
v) High frequency mortar cube vibrator for cement testing 1
vi) Concrete mixer power driven, 1 cu ft capacity 1
Variable frequency and amplitude vibrating table size 1 metre x
vii) 1
1 metre, as per the relevant British Standard
viii) Flakiness & Elongation test apparatus 2each
ix) Aggregate impact test apparatus as per IS 2386 2
(Part 4) 1963
x) Los Angeles abrasion apparatus as per IS. 2386 (Part 4) 1963 1
xi) Flow table as per IS 712-1973 1
xii) (a) Equipment for slump test 2
(b) Compaction factor test equipment 1
xiii) Equipment for determination of specific gravity for fine and
coarse aggregate as per IS 2386 (Part 3) 1963
xiv) Flexural attachment to compression testing machine 1
xv) Core cutting machine with 150 mm dia. Diamond cutting edge 1
xvi) Needle vibrator 1
xvii) Vibrating hammer as per BS specification 1
xviii) Air entrainment meter ASTM C - 231 1
xix) 0.5 Cft, 1 Cft cylinder for checking bulk density of aggregate
with tamping rod
xx) Soundness testing apparatus for cement 1
xxi) Flexural Beam testing machine with accessories 1
xxii) Chemicals solutions and consumable As reqd.
xxiii) Chloride Testing kit for chemical analysis of chloride content. 1
xxiv) Ion Exchange kit for rapid determination of sulphate content. 1

E: For Control of Profile and Surface Evenness

i) Digital Level complete with all accessories 2 sets
ii) Distomat or equivalent 2 Nos.
Theodolite – Electronically operated with computerised output
iii) 2 sets

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

E: For Control of Profile and Surface Evenness

iv) Total Station with all accessories 2 sets
v) Car mounted Bump Indicator 1 set
vi) 3 metre straight edge and measuring wedge 2 sets
Camber templates 2 lane
vii) String line Arrangement with paver and sensor powers 1
(a) Crown type cross-section 2 sets
(b) Straight run cross-section 2 sets
viii) Steel tape
(a) 5 m long as reqd
(b) 10 m long as reqd
(c) 20 m long as reqd
(d) 30 m long as reqd
(e) 50 m long As reqd
ix) Precision Staff of 1mm least count 3 Sets
x) Wheeled straight edge and template 2 sets

Note under table100-2 shal be replced by following

Any equipment which is not mentioned in this table but which is
necessary for the work or for complying with the provisions of the
contract and section 900 of MOSRT&H specification or as required by
the Engineer shall be provided by the Contractor.
The laboratory set-up must be complete including a set of reference
standards (IRC, BIS, AASHTO, TRL, FHWA etc.), adequately staffed
and operational to the satisfaction of the Engineer not later than 2
months from the date of receipt of Notice to commence the works.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of adequately
experienced and qualified laboratory staff, in sufficient numbers to be
able to meet all testing requirements to the approval of the Engineer, and
for the supply of all transportation of staff, testing equipment and
samples necessary to allow the testing to be performed in a time scale
compatible with the needs of the Site.
Contractor shall arrange to maintain the laboratory in satisfactory
manner and will carry stocks of spare equipment and laboratory
consumables until the issue of Taking over Certificate.
The contractor shall provide any other equipment required to check
quality as per the requirement of specification in addition to the above.
The contractor shall provide the access to the laboratory and the lab
equipment alongwith a skilled personnel to carry out the test in case
Enginner intend to carry out the independent testing.
Sub-Clause 120.4.1 Add new clause for Environmental Monitoring

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Environmental monitoring has to be carried out by specialist

agency/laboratory hired by contractor on approved by the employer. The
selection of gadget frequency of monitoring and sampling will be as per
the instruction of the Engineer.
Sub-Clause 120.5 Rate
“This Clause shall be replaced as under:”
The construction, supply, installation, maintenance, and operation
including all consumables like chemicals & reagents etc., and all other
expenses involved in connection thereto for the field laboratory shall be
incidental to the work, and shall not be paid for separately.

Clause 122 Added New Clause as CONTRACTOR’S EQUIPMENT

Clause 122.1 List of Equipment

Before starting any construction activity, the Contractor shall submit, to

the Engineer, a detailed list of the equipment to be used during
The list will state:

· type of equipment
· Identification codes (name and inventory code)
· Manufacturers name
· Year of manufacture
· Proposed assignments on the project

Working Condition of the Equipment


All equipment on Site shall be in working condition and maintained

according to the manufacturers recommendation.

The Engineer shall check the performance and output of each item of
equipment during the Site Trials specified for each construction process
and carried out as specified in Clause 901.16.

If the performance of the equipment does not conform to the output

assumed to complete the work as stated in the work programme or does
not conform to the achievement of the specified quality, the Engineer
will not permit construction work on the road until the Contractor proves
full compliance with the working plan and Specifications.

Clause 122.3 Maintenance of Equipment

The Contractor shall maintain his equipment on Site to the satisfaction of

the Engineer. He shall provide workshop, skilled personnel and transport
facilities to the Site maintaining it during the Contract at his own

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Clause 122.4 Measurement and Payment

No separate payment shall be made for any work included in this Clause
and the costs shall be deemed to be included in the rates of the relevant
items entered in the Bill of Quantities.
Clause 123 Added New Clause as Safety Provisions
The Contractor shall, throughout the execution and completion of the
Works and the remedying of defects therein, ensure proper safety
measures including the following:

i) Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for workmen for all work that cannot
safely be done from the ground, or from solid construction except for
such short period work as can be done safely from ladders. When a
ladder is used, an extra labourer shall be engaged for holding the ladder
and if the ladder is used for carrying materials as well, suitable foot-holds
and hand-holds shall be provided on the ladder, which shall be having
inclination not steeper than 1 horizontal to 4 vertical;

ii) Scaffolding or staging more than 3.25 metres above the ground or floor,
swinging or suspended from an overhead support or erected with
stationary support, shall have a guard rail properly attached, bolted, and
otherwise secured at least 1 metre high above the floor or platform of
such scaffolding or staging and extending along the entire length of the
outside and ends thereof with only such openings as may be necessary
for the delivery of materials. Such scaffolding or staging shall be so
fastened as to prevent it from swaying from the support of structure;

iii) Working platforms, gangways and stairways shall be so constructed that

they do not sag unduly or unequally, and if height of platform or
gangway or stairway is more than 3.25 metres above ground level or
floor level, it shall have closely spaced boards of adequate width and
suitably provided with guard rails as described above; and minimum 200
mm x 25m kick board

iv) Every opening in floor of a structure or in a working platform shall be

provided with suitable means to prevent fall of persons or materials by
providing suitable fencing or railing with a minimum height of one

v) Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and

other working places. Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable
single ladder shall be over 9 metres in length. Width between side rails in
a rung ladder shall in no case be less than 30 cm for ladders up to and
including 3 metres in length. For longer ladders the width shall be
increased at least 6 mm for each additional 30 cm of length. Spacing of
steps shall be uniform and shall not exceed 30 cm;

vi) All trenches, 1.5 metres or more in depth, shall at all times be supplied
with at least one ladder for each 20 metres in length or fraction thereof.
Ladder shall be extended from bottom of trench to at least 1 metre above
surface of the ground. Sides of a trench which is 1.5 metres or more in
depth shall be stepped back to give suitable slope or securely held by

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

timber bracing, so as to avoid the danger of collapsing of sides.

Excavated material shall not be placed within1.5 metres of edge of trench
or half of depth of trench, whichever is more. Cutting shall be done from
top to bottom. Under no circumstances, undermining or undercutting
shall be done;

vii) Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the process
of this work, all roads and open areas adjacent to the work site shall
either be closed or suitably protected;

viii) No electric cable or apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger or

a cable or apparatus used by operation shall remain electrically charged;

ix) All practical steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons employed
by the Employer, from risk of fire or explosion, or flooding. No floor,
roof or other part of a building shall be so overloaded with debris or
materials as to render it unsafe;

x) Workers employed on mixing asphalt materials, cement, lime

mortars/concrete shall be provided with protective footwear, hand gloves
and protective goggles;

xi) Those engaged in welding or handling any materials injurious to eyes

shall be provided with protective eye goggles/eye shields;

xiii) Stone breakers shall be provided with protective goggles and protective
clothing and shall be seated at sufficiently safe intervals;

xiv) When workers are employed in sewers and manholes, which are in use,
the Contractor shall ensure that manhole covers are open and manholes
are ventilated for at least one hour before workers are allowed to enter
them. Manholes so open shall be cordoned off with suitable railing and
provide warning signals or boards to prevent accident to public;

xv) Whenever men are employed on the work of lead painting, the following
precautions shall be taken:
- No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in
the form of paste or ready made paint;
- Suitable face masks shall be supplied for use by workers when
paint is applied in the form of sprayer or when a surface having
lead paint is to be dry rubbed for removal of the paint;
- Overalls shall be supplied by the Contractor to workmen and
adequate facilities shall be provided to enable workers to wash
during and on close of day’s work;
xvi) Use of hoisting machines and tackle including their attachments,
anchorage and supports shall conform to the following:
a) These shall be of good mechanical construction, sound material
and adequate strength and free from patent defects and shall be
kept in good working order and properly maintained.
b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means
of suspension shall be of durable quality and adequate strength,
free from defects and inspected daily.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

c) Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be

properly qualified and no person under the age of 21 shall be in
charge of any hoisting machine including scaffold or of signals to
d) In case of every hoisting machine and of every chain hook,
shackle swivel and pulley block used in hoisting, lowering or as a
means of suspension, safe working load shall be ascertained by
adequate means. Every hoisting machine and all gear referred to
above shall be plainly marked with safe working load. In case of
a hoisting machine with a variable safe working load, each safe
working load and conditions under which it is applicable shall be
clearly indicated. No part of any machine or any gear referred to
above in the paragraph shall be loaded beyond safe working load
except for the purpose of testing.
e) In case of the Employer’s machines, safe-working loads shall be
notified by the Engineer or his representative. As regards
Contractor’s machines, the Contractor shall notify safe working
load of each machine to Engineer or his representative whenever
he brings it to site of work and get it verified by him.
f) Motors, gearing, transmission, electric wiring and other
dangerous parts of hoisting appliance shall be provided with
efficient safeguards; hoisting appliances shall be provided with
such means as will reduce the risk of accident during descent of
load to the minimum. Adequate precautions shall be taken to
reduce to the minimum risk of any part of a suspended load
becoming accidentally displaced. When workers are employed on
electrical installations, which are already energised, insulating
mats, working apparel such as gloves and boots, as may be
necessary, shall be provided. Workers shall not wear any rings,
watches and carry keys or other materials which are good
conductors of electricity;
g) All scaffolds, ladders and other devices mentioned or described
herein shall be maintained in a safe condition and no scaffold,
ladder or equipment shall be altered or removed while it is in use.
Adequate washing facilities shall be provided at or near places of
xvii) Provision must be made by the Contractor to issue all those working
on the Site (including Engineers and Employer and their Staff) until
protective helmets, reflective jackets and appropriate footwear.
Clause 123.1 Measurement and Payment
No separate payment shall be made for any measures/work included
in this Clause and the costs thereof shall be deemed to be included in
the rates of the relevant items entered in the Bill of Quantities

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Sub-Clause 201.1 Scope
Replace with following Para:
This work shall consist of cutting, excavating, removing, and disposing
of all materials such as trees of girth up to 300 mm, bushes, shrubs,
stumps, roots, grass weeds, rubbish etc. and top soil minimum up to
100mm but not exceeding 150mm, which in the opinion of Engineer is
unsuitable for incorporation in the work including draining out stagnant
water if any from the area of road land containing road embankment,
drain, cross drainage structure and such other area as specified in the
drawing or instructed by Engineer. It shall include necessary excavation
by harrow discs or any other suitable equipment, back filling of the pits
by suitable soil, resulting from uprooting of trees & stumps and making
the surface in proper grade by suitable equipment and compacted by
power roller to required compaction as per Clause 305.3.4. The work
also includes keeping the cleared material in stock pile within the ROW
not less than 500m in distance, measuring and recoding the volume,
keeping the stock pile till completion of bituminous works, re-using the
top soil in turfing/seeding and disposal of unsuitable material. The
quantity of stock pile should have a minimum volume equivalent to the
area of clearing and grubbing carried out with 100mm thickness and the
same shall be deducted from volume of excavation or added to the
volume of filling in the respective area.Clearing and grubbing shall be
performed less than one month in advance of earthwork operation and in
accordance with requirement of these specifications.
Sub-Clause 201.5 Measurements for Payment
Insert words “, removal of foundations of sign boards, hoarding
boards, etc.,”between words “roadway” and “and”in fifth line of
paragraph 1
Add Following to end of paragraph 1 of sub-clause 201.5

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

“Removal of stumps & roots of trees of any size girth cut by other
agencies and back filling to required compaction as specified in this
clause shall be considered incidental to the clearing and grubbing
operations and no separate payment shall be made for the same.”
Delete Third and fourth paragraph of sub-clause 201.5
Sub-Clause 201.6 Rates
Sub-Clause 201.6.1 Delete 2nd line and substitute with the following
“These will also include removal of stumps and roots of trees of 300mm
in girth size as well as stumps left over after cutting of any size girth
carried out by other agency, removal of sign boards, hoarding boards,
including their foundations, excavation and back filling to required
density, where necessary, and handling, giving credit toward salvage
value of material removed, stock piling and disposing of the stocked
materials with all lifts and leads.”
Sub-Clause 202.4 Back-filling
After word “operations” in first line add “and wells encountered in
the alignment”.
Add following to end of sub-clause 202.4
“The wells may be capped thereafter if directed by the Engineer”.
Sub-Clause202.5 DisposalofMaterials
Delete the text of Sub-Clause and replace with:
Materials determined by the Engineer as having salvage value shall be
placed in neat stacks of like materials within the Right of Way as
directed by the Engineer with all lifts and leads upto the project road
All materials obtained from dismantling operations, which, in the
opinion of the Engineer connot be used or auctioned, shall be removed
from the site by the Contractor and disposed off at the nearest tip or
other approved location in accordance with all statutory requirements.
The Engineer may permit the disposal of boulders, concrete fragments
and other incombustible materials by burial within the road reserve,
outside paved area. When buried, the top of these materials shall not be
less than 300mm below finished surface level.
Sub-Clause 202.7 Rates
Add following at the end of this sub clause:
The contract unit rates for various items of rebate shall be on the full
quantities obtained from dismantling.

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Sub-Clause 301.1 Scope
Insert the following between the words “roadway” and “side drains”
in the second line:
“road shoulders, verge, medians,”
Add the following as second paragraph under this clause:
“The work shall also include excavation for channel/river training at
culverts/bridges, excavation of existing shoulders and medians for
purposes of widening the pavement and excavation of existing
embankment for reconstruction to specification.”
Sub-Clause 301.2.1 Classification
The para (a) under this clause shall read as under:
“(a) Soil:
This shall comprise top soil, turf, sand, silt, loam, clay, mud, peat, black
cotton soil, soft shale or loose moorum, a mixture of these and similar
material which yields to the ordinary application of pick, spade and
stroke/ or shovel, rake or other ordinary digging implement, including
excavation of unsuitable soil (as described in Clause 305.2). Removal of
gravel or any other nodular material having dimension in any one
direction not exceeding 75 mm occurring in such strata shall deemed to
be covered under this category. Conglomerates and boulders not
requiring blasting having maximum dimension in any direction upto
300mm and excavation of unsuitable soils (as described in clause 305.2)
shall also be covered under this category”
Delete “and conglomerates” from first line of para b (i)
Sub-Clause 301.3.3 Excavation – General
Add the following paragraph is at the end of sub-clause 301.3.3
“Temporary support to the sides of the excavation, necessary to support
the foundation of adjoining structures and to prevent any ground
movement shall be provided by the Contractor. Where temporary
supports are provided these shall be designed & removed such that no
ground movement occurs on removal. The Contractor shall submit his
proposal in this respect to the Engineer for approval prior to
commencement of the excavation”.
Sub-Clause 301.3.5 Rock Excavation
The first sentence of first para shall read, “Rock, when encountered in road
excavation, shall be removed upto a level of 100mm below the base of

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Clause 301.3.11 Use and Disposal of excavated materials

Replace the text of this sub-clause with following:“All the excavated
materials shall be the property of the Contractor. Suitable material as
approved and directed by the Engineer obtained from the excavation of
the roadway, shoulders, verges, drains, cross drainage works, etc. shall
be used for
i) Filling roadway embankment.
ii) Filling existing pits/ ponds in the right of way as directed by the
Engineer, including levelling and spreading.
iii) For landscaping of the road as directed by the Engineer, including
levelling and spreading.
Excavated rock shall be available to the contractor for using in the
manner as he desires (other than the above items of work) after allowing
the rebate against the respective items of BOQ.
Unsuitable and surplus material, which, in the opinion of the Engineer
cannot be used in the works, shall be removed from site by the
Contractor and disposed of at the nearest dip or other approved location
in accordance with all statutory requirements and EMP.”

Sub-Clause 301.3.12 Back-filling

After the last sentence add the following:
“Density requirements for back filling shall be in accordance with
Table 300-2” of MoSRT&H.
Sub-Clause 301.8 Measurements for Payment
Delete the first sentence of the first paragraph and replace with:
“Excavation for roadway shall be measured by taking cross-section
volume calculated in accordance with Clause109 and deducting clearing
and grubbing volume in accordance with Clause 201 and other
excavation volume which are measured and paid separately in the
respective area. For the purpose of calculating the quantities the
contractor shall use the software approved by the Engineer, the same
shall be installed at Engineer’s and employer’s offices with no additional
Add new para after 1st paragraph as below:
The rebate towards rock material obtained from excavation and
dismantling shall be measured as total quantity of excavated rock and
Add item (v) at end of list in last paragraph:

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

“(v) Disposal of surplus material to all leads ………..cum”

Sub-Clause 301.9 Rates
Sub-Clause 301.9.1
Replace item (vi) with the following:
The removal from site and disposal of all surplus or unsuitable materials
obtained from excavation operations, which, in the opinion of the
Engineer cannot be used in the Works, shall be disposed off and paid
under relevant BoQ item.”
Sub-Clause 301.9.2
This Clause shall read as under:
“The contract unit rate for loosening and re-compacting at sub grade
level shall include full compensation for loosening to the specified
depth, removing the loosened soil outside the roadway excavation
rolling the surface below, breaking the clods, spreading the excavated
soil in layers, watering where necessary and compacting to the
Sub-Clause 301.9.6 Add this new Sub-Clause after 301.9.5 as under:
The rebate on contract unit rate of excavation is for the useful material
obtained from excavation, cutting of rock shall be taken into account for
full compensation, for arranging approval, payment of royalty and
complying the requirement of mining department and other authorities of
Central/ State Government for re-use of materials obtained from rock


Sub-Clause 302.1
Add the following in between 1st and 2nd sentence of first para
All work of blasting shall be carried out by taking all necessary
precautions against soil erosion, damage to hill side, water pollution etc.
and to protect satiability of hill slope, rock shall be excavated with
chiseling and wedging out rock (where blasting is prohibited). All
earthworks in excavation including rock shall be carried out true to the
lines, grades, side slope, width, camber, super elevation and level.
Sub-Clause 302.4 Blasting Operations
Add the following at the end of para 4 of this sub-clause:
Before placing charges, the holes shall be free of obstructions for its
entire depth. All necessary precautions shall be exercised so that the
placing of the charges will not cause caving of material from the walls of
the holes.

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Sub-Clause 303.2 Construction Operations / Pre splitting Operations
Add the following after para 2 of this sub-clause:
Potentially dangerous boulders or other material located beyond the
excavation limits shall be removed.
Fourth para shall be read as under:
Presplit holes shall be extended to a minimum of 9 m beyond the limits
of the production holes to be detonated, or to the end of the cut as
Add the following after para 10:
The presplit line shall be detonated before detonating any production
holes, except when the closest horizontal distance between the
production line and presplit line is greater than 16 m.
Sub-Clause 304.3.2 Excavation
At the end of 1st paragraph of Clause 304.3.2 insert the following
additional sentences:
“The Contractor shall ensure the stability and structural integrity of
adjacent existing foundations and structures and if necessary shall, at his
own expense, install temporary or permanent sheet piles, coffer dams,
shoring or similar as support or protection to the satisfaction of the
Sub-Clause 304.3.6
Add the following at the end of clause
Any loss to the public / private property due to the negligence of the
contractor and which, in the opinion of the Engineer, shall be protected
and continued in use without any change during the course of execution
of the work, shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. Safety
measures taken by the contractor in this respect shall be got approved
from the Engineer. However if any of the objects is damaged it shall be
replaced or restored to the original condition at his expense. If the
contractor fails to do so, within the required time as directed by the
Engineer or if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the actions initiated by the
contractor to replace /restore the damaged objects are not satisfactory,
the Engineer shall arrange the replacement / restoration directly through
any other agency at the risk and coat of the contractor after issuing a
prior notice to the effect.
Sub-Clause 304.4 Measurement for Payment
In the second sentence of Para 1 of Clause 304.4 replace the words

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

“production/ support to existing structures” with words

“protection/support to existing structures,”
Sub-Clause 305.2 Material and General Requirements
Sub-Clause 305.2.1.1 Physical Requirements:
Add at the end of the 1st paragraph of Sub Clause 305.2.1.1 insert
the following additional sentence;
“Use of flyash available from Thermal Power Station located within 100
kms of work may be required. The embankment with flyash shall be
executed as per IRC: SP: 58 -2001.
Sub-Clause 305.2.1.2
Add the following at the end of Sub-Clause:
“Soils having medium and high swelling potential shall be defined on
the basis of Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, Shrinkage Limit, Gradation,
Free swelling Index, Expansion ratio determined from CBR test, Field
dry Density and Field Moisture Content and types of Clay minerals
present in the soil and as directed by the Engineer. The location and the
extent of these soils with medium to high swelling potential should be
defined as directed by the Engineer.”
Sub-Clause 305.2.1.5
Add the following at the end of first sentence:
“The material to be used in sub grade should satisfy the requirement of
the 4 day soaked CBR valve shall be conform to the Design CBR value
when tested as per IS: 2720 (Part 16) at 97% maximum dry density (IS:
2720-Part 8).”
Sub-Clause 305.2.2.2 Borrow Materials
Para 1 of this Clause shall read as under:
”No borrow area shall be made available by the Employer for this work.
The arrangement for the source of supply of the material for
embankment and sub-grade as well as compliance to the different
environmental requirements in respect of excavation and borrow areas as
stipulated, from time to time, by the Ministry of Environmental and
Forest, Government of India and the local bodies, as applicable, shall be
the sole responsibility of the Contractor.”
After the 7th paragraph delete Table 300-2 and substitute with the

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Table 300-2 Compaction Requirements of Embankment and

Relative Compaction as %age of
Type of Work/Material maximum laboratory dry density
as per IS 2720 (Part 8)
1 Subgrade and earthen shoulders Not less than 97%
2 Embankment Not less than 95%
3 High Embankment (Height >6m) Not less than 97%
4 Expansive clays Not allowed
5 4 Day Soaked CBR Value of Sub grade & Shoulder materials shall be as
per Drawing, - and Pavement Design

Para 8 of this Clause given below Table 300-2 shall read as under:
“The contractor shall at least 7 working days before commencement of
construction of embankment and the subgrade; submit the following to
the Engineer for approval:
1) The values of maximum dry density and optimum moisture
content obtained in accordance with IS: 2720 (Part 8) for each fill
material proposed to be used in the construction of embankment
and subgrade.
2) The graphs of Density plotted against moisture content from
which each of the values in (i) above of maximum dry density
and optimum moisture content were determined.
3) The dry density-moisture content-CBR relationships, heavy
compactive efforts conforming to the IS 2720 (part 8) for each of
the fill material proposed to be used in the sub grade.
The above information shall form the basis for compaction only upon its
approval by the Engineer.”
Sub-Clause 305.3 Construction Operations
Sub-Clause 305.3.4 Compacting Ground Supporting Embankment/Sub grade
Para 1 of this clause shall be read as:
“Where necessary the original ground shall be levelled, scarified, mixed
with water and then compacted by rolling to facilitate placement of first
layer of embankment so as to achieve minimum dry density as given in
Table 300-2”.
Add at the end of Para 2
”Backfilling layers in pits, trenches and below the original ground are to
be compacted to the relative natural ground density. The natural ground
density shall be determined by conducting field density tests at three
widely spaced locations along the central line of the proposed additional
carriageway at a depth between 0.5m to 1.0m. Samples of natural ground
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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

are collected at each location, and are tested in accordance with IS: 2720
(Part 8). The relative density (i.e. the percentage of the field dry density
to the laboratory maximum dry density) is assessed for each sample, and
the greatest relative density obtained is selected as the “natural ground
density”. If the natural ground density is less than 85% then these are to
be compacted after necessary watering so as to achieve not less than
85% of relative compaction”.
“Where necessary to facilitate compaction of the sub grade to 97%
relative compaction as stated above, a further depth below the sub grade
of maximum thickness of 0.2m shall be loosened, watered and
compacted in accordance with Sub Clause 305.3.5 and 305.3.6 to not
less than 95% of dry density determined in accordance with IS:2720
Sub-Clause 305.3.6 Compaction
The second Para of this Clause shall read as under:
"Vibratory roller of not less than 80-100 KN static weight with plain or
pad foot drum or pneumatic tyre roller of 300 KN weight having tyre
pressure of at least 7 kg/sqcm shall be used for compaction.”
Insert the following sentence before the last sentence of Paragraph 5.
“The co-relation between sand replacement densities and nuclear gauge
densities shall be based on trials with minimum 30 coherent density
Sub-Clause 305.4.6.1 Embankment construction under water:
In 4th Sentence, replace”……. particle size not exceeding 75mm” with
particle size not exceeding 200mm”.
Sub-Clause 305.8 Measurement for Payment
Para 1 shall be read as:
Earthwork in embankment/sub-grade construction shall be measured
separately by taking cross sections at intervals after clearing and
grubbing and if necessary compaction of original ground before the
embankment work starts and after its completion and computing the
volumes of earthwork in cubic metre. For the purpose of calculating the
quantities the contractor shall use the software approved by the
Engineer, the same shall be installed at Engineer’s and employer’s
offices with no additional costs”.
Sub-Clause 305.9 Rates
Sub-Clause 305.9.1
Insert “Unsuitable material including of marshy soil” in Place of Suitable
Material appearing in the second line of item (iii) Add “including

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

removal of topsoil after word “materials” appearing in first line of item

Sub-Clause 306.4 Measurements for Payment
Substitute Clause 306.4 as follows:
"All temporary sedimentation and pollution control works, which are not
provided in the Bill of Quantities, shall be deemed as incidental to the
earthwork and other items of work and as such no separate payment shall
be made for the same."
Sub-Clause 309.2 Surface Drains
Add the following paragraphs after end of the fifth Para of this clause.
“Drains in super-elevations shall be constructed as per drawings.
Geotextile membrane if specified for these drains shall conform to Sub-
Clause 702 of Section 700”.
“The roadside land between toe of road embankment & drain shall be
levelled & sloped towards the drain as per drawing.”
Sub-Clause 309.3 Sub-Surface Drains
Sub-Clause 309.3.1 Scope
The first sentence of this clause should read as:
“Sub-surface drains shall be close jointed perforated pipes, surrounded
by granular material laid in a trench to drain the pavement courses.”
Sub-Clause 309.3.2 Materials
Grading requirements for filter material shall conform to Class I of
Table 300-3.
Sub-Clause 309.3.2 .1 Pipe
The first and second sentences of this clause shall read as:
“Perforated pipes for the drains are of PVC. The size and grade of the
pipe to be used is as specified in the drawing.”
Sub-Clause 309.3.4 Laying of Pipe and Backfilling
Delete Para 4 of this clause.
Sub-Clause 309.4 Measurements for Payment
This Clause shall read as:
“Construction of drains shall be measured as finished work in position as

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


Sub-Clause 401.1 Scope
Add the following at the end of this Clause:
“A site trail shall be performed using the proposed mix. The trail length
of minimum 60m and for full width of the pavement, shall be outside the
main works. The main work shall not start until the trail length has been
approved by the Engineer. After approval has been given, the material
and mix proportions, construction procedures shall not be changed
without the approval of the Engineer”
Sub-Clause 401.2 Materials
Sub-Clause401.2.1 This Clause shall be read as under:
"The material to be used for the work shall be a crushed stone only as
per the grading required. Only mixed material shall be brought at work
site and in no case mixing of such material at work site shall be
permitted. The material shall be free from organic or other deleterious
constituents and conform to GSB / Drainage layer Grading V of Table
Add at the end of this clause as under:
“The Contractor shall, at least 21 working days before the
commencement of the construction of the sub-base course, submit to the
Engineer, the results for approval of the laboratory testing on the
physical properties defined above. The construction of the sub-base
course shall be taken up only upon the Engineer’s approval of the
Sub-Clause 401.2.3 A new clause shall be added as follows:
WhendirectedbytheEngineer, thisshallbeverifiedeitherby performing
CBR tests
The title of this Clause shall be read as follows:

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Clause 403.1 Scope

Substitute clause 403.1 as follows:
“This work shall consist of machine laying and compacting a sub base
course of crushed aggregate treated with cement on prepared lower
subbase, in accordance with the requirements of these specifications and
in conformity with the line, grade and cross-section shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.”
Add the following at the end of this Clause:
“A site trial shall be performed in accordance with Clause 901.16.”
The Clause shall read as under:
“The material for the cement stabilised upper subbase course shall meet
the following criteria:
The material used for cement treatment shall be crushed stone aggregate.
The material shall have a grading shown in Table 400-4. It shall have a
uniformity coefficient not less than 5; capable of producing a well closed
surface finish. If the material passing 425 micron sieve is plastic before
mixing with cement it shall have a liquid limit not greater than 25
percent and plasticity index not greater than 6 percent determined in
accordance with IS: 2720 (Part – 5).
The coarse fraction of the material before mixing with cement shall have
a maximum Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) of not more than 30 per cent
when tested as per IS: 2386 (Part-4) or IS: 5640.
The combined Flakiness and Elongation Indices for the coarse fraction
before mixing with cement shall not 30 per cent when tested as per IS:
2386 (Part-1).
The material before mixing with cement shall have a 10 percent fines
value of 50 kN or more (for sample in soaked condition) when tested in
compliance with BS: 812 (Part 3).
The water absorption value of the coarse fraction before mixing with
cement shall be determined as per IS: 2386 (Part 3); if this value is
greater than 2 per cent, the soundness test shall be carried out on the
material delivered to site as per IS: 383.
Before mixing with cement, the material passing 425 micron (0.425 mm)
sieve when tested according to IS: 2720 (Part 5) shall have Liquid Limit
and Plasticity Index and Plasticity Modulus (product of Plasticity Index

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

and percentage passing 0.425mm Sieve Size) values not more than 25 per
cent, 6 per cent and 90 respectively.
Before mixing with cement, the fraction of material passing 22.4mm sieve
shall have a Laboratory CBR (4-day soak) value of 75 or more, when
tested in accordance with IS: 2720 (Part 16) and samples prepared at 98%
of Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content corresponding
to IS: 2720 (Part 8).”


This clause shall read as under:
“Cement for cement stabilisation shall comply with the requirements of
IS: 269, 455 or 1489.”
This clause is deleted.
This clause shall read as under:
“The quantity of cement to be added as percent by weight of dry crushed
stone aggregate shall be 4 percent. The mix design shall be done on the
basis of 7 day unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and durability test
under 12 cycles of wet-dry condition. The cement treated subbase
material shall have a minimum 7-day laboratory UCS value of 7 MPa
when compacted at 98 per cent of Maximum Dry Density (MDD) and
Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) as per IS: 2720 (Part 8). The value
of UCS for samples compacted at 98 per cent of MDD and OMC (as per
IS: 2720, Part 8) at field shall be not less than 5 MPa.
The contractor shall at least 21 working days before commencement of
the construction of the cement treated upper subbase course, submit to
Engineer the results for approval of the laboratory testing on the physical
properties of materials as defined in Clause 403.2.1 and the mix design
data as defined above. The construction of the cement treated upper
subbase course can be taken up only upon Engineer’s approval of the
material and the mix design.
This clause shall be deleted.
CLAUSE 403.3.3 This Clause shall be read as under:
“Cement stabilised upper subbase shall be prepared in an approved
mixing plant of sufficient capacity having provision for controlled
addition of ingredients i.e. water, cement and agregate and
forced/positive mixing arrangement.”
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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

“The cement stabilised upper subbase mix shall be spread by paver

finisher fitted with arrangement for proper control of line and level in
full width of the pavement including shoulder.”
Sub-Clause 406.2.1.1 Physical requirement
Delete the second sentence beginning with “If crushed gravel ………
and ending with fractured faces” and add as under:
“If crushed boulders are used, not less than 90% by weight of crushed
boulders retained on 4.75 mm sieve shall have at least two fractured
The constituents of the aggregates shall be produced by integrated
crushing and screening plant (Impact or Cone type of capacity 200T/hour)
and, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer, crushing shall be carried
out in at least two stages. The fraction of material passing through
4.75mm sieve shall also be crusher run screening only.”
Add the following at the end of the paragraph:
Soundness test shall be carried out in accordance with IS: 2386 (Part 5)
1963. The average loss of weight of coarse aggregate after “5 cycles shall
not exceed 12% when tested with sodium sulphate and 18% when tested
with magnesium sulphate as specified in IS: 383.
In Table 400 – 12 at the bottom of the table, also add as under:
“The aggregate should satisfy both the tests a) Los Angeles
Abrasion Value b) Aggregate Impact value”
Add the following at the end of this Clause:
"The material shall be derived from boulders or parent rock that is hard,
sound, durable and unweathered. It shall contain no deleterious
constituents such as organic matter, clay and decomposed rock."
Sub-Clause 406.3.3 Preparation of Mix
Sentence 1 of Para 1 of Clause 406.3.3 shall be read as under:
“Wet mix Macadam shall be prepared in an approved Wet Mix
Macadam mixing plant of 100T/hour capacity having provision for
controlled addition of water and forced/positive mixing arrangement.”
Sub-Clause 406.3.4 Spreading of Mix
Add after Para 2
The work of laying wet mix macadam shall not be done during rain

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

The work of laying of wet mix macadam course over an existing

bituminous layer shall not be permitted. The existing bituminous layer
shall be removed completely
Sub-Clause 406.3.5 Compaction
Delete second sentence of Para 1 of Clause 406.3.5.
Add at the end of first paragraph
“For a narrow strip of soil or any pavement material to be compacted, for
instance in the widening portion, vibratory rollers of smaller width than
usually used for main carriageway could be necessary. In that case the
weight of the roller could be less than the minimum required static
weight of 80 kN. This roller can be accepted provided it belongs to the
same class as the wider one based on amplitude of vibration and weight
per width of drum:
Sub-Clause 406.3.6 Setting and Drying
Add the following at the end of this Clause:
“The completed Wet Mix Macadam should be primed, in accordance
with Clause 502, immediately after the surface is dry.”


Sub-Clause 409.5 Construction Operations
Sub-Clause 409.5.1 Add at the end of the first sentence “or as shown in the drawings”
Sub-Clause 409.5.2
Add the words “or to accommodate drainage pipes” at the end of the
paragraph after the words “drainage openings”.
Sub-Clause 409.7 Rates
This Clause shall read as under:
The contract unit rates for cement concrete kerb / kerb with channel shall
be payment in full compensation for furnishing all materials, labour,
tools equipment for construction and other incidental cost necessary to
complete the work. Foundation for kerb, wherever provided, shall be
paid separately as per contract.
Sub-Clause 501.2 Materials
Sub-Clause 501.2.2
Delete “Crushed gravel or other hard material” from first line of Para 1
and replace with “crushed boulders”
Replace word “crushed gravel” in para 2 with “crushed boulders”

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Sub-Clause 501.3 Mixing

Para 1, Line 1, replace the word, “Adequate Capacity” with “Hot mix
plant of Batch mix type of Minimum capacity of 120T per hour.”
Sub-Clause 501.5.3 Spreading
Sentences 2 in Para 1 are replaced with the following:
"Bituminous mix shall be spread with paver fitted with electronic
sensing device and string line arrangement (supported by steel pegs @
5m apart) on either side of paving width for automatic levelling, surface
evenness and profile control. Use of string lines is compulsory to provide
signal to electronic sensing device fitted with a Paver Finisher.”
Sub-Clause 501.6 Compaction
Add new para
Para 2, Line 13; sentence starting with “the intermediate rolling
……………” is replaced by “Intermediate rolling shall be done with a
Vibrator roller or Pneumatic roller of 150-250kN weight having a tyre
pressure of at least 0.7Mpa.”
“Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved, satisfied the
requirement of Clause 903.4.2”
Sub-Clause 501.8.8.2
Add the following at the end of para (viii)
Payment of extra bitumen, if any shall not be made.
Sub-Clause 502.2.3 Choice of Primer
This clause shall be read as under:
"Primer: The primer used for prime coat shall be bitumen emulsion
complying with IS 8887 and CSS – I Grade conforming to ASTM D
2397/AASHTO M 140, and shall be refinery produced. The particular
grade to be used for the work shall be got approved by the Engineer.”
Sub-Clause 502.3
Add the following at the end of this clause:
The moisture content in the surface to be primed shall not exceed 3.5
Sub-Clause 502.8 Rate
Delete Second sentence
The rate shall include the provision of adequate bitumen emulsion to
provide the required rate of spray listed in Table 500-3.

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Add the following sentence:
The purpose of the tack coat is to ensure a good bond between two
consecutive bituminous layers. The success of this operation must be
checked by cores collected through both the layers.
Sub-Clause 503.2 Materials
This clause shall be read as under:
"Binder: The binder used for tack coat shall be bitumen emulsion
complying with IS 8887 and CRS – I Grade conforming to ASTM D
2397/AASHTO M 140, and shall be refinery produced. The particular
grade to be used for the work shall be got approved by the Engineer.”
Sub-Clause 503.8 Rate
Replace the Second sentence with under clause
The rate shall include the provision of adequate bitumen emulsion to
provide the required rate of spray listed in Table 500-5
Sub-Clause 504.2.1 Bitumen
This Clause shall be read as under:
“The binder shall be paving bitumen of Penetration Grade S65
complying with Indian Standard Specifications for “Paving Bitumen”,
IS: 73.”
Sub-Clause 504.2.2 Coarse Aggregates
Delete “crushed gravel or other hard material” from 1st line and replace
with “Crushed boulders”. Replace word “Crushed Gravel” in 4th line
with “Crushed boulders”
Add the following at the end of this clause:
“The constituents of the aggregates shall be produced by integrated
crushing and screening plant (Impact or Cone type of capacity 175-
200T/hour) and, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer, crushing
shall be carried out in at least two stages. The fraction of material
passing through 4.75mm sieve shall also be crusher run screening only.”
Notes below Table 500-6. Add the comments after asterisk (*) with the
following: The aggregate should satisfy both the tests
a) Los Angles Abrasion value and
b) Aggregate Impact value
Sub-Clause 504.8 Rate

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

After the words “required operations” in second line of this clause, add
the words “except the items of tack coat and prime coat (if any).” The
rate shall include the provision of adequate bitumen in the mix to
provide the characteristics listed in Table 500-7.
Sub-Clause 505.2.1
Add the following at the end of this para: Paving bitumen of VG 30
Grade shall be Used.
Sub-Clause 505.2.2
Coarse Aggregates
Delete “Crushed Gravel or other hard material” from 1st line of 1st para
and replace with “crushed boulders”.
Replace word “crushed gravel” in para 2 with “crushed boulders”
Add the following at the end of this clause:
“The constituents of the aggregates shall be produced by integrated
crushing and screening plant (Impact or Cone type of capacity
200T/hour) and, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer, crushing
shall be carried out in at least two stages. The fraction of material
passing through 4.75mm sieve shall also be crusher run screening only.”
Further, at the bottom of the Table 500-8 table add
“Aggregate should satisfy both the tests Los Angles Abrasion Value and
Aggregate Impact Value”
Sub-Clause 505.2.3
Delete the words “or Naturally Occurring Mineral or a Combination of
the two”
appearing in the first sentence of the clause.
Sub-Clause 505.2.4
The first sentence of this clause shall read as “Filler shall consist of
cement as approved by the Engineer”
Sub-Clause 505.2.5
Aggregate Grading and Binder Content Add below as follows
***“The grading of the aggregate mix as used in work shall be a smooth
curve within and approximately parallel to the envelope in Table 500-

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Sub Clause 505.3

Mix Design
Sub-Clause 505.3.3
Insert the following paragraph between the existing paragraphs 3 & 4:
“Mix design shall be carried out in accordance with the modified Marshal
method described in Asphalt Institute Manual MS-2.”
Sub-Clause 505.4.9
Add at the end of Para 1 “The rolling shall be continued till the density
achieved is at least 98% of that of laboratory Marshall specimen
compacted as detailed in Table 500- 11.”
Add the following Sub-clause after Sub-clause 505.4.9.
Sub-Clause 505.4.10
“The dense bituminous layers except Profile corrective course shall be
laid with sensor paver capable of paving in full width in single
Sub-Clause 505.9 Rate
Delete the existing para two and replace it with the following:
The contract unit rate for Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam shall be
payment in full for carrying out the all required operations, except for
item of prime coat and tack coat, as specified, and shall include, but not
necessarily limited to all components listed in clause 501.8.8.2(i) to (xi).
The rate shall include the provision of adequate bitumen in the mix to
provide the characteristics listed in Table 500-10.


Sub-Clause 507.2.2 Coarse Aggregates
Add the following as second para:
“The constituents of the aggregates shall be produced by integrated
crushing and screening plant (Impact or Cone type of capacity
200T/hour) and, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer, crushing
shall be carried out in at least two stages. The fraction of material
passing through 4.75mm sieve shall also be crusher run screening only.”
After Table 500 – 16, add the following:
“Aggregate should satisfy both the tests Los Angeles abrasion value and
aggregate impact value”
Sub-Clause 507.2.4 Filler

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This clause shall read as under:

“Filler shall consist of cement as approved by the Engineer.”
Sub-Clause 507.2.5 Aggregate Grading and Binder Content
Add 3rd Note below Table 500-17:
*** “The grading of the aggregate mix as used in work shall be a smooth
curve within and approximately parallel to the envelope in Table 500-17-
Grade II.”
Clause 507.4.7 Spreading
Add the following at the end of the clause:
“The bituminous concrete layer shall be laid with sensor paver capable
of paving in full pavement width in single operation”.
Sub-Clause 507.9 Rate
Delete the existing para and replace it with the following:
The contract unit rate shall be for all operations as specified in clause
504.8, except that the rate shall include the provision of adequate
bitumen in the mix to provide the characteristics listed in Table 500-
Sub-Clause 508.8
Add the words “except for item of prime coat and tack coat” after the
“required operations” in 2nd line.
Add the words “except for item of prime coat and tack coat” after the
words “required operations” in 2nd line.

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Sub- Clause 801.1 Scope
In the second sentence of this clause read IRC:67-2010 as IRC:67-2012.
Sub- Clause 801.1.1
Add new Clause as follows:
“The signs shall be reflectorised. They shall be retro-reflectorised type
and made of encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting vide Clause
801.3, fixed over aluminum sheeting as per these specifications.”
Sub –Clause 801.2.5
The title of this clause shall be read as ‘Sign Panel’ instead of ‘Substrata’
Sub –Clause 801.2.6
This clause shall read as under
Replace 1.5mm thick aluminium sheet with 2mm in 2nd line of para.
Clause 801.3 Traffic Signs Having Retro-reflective Sheeting
Clause 801.3.1 General Requirements
The fifth sentence of this clause should read as under:
“The reflective sheeting shall be of High Intensity grade with
Clause 801.3.8 Colour for signs

Add following at end of the Clause

“All the facility information and place identification sign shall have
green (Indian
Standard colour no.184, Indian green) background and white letters”

Clause 801.3.11 Warranty and Durability

The first and second sentences of this clause shall read as under:
“The Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer a ten-year warranty
satisfactory field performance including stipulated retro-reflectance of
the retro-
reflective sheeting of high intensity grade and submit the same to the

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

In addition, a seven year warranty for satisfactory in-field performance

of the
finished sign with retro-reflective sheeting of high intensity grade,
inclusive of
the screen printed or cut-out letters/legends and their bonding to the
reflective sheeting shall be obtained from the Contractor/ Supplier and
on to the Engineer.”

Clause 801.4.1 The first and second sentence of clause shall read as follows:
Sign posts shall be of GI pipe 80 mm dia.(Confirming to IS:1239) or as
shown in the drawing. Post shall be embedded in concrete (M-15) for
safeguard against theft. The cost of signpost and its foundation complete
including excavation
& concrete shall be deemed to be included in the rate of signboard.

Clause 801.4.2 Add following at the end of this clause:

“The sign back shall be painted with two coats of grey colour epoxy
The sign post shall be painted in black & white alternate bands with two
coats of epoxy paint.”

Clause 801.5 Measurement of Payments

This clause shall be read as under :
“ The measurement of cautionary , mandatory , information, route
chevron and direction & place identification sign shall be in numbers”


Sub-Clause 802.4 Materials for Overhead Sign and Support Structures
Sub-Clause 802.4.2
The last line of this clause “they shall IS specifications” shall read as
“They shall be thoroughly descaled, cleaned, primed along with all other
components of signs, except reflective portion. They shall be painted
with two coats of epoxy paint. The sign back side shall be painted with
grey colour and post shall be painted in black & white alternate bands.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

The post below ground shall be painted with three coats of red lead
Sub-Clause 802.4.3
Replace “1.5mm” with 2.0mm” in the fourth line.
Sub-Clause 803.2 Materials
This clause shall read as under:
“Road markings shall be hot applied thermoplastic compound and the
materials shall meet the requirements as specified in Clause 803.4.
The road markings shall be laid in one layer with appropriate road
marking machine approved by the Engineer. Before the road-marking
machine is used on the permanent works, the satisfactory working of the
machine shall be demonstrated on a suitable site, which is not part of the
permanent works. The rate of application shall be checked and adjusted
as necessary before application on a large scale is commenced, and
thereafter daily."
Sub-Clause 803.3 This clause deleted.
Sub-Clause 803.5 This clause deleted.
Clause 803.6.6 Tolerances
i) General
Road traffic markings shall be constructed to accuracy within the
tolerances given below:
The width of lines and other markings shall not deviate from the
specified width by more than 5%.
The position of lines, letters, figures, arrows and other markings shall not
deviate from the true position specified by more than 20 mm.
The alignment of any edge of a longitudinal line shall not deviate from
the true alignment by more than 10 mm in 15 m.
The length of segments of broken longitudinal lines shall not deviate
from the specified length by more than 150 mm.
In broken lines, the length of segments and the gap between segments
shall be as indicated on the Drawings. If these lengths are altered by the
Engineer, the ratio of the lengths of the painted sections shall remain the
Line and curves, whether broken or unbroken, shall not consist of chords
but shall follow the correct radius.
ii) Faulty Workmanship or Materials

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

If any materials not complying with the requirements is delivered at the

Site or used in the Works, or if any sub-standard work is carried out,
such material or work shall be removed, replaced or repaired as required
by the Engineer, at the Contractor’s own cost. Rejected traffic markings
and paint that has been splashed or has dripped onto the surfacing, kerbs,
structures or other such surfaces shall be removed by the Contractor at
his own cost, in such a way that the markings of split paint will not show
up again later.”


Sub-Clause 805.3
The first sentence of this clause shall read as under:
“The hectometer/ kilometer stones/5th Kilometer stones, marker Posts
shall be made of concrete of grade as shown in the drawing.”

Sub-Clause 805.4 Measurement for Payment

The words '/marker posts' shall be inserted after the words '5th
kilometer ' appearing in the 1st line of the clause.
Sub-Clause 805.5 Rate
The words '/marker posts' shall be inserted after the words '5th
kilometer ' appearing in the clause.
Add new Sub-Clause as follows:

a) TriangularObjectMarkershallbe300mmsidewithfourredreflectors,
MW)and500mmhighorasshown inthedrawings.
b) Rectangularhazardmarker600mmx300mmmadeoutof2mmthickal
roreflectivesheeting ofencapsulatedlenstype. The
background/border/symbolsshall bemadebyscreen-

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

rameshall bemade withangleof size40mmx40mmx5mm.The
signshall befixedto80mmdia (NB-MW) MSpipe or asshown inthe
c) RoadwayIndicatorsshallbe1000mmhighmadewith100mmdia.NB
mediumweight MSpipe.Onereflectorof high
mmheightshallbeprovidedon top or as shown in the drawings.
d) Allcomponentsofsigns&supportsshallbethoroughlydescaled,clean
&blackbands.Thepostbelowgroundshall bepainted withthreecoats
ofred lead.
Sub-Clause 807.1 Scope
Add at the end of Para 1, “The boundary stones shall be of concrete as
shown in drawing.” The words ‘HPPWD’ or as specified name should be
engraved on each stone appropriately.
Sub-Clause 809.1 Scope
This Clause shall read as under:
“The work shall consist of supplying, fixing and erecting tubular
Galvanized Iron (GI) railing including providing inserts, fixing
arrangement on the crash barrier or at other places as shown in the
drawings and as directed by the Engineer.”
Sub-Clause 809.2
This Clause shall read as under:
“The railing shall be of GI pipe OD 100 mm @ 8.82 kg/m. It shall be
galvanized (zinc coated, 0.22 kg/ sq. metre; minimum single spot)
confirming to relevant IS Codes or as shown in the drawings.”
Sub-Clause 809.5 Rate
The word ‘painting’ shall be replaced with ‘galvanizing’.

Sub-Clause 811.3 Metal Beam Crash Barrier


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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Add at the end of the para

“The design materials to be used and the location of metal beam crash
barrier shall conform to relevant drawings or as otherwise directed by
the Engineer.”
Sub-Clause811.3.1.2 This clause shall be read as:
Metal beam is a "W" profiled corrugated beam in single or double row
and single or double faced as specified in the drawing made out of cold
roll forming from steel strip of 3 mm thick using steel of Fe 410 grade or
ST 42 grade conforming to IS:5986 with hot dip galvanised 550 gm per
square meter.
The beam after forming shall have formed width of 312 mm and depth
of 83 mm and shall have punched holes for fixing as specified in
The metal crash barrier posts & spacer shall consist ‘C’ channel section
made out of 5 mm thick sheet by cold roll forming process of steel
conforming to IS: 2062-1992 Grade ‘A” with hot dip galvanised 550 gm
per square meter. All bolt, nuts and washers as specified in drawings shall
conform to IS: 1367 & IS: 1364 unless otherwise specified and are hot
dip galvanized 550 gm per square meter.
The Guard rail reflector shall be made of material and placed in position
as shown in drawings. It shall be hot dip galvanized 550 gm per square
Beams to be erected on a radius of 50 m or less shall be shop curved to the
appropriate curvature of the installation.
Sub-Clause 811.3.1.3
Add at the end of this Clause
The size of the concrete foundation block for embedding’s guard posts
and grade of concrete shall be as shown in the drawing.
Sub-Clause 811.3.3 Installation of Posts
The sub-clauses 811.3.3.1, 811.3.3.2, 811.3.3.3 and 811.3.3.4 are
replaced in a single sentence as below:
The guard posts shall be embedded in the concrete footing of size and
the grade of concrete along with the depth of the embedment of post or
as indicated in the drawing.
Sub-Clause 811.3.3.5Add “and end section” in first line after “post”.
Add at the end of Para “The guard rail reflector shall be bolted replacing
splice washer at every 10th posts interval.”

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Sub-Clause 811.3.7 Measurements for Payment

Sub-Clause 811.3.7.1
s "isdeleted.
Sub-Clause 811.3.7.2
The first sentence will be added as below:
“No separate measurement for payment shall be made for
Terminals/Anchors of various types required for the work and the
delineator to replace washer as specified in drawing. The cost of these
elements will be deemed to be included in the rate quoted by the
Sub-Clause 811.3.7.3
The words “or backfilling” shall be substituted as “and concreting”
Sub-Clause 811.3.8 Rate
Add “and drawings” at the end of last sentence of Clause.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)



Sub-Clause 901.9 Add following at the end of this sub clause
The site trails to be carried out by the contractor as per the direction of
the Engineer shall be treated as incidental to the work. The surface
regularity tests on pavement courses shall be incidental to the work.

Add the following Clause after Clause 901.14.

Full scale Site trials shall be carried out by the Contractor on all
earthwork and pavement materials proposed for the Works using the
equipment and methods proposed by the Contractor for constructing the
Works. The trials shall be carried out under the full supervision of the
The trials shall be carried out to enable the Contractor to demonstrate the
suitability of his mixing, placing and/or compaction equipment toprovide
and compact the material to the specified density and to confirm that the
other specified requirements of the completed earthworks and pavement
courses can be achieved.
Each trial area shall be at least 200 square metres and shall be laid to the
specified depth for the material. It may form part of the Works as
ordered by the Engineer provided it complies with the Specification.
Any areas which do not comply shall beremoved.
The Contractor shall allow in his programme for conducting Site trials
and for carrying out the appropriate tests on them. The trials on
earthworks and each pavement layer shall be undertaken at least 14 days
ahead of the Contractor’s intention to commence full scale work on
earthworks and on each pavementlayer.
The following data shall be recorded at each Site trial:
· the composition and grading of the material, including the
bitumen content andproperties.
· the moisture content at the time oflaying;
· the temperature at the time of laying androlling;
· the type and size of compaction equipment and the number
· the maximum density or target density and the density achieved
in thetrial;
· the maximum compacted thickness oflayer;

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

· the surface levels and surfaceirregularities;

· any other relevantinformation.
· At least ten sets of tests shall be made on each 200 square metres
of trial area. The site trails shall be deemed successful provided
nine out of ten sets of results meet the specified requirements for
the material in Clause 903. The above data recorded in the trial
shall become the agreed basis on which the particular material
shall be provided and processed to achieve the
If, during the execution of the Works, the construction control
tests indicate that the requirements for a material are not
consistently being achieved, then work on that layer shall stop
until the cause is investigated. Such investigation may include
further laboratory and Site trials on the material to determine a
revised set of data as above, when agreed, shall be the basis on
which all subsequent material shall be provided and processed to
achieve the specified requirements.
Approval by the Engineer to a set of data recorded as above in a
Site trial shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility to
comply with the requirements of Technical Specifications.”
Sub-Clause 902.3 Surface Levels
Add “and or thickness” after the word “levels” in the 1st line of the first
Add at the end of first sentence “or as desired by the Engineer” in the
last paragraph.
Sub-Clause902.4 Surface Regularity of PavementCourses
Add after the last paragraph
“ In addition to the above requirements, the surface wearing course shall
have smooth longitudinal profiles which provide a high standard of ride
quality. Roughness testing shall be carried out upon completion of the
wearing course. The ride quality of the surface course shall have
Roughometer values of not greater than 2000 mm/km.
· Roughness testing shall be carried out for each lane length
constructed. For the purpose of determiningreadability
· Each lane shall be divided into sections 500mlong

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

· Any remaining length less than 500m shall be included with the
section immediately preceding it and an average roughness
determined for the total section.
· The roughness count shall be determined by the average of three
replicate test runs. Roughness testing shall be carried out using a
Roughometer at 32 km/hr in accordance with IRC and CRI
guidelines. The Roughometer shall be calibrated against a
MERLIN as outlined in IRC and CRRI guidelines. If the vehicle
is changed the Roughometer shall be re-calibrated with the
Sub-Clause903.4.4 CharacteristicstobetestedoncompletedBituminousLayers
mpaction Layerthickness
a) RandomSampling
lsamplesshallbetaken ina randompattern.
b) LotSize
mayordera lotofanysmallersize, if:
· Thefactorsaffectingthecharacteristicsunderinvestigationexhibitab
· Thearea isobviously defective orof poorer qualitythat ofthe rest;
· Therateof productionisveryhigh.
Sub-Clause903.4.5 Bituminous mix shall be spread with paver fitted with electronic
sensing device and string line arrangement (supported by steel pegs @
5m apart) on either side of paving width for automatic levelling, surface
evenness and profile control. Use of string line is compulsory to provide
signal to the electronic sensing device fitted with a Paver Finisher”.

Bituminous works, shall be tested immediately after laying/finishing for:

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Thickness (compacted) measured by extracting cores and shall be

dealt in accordance with Specifications Section 900.

Density (compaction) test as performed on the extracted cores.

Workmanship test by measuring roughness of the finished layer by duly
calibrated Towed Fifth Wheel Bump Integrator .

Workmanship Test: Roughness measured longitudinally .

The finished bituminous layers (DBM and BC) shall be tested for
workmanship (immediately before allowing traffic) by measuring
roughness, longitudinally, separately for each lane with the Calibrated
Towed Fifth Wheel Bump Integrator. Calibration of Bump Integrator
device shall be carried out using the procedure recommended in the
World Bank Technical Publication No. 46. The measured roughness
shall not exceed a value of 2000 mm/km for finished DBM and BC


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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)



This clause shall read as follows:
The Contractor shall identify the sources of materials like coarse
aggregate and sand and notify the Engineer regarding the proposed
sources prior to delivery.
Samples of material from the source shall be tested, in the presence of
Engineer’s representative, for conformity to specifications. It shall also
be ensured that the variation in test results of different samples is within
acceptable limits. If the product from the approved source proves
unacceptable at any time, the Contractor shall provide new sources of
acceptable material from other sources at his own expense conforming to
The manufactured items like cement, steel reinforcement, prestressing
strands; the Contractor shall intimate the Engineer details of the source
(plant where the material is manufactured), testing facilities available
with the manufacturer and arrangements for transport and storage of
material at site. If directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish
samples and test results of recently manufactured material. The
Engineer, at his discretion, may require the Contractor to test the
materials in an independent laboratory approved by the Engineer, and
furnish test certificates. The cost of these tests shall be borne by the
Contractor. The sampling and test procedures shall be as laid down in
Indian Standards or where these are not available as per the directions of
the Engineer. Only materials from the sources approved by the Engineer
shall be brought to the site. If the material from the approved sources
proves unacceptable at any time, the Contractor shall provide new
sources of acceptable material conforming to specifications from other
sources at his own expense.
For proprietary items like bearings, expansion joints refer clause 115.2
This clause shall read as follows:
Cement to be used in bridge structures shall conform to the following
IS:12269 – Specification for 53 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement.
For other works ordinary Portland cement 33 grade conforming to
IS:269 or Ordinary Portland cement 43 grade, conforming to IS 8112 can
be used with the prior approval of theEngineer.
Minimum cement content mentioned elsewhere from durability
considerations shall not be reduced. From strength considerations, these

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

cements shall be used with a certain caution as high early strengths of

cements in the 1 to 28 day range can be achieved by finer grinding and
higher constituent ratio for C3S/C2S, where C3S is Tricalcium Silicate
and C2S is Dicalcium Silicate. In such cements, the further growth of
strength beyond say 4 weeks may be much lower than that traditionally
expected. Therefore, further strength tests shall be carried out for 56 and
90 days to fine tune the mix design from strength considerations directed
by the Engineer.
Total chloride content in cement shall not exceed 0.05 percent by mass
of cement. Total sulphur content calculated as sulphuric anhydride (SO3)
shall in no case exceed 2.5 percent and 3 percent when Tri-calcium
aluminate percent by mass is upto 5 or greater than 5 respectively.
Manufactures test certificate shall be submitted to the Engineer by the
Contractor for every consignment of cement. The certificate should
cover all the tests for chemical requirements, physical requirements and
chloride content as per the provisions of IS:12269.
Independent tests of samples drawn from the consignment shall be
carried out at the site laboratory or in an independent laboratory
approved by the Engineer, immediately after delivery. The following
properties shall be tested.
i) SettingTime
ii) CompressiveStrength
The cost of the tests shall be borne by the Contractor. In case the cement
is stored beyond 90 days from the date of delivery at site, the following
tests shall be carried out at the site laboratory before the cement is used.
i) Setting Time
ii) Compressive strength.
Lot size for independent testing of cement at site shall be the quantity
received at site on any day subject to a maximum of 500 tonnes.
Delete from the first sentence “crushed gravel …………….inert
material” appearing in 4th and 5th line of Para 1.
Add the following at the end of Para 2.
“Costs of all tests shall be borne by theContractor.” Add the following at
the end of theClause:
"Integrated stone crusher with Primary and Secondary (Cone or Impact
Type) crushers shall be employed for getting proper size and grading of
coarse aggregates."

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

The alkali aggregate reactivity should be measured and reported for

getting approval for the source aggregates at the beginning of the work
using methods given in IS: 2386. The tests may be repeated if the source,
or the type of rock being exploited for winning aggregates, changes.
Delete from the 3rdline the word “crushed gravel” and from the 4th line
“gravel”in Para 2.
Add the following at the end of the clause:
The alkali aggregate reactivity shall be measured and reported for getting
approval for the source.
Sub-clause 1009.2Steel for Pre-stressing
Add (e) to the list of codes to which acceptable prestressing steel shall
(e) Stress relieved low relaxation seven-ply strand for pre-stressed concrete
IS: 14268
Sub-clause 1009.3Reinforcement/ Un-tensioned steel
In the Table 1000.3, replace “IS: 1786 High Yield Strength Deformed
bars (HYSD)” with “IS:1786 Thermo mechanically treated (TMT) High
yield strengthdeformedbars (HYSD)”. Any other reference to “HYSD”
bars in the specifications shall be read as “TMT” bars.


In Para (C) the permissible limit for Chlorides (Cl) shall be read as "250
mg/lit for structures having length more than or equal to 30m."
In case of structures of lengths 30m and below, the permissible limits of
chlorides may be increased up to 500mg/ltr.
Sub-Clause 1012.1 Add the following at the end of paragraph 2 of Clause 1012.1:
Admixtures shall not impair the durability of concrete; they shall not
combinewith the ingredients to form harmful compounds or endanger the
protection of reinforcement against corrosion. Only chloride free
admixtures shall beused.

Paragraph 3 of 1012.1 shall read as follows:

For all admixtures being used the packing shall be marked with the name
of the supplier/manufacturer, brand name (name of product) and main

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

effect. A certificate for the admixture in question shall be submitted. The

certificate shall include the following information:
1. General
A. Chemical name of the active component in theadmixture.
B. Values of dry material content, ash content and relative density of
admixture, which can be used for uniformitytests.
C. Chloride ion content expressed as a percentage of weight of
D. pH value andcolour.
E. Normal side effects e.g.whether the admixture leads to air
entrapment at recommended dosage and if so to whatextent.
F. Side effect when overdosed.
G. If two or more admixtures have to be used in one mix, their
H. Increase in risk of corrosion of reinforcements and embodiments
due to the use ofadmixtures.
I. Latest date of test and name of testlaboratory.
2. Storing
A. Shelf life
B. Max. & Min. allowabletemperature
C. Other instructions (e.g. requirements ofstirring)
3. Dosage
Maximum and minimum to be specified as a percentage of weight of
Add the following at the end of the clause:
After selecting a few acceptable brands and types of admixture based on
the manufacturer’s data/technical literature, independent acceptance tests
should be carried out for the same using the approved combination of
cement/sand/aggregates intended for use in the project. After
establishing the basic acceptability using strength criteria (compression
and tensile strengths) a number of trial mixes be designed using different
proportions of admixtures/cement/water etc. to establish the data bank on
the behavior of the admixture for the project site conditions. A
spectroscopic signature of accepted product should be obtained and
preserved for comparison for acceptance of the production lots.
Retrial should be conducted with change in source/type of cement.
4. Workmanship

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

The dosage should be finalized on the basis of field trial and special
mechanical devices should be used for dispensing the admixture in the
batching/mixing plant. No addition of admixture after dosage is
permitted (including addition in transit mixers).
Manufacturer’s experts should be available for consultation/trouble-
shooting of problems associated with their product. The conditions of
storage, shelf life etc., as specified by the manufacturer should be strictly
observed. The manufacturer’s Quality Assurance Plan during process of
production should be obtained and filed for reference/record.
Sub-Clause 1014.3 Aggregates
The following shall be added to this Clause:
"Aggregates shall be stored or stockpiled in such a manner that
segregation of fine and coarse sizes will be avoided and also that the
various sizes will not become intermixed before proportioning. They
shall be stored, stockpiled and handled in such a manner that will
prevent contamination by foreign materials."
Add the following as Para 3:
Independent testing of pre-stressing steel shall be carried out by the
Contractor for each consignment from each source at site in the
laboratory approved by the Engineer before use. The tests shall be
carried out for the properties as listed in clause 7.2.1 of BS- 5896:1980.
These tests are in addition to the tests carried out by the Manufacturer.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)



Sub-Clause 1204.3
Para (1) of this clause shall read as under:
The cutting edge shall be laid 300 mm above the prevalent water level or
at top of well cap level as specified in the drawings, in case the riverbed
is dry.
Sub-Clause 1205.1 Following paras shall be added after Para 1:
The well curb shall be placed truly in position and level.
When the curb is to be laid in dry bed, the site shall be leveled by open
excavation before the cutting edge is placed.
For wells, which are to be placed in water, on earthen/sand island where
possible shall be constructed and curb placed or cast on this island. In
case of any deep or fast flowing water where an island may not be
possible, as a special measure, the precast curb/steel caisson may be
floated and lowered in its final position with the help of necessary
Add the following at the end of Para (a)
Earthwork in excavation above bottom of cutting edge shall be measured
in cubic meters and shall be carried out and paid in accordance with
section 300 of these specifications.
Add the following at the end of Para (a)
Diversion of active water channel for carrying out construction shall be
incidental to work.
Para (e) of this clause shall read as under:
The contract unit rate for sinking shall include the cost of labour, tools
and plant and for operation required, such as formation of island,
dewatering, excavation and bailing out material, providing and placing
kentledge on top of well and removing the same, sand filling and
contingencies warranting provision of temporary top plug or cap in the
event of floods being expected at site making further sinking not
possible, and also other incidental works to sink well to the level shown
on the drawings. It shall also include blasting or use of divers for
removal of obstacles from under the cutting edge of the well. The rate
shall specify the strata such as soil (all types of soil including boulders)
and types of rock.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


Sub-Clause1402 MATERIALS
Replace this clause by following
“Stone to be used, besides quarry stone, shall be obtained by dressing the
boulders of average diameter not less than 300 mm and at least five faces
shall be chiseled. All other materials used in stone masonry shall confirm
to Section 1000 except cement mortar which shall confirm to clause

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


The Clause shall read as below.
The Contractor shall prepare a formwork mobilization and utilization
plan and submit the plan for Engineer’s approval at least 28 days before
the commencement of construction of structures. The requirement of
formwork shall be worked out considering the overall construction
program of all the structures to be cast in one or more stages, as
specified in the drawings. The plan shall take into account the time
required for erection of formwork, retention in position, stripping, and
removal and subsequent use in the next and subsequent structures.
Notewithstanding Engineer’s approval of mobilization plan, if due to any
reason, Contractor has to arrange additional formwork, to meet the
requirements of the construction program, it shall be done by the
Contractor without any extra cost to the Employer.
This Clause shall read as under:
"All materials shall comply with the requirements of IRC-87.
Material and components used for formwork shall be examined for damage
or excessivedeterioration before use/reuse and shall be used only if found
suitable after necessary repairs.
Only steel formwork shall be used. The steel used for forms shall be of
such thickness that the forms remain true to shape. All bolts should be
countersunk. The use of approved internal steel ties or plastic spacers shall
be permitted.
Structural steel tubes used as support for forms shall have a minimum wall
thickness of 4 mm."
Sub-Clause 1503.1
Add at the end of this Sub-clause “The work of formwork shall not
commence without approval of the Engineer”
Sub-Clause 1503.2
The following shall be added at the end of this Clause:
“For distribution of load and load transfer to the ground through staging, an
appropriately designed base plate must be provided which shall rest on firm

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Sub-Clause 1504.1
Add the following at the end of Clause 1504.1
The loading from the formwork shall be distributed to the soil or the
permanent works below (e.g. pile cap) in such a manner that any total or
differentialsettlement are within acceptable limits. Subsoil characteristics
shall be taken into account while designing the staging to avoid
untoward failures. All the pipes etc. used for staging shall be free from
kinks, bends etc.
Add the following as items of this clause:
· Adequate support against sideway and lateral loads due to
construction operations and wind shall beprovided.
· In case cantilevers are supported directly from the ground, the
supports for cantilevers shall be removed simultaneously with
main supports only after approval for the same from theEngineer.
· Forms shall be rigid and of adequate section to reduce
deflections. Forms shall have sufficient rigidity to resist
horizontal pressures caused by flowing concrete resulting from
use of superplasticisers. The formwork shall resist the lateral
pressure caused due to fast rate of placement by concretepumps
Add at the end of last para :
“Concreting shall not commence without approval of theEngineer”
Add the following as para 5 Clause. 1508.
For prestressed units, the side forms shall be released, as early as possible
and the soffit forms shall permit without restraint deformation of the
member, when prestress is applied. Form supports and forms for cast in
situ members shall not be removed until sufficient prestress has been
applied to carry the dead loadand any formwork supported by the member
and anticipated constructionloads.
This Clause shall read as under:
"After forms are stripped, all materials shall be examined for any damage
and damaged pieces, if any, shall be removed either as rejected or for
rectification if possible. The materials found fit to be reused shall be
thoroughly cleaned. Holes bored through sheathing for form ties shall be

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

plugged by driving in common corks or foamed plastics. Patching plaster

may also be used to fill small holes. After cleaning and before re-fixing,
each formwork shall be got approved from the Engineer.
Formwork and staging shall be so used as to ensure quality of the exposed
surface. However, if in the opinion of the Engineer, any particular
panel/member has become unsatisfactory for use at any stage, the same
will be rejected and removed from site.
All bent steel props shall be straightened before reuse. The maximum
deviation from straightness shall not exceed 1/600 of length. However the
maximum number of users shall be limited to 20 times since only steel
formwork is to be used.The maximum permissible axial loads in used
props shall be suitably reduced depending upon their condition.”
Replace the words ‘slip-form work’ by ‘climbing formwork’ in the first
sentence of this clause.
The first sentence of Para 2 of this clause shall read as follows: Slip
forming is not permitted.
Replace the word “plywood” by “marine plywood” in the fourth paragraph
of this clause.
Add the following at the end of the first para :
“The unit rate shall also include all costs for preparation of erection
scheme, designs of false work and formwork and their approval.”

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)



Paragraph 2 of Clause 1602 shall read as follows:
“Reinforcements shall be thermo mechanically treated (TMT) deformed
bars of grade Fe 415 conforming to IS: 1786. Only uncoated steel shall
be used as reinforcement unless specified”.
Para 1 of Clause 1604 shall be read as follows:
The reinforcement shown on the drawings shall be considered merely
symbolic representations of the shape and position and shall not be used
by the Contractors to justify any deviation from the stipulated
requirements. Bar bending schedules and any supplementary drawings as
may be required shall be furnished by the Contractor and got approved
by the Engineer before start of work. The bending schedules shall state
the number, shape and length of bar and weight in respect of each type.
System of bar referencing should be coherent and systematic. A separate
bar bending schedule shall be prepared for auxiliary bars like spacers,
Paragraph (c) (i) of Clause 1605 shall be read as follows:
Cover blocks shall be made of concrete or cement mortar with the same
durability properties as the surrounding concrete and with the same type
of constituents. In visible surfaces, the cover blocks shall be of the same
colour and texture as the surrounding concrete. The Contractor’s
proposal for cover blocks shall be submitted to the Engineer for
Sub-Clause 1606.1
First sentence of Clause 1606.1 shall read as follows:
To the extent possible, all reinforcement shall be furnished in full lengths
as indicatedin drawings.
Add the following as paragraph 2 of Clause 1606.1:
The location of joints in continuous reinforcing bars, not shown in
drawings, shall be submitted to the Engineer for acceptance. If nothing
contrary has been specified, the number of bars to be joined in any cross-
section shall not exceed one-third of the total.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Sub-Clause 1606.2 Welding

Sub-Clause 1606.2.1
Add the following at the end of the paragraph.
In prestressed concrete members, when welding of untensioned
reinforcement is permitted by the Engineer, it shall be carried out before
insertion of the prestressing tendons/sheathing.
Add the following as the last paragraph of Clause 1607:
Manufacturer’s test certificate regarding compliance with Indian
Standards for each lot of steel shall be obtained and submitted to the
Engineer. If required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall carry out
confirmatory tests in the presence of a person approved by the Engineer.
Cost of these tests shall be borne by the Contractor. The sampling and
testing procedure shall be as laid down in IS: 1786-1985. However if any
test piece selected from a lot fails, no re – testing shall be done and the
lot rejected.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)



Add the following at the end of this Clause:
“In proportioning concrete, the quantity of both cement and aggregate shall
be determined by weight. Where the weight of cement is determined by
accepting the manufacturer’s weight per bag, a reasonable number of bags
shall be weighed separately to check the net weight. Where cement is
weighed from bulk stock at site and not by bag, it shall be weighed
separately from the aggregates. Water shall either be measured by volume
in calibrated tanks or weighed.All measuring equipment shall be
maintained in a clean and serviceable condition. Their accuracy shall be
periodically checked.
It is most important to keep the specified water-cement ratio constant and
at its correct value. To this end, moisture content in both fine and coarse
aggregates shall be determined as frequently as possible; frequency for a
given job being determined by the Engineer according to the weather
conditions.The amount of mixing water shall then be adjusted to
compensate for variations in the moisture content.The determination of
moisture content in the aggregates shall be done as per IS: 2386 (Part III).
Suitable adjustments shall also be made in the weight of aggregates to
allow for the variation in weight of aggregates due to variation in their
Para 1 of this Clause shall read as under:
“Unless specified otherwise, equipment for production, transportation
and compaction of concrete shall be as under:
a) For production of concrete: Batching and mixing of the concrete
shall be done in a concrete batching and mixing plant fully
automatic of a minimum capacity of 40 cum/hour. The plant shall
be approved by theEngineer.”
Paragraph 3 of this clause shall read as follows:
“The accuracy of measuring devices shall fall within the following
Measurement ofCement + 1% of the quantity of cement in
Measurement of Water in 1% of the quantity of water
each batch.

Measurement of Aggregate 2% of the quantity of Aggregate in

Measurement of Admixture + 1% of the quantity of Admixture
in each

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Paragraph 3(b) & 3(c) shall remain unchanged.

Add the following paragraph at the end of the clause:
Batching, mixing transportation and placing concrete.
Once the concreting of a section is started, it has to be completed as a
continuous operation. Before starting an important placement, the
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer an equipment list to ensure that
sufficient equipment is available for batching, mixing, transporting and
placing concrete and once the concreting of a section is started, it can be
completed as a continuous operation within a reasonabletime.
Add the following paragraph at the end of the clause:
For Placing Concrete with Pumps: Pipe Lines from the pump to the
pacing area should be laid out with a minimum of bends. For large
concrete placements standby pumps shall be available. Suitable valves
(air release valves shutoff, valves etc.) shall be provided as per the site
needs. The pumping of concrete shall be preceded by a priming mix to
lubricate the pump and pipeline. A rich mix of creamy consistency shall
be required for lubricating the pipelines; continuous pumping shall be
done to the extent possible. After concrete has been placed the lines all
related equipment shall be cleaned immediately. A plug sponge ball shall
be inserted in the end near the pump and shall be forced through the line
by either water or air pressure. Pipes for pumping should not be made
from materials, which can harm concrete; aluminium alloy pipelines
shall not be used.
In the fifth paragraph, add after the words “the surface shall be
roughened” the words “the coarse aggregate shall be made visible to a
depth of 5 mm to 10 mm”.
“Bush hammering is not permitted since it loosens the coarse aggregate
and results in extensive micro cracks.”
Concreting of Joints:
“At vertical construction joints, a fine mesh on the inner surface of the
stopping board
shall be placed, if directed by the Engineer, to facilitate removal of
Sub -Clause 1711.2

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Hot Weather Conditions

Add the following at the end of paragraph 1 of the above clause:
Where the Contractor proposes to use ice to cool the concrete or mixing
water or any of the ingredients, the Contractor shall provide a
refrigeration plant to avoid use of contaminated ice.
Placement of concrete shall not be permitted when day temperature
exceeds 40oC.
Sub-Clause 1712.2
Water Curing
Add the following at the end of Para I:
Water sprinklers or perforated pipes shall be used for curing of concrete for
all major bridges, ROB’s and grade separators. Such arrangement must be
in place &tested before concreting for itsproper functioning and shall be
maintained for a minimum period of 14 days afterconcreting.
Approved concrete curing compounds should be preferred where water
curingcannot be done reliably.
Add the following at the end of Clause:
“In the absence of any information in drawings or specifications, for
particular cases, the following limitations shall apply.
Dimension (mm) ‘a’ Tolerances (mm) ‘δa=(a nominal –
a actual)’
a <200 | δ a| < 5
200 < a |δ a | < 3.5 + 0.0075a
2000 < a |δ a| < 16.5 + 0.001a

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


Add the following as the last paragraph of this clause:
Prestressing system shall conform to FIP Recommendation
"Recommendations of acceptance of post-tensioning systems", June
Add at the end of second paragraph
“The joint between the end of coupler and the duct shall be sealed with
heat shrink tape to prevent penetration of slurry during concreting. The
couplers of adjacent ducts should be staggered at least 300mm apart.”
Couplers and splices shall be larger in diameter than ducts joined.
Strands shall not be placed in the ducts before concreting. The ducts
shall be sealed at the ends by plastic caps to prevent water from entering.
Cables shall be threaded after concreting. In such cases a temporary
tendon shall be inserted in the sheathing, or the sheathing shall be stiff
ended by other suitable method during concreting. The sheathing
supports shall be such as to prevent floatation of empty cable duct during
Add the following as additional sub-clause Sub-
When high-density polyethylene (HDPE) sheathing ducts are specified,
the material for the ducts shall be with more than 2 percent carbon black
to provide resistance to ultraviolet degradation and shall have the
following properties:
Specific Density : 0.954 g/cm3 at 23°C
Yield Stress : 18.0 N/mm2
Tensile Strength : : 21.0 N/mm2
Shore Hardness D-3 sec. 60
-15 sec. Value : 58
Notch impact strength at 10 KJ/m2
-40°C : 4 KJ/m2
Coefficient of Thermal
Expansion for 20°C - : 1.50 x 10-4 KJ/m2

The thickness of the wall shall be 2.3 + 0.3 mm as manufactured and 1.5
mm after loss in the compression test, for duct size upto 160 mm OD.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

The ducts shall be corrugated on both sides. The ducts shall transmit full
tendon strength from the tendon to the surrounding concrete over a
length not greater than 40 duct diameters.
These ducts shall be joined by adopting any one or more of the following
methods, as convenient to suit the individual requirements of the
location, subject to the satisfactory pressure tests, before adoption.
· Screwed together with male and femalethreads.
· Joining with thick walled HDPE shrink couplers with glue. This
can also be used for connection with trumpet,etc.
· Welding with electro fusion couplers.
The joints shall be able to withstand an internal pressure of 0.5 bar for 5
minutes as per test procedure given in Appendix-1A of IRC: 18 - 2000.
Add following Paragraphs to the section.
The frequency of such tests should be as follows:
1. For acceptance of the tendon at the stage of submission of
tendons, the manufacturers certificate together with the data of
previously conducted and most recent test results of "Acceptance
Testing" is acceptable subject to further testing as givenbelow.
2. Acceptance Testing for theworks
a) Static load test for tendon-anchorageassembly
· A series of three tests using the proposed combination of
anchorage systems and the prestressing strand/wire/bars.
All the tests should meet the followingrequirements.
· Residual deformations of anchorage components after the
test should confirm the reliability of the anchorage.
· The increase in the displacements between the anchorage
components as well as between the prestressing steel and
anchorage components should not be disproportionate to
the increase in tendon force.
· The above relative displacements during the 0.8Fpk load
stage should stabilize within the first thirty minutes of the
load duration of 1 hour.
· The mode of failure of tendon should be by the fracture of
the prestressing steel. Failure of the tendon should not be
induced by the failure of anchorage components.
· The measured anchorage efficiency should be: (Refer
CEB/FIP Guidelines for details).

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

· The total elongation εu in free length of the tendon under

the load Ftu should be εu > 2%
b) Dynamic load test with tendon/ anchorage assembly
This test is to be carried out for every new combination of
type of anchorage and tendons. A series of three successful
tests shall be carried out for acceptance of the systems. This
test is considered as essential for both unbonded and bonded
cables as per FIP document.
Each test result should meet the following requirements
· Fatigue failure of anchorage components should not occur.
· The minimum fatigue strength of post-tensioning system
should be Δσp min = 80 MPa
· The fatigue strength is defined as the stress range (Δσp),
which is endured for 2 million cycles without failure of
more than 5% of the initial cross-section of the tested
tendon at beginning of the test.
Add the following at the end of Para 2:
Jack and Pump shall be calibrated by an approved laboratory prior to use
and then at intervals not exceeding three months.
A standby set of jack, pumps and pressure gauges shall always be
available at site where prestressing is in progress.
Add the following at the end of Para 5 of this clause:
Parallel measurement by load cell in combination with direct reading of
Pressure gauge shall be preferred. In any case such parallel
measurements by load cell shall be made for at least 10% of the cables
stressed during any tensioning operation.
Add the following at the end of this Clause:
The Contractor shall submit fabrication drawings, detailing prestressing
cables, anchorages, couplers, chairs and supports, templates or forms
holding anchorage assemblies etc. for Engineer's approval at least one
month before commencement of work in superstructure. Stressing
schedules shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to Engineer
Add new Para at the end of Clause as under:

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Where directed by the Engineer the Contractor shall perform full-scale

site test to determine the adequacy of grout mix, equipment and grouting
method. The Contractor shall submit a method statement detailing the
test procedure.
Special Attention is directed to Appendix 1800 / III of the Standard
Specifications. Contractor shall arrange for testing of all grout
components and of the mix, prior to the start of grouting and whenever
the source of any component is changed, to ensure that the grout is free
of anything that could promote shrinkage or cracking of the grout or
corrosion in the tendons. Further samples of grout and its components
shall be obtained for each day of grouting at each site where grouting is
carried out and a full chemical analysis shall be performed on
Add at end of Para 4:
Cost of fixing anchorages / sheathing for dummy cables and future
prestressing cables shall be incidental to work and shall not be measured
/ paid extra. No additional cost shall be payable for stressing of cables
for compensation of short fall of prestress or for any other reason.
Add new clause:
Joints between a series of precast concrete units which are to be
prestressed together by post-tensioning shall be such as to ensure even
transfer of compression from one unit to another.
Whatever be the method of jointing, the holes of the prestressing steel
shall be accurately made and shall meet one another in true alignment at
ends. Jigs shall always be used. Care shall be taken to ensure that the
jointing material does not enter the duct or press the sheath against the
prestressing steel.
Jointing by application of mortar on the face of a unit and then placing
another unit against it shall not bepermitted.
Suitability and effectiveness of the method should be got confirmed from
a suitably designed mock-up.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)



Add the following as paragraph 2 of this clause:
Within 90 days of award, the Contractor shall submit detailed
specifications, designs and drawings including installation drawings and
maintenance manual, for the approval of the Engineer. Designs shall also
include review and modifications of designs and drawings of bearing
pedestals and other elements required for installation. The installation of
bearings shall be carried out under the supervision of the manufacturer
of the bearings. The Contractor shall provide the bearings only from the
manufacturers approved and enlisted by the Ministry of Road Transport
& Highway. In addition to routine testing of the materials and bearings
at manufactures premises, the Contractor shall arrange at his own cost
testing of random samples of 1 % (Minimum 1 no. of each type) of
bearings from independent agencies, other than manufactures’ own
facilities, duly approved by the Engineer. The bearings shall be selected
by the Engineer / his authorised representative and duly sealed in his
presence for dispatch to the independent agency.
The clause shall read follows:
Sub-Clause 2004.1
Spherical Bearings: Spherical Bearings shall conform to the
requirements of sections 9.1 and 9.2 of BS 5400. However materials of
bearing elements may conform to Indian Standards nearest to the
specifications stated in the above sections of BS: 5400.
Sub-Clause 2005.4Acceptance Specifications
In Para 5, substitute the words "Engineer or his authorised representative"
for the word"Inspector".
Sub-Clause 2005.4.5 Inspection Certificate
Substitute the words "Engineer or his authorised representative" for the
Sub-Clause 2005.4.6 Quality Control Certificate
Delete the words “/Inspector” in the third paragraph.
The clause shall read follows:
Pot Bearings shall conform to the requirements of IRC: 83 (Part III)-

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Sub-Clause2006.1 General
Add “Provisions of IRC83 (Part III) shall be applicable for POT, POT
cum PTFE, PIN and Metallic Guide Bearings”
Add the following after Para 2:
"Tar Paper bearings shall be measured in square meters."
“Tar Paper bearing shall be reinforced bitumen laminated Kraft paper
conforming to IS-1398”.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


Reference to Tolerance shall be made to Clause 1715.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)



Add the following paragraph at the end of clause:
“Wherever necessary, suitable cofferdams or other means shall be
provided to exclude water from the construction area. The Contractor
shall provide necessary pumping equipment for dewatering areas”.
Sub-Clause 2210 Rate
This Clause shall read as follows:
“The contract rate for masonry, concrete and reinforcement in
substructure shall include all works as given in respective sections and
cover the cost of incidental items like providing cofferdams, dewatering,
providing special formwork, where necessary, and all other items for
furnishing and providing substructure as mentioned in thissection.”
The necessary material (thermocole, bituminous fibrous board or
equivalent material) and labour, tools etc. required for maintaining 20 /
40 mm gap between faces of various structures (old / new) wherever
required / as shown in drawing shall be incidental to work and shall not
be measured / paidseparately.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)



Sub-Clause2305.2 Box Girder
Add the following at the end of paragraph 1:
“Contractor shall, in his methods statement, indicate the location of
construction joints for Engineer’s approval.”
Add new sub clause 2305.5 as under :
Sub-Clause 2305.5 PSC Solid Slab
Casting of the slab shall be done in a single stage without construction
The portions of deck near expansion joints shall be cast along with
Reinforcements and embedments for expansion joints.
The deck slab shall be finished rough, but true to lines and levels as
shown in drawings. Bearings shall be set as shown in drawings.
The title of this Clause shall read as under:
Sub-Clause 2504.2.2 Filter Media
Add after 1st Para:
“The material for filter media behind abutment shall conform to general
guide lines given in Appendix 6 of IRC-78 (Standard Specification and
Code of Practice for Road Bridges –Section-II).”

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


Clause 2602 GENERAL

Add the following at the end of the clause.
The expansion joints, shall be procured only from those manufacturers/
suppliers of expansion joints who are empanelled with MOSRT&H.
The MOSRT&H (formerly, Ministry of Surface Transport) had issued
modified interim specifications for expansion joints vide letter dated
31/03/97 and revised vide letter No. RW/NH-34059/1/96 - S&R dated
30th Nov, 2000 and corrigendum of same circular dated 15th Jan., 2001
which shall be adopted. These specifications are reproduced below.

Sl. Type of Suitability for Adoption

Special Consideration
No. Expansion Joint
10 Years Only for deck with
bituminous/ asphaltic wearing coat.
Simply supported spans upto Steel plate may need replacement, if
1 Buried Joint
10 metres found corroded or distorted at the
time of relaying/ renewal of wearing

Fixed end of simply

10 Years The sealant and joint filler
supported spans with
2 Filler Joint would need replacement if found
insignificant movement or
simply supported spans not
exceeding 10 metres.
Simply supported spans for
right or skew (upto 20
degree), moderately curved
or wide deck with maximum
horizontal movement not
exceeding 25 mm. Ambient
temperature should be in the 10 Years Only for decks with
range of 5 degree to 50 bituminous/ asphaltic wearing coat.
degree Celsius. Not suitable for bridge with
Asphaltic Simply supported or longitudinal gradient more than 2 %
Plug Joint continuous spans right or and cross camber/ superelevation
skew (upto 30 degree), exceeding 3 %. Not suitable for
moderately curved with curved spans and spans resting on
maximum horizontal yielding supports.
movement not exceeding 40
Simply supported or
continuous spans, Right or
skew (less than 20 degree),
moderately curved with

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Sl. Type of Suitability for Adoption

Special Consideration
No. Expansion Joint
maximum horizontal
movement upto 50 mm
Simply supported or
continuous spans right or
Seal Joint*
skew (upto 30 degree), 10 Years Chloroprene/ Closed
4 moderately curved with Foam Seal may need replacement
ene Seal &
maximum horizontal during service.
Cell Foam
movement not exceeding 40
Simply supported or 10 Years Liable to excessive wear
continuous spans, Right or and tear under high traffic intensity.
skew (less than 20 degree), Not suitable for bridges located in
5 Slab Seal
moderately curved with heavy rainfall area and spans resting
maximum horizontal on yielding support.
movement upto 50 mm
Moderate to large simply
supported, cantilever/
continuous construction
Single strip 25 Years Electrometric seal may
6 having right, skew or curved
seal joint* need replacement during service.
deck with maximum
horizontal movement up to
70 mm
Large to very large
continuous/ cantilever
Modular construction with right, skew 25 Years Electrometric seal may
7 Strip/ Box or curved deck having need replacement during service.
Seal Joint maximum horizontal
movement in excess of 70
For bridges having wide
decks and large span length
involving complex 25 Years Electrometric seal may
movements/ rotations in need replacement during service.
Joints for
8 different directions/ planes, Provision of these joints may be
provision of special type of made with prior approval of the
modular expansion joints Ministry
such as Swivel joists joints
may be made.
* These are proprietary items for which 10 years warranty shall be insisted upon from the
suppliers. The contractor shall submit all relevant information as per clause 115.1


Add the following additional clauses:
Sub-Clause2703.5 Concrete crash barrier forbridges
Sub-Clause 2703.5.1 General

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

This work shall consist of construction, provision and installation of

concrete crash barrier on the bridge deck / approach slab / approaches at
locations and of dimensions as shown on the drawings or as directed by
Sub-Clause 2703.5.2 Materials
All materials shall conform to Section 1000-Materials for Structures as
applicable, and relevant Clauses in Section 1600 shall govern the steel
reinforcement. The concrete barriers shall be constructed either by the
“cast- in-place with fixed forms” method or the “extrusion or slip form”
method or a combination thereof at the Contractor’s option with the
approval of the Engineer. Where “extrusion or slip form” method is
adopted, full details of the method and literature shall be furnished.
Grade of concrete for Crash barriers on deck slab, approach slab etc.
shall be M40, whereas concrete grade of M 25 shall be used for crash
barriers on right return walls, retaining walls etc.
An expansion joint with Polysulphide Joint sealants and bituminous
fiberboard shall be provided in the crash barriers at the location of
expansion joints/ gaps on the bridge, approaches etc.
Sub-Clause 2703.5.3 Construction Operations
The location of crash barrier shall be strictly adhered to as shown on the
drawing and as directed by the Engineer. Concrete crash barriers shall
present a smooth, uniform appearance in their final position, conforming
to the horizontal and vertical lines shown on the plans or as ordered by
the Engineer and shall be free of lumps, sags or other irregularities. The
top and exposed faces of the barriers shall conform to the specified
tolerances, as defined in Clause 809.4, when tested with 3 m straight
edge, laid on the surface.
The concrete crash barrier or precast shall be given two coats of cement
paint or aqua based paint as as directed by the Engineer of approved
brand and shade.
Sub-Clause 2703.5.4 Tolerance
The overall horizontal alignment of crash barrier and rails shall not
depart from the road alignment by more than + 30 mm, nor deviate in
any two successive lengths from straight by more than 6 mm and the
faces shall not vary more than 12 mm from the edge of a 3 m straight
edge. Barriers shall be at the specified height as shown in the plans
above the edge of the nearest adjacent carriageway or shoulder, within a
tolerance of + 30mm.
Sub-Clause 2703.5.5 Measurements for Payment
All barriers will be measured in linear metres of concrete in place,
including approach and departure ends. The steel rails on the top of crash
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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

barrier shall be measured and paid separately. The sealing of opening in

crash barrier at expansion joints with polysulphide rubber joint sealant
and bituminous fibreboard as per sub- clause 2703.6 shall be incidental
to work. The painting shall be measured in square meter.

Sub-Clause 2703.5.6 Rate

The Contract unit rate shall include full compensation for furnishing all
labour, materials including steel reinforcement as per drawings, tools,
equipment and incidental costs necessary for doing all the work involved
in constructing the concrete barrier complete in place in all respects as
per these Specifications.


Polysulphide Joint sealants with bituminous fiberboard shall be provided
in the Expansion Joints/ gaps in Crash Barriers.
Before application it shall be ensured that the top of the bituminous
fiberboard and the concrete faces are dry, sound, free from dirt, grease
and other loose foreign matter. A thin coat of primer shall be applied on
concrete faces with a brush to air dry before applying sealant. The
components of the sealant i.e. base and hardener shall be mixed in a slow
speed mixed sealant till uniform color is obtained. Placement of the
mechanical mixer shall be done with either cartridge or fully enclosed
gun barrels within 30 minute of mixing. Manufacturer’s
recommendation shall be followed.
The sealing compound shall be two packs, low modulus of elasticity
Polysulphide elastomer having bituminous ingredients such as Cico T-
680 or equivalent with following properties of the cured compound.

Tensile strength - 0.4 MPa ± 10%

Modulus of elasticity - At 100% elongation: 0.15 MPa
Elongation - Elongation at break 550%
Hardness - Shore ‘A’ hardness 22 ± 3 @ 25°C
Operating temperature - .-20°C to + 80°C Shrinkage Less than 1%
Permanent dynamic - ± 25% Movement capability

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


Replace the entire clause with the following:

“The Specifications shall apply to all items of road maintenance works
as categorized below as required to be carried out under the Contract or
as directed by the ‘Engineer’. The works shall be carried out in
conformity with the relevant Specifications to the required level, grade
and lines using approved materials. The scope would include
maintenance of the existing highway and diversion roads in the project
section to facilitate uninterrupted traffic during construction. The works
shall be carried out using light duty machinery or manual means
provided the quality of the end product does not suffer. In execution of
maintenance works, a reference is made to the IRC publications :
“Manual for Maintenance of Roads” and “Code of Practice for
Maintenance for Bituminous Surfaces of Highways, IRC 82 – 1982” for
guidance and compliance wherever applicable. Wherever the
Specification is not clear, good engineering practice shall be adopted in
the construction to the satisfaction of theEngineer.”
Sub-Clause3002.4 Measurement ofPayment
The items shall be measured in Km-months.
Sub-Clause3002.5 Rate
Clause shall be read as under:
The Contract unit rate for the maintenance of the road shall be inclusive
of all items of work covered in Clause 3002.1 through Clause3002.4.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)



1 Scope
The work shall consist of:
a) Planting of tree saplings in median or other designated locations.
b) Planting of hedges within median area.
2 Materials
2.1 Dump Manure
Dump manure shall be of well decayed (at least six months) organic or
vegetable matter, obtained in the dry state from the municipal dump or
other similar sources approved by the Engineer. The manure shall be free
from earth, stone, brickbats or other extraneous matter.
2.2 Farmyard Manure
Farmyard Manure shall be well decayed (should be at least 6 months
covered in dump), free from grits and any other unwanted materials.
2.3 Good Earth
The soil shall be agricultural soil of sandy-loam texture, free from
kankar, moorum, shingle, stone, brickbats, building rubbish and any
other foreign matter. The earth shall be free from clods or lumps of sizes
bigger than 75mm in any direction. It shall have Ph value ranging
between 6.0 to 8.5.
2.4 Oil Cake (Neem/Castor/Groundnut)
The cake shall be freeform bush, dust, grit and any other foreign matter.
2.5 Sapling of Trees
The sapling of trees shall be of medium height, leafy type and draught
resistant variety native to the area and be of good quality of minimum of
2m height or caliper dia of 25mm as directed by the Engineer.
2.6 Sapling of Hedges
The saplings shall be of draught resistant variety normally grown for
hedges in the area, approved by the Engineer.
3. Construction Operations
3.1 Tree Planting and Refilling Earth after Mixing with Oil Cake,
Manure and Watering
Holes of circular shape of 90cm dia and 100cm in depth in ordinary soil
shall be excavated and the excavated soil, broken to clods of sizes not
exceeding 75mm in any direction, shall be stacked outside the hole.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Stones, brickbats, unsuitable earth and other rubbish, all roots, and
weeds etc. other undesirable growth met with during excavation shall be
separated out and unserviceable material removed from the site as
directed. Useful material, if any, shall be stacked properly and
separately. Good earth in quantities required to replace such discarded
stuff shall be brought and stacked at site by the Contractor, depth not
more than 50cm from ground level. The pit shall be treated for termite
by raking the soil upto 50mm and treated with 5% Aldrin or Chloradang
dust in soil.
The tree hole shall be manured with powdered neem/caster oil cake
along with farm yard manure/dump manure screened through 16mm
sieve and these shall be uniformly mixed with the excavated top soil
after the manure has been broken down to powder (size of particles not
to exceed 6mm in any direction) in equal proportion. A 2m high sapling
of trees shall be placed at the centre of the hole and then the mixture
shall be filled into the hole upto the level of adjoining ground and then
profusely watered to enable the soil to subside. The refilled soil shall
then be dressed evenly with its surface about 50 to 75mm below the
adjoining ground level or as directed by the Engineer.
The planting shall be completed soon after completion of the median.
Circular Mild Steel Tree Guard with Bars
The tree guard shall be 90cm in diameter.
The tree guards shall be formed of (i) 3 Nos. 25 x 25 x 3mm angle iron
verticals 1.95m long excluding splayed outward at lower end upto an
extent of 5 cms, (ii) 3 Nos. 25 x 5mm MS flat rings fixed as per design
(iii) 15 Nos. 1.55m long 6m dia bars. Each ring shall be in two parts in
the ratio of 1:2 and their ends shall be turned in radically for a length of
4cm at which they are bolted together with 8mm dia and 30mm long MS
bolts and nuts.
The vertical iron shall be welded to rings along the circumference with
electric plant 15 Nos. bars shall be welded to rings at equal spacing
along the circumferences of ring. The lower end of the angle iron
verticals shall be splayed outwards upto an extent of 5cm. The lower end
of the flat of lower ring shall be at the height of 1.95m. The middle ring
shall be in the centre of top and lower ring. The bars shall be welded to
the rings as directed by the Engineer. The entire tree guard shall be given
two coats of paint of approved brand and of required shade over a
priming coat of ready mixed primer of approved brand. The design of
the tree guard shall be approved by the Engineer.
3.3 Planting of Hedges
The hedges saplings shall be planted in two rows, one each along each
edge of the median. Bed for the saplings shall be prepared with

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

necessary manuring, and the live saplings shall be planted in lines

parallel to the median edge to the directions of the Engineer. Spacing
between saplings in a row shall be such that a thick hedge can be grown,
and this shall generally be not farther away than 300mm.
The planting shall be completed soon after completion of the medians.
3.4 Grassing of Median Area
The included area of the median between the hedges shall be seeded and
mulched to develop grass cover in accordance with Clause 308.
4 Maintenance
The saplings of trees and hedges planted shall be watered and
maintained by the Contractor till issue of final taking over certificate.
Maintenance shall also include watering, weeding out of undesirable
plants, and replacement of dead plant, manuring and trimming of the
5 Measurement for Payment
Planting of tree saplings including provision of tree guards and
maintenance shall be measured in number.
Planting of hedges along median edges including maintenance shall be
measured as length or each row in linear metre.
Seeding and mulching of the median area between the hedges shall be
measured as per Clause 308.
6 Rates
The contract unit rate for planting of trees and hedges shall include the
cost of all labour and material involved in all the operations described
above including cost of saplings tree guard and maintenance as
mentioned above, the cost of supplying and stacking the requisite
quantity of manure and oil cake and other incidentals.
1 Scope
This work shall consist of construction of chute drain on the slope of the
road embankment including erosion protection works at the locations
and to dimensions shown on the Drawings or as directed by Engineer.
Schedule of works shall be so arranged that the drains are completed in
proper sequence with roadway to ensure that no damage is caused due to
lack of drainage.
2 Materials
The drains shall be of half round pipe of 600-mm dia formed by joining
half RCC pipe of NP2 type as shown in the drawings. The RCC work
shall conform to the relevant clauses of these specifications.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

The toe wall below ground level shall be of plain cement concrete of M
15 grade to Clause 1700, as shown in the Drawings.
Dumped riprap for erosion protection at ground level, it shall be
constructed as shown in drawing with hard, unweathered and durable
rubble stone of size 150 to 250 mm.
3 Construction Operations
At the locations where the chute drains are to be installed, a rectangular
cut on the side slope of the embankment along the line of the chute drain
shall be made. The Concrete bed with PCC M-10 shall be laid with semi
circle in the middle. The laying & jointing of pipe shall be done with
Cement Mortar 1:3, when concrete in bed is still green. The sloping bed
of the drain shall be to a regular line and suitably compacted to provide a
firm bed.
The water collection arrangement shall be constructed with cement
concrete of grades as shown in drawing at shoulder edge between two
chutes for guiding the surface water into the chute.
The toe wall shall be constructed with PCC M-15 as shown in drawing.
The Rip-Rap/ stone pitching 300mm thick shall be constructed upto 1m
on either side of the drain and at ground level as shown in the drawings.
4. Measurement for Payment
The Chute Drain shall be measured and paid in running metre. The
Contract unit rates specified for Chute drain shall be inclusive of all
leads and lifts for excavations, concreting of pipe bed, placing and
jointing of pipes with Cement Mortar, construction of PCC toe wall, rip-
rap/stone pitching for erosion protection and drainage arrangement
between two Chutes at shoulder edge, etc. for completing the chute
The work shall consist of laying and jointing of R.C.C. Utility Ducts in
accordance with the requirements of these specifications.
Reinforced concrete pipes shall be of NP 4 type conforming to IS: 458 as
shown in the drawings.
Laying of Pipes
Laying of Pipes shall be carried out in accordance with clause 2905; the
Pipes shall be fitted and matched so that when laid in work they shall
have a smooth uniform invert.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

The Pipes shall be jointed either by collar joint or flush joint. Caulking
shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer. The provisions of clause
2906 of the specifications shall be followed to the extent applicable. The
Engineer’s decision shall be final and binding.
Back Filling
Where directed by the Engineer shall be carried out in accordance with
clause 2907 of the specifications.
Closing of Ends
The ends of Pipes shall be closed with plastic covers to prevent ingress
of foreign materials
Measurement of Payments
The utility ducts shall be measured from end to end in linear meter.
The contract rate for ducts shall include the cost of pipes including
collars and covers, handling and storing of Pipes, laying in positions and
jointing, construction of head wall and inspection chamber, complete
and all incidental works necessary for completion. Excavation including
back filling where necessary shall not be measured and paid separately
and the same shall be included in the rate for Utility Ducts.
The specifications for excavation in rock are covered by
MOSRT&H“Specifications for Road & Bridge Works” (4th revision
2001), vide section 300. The following specifications are additional and
supplementary to the same.
Whenever required by the Engineer, the rock blasting shall be controlled
so that vibration generated during the blasting do not cause damage to
the building and installation around built up areas. Similarly, the rock
pieces should not fly off the pits and thus damage the buildings and
installation and life and limb of people around. Apart from the general
precautions mentioned in the MOSRT&Hspecifications, following
protective measures and limits for use of explosives are suggested as
a) Short delay blasting with light charges shall be used.
b) The blast hole shall be covered with 0.6 to 1.0 sq.m. Mild steel
plate of minimum 6 mm thickness.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

c) Reinforcement rod mesh not less than 20 mm dia at 150 mm

centers in both directions shall be placed over the steel plates.
d) Steel plate and reinforcements shall be inspected after every
blasting operation and all twists shall be removed before reuse to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.
e) The thickness of the covering plate and the kind of dead weight is
to be duly approved by the Engineer.
When blasting is necessary adjacent in partially of completely built
structures the contractor shall take all precautions necessary to prevent
flying rock from causing damage to the structures.
No blasting shall be allowed for any of the excavation until freshly
placed concrete of nearby structures has reached a minimum strength of
7 MPa.
Normally, blasting shall be resorted to only after 7 days of concreting
work in case of OPC (10 days in case of PPC) in adjacent structures.
In no case shall blasting be allowed closer than 15m to any structure
after concrete placing has started.
When minor blasting is necessary after concrete placing has started in
any structure, the maximum size of charge for distance from 100m and
above shall be limited to the following:
Distance Safe particle velocity 10 Safe particle velocity 3
in m mm/sec. Charge in kgs per mm/sec. Charge in kgs
delay per delay.
100 10.7 2.6
150 24.2 5.8
200 43.0 10.3
250 67.3 16.7
300 96.9 23.2
350 131.9 31.6
400 172.3 41.2
450 218.2 52.2
500 269.3 64.5

Any deviation in the above-recommended limits will be adopted only

after the specific approval of the Engineer. The contractor shall submit
the scheme with charges and delays he proposed to use for blasting, for
approval of the Engineer.
It is generally recommended that where the blasting is to be done, within
20 m of the nearest point of permanent building, the area shall be line
drilled on periphery before blasting.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage caused by blasting

whether to permanent or temporary structures and shall replace or repair
the structures at his own cost.
After the blast, the supervisor must carefully inspect the work and satisfy
himself that all the charges have exploded. After the blast takes place in
underground works, the workmen shall not be allowed to go to the face
till toxic gases have disappeared from the face.
If it is suspected that part of the blast has failed to fire or is delayed,
sufficient time shall be allowed to elapse before entering the danger
zone. When fuse and blasting caps are used, a safe time should be
allowed and then the supervisor alone shall leave the shelter to inspect
the blasting zone.
None of the drillers are to work near the misfired hole until one of the
two following operations have been carried out by the Supervisor:
Either (i) the Supervisor should very carefully (when the tamping is of
damp clay) extract the tamping with a wooden scraper or jet of water or
compressed air (using a pipe of soft material) and withdraw the fuse with
the primer and a fresh detonator with
fuse should be placed in these holes and fired out, or (ii) the hole may be
cleared of 30 cm of tamping and its direction then be ascertained by
placing a stick in the hole. Another hole may then be drilled at least 60
centimeters away and parallel to it and about 30 cm less in depth, this
hole shall them be charged and fired. The balance of the cartridges and
detonators found in the muck shall be removed.
Before leaving his work, the Supervisor of the concluding shift shall
inform the Supervisor of the relieving shift of any case of misfires and
should point out the position with a red cross denoting the same and also
stating what action, if any, he has taken in the matter.
The Supervisor should also at once report at the office of the Contractor
and the Engineer all cases of misfire, the cause of the same and what
steps were taken in connection with these.
The names of the day and night shift Supervisors must be noted daily in
the Contractor’s office.
If a misfire has been found to be due to a defective detonator of
dynamite the whole quantity or box from which the defective article was
taken, must be thoroughly inspected by the Contractor.
Drilling in holes not completely exploded by blasting shall not be

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Excavation by blasting will be permitted only under the personal
supervision of competent and licensed blasters and trained workmen.
All supervisors and workmen in-charge of preparation, handling, storage
and blasting work shall be adequately insured by the Contractor.
Storage shall be in charge of a very reliable person approved by the
Engineer, who may, if necessary conduct police enquiries as to his
reliability, antecedents etc. The contractor shall have to produce a
security for the person in-charge of the explosives, if and when required
by the Engineer, of the civil authorities of the district.

The Contractor shall make sure that his supervisors and workmen are
fully conversant with all the rules to be observed in storing, handling and
use of the explosives. It shall be ensured that the supervisors in charge
are thoroughly acquainted with the details of the handling of explosives
and blasting operations.
Where existing pavement is to be overlayed with a granular base of less
500 mm, total thickness shall be scarifies in accordance with Sub-Clause
501.8.3.2. Where the existing pavement contains multiple bituminous
layers, the scarification shall be to the underside of the lowest
bituminous layer. The contractor will verify that all bituminous layers
have been removed using appropriate methods as approved by the
Engineer. The bituminous surfacing material removed from the existing
pavement may be used in other parts of works provided it complies with
the relevant clauses and approved by the Engineer.
After scarification and removal of all the bituminous layers from the
existing pavement to be overlayed, to the full satisfaction of the
Engineer, the existing pavement shall be lightly sprinkled with water, if
necessary, and rolled with three passes of 80-100 kN smooth wheeled
roller. The existing pavement shall then be proof rolled with 8 tonne
single drum vibrating roller in the presence of the Engineer who shall
determine the suitability of the existing pavement for overlay.
After proof rolling, where the overlay includes a sub-base layer of
compacted thickness less than 75mm, the surface prepared for the
overlay shall be lightly tined as directed by the Engineer. No tinning is
required in case compacted thickness of sub-base layer of overlay is
more than 75mm.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


1. Scope
i. The work shall consist of removal and disposal of all unsuitable
and obstructing materials, demolition of well lining, placing of
selected materials in layers, and compaction in layers for filling
of open wells originally used as sources for potable water. The
work shall be carried out in accordance with the Specifications
and as directed by the Engineer.
ii. These specifications would be applicable for open wells (with
sizes less than 6m in diameter) over which the road embankments
would be built. These would not be applicable for plugging of
open wells, which are outside the limits of embankments. These
open wells would require plugging using suitable materials so as
to protect against contamination of aquifer. These specifications
would also not be applicable for filling of ponds and water
Classification of Wells
The open wells shall be classified as under:
i. Unlined
ii. Lined
The casing/lining of wells may be of masonry, burnt clay, concrete rings
or any other type.
2. Materials
i. The fill materials shall be sand, gravel, selected soil and such
materials free from logs, stumps, roots, rubbish, compressible
materials or any other ingredient likely to deteriorate, or affect
the filling and shall be free from any hazardous material such as
harmful chemicals, sewage etc., which could cause
contamination of ground water. A mixture of sand and gravel
would be acceptable as filling material because little settling
would occur afterwards.
ii. The types of material to be used shall be as per Table-1 and as
directed by the Engineer.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Table-1: Material for Filling of Open Wells

S. Description Material Type
1 Well with Mixture of sand and gravel upto 1.5m height below
standing water natural ground level. The selected granular soil with
Plasticity Index (PI) < 6 for the remaining depth of well.
To achieve the desired compaction, the top 1.5m shall
be executed by lowering the standing water level by
more than 1.5m below natural ground level.
2 Dry well with Mixture of sand and gravel upto 1.5m height below
depth natural ground level. The selected granular soil with
Plasticity Index (PI) < 6 for the remaining depth of well.

Note: (1) Materials for filling of wells of sizes less than 1m in diameter
shall be mixture of natural sand and gravel. (2) The selected materials
(soils and sand-gravel mixtures) shall have MDD (as per IS2720, Part-
8) not less than 16.0 kN/m3. The sand-gravel mix shall be as per sub
clause 2504.
The size of the coarse material in soil shall not exceed 25 mm. In case of
sand-gravel mixtures, the maximum particle size shall not be more than
75 mm. Sand-gravel mixtures with excessive amounts of gravel (>30%)
shall not be permitted.
3. Construction Operations
a) Removal of Obstructing Materials
i. All debris such as pump, metal wires and rods, pipes, any other
equipment, floating materials and logs, degradable and also not
degradable materials that would cause incomplete filling of the
voids shall be removed from the bed of wells so that the selected
fill materials do not slump or settle afterwards. The removal and
disposal shall also cover all plastic materials (e.g. used polythene
bags, pipes etc.), sewage, dead animals, boulders etc. as directed
by the Engineer.
ii. In case of lined open wells, the lining shall be dismantled up to
the level of natural ground level or one metre in height,
whichever is higher.
b) Disinfect Standing Water in Open Wells
i. All open wells with standing water shall be disinfected to kill
microorganisms. This can be accomplished using by adding
chlorine bleach @ 5 litres of chlorine bleach for every 2,500
litres of standing water and as directed by the Engineer.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

c) Removal of Well Lining

The upper 1m of well casing/lining shall be removed when the
fill material within 1m of the existing ground surface.
d) Placing and Compaction
i. The placing and compaction operations would commence after
completion of the preceding tasks, (a) and (b), to the satisfaction
of the Engineer.
ii. The fill material as specified in Table-1 above shall be placed in
the well in layer of 500 mm using shovels and as directed by the
Engineer. Dumping of materials from dump trucks and front-end
loaders into the abandoned wells shall not be allowed.
iii. Each layer of fill material shall be compacted with the help of
plate compactor or power hammer and as directed by the
iv. Before allowing the next layer, it shall be ensured that the earlier
layer is at the desired compaction and as directed by the
v. It shall be ensured that no further consolidation/settlement takes
place while in service after filling of open wells. The site over the
filled open well shall be shaped as directed by the Engineer to
stop ponding of water and also to absorb any settling of filling
4. Measurements
i. Measurement of well filling shall be in cum for finish work for
the following items.
a) Mixture of sand & gravel
b) Selected granular soil
5. Rates
i. The contact unit rates for filling of open wells shall include
removal of debris, dismantling of lining, cost of fill materials,
machinery, labour, all compaction works, environmental
protection works, if so directed by the Engineer, and disposal of
unsuitable materials complete with all leads and lifts and as
directed by the Engineer.
1. Scope
The work covers the provision of construction of way side amenities and
truck parking sites as shown in the drawings. Work includes building
complex with provision for electrical supply, all electric items like lights,

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

fans and complete wiring, providing water supply including all pipes,
fittings, tanks, tube well, pumps, valves etc. complete, septic tank, sewer
lines, drains, boundary wall, internal surfaced roads, lawns etc. complete
with specifications as shown in the drawings.
2. Maintenance
The contractor should arrange to maintain the way side amenities, truck
parking sites till the issue of Taking Over Certificate.
3. Measurement
The measurement for construction completion of way side amenities and
truck parking sites with all provisions of furnishing shall be on square
metre of the payable area shown in the drawings.
4. Rate
The Contract unit rate for constructing and providing way side amenities
and truck parking site complex which include cost of all the operations
involved in the construction of the complex connected services, fittings,
furnishing, land scaping, electrical items like wiring, switching, fitting of
lights, fans, fire extinguisher etc. complete, providing water supply and
including all types of necessary fitting of tube-wells, pumps and valves
etc. complete, septic tank, sewer lines, drains furnishing internal road
etc. complete, and as shown in drawings.
1. General
Liquid membrane forming compound are sometimes permitted to be
used by the engineer for curing concrete for part or whole of the total
curing period as specified in sections dealing with concrete construction.
These membranes reduce the loss of water from concrete during early
hardening period and some type of compounds also help in reducing the
temperature-rise of concrete exposed to the radiation from the sun. These
specifications cover the type and use of such compounds. However, the
use of the same will need specific permission from the engineer, who
may require a number of tests to be carried out for establishing the
conformity of the product to these specifications and to establish that the
curing compound and its method of use does not have any unacceptable
effect on the quality of concrete. The cost of the initial acceptance
testing and the quality control testing will be borne by the owner, if the
method has been specified as a requirement by the engineer. If on the
other hand, it is suggested by the contractor as an alternative to wet-
curing, the full cost of testing will be borne by him and deemed to be
included in his rates for concreting. The cost of curing in any case will
be deemed to be part of the concrete rates and will not be paid extra.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

All equipment, material etc., needed for curing and protection of

concrete shall be at hand and ready for installing before actual
concreting begins. Detailed plans, methods and procedures shall be
firmly established, shall be settled and got approved in writing from the
Engineer-in-charge sufficiently in advance of the actual concreting.
The equipment and method proposed to be utilised shall provide for
adequate control and avoid interruption or damage to the work of other
2. Curing Compound
The curing compound shall be conforming to ASTM-C-309-81, Type-2,
white pigmented compound. The solids dissolved in vehicle shall be
either A (no restrictions) or Class B (resin as defined in ASTM D-883)
as approved by the engineer.
White pigmented compound (Type-2) shall consist of finely divided
white pigments and vehicle solids, ready mixed for immediate use
without alteration. The compound shall present a uniform white
appearance when applied uniformly to a fresh concrete surface at a
specified rate of application. It shall be of such consistency that it can be
readily applied by spraying to provide uniform coating at temperatures
above 4°C. If two coats are to be applied then it should be applied at an
interval of approximately one hour. They shall adhere to freshly placed
concrete that has stiffened or sufficient resist marking during the
application and to damp hardened concrete and shall form a continuous
film when applied at a rate of 5 m²/litre. When dry, the covering shall be
continuous flexible and without visible breaks or pin holes and shall
remain as unbroken film at least 28 days after application. It shall not
react deleteriously with the concrete.
The compound shall meet with the requirement of water retention test as
per ASTM designation C-156-80. The loss of water in this test shall be
restricted to not more than 0.55 kg/m² of exposed surface in 72 hours.
The white pigmented compound (Type 2) when rested as specified in
accordance with method E-79 of ASTM shall exhibit a day light
reflectance of not less than 60% of that of magnesium oxide.
It shall fulfill the requirement of drying time when tested in accordance
with ASTM-C-309-81. The compound applied shall be dry to touch in
not more than 4 hours. After 12 hours it shall not be tacky or tack off
(peel off) concrete when walked upon nor it shall impart a slippery
The liquid compound should be of a sprayable consistency.
3. Supply and Testing
3.1 Acceptance Testing

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Prior to the approval of the brand/trade name of compound and the

source of supply and manufacturer acceptance testing shall be carried out
to demonstrate the conformance of the compound to Clause 1.1.1. In
addition, testing shall be performed to demonstrate that no
adverse/undesirable change in quality of concrete or concrete surface
takes place as a result/by-product of the use of the compound. These
tests should be designed to check properties such as loss of strength at 28
days of surface layer, or of concrete cube, change in surface texture,
change in adhesion to subsequently applied layers like plaster, flooring,
tiling etc. The type and number of tests are to be as specified by the
3.2 Routine Testing
a) The liquid membrane forming curing compound should be
brought in the manufacturer’s original clear containers. Each
container shall be legibly marked with the name of the
manufacture, the trade name of the compound, the type of
compound and class of vehicle/solids, the nominal percentage of
volatile material and batch or lot number. The lot numbers will
be assigned to the quantity of compound mixed, sampled and
tested as single product. The manufacturer shall exercise the care
in filling the container so that all are equally representative of the
compound produced.
b) Curing compound to be used on site shall be got tested at least 14
days in advance so that the result of water retention tests,
reflectance test, drying etc, are available before it can permitted
for use. All of the filled containers represented by the approved
sample shall then be sealed to prevent leakage, substitution or
dilution. The engineer-in-charge or authorised representative
should mark each container represented by the samples with a
suitable identification mark for later identification and correlation
and shall be kept in store with double lock arrangements. One
key shall be kept with the Contractor and the other with
Engineer. Random samples shall be collected from every batch of
the compound. Frequency of random sampling shall be done as
directed by the Engineer. The contractor shall provide samples
and labour for collecting samples free of cost. Testing shall be
carried out by agency approved by the engineer and in presence
of his representative.
4. METHOD OF Application
The compound shall be sprayed using mechanical sprayer of approved
design to ensure uniform and continuous membrane on the concrete
surface. The coverage shall be at the rate specified by the manufacturer
or at the rate of 4m² per litre or as specified by the manufacturer and

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

approved by the engineer. Field trials shall be conducted to decide

effective coverage rate, which depends upon surface finish. The engineer
after verification of the field and based on the actual experience shall
order the rate of application as needed for achieving the proper curing.
With a view to ensure thorough and complete coverage, approximately
one half of the compound for a given area should be applied by moving
the spray gun back and forth in one direction and the remaining half at
right angles to this direction. In case the application is still not found
uniform, the contractor shall have to apply the second coat as and when
directed by the Engineer. If a second coat is to be applied, it should be
applied approximately after an interval of one hour. The curing
compound shall generally be applied as soon as the bleeding water or
shine disappears, leaving dull appearance.
If surface treatment by roughing, hand brushing etc., is required (e.g. as
in case of road pavements) the curing compound should be applied
immediately after the same. Equipment for spraying curing compound
shall be of pressure tank type (5 to 7 kg/cm²) with provision of
continuous agitation. A curing jumbo with multiple travelling spray fans
shall be provided for effective spray. Spraying on concrete lining shall
be done in such a way that the green concrete is not disturbed or
damaged or any foot impression left. Necessary schemes or spraying by
mechanised means shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
However, in emergency for very small areas/ patches) it can be applied
with wire or bristled brush.
1. General
The work covers the construction, supply, priming, painting & fixing of
guard posts at locations as shown on the drawing(s) or as directed by the
Guard posts shall generally be located at all horizontal curves (<1000m
radius) where metal beam crash barrier has not been provided.
1.1 The posts shall be of concrete grade M25 and shall conform to
IS 10262-1982. Guidelines for concrete mix design. The precast member
shall be properly checked against spalling, bruises, cracks etc. after 28
days curing to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The posts shall be fixed at-places as shown in the drawing as decided by
the Engineer with the bottom 470 mm below proposed hard shoulder
finished surface. The fixation shall be such that it shall not get tilted or
dislocated under normal condition.
After erection, guard posts shall be painted with one coat-primer and two
coats of colour paint (white & black). All colours shall be of ready mix

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

oil bound and shall be approved by the Engineer. There shall be three
white and three black bands alternately placed.
Measurement for payment of posts
The measurement shall be in number.
The contract unit rate for guard posts shall be paid in full compensation
for furnishing of all labour, materials, tools, equipment for construction,
fixing, painting at site and all other incidental costs necessary to
complete the work to these specifications.
1. Scope
The work consists of providing passenger shelter including seating
arrangement and raised footpath as per drawing.
2. Description
2.1 Passenger Shelter
Passanger shelter shall be construction with basement, loead bearing
walls and RCC roof slab and internal and external paint.
Basement with stone masonry. The basement shall be raised minimum
450mm from ground level.
Walls are load bearing walls with 230mm thick brick masonry walls for
all the shelter upto slab height and above the slab parapet wall shall be
constructed. Roof shall be covered with RCC slab with grade 1:1.5:3 (1
part cement : 1.5 parts sand : 3 parts stone chips) with required
reinforcement and provide outer projection as sajja around the shelter.
It shall have seating arrangement with 50mm thick R.C. slab with mix of
concrete for seating slab and back shall be nominal one with 1:1.5:3 (1
part cement : 1.5 parts sand : 3 parts stone chips) with required
reinforcement and it will be finished with neat cement punning not lass
than 3mm thickness. Entrance steps shall be constructed with neat
cement finishing.
The flooring shall be with 25mm thick I.P.S. flooring (M20) over
100mm thick M-15 grade concrete.
Waterproof treatment shall be done above the RCC roof slab.
The exposed surfaces internal and external of the structure shall be
painted with two coats of cement based water proof paint of make and
brand approved by the Engineer Bus shelter complete as per approved
drawing as directed by the Engineer.
All works shall be done as per Technical Specifications sections 1300,
1700 & 1900 and drawings.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

3.0 Measurement for Payment

The passenger shelter shall be measured in number of finished
constructed structure.
4.0 Rate
The Contract unit rate shall be payment in full for construction of the
passenger shelter ground preparation etc. shall be considered as
incidental to work.
1 Materials:
Synthetic enamel paint confirming to IS : 2932 of approved brand and
manufacture and of the required colour shall be used for the top coat and
an undercoat of ordinary paint of shade to match the top coat as
recommended by the same manufacturer as far as top coat shall be used.
Painting on New Surface
Preparation of surface.:
The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and dusted off. All dirt, mortar
droppings and grease shall be thoroughly removed before painting is
started. The prepared surface shall have received the approval of the
Engineer after inspection , before painting is commenced..
Application: The number of coats including the undercoat shall be as
stipulated in the item.
a) Under coat:
One coat of the specified ordinary paint of shade suited to the shade of
the top coat, shall be applied and allowed to dry overnight. It shall be
rubbed next day with the finest grade of wet abrasive paper to ensure a
smooth and even surface, free from brush marks and all loose particles
dusted off.
b) Top Coat:
Two top coats of synthetic enamel paint of desired shade shall be applied
after the undercoat is thoroughly dry. Additional finishing coats shall be
applied if found necessary to ensure properly uniform glossy surface.
c) Lettering and Numbering on New Surface:
The letters and numbers for bridges/culverts span and number shall be
as per IRC-71971. The size of area for painting shall be varied depend
upon the numbers and letters. The background area and letters/numbers
shall be painted with one prime coat (under coat) and two coats(top coat)
of synthetic enamel paint.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

d) Measurement for payment:

The painting of culverts /Bridges numbering and span arrangement shall
be measured in number of each side facing traffic .
e) Rate:
Rate shall include the cost of materials, labour and other operation
described above to complete set of letters and numbers required in each
side facing traffic
Water Proof Cement Painting
The water proof cement paint shall be (conforming to IS:5410) of
approved brand and manufacture.
The water cement paint shall be brought to the site of work by the
contractor in its original container in sealed condition. The material shall
be brought in at a time in adequate to suffice for the whole work or at
least a fortnight’s work. the material shall be kept in the joint custody of
the Contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge. The empties shall not be
removed from the site of work till the relevant item of the work has been
completed and permission obtained from the Engineer-in-Charge.
Preparation of Surface:
For New Work, the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all mortar
dropping, dirt, dust, algae, grease and other foreign matter by brushing
and washing. Pitting in plaster shall be made good and a coat of water
proof cement paint shall be applied over patches after wetting them
Preparation of mix:
Cement paint shall be mixed in such quantities as can be used up within
an hour of its mixing as otherwise the mixture will set and thicken,
affecting flow and finish, Cement paint shall be mixed with water in two
stages. The first stage shall comprise of 2 parts of cement paint and one
part of water stirred thoroughly and allowed to stand for 5 minutes. Care
shall be taken to add the cement paint gradually to the water and not vice
versa. The second stage shall comprise of adding further one part of
water to the mix and stirring thoroughly to obtain a liquid of workable
and uniform consistency. In all cases the manufacturer’s instructions
shall be followed meticulously.
The lids of cement paint drums shall be kept tightly closed when not in
use, as by exposure to atmosphere the cement paint rapidly becomes air
set due to its hygroscopic qualities.
In case of cement paint brought in gunny bags, once the bag is opened,
the contents should be consumed in full on the day of its opening. If the

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

same is not likely to be consumed in full, the balance quantity should be

transferred and preserved in an airtight container to avoid its exposure to
The solution shall be applied on the clean and wetted surface with
brushes or spraying machine. The solution shall be kept well stirred
during the period of application. It shall be applied on the surface which
is on the shady side of the building so that the direct heat of the sun on
the surface is avoided. The method of application of cement paint shall
be as per manufacturer’s specification. The completed surface shall be
watered after the day’s work.
The second coat shall be applied after the first coat has been set for at
least 24 hours. Before application of the second or subsequent coats, the
surface of the previous coat shall not be wetted.
For the work, the surface shall be treated with three or more coat of
waterproof cement paint as found necessary to get a uniform shade.
For old work, the treatment shall be with one or more coats as found
necessary to get a uniform shade.
Water proof cement paint shall not be applied on surfaces already treated
with white wash, colour wash, distemper dry or oil bound, varnishes,
paints, etc. It shall not be applied on gypsums, wood and metal surfaces.
If water proof cement paint is required to be applied on existing surfaces
previously treated with white wash, colour wash, etc., the surface shall
be thoroughly cleaned by scrapping off all the white wash, colour was
etc., completely. There after, a coat of cement primer shall be applied
followed by two or more coats of water proof cement paint.]
Measurement for payment:
The painting shall be measured in square meter of surface area treated.
Rate shall include one prime coat and two coats of the paint over the
prime coat Include cost of all labour and materials involved in all
operations described above
This work shall consist of providing and laying factory manufactured
wire gabion of approved size, design and filled with approved rock fill,
lids closed all as per approved design, drawings and Technical
Specifications and as approved by the Engineer.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

The Contractor shall be required to provide complete design including its

foundation and detailed engineering with working drawings in required
numbers. This shall be supported by certificate from the supplier of
gabions that he has proven experience in supplying and placing gabions
for major highway projects and providing technical backup using in-
house facilities.
Gabion walling being a specialised work, the Contractor shall ensure
expert supervision by specialist from the technology provider from time
to time.
The Gabion wall shall be designed with the given specification using
proven system design certified with ISO 9001 / 2 or equivalent as
approved by the Engineer. The designer may adopt system design for
Gabion wall following any proprietary patented technique.
No extra cost either for patent or any design or expert supervision shall
be made to the Contractor.
a) Double Twisted Wire Mesh: A non-ravelling mesh made in
mechanically twisting continuous pars of wires through three and
half turn (commonly called double twisted) which are then
interconnected in the adjacent wires to form hexagonal shaped
b) Mesh Size: The average distance measured at right angles
between twisted sides over meshes.
c) Selvedge wire: Terminal wire used to edge the wire mesh
perpendicular to the double twist by mechanically wrapping the
mesh wires around it at least 2.5 times.
d) Edge wire: Terminal wire used to edge the wire mesh parallel to
the double twist by continuously weaving at mechanically into
the wire mesh.
e) Lacing wire: The Zinc + PVC coated metallic wire which
interconnects empty units, closes and secure stone filled units.
f) Stiffener: A length of Zinc Coated steel wire used for support of
facing by connecting the front panel to the back or side panel of a
gabion or across the corners of gabion cell. Stiffener formed at
the project site is of wire having the same diameter as for the
lacing wire.
g) Geosynthetic: Geosynthetic is a general classification for all
synthetic material used in geotechnical engineering applications.
It includes geotextile and geonets. The material shall be as per
Section 700.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

All wires shall be galvanised and PVC coated. The follwing shall be the
diameter of different types of wires.
a) Mesh Wire :- Internal diameter 2.77 mm and external diameter 3.70
b) Selvedge Wire :- Internal diameter 2.2 mm and external diameter
3.20 mm.
c) Lacing Wire :- Internal diameter 2.2 mm and external diameter 3.20
Mesh :-
The Mesh of the gabion box be hexagonal in shape with opening size 80
x 100 as shown in the drawings.
Box :-
The box size shall not be larger than 3 m x 1.5 m x 1 m nor smaller than
1m x 1 m x 1 m. Wherever the length of the box is more than 1.5 m
diaphragms are to be provided such that nowhere the continuous length
of the box is more than 1.5 m. Diaphragms shall be manufactured of the
same material as the parent gabion and have selvedge wire through out
their perimeter.
Wire mesh unit shall be manufactured with all components mechanically
connected at the production facility. The external face, reinforcing panel,
and lid of the Wire mesh shall be woven into a single unit. The ends,
back, and diaphragm shall be factory connected to the base. All
perimeter edges of the mesh forming the basket shall be selvedged with
wire having larger diameter
The facing element of a unit is divided into two cells by means of a
diaphragm positioned at approximately 1 m centres. The diaphragm shall
be secured in position to the base so that no additional lacing is
necessary at the job-site.
The procedure for using lacing wire consists of cutting a sufficient
length of wire (+ / - 1.0m), and first looping and / or twisting the lacing
wire to the wire mesh. Proceed to lace with alternating double and single
loops through every mesh opening approximately every 150 mm, pulling
each loop tight and finally securing the end of the lacing wire to the wire
mesh by looping and / or twisting.
Rock Fill

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Rock for gabion unit filling shall be angular to round, durable and of
such quality that it shall not disintegrate on exposure to water or
weathering during the life of `the structure. The size of rock shall range
between 250 mm and 400 mm. The range in sizes shall allow variation
of 5% oversize and / or 5% undersize rock provided that it is not placed
on the exposed surface.
Backfill Material
Backfill Material shall be made of a good quality free draining, granular
and / or selected fill. The recommended soil gradation is in the range of
0.02 mm to 6 mm or as indicated by AASHTO T-27 and FHWA Demo
82. Soils outside of this range may be suitable subject to the approval of
the Engineer.
All following tests on the mesh and lacing wire must be performed prior
to manufacturing the mesh:
i. Wire
a) Tensile Strength: The wire used for manufacturing of Gabion or
equivalent System and the lacing wire shall have a tensile
strength of (38-48 kg / mm2), in accordance with ASTM A 641-
b) Elongation: The test must be carried out on a sample at least 30
cm long. Elongation shall be less than 10% in accordance with
ASTM A 370-92.
c) Zinc coating: Minimum quantities of zinc according to ASTM A
641-97 Class III soft temper coating.
d) Adhesion of Zinc coating: The adhesion of the zinc coating to the
wire shall be such that, when the wire is wrapped six turns
around a mandrel having four times the diameter of the wire, it
does not flake or crack when rubbing it with the bare fingers, in
accordance with ASTM A 641-97.
ii. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) coating
a) Specific gravity: 1.30-1.35 kg / m3 in accordance with ASTMD
792 Table 1.
b) Hardness: Between 50 and 60 shore D, according to ASTM D
c) Tensile strength: not less than 20.6 Mpa according ASTMD 412-
d) Modulus of elasticity: Not less than 18.6 Mpa according to
ASTM D 412-92.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

e) Abrasion resistance: The percentage of the weight loss shall not

be less than 12%, according to ASTM D1242-92.
f) Creeping corrosion: The percentage of corrosion of the wire from
a square cut end shall be less than 25 mm when the specimen has
been measured for 2000 hrs in a 5% solution of HCl
(hydrochloric acid 12 Be)
iii. Accelerated aging test
a) Salt spray test: Test period 3,000 hours, test method ASTM
b) Exposure of UV rays: Test period 3,000 hours at 630C, test
method ASTM D1499-92a and ASTM G 23-93 apparatus Type
c) Brittleness temperature: No higher than -9oC, when tested
accordance with ASTM D746.
d) The properties after aging test shall be as follows:
e) Appearance of coated mesh: no cracking, stripping or air
bubbles, and no appreciable variation in colour.
f) Specific Gravity: variation shall not exceed 6%.
g) Hardness: variations shall not exceed 10%.
h) Tensile strength: variations shall not exceed 25%.
i) Modulus of elasticity: variation shall not exceed 25%.
j) Abrasion resistance: variation shall not exceed 10%.
k) Brittleness temperature shall not exceed 180C.
iv. Galvanized and PVC coated wire mesh (8 x 10 mesh type)
a) PVC coating thickness: Nominal 0.5 mm, minimum 0.38 mm
b) Mesh Wire: Diameter 2.77 mm internal, 3.70 mm external
c) Selvedge Wire: Diameter 3.40 mm internal, 4.40 mm external
d) Mesh Opening: Nominal Dimension D = 80 mm
v. Galvanized and PVC coated lacing wire and internal
a) PVC coating thickness: Nominal 0.5 mm, minimum 0.38 mm
b) Lacing wire: Diameter 2.20 mm internal, 3.20 mm external
c) Stiffener Wire: Diameter 2.20 mm internal, 3.20 mm external
The procedure for using lacing wire consists of cutting a sufficient
length of wire (+ / - 1.0m), and first looping and / or twisting the lacing
wire to the wire mesh. Proceed to lace with alternating double and single

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

loops through every mesh opening approximately every 150 mm, pulling
each loop tight and finally securing the end of the lacing wire to the wire
mesh by looping and / or twisting.
Wire Zinc coating in accordance with ASTM A641-97 Class III soft
temper coating.
Gabion unit: ± 5% on the length, width, and height Mesh opening
Tolerances on the hexagonal, double twisted wire mesh opening shall
not exceed 16% and 4% on the nominal dimension D values.
Standard Codes
ASTM A 641-97 Specification for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Carbon
Steel Wire.
ASTM A 370-92 Test Methods and definitions for Mechanical Testing
of Steel Products
ASTM A 90-93 Test Method for Weight (Mass) of Coating on Iron and
Steel Articles with Zinc or Zinc Alloy Coating
ASTM A 313-92 Specification for Chromium- Nickel stainless and Heat
resisting steel springs wire
ASTM A 764-93 Specification for Steel Wire, Carbon, Drawn
Galvanized and Galvanized at size for Mechanical springs
Construction Technique
The Gabion units are supplied folded flat and packed in bundles. The
facing section of the units are assembled individually by erecting the
sides, back, ends, and diaphragm, ensuring that all panels are in the
correct position, and the tops of all sides are satisfactorily aligned. The
four corners of the basket shall be connected first, followed by the
internal diaphragm to the outside walls. All connections shall be made
using lacing wire or ring fasteners. The use of ring fasteners shall be
done in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Prior to installing the assembled gabion unit system, the foundation on
which the units are to be placed shall be cut or filled and graded to the
lines and grades shown in the drawings. Surface irregularities, loose
material, and vegetation shall be removed during the preparation of the
Filling of Gabion Units
The gabion units or boxes shall be assembled individually by erecting
sides, back, ends and diaphragms, ensuring that all panels are in the

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

correct position, and the tops of all sides are satisfactorily aligned. The
four corners of the box shall be connected first, followed by the internal
diaphragm to the out side walls. All connections shall be made using
lacing wire.
Prior to installing the assembled units, the foundation on which the
Gabion wall is to be placed shall be cut or filled, compacted and graded
to the lines and grades shown in drawings as per Section 300. Surface
irregularities, loose material and vegetation shall be removed during the
preparation of the foundation.
The gabion units shall be carried to their final position and connected
with adjoining empty units, along the vertical and top edges of their
contact surfaces as per manufacturers recommendations or as directed by
the Engineer. When a structure requires more than one layer of units, the
upper layer shall be connected to the top of the lower layer along the
front and back edges as per manufacturer’s recommendations or as
directed by the Engineer.
Then boxes shall be filled with rock as specified in Clause A-8.3.3
During the filling operation some manual stone placement is required to
minimize voids. For vertical or near vertical structures the exterior of the
box shall be carefully hand placed to give a neat, flat and compact
appearance. Care shall be taken when placing fill material to assure that
the sheathing of the PVC coated box will not be damaged.
The boxes shall be filled in stages so that local deformation may be
avoided. That is, at no time shall any box be filled to a depth exceeding
300 mm higher than that of the adjoining cell. It is also recommended to
slightly overfill the boxes to allow for settlement of the rock.
Internal connecting wires
Internal connecting wires shall be used when a structure requires gabion
unit layers to be stacked on top of each other. Internal Connecting Wires
shall connect the exposed face of a unit to the opposite side of the unit.
An exposed face is any side of a unit that will be exposed or unsupported
after the structure is completed. In this respect, lacing wire shall be used.
Connecting wire shall be installed after filling of each layer of 300 mm
or 250 mm as the case may be.
Placement of the Backfill
Prior to starting this operation a non-woven geotextile filter shall be
placed at the facing section and backfill interface. The characteristics of
the non-woven geotextile shall be as specified by the Engineer. The
geotextile should have a 500 mm return at both top and bottom.
The granular backfill shall be done in lifts of approximately 300 mm.
Compacting is to proceed parallel to the wall, ensuring that the

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

compacting machine does not within 1000 mm of the rear of the face
section. The homogeneity of the backfill and the level of compaction
required shall be ensured.
Lid Closing
Once the boxes are completely full, the lids shall be pulled tight until the
lid meets the parameter edges of the box. The lid must then be tightly
laced and / or fastened along all edge ends, and tops as shown in
approved drawings.
Measurement for Payment
Gabion walls so constructed shall be measured in cubic metre of finished
The contract unit rate for the construction of Gabion walls shall be in
cum and cover the cost of excavation or filling for foundation, double
twisted wire mesh, rock filling including transportation, laying, all
labour, testing, technical supervision and all incidentals necessary for
completing the work according to these specifications. The cost also
covers the provision of technical expert advice, design and working
details which shall be arranged by the Contractor. Transportation of rock
fill shall be incidental to the work and shall not be paid extra.
This work shall consist of providing and laying factory manufactured
gabion with wire mesh of approved design, filled with approved rock
fill, structural backfill with lids closed all as per design, drawings and
Technical Specifications and as approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be required to provide complete design including its
foundation and details engineering with working drawing in required
numbers. This shall be supported by certificate from the supplier of
gabions that he has proven experience in supplying and placing gabions
for major highway projects and providing technical backup using in
house facilities.
Gabion Wire Mesh System being a specialised work, the Contractor
shall ensure expert supervision by specialist from the technology
provider time to time.
The Gabion wall shall be designed with the given specification using
proven system design certified with ISO 9001 / 2 or equivalent as
approved by the Engineer. The designer may adopt system design for
Gabion wall following any proprietary patented technique.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

No extra cost either for patent or any design or expert supervision shall
be made to the Contractor.
a) Double Twisted Wire Mesh: A non-ravelling mesh made in
mechanically twisting continuous pars of wires through three and
half turn (commonly called double twisted) which are then
interconnected in the adjacent wires to form hexagonal shaped
b) Mesh Size: The average distance measured at right angles
between twisted sides over meshes.
c) Selvedge wire: Terminal wire used to edge the wire mesh
perpendicular to the double twist by mechanically wrapping the
mesh wires around it at least 2.5 times.
d) Edge wire: Terminal wire used to edge the wire mesh parallel to
the double twist by continuously weaving at mechanically into
the wire mesh.
e) Lacing wire: The Zinc + PVC coated metallic wire which
interconnects empty units, closes and secure stone filled units.
f) Stiffener: A length of Zinc Coated steel wire used for support of
facing by connecting the front panel to the back or side panel of a
gabion or across the corners of gabion cell. Stiffener formed at
the project site is of wire having the same diameter as for the
lacing wire.
g) Geosynthetic: Geosynthetic is a general classification for all
synthetic material used in geotechnical engineering applications.
It includes geotextiles and geonets. The material shall be as per
Section 700.
Wires: -
All wires shall be galvanised and PVC coated. The following shall be the
diameter of different types of wires.
a) Mesh Wire: - Internal diameter 2.77 mm and external diameter
3.70 mm.
b) Selvedge Wire: - Internal diameter 3.20 mm and external
diameter 4.20 mm.
c) Lacing Wire: Internal diameter 2.2 mm and external diameter
3.20 mm.
d) Stiffener Wire: - Internal diameter 2.2 mm and external
diameter 3.20 mm.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Mesh: -
The Mesh of the box and reinforcing wire mesh panel shall be hexagonal
in shape with opening size 80 x 100 as shown in the drawings.
Box: -
The box size shall not be larger than 3 m x 1.5 m x 1 m nor smaller than
1m x 1 m x 1 m. Wherever the length of the box is more than 1.5 m
diaphragms are to be provided such that nowhere the continuous length
of the box is more than 1.5 m. Diaphragms shall be manufactured of the
same material as the parent gabion and have selvedge wire through out
their perimeter.
Wire mesh unit similar to Gabion unit shall be manufactured with all
components mechanically connected at the production facility. The
external face, reinforcing panel, and lid of the Wire mesh shall be
woven into a single unit. The ends, back, and diaphragm shall be factory
connected to the base. All perimeter edges of the mesh forming the
basket shall be selvedged with wire having larger diameter
The facing element of a unit is divided into two cells by means of a
diaphragm positioned at approximately 1 m centres. The diaphragm shall
be secured in position to the base so that no additional lacing is
necessary at the job-site.
The procedure for using lacing wire consists of cutting a sufficient
length of wire (+ / - 1.0m), and first looping and / or twisting the lacing
wire to the wire mesh. Proceed to lace with alternating double and single
loops through every mesh opening approximately every 150 mm, pulling
each loop tight and finally securing the end of the lacing wire to the wire
mesh by looping and / or twisting.
Rock Fill
Rock for the facing section of a Wire Mesh unit shall be hard, angular to
round, durable and of such quality that it shall not disintegrate on
exposure to water or weathering during the life of the structure. The
rocks shall range between 150 mm and 300 mm. The range in sizes shall
allow for a variation of 5% oversize and/or 5% undersize rock, provided
that it is not placed on the exposed surface. The size shall be such that a
minimum of three layers of rock must be achieved when filling the 1 m
high unit and a minimum of two layers for the 0.6 m high units.
Backfill Material
Backfill Material shall be made of a good quality free draining, granular
and / or selected fill and shall be Mechanically Stabilised. The
recommended soil gradation is in the range of 0.02 mm to 6 mm or as

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

indicated by AASHTO T-27 and FHWA Demo 82. Soils outside of this
range may be suitable subject to the approval of the Engineer.
All following tests on the mesh and lacing wire must be performed prior
to manufacturing the mesh:
I. Wire
a) Tensile Strength: The wire used for manufacturing of Gabion or
equivalent System and the lacing wire shall have a tensile
strength of (38-48 kg / mm2), in accordance with ASTM A 641-
b) Elongation: The test must be carried out on a sample at least 30
cm long. Elongation shall be less than 10% in accordance with
ASTM A 370-92.
c) Zinc coating: Minimum quantities of zinc according to ASTM A
641-97 Class III soft temper coating.
d) Adhesion of Zinc coating: The adhesion of the zinc coating to the
wire shall be such that, when the wire is wrapped six turns
around a mandrel having four times the diameter of the wire, it
does not flake or crack when rubbing it with the bare fingers, in
accordance with ASTM A 641-97.
II. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) coating
a) Specific gravity: 1.30-1.35 kg / m3 in accordance with ASTMD
792 Table 1.
b) Hardness: Between 50 and 60 shore D, according to ASTM D
c) Tensile strength: not less than 20.6 Mpa according ASTMD 412-
d) Modulus of elasticity: Not less than 18.6 Mpa according to
ASTM D 412-92.
e) Abrasion resistance: The percentage of the weight loss shall not
be less than 12%, according to ASTM D1242-92.
f) Creeping corrosion: The percentage of corrosion of the wire from
a square cut end shall be less than 25 mm when the specimen has
been measured for 2000 hrs in a 5% solution of HCl
(hydrochloric acid 12 Be)
III. Accelerated aging test
a) Salt spray test: Test period 3,000 hours, test method ASTM

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

b) Exposure of UV rays: Test period 3,000 hours at 630C, test

method ASTM D1499-92a and ASTM G 23-93 apparatus Type
c) Brittleness temperature: No higher than -9oC, when tested
accordance with ASTM D746.
The properties after aging test shall be as follows:
a) Appearance of coated mesh: no cracking, stripping or air
bubbles, and no appreciable variation in colour.
b) Specific Gravity: variation shall not exceed 6%.
c) Hardness: variations shall not exceed 10%.
d) Tensile strength: variations shall not exceed 25%.
e) Modulus of elasticity: variation shall not exceed 25%.
f) Abrasion resistance: variation shall not exceed 10%.
g) Brittleness temperature shall not exceed 180C.
IV. Galvanized and PVC coated wire mesh (8 x 10 mesh type)
a) PVC coating thickness: Nominal 0.5 mm , minimum 0.38 mm
b) Mesh Wire: Diameter 2.77 mm internal, 3.70 mm external
c) Selvedge Wire: Diameter 3.40 mm internal, 4.40 mm external
d) Mesh Opening: Nominal Dimension D = 80 mm
V. Galvanized and PVC coated lacing wire and internal
a) PVC coating thickness: Nominal 0.5 mm, minimum 0.38 mm
b) Lacing wire: Diameter 2.20 mm internal, 3.20 mm external
c) Stiffener Wire: Diameter 2.20 mm internal, 3.20 mm external
The procedure for using lacing wire consists of cutting a sufficient
length of wire (+ / - 1.0m), and first looping and / or twisting the lacing
wire to the wire mesh. Proceed to lace with alternating double and single
loops through every mesh opening approximately every 150 mm, pulling
each loop tight and finally securing the end of the lacing wire to the wire
mesh by looping and / or twisting.
Wire Zinc coating in accordance with ASTM A641-97 Class III soft
temper coating.
Gabion unit: ± 5% on the length, width, and height Mesh opening
Tolerances on the hexagonal, double twisted wire mesh opening shall
not exceed 16% and 4% on the nominal dimension D values.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Standard codes
ASTM A 641-97 Specification for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Carbon
Steel Wire.
ASTM A 370-92 Test Methods and definitions for Mechanical Testing
of Steel Products
ASTM A 90-93 Test Method for Weight (Mass) of Coating on Iron and
Steel Articles with Zinc or Zinc Alloy Coating
ASTM A 313-92 Specification for Chromium- Nickel stainless and Heat
resisting steel springs wire
ASTM A 764-93 Specification for Steel Wire, Carbon, Drawn
Galvanized and Galvanized at size for Mechanical springs
Construction Technique
Wire mesh units are supplied folded flat and packed in bundles. The
facing section of the units are assembled individually by erecting the
sides, back, ends, and diaphragm, ensuring that all panels are in the
correct position, and the tops of all sides are satisfactorily aligned. The
four corners of the basket shall be connected first, followed by the
internal diaphragm to the outside walls. All connections shall be made
using lacing wire or ring fasteners.
The use of ring fasteners shall be done in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Following assembly of the facing section the reinforcing panel shall be
unfolded to the required length behind the facing section and the
shipping folds removed. They can be removed by placing the fold over a
2” x 4” (5 cm x 10 cm) steel board and walking along the sides.
Prior to installing the assembled Wire mesh system units, the
foundation on which the units are to be placed shall be cut or filled and
graded to the lines and grades shown in the drawings. Surface
irregularities, loose material, and vegetation shall be removed during the
preparation of the foundation.
The Wire mesh system units are carried to their final position and
connected with the adjoining empty units along the vertical and top
edges of their contact surfaces using the same connecting procedure(s)
described before. Whenever a structure requires more than one layer of
units, the upper layer shall be connected to the top of the lower layer
along the front and back edges of the contact surface using the same
connecting procedure(s) described before.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Filling of Facing Station

The facing section shall be filled with rock as specified. During the
filling operation manual stone placement is required to minimize voids.
For vertical or near vertical structures the exterior of the basket may be
carefully hand placed to give a neat, flat, and compact appearance. Care
shall be taken when placing fill material to ensure that the sheathing on
the PVC coated baskets will not be damaged. The cells shall be filled in
stages so that local deformation may be avoided. That is, at no time shall
any cell be filled to a depth exceeding 1-foot (0.30 m) higher than the
adjoining cell. It is also recommended to slightly overfill the baskets to
allow for settlement of the rock.
Internal Connecting Wires
Internal connecting wires shall be used when a structure requires layers
to be stacked on top of each other. Internal Connecting Wires shall
connect the exposed face of a unit to the opposite side of the unit. An
exposed face is any side of a unit that will be exposed or unsupported
after the structure is completed. In this respect, lacing wire shall be used.
Connecting wire shall be installed after filling of each layer of 300 mm
or 250 mm as the case may be.
Placement of the Structural Backfill
Prior to starting this operation a geotextile filter shall be placed at the
facing section and backfill interface. The characteristics of the geotextile
shall be as specified by the Engineer. The geotextile should have a 300
mm return at both top and bottom.
The granular backfill shall be installed in lifts of approximately 300 mm
and dumped in the middle section of the anchor mesh panel Compacting
is to proceed parallel to the wall, ensuring that the compacting machine
does not come in contact with the mesh panel or within 1000 mm of the
rear of the face section. The homogeneity of the backfill and the level of
compaction required shall be ensured.
Lid Closing
Once the boxes are completely full, the lids shall be pulled tight until the
lid meets the parameter edges of the box. The lid must then be tightly
laced and / or fastened along all edge ends, and tops as shown in
approved drawings.
Mesh Cutting and Folding
Where shown on the drawings or otherwise directed by the engineer, the
Wire Mesh System may be cut, folded and fastened together to suit
existing site conditions. The mesh must be cleanly cut and surplus mesh
either folded back or overlapped so that it can be securely fastened
together with lacing wire or fasteners. Any reshaped Wire Mesh
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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

System shall be assembled, installed, filled and closed as specified in the

previous sections.
Measurement for Payment
The quantities for slope protection works with Wire Mesh System with
Gabion facia shall be measured as separate items and the following shall
be applied:
The excavation limits for a wire mesh structure shall be determined
by the exterior of the facing boxes and a line coincident with the back of
the reinforcement panel. Quantities shall be determined from the cross
section and the linear distance of boxes, and paid for under the
appropriate excavation items.
The quantity for rock filled facia gabions shall be the external outer
face of the in-situ wire mesh system, measured in cubic metres.
The measurement of wire mesh in the reinforcement zone shall be
measured in square metres.
The measurement of selected fill material in the reinforcement zone shall
be measured in cubic metres.
The contract unit rates for the construction of Wire Mesh System shall
be in Sqm. and the Gabion facia shall be in cum and shall cover the cost
of excavation or filling, compacting for foundation, double twisted wire
mesh, rock filling including transportation, laying, all labour, testing,
technical supervision and all incidentals necessary for completing the
work according to these specifications. The cost also covers the
provision of technical expert advice, design and working details which
shall be arranged by the Contractor. Transportation of rock fill shall be
incidental to the work and shall not be paid extra. Rates also include
ground improvement/ strengthening of the formation, if required
This work shall consist of furnishing, drilling, installing and grouting of
dowels in conformity with the dimensions, lines and grades shown on
the plans, or as determined by the engineer. The work shall generally be
done in conformity to BS: 8006 Specifications.
It shall be essentially a steel bar of 32 mm diameter and of required
length inserted into a predrilled hole and then grouted so that there is no
empty space between the hole wall and the dowel surface. The metal
used for the production of the dowel shall conform to (BS4449:1997)

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

High Yield Deformed - Steel having a Yield strength of 460 MPa to 500
MPa, and a Rupture strength of 600 MPa.
Material Property Requirements
As per Appendix – 1800/III (All appendices have references to
MOSRT&H Specifications for Road and Bridge Works)
As per Appendix – 1800/III
As per Appendix – 1800/III
As per Appendix – 1800/III
As per Appendix – 1800/III
The following equipment shall be used for the purposes of drilling and
grouting dowels.
Drilling Equipment
Drilling of holes is commonly done by a rotary or rotary percussion
handheld or remotely operated drill equipment. It must be capable of
providing a stable drill hole having dimensions within the permitted
tolerance and which is free of obstructions or major protrusions so that
the bar can be inserted without undue resistance.
Grout mixer and Agitator
As per Appendix – 1800/III
Grout Pump
As per Appendix – 1800/III
Water pump
As per Appendix – 1800/III
Grout Screen
As per Appendix – 1800/III
Connections and air vents
As per Appendix – 1800/III
Construction and Installation Requirements

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

The drill holes for rock dowels are commonly produced by a rotary or
rotary percussion mechanism with air or water used as flushing medium.
The drilling machine or technology employed may be handheld or
remotely operated drill rigs. The diameter of drill hole shall be minimum
25 mm larger than dowel diameter.
Installation of Dowel
The boreholes are cleaned by flushing with compressed air or water. The
dowel is inspected for damages or corrosion, immediately prior to
installation. The dowels of required lengths are inserted into the hole till
it touches the hole end.
Grout shall be injected to fill the hole completely. This will be ensured
when the grout of the same consistency comes out of the hole. In case
the length of dowel protrudes from the hole, it shall be covered by
concrete by hand packing.
Measurement for Payment
The quantity to be paid for dowels shall be in linear metre of individual
dowels properly installed and grouted.
The contract unit rate for the installation of dowels shall include
approval of design and drawings by the Engineer. All excavation works
and the cost of all materials, drilling of holes, transportation, installation
and grouting etc. Any dowel which because of blockage can not serve its
intended purpose shall not be paid for.
The work shall consist of fabricating, supplying and erecting at site the
Mild Steel Barricading, including painting a coat of steel primer and two
coat of synthetic enamel paint conforming to Additional Technical
Specifications Clause A-7, removing, carriage and re-erecting at other
desired locations the Mild Steel Barricades complete as per Drawings
and as directed by the Engineer. The units shall be kept always in
working conditions. The repair/ replacement of ant member shall be the
responsibility of the contractor.
The barricading shall be made of M.S. Structural Steel as per the
drawing and approved by the Engineer.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

The temporary barricading shall be factory manufactured as per the
The work shall conform to the following sections of MOSRT&H
Excavation in foundations Section 300
Structural concrete Section 1700
Structural Steel Section 1900
Fixing at Site
The Temporary Barricading units shall be erected true to the levels,
grades and verticality. They shall be secured to the foundation by mean
of foundation bolts in cement concrete. The lateral support shall be
provided by the steel anchor stay wires (wherever required) which shall
be fixed to the rock / ground by means of spikes and nails. Various units
shall be jointed together by means of bolts and nuts as shown on the
The temporary barricades shall be put to reuse wherever required. To do
so, the foundation nuts and spikes of stay wire shall be removed and the
units fixed at the desired location as per Sub-Clause A-15.4.1 above.
Measurements for Payment
The temporary barricades shall be measured in numbers for the new
supply and erection.
The re-erection shall be measured in linear meters.
Salvage Value
The contractor shall take back these temporary barricades in full quantities
after the completion of the project or earlier as per direction of the
Engineer by paying at the rate of 50% of his quoted rate or Rs. 4,500/- per
meter, whichever is more as salvage value to the Employer. Recovery for
the salvage value shall be made in Final Payment certificate. These
temporary units shall not be used in any permanent work in the project.”
The contract unit rate for supplying the complete barricading unit as per
drawing will include the fabrication, applying a coat of approved steel
primer, two coats of synthetic enamel as per Additional Technical
Specifications Clause A-7, supplying steel stay wires, spikes, nails and
foundations bolts etc.
The contract unit rate for erecting the temporary barricades will include
initial erection, including founding and fixing stay wire etc, removal of

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

barricading units, spikes and nails, stay wire and cutting foundation bolts
and re-erecting at desired locations in proper foundations with
foundation bolts and stay wires etc. including maintenance and
replacement of damaged parts and bringing the unit to working
conditions to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


Seismic restrainers shall consist of elastomeric bearings which shall be
fixed on to the structure with a system consisting of backing plates, mild
steel plates, stainless steel plates by suitable arrangement of bolts, lugs
etc. A pair of 15 mm thick mild steel plates shall be vulcanized on either
side of the elastomeric bearings. Typical details of the Seismic restrainer
assemblies are shown in miscellaneous drawings. The Seismic restrainer
assembly shall be manufactured as per contractor’s design for the lateral
load capacities mentioned in the respective BOQ item in conformity with
the typical arrangement shown in the drawings. The design and drawings
for the seismic restrainer assembly shall be prepared by the Contractor
and got approved from the Engineer before starting the manufacture of
seismic restrainer assembly. Design, fabrication, testing and installation
of elastomeric bearings and structural components of the seismic
restrainers shall be as per IRC: 83 (Part-II) and Technical Specification
sections 1900 and 2000.
Measurement for Payment
Seismic restrainer assemblies shall be measured in numbers according to
their capacities.
The contract unit rate for a seismic restrainer assembly shall include cost
of design, supplying and fixing of seismic restrainer assembly consisting
of elastomeric bearing, backing plates, mild steel plates, stainless steel
plates, bolts, lugs etc. all complete as specified on the drawings or as
directed by the Engineer. The rate shall include cost of all tests
prescribed in the specifications and shown on the approved drawings.
The quantity of cement concrete and steel reinforcement for seismic
restrainers and shear keys shall be paid for separately as per relevant
BOQ items.
The scope covers the design, supply, fabrication, installation, testing and commissioning
of all the items as listed below.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

1. Street lighting/illumination shall be provided at urban locations as shown in

drawing or as directed by the Engineer.
2. Road lighting through LED lamp fixtures on GI street lighting poles &
accessories like Junction Boxes. The average illumination level shall be as per
National Standard but not less than 40 lux.
3. Power supply arrangement including DP structure, transformer, outdoor feeder
pillar, main LT distribution panel etc. for road lighting.
4. Miscellaneous jobs like earthing, laying of PVC/Hume/GI pipes, etc.
5. Liaison with utility companies, for load sanction & release of permanent
6. Preparation of shop drawings during execution of work.

7 Preparation of "As built drawings".

8. The above list is not exhaustive. All works required to complete the system as
per standard code of practice are deemed to be included in the scope of
9. Before commencement of the work, the contractor shall submit working
drawing/shop drawings & cable schedules for approval of
consultant/employer. The works has to be carried out on the basis of approved
drawings only.
10. All equipment shall be procured from approved manufacturers only. The
equipment shall meet the requirement of IS codes & all the routine tests
required by the Employer/Consultant are to be carried out by the contractor
without any additional cost.
1. Cable conductor shall be either copper or aluminium stranded and specified as
per drawings. Size and type specified on the drawing and specification shall
not be substituted by any other size/type without prior approval of

2. Cable Accessories
a) Single compression cable gland, heavy duty type nickel plated (coating
thickness not less than 8 to 10 microns) made from Brass consisting of
gland body with hexagonal head, compressor nut, flat check nut,
neoprene rubber seal and a metal washer.
b) Double compression weatherproof cable gland. Same as above and
consisting of gland body nut, gland body, gland nipple, neoprene
rubber seal for outer sheath, rubber washer armour clamping ring,
armouring clamping core check nut, skid washers.

3. Termination of all cables shall be done through cable boxes, brass cable gland
of proper size and a brass Earthing tag.

4. Termination of all single core and multi-core cables shall be done through
tinned copper lugs of proper size and same shall be crimped with the help of
hydraulic crimping machine.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

5. Telephone cables and power cables shall not be allowed to run side by side,
but shall be separated to avoid interference due to induction.

6. Bimetallic washers/sleeves shall be used wherever two different metals, e.g.

copper or aluminium cables and clamps/busbars are terminated or jointed.

7. Brass bolts, nuts and washers shall be used for termination of cables strips on
earth plates, bus bars, breaker terminals.

8. All cables and wiring for power, lighting and control for main LT distribution
panel or feeder pillars to poles/equipments shall be the actual measured length
of cables laid.

9. Inspection boxes shall be provided for periodical inspection and to facilitate

drawing and removal of cables.
10. Lighting load shall be divided equally on all the three phases as far as

11. Loop system shall be adopted for lighting wiring. Joints in wires shall not be

12. Each circuit will be controlled by MCB/fuse in the lighting panel. All circuit
and points shall be suitably numbered for identification, which will have to be

13. Each light outlet or fan or socket shall have an individual separate 5A SP
control switch unless otherwise specified. Group control shall be placed on
the phase wire.

14. Only one twin flexible cord of copper conductor minimum size 23/0076 shall
be attached to a ceiling rose.

15. Single phase socket above 5A rating and small size motor shall be connected
to the power distribution panel.

16. All sockets shall be 3 pin type.

17. Internal wiring shall be of the following types:

a) Concealed wiring using heavy gauge PVC conduits and accessories.
b) Surface wiring using heavy gauge PVC conduits and accessories
c) Surface wiring using GI/MS pipes and the accessories.
d) Surface wiring using PVC casing and cover or PVC trunking.

18. Lighting poles shall be earthed by providing galvanised iron pipe electrode
and 25 x 5 mm GI earth strip as earth conductor.

19. All the metal clad equipment like breakers, panels, capacitor bank enclosure,
switch fuse units, bus bar chambers, DBs, pumps, motors, cable trays and

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

switch sockets shall be earthed by an earthing conductor of suitable size at two

diagonal opposite points.

20. Bare earthing strips/conductors shall not be laid touching the cables.

21. Conduits shall be UPVC conduit concealed in wall ceiling slab. Size of
conduits shall be min. 20 mm dia.
22. The distance between any two earth stations shall be about 3 mtrs.

23. All the light fittings, switch sockets, fans, heaters, geysers, etc. shall be
earthed by earth conductors of the adequate size and through proper tinned
copper lugs.

24. Wherever cables and PVC pipes are run on walls the same shall be supported
on MS cleat and aluminium saddles and out of 25 x 2 mm strips.

25. Distance between two adjoining supports or cleats for cables, PVC pipes, PVC
conduits, PVC casing, trunking and earthing strip shall be between 250-400
mm on straight run and the same shall be reduced on bends or at junctions or
where direction of run is changing.

26. The reinstated area (after excavation and completion of laying any cables,
pipes, etc.) shall be finished at a slightly higher level than the adjoining
undisturbed area. This is to ensure against the subsequent subsidence of
reinstated area underneath.

27. Cleating of cables on walls, inside RCC ducts etc. shall be done by specially
made 25 x 2 mm aluminium saddles GI saddles shall not be allowed.

28. Before commencement of work the contractor shall prepare and submit to the
consultant (for his approval), complete working drawings and cable schedule.


The works shall be carried out as per the following latest IS codes & other applicable
codes of practice, electrical rules and other statutory regulations:
1. IS:13118 - : General requirements of circuit
2. IS:2147 : Degree of protection
3. IS:2705 (Part I, II, III)- : Current transformer
4. IS:3156 (Part I, II, III)- : Voltage transformer
5. IS:10118 - : Code of practice for installation &
maintenance of switch gear &
control gear
6. IS:1248 (Part II & III) - : Electrical direct acting indicating

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

7. IS:2026 - (Part I to IV) : Power transformers

8. IS:10028 (Part I to III) : Code of practice for selection,
- installation & maintenance of
9. IS-9921 (Part I, II & : Disconnecter Switches above
III) - 1000V AC.
10. IS:8187 - : Drop out fuse above 1000V AC
11. IS:3070 (Part I) - : Lightning Arrestors.
12. IS:2486 - : Insulator & Insulator fittings for 11
kV overhead lines.
13. IS:5039 : LV feeder pillars
14. IS:3043 - : Earthing
15. IS:1554 - (Part I) - : PVC Cables upto 1100V
16. IS:7098 (Part I & II) - : General requirements & selection
of XLPE Cables upto 1100V AC &
3.3 KV to 33 KV
17. IS:2713 - : Steel tubular poles
18. IS:9537 (Part I to IV), : Rigid steel conduits for electrical
19. IS:8828 : Miniature circuit breaker
20. IS:2274 : Code of practice for electrical
wiring, installation.
21. IS:1944 (Part 5) : Code of practice for lighting of
grade elevated roads.

IV. Transformer
These shall be basically oil filled outdoor type and suitable for 3 phase, 50 Hz AC
supply of 11/0.433 kV rating.
Oil Filled Transformers
These shall be suitable for outdoor installation. The secondary winding neutral
shall be brought out to a bushing for earthing.
The transformer shall be filled with oil of requisite dielectric strength.
The transformer shall be double wound natural air cooled suitable for outdoor
The transformer shall be capable of satisfactory operation at its rated output on
normal ratio and at any voltage which does not vary from its rated primary
voltage by more than 5% and at a declared frequency which does not vary by
more than 3%.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

It shall be designed to withstand thermal and mechanical stress of short circuit

without any injury.
Particular attention shall be given to the suppression of harmonics.
Core of each transformer shall be made of cold rolled grain oriented high
permeability silicon steel.
Insulation of windings and connection shall not deteriorate when the transformer
is operated continuously at its specified rating.
The interturn and intercoil insulation shall be so designed that dielectric stress is
uniformly distributed throughout the winding under all conditions.
Each transformer shall be provided with taps as mentioned in detailed transformer
Tappings to be provided only on the primary side with off circuit tap changer of -
10 to +5% in steps of 2.5%.
Each transformer to be provided with the following:
1) Set of earthing terminals
2) Set of lifting lugs
3) Rating plate and connection diagram engraved on a brass plate.
Name plate giving makers name, serial number, rating etc. should be fixed
permanently to each transformer in a convenient position. Order number of
purchaser with data should also be engraved on the plate permanently fixed to
each transformer.
The transformer, enclosure shall conform to IP:54 as per IS:2147.
Hot spot temperature shall be within allowable limit of the class of insulation
Lifting lug shall be provided to facilitate transport and erection.
All test in accordance with relevant IS shall be carried out at works and certificate
to that effect in duplicate shall be submitted to the Engineer.

Insulation resistance, between phases, phase to earth and between primary and
secondary shall not be less than 5M (five megachms). It shall be the
responsibility of the tenderer to guarantee this value.
The transformer shall be provided with cable box. The cable box shall be
weather, dust and vermin proof and suitable for accommodating PVC sheathed,
PVC insulated aluminium conductor cables.
The transformers shall be (delta) wound on primary and Y (star) wound on secondary.
The neutral point on the secondary side shall be brought out and terminated on to
a bushing within the cable box.
The transformer shall be protected with gang operated air break switches and
drop out fuses mounted on 2 pole structure.
The tenderer shall submit the test certificates for dielectric strength of oil used.
V. Main LT Panel/Distribution Board/Sub-Distribution Boards
These shall receive supply from secondary of transformers through MCCB
incomer & change over switch of suitable capacity depending upon the provision
of standby power.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB) shall be quick make, quick break and
trip free type as per IS:2516.
All Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB's) used in outgoing circuits shall conform
to IS:8828 having interrupting rating of 9 KA.
The Main LT panel & Distribution boards, shall be in dust & vermin proof tight
sheet steel enclosure, factory assembled and suitable for floor mounting. The
degree of protection offered shall be IP:52 as per IS:2147. The enclosures shall
be reinforced with thicker plates at flange openings and hinges. Each distribution
board shall be provided with gasketed hinged cover.
The board shall be provided with suitable end plates at the top and bottom to
receive conduits, cables.
The enclosures shall be so arranged that on opening, the terminals are readily
accessible and sufficient space shall be left in the interior of enclosure for
accommodation of external conductors from their points of entry into the
enclosures upto the terminals. The terminals shall be of substantial mechanical
construction providing adequate electrical contacts for aluminium conductors.
The rear portion of distribution board shall enclose the three phases and one
neutral bus bar located one below the other in a vertical plane and mounted on
non-hygroscopic insulators. The bus bars shall be adequate and take care of
possible deformations due to effect of temperature, aging or shocks. The bus bars
shall have sufficient mechanical strength to withstand the effect of 9 kA short
circuit for 1 seconds. The surface of the insulating parts shall be designed with
ridges so arranged as to break the continuity of conducting deposit which may
form. The full load rating of any bus bar shall be at least equal to 200A. The
rating of neutral bus bars shall be equal to phase bus bar.
The MCB units shall be secured in such a way as to permit change of position or
removal without difficult or structural alteration.
All live parts of distribution board shall be protected against accidental contact
when cover is opened.
A way label shall be pasted inside the cover of the board with circuit designation
so as to indicate the circuit number and its location to which each breaker is
The board shall be complete with all necessary self contained inter-connections,
wiring, suitably engraved designation labels and circuit numbers and provided
with two external earthing terminals.
The outgoing connections shall be suitably grouped and run to terminal blocks
mounted either at the bottom or top of the panel board.
Each terminal block, shall comprise of a number connections separated by
insulating barrier.
All hardware required for mounting distribution boards shall also be supplied.
The distribution boards shall generally be fixed on frames grouted in the wall.
Not more than two wires shall be connected to one terminal. There shall be 20%
spare capacity in terminal block.
Sub-distribution boards i.e. MCB DBs shall be factory built ready to use sleek
type with facility for 3 phase incoming & 3 phase/1 phase outgoing of suitable

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

capacity for lighting & power circuits. These shall have IP:42 protection as per
Outdoor Feeder Pillar
The outdoor feeder pillar shall be fabricated out of 2 mm thick sheet steel, and
shall be of free standing pedestal mounted pattern, with sloping canopy. The main
frame shall be out of 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm MS angle iron. Feeder pillar shall
have heavy duty hinges and the door shall be front open type with provision of
neoprene gaskets. The feeder pillar enclosure shall be provided with pad locking
facility and shall be dust and verminproof, having powder-coated paint finish of
approved colour over two coats of rustproof primer paint, carried out over pickled
antisulphate and anti-rust chemical treatment of the raw sheet steel.
The incoming panel shall be controlled by a 4P MCCB/MCB of suitable rating. 3
nos. phase indication lamps with 2 Amps rewirable fuse shall be provide for
checking healthiness of main supply. Suitable panel illumination circuit with
tumbler switch shall be provided inside the feeder pillar to enable night shift
technicians to attend to the feeder pillar. This lamp shall be connected from a
separate SP MCB outgoing circuit.

Outgoing feeder controls shall be by means of four pole/single pole MCBs, time-
switches and power contactors as detailed in single line diagram. Time over-
riding facility shall be through single pole MCB Isolators. Internal wiring for
time-switches and contactors shall be carried out using 7/18 PVC insulated
copper conductor wires. The bus bar shall be of aluminium and rated for 250/200
Amps. The MCBs and MCB Isolators shall be mounted on DIN channels.
Necessary space shall be provided at the bottom of the feeder pillar to allow
glanding and terminations of incoming feeder cable and outgoing feeder cables.
Necessary number of knock outs shall be provided at the bottom gland plate for
incoming and outgoing feeder cables as per details in single line diagram. The
cable alley shall have adequate working space. The removable cover and gland
plate of the cable alley shall be duly gasketed and fitted using minimum 8 mm
size nuts and bolts. Steel screws are not permissible for the purpose. Adequate
louvres shall be provided in the feeder pillar to enable natural ventilation. An
earth bus bar of adequate cross section with pre-drilled holes shall be provided
inside and two earthing studs shall be provided outside the feeder pillar.
Necessary danger boards shall be fixed on the front and back covers of the feeder
The feeder pillar shall in general conform to IS : 5039 - 1969.
General arrangement drawings together with wiring data and makes and complete
technical data of components of the feeder pillar shall be submitted by the bidder
for approval before manufacturing the feeder pillar. Fabrication and assembly of
the feeder pillar shall be taken up only after obtaining approval of the drawing
from the purchaser.
Road Lighting System
GI Street/Road Lighting Poles
Poles shall be fabricated out of MS tubular steel stepped and swaged with a
welded MS base plate. The entire pole shall be hot dip galvanised. The poles
shall be installed in the following manner:-

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

1. Grouted in 1:2:4 concrete foundation 450 mm dia and 1 .8m height (300mm
projecting above the finished ground). The base plate shall be
300mmx300mmx10mm thick.

2. Grouted in the curb barrier upto a depth of 900 to 1000mm, the base plate
shall be 10 mm thick 250 mm diameter.

The poles shall have the following accessories and provisions:-

3. An elliptical GI cover plate with Allen screws for opening and access to cable
termination system within the pole.

4. 30mm cable entry holes.

5. Cable termination strip of copper 50A capacity with looping in and looping
out facility.

6. 10A DP MCB for the outgoing cable to luminaire.

7. Earthing provision 3 tapped holes of 12mm dia or earthing lugs at 500mm

above the finished ground level.

8. Side arms (one or two) for fixing on the top of the pole with 3 nos. 12 mm
tapped Allen Grub screws. The arms shall be 1.5m long, spaced at an angle of
15° and terminate into a spigot of 40/60 mm dia to match the luminaire.

9. 3 core 2.5 flexible stranded copper conductor unarmoured cable from
junction box to the terminal of luminaire.

10. GI pipe sleeves 38mm dia for incoming and outgoing cable shall be installed.
11. 25 mm dia GI pipe 300 m long for enclosing 8 SWG GI conductor required
for earthing the lighting pole shall be installed.

12. 38 mm dia GI pipe 1.20 mtr. long with perforated holes shall be installed for
earthing each lighting pole. For details refer to details of Pipe Type Earthing
Electrode under the heading of "Earthing".

13. 8 SWG GI wire about 3 mtr. long shall be used to connect the Pipe type earth
electrode to the lighting pole, earthing stud and to JB of cables.

Junction Boxes
The Junction Box for mounting on street light or general area lighting poles shall
be fabricated out of 3 mm thick sheet steel, and shall have powder coated paint
finish of approved colour over two coats of rust proof primer paint, carried out
over pickled anti-sulphate and anti-rust chemical treatment of the raw sheet steel.
The junction boxes shall be dust and vermin proof and provided with neoprene
gaskets. The front of the junction box shall open upwards, by means of heavy

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

duty hinges provided on the top edge. The bottom of the front cover shall have
two numbers key-operated locking arrangements. Provisions inside the junction
box shall comprise of 8 way ELMEX type 20 Amps terminal block, insulator
mounted 4 way neutral link rated 32 Amps, earthing terminal and rear side hole
(to let in luminaire wiring inside the pole) and 1 no. 6 Amps HRC fuse base and
fuse link for every luminaire. Earthing bolts shall be provided on the exterior of
the junction box as well. The bottom of the junction box shall have 2 nos knock-
outs to facilitate glanding of aluminium conductor PVC insulated armoured
cables. 2 Nos 32 mm x 6 mm thick MS plates shall be welded on the rear side of
the junction box to the complete width of the box and projecting 75 mm on either
side to take the pair of semi-circular clamps for the purpose made out of 32 mm x
6 mm flats. The clamps and the flats welded on the junction box shall be
assembled on the pole using 8 mm dia fine threaded bolts and nuts, together with
a set of flat and spring washers. Necessary holes shall be provided on the pair of
semi-circular clamps and the 32 x 6 mm flats of the junction box to suit the
diameter of the pole. The rear side of the junction box shall be provided with 13
mm bore to allow entry for wiring from the junction box to the luminaire on pole
top. The junction box shall be at a height of 300 mm above finished road level.
Detailed drawings shall be submitted for purchaser's approval before taking up
the manufacture of the junction box. Manufacture of boxes shall be taken up only
after the drawings are approved. Prior to mass manufacture, one sample set of
box and clamps shall have to be got approved by the purchaser.
Lighting Luminaries
This specification covers the design, material specification, manufacture, testing,
inspection and delivery to site and installation & commissioning of lighting
luminaries and their associated accessories.
The lighting fittings and their associated accessories such as lamps/tubes,
reflectors, housings, ballasts, etc. shall comply with the latest applicable standards
as specified. Where no standards are available, the supply items shall be backed
by test results, shall be of good quality and workmanship & any supply items
which are bought out by the VENDOR shall be procured from approved
manufacturers acceptable to the PURCHASER/ENGINEER.
Lighting Fittings - General Requirements
Fittings shall be designed for continuous trouble free operation under atmospheric
conditions as applicable in site without reduction in lamp life or without
deterioration of materials and internal wiring. Outdoor fittings shall be weather-
proof and rain-proof type and also suitable for use in dusty & vapour prevalent
atmosphere confirming to IP:65 degree of protection.
The fittings shall be designed so as to facilitate easy maintenance, including
cleaning, replacement of lamps/starters etc.

Connections between different components shall be made in such a way that they
will not work loose by small vibration.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

For each type of lighting fitting the VENDOR shall supply the utilization factor
to indicate the proportion of the light emitted by the bare lamps which falls on the
working plane.
All fittings shall be supplied complete with lamps suitable for operation on a
supply voltage and the variation in supply voltage.
The fittings and accessories shall be designed to have low temperature rise. The
temperature rise above the ambient temperature shall be as indicated in the
relevant standards.
All LED lamp fittings have die-cast aluminium housing and shall be complete
with accessories like lamps, ballasts, power factor improvement capacitors,
starters wherever applicable, etc. These shall be mounted as far as possible in the
fitting assembly only. If these cannot be accommodated inside, then a separate
metal enclosed box shall be included to accommodate the accessories and in
addition with a fuse and a terminal block suitable for loop-in, loop-out
connections. Outdoor type fittings shall be provided with outdoor type weather-
proof box.
All fluorescent lamp fittings shall be complete with all accessories like ballasts,
power factor improvement capacitors, lamps, starters and capacitors for
correction of stroboscopic effect.
Each fitting shall have a terminal block suitable for loop-in, loop-out and T-off
connection by 650/1100V, 3 core , PVC insulated Copper conductor cable of 2.5 in size. The internal wiring should be completed by the
MANUFACTURER by means of stranded copper wire and terminated on the
terminal block.
The mounting facility and conduit knock-outs for the fixtures shall be as
All hardware used in the luminaire shall be suitably plated or anodized and
passivated for use in chemical industrial and power plants.
Each lighting fitting shall be provided with an earthing terminal suitable for
connection to the earthing conductor.
All metal or metal enclosed parts of the housing shall be bonded and connected to
the earthing terminal so as to ensure satisfactory earthing continuity throughout
the fixture.
All surfaces of the fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned and degreased. The fittings
shall be free from scale, rust, sharp edges and burrs.
Wherever enamel finish is specified, it shall have a minimum thickness of 2 mils
for outside surface and 1.5 mils for inside surface. The finish shall be non-porous
and free from blemishes, blisters and fading.
The housing shall be stove-enameled/epoxy stove-enameled-vitreous enameled or
anodized as indicated on flame-proof fittings is prohibited.
The surface shall be scratch resistant and shall show no sign of cracking or
flaking when bent through 90o over ½" dia mandrel.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

The finish of the fittings shall be such that no bright spots are produced either by
direct light source or by reflection.
Decorative Type Fluorescent Fixtures
Decorative fluorescent fittings shall be provided with mounting/housing channel
cum reflectors of CRCA sheet steel, stove enameled.
Diffusers or louvres shall be provided as required. Diffusers shall be of
translucent white opal acrylic or depending upon the type of fitting.
Fittings shall be suitable for the number of lamps of specified wattage, for
directly mounting on ceiling/conduit suspended or for recess mounting in false
ceiling, as specified.
Fluorescent lamps to be mounted in the false ceiling so as to form a continuous
luminous ceiling, shall have an inside reflector of non-fluorescent power
occupying 2/3 of inner surface of the tube so that the lamp radiates light mainly in
the direction determined by the position of the reflective material.
Incandescent Fixtures
Decorative incandescent fittings when required shall be suitable for 60/100/150W
lamp, suspended or recess mounting in false ceiling. The fitting for recess
mounting shall be provided with copper anodized finished cylinder, ceiling
mounting ring and translucent acrylic crystal ring.
Industrial Type Fittings
1. These fittings shall be suitable for use with LED lamps as per requirements
and generally as described below.

2. For general industrial use in humid atmosphere, the fittings shall be provided
with CRCA sheet steel mounting/housing channel vitreous enameled and with
vitreous enameled reflector of minimum 20 SWG thickness.

3. For dusty and vapour prevalent atmosphere, the fittings shall be dust and drip
proof type, totally enclosed in sheet steel housing with a heat resistant
toughened glass cover or clear acrylic sheet. The bousing shall be epoxy
stove-enameled and neoprene gaskets shall be provided for sealing.

4. For atmosphere where chemical vapours/fumes are corrosive, the material of

fitting housing/mounting, reflectors and end-plates shall be of cast
aluminium/aluminium sheet and finished in epoxy stove enamel to resist
corrosion. Control gear housings, starters and tube holder assemblies shall be
provided with neoprene gaskets to make it proof against entry of corrosive

5. The angle of cut-off for fittings with filament lamp shall not exceed 70o and
that for fittings with fluorescent tubes shall not exceed 79o.

6. The distribution of light shall be such that at least 80% of the total luminous
flux from the fitting shall be in the lower hemi-sphere.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

7. Fittings shall be suitable for the number of lamps of specified wattage, for
directly mounting on ceiling/wall and or conduit suspended.

Bulkhead Fittings
Bulkhead, weather-proof type fittings for use in corridors, staircase landings,
covered porches and low ceiling factories, shall be suitable for direct fixing to
wall/ceiling and to accommodate upto 150 watts incandescent lamp. The fitting
shall be provided with housing of cast aluminium alloy with stove enameled
finish, prismatic heat resistant glass cover hinged on to the housing and fixed by
screws. Neoprene gaskets shall be provided to make the fitting weather-proof.
For mechanical protection to glass cover, a protective wire-guard of 3 mm
galvanized wire with stove enameled finish paint shall be provided.
Street Light Fittings
The luminaire shall be HPSV type, highly efficient, pot mirror system housed in
die-cast aluminium housing.
Accessories for Lighting Fittings
The reflectors shall be made of CRCA sheet steel/aluminium/silvered
glass/chromium plated sheet copper as indicated for above mentioned fittings,
unless otherwise specified.
The thickness of steel/aluminium shall comply with relevant standards specified.
Reflectors made of steel shall have stove enameled/vitreous enameled/epoxy
coating finish. Aluminium used for reflectors shall be anodized/epoxy stove
enameled/mirror polished. The finish for the reflector shall be as indicated for
above mentioned fittings.
Aluminium paint on the reflectors of flame-proof lighting fittings is prohibited.
Reflectors shall be free from scratches or blisters and shall have a smooth and
glossy surface having an optimum light reflection coefficient such as to ensure
the overall light output specified by the MANUFACTURER.
Reflectors shall be readily removable from the housing for cleaning and
maintenance without disturbing the lamps and without the use of tools. They
shall be securely fixed to the housing by means of positive fastening device of
captive type.
Lamp/Starter Holders
Lamp holders shall comply with relevant standards. They shall have low contact
resistance, shall be resistant to wear and shall be suitable for operation at the
specified temperature without deterioration in insulation value. They shall hold
the lamps in position under normal condition of shock and vibration met with in
normal installation and use.
Lamp holders for the fluorescent lamps shall be of the spring loaded bi-pin rotor
type. Live parts of the lamp holder shall not be exposed during insertion or
removal of the lamp or after the lamp has been taken out. The lamp holder
contacts shall provide adequate pressure on the lamp cap pins when the lamp is in
working position.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Lamp holders for incandescent and LED lamps shall be of bayonet type upto
150W and Edison Screw type for higher Wattage lamps.
Starter holders for fluorescent lamps shall conform to the standards specified. All
material used in the construction of the holder shall be suitable for tropical use.
The starter holders shall be so designed that they are mechanically robust and free
from any operational difficulties. They shall be capable of withstanding the
shocks met within normal transit, installation and use.
The ballasts shall be designed, manufactured and supplied in accordance with the
relevant standards. The ballasts shall be designed to have a long service live and
low power loss.
Ballasts shall be mounted using self locking, anti-vibration fixings and shall be
easy to remove without demounting the fittings. They shall be in dust tight, non-
combustible enclosures.
The ballasts shall be of the inductive, heavy duty type, filled with thermosetting,
insulating, moisture repellent polyester compound filled under pressure or
vacuum. Ballasts shall be provided with tappings to set the voltage within the
range specified. End connections and taps shall be brought out in a suitable
terminal block, rigidly fixed to the ballast enclosure. The ballast wiring shall be
of copper wire. They shall be free from hum. Ballasts which produce humming
sound shall be replaced free of cost by the VENDOR.
Separate ballast for each lamp shall be provided in case of multi-lamp fittings,
except in the case of 2 x 20 watts fittings.
Starters shall have bimetal electrodes and high mechanical strength. starters shall
be replaceable without disturbing the reflector or lamps and without the use of
any tool. Starters shall have brass contacts and radio interference capacitor.
The starters shall generally conform to the relevant standards.
The capacitors shall have a constant value of capacitance and shall be connected
across the supply of individual lamp circuits.
The capacitors shall be suitable for operation at supply voltage and shall have a
value of capacitance so as to correct the power factor of its corresponding lamp
circuit to the extent of 0.95 lag or better.
The capacitors shall be hermetically sealed preferably in a metal enclosure to
prevent seepage of impregnant and ingress of moisture.
Incandescent (GLS) lamps shall be provided with bayonet caps upto
LED lamps shall be life of >50,000hrs

The lamps shall be capable of withstanding small vibrations and the connections
at lead in wires and filaments/electrodes shall not break under such

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Lamps/tubes shall conform to relevant standards and shall be suitable for supply
voltage and frequency specified.
Spare Parts
Unit prices of the items shall be quoted together with catalogue numbers.
The unit prices shall not however be limited to the above items. The VENDOR
may recommend additional spare items and quote the unit prices of the respective
Tests and Test Reports
Type tests, acceptance tests and routine tests for the lighting fittings and
accessories covered by this specification shall be carried out as per the relevant
standard for the respective fittings and their accessories.
The MANUFACTURER's type and routine test certificates shall be submitted for
tests conducted as per relevant standards for the fittings and accessories. The
BIDDER shall submit with his proposal copies of available test certificates of the
fittings offered.
LT Cables
Codes & Standards
The design construction manufacture and performance of cables shall comply
with all currently applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes of the locality
where cables will be installed. Nothing in this specification shall be constructed
to release the Contractor of his responsibility.
Unless otherwise specified the cables shall conform to the latest applicable
Power Cable
Power cables should be multicore earthed 1.1 kV grade aluminium stranded
conductor colour coded, extruded/PVC insulated, extruded semi-conducting
screened over each core and insulation, extruded inner sheathed, common
extruded inner sheathed for multi core cable, galvanised steel strip armoured and
overall extruded black sheath conforming to IS-1554 Part II, 1976. Armouring of
multicore cable shall be of single layer, galvanised steel round wire or flat strip.
Wire armour should be used for cable dia over inner sheath upto 13 mm and strip
armour to be used for higher dia. The cables should be multicore and suitably
designed for variation in power supply as follows:
The voltage variation ± 10 %
Freq. variation ± 5%
Combined voltage & frequency variation ± 10 %
PVC Sheath
The PVC compound used for outer sheath shall be resistant to termites, fungus and
rodent attacks and shall have in addition the property mentioned in clause 6.0

Cables Size

L.T. Cables - As mentioned in SLD/Bill of Quantities.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Laying of LT Cables
a) The cables shall be laid in an excavated trench. The depth of the trench shall
be minimum 750 mm below the final ground level but shall be decided on the
number of cables to be laid in the trench so that the vertical distance between
two adjacent layers of cables shall not be less than 350 mm. The width of the
trench shall be decided on the number of cables to be laid in the trench so that
the distance between two adjacent cables shall not be less than one cable
b) Before laying cables the bottom of the trench shall be well compacted and the
cables shall be laid on a 100 mm fine sand bedding. The second layer of 150
mm of fine sand then be spread over the cable and shall be further covered by
150 mm of compact soil. For the second layer of the cable same procedure
shall be repeated.
c) The cables shall be protected by placing precast concrete tiles or burnt bricks
over the cables on top layer of sand and for the full length of underground
cables. Where more than one cable is running in the same trench, the concrete
tiles/ bricks shall cover all the cables and shall project a minimum of 80 mm
on either side of the cables.
In any case the top layer of the cables shall be minimum 600 mm below the
finished level of the ground.
d) The top of the cable trench shall be well compacted till the finished level of
the ground and shall be approved by the construction manager/consultant if
required a laboratory compaction test shall be carried out in presence of the
Construction manager/Consultant.
e) Cables under road crossings and any surfaces subjected to heavy traffic shall
be protected by running them through hume pipes of suitable size.
Earthing System
The earthing system shall comply with all currently applicable standards,
regulations and safety codes of the locality where the installation is to be carried
out. Nothing in this specification shall be construed to relieve the
CONTRACTOR of this responsibility.
The installation work shall conform to the latest applicable Electricity Rules,
IS:3043 and relevant codes of practice.
Earth Electrode
Electrodes shall as far as practicable, be embedded below permanent moisture

Some electrodes shall be housed in test pits with concrete covers for periodic
testing of earth resistivity. Installation of rod/pipe/plate electrodes in test pits
shall be convenient for inspection, tasting and watering.
Pipe Earth Electrodes
GI pipe shall be of medium Class-B 38 mm dia and 3.5 m length with a funnel on
the top of the pipe. A funnel with wire mesh should be screwed to the pipe.
Galvanising of the pipe shall confirm to relevant Indian Standards. GI pipe

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

electrodes shall be tapered at the bottom and provided with holes of 12 mm dia
drilled not less than 150 mm from each other up to suitable length from bottom.
The electrode shall be buried in the ground vertically with its top not less 20 cm
below ground level. A brick masonry chamber of 300 mm x 300 mm x 450 mm.
Method of Connecting Earthing Lead to Earth Electrode
In the case of plate earth electrodes, the earthing lead shall be securely bolted to
the plate with two bolts, nuts, checknuts and washers. In the case of pipe earth
electrodes, they shall be connected by means of a through bolts, nuts and washers
and cable socket.
All materials used for connecting the earth lead with electrodes shall be GI in
case of GI pipe and GI plate earth electrodes and of tinned brass in case of copper
plate electrodes.
The earthing lead shall be securely connected at the other end to the main board.
General Instruction on Electrical Pre-commissioning Arrangement and Tests
All tests shall be carried out by the contractor using his own instruments, testing
equipment as well as qualified testing personnel.
The results of all tests shall conform to the specification requirements as well as
any specific performance data guaranteed during finalisation of the contract.
At site all equipment shall be energised only after certification by the personnel
performing the test that the equipment is ready for energising and with
concurrence of the purchaser.
Cable Termination and Jointing
Termination and jointing of aluminium conductor power cables shall be by means
of compression method using compression type aluminium lugs. Copper
conductor control cables shall be terminated directly into screwed type terminals
provided in the equipment. Wherever control cables are to be terminated by
means of terminal lugs, the same shall be of tinned copper compression type.
Testing and Commissioning of Electrical Equipment and Installation

The testing and commissioning for all electrical equipment at site shall be
according to the procedure laid down below.
All electrical equipment shall be tested, installed and commissioned in
accordance with the latest relevant standards and codes of practices published by
Indian Standards Institution wherever available and stipulations and in relevant
general specifications.
In case where Indian Standards are not available these shall be carried out in
accordance with the latest standards and codes of practice published by any other
recognised National Standards Institution or latest publications of International
Electro Technical Commission (IEC).
The testing of all electrical equipment as well as the system as a whole shall be
carried out to ensure that the equipment and its components are in satisfactory
condition and will successfully perform its functional operation. The inspection
of the equipment shall be carried out to ensure that tall materials, workmanship

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

and installation conform to the accepted design, engineering and construction

standards as well as accepted codes of practice and stipulations.
Polarity Test of Switch
In a two wire installation a test shall be made to verify that all switches in every
circuit have been fitted in the same conductor throughout and such conductor
shall be labeled or marked for connection to the phase conductor or to the non
earthed conductor of the supply.
A verification of polarity shall be made and shall be ensured that all fuses and
single pole control devices are connected in the live conductor only and for
socket outlets that the wiring is correctly connected.

i) Physical inspection for removal of any foreign bodies, external defects, such
as damaged insulators, loose connecting bolts, loose foundation bolts etc.
ii) Check for the free movement of mechanism for the circuit breakers, rotating
parts of the rotating machines and devices.
iii) Check for tightness of all cable, busbars as well as earth connections in the
main earthing network.
iv) Check for clearance of live busbars and conductors from the metal enclosure.
v) Continuity checks in case of power and control cables.
vi) Checking of all mechanical and electrical interlocks including tripping of
breakers using manual operation of relay.
vii) Check and calibrate devices requiring field adjustment/calibration like
adjustment of relay setting etc.
viii) Check proper connection to earth network of all non-current carrying
parts of the equipment and installation.
ix) Check for grease, insulating/lubricate oil leakage and proper charge.
x) Check for alignment of all drawout devices like drawout type circuit breakers,
MCC cubicles etc.
xi) Checking of alarm and annunciation circuits by manual actuation of relevant
The following tests shall be carried out on the equipment
a) Low voltage switchgear (upto 1000 V AC or 1200 V DC)
i) Insulation resistance test with 1000V megger for control, metering and
relaying circuits. The minimum value of insulation resistance shall be 1
ii) Insulation resistance test with 500 V megger for control, metering and relaying
circuits. The minimum value of insulation resistance shall be 1 megohm.
iii) Relay operation test by secondary injection method.
iv) Functional test of the control circuits.
v) Checking of setting of all relays/releases as per drawings.
vi) Effectiveness Test of ELCB, MCBs.

b) Earth Electrode Resistance Test

The earth resistance of the earth electrode is to be measured by an earth testing
"Megger" provided with a direct reading ohmmeter. Readings obtained in

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

ohms shall not be more than 1 ohm. If necessary, with the approval of
Engineer-in-Charge additional electrode shall be provided away from the
resistance and linked to the electrodes system. Payment for such additional
electrode and interconnecting tape/wire will be paid on unit or linear basis.
c) Insulation Resistance Test
Insulation resistance test should be made before the installation is permanently
connected to the electric supply. The insulation resistance is to be measured
by using an approved portable hand operated insulation resistance tester
reading directly in ohms. The voltage of this tester shall be about 500 volts.
The insulation resistance to earth shall not be less than 1 meg. ohm when
measured with all fuse links in place, all switches closed and all poles place,
all switches closed and all poles or phases of wires are electrically linked.

d) Earth Continuity Test

The earth continuity conductor should be tested for continuity to ensure that
there is no breakage or loose connections in the system.
Data to be Furnished by the Contractor after Award of Contract
Drawings/Data Sheets
a) The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the following immediately after placement of
order for approval of consultant/Employer.

b) General arrangement and dimensioned drawings for main LT panel,

distribution boards, sub-distribution boards and feeder pillars showing front,
side and plan views, outline dimensions, floor openings, floor/wall/structure
fixing arrangements, earthing terminals and weights. Each drawing shall also
include the undernoted information.
i) Bill of material listing component equipment designation, make, types,
ratings, quantity of the various component equipment mounted on the
ii) Sheet steel thickness and finish.
iii)Quantity of boards/panels
c) Schematic wiring diagram of the main LT panel/distribution boards/feeder
pillars, showing the terminal number and the terminals. Shop drawings
showing conduit layout for internal electrical works is to be submitted
wherever required.
d) Inside view of distribution boards/feeder pillars showing mounting and wiring
arrangement of various component equipments. (This drawing shall be
submitted only for information and records and shall be based on approved
schematic drawing. The correctness of this drawing shall be the responsibility
f) Descriptive/technical catalogues of air break switches, miniature circuit
breakers, metering instruments, light control switches, receptacle units,
conduits, junction boxes and ceiling fans.
g) Dimensioned drawing of high mast giving all design particulars shall be
submitted for approval before fabrication of the tower.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Note:- The VENDOR shall plan his manufacturing schedule so as

to allow at least 3 weeks’ time for approval of the drawings after their
receipt by the Engineer.
Test Certificates
Type and routine test certificates for the factory built assembly of boards/panels,
flameproof enclosures and for all component parts/other equipment’s e.g.
switches, MCBs, fuses, conduits, lighting wires, light switches, receptacles, fans,
etc. shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR.
The type test certificates shall be forwarded within 3 months from the receipt of
order and the routine test certificates shall be furnished for the Engineer’s
approval atleast 2 week before the date of dispatch.
Statutory Approval for Works
Entire electrical installation shall be got approved by the Electrical Contractor
from local authority or electrical inspector with supporting test certificates/load
details for getting electrical supply for said installation from local authority. No
separate charges shall be borne by the client for this approval.
1. 11 kV Pin Insulator
11 kV porcelain Pin Insulator Brown, Glazed conforming to IS: 731 of
1971 with latest amendments with forged steel pins, hot dip galvanized,
with spring washer, nut with check nut conforming to Fig. 5 of IS: 2486
Part II of 1974 with latest amendments as per sketch.
2. 11 kV Disc Insulator
11 kV Brown Glazed ball and socket type 16 mm, Type B Porcelain
Disk Insulators of EMS 45 kN of size 255 mm dia 145 mm height
conforming to IS: 731 of 1971 with suitable Hardware fittings as per IS.
and sketch.
3. 11kV Hardware fittings
The Hard fittings –ball and socket type for 11 kV distribution overhead
line should be comply with the dimensional requirements indicated in
the sketch attached. For guidance on general shape and design, the
relevant Indian Standard specification IS 2486 Part I, II & III and IS
10136 shall be complied with. (see Technical Specifications also).
4. 11 kV Stay Set complete
Brown Glazed H Type Strain Insulator of Designation ‘C’ for 11 kV 140
mm long with two holes 25 mm dia as per IS: 5300 of 1969 with latest
amendments with 20 mm GI Stay Rod 1800 mm long Turn Buckle, 2
Nos. Stay Clamp of suitable size etc. as per sketch furnished.
5. LT Pin Insulator

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

LT Porcelain Brown glazed Pin Insulators Type I in conforming to IS:

1445 of 1977 with latest amendments, having an overall height of 100
mm and base diameter 70mm with suitably matched LT forged GI Pins
260 mm x 16 mm with spring washer of 3mm thick and standard
hexagonal nut (All ferrous components except small fittings like spring
washers, nuts etc. hot dip galvanized and small fittings like spring
washers etc. Electro Galvanized with suitable collar and conforming to
the fig. Furnished herewith of IS: 7935 of 1975 as a single composite
unit with suitable packing clamps fabricated out of 40 x 6 mm MS Flat
hot dip galvanized as per IS: 2633 of 1972 and latest revisions as per
sketch enclosed.
6. LT Shackle Set complete
LT Brown Porcelain Shackle Insulators having an overall height of 75
mm and diameter of 90 mm for the top rain shed and 85 mm for the
bottom rain shed and minimum bore dia of 15 mm as per type I in
suitable for a minimum failing load of 11.5 KN and conforming to IS:
1445 of 1997 and latest revision thereof with GI Straps 185 mm x 30
mm manufactured from 3 mm thick plates with 115 mm x 12 mm GI
Bolts having threads for 65 mm with hexagonal nuts and spring washers
and conforming to Fig. 3 of IS: 7935 of 1975 and latest revision thereof
(all except small fittings hot dip galvanized) (A set consists of two
straps, two bolts, two nuts and two spring washers) as per sketch
7. LT Stay Set complete
Brown Glazed H type Stay Insulators of designation ‘A’, 90 mm long
with two holes 16 mm dia as per IS: 5300 of 1969 and latest
amendments with 16 mm, Stay rod 1800 mm long fabricated from 16
mm MS rod as per drawing with standard hexagonal nut and washer 3
mm thick completely galvanized as per IS: 2633 of 1972 and its latest
revisions, Turn buckle, Stay Clamp 2 Nos. of suitable size etc., as per
sketch furnished.
8. 11 kV ‘V’ Cross Arm
11 kV ‘V’ Cross Arm made of 75mm X 40 mm MS channel having
overall size 1070 X 310 mm with suitable clamps with bolts and nuts all
hot dip galvanized, as per relevant IS and drawing attached..
9. 11 kV ‘F’ type Bracket
11 kV Pole Top Bracket ‘F’ type made of 50 mm x 8 mm MS Flat 385
mm x 60 mm overall size with suitable holes for fixing bolts and
insulator pin, hot dip galvanized as per specification.
10. 4 Line Cross Arm

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

4 line Cross Arm for RCC/PSC Poles fabricated out of 65 x 65 x 6 mm

MS angles as per drawing, furnished with suitable clamps fabricated
from 50 x 6 mm flat as per drawing with 2 numbers of MS hexagonal
headed and round necked bolt with hexagonal nut of size 12 mm dia and
60 mm long threaded to a minimum length of 40 mm conforming to IS:
1363 of 1960 and latest revisions all hot dip galvanized as per IS: 2633
of 1972 and latest revisions as per sketch.
11. 2 Line Cross Arm
2 line Cross Arm for RCC/PSC poles fabricated out of 50 x 50 x 6 mm
MS angle with suitable clamps fabricated from 50 x 6 mm MS flat as per
drawing furnished and specifications with 2 numbers of MS hexagonal
headed and round necked bolt with hexagonal nut of size 12 mm dia and
60 mm long threaded to a minimum length of 40 mm conforming to IS:
1363 of 1960 and latest revisions thereof, all hot dip galvanized as per
IS: 2633 of 1972 and latest revisions as per sketch.
12. 1.8 mts. Long Cross Arm
1.8 mt. Long Cross Arm for RCC/PSC poles fabricated out of 65x 65 x 6
mm MS angle with suitable clamps fabricated from 50 x 6 mm MS flat
as per drawing furnished and specifications with 2 numbers of MS
hexagonal headed and round necked bolt with hexagonal nut of size 12
mm dia and 60 mm long threaded to a minimum length of 40 mm
conforming to IS: 1363 of 1960 and latest revisions thereof, all hot dip
galvanized as per IS: 2633 of 1972 and latest revisions as per sketch.
13. 2.4 mts. Long Cross Arm
2.4 mt. Long Cross Arm for RCC/PSC poles fabricated out of 65x 65 x 6
mm MS angle with suitable clamps fabricated from 50 x 6 mm MS flat
as per drawing furnished and specifications with 2 numbers of MS
hexagonal headed and round necked bolt with hexagonal nut of size 12
mm dia and 60 mm long threaded to a minimum length of 40 mm
conforming to IS: 1363 of 1960 and latest revisions thereof, all hot dip
galvanized as per IS: 2633 of 1972 and latest revisions as per sketch.
14. 3.2 mts. Long Cross Arm
3.2 mt. Long Cross Arm for RCC/PSC poles fabricated out of 75x 75 x 6
mm MS angle with suitable clamps fabricated from 50 x 6 mm MS flat
as per drawing furnished and specifications with 2 numbers of MS
hexagonal headed and round necked bolt with hexagonal nut of size 12
mm dia and 60 mm long threaded to a minimum length of 40 mm
conforming to IS: 1363 of 1960 and latest revisions thereof, all hot dip
galvanized as per IS: 2633 of 1972 and latest revisions as per sketch.
15. Knee brazing

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

40 mm dia., B-Class GI pipe, 1.15mts. length, flattering both end and

provide centre hole 30mm away from both end suitable for ½” bolt. 1 set
clamp with two numbers, 3”x½”, 2”thread, GI nut & bolt, hot dip
galvanized as per ISS-2633/1964 with latest amendment thereof.
Suitable for fixing pipe knee brazing on 8 or 9mts. PSC poles below
1.5mts from top.
16. Earth pipe
45mm dia., 2.5mts. length, ‘B’ Class GI pipe with 3”x½” nut & bolt.
Flattering one end and provide a whole suitable for ½” bolt 5 cm away
from the other end.
17. AB Switch – 200 Amps.
EHI make 200 Amps triple pole 11kV tilting type gang operated out
door, three post insulators per phase type, Air-Break switches with
flexible braided copper strip of size 25 X 5 mm suitably for horizontal
mounting. Each switch shall include operating handle 20mm internal
dia.6mts. operating pipe or rod of single length with suitable supporting
brackets for the pipe or rod for easy operation, padlocks and keys
completed with all fittings, nuts which may work loose in operation,
must be provided with spring washers on split pins. The switches shall
be manufactures in accordance with ISS.9921/85 with latest
amendments. All metal parts should be hot dip galvanized as per
ISS.2633/1964 with latest revisions thereof. The spacing between phases
should be 760mm and the base channel should have a length of
approximately 650mm. The AB Switches must also be fitted with 6 Nos.
Aluminum conductor clamping arrangements suitable for clamping
ACSR Conductors “Rabbit” / “Raccoon”.
18. Stay Wire 7/2.5 mm
MS Galvanized Stay Wire 7/2.5 mm having Tensile strength of 70
kgf/mm2 minimum conforming to grade 4 of IS: 2141 of 1979 in 100kg
19. Stay Wire 7/3.15 mm
MS Galvanized Stay Wire 7/3.15 mm having Tensile strength of 70
kgf/mm2 minimum conforming to grade 4 of IS: 2141 of 1979 in 100kg
20. GI wire 5 mm
GI wire 5 mm having a minimum Tensile strength of 55 kg/mm2
conforming to IS: 280 of 1978 with latest amendments if any, with hard
quality Galvanized coatings as per IS: 4826 of 1968 with latest
amendments. Coils wrapped in hessian or canvas and suitably packed. in
100 kg coils.
21. GI wire 4 mm
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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

GI wire 4 mm having a minimum Tensile strength of 55 kg/mm2

conforming to IS: 280 of 1978 with latest amendments if any, with hard
quality Galvanized coatings as per IS: 4826 of 1968 with latest
amendments. Coils wrapped in hessian or canvas and suitably packed. in
100 kg coils.
22. GI wire 3.15 mm
GI wire 3.15 mm having a minimum Tensile strength of 55 kg/mm2
conforming to IS: 280 of 1978 with latest amendments if any, with hard
quality Galvanized coatings as per IS: 4826 of 1968 with latest
amendments. Coils wrapped in hessian or canvas and suitably packed. in
100 kg coils
23. GI bolt & nuts:
a) 2” x ½” GI bolt & nuts :Full threaded with hexagonal nut double
hampering. Bolt head should be hexagonal and hampered
b) 3” x ½ “GI bolt & nuts: 2 inch threaded with hexagonal nut
double hampering. Bolt head should be hexagonal and hampered.
c) 4” x ½ “GI bolt & nuts: 2 inch threaded with hexagonal nut
double hampering. Bolt head should be hexagonal and hampered.
d) 5” x ½ “GI bolt & nuts: 2 inch threaded with hexagonal nut
double hampering. Bolt head should be hexagonal and hampered.
e) 6” x ½ “GI bolt & nuts: 2 inch threaded with hexagonal nut
double hampering. Bolt head should be hexagonal and hampered.
f) 8” x ¾ “GI bolt & nuts: 2 inch threaded with hexagonal nut
double hampering. Bolt head should be hexagonal and hampered.
g) 10” x ¾ “GI bolt & nuts: 2 inch threaded with hexagonal nut
double hampering. Bolt head should be hexagonal and hampered.
h) 12” x ¾ “GI bolt & nuts: 2 inch threaded with hexagonal nut
double hampering. Bolt head should be hexagonal and hampered
24. Weather Proof Wire:
a) W/P wire - 6 mm
ISI marked “VIDHUT” brand 6mm Hst twin core Aluminium
cable red and black PVC insulated and black PVC sheathed for
WP application conforming to IS 694/1990 with latest
amendment and rated for 1100v.
b) W/P wire – 2.5 mm
ISI marked “VIDHUT” brand 2.5mm Hst twin core Aluminium
cable red and black PVC insulated and black PVC sheathed for
WP application conforming to IS 694/1990 with latest
amendment and rated for 1100v.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

c) W/P wire – 1.5 mm

ISI marked “VIDHUT” brand 1.5mm Hst single core Aluminium
cable red PVC insulated and black PVC sheathed for WP
application conforming to IS 694/1990 with latest amendment
and rated for 1100v.
25. ‘A’ Type Pole:
The technical particulars of the poles shall be as follows:
11 KV ‘ A’ type pole structure 13m long made out of M S Angles of size
110x110x8mm and brace using 75x75x6mm or the nearest size as per
drawing including painting with two coats of gray enamel paint over one
coat of Red Oxide primer of approved quality, after scraping and
cleaning the surface etc.
26. PSC Poles 8 m
PSC Electric Poles 8 meters long with working load of 140 kg and Cross
Section at bottom 275 x 90 mm and top 105 x 90 mm with 8 numbers
tensioned 4 mm dia. and 2 numbers untensioned 4 mm dia. Steel Steel
wires the maximum pretension in 4mm HTS wire being 1760 kg and the
untensioned HTS wire should be held in position by suitable MS
27. PSC Poles 9 m
PSC Electric Poles 9 meters long with working load of 200 kg and Cross
Section at bottom 315 x 105 mm and top 115 x 105 mm with 12
numbers tensioned steel wire 4 mm dia and 2 Nos. 4 mm dia untensioned
steel wire the maximum pre-tension in 4mm HTS wire being 1760 kg
and the untensioned HTS wire should be held in position by suitable MS
stirrups and also with necessary holes provided at the top for fixing pole
top bracket and 6 mm dia. MS helical reinforcement at top.
The specification shall confirm to relevant HPPWD specification/
manual for bio engineering works and as discussed under the following
a. The Contractor shall provide or collect seeds of the
required species in accordance with the requirements
described hereafter, of the species and quantities required,
as and when required. He shall supply all necessary
expertise, resources and facilities to ensure that these
requirements are met in full. It is essential that the seed is
of high quality as it forms the basis to the success of any
bio-engineering program. High quality seeds refer to
those seeds which have high germination percentage,
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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

collected from healthy plant and free from impurities,

diseases and insect pests and also they should be properly
processed and stored.
b. The Engineer will give indications as to the expected
amounts of seeds required and the time of availability.
But it is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that
adequate quantities of seeds are obtained in a timely
fashion. The required quantity of seed depends upon the
germination percentage and the spreading nature of the
c. The weights to be specified are for sun-dried seeds
separated completely from fruiting bodies and other
unwanted parts, and ready for storage and subsequent
sowing. There is usually a large discrepancy between this
weight and that of freshly collected, untreated fruits. The
fruits and seeds should be properly processed and stored
according to the nature of the seed. Most of the seeds
need to be removed from their fruits before sowing or
storage. Separation of the seed must be done carefully to
avoid damage of the seed. If the seeds are to be sown
immediately after proceeding i.e. within few days put
them into a cloth bag and keep cool until required.
However, if the seeds are to be kept for more than a week
they must be stored properly to avoid loss of viability.
d. Should the Contractor be unable to supply the specified
seeds, the advice of the Engineer should be sought. It may
be possible to substitute other species. Seed should not be
obtained commercially without the Engineer’s written
authority as some commercial sources may supply old or
badly treated seeds.
1.1.1. The species of grass seeds to be collected will be determined by
the Engineer. The Contractor will be responsible for determining seed
sources, though these may be specified by Engineer’s instructions. Seeds
should normally be collected in or very close to the project area. So that
it is suitable for that area and need less effort for transportation.
1.1.2. Seeds must be collected from as many individual plants as
possible. With grasses it is difficult to determine the best genetic
material from the appearance of the form; but it is generally sound
practice to select from the largest and most vigorous plants. If it is
collected from many parents the quality will be better genetically.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

1.1.3. The Contractor may under no circumstances damage or remove

the roots of grass plants while collecting seed. The Contractor is
responsible for safety measures and making all necessary arrangements
with landowners, farmers and local district forest office, as applicable,
before the collection of seeds. Also, the nature of seed should be known
previously so that the collected seeds should be treated or stored
1.1.4. Seeds may only be collected when fully ripe. Seeds collected
early are not viable when planted and will cause a failure of the planting
programme. The Contractor will be held liable if the germination rate of
seeds is seriously lower than the normally expected percentage. Many
grasses necessary for bioengineering can not be obtained commercially
such plant seed should be harvested from the natural habitat and their
suitability should be tested.
1.1.5. Immediately after collection, seeds must be separated from
flower heads by the method normally used by farmers for other grasses.
Once separated, the seeds must be sun-dried before storage. Otherwise,
the quality will be decrease.
1.1.6. Seeds must be stored in cool, dry, ventilated building with
adequate precautions taken against pest. Containers should be raised
above the floor. (to protect them from damp floor) They should not be
kept in the same building as cement, or any chemicals, fuels or lubricants
as the excreted gas may damage the young embryo. Grass is best stored
in bags made of hessian (jute) sheet. Seeds should be carefully inspected
on a weekly basis to ensure that there is no deterioration or mould
formation, or pest attack. Seeds can only be stored successfully if they
have been properly dried in the sun beforehand. Most species have seeds
that store best if they are properly dried and then kept dry and cool.
1.2.1. The species of tree and shrub seeds to be collected will be
determined by the Engineer. The Contractor will be responsible for
determining seed sources, though these may be specified by Engineer’s
instructions. Seeds should normally be collected in or very close to the
working area.
1.2.2. Seeds must be collected from as many healthy individual plants
as possible. The plants from which the seeds are collected must show
vigorous growth and good form. Abnormal and stunted plants should not
be considered.
1.2.3. The Contractor must under no circumstances damage plants
while collecting seed. The Contractor is responsible for making all
necessary arrangements with landowners, farmers and local district
forest office, as applicable, before the collection of seeds.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

1.2.4. The collection of seeds from trees can be a dangerous business,

placing the collectors at considerable personal risk. Specialist equipment
and training is available in the region for this purpose. It is the
Contractor’s responsibility to ensure safe working conditions for his
employees or subcontractors.
1.2.5. Seeds may only be collected when fully ripe. Seeds collected
early are not viable when planted and will cause a failure of the planting
programme. The Contractor will be held liable if the germination rate of
seeds is seriously lower than the normally expected percentage.
1.2.6. Immediately after collection, seeds must be separated from fruit
by the method normally used by farmers and foresters for this purpose;
this depends on the individual species but may be a time consuming
process for certain fruits. Once separated, the seeds must be sun-dried
before storage.
1.2.7. Seeds must be stored in cool, dry, ventilated building with
adequate precautions taken against pest. Containers should be raised
above the floor. They should not be kept in the same building as cement,
or any chemicals, fuels or lubricants. If kept in sealed containers, the
seeds should be carefully inspected on a weekly basis to ensure that there
is no deterioration or mould formation. Seeds can only be stored
successfully if they have been properly dried in the sun beforehand.
a) The species of plants to be collected for vegetative propagation
will be determined by the Engineer. The Contractor will be
responsible for determining plant material sources, through these
may be specified by the Engineer’s instructions. Plants should
normally be collected in very close to working area.
2.1.1. Cuttings of various types must be taken from grass species
which are known to propagate easily by vegetative means.
2.1.2. Cuttings must be made from as many healthy individual plants
as possible. The plants from which the cuttings are taken must show
vigorous growth and good form. Grass clumps showing growth should
not be considered as sources.
2.1.3. Apart from the clumps which are dug to make cuttings, the
Contractor must under no circumstances damage other plants. The
Contractor is responsible for making all necessary arrangements with
landowner’s farmers, and district forest office, as applicable, before the
making of hardwood cuttings.
2.1.4. The type of cuttings to be made depends on the species.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

2.1.5. Where roots are required for cuttings, grass clumps should be
carefully dug up. They must not be pulled hard, as this can damage the
material. They must be separated carefully by hand, using a sharp knife
or razor blade when necessary. There must be no tearing of the plant
2.1.6. Stem cuttings must be made using sharp secateurs. The top cut
should be made at right angles to the stem and the bottom cut should be
made at 45° to the stem: this is to show the orientation of the planting.
2.1.7. Once cuttings have been made, they must be wrapped in wet
hessian jute immediately. At all times cuttings are to be kept moist and
as cool as possible, and should be wrapped in wet hessian between all
operations such as digging out of the ground, splitting out, trimming and
planting. Under any circumstances, all cuttings must be planted the same
day that they are made.
2.2.1. Hardwood cuttings must be taken from shrubs and trees of
species which are known to propagate easily by vegetative means.
2.2.2. Cuttings must be made from as many healthy individual plants
as possible. The plants from which the cuttings are taken must show
vigorous growth and good form. Mis-shaven and shunted plants should
not be considered as sources.
2.2.3. Apart from the branches from which cuttings are taken the
Contractor must under no circumstances damage plants while taking
cuttings. The Contractor is responsible for taking safety precautions and
for making all necessary arrangements with landowners, farmers and the
local district forest office, as applicable, before the making of hardwood
2.2.4. Hardwood cuttings must be made from stem which are between
6 and 18 months old. Materials outside this range are normally vigorous
or strong enough to survive as cuttings. The Contractor may be held
liable if the success rate of cuttings is seriously lower than the normally
excepted percentage.
2.2.5. Hardwood cuttings must be made using sharp secateurs or a
sharp saw. The top cut should be made at right angles to the stem and the
bottom cut should be made at 45˚ to show the orientation of planting.
Under no circumstances must there be any damage to the bark of cutting.

2.2.6. Hardwood cuttings are normally 300 to 500 mm in length and

20 to 40 mm in diameter. This size should not be exceeded for the
majority of species unless specified by the Engineer

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

2.2.7. A number of species can be propagated using large truncheon

cuttings. Hardwood cuttings should be in average in the range of 1500 to
2500 mm in length and 30 to 80 mm in diameter unless otherwise
2.2.8. Once cuttings have been made, they must be wrapped in wet
hessian jute immediately. At all times, cuttings are to be kept moist and
as cool as possible, and should be wrapped in wet hessian between all
operations such as taking from the parent plant, trimming and planting.
Under any circumstances, all cuttings must be planted the same day that
they are made.
a.The Contractor shall provide nurseries to contribute stocks of grasses
shrubs and trees for planting operations as required by the Engineer. This
shall be done according to the specifications described here under, as and
when required by the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply all
necessary expertise, resources and facilities to ensure that these
requirements are met.
b. The establishment and effective operation of plant nurseries is a
skilled business requiring experienced and trained staff. These
specifications alone do not provide all the information needed to set up
and run nurseries. The Contractor should seek the advice of specialist
and should refer to the large number of reference books available on the
c.The purpose of a nursery is to supply good quality, healthy plants of
the correct type and species at the precise time they are required and at a
reasonable cost.
3.1.1. The Contractor shall provide nursery facilities adequate to
supply all of the stock required for planting operations. Alternatively he
may procure planting stock from elsewhere at the time of site planting
providing it is of standard acceptable to the engineering and as described
3.1.2. In selecting a site for nursery the Contractor must fulfill the
following requirements
a) Nurseries must be as close as possible to all sites to be planted.
They must be at the same altitudes as and in an identical climatic
area to the sites to be planted.
b) Nurseries should be a reliable and adequate supply of water
which remains constant throughout the latter part of the dry
c) Nurseries should have all weather vehicular access.
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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

d) Nurseries should have a perimeter of stock proof fencing

effective against all domestic animals.
e) Nurseries should have a weather and pest proof office cum seed
store and proper storage facilities for seed. Seed must be kept
cool, dry and in sealed containers.
f) All nurseries should be provided with at least two above ground
compost bays built of stone brick or timber. These will be used
on an alternate basis to ensure a continual supply of compost.
g) A constant staff of qualified and experienced people must be
h) There must be adequate space in each nursery location for all
operations to be performed in the cycle of work. In particular all
plants need to be spaced out periodically as they grow and there
must be adequate bed area to accommodate them.
3.2.1. Nursery beds must be made in a different way according to
their purpose. The Contractor must ensure that there are adequate beds
available for all the operations to be undertaken in the nursery.
3.2.2. There must be paths around all beds to ensure the best possible
access for operations such as weeding and watering.
3.2.3. The table below summarizes the constructions details of the
four main bed types
Bed Beds for grass seeds, Seed beds for tree Standout beds Beds for the
type grass slips and tree seedlings for poly pots propagation of
stool cuttings seedlings bamboo culm cuttings
Bed 1000 mm wide ×250 1000 mm wide × 170 1000 mm wide 1000 mm wide × 300
size mm high mm high ×150 mm high mm high
Details 50 mm of washed 50 mm of washed 50 mm layer of Ground below the bed
of gravel placed above gravel placed above gravel placed is dug to a depth of
constru the ground; then 50 the ground; then 50 above 300 mm. Bed is Made
ction mm of 1:1 mix of mm of unsieved compacted with 100 mm of
sieved soil and forest soil; 1:3 mix of ground. A flat unsieved soil (lower)
compost; and topped sieved forest soil and stone or brick and 200 mm of sieved
with 150 mm of 3:1 washed sand; and surround. soil (upper). A bund
mix of sieved forest topped with 20 mm 100 mm high is
topsoil and washed of washed, sieved formed around the
sand and sterilized sand. edge.

3.24 Soil beds should be constructed to hold grass seeds, grasses

being propagated by vegetative means and tree stool cuttings. These can
be of many practical length but must be flat and of one meter in width.
They should rise to a height of 250 mm above the surrounding ground.
They are made up as follows: 50 mm of washed gravel is placed above

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

the ground; then 50 mm of 1:1 mix of sieved soil and compost; and the
bed is topped with 150 mm of 3:1 mix of sieved fertile, loamy forest
topsoil and washed sand. All sieving should be done with a mesh size of
2 mm or smaller. One square meter of such bed will contain 100 grass
slips spaced at 100 m centre within rows at 100 mm centre and climate
of the nursery.
3.2.5. Seed beds must be made very carefully for germinating small
seeds of shrubs and trees. These can be of any practical length but must
be flat and of one meter in width. They should rise to a height of 170
mm above the surrounding ground. They are made up as follows: 50 mm
of washed gravels is placed above the ground; then 50 mm of unsieved
forest soil; 50 mm of 1:3 mix of sieved forest soil and washed sand; and
the bed is topped with 20 mm of washed, sieved and sterilized sand. All
sieving should be done with a mesh size of 1 mm or smaller.
3.2.6. Standout beds should be constructed to hold seedling in
polythene pots. These can be of any practical length but must be flat and
of one meter in width. Bed floors should be above surrounding ground
level and they should have a surround preferably made from flat stones
or bricks. One square meter of standout bed will contain an average of
115 filled pots of the size specified (100×180 mm) when spaced out.
3.2.7. Beds for the propagation of bamboo culm cuttings should be
made specially. These can be of any practical length but must be flat and
of one meter width. They should rise to a height of 300 mm above the
surrounding ground. They are made up as follows: the ground below the
bed is dug to a depth of 300 mm; the bed itself is then made with 100
mm of unsieved soil on the original surface, and 200 mm of sieved soil
above this. All soil sieving should be done with a mesh size of 2 mm or
smaller. Finally, a bund 100 mm high is formed around the edge
3.2.8. Shades must be constructed over the beds and kept in position
over delicate seedlings during hours of intense sunlight, according to
need. Shades should be 750 to 1000 mm above the soil or the top of
filled pots and angled so as to be effective for as much of the day as
possible (i.e. with the lower side to the south). Bamboo stripes laced
together with coir (coconut fiber) string are particularly suitable in most
cases; but over tree and shrub seed beds thatched shades with a
polythene lining must be used
a) The Contractor must operate the nursery according to a high
standard. The nursery is to be staffed well tended at all times. It
must be maintained in a clean tidy and efficient manner at all
times. Plants must always be healthy and vigorous.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

b) Due to the nature of bio eng works nurseries will normally be

operated and managed by small local Contractor with a range of
agricultural skills. Nurseries may also be operated and managed
by direct employees of the division road office.
c) Plants must be kept properly weeded at all times.

d) Watering as required for good plant growth must be carried out

regularly in the cool of the evening between sunset and dusk. The
Contractor must ensure that the soil is kept moist but not
saturated at all times. Beds must be kept moist even when empty,
so that the soil is kept in good condition.
e) The timing of many nurseries operations is of great importance.
Activities such as seed sowing and the taking of cuttings must be
carried out within the critical few weeks when they will yield the
desired results. Most other operations such as spacing out root
pruning and watering must also be carried out in timely manner.
The Contractor is responsible to keep works to the strict schedule
required and under no circumstances to permit delays.
4.1.1 Grass will be propagated in nurseries either by seedling in
carefully prepared beds or by vegetative propagation.
4.1.2 Where grass seedlings are required in nursery, finely sieved
fertile soil mixed with clean sand to a sheet of sandy loam
must be placed in beds before the seeds are sown. Seeds will
be covered with a sheet of hessian jute until they have
germinated when it will be carefully removed. Watering of
fresh seedlings will be by a fine spray and not by the rose of
watering can
4.1.3 Grasses to be propagated by vegetative methods will be of the
species instructed. The Contractor should obtain adequate
quantities of the plant material required but under no
circumstances to cause serious depletion of grass stocks in
any steep or erosion prone area.
4.1.4 Vegetative propagation will normally be rhizome cuttings.
With this method the grass is treated in exactly the same way
as a bamboo being propagated by the traditional farmer's
technique. A clump is carefully dug up and bought to the
nursery, being kept cool and damp at all times. Stems are cut
above the first or second node above the ground: this usually
gives a length of 100 to 200 mm. the clump is separated
carefully with the minimum damage to the rhizome and fine

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

roots. Slips should be separated out which keeps a length of

stem and about 50 mm of the rhizome. Each slip should have
some buds on the rhizome but in some grasses these can be
difficult to see. The slips should be planted with the soil
surface at the same level as it was originally in rows at 200
mm centres within the rows. A sheet of hessian jute should be
placed over the tops of the cuttings. When the new shoots are
about 50 mm long it can be removed.
4.1.5 Every two to three months, all grasses should be lifted from
the beds split carefully and replanted. It is normal that once
split out three times the previous bed area is required. This is
a standard practice to bulk up the supply of planting stock
without having to grade the natural vegetation cover in the
region of the nursery.


4.2.1 Trees and shrubs will be seeded either in the seed beds or
directly in the polythene pots ("polypots"). Finely sieved
fertile soil mixed with clean sand to a texture of sandy loam
must be placed in well shaded beds for seedlings. Watering
of fresh seedling will be by fine spray and not by the rouse of
a watering can.
4.2.2 All plants must be grown in the pots of dimension
100×180 mm (4×7inches) or greater when laid flat. The pots
should be black 200 gauge polythene. They must have
adequate drainage holes at the bottom and filled with fertile
forest topsoil mixed with clean sand to a texture of sandy
4.2.3 Roots protruding from the bottom of pots must be pruned
with a razor blade on a regular basis which will not exceed
weekly and may need to be more frequent. Protruding roots
should never be allowed to become more than 25 mm in
4.2.4 When polypot seedlings begin to compete with each other
for light they should be replaced as required. This would
typically mean doubling the bed space occupied by the
4.2.5 To be acceptable for planting on site, trees and shrubs must
be healthy, vigorous and showing no signs of damage with
irregular growth fungal or pest attack or nutrient disorders.
They must be at least 300 mm in height above soil surface

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

level and of good form. The roots must be in good condition

and there should be no sign of disturbance to the soil in the
polythene pot even after transport to site.
4.3.1 Trees and shrubs which can be propagated by vegetative
methods may be specified by the Engineer. The Contractor
should produce these by the appropriate method, as required.
4.3.2 All cuttings and stools must be made as specified in
Provision of hardwood cuttings and planted in fertile soil
beds of the type specified.
4.3.3 Cuttings must be planted 300 mm apart in holes slightly
larger than their diameter. They must be placed at such a
depth that only one bud remains above the soil surface (i.e.
about 30 mm of the cuttings).
4.3.4 When plants compete with each other for light they should
be cut back as necessary.
4.3.5 To be acceptable for planting on site, trees and shrubs
produced in this way must be healthy vigorous and showing
no signs of damage wilt irregular growth fungal or pest
attack or nutrient disorders. They must be at least 500 mm in
height above soil surface level and of good form.
4.4.1 The Contractor is responsible for extracting plants from
nursery beds and preparing them ready for transport. They
should be extracted from beds only on the morning that
they are required for planting on site.
4.4.2 Plants must be hardened off starting at least 2 weeks before
they are to be taken out of the nursery. This process
requires a gradual reduction in the amount of watering and
shading. The aim is to prepare them for transfer to a much
more hostile location.
4.4.3 The night before the plants are to be lifted, they should be
thoroughly watered. This is to make the soil softer and ease
the business of extracting the roots.
4.4.4 Plants growing in the soil beds should be carefully lifted
from the soil. There must be no pulling of stems or roots
but they must be dug out extracted with no strain on any
part of the plant.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

4.4.5 Plants from soil beds must be wrapped in wet hessian jute.
Hardwood plants should have a ball of soil around the
roots. Grass clumps can have most of the soil shaken or
washed off.
4.4.6 Polypot seedlings should be lifted and stacked neatly in
metal or wooden trays. They must always be lifted by the
pot and never by the stem or leaves.
4.4.7 All plants are to be kept moist in a cool, shady place, until
they are loaded for transport to site. In the vehicle they
must not be stacked high. For transport on rough roads they
must be packed in carefully so that they do not fall over or
roll around. The vehicle must be shaded.
4.5.1. The Contractor is to produce compost and mulch for
nursery or site operations. It is to be produced in a timely
manner in the quantities required. Compost is normally
required to sustain the long term fertility of nursery beds.
Mulch may also be used in the nursery but is normally
produced to enhance site planting works, particularly the
direct seedling of grass.
4.5.2. Compost and mulch should be made from annual and
perennial weeds of poor rooting characteristics. The
greenery should be collected when there is most material
available but before it forms seeds.
4.5.3. Collected material should be chopped finely and stored in a
mound, compost bay or pit. The maximum size for chopped
compost is 50 mm; the maximum size for chopped mulch is
150 mm.
4.5.4. Both compost and mulch should be kept moist but not
waterlogged and in an aerated condition. They should be
completely turned once a month on a regular schedule.
Compost can have cow manure mixed in to assist the
process of decomposition.
4.5.5. Neither compost nor mulch should be applied until they are
fully rotted. By this time they should be black and the parts
of individual plants should be indistinguishable. Early
application can lead to a nutrient loss in the soil if microbes
extract nitrogen to decompose the organic material.
a) The Contractor shall prepare slopes for planting operations as
required by Engineer. This shall be done according to the

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

specifications described hereunder, as and when required. The

Contractor shall supply all necessary expertise, resources and
facilities to ensure that these requirements are met.
b) In the course of all slope preparation works it is essential that no
damage is done to existing vegetation unless the Engineer's
instruction specifically requires certain plants to be removed.
c) The timing of many bio-engineering operations is of the greater
importance. Activities such as planting and seed sowing must be
carried out within the critical few weeks when they will yield the
desired results. All other operations must be carried out in a
timely manner to permit this to happen. The Contractor is
responsible to keep works to the strict schedule required and
under no circumstances to permit delays.
a) The objective of final cut slope preparation is to produce a
surface adequately prepared for grass planting. Grass lines are
used to provide a strong surface cover but need a well prepared
surface in which to be planted; if the grass is to be an effective
form of slope protection, it must be allowed to establish properly
on a slope which does not subject it to undue stress from erosion
and mass movement in its initial stages.
b) The Contractor must ensure that the slope under instruction is
termed to a straight angle according to the Engineer's
specification. Cut slopes to be planted with grass will normally
be instructed as 3 vertical: 2 horizontal but this may be varied at
the Engineer's discretion. In any event, a straight profile must be
obtained. Concavities must be filled with well compacted
material or in some cases, with dry stone detention. Convexities
must be removed and it is essential that the general profile does
not have a shape giving over steep segments.
c) All loose material must be removed from the slope and tipped
elsewhere in an approved location.
5.2.1. The objective of the final preparation of final preparation of fill
slopes is to produce a surface adequately prepared for shrubs or tree
planting or grass sowing or a combination of these. Vegetation is used to
provide a strong surface cover but needs a well prepared surface in
which to be planted: if it is to be an effective form of slope protection it
must be allowed to establish properly on a slope which does not subject
it to undue stress in its initial stages.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

5.2.2. The Contractor must ensure that the slope under instruction is
trimmed to a straight angle according to the specification. In an event a
straight profile must be obtained. All masses of loose debris especially
where it has previously been tipped at the head of the slope must be
removed.. Concavities must be filled with well compacted material or in
some cases, with dry stone detention. Convexities must be removed and
it is essential that the general profile does not have a shape giving over
steep segments.
a) The Contractor shall plant or sow grasses shrubs trees as required
by the Engineers. This shall be done according to the
specification described hereunder as and when required. The
Contractor shall supply all necessary expertise resources and
facilities to ensure that these requirements are met.

b) Due to the nature of bio engineering work they will normally be

undertaken by small local contractors with the range of
agricultural skills. Any bio engineering sit activities may also be
managed by direct employees of the division road office
c) It is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that all planting
stocks whether provided from a nursery under a separate contract
or through a separate instructions is of high quality and is
vigorous enough to grow on the site to be planted.
d) All seeds and other planting stocks must be appropriate for the
precise site conditions in which they are to be planted and the
Contractor must ensure that they apply to the specific altitude and
other environmental characteristics of the site in questions.
e) The timing of many bio engineering operations is of great
importance. Activities such as planting and seed sowing must be
carried out within the critical few weeks when they will yield the
desired results. All other operations must be carried in a timely
manner to permit this to happen. The Contractor is responsible to
keep works to the strict schedule required and under no
circumstances to permit delays.
6.1.1. The sowing of grasses is intended to create a strengthened slope
surface which is resistance to erosion. The Contractor is
required to carry out the sowing of the grass seeds according to
the Engineer's specific instructions.
6.1.2. It is assumed that the site will already have been prepared for
sowing under separate instructions; but it is nevertheless the

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the condition of

site is good enough for the successful establishment of grasses.
6.1.3. The Contractor is required to supervise all field operations very
closely. The sowing of grass seeds is a delicate business and
should be approached in the same way as for agricultural crops.
The Contractor should employ experienced agricultural laborers
for this work.
6.1.4. Seed will have been collected and stored under separate
instructions well before the time of sowing. However, it is the
Contractor's responsibility to check that it has been carefully
stored and remains fully viable.
6.1.5. Immediately before sowing the ground surface should be tightly
scarified to ease early root penetration. Seeds should then be
laid thinly over the surface. Under no circumstances should they
be broadcast because the lightness of perennial grass seeds and
the steepness of the slopes to be treated give poor cover using
such a technique. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring
that the correct quantities of seeds are used while giving a good
even cover.
6.1.6. A cover of 25 grammas of grass seed per square meter of
surface should be achieved unless otherwise specified.
6.1.7. After sowing a mulch of prepared and dried cut herbs should be
laid over the whole seeded areas in a thin layer. If the mulch is
too thick it will prevent light from grating to the seed and will
inhibit germination. However freshly cut herbs should not be
used because of the danger of resprouting and weeding.
6.1.8. If specified the mulch should be secured with jute netting of
mesh size 300×500 mm and the needing fixed in the place using
suitable live pegs or hardwood cuttings at one meter centre.
6.2.1. The direct sowing of shrubs and trees is intended to create a
strengthen slope surface which is resistant to erosion and
anchorage of unsuitable surface layers. The technique is
particularly effective where very stony materials preclude the
use of other planting techniques or where the site will be badly
affected by disturbance during the planting but would benefit
from relatively cheap seedling. The Contractor is required to
carry out the sowing of shrubs and tree seeds according to the
Engineer's specific instructions.
6.2.2. It is assumed that the site will already have been prepared for
seed sowing under a separate instruction; but it is nevertheless

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the condition

of site is good enough for the successful establishment of shrubs
and trees.
6.2.3. The Contractor is required to supervise all field operations very
closely. The sowing of any seeds is a delicate business and
should be approached in the same way as for agricultural crops.
The Contractor should employ experienced agricultural laborers
for this work.
6.2.4. Seed will have been collected and stored under a separate
instruction well before the time of sowing. However it is the
Contractor's responsibility to check that it has been carefully
stored and remains fully viable.
6.2.5. Sowing should start at the top of the slope and the laborers
should work downwards. Care must be taken not to disturb
areas already seeded.
6.2.6. To sow the seeds a small hole should be made in the slope. The
tool used to do this depends on the size of the seed. For some
seed a piece of gabion wire is adequate; for others a piece of
mild steel with a flattened end is required. The hole should be in
the best soil available but if there is little real soil then a crevice
between 2 stones is acceptable. 2 seeds should be placed in each
hole and a covering of soil or whatever fines are available
should be placed over them. This covering should never exceed
10 mm and should preferably be about 5 mm; it should never be
less than this. Seeds should be placed at 50 to 100 mm centre as
ground conditions dictate.
6.2.7. In some cases the seed can be broadcast starting at the site and
working down slope as evenly as possible so that the whole site
is lightly covered. This is used where the site is still active and
only warrants minimum expenditure, or where the site is
naturally rough providing plenty of niches in which the deeds
can catch. Quantities of seed depend on the type of seed
involved but are generally half that of the quantities used in the
6.3.1. The planting of grass slips and cuttings is intended to create a
strengthened slope surface which is resistant to erosion. The
Contractor is required to carry out the planting of grass
seedlings or rooted cuttings, according to the Engineer's specific
instructions. The configuration of plant will be determined
according to individual site conditions. It will be either random
contoured or down slope.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

6.3.2. it is assumed that the site will already have been prepared for
planting under a separate instructions; but it is nevertheless the
responsibilities of the Contractor to ensure that the conditions of
the site is good enough for the successful establishment of
grasses, and accords with the specifications given in clauses 5,
and 5.1 or 5.2
6.3.3. Using appropriate tools (such as tape measures and spirit level);
planting lines must be marked out with string as required.
Unless specified differently the row spacing to be marked out is
as shown in table below.
Planting configuration Slope steepness Row spacing
Random lines Slope less than 30 1000 mm centre
degrees 500 mm centre
Slope 30 to 45 degrees 250 mm centre
Slope more than 45
Contour lines Slope less than 30 1000 mm centre
degrees 500 mm centre
Slope 30 to 45 degrees 250 mm centre
Slope more than 45
Diagonal lines All slopes 500 mm centre
Down slope lines All slopes 500 mm centre

6.3.4. The Contractor is required to supervise all field operations very

closely. The planting of grass slips is a delicate business and
should be approached in the same way as the transplanting of
millet seedlings. The Contractor should employ experienced
agricultural laborers for this work.
6.3.5. The plants supplied to the Contractor should be prepared for
planting by the Contractor as given below. The Contractor is to
transport them from the nursery wrapped in hessian jute. At all
times plants are to be kept moist and as cool as possible and
should be wrapped in wet hessian jute between all operations
such as extraction from the bed pruning and planting. Under
any circumstances all plants supplied must be planted the same
day that they are lifted from the nursery.
6.3.6. Grass slips or cuttings should be carefully separated from the
clumps to give the maximum viable planting material. Any
roots in excess of 35 mm should be cut off using a sharp Knife
or razor blade. Shoots and stems should be lopped off 100 mm
above ground level.
6.3.7. Planting should be started at the top of the slope under no
circumstances should new plants be walked on or otherwise be

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

disturbed. Using a small bar (usually made of mild steel and

with a flattened end), a hole should be made that is just big
enough for the roots. The slips or cutting is inserted; care must
be taken that the roots are not tangled or bent baclk to the
surface. Soil is then replaced around the roots and firmed with
the fingers. The spacing of plants within rows should be
100 mm unless otherwise specified.
6.3.8. If the soil is dry and there is no rain within 16 to 24 hours of
planting, the site should be watered carefully within a fine
spray. The Contractor will be required to water for the 1st two
weeks after planting in the event of inadequate rainfall.
6.3.9. In certain circumstances it may not be possible to provide grass
plants from a nursery. In this case the Engineer will specify the
species and expected source of grass plants. It is important to
minimize disruption to neighboring land in the event that
species are collected from areas surrounding the road. It is the
Contractor's responsibilities to collect the stock required from
an area and not to give rise to any soil erosion through the
excessive removal of plants in one locality.
6.4.1. The planting of trees and shrubs is intended to replace or restore
something of the natural vegetation on the slope to be treated.
The Contractor is required to carry out the planting of seedlings
to the Engineer's specific instruction.
6.4.2. it is assumes that the site will already have prepared for planting
under a separate instruction; but it is nevertheless the
responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the condition of
the site is good enough for the successful establishment of
delicate young plants.
6.4.3. The spacing of plants will be determined according to the
individual site conditions. However it will normally be at one
meter centre unless otherwise specified.
6.4.4. The Contractor is required to supervise all field operations very
closely. The planting of trees and shrubs is a delicate business
and should be approached in the same way as the planting of
horticultural seedlings. The Contractor should employ
experienced agricultural or forestry laborers for this work.
6.4.5. The plants supplied to the Contractor will normally be from a
nursery as arranged by separate instructions, and will be ready
for planting. They should be at least 300 mm in height above
the soil surface and hardened off in the normal way. The

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

Contractor is to collect the plants from the nursery and transport

them to site with all due care. The plants will normally be
supplied in polythene pots never by the stem or leaves. At all
times they are to be kept as cool as possible. The Contractor is
responsible for ensuring that the soil around the roots does not
dry out. Under any circumstances, all plants supplied must be
planted within three days of removal from the nursery.
6.4.6. Planting should be started at the top of the slope and under no
circumstances should new plants be walked on or otherwise
6.4.7. A planting pit wide and deep enough for the main root to be
buried in without bending it and wide enough for all the roots
and surrounding soil ball should be made at the time of
planting. Some compost if available should be mixed with the
soil from the slit prior to backfilling around the roots. The
polythene pots must be removed from the seedling by cutting it
away with a razor blade. The plant should then be carefully
placed into the hole, the compost and soil packed in, and all
surrounding soil firmed up taking care not to cause any damage
to the plant or its roots. The surface over and around the pit
should then be mulched using any appropriate locally available
material, such as manure compost dead leaves or cut herbage.
6.4.8. The Engineer may specify bigger seedlings for areas such as
those to be used intensively for amenity purposes. These will
normally have been growing in a nursery for at least a year and
should have well developed roots as well as aerial parts. They
will be provided either as bare root stock with a substantial root
ball or in pots of a minimum of 100×180 mm laid flat
dimensions. When these larger seedlings are planted the pits
will be of 300 mm diameter and 300 mm in depth. In additions
well-rotted compost will be mixed with the soil backfill in a
ratio of at least one part compost to ten parts soil.
6.5.1. Certain trees and shrubs can be planted on site by means of
hardwood cuttings. Where these are specified, and Contractor is
required to carry out the planting of cuttings as required in the
Engineer’s Instructions.
6.5.2. It is assumed that the site will already have been prepared for
planting under separate instructions; but it is nevertheless the
responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the condition of
the site is good for the successful establishment of the delicate
young plants.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

6.5.3. The spacing of hardwood cuttings will be determined according

to individual site conditions. Howeever, it will normally be at
500 mm centers unless otherwise specified.
6.5.4. The Contractor is required to supervise all field operations very
closely. The plant of tree and shrub cuttings is a delicate
business and should be approached in the same way as the
planting of horticultural cuttings (e.g. those of tea). The
Contractor should employ experienced agricultural or forestry
laborers for this work.
6.5.5. The cuttings supplied to the Contractor will normally be from
the nursery as arranged by separate instructions, and will be
ready for planting. They should be at least 300 mm in length.
The Contractor is to collect the cuttings from the nursery and
transport them from the nursery wrapped in hessian jute. At all
times, cuttings are to be kept moist and as cool as possible, and
should be wrapped in wet hessian jute between all operations
such as cutting from the parent plant, trimming and planting.
Under any circumstances, all plant supplied must be planted the
some day that they are lifted from the nursery.
6.5.6. Planting should be started at the top of slope. And under no
circumstances should new plants be walked on or otherwise
disturbed. Using a small bar (usually made of mild steel and
with a flattened end) the hole should be made that is just big
enough for cutting. The cutting is inserted and the soil is
replaced around it and firmed with the fingers. The cutting
should be inserted to a depth such that two thirds to three
quarters of it is buried.
6.5.7. If the soil is dry and there is no rain within 16 to 24 hours of
planting, the site should be watered carefully with a fine spray.
The Contractor will be required to water for the first two weeks
after planting in the event of inadequate rainfall.
6.5.8. In certain circumstances it may not be possible to provide
cuttings from nursery. In this case the Engineer will specify the
species and expected sources. The Contractor should then
obtain the cuttings required in the manner described in clause
2.2 (Provision of hardwood cuttings)
6.5.9. The Engineer may specify bigger cuttings for specific areas,
using large truncheon cuttings. Under no circumstances should
these cuttings be hammered into the ground.
6.6.1. Under certain conditions, the Contractor will be required to
construct vegetation structures using hardwood cuttings. Where

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

these are specified, the Contractor is required to carry out the

necessary preparation and planting works as required in the
Engineer’s instructions.
6.6.2. It is assumed that the site will already have been prepared for
planting, under a separate instruction; but it is nevertheless the
responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the condition of
the site is good enough for the successful establishment of
delicate young plants.
6.6.3. The cuttings supplied to the Contractor may be from a nursery
as arranged by separate instructions, and will be ready for
planting. They should be at least 400 mm long brush layering,
600 mm long for palisades and 1000 mm in length for fascines.
The Contractor is to collect the cuttings from the nursery and
transport them from the nursery wrapped in hessian jute. At all
times, cuttings are to be kept moist and as cool as possible, and
should be wrapped in wet hessian between all operations such
as cutting from the partent plant, trimming and planting. Under
any circumstances, all plants supplied must be planted the same
day that they are lifted from the nursery.
6.6.4. If the instruction to the Contractor includes the provision of
cuttings, then the Engineer will specify the species and expected
sources, and the Contractor must then obtain the cuttings
required. This will be done in the manner described in clause
2.2 (provision of hard woodcuttings).except that the size of
cuttings will be of a minimum length of 600 mm for brush
layering on landslide debris, 450 mm for brush layering on road
embankments, 600 mm for palisades and 1000 mm for fascines,
and minimum diameters of 30 mm for brush layering, 40 mm
for palisades and 50 mm for fascines.
6.6.5. The Contractor is required to supervise all field operation very
closely. The planting of tree and shrub cuttings is a delicate
business and should be approached in the same way as the
planting of horticultural cuttings (eg those of tea). The
Contractor should employ experienced agricultural or forestry
labourers for this work.
6.6.6. Planting should always be started at the top of the slope and
under no circumstances should new plants be walked on or
otherwise disturbed.
6.6.7. Brush layering should be constructed as given below, unless
specified differently.
a) Starting at the bottom of the area to be treated, and using
appropriate measuring equipment exact lines should be marked

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

out. From 1 metre above the bottom of the slope, a precise

contour line should be marked out every 1 metre up the slope.
b) Starting at the bottom, trenches of depths approximately 450
mm on landslide debris or 350 mm on road embankments
should be exacavated along the lines.
c) Cuttings should then be placed into each trench at 50 mm
centres, the correct way up and angled so that they are at right
angles to the maximum slope angle. All cuttings should be
inserted to a depth such that two –thirds of their length is
d) The trench should then be partially backfilled and another line
of cuttings placed along the trench at 50 mm centres and 100
mm behind the first line and with the individual cuttings offset
to coincide with the gaps between the cuttings in the first line.
This results in cuttings at 25 mm centres in each brush layer (ie
40 cuttings per runnings metre). The trench is then completely
backfilled and gently compacted. Any loose or excess material
is cleared down the slope before the next line is planted.
e) In some cases it will be specified that cuttings should be placed
in a criss-cross fashion. Where this is to be done, one layer of
cuttings is laid in the trench at 30° to one side of the line of
maximum fall of slope. A second layer of cuttings is laid on top
of this, at 30° to the other side of the line of maximum fall of
slope. Backfilling and compaction are then completed.
6.6.8. Palisades should be constructed as given below, unless
specified differently.
a) Starting at the top of the area to be treated, and using appropriate
measuring equipment, exact lines should be marked out. From 1
metre below the top of the slope, a precise contour line should be
marked out every 1 metre down the slope.
b) Starting at one end and using a small bar (usually made of mild
steel and with a flattened end), a hole should be made that is just
big enough for the first cutting. The cutting is inserted and the
soil is replaced around it and firmed with the fingers. The cutting
must be the correct way up and angled so that it is vertical. The
cutting should be inserted to a depth such that two-thirds to
three-quarters of it is buried.
c) This process should be repeated along the entire line, with a
series of cuttings placed at 50 mm centres
d) If a double line is specified, then a second line of cuttings must
be placed in the same way, 100 mm behind the first and with the

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

individual cuttings offset to coincide with the gaps between the

cuttings in the first line.
e) The soil around the single or double line is then completely
backfilled into any remaining gaps and gently compacted. Any
loose or excess material is cleared down the slope before the next
line is planted.
6.6.9. Fascines are bundles of hardwood cuttings laid horizontally in
trenches, and parallel to the line of the trench. The bundles are
thereby completely buried. Fascines should be constructed as given
below, unless specified differently.
a) Starting at the bottom of the area to be treated, and using
appropriate measuring equipment exact lines should be marked
out. From 1 metre above the bottom of the slope, a precise
contour line should be marked out every 1 metre up the slope.
b) Starting at the bottom, trenches approximately 200 mm in depth
should be excavated along the lines.
c) Cuttings should then be laid along each trench, so that they lie
horizontally along the trench. There should normally be eight
cuttings together, although where material is short a minimum of
four cuttings is permissible. They must be overlapped so that no
two ends coincide. The cuttings must then be tied using jute or
coir (coconut fibre) string at 500 mm intervals to form a bundle.
As the fascine is created, it thereby forms a continuous bundle
right across the slope.
d) The trench should then be backfilled and gently compacted. The
top of the fascine should be 50 to 100 mm below the surface.
Any loose or excess material is cleared down the slope before the
next line is planted.
6.6.10. The Engineer may specify that orientations other than along the
contour of the slope are used. In this event, the Contractor must alter
the laying out of lines accordingly and meet the precise angle
6.6.11. If the soil is dry and there is no rain within 16-24 hours of planting,
the site should be watered carefully with a fine spray. The Contractor
will be required to water for the first two weeks after planting in the
event of inadequate rainfall.

a) The Contractor is to protect a planted site for the period
specified. Protection is to include the prevention of damage to all
manner of site works and plants by local people and domestic or
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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

wild animals. It also includes an active role in tending the plants

and improving their growth, as specified below.
b) Because of the long time required for plants to become robust,
the period of maintained by the Contractor will normally be for
12 months. However, in the case of small contracts, a period of
only six months may be specified.
7.1.1. The Contractor is required to provide an adequate number of site
wardens to fulfill the specified requirements. The function of the
warden is broader than that of watchman. It involves the number of
routine maintenance operations.
7.1.2. Wardens must be mature and reliable characters who need little
supervision for the adequate fulfillments of their duties. They must be
active and physically fit. Old people who are losing their strength
should not normally be employed. They must be experienced
agricultural workers familiar with caring for plants. They must be
prepared to remain on site through all hours of daylight and through
all adverse weather conditions. They must eat their meal on site and at
no time leave the site untended for any reason whatsoever.
7.1.3. The role of warden is primarily to tend the plants. He or she must take
the initiative in weeding, mulching, replanting failed plants, pruning
and protecting plants against all pests. This is an active role requiring
individuals with considerable energy and initiative. The warden must
work constantly to maintain and improve the site and its bio
engineering plants.
7.1.4. The warden is also required to protect plants from damage by local
people, domestic and wild animals. In doing this he or she should use
a friendly approach to people as far as possible. The Contractor must
educate the warden fully in the reasons for the job, so that he or she
can explain to others the importance of safeguarding plants on the
site. Wardens should be effective communicators with others since
they also fulfill an inevitable function as the ambassador between the
Department of Road and local road neighbors.
a) The Contractor should maintain plant bioengineering site as
required by Engineer. This shall be done under the specifications
described here under, as and when required. The Contractor shall
supply all necessary expertise and resources to ensure that these
requirements are met.
b) The Contractor shall carry out weeding as required throughout
the site all annual weeds and other unwanted plants shall be cut

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

just above the ground and the aerial parts will be used to make
compost or mulch. Weeds must not be pulled out by the roots
since this disturbs the ground surface.
c) weeding should be carried out throughout the growing season. It
must be undertaken with particular diligence at the end of the
monsoon, so that there is the minimum amount of competition
during the subsequent dry season.
d) The Contractor shall carry out mulching as required throughout
the site. All plants required under the bioengineering
specifications will be mulched using material prepared as
specified under mulch preparation, or the aerial parts of weeds
cut on the site or brought from elsewhere for the purpose. The
desired plants should be kept mulched at all times but special
care must be taken in the spring, when the soil moisture deficit it
at its greatest.
e) The Contractor shall replace failed, damaged, diseased and very
weak plants, using fresh, healthy plants of the same species, at
the correct time of the year for planting. This replanting
operation will normally be carried out during the monsoon in the
year following the first planting works. Vegetation structures will
be enriched by the planting of additional cuttings or seedlings, as
instructed by the Engineer. Failed seedling areas will be reseeded
at the appropriate time of the year.
f) Lin replanting the enriched works the Engineer may specify the
use of different species. This will be done where failures or poor
performance of plants may be attributed to poor stock or an
incorrect initial choice of species.
g) All bio-engineering sites must be maintained so that there are at
least the following two storey of vegetation. In certain locations,
however, there may be a number of additional vegetation storeys.
i. in dense ground cover of healthy grass plants, in the
configuration specified at the time of planting
ii. An open canopy of shrubs or trees with a deeper rooting
h) In general it is necessary to keep the upper canopy thinned in
order to maintain the lower ground cover. Most grasses require
high light intensities and become degraded if subjected to
excessive shade from the over storey. It is therefore the
Contractor’s responsibility to thin the canopy as necessary to
permit adequate levels of light to penetrate for the optimum
growth of the grass under storey.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)

i) All thinning and pruning operations are to be undertaken in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the geo-environmental
unit. Since these are skilled silvicultural operations, the
Contractor must take appropriate professitional advice and
employ suitably skilled personnel.
j) All products from thinning and pruning operations are to be
disposed The Contractor should follow the instructions of the
Engineer in the regard
k) Other maintenance operations are to be undertaken by the
Contractor according to the instructions of the Engineer.

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Section VII Works Requirements (Technical Specifications)


The contractor shall provide for the use of the Project Manager technical publications,
standards and codes of practice, in the Media stipulated by Project Manager. In all cases
original publications of the edition currently in force are assumed.
The publications shall become the property of the Employer upon completion of the Contract

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