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Bachelor of Physical Education
Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City
Tel. No. (045) 493-0182; Fax No. (045) 982-0110

Midterm Examination
NAME: ________________________________________ SCORE: __________
YEAR&SECTION: _________________________________ DATE: ___________


DIRECTION: Choose the best option for the test item. Circle the letter of your answer.

1. It consists of bouncing the ball on the floor continuously while running or walking down the
a) Dribbling
b) Bounce pass
c) Chest pass
2. What is the measurement of the court?
a) 28x15.5m
b) 28x15m
c) 28x14.5m
3. What is the standard color of the ball in basketball?
a) Orange and brown
b) Orange and white
c) Orange and black
4. It is the act of attempting to score a point by throwing the ball through the basket.
a) Blocking
b) Rebound
c) Shooting
5. It is the method of throwing the ball to the player.
a) Lay up
b) Passing
c) Hook shot
6. What is the height of the ring from the floor?
a) 10ft.
b) 9ft.
c) 8ft.
7. It is a shoot required the player to be in motion under the net.
a) Bounce pass
b) Lay up
c) Hook shoot
8. What is the exact size of basketball for men?
a) Size 7
b) Size 8
c) Size 6
9. What is the exact size of basketball for women?
a) Size 7
b) Size 8
c) Size 6
10. It is used to pass the ball over the defender.
a) Overhead pass
b) No look pass
c) Chest pass
11. The player gives the ball by passing on the floor through the other player.
a) Bounce pass
b) Chest pass
c) Underhand pass
12. He invented the game basketball.
a) Dr. Jhames Naismith
b) Dr. James Naismith
c) Dr. William Morgan
13. It is the first ring that used in basketball.
a) Trash bin
b) Fruit basket
c) Peach basket
14. The highest official of the match. Calls violation, fouls etc.
a) Referee
b) Scorer
c) Timekeeper
15. Record game data on the score sheet.
a) Referee
b) Scorer
c) Timekeeper
16. It is an infraction of the rule which involves physical contact.
a) Violation
b) Fouls
c) Blocking
17. It is an infraction of the rule without using physical contact.
a) Violation
b) Fouls
c) Blocking
18. One of the officials of the match that takes care of the game clock.
a) 24 seconds operator
b) Assistant scorer
c) Timekeeper
19. He/she takes care of the 24 seconds shot clock.
a) 24 seconds operator
b) Assistant scorer
c) Timekeeper
20. It is the first ball used in the game of basketball.
a) Volleyball
b) Baseball
c) Soccer ball
21. What year was the basketball invented?
a) 1891
b) 1991
c) 1892
22. What is the name of the game played by James Naismith with his childhood friends?
a) Basketball
b) Duck on a Rock
c) American Rugby
23. In Basketball is played by 2 teams, how many players each?
a) 10 players
b) 6 players
c) 5 players
24. It is a defensive strategy in which the defense exerts pressure to the offense as soon as the ball crosses
the half-court line.
a) Zone defense
b) Half-court press defense
c) Full-court press defense

25. An area of the court that extends from the free throw line to end line.

a) Foul line
b) Base line
c) Top of the key line

26. It is the thickness of the line markings on the basketball court.

a) 1 inch
b) 2 inches
c) 3 inches
27. What year was James Naismith retired from coaching basketball?
a) 1905
b) 1906
c) 1907
28. All of this is a line marking on a basketball court, except?

a) Baseline
b) Foul line
c) Attack line

29. It is the most anticipated basketball organization in the world.

a) PBA
b) NBA
30. What year was the first NCAA Championship Games?
a) 1939
b) 1940
c) 1941
31. What year was the NBL created?
a) 1939
b) 1938
c) 1937
32.What year was the basketball association of America established?
a) 1944
b) 1945
c) 1946
33. What is the main objective of Basketball?

a) to make a goal and score points

b) to put the ball through the basketball hoop more times than the opposing team
c) to score points and finish the time.
34. A type of shooting in basketball where the player jumps into the air and release the ball with one or
both hands at the peak of the jump.
a) Slam dunk
b) Bank shot
c) Jump shot

35. This is the line from which a player tries to throw the ball through the basket after they have
been fouled.
a) Baseline
b) Three-point line
c) Foul line

36.What year was the Philippines became the first basketball team to score at least 100 points in
Olympic Games?
a) 1946
b) 1947
c) 1948
37.What year was the PBA established?
a) 1977
b) 1976
c) 1975
38. How many centimeters in width of the line in Basketball Court?
a) 5 centimeters in width
b) 4 centimeters in width
c) 3 centimeters in width
39. How many Radius of the center circle of the playing court?
a) 1.82
b) 1.81
c) 1.80
40. Violation committed in the game, which of the following does not belong?
a) 3 seconds
b) Double dribble
c) Double Foul
41. A player who comes into the game to replace a player on the court.
a) Assist
b) Substitute
c) Guarding
42. The act of getting the ball using the hands and by means of jumping.
a) Rebounding
b) Shooting
c) Jump Ball
43. Where in the Philippines incidentally held the first ever Fast Eastern Championship games?
a) Pangasinan
b) Manila
c) Pangpanga
44. What are the top powerhouse teams in basketball during 1950s?
a) India and Canada
b) Australia and Japan
c) US and Soviet Union
45. It was the first play-for-pay basketball Asia league.
a) PBA

TEST II. Alternative Response type

Direction: Write T if the statement is correct, otherwise write F

____1. The ball shall be spherical in shape.

____2. Dribbling is the legal method of advancing the ball by oneself.
____3. In the early day of its development, basketball played with the soccer ball.
____4. Pass is the act of putting the ball to the basket.
____5. James Naismith is a Canadian American Teacher of Physical Education.

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