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UNIT 1 (8623)

1. Elementary education consist of …………………..levels

A. 3
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
2. Starts from pre-primary and ends at class 8th constitute ……………education.
A. Elementary
B. Secondary
C. Primary
D. Tertiary
3. Indelible prints occur on the students mind due to ……………….…changes
A. Cultural
B. Cognitive
C. Physical
D. Social
4. To build a projective elementary education the involvement of students, teachers and
………………is inevitable.
A. Society
B. Management
C. Parents
D. Curriculum experts
5. According to Article …………… "The State shall provide free and compulsory
education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such a manner as may be
determined by law"
A. 39-B
B. 37-B
C. 25-A
D. 25-B
6. The education system of Pakistan is generally divided into …………………. Levels.
A. 3
B. 2
C. 5
D. 6
7. Graduate and undergraduate degree programs are associated with ………………
A. Higher Secondary
B. Tertiary
C. Higher
D. B & C
8. After 18th Constitutional Amendment ………………. subjects were transferred to
federating units as a move toward provincial autonomy.
A. 47
B. 48
C. 46

D. 50
9. According to MDGs Pakistan must achieve Universal Primary Education (UPE) by the
end of …………….
A. 2014
B. 2015
C. 2016
D. 2013
10. Promoting Gender Equality and Women Empowerment was the …………..goal of
A. 4th
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. None
11. The national literacy rate of male was 71% while that of female was ………… in 2012-
A. 29%
B. 49%
C. 30%
D. 48%
12. One curriculum and one national examination system was associated with …………….
C. Vision 2020
D. Vision 2030
13. Under vision 2030 public expenditure on education and skills generation from 2.7% of
GDP will be increase to ……………. by 2010
A. 5%
B. 7%
C. 4%
D. 3%
14. The number of primary schools in India were………thousands in 1950-51
A. 200
B. 201
C. 210
D. None
15. The percentage of girls’ enrolment at primary level of education was………. in 1998-99
in India.
A. 41%
B. 44%
C. 43%
D. 40%
16. Three-tiered education system is associated with …………….
A. India
B. China
C. Pakistan
D. Bangladesh

17. General education system of Bangladesh is divided into ………..levels
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. 6
18. The top three universities in south Korea often referred to as ……………
D. None
19. The duration of summer vacation in Japan is ……………..weeks
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 3
20. Schooling years starts at the end of August and finishes toward the end of July in
A. Canada
B. Korea
C. Japan
D. Finland

Unit 2
Child Development
1. Increase in size of an organ by multiplication of cells is called……..…………
A. Growth
B. Development
C. Both A & B
D. None
2. The process in which the function of an organ is improved is called…………….
A. Growth
B. Development
C. Maturity
D. All the above
3. Social development theory was presented by ………….
A. Jean Piaget
B. Thorndike
C. Erick Erickson
D. Jhon Dewey
4. Social development theory has ……………. stages
A. 5
B. 4
C. 8
D. 6
5. Trust vs Mistrust is the ……………. stage of social development theory
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th
6. Toilet training belongs to which stage of social development theory
A. Last
B. 1st
C. 2nd
D. 5th
7. Moral development Theory was presented by ……………………..
A. Jean Piaget
B. Kohl Berg
C. Jhon Lock
D. Erikson

8. If mother told their children that I you finish your homework early, we will go to bazar
for shopping is associated with ………………..stage of moral development theory.
A. Punishment obedience
B. Self interest
C. Follow rule
D. Social contract
9. The theory of cognitive development was presented by ………….
A. Pavlov
B. Jean Piaget
C. John Dewey
D. Maslow
10. Cognitive development theory belongs to ……………. development
A. Intellectual
B. Physical
C. Social
D. Emotional
11. Cognitive development theory has ……………. stages
A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
12. Object permanence belongs to ……………. stage of cognitive development theory
A. Sensory motor
B. Preoperational
C. Concrete operational
D. Formal operational
13. Preoperational stage starts from …… to ……… years
A. Birth - 2 years
B. 2 – 7 years
C. 7 - 11 years
D. 11 – Adolescence
14. The 4th stage of cognitive development theory is …………….
A. Preoperational stage
B. Formal operational stage
C. Concrete operational
D. Sensory motor stage

15. Nature refers to the individuals ……………..qualities
A. Natural
B. Innate
C. Environmental
D. A & B
16. Colour of the eyes belongs to ……………
A. Nature
B. Nurture
C. Environment
D. None
17. A individual behaviour determined by the environment is called…………..
A. Nature
B. Nurture
C. A & B
D. None
18. Infancy is derived from the Latin word …………..
A. Infense
B. Infans
C. Infens
D. infence
19. Infans mean ………….
A. Without speech
B. Able to speak
C. Cannot speak
D. None
20. Infancy starts from birth and ends at …………. years
A. 4
B. 2
C. 5
D. 3
21. Early childhood starts from 3 years and ends at………..years
A. 5
B. 6
C. 3
D. 4

22. Difficulty with reading is called…………….

A. Dyscalculia
B. Dyslexia
C. Dysphasia
D. Dysgraphia

23. Difficulty with Maths is called …………………
A. Dyscalculia
B. Dyslexia
C. Dysgraphia
D. Dysphasia
24. Difficulty with writing is called…………………
A. Dyscalculia
B. Dyslexia
D. Dysgraphia
25. Difficulty with language is called…………………..
A. Dysphasia
B. Dyslexia
C. Dysgraphia
D. Dyscalculia
26. Difficulty with hearing differences in sounds is called………………….
A. Auditory processing disorder
B. Visual processing disorder
C. Dysgraphia
27. Difficulty with interpreting visual information is called…………………
A. Auditory processing disorder
B. Visual processing disorder
C. Dysgraphia
D. Dysphasia
28. Variations or deviations among individuals regarding a single characteristic or a number
of characteristics is called…………
A. Individual differences
B. Individual uniqueness
C. Individual stimulation
D. None
29. Types of individual differences are ………………
A. Physical and emotional
B. Physical and psychological
C. Physical and Social
D. All the above

30. Hight is a …………………. individual difference
A. Physical
B. Natural
C. Psychological
D. Cognitive
31. Mannerism of speech and walk is a ……………. individual difference
A. Social
B. Physical
C. Psychological
D. None
32. People differ in intellectual abilities are called……………. differences
A. Mental
B. Physical
C. Emotional
D. Social
33. Speed of action is a ……………. ability difference
A. Motor
B. Sensory
C. Mental
D. None
34. Learning in groups and by working collaboratively…………. learning style
A. Social
B. Solitary
C. Visual
D. All the above
35. Learning independently is called………………learning style
A. Verbal
B. Logical
C. Solitary
D. None
36. Learning through number is …………. learning style
A. Logical/Mathematical
B. Physical
C. Aural
D. Solitary
37. Learning through moving, doing and touching is……………. learning style.
A. Verbal
B. Logical
C. Physical/kinesthetic
D. None
38. IQ = 140 and above are ………………. children
A. Gifted
B. Superior
C. Bright
D. All
39. IQ = 90 to 109 are …………….children
A. Below average
B. Bright
C. Average
D. Dull
40. IQ of border line children are…………
A. 0 to 69
B. 70 to 79
C. 90 to 109
D. 80 to 89


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