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The Hyakugou Seal was created to give a way for Designer: KadenUchiha
characters that don’t come from a prestigious family or Naruto 5e System: Kingsare4ever
don’t know the right people to keep up. This class mod is Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura
based “loosely” off the power that both Sakura and Hirsbrunner
Tsunade used throughout the end of Shippuden. Giving Special Thanks: Blasteroid B
players the ability to stay active in combat for far longer Playtesters: (Credit here)
than normal.


This Class mod is meant to replace the Strength of 100
GAINING THE HYAKUGOU and Creation Rebirth: Strength of 1000 Ninjutsu. If you

SEAL decide to include this class mod into your game, I

recommend that you remove them. This shouldn’t cause
Gaining the Hyakugou Seal should be a feat of any problems unless one of your player’s is a Medical-
persistence and will power, gaining the seal is no easy Nin Combat Medic, if that is the case, I recommend you
task as one must first discover it's existence. The give them an additional Taijutsu they can treat as a
Hyakugou Seal is an ancient technique from the era of medical jutsu or something similar to make up for the
the sage of six paths. Much is unknown about the loss of 2 jutsu that would be given to them from their sub
technique and there are very few who practice it. A class.
character must find a master who can teach them the Additionally, this class mod is currently still a work in
seal or locate an ancient scroll detailing its intricacies. progress, many things about this class mod may change
as I work through it. I also recommend that you check
To learn how the technique works requires time spent out Hey’s original Chakra Storage Technique, as well as
studying, if you are being taught by a master you must Zorat’s Yin Seal.
spend 3 weeks learning the basics of the seal before you
may attempt to learn the technique. If you are trying to
learn from a scroll you must instead spend 5 weeks
studying before attempting to learn the seal and the DC
of the training process increases by 2.

After learning the basics of the seal, you must begin to

train your chakra control, you must succeed a DC 40
Chakra Control check in order to begin to put chakra into
the seal. You must spend downtime attempting to put
chakra into the seal. You may attempt this check 3 times
per week of downtime spent. On a failed check you
expend 50 chakra harmlessly and gain a +1 to your next
chakra control check in relation to the Hyakugou Seal,
these bonuses stack with each failed check as long as you
keep training towards unlocking the seal.

On a successful check you store 25 chakra into the seal

and gain the first level of this class mod.

Once you have completed the seal you can begin to store
chakra daily into the seal, each day you may spend
chakra up to your level times 5 storing it into the seal for
later use. At first level of this class mod, you can have up
to 200 Store Chakra, this amount increases as you level
up in this class mod.


In order to level up the Hyakugou Seal you must gain
better control of your chakra, you must meet the
minimum level requirement and succeed another Chakra
Control Check, the DC of which is indicated by the
Chakra Control column of the class mod table.

You gain a +1 bonus to this check for each instance of 25

Stored Chakra you have spent. This bonus resets when
you gain a level in this class mod.
The Hyakugou Seal allows you to build a reserve of a large
While under the effects of your Hyakugou Seal you gain
amount of chakra, at first level of this class mod you can the following benefits:
store up to 200 chakra into your Seal. Each level you
• Your Strength becomes a 22, if it would already
advance in this class mod increases your stored chakra be a 22 or higher, it instead increases by 2.
limit by an additional 200 as indicated by the class mod • You can grapple creatures that are size Huge or
• While grappling a creature you may move them
As a bonus action you may activate your Hyakugou using your full speed, additionally you may
attempt to throw a creature you are grappling,
Seal, while active you gain the benefits of your Seal Type
as an action make a contested Strength
and may use Stored Chakra to fuel jutsu and features. (Athletics) on a success you throw the creature
You must pay 10 Stored Chakra a turn to maintain the a number of feet in any direction equal to your
strength score.
Hyakugou Seal, your seal lasts until you run out of Stored
Chakra or until you deactivate it with a bonus action. Beginning at 3rd Level in this class mod:

• You can now grapple creatures that are

Gargantuan or smaller.
You cannot be moved against your will.
At 1st level of this class mod, you must choose a Seal Type. • Your unarmed, weapon, and taijutsu attacks
deal double damage to structures.
Your Seal Type will determine the benefits you gain while • When you attempt to throw a creature, you can
under the effect of you Hyakugou Seal. now throw them a number of feet equal to twice
your Strength Score.
While under the effects of your Hyakugou Seal you gain At 5th level of this class mod:
the following benefits:
• You can temporarily boost your strength to
• You regenerate 2d10 hit points at the start of tremendous numbers, as a bonus action you can
your turn. double your strength score. When you do this
• You may as a Bonus Action spend any amount the cost to maintain the Hyakugou Seal
of Stored Chakra in order to heal yourself. You increases to 50 per round and you double the
regain 1 hit point for each stored chakra spent amount of Cellular Decay you receive from the
in this way. rounds this ability is active. You may deactivate
this ability as a free action on your turn.
Beginning at 3rd Level in this class mod: • When you attempt to throw a creature, you can
now throw them a number of feet equal to 3
• You now regenerate 4d10 hit points at the start times your Strength Score.
of your turn.
• You may as a Bonus Action heal a creature you
are touching, they regain a number of hit points
equal to the Stored Chakra spent.

At 5th level of this class mod:

• You now regenerate 6d10 hit points at the start

of your turn.
• When you heal yourself or someone else as a
bonus action, they regain health equal to twice
the amount of Stored Chakra spent.
• Your maximum Hit Points cannot be reduced by
hostile creatures or effects.
While under the effects of your Hyakugou Seal you gain While under the effects of your Hyakugou Seal you gain
the following benefits: the following benefits:

• Your movement speed is doubled. • You unarmed damage becomes 3d8

• Your speed cannot be reduced by more than 30 • You gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls with
ft. unarmed, melee weapon, and taijutsu attacks
• You do not provoke opportunity attacks. for each level in this class mod.

Beginning at 3rd Level in this class mod: Beginning at 3rd Level in this class mod:

• Your movement speed is now multiplied by 5. • Your critical threat range with unarmed, melee
• When you take the dodge action, creatures roll weapon, and taijutsu attacks becomes 18-20, if
an additional d20 and take the lowest result. it would already be better, then it instead
• Your movement speed cannot be reduced by increases by 1, to a maximum of 15-20.
hostile creatures or effects. • As a Bonus Action you can change to a defensive
stance, The bonus you gain to attack and
At 5th level of this class mod: damage from this class mod instead applies to
your AC. You may revert back into an offensive
• You can temporarily increase your speed to stance as a bonus action.
incredible amounts. As a bonus action you can
multiply your current movement speed by 10. At 5th level of this class mod:
When you do this, you increase the cost to
maintain the Hyakugou Seal to 30 per round. • You unarmed damage becomes 3d12
You may deactivate this ability as a free action • You can temporarily boost your combat
on your turn. prowess by an obscene amount. as a bonus
• When you take the dodge action, creatures roll action you can increase your unarmed damage
an additional 3d20 and take the lowest result. to 6d12. When you do this the cost to maintain
the Hyakugou Seal increases to 50 per round
and you double the amount of Cellular Decay
CHAKRA SEAL you receive from the rounds this ability is
While under the effects of your Hyakugou Seal you gain active. You may deactivate this ability as a free
the following benefits: action on your turn.
• Your critical threat range with unarmed, melee
• When using Stored Chakra to fuel a jutsu you weapon, and taijutsu attacks becomes 16-20, if
reduce the cost by an amount equal to its rank. it would already be better, then it instead
(D-Rank = 1, C-Rank = 2, B-Rank = 3, A-Rank increases by 1, to a maximum of 15-20.
= 4, S-Rank = 5)
• You have advantage on Chakra Control checks ELEMENTAL SEAL
to maintain concentration on jutsu. While under the effects of your Hyakugou Seal you gain
the following benefits:
Beginning at 3rd Level in this class mod: .
• When you cast a jutsu with an Elemental
• You can concentrate on an additional jutsu. keyword you deal an additional die of damage
• When using Stored Chakra to fuel a jutsu you for each level you have in this class mod.
reduce the cost by twice the rank of the jutsu. • You ignore resistance to Cold, Lightning, Fire,
(D-Rank = 2, C-Rank = 4, B-Rank = 6, A-Rank Earth, and Wind damage.
= 8, S-Rank = 10)
Beginning at 3rd Level in this class mod:
At 5th level of this class mod:
• You treat immunity to Cold, Lightning, Fire,
• When using Stored Chakra to fuel a jutsu you Earth, and Wind damage as resistance.
reduce the cost by three times the rank of the • When you cast a jutsu with a nature release
jutsu. (D-Rank = 3, C-Rank = 6, B-Rank = 9, A- keyword you may spend an increments of 10
Rank = 12, S-Rank = 15) Stored Chakra to increase the Save DC by 2 or
• When you cast a jutsu, you may spend it’s damage dice by 3. You may do this a number
increments of 10 Stored Chakra to increase the of times equal to the relative modifier.
rank of the jutsu by one, if you would attempt to
upcast an S-Rank jutsu that deals damage or At 5th level of this class mod:
restores hit points, its rank remains S-Rank,
but it increases by 3 damage/healing die or its • If someone is Vulnerable to damage you inflict
Save DC by +3. You may upcast a jutsu a number with Cold, Lightning, Fire, Earth, or Wind
of times equal to the relevant casting modifier. damage they take triple damage instead of
• When you are forced to make a Chakra Control double.
check to maintain concentration on a jutsu you • You may spend 10 Stored Chakra to change the
may spend 20 Stored Chakra to pass the check. nature release keyword a jutsu has to another.
When you do the damage type changes to the
corresponding type.
At 2nd level in this class mod, you gain access to
powerful jutsu called Heavenly Arts. These techniques HEAVENLY ART: CHAKRA SAP
are only possible because of your immense chakra pool. Classification: Heavenly Art
You start with 2 Heavenly Arts and learn more as you Casting Time: 1 Action
progress in this class mod as indicated by the class mod Range: Touch
table. Heavenly Arts are fueled by Stored Chakra. Some Duration: Instant
Heavenly Arts may have a certain prerequisites that you Components: CM
must meet in order to take the Art. Some Arts are passive Cost: 50 Stored Chakra
benefits, for each passive art you take increase the cost Keywords: Medical, Ninjutsu
to maintain your Hyakugou Seal by 10 Stored Chakra. Description: You strike a creature in range with a hand
coated in an immense amount of medical chakra. Make a
CELLULAR DECAY melee taijutsu attack, on a hit you deal 8d10 Chakra
When you use the Hyakugou Seal it puts a strain on your Damage and regain half as many chakra points.
body physically, at the conclusion of your Hyakugou Seal
you gain an amount of Cellular Decay equal to the HEAVENLY ART: CLARITY
number of rounds the Seal was active for. As you incur Classification: Heavenly Art
Cellular Decay you suffer effects as listed by the Cellular Casting Time: 1 Action
Decay table. Every week you heal 1d4 Cellular Decay. Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
At 4th level in this class mod, you gain Cellular Decay Components: CM
equal to half the number of rounds the seal was active Cost: 100 Stored Chakra
and instead heal 1d6 Cellular Decay over a week. Keywords: Medical, Ninjutsu
Description: Your body rapidly heals to stay standing
and in the fight. For the duration of this art, you are
Amount Effect immune to the following conditions:
20+ Your body is slightly stressed from your
use of the Hyakugou Seal, you take a -1 • Bleeding
to Strength and Dexterity skill checks. • Blinded
• Chilled
30+ You take a -3 to all Strength and
• Dazed
Dexterity skill checks.
• Deafened
40+ Your Strength, Dexterity and • Envenomed
Constitution scores are reduced by 2. • Paralyzed
50+ Your maximum health is reduced by the • Poisoned
amount of Cellular Decay you have. • Shocked
60+ Your Strength, Dexterity and • Slowed
Constitution scores are reduced by 2 • Unconscious
• Weakened
70+ Your maximum chakra is reduced by the
amount of Cellular Decay you have.
80+ You take a -5 to all Strength and
Classification: Heavenly Art Passive
Dexterity dice rolls.
Description: While your Hyakugou Seal is active you
90+ Your Strength, Dexterity, and double the amount of chakra you get back from any
Constitution scores are reduced by 6 source.
100+ Your overuse of the seal has caused your
body to begin to crumble, you rapidly HEAVENLY ART: MASTER COMBATANT
age 100 years. While you may still be Classification: Heavenly Art
alive you are unable to continue your Casting Time: 1 Action
life as a shinobi. You have a -15 to all Range: Self
dice rolls. You are able to live for up to Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
1d12 years after you reach this point Components: M
before you succumb to your age. You Cost: 50 Stored Chakra
can no longer heal Cellular Decay. Keywords: Taijutsu
Description: You ready your mind and body for combat.
For the duration of this art your unarmed damage
becomes 3d10, when you cast a taijutsu you increase
its damage die by 2 sizes, and your unarmed damage
cannot be reduced in any way.
HEAVENLY ART: METEOR IMPACT concentrating on any jutsu, you automatically pay the
concentration costs for them on their next turn and they
Classification: Heavenly Art
cannot lose concentration by any means until the end of
Casting Time: 1 Action
their next turn.
Range: Self (120 ft. Radius)
Duration: Instantaneous
Components: M
Cost: 100 Stored Chakra
Keywords: Taijutsu Classification: Heavenly Art
Description: You coat your fist with an immense Casting Time: 1 Action
amount of chakra before slamming it into the ground. Range: Self
Each creature within range must succeed a Dexterity Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
saving throw or take 20d8 Bludgeoning damage and be Components: CM
pushed back 50 ft. Creatures within a 200 ft. radius Cost: 50 Stored Chakra
outside the range of this jutsu must also make a Keywords: Ninjutsu, Medical
Dexterity saving throw or take 10d6 Force damage as Description: You coat your hands in medical chakra
they are hit by the shockwave of your punch. Creatures ready to heal or destroy the cellular composition of a
who succeed a saving throw take only half damage and creature. For the duration of this art when you would
suffer no additional effects. deal damage with an unarmed attack you gain hit points
equal to half the amount of damage dealt and you also
HEAVENLY ART: ENHANCED REFLEXES reduce the creature’s maximum hit points by the same
amount until they finish a full rest or are healed by a
Classification: Heavenly Art Passive
Description: While your Hyakugou Seal is active you medical jutsu of S-Rank. You may also for the duration
may take 1 additional reaction or bonus action per of this jutsu heal one creature within 5 feet of you as an
round. action, when you do, they regain a number of hit points
equal to three times your unarmed damage. (minimum

Classification: Heavenly Art HEAVENLY ART: LIFE DRAIN

Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self Classification: Heavenly Art
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute Casting Time: Full Turn Action
Range: 5 ft.
Components: M
Duration: Special
Cost: 50 Stored Chakra
Keywords: Taijutsu Components: M
Description: You pump chakra into your muscles giving Cost: 100 Stored Chakra
you a significant boost in speed. While this art is active Keywords: Taijutsu, Medical
your speed is doubled, and your AC becomes 14 + twice Description: You grab a creature by the throat and begin
the drain their body of its life force and chakra. Make an
your dexterity modifier+ your proficiency bonus.
attack roll on one creature in range. On a success they
HEAVENLY ART: OTHERWORLDLY REVIVAL are grappled and take 15d10 Necrotic damage and half as
much as chakra damage at the beginning of each of your
Classification: Heavenly Art
turns. Each turn you must spend both your action and
Casting Time: 1 Action
bonus action to maintain this grapple. The creature you
Range: Self (60 ft. Radius)
have grappled can attempt a strength saving throw at
Duration: Instantaneous
disadvantage as an action on its turn breaking the
Components: CM
grapple on a success.
Cost: 150 Stored Chakra
Keywords: Ninjutsu, Medical
Description: You release a wave of healing chakra. Each
living creature of your choice within range has their hit
points and chakra points restored to full and are healed
of any conditions affecting them. If a creature
within range has been dead for no more than 10 minutes
and are mostly whole, then they come back to life with
half their hit points and chakra points restored.


Classification: Heavenly Art
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: 60 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Components: CM
Cost: Special
Keywords: Ninjutsu, Medical
Description: As a bonus action on your turn, you may
release a wave of chakra to all creatures of your choice
within 60 ft. You can release up to 100 stored chakra and
can freely decide how much chakra you wish to
distribute to each creature. If the creature is

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